The Young and the Restless 10-9-24 (Y&R 9th October 2024) 10-09-2024 10-9-2024

  • 3 days ago
00:00All right, so it's a perfect end to a perfect day, spending it with my two favorite ladies.
00:13I'll admit I was worried when you first suggested going for a ride with Katie and Johnny.
00:18They're really good.
00:19Well, take a few more lessons, you'll be as good as they are.
00:23And you held your own.
00:24I mean, you earned their respect.
00:28And their love.
00:29I noticed today that they seemed to be warming up to you and accepting you as their sister.
00:33You know, I felt that too, especially from Katie, who wasn't so accepting at first.
00:41Well, I knew it was just a matter of time before they came around.
00:46You might have noticed that they're warming up to you as well.
00:50How could you blame them?
00:51They couldn't resist such a down to earth, sweetheart of a guy.
00:56As my daughter, you're a little biased, but thank you.
01:03Are we keeping you from something or someone that Kyle give plans tonight?
01:10No plans.
01:11Just need to get to the craft store before it closes to get some supplies for Harrison.
01:16All right, I'll see you later.
01:19Love you.
01:20Love you, sweetheart.
01:21Love you, too.
01:23Thank you again.
01:25Thank you again for a great day.
01:28You bet.
01:32Uh oh.
01:34Well, did you see her face?
01:36How it tensed up when I talked about Kyle?
01:39Oh, that's not good.
01:41Something must have gone wrong.
01:43I mean, I don't know what it could be, though.
01:45But he seemed completely smitten with her the last time we saw them together.
01:50Well, maybe it wasn't him.
01:52Maybe Claire put on the brakes.
01:55I hope I'm not the reason.
01:58Why would you think that?
02:01I was talking with her about my love life.
02:04I just hope that I didn't sour her against her own.
02:08Well, what exactly did you say?
02:11I forgot the most important thing.
02:22Oh, hey, Mom.
02:24Hey, honey.
02:26You look gorgeous.
02:31Not that you don't always look pretty.
02:33It's just it's been a while since I've seen you this dressed up.
02:36Do you have an important business dinner for Cassidy first?
02:40Actually, I'm having dinner with your father.
02:46Can I tag along?
02:48You know, actually, I think he wanted it to be just the two of us.
02:52He probably wants to talk about you.
02:55I actually have plans.
02:58And I'm glad that you and Dad can connect.
03:02He really cares about you.
03:04He's always been there for me.
03:07He loves you.
03:09He loves you.
03:10We all do.
03:12I'm definitely feeling the love tonight.
03:25I thought you were supposed to be taking Sharon to dinner tonight.
03:28I am.
03:29I'm on my way to get her.
03:30I just thought I would come by and check in with you two, see if you had any updates on how she's doing.
03:35Well, if earlier is any indication, then we don't need to be worried about Sharon.
03:42What happened?
03:44Well, she led a department head video meeting like a total powerhouse.
03:49That's a great sign.
03:51I mean, maybe Faith was just overreacting to the late night drive.
03:56Can't blame her for all that she's been through with her mom lately.
04:00No, you can't.
04:02Which is why I asked Sharon to dinner.
04:04If it turns out there isn't cause for concern, then great.
04:08But it's better to be safe than sorry.
04:34What do you think?
04:56They're beautiful.
04:58Your father gave them to me.
05:00Since when do you dress for dad?
05:03I don't.
05:05They were just, you know, put away in the jewelry box for so long I forgot how much I love them.
05:11I think I know what's going on.
05:14You do?
05:16It's Heather, isn't it?
05:20Why would you say that?
05:22You told me yourself yesterday that her death is a reminder that we should be grateful for every moment we're alive.
05:32You shouldn't keep all these beautiful things locked away.
05:35They need to get out.
05:37Just like I do.
05:39I have the perfect bracelet for those.
05:42I will be right back.
05:49Do you think Nick knows how much tonight means to you?
05:53He will after he sees these.
05:56Skip the stroll down memory lane.
05:58We got bigger fish to fry.
06:01There is no we.
06:03You abandoned me last night when I needed you, and now I don't need you.
06:07I'm fine on my own.
06:09Is that right?
06:11Because nobody's been arrested in Heather's murder, but somebody's going down for it.
06:17Now I'm guessing that it's going to be either Daniel or it's going to be you.
06:32Less than one day.
06:35I should have been updating the case since the last time we spoke.
06:38That's why I'm here.
06:40May I come in?
06:47So what is it?
06:50Well, something surprising came up.
06:53I tried to trace the location of Heather's phone.
07:01You know, when I was a kid, my mom used to say the best way to end a good day is to top it off with something made of chocolate.
07:08So I was thinking maybe we could share one of those double chocolate chip cookies that Crimson Lights is so famous for.
07:15Maybe, maybe. Here, have a seat.
07:18But first, why don't you stop avoiding my question and tell me what you told Claire?
07:26Nothing. I mean, nothing more than you would have said about Kyle.
07:32That she should tread lightly, that she should take things slowly.
07:36And I also reminded her that when a Newman and Abbott get together, sometimes the relationship can get a little complicated.
07:42Do you want a cookie or no?
07:43Maybe, maybe. Just hang on.
07:47Why do you think that your love life would sour Claire on her own?
07:54It's really no big secret that I have had my fair share of bad relationships over the years.
08:02I've had my heart broken many times.
08:06In fact, recently I trusted someone I shouldn't have.
08:09I didn't think I could be hurt that way, but I was.
08:13And I just, I would hate to see Claire torn apart like that.
08:18I don't think I could bear it.
08:20I don't want her hurt either.
08:22But right now I just want to focus on you.
08:25Really? Do I have to?
08:29After hearing what you just said, I just, it explains why I get a sense that you're just not fully letting yourself go with this relationship.
08:42I want to do that. I do. I want to have a good time, but I'm scared.
08:49I mean, you're so sure about us, and I'm so sure that it's really not going to work out very well.
08:57I hate that your heart's been shattered.
09:00And I can't help but think that if I had been there, I could have protected you and loved you the way that you should have been loved.
09:12You're a good man.
09:16Well, if I had my way about it, no man would ever break your heart again.
09:26I don't know too many people who would go out of their way for an ex.
09:30I mean, it's not exactly a hardship taking Sharon to a nice dinner.
09:34Speaking of which, I got to go. I don't want to be late.
09:38Call us and let us know how it goes.
09:40I will do that.
09:47And I really hope that Nick walks away from that dinner feeling like I did today, that Sharon has really turned a corner.
09:55Well, I am glad to see that you are in such a positive mindset about it.
10:00What? Don't you agree?
10:03Oh, that Sharon is doing better? Yes, but us, not so much.
10:08Why? What's going on?
10:11I didn't want to add to your stress, but now that Sharon is getting better, I can't wait any longer to tell you some bad news.
10:23I won't let you spoil this night.
10:26Pretending you're in the clear when you're not isn't just dumb, it's sloppy.
10:32I am not pretending. No one is looking in my direction.
10:37And they won't, not after they find Heather's phone and the bloody towels that I planted in Daniel's apartment.
10:43How are the cops going to find them if they don't know they're there, Sharon?
10:47Look, you already took the first steps, but it's not enough.
10:52You need to finish the job.
10:55Well, not tonight. Tonight is about me and Nick.
11:00The fact that he asked me out is proof that we are going to get things back on track again.
11:06Yeah, until you get charged with murder.
11:09That is not going to happen.
11:11It will if you don't follow the plan.
11:16This was the plan.
11:19You promised me that when I set things right for Cassie, things would fall back into place for Nick and me.
11:25Well, mission accomplished.
11:27Don't pop the bubbly just yet, Sharon.
11:30For all we know, the cops already know what you did and they're tracking you down as we speak.
11:35They might be slapping the cuffs on you before you get to the main course.
11:40How bad is this news exactly?
11:44We need to find a new nanny.
11:46What are you talking about? What happened to Petra?
11:49Remember those poems about us and sweet baby Aria?
11:53Yes, they were phenomenal.
11:56Yeah, well, because we gushed all over them practically every day and urged her to do something with her talents,
12:01she's decided to pull the poetry jam cross country.
12:04That's not a real thing.
12:06I wish it wasn't.
12:08Not that she doesn't deserve to follow her dream just like everyone else.
12:12Oh, my God. Why can't she follow her dream and still be Aria's nanny?
12:17Yeah, I know. I thought the same thing.
12:19Nannies like her come along once in a lifetime.
12:22I haven't seen a nanny in the park that can hold a candle to her.
12:30Actually, I have.
12:35I have.
12:38You're right.
12:40My past actually is the reason that I've wanted to take things slow.
12:45It's not too slow for you, is it?
12:48We can go as slow or as fast as you want.
12:52Just don't push me away.
12:54I was just thinking about Claire when I said what I did.
12:58Okay. Right now, I'm just thinking about you.
13:03About us.
13:05I just want my words to sink in.
13:07Oh, they have.
13:09Hey, have either of you guys seen my...
13:12Oh, there it is.
13:14I got all the way to the craft store, went to pay for my supplies, and then realized you didn't have any.
13:18Well, now that you're here, why don't you join us? We're going to get a cookie.
13:23Oh, I actually just got an invitation to go meet someone.
13:28No. Not Kyle.
13:31Okay. I'll be in touch.
13:33All right.
13:39Hey, text me that information, will you?
13:42All right. Yeah.
13:44Yeah, I'll keep posting.
13:51Will you sit down?
13:56So, what's this new development?
13:59Well, before we get into that, I just want to confirm you still haven't heard back from whoever has Heather's phone, right?
14:06Not a word.
14:08What does this have to do with the trace on Heather's phone?
14:11Well, when we tried to track the location of Heather's phone, we discovered that someone, maybe even Heather, went to a lot of trouble to make sure the phone's whereabouts couldn't be detected.
14:23How would someone even do that?
14:25Well, it's a fairly sophisticated app that not only makes the phone untraceable, but it gives off false locations.
14:31So the last legit place that Heather's phone showed up was right here in the apartment building the night she disappeared.
14:38Heather said that she was just going to be gone for a few days. I really don't see her going to those kind of lengths to hide where she was, and why would she?
14:46That's a good question.
14:50Okay, so what's next?
14:53Well, that's the other reason I'm here.
14:56I'd really like to talk to Lucy.
15:01No, absolutely not. That is out of the question.
15:07I won't let you do this. Tonight is too important.
15:11Oh, it might be the most important night of your life if they identify you as murder suspect number one.
15:20Mom, I found it.
15:23Oh, let's see.
15:26Wow, sweetie, this is perfect.
15:29I'm really happy you and Dad are doing this.
15:32Me too.
15:34Most of my friends' parents who are divorced can't even be in the same room with each other, let alone have a meal together.
15:41The fact that you and Dad are still friends after everything you've been through, it says a lot.
15:46Well, it's hard to define who your father and I actually are, but one thing I do know for sure.
15:54We will always be close.
15:58Oh, that must be my day.
16:03Let's see.
16:17Is it too much?
16:19No, no, you just look, uh, you look amazing.
16:23We're, uh, we're just going to dinner at the club and I, uh, you look great.
16:28Mom has a brand new outlook on life.
16:33After everything I've been through, I have realized that life is too short to put off joy.
16:41If I want to dress up, I'll dress up.
16:44If I want to wear my good jewelry, I'll wear it.
16:47Even if it is just to the club.
16:51I like this outlook.
16:53Me too.
16:55All right, well, let's, uh, let's do it.
16:57Your hybrid chariot awaits.
17:10Okay, so remember, when she gets here, we want to play it cool, no pouncing.
17:16People can smell desperation.
17:18I mean, we don't even know if this will work.
17:20We have a completely different approach than us.
17:22Which is why we need to feel her out.
17:24We need to see if she's interested.
17:26What if she's not?
17:28Oh my gosh.
17:29Thank you so much for coming on such late notice.
17:32It's okay.
17:33I didn't have any plans anyway.
17:36Not good for you.
17:38Of course.
17:40Good for us.
17:41Because there is something that we wanted to talk to you about.
17:43To see if you're available.
17:47I'm confused.
17:49Our nanny just quit.
17:51So much for playing it cool.
17:54We thought, since Harrison is in school, and Kyle and Summer have ironed out a shared custody agreement,
18:01you might want to be our nanny.
18:03Not our nanny.
18:05Aria's nanny, of course.
18:07I got that.
18:09I mean, I saw you in the park with Harrison, and you guys were so amazing together.
18:14And when you met Aria, you guys seemed like you had a connection.
18:18So we thought you might be the solution to Petra leaving.
18:21What do you think?
18:23Are you interested?
18:25I totally did not expect this when you texted.
18:29I know.
18:30I know.
18:31I'm sorry.
18:32I should have explained.
18:33We were just scared that you wouldn't come because we're really desperate.
18:36Not so desperate, though, that we would just hire anyone.
18:41We want the best for Aria, and we think that could be you.
18:46I'll admit, I'm flattered.
18:48But I'm also a little bit caught off guard.
18:50Would it be okay if I thought about it?
18:53Yes, of course.
18:54But you're considering it, at least?
18:59You know, take all the time you need.
19:01Petra's leaving in two weeks.
19:02Take a few days, and just let us know.
19:07And if there's anything we can do in the meantime to convince you, like free food and drinks.
19:21I understand your hesitation here, but I think it would be extremely helpful for the investigation if Lucy answered some questions.
19:30There's nothing she's going to say that I haven't already told the police.
19:33Nothing that you don't know.
19:35Look, when we talked earlier, you said you wanted to give me the big picture of Heather's mindset, right?
19:41That's what I'm trying to build.
19:43I'm trying to build a timeline of her behavior leading up to the night in question.
19:47And you think that she's going to be able to give you some insight where I couldn't?
19:51I think mothers and daughters have a special relationship.
19:55They talk.
19:56They share things with each other.
19:58They share things they wouldn't share with anyone else, partners included.
20:02So Lucy might know something that she doesn't even realize is important.
20:08I just don't want her to be interrogated like a criminal.
20:12It'll be a conversation.
20:14OK, she's a minor.
20:15You can be present.
20:19I guess if she has to be questioned, I would rather have you do it than anyone else.
20:26Look, I won't push.
20:29If it's too much, I'll stop.
21:00Hi, Lucy.
21:08My dad said that you wanted to ask me some questions.
21:12You OK with that?
21:14Just tell me what I can do to help.
21:20Well, I hope this isn't too awkward for you.
21:24Why would you say that?
21:26Well, for starters, I am completely underdressed.
21:30I probably went a little overboard.
21:34No, no, no.
21:35You look great.
21:37I'm glad you think so.
21:40Those earrings.
21:43I got you those, didn't I?
21:45You remembered.
21:47I mean, I can't believe you still have them.
21:49I gave them to you a very long time ago.
21:52Of course I still have them.
21:53I love them.
21:55Having them on tonight reminded me of the first time that you took me out for dinner.
21:59Ovens of Brittany, wasn't it?
22:02You remember the name of the restaurant?
22:04Yeah, of course.
22:06I had never been to a place that was so elegant and so romantic.
22:12Oh, well, you know, I was just trying to impress you.
22:15You succeeded.
22:18I mean, looking back, I can't even recognize those crazy kids anymore.
22:24Do you still have some of that same twinkle in your eye?
22:31Can you believe that our kids now are older than we were then?
22:37Time went so fast.
22:41We should be proud, though, you know?
22:43The way our lives turned out.
22:45My journey a little bumpier than yours.
22:49Oh, well, I took my hits along the way.
22:53No scars to prove it.
22:55But my point is, you know, we made it.
23:00We did.
23:02And bumpy or not, I'm really happy where we ended up.
23:09Here's to unexpected outcomes.
23:15I'm so glad we did this.
23:25It was the perfect way to unwind.
23:29I haven't seen you this relaxed in a long time.
23:33You have a way of putting me at ease.
23:37Well, I'm sure being back in therapy also helps.
23:41My doctor thinks so.
23:44What do you think?
23:47You know what?
23:49Sorry, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to.
23:52No, no, it's okay.
23:53I know you're only asking because you care.
23:57And while I won't go into detail, the fact that I'm not crying at the drop of a hat is a sign that something seems to be working.
24:08I like hearing that.
24:10That's not to say that tonight wasn't a little emotional for me.
24:17In what way?
24:20Well, you must feel it too.
24:23The comfort and peace that comes with being with someone who shares so much history with you.
24:31Yeah, we've definitely seen each other get through some pretty trying times.
24:41You were my rock.
24:44You're still looking out for me.
24:46And Faith.
24:48What you did these past few weeks, the way that you looked out for her when she was worried about me, I will never forget that.
24:57She was worried about you, Sharon.
25:00You know, we all were.
25:04We don't like seeing you struggle.
25:07We don't like seeing you struggle.
25:09Well, I'm not struggling anymore because of you.
25:14You were my wake-up call that I needed.
25:19The steady hand that led me out of the abyss.
25:23No, it wasn't just me.
25:25You know, Faith and Mariah were there too.
25:27Yes, they were. And I love them for it.
25:32I don't think you realize how much strength your presence gives me and how it reminds me of where I came from and what really matters.
25:45And I hope I have done that for you too.
25:52I know you've been through a lot lately, so I appreciate you taking the time to sit down and have a conversation with me.
25:59I'm doing this for my mom.
26:01Of course.
26:04I don't know if you know this, but the reason this case is so important to me is because your mother and I, we were very close once.
26:14She thought a lot of chance.
26:17Yes, she was one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I've ever met.
26:23Yeah, she was.
26:26I'd like to ask you some questions about the days leading up to her death, if you don't mind.
26:36From what you remember, did she do or say anything that gave you the impression that she needed to get away?
26:47Nothing except for when she wanted me and my dad to go to Lisbon to visit her dad and my grandpa.
26:54My mom was a total brat and told her that I didn't want to go.
26:57You know, your grandfather said himself that it was miserably hot there and we should try and come another time.
27:03But mom still wanted to go.
27:05She knew that I didn't.
27:07What if that's where she was headed when she fell?
27:11And the whole reason that she drowned was because her own daughter couldn't love her enough to go with her.
27:18We talked about this.
27:20None of this is your fault.
27:22I could add on that, but it's not.
27:24I don't know if this is such a good idea.
27:27No, I can do this.
27:33You sure?
27:39Can you think of any other reason that would have made your mom want to leave town?
27:46I guess that Sharon Newman might have something to do with it.
27:49Okay, so you are aware of the tension between those two?
27:54I mean, who wasn't?
27:56She went off on her in public, me too.
27:59You know, this is all stuff that I told you already.
28:02I'd love to hear her take on it, if you don't mind.
28:06Sharon blamed me for the crash and what happened between me and Faith.
28:11And my mom wouldn't let her.
28:14She defended me to Sharon and then told her to back off.
28:18My mom was just trying to protect me, like she always has.
28:25I'm sorry.
28:27Hey, you don't have anything to be sorry about, okay?
28:33Did you know your mom considered moving away from Genoa City with the two of you?
28:39Yeah, I told her I hated that idea.
28:44Did you also hate that idea?
28:47Look, I didn't love it, but Heather knew exactly how I felt.
28:51Did you ever see your parents fight because your mom wanted to move, your dad didn't?
28:59What do you mean?
29:02Did you ever witness any arguments between your parents about the fact that they were at odds about a possible move?
29:11Why are you asking me this?
29:14Why does it suddenly sound like you're trying to blame my dad for what happened?
29:25Hey, have you heard anything about Nick and Sharon's dinner?
29:29I was hoping you could tell me.
29:32I didn't want to be there when mom got home.
29:35I figured she would get suspicious when I gave her the third degree.
29:39Well, I hope Nick will be able to get a read on Sharon. That would put everyone's mind at ease.
29:44It was actually kind of sweet seeing how excited she got when dad showed up.
29:49It made me think, what if this dinner turned into a real date?
29:54What if after all of these years they did get back together?
30:03It felt like all tens tonight.
30:07Yeah, it did.
30:11Thanks for inviting me out. It was exactly what I needed.
30:17Me too. I needed it more than I realized.
30:23I'm happy to hear you say that.
30:30I guess I'm gonna go.
30:54I shouldn't have done that. I'm sure I misread the moment.
31:00You didn't misread anything.
31:23Oh, for God's sake, spare me your first love fantasies.
31:28Because that weird, awkward hug that Nick gave you in the driveway, that ain't ripping anybody's bodice.
31:35Bum didn't even walk you to the door.
31:39Nick knows how fragile I've been.
31:43He didn't want to push me.
31:45Sharon, you can tell yourself whatever you want, but you need to push pause on the romance novel.
31:53Because you're not out of the woods yet. Not by a long shot.
31:59This dinner was supposed to be about Nick getting a read on Sharon's mental state.
32:06You're hoping for a rom-com ending? I mean, where is this coming from, babe?
32:12I know that it's a long shot, but I'm just saying that it wouldn't be the worst thing to come out of this whole nightmare.
32:18It might not be the best thing, either.
32:21This isn't some I want my mom and dad to get back together again thing.
32:26I'm just saying, if dad can keep mom from falling back down that dark hole,
32:32help her stay on track, I would be totally on board.
32:39Good. Your boat's still here.
32:41Oh, yes.
32:42What did you leave behind this time?
32:44Nothing. I just got some news that I wanted to run by you two.
32:48Well, it must be good news, judging from the smile on your face.
32:52I am smiling.
32:54Have a cookie.
32:55Because I suddenly realized how lucky I am to have two sane parents that I can go to for advice.
33:00Well, we're willing to give it just as soon as you tell us what you want.
33:06Mariah and Tessa offered me a job as nanny to Aria.
33:10That's wonderful.
33:11Wow. They'd be so lucky to have you.
33:14Yeah, it's just...
33:16Oh, you're thinking about your grandmother's job offer.
33:20I'm definitely still considering it, but without a definite start date,
33:24I'm thinking maybe I should consider the nanny position.
33:27Well, from what I hear, that position could be open any day now.
33:34Well, honey, if there's any part of you that would like to go and work for Nikki,
33:39then obviously you can't commit to Mariah and Tessa,
33:42because you'd be leaving them high and dry, right?
33:44Yeah, I definitely don't want to do that.
33:47I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed.
33:49I went from having no choices to suddenly having too many.
33:54Well, it must be nice to be in demand.
33:57Your father's right.
33:58I think it's about time that the world started recognizing your worth.
34:06Is Lucy right?
34:07You're making a case against me?
34:10I am just trying to paint a picture of what was happening the days and the hours before Heather died, that's all.
34:17No matter what you find out, my dad isn't to blame for any of it.
34:21I was not implying that he was.
34:23Now, I'm trying to answer the same questions that you're trying to answer.
34:27Where was she going?
34:29Why did she feel like she needed to go?
34:32And what was she doing by the river?
34:35You know, Chance, I think that we're all questioned out right now.
34:42Well, you have given me enough to get started. Thank you.
34:52For what it's worth, I really am sorry.
34:57Knowing your age, you shouldn't have to lose a parent, especially like that.
35:05What happens now?
35:10One more person to question.
35:17If you ladies will excuse me, I'm going to head back to the club and turn in.
35:21It's not on my account, I hope.
35:23No, no, not at all, not at all.
35:25Hey, don't miss me too much.
35:29I think I already did.
35:31Did I totally ruin the mood?
35:35No, not at all.
35:37I mean, I think that's impossible to do with Cole.
35:40He's just always, he's so upbeat and positive.
35:44It's kind of contagious.
35:47I do always feel very hopeful when I'm around him.
35:50Yes, I know what you mean.
35:52I mean, look at the kids.
35:53Johnny and Katie tried to resist him and they couldn't.
35:55You saw them.
35:56You saw them.
35:57I mean, look at the kids.
35:58Johnny and Katie tried to resist him and they couldn't.
36:00You saw them today.
36:02Yeah, they definitely seem to enjoy having him around.
36:06So why don't you take the next step and ask him to move in?
36:11Are you serious?
36:13Actually, I am.
36:15I wouldn't have a problem with it.
36:17Uh, I think it's maybe a little too soon for that.
36:22Still protecting your heart?
36:25I guess.
36:27I don't know.
36:29Well, that's okay.
36:32You didn't say no.
36:36Stop pushing me.
36:39I am finally in a good place.
36:42I will not let you drag me down that dark road again.
36:45I'm trying to put all of this behind me.
36:47You need to finish what you started.
36:50For the last time, I have finished it.
36:54Well, you keep telling yourself that, and you're gonna do time.
37:04Oh, hi.
37:05Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
37:07Oh, no.
37:08No, you didn't.
37:10I'm surprised you're home so early.
37:12How was dinner?
37:14It was wonderful.
37:16I always have such a nice time with your dad.
37:19I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
37:22I hope so.
37:24What's this for?
37:27It's just so good to see you smiling again.
37:31It feels good to me, too.
37:33And I plan on keeping it up.
37:36But first, you have got to do me a favor.
37:46Stop worrying.
37:48I'm fine.
37:50I know you are.
37:52Do you?
37:54I do now.
37:59Good night.
38:00Good night.
38:16I was hoping you'd be back.
38:23Hello, Sharon.
38:25This is a surprise.
38:28No, it's late.
38:30What is this about?
38:33Heather Stevens.
