General Hospital 10/14/2024 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 14th, Oct 2024

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00:00up beating yourself up you just keep saying that to make me feel i'm saying it to you because it's
00:04the truth and you are too close to the situation to see it i created this no your father created
00:11the situation by letting things spiral out of control with kate you have nothing to be sorry
00:16for but if he admits that he then he is doing the best thing for everyone involved
00:22your father got us into this and he's the one who has to get us out
00:25you're dead wait there's uh something you should know detective now is not the time well i don't
00:35think this can wait no no you got something to say say i don't care i would like to know
00:40why i am just getting this now i just got it myself what's going on that's what i'd like
00:45to know commissioner you want to explain why i wasn't notified about your new evidence in
00:49the alexis davis case
01:05here oh thank you got a little too ambitious thinking i could carry it all
01:12that happens to the best of us
01:16thank you um you were great in there i know it was your first time as a police witness but
01:22you seemed like a pro i appreciate it i'm mostly just glad that it's over yeah one less thing to
01:27worry about i guess you can add your mom to that list what do you mean i i just figured
01:32you'd be relieved about the new evidence in her case what new evidence
01:41oh i should have known you the reason i'm here what did you get me into this time
01:47now for no mistake access by dr portia robinson
01:56hey boss what's up i was wondering if you found anything new on heather weber's test results
02:07well hey what a nice surprise my beautiful wife
02:11dropping in the middle of the day babe what's wrong i didn't listen to you
02:20you told me to leave heather weber's case alone and i didn't
02:52actually i may have found something interesting great can you fill me in i just want to double
02:59check my work first make sure everything's right before we hand it over i'm glad to hear you're
03:04being so thorough all eyes are on you on this one and as i'm sure you know some people are
03:10questioning my decision to hire you back given the way i left i can't say i'm surprised we have
03:15a great staff here and i'd hate for anything to cause conflict dr robinson is especially unhappy
03:21about your return she's made that pretty clear well i have nothing but respect for portia and
03:26her judgment so you need to be a perfect employee during your trial and stay on everyone's good
03:31side especially hers yeah my word i promise you won't regret giving me this opportunity i'll work
03:36extra hard you're going to have to if you want to convince dr robinson to change her
03:41mind about you i have no doubt i'll be able to get her to come around i hope so
04:00babe you changed heather weber's test results how i snuck into the lab
04:08and i looked at her numbers and when i noticed that her cobalt levels had decreased
04:14i altered them babe what were you thinking i don't know i honestly don't know what i was
04:21thinking i was looking at the numbers and i kept thinking to myself i have to do this for trina
04:29that's all i kept thinking over and over in my mind i have to protect trina i want to protect
04:33trina too but to do it like this i had to make sure that heather wasn't released from prison
04:39though honey she's a murderer she's caused our daughter nothing nothing but pain not to mention
04:45all of the other people she's terrorized murdered i'm not disagreeing with you good
04:51because i am not willing to risk what heather might do if she is released honey we would never
04:57ever have a moment of peace knowing that she's wandering port charles plotting her revenge
05:02for esme's death all right all right all right all right what's done is done all right you were
05:11protecting trina and now i got to protect you what's important is that nobody else
05:17knows about what you've done that's why i'm here the court
05:24the court ordered the hospital to turn over all of heather weber's tests
05:30so you know it's just a matter of time before everybody finds out exactly what i've done
05:34and my medical career it might as well be over
05:43i haven't heard of any new evidence in my mom's case i i just assumed because you work with robert
05:48scorpio in the da's office that you would have been notified well i haven't so it's bill i'm
05:54sorry i probably shouldn't say anything else i just wouldn't want to do anything that would
05:58jeopardize the case i mean let alone my job yeah no i get it keeping things close to the
06:03vest is a big part of my job too i'm always easy thank you for understanding yeah i'm sure i'll
06:09find out soon enough it's nice to know we might have some good news coming our way for once
06:14your family definitely deserves it yeah though i'm racking my brain and short of sunny or somebody
06:21else confessing to kate's murder i can't imagine what it would be don't look at me
06:26don't look at me i'm just in the dark about why we're here as you are i had to leave work in the
06:33middle of my shift because he said this was urgent i was a betting man i would say that
06:38it's about alexis and the gun that we saw drop off the bridge why why would they need to talk
06:43to us about this again we already told them everything you know it'll be fine just whatever
06:47the cops ask us tell them the truth it's your civic duty hello thank you both for coming in
06:54sorry for interrupting your work day but this couldn't wait remember the pcpd calls we're happy
06:58to help i appreciate it chase what is this about i would like you both to take a look at this gun
07:04and tell me whether you think it was the one alexis had with her at blackstone canyon
07:08yeah anything to help take your time look at it carefully
07:16you need to be sure about your answer
07:18yes that looks like the gun alexis was holding
07:26i mean i don't know it was dark that night in canyon i couldn't be sure
07:32i'd appreciate it if you took another look mr lansing of course
07:40mr reynolds you can take mr corinthians into the interrogation room
07:44why don't you and i step up into my office and then talk privately no no no i'm not going
07:48anywhere not while you're sitting on top of evidence it's blowing my client's case wide
07:52open and considering it's my job i just like to know a little bit more about it like
07:56now okay we're still investigating the relevance of it and i think until that process is complete
08:00we have to continue as normal mr reynolds wants to speak with mr corinthians and we should
08:05leave them to it no that's all right because my lawyer's not here yet and uh this sounds
08:11like it's very important i'd like to hear the uh the evidence well go ahead
08:18do you want to tell them or should i
08:23well the evidence in question is the gun it is a gun that was deposited here
08:28by as yet an unidentified subject and the timing of it is very suspicious so i want to make it
08:35clear that we cannot consider it a serious lead until there has been a thorough investigation no
08:40no no no you've got to know something already though like what caliber weapon is it do you
08:45know who the gun is registered well it's registered to mr corinthians uh-huh and it is similar in
08:50appearance to the gun that alexis davis was seen disposing of in blackstone canyon and so i have
08:56detective chase currently questioning the witnesses to said incident to see if it is in fact
09:02similar to the gun that they saw well let's cut to it what about the ballistics report
09:07to the test i'm sure you've already run but we're just about to mention
09:13ballistics confirmed that it's it's not the gun that was used to kill agent case
09:26this evidence is by no means conclusive we're still
09:30investigating its significance you well well well gang's all here i didn't know i'd be walking
09:37into a party detective falconer it's good to see you yeah you too you're here a little early
09:44no actually uh right on time because she's got we got some good news
09:49commissioner devane thinks she may have found the missing gun that could exonerate alexis
09:56well i'm very happy to hear that let's not get ahead of ourselves there still
10:00needs to be further investigating of the weapon just and we eagerly await those results which
10:05i'm sure you will share as soon as you have them it'll be my first call and now that ms miller is
10:10here we can get started well that won't be necessary because i only came here to make
10:14sure that alexis didn't receive any uh unfair treatment from you because of her connection
10:20me that's noble of you i'm a stand-up guy fbi's treatment of my client is beside the point
10:27in light of these developments i naturally assume you'll be dropping the charges
10:32because you found a gun hardly we have plenty more evidence you got nothing and you know it
10:39i'll be filing a motion with the judge for a hearing today fairly sure he'll grant it to me
10:45if they find out that heather's tests were tampered with on the same day that i was in the
10:51lab a place that i rarely go they'll have reason to investigate me okay but they have no reason to
11:00suspect tampering an errand result that could be a faulty test or a lab mistake what i just go to
11:09a lab mistake what i just go to work and and hope that hope that i don't get caught yeah that's
11:17exactly what you do you're out of options look the important thing is that we're the only two
11:22people who know about this so if we play it cool and we're lucky it'll stay that way actually
11:32there is one other person who knows
11:33who ava ava
11:44ava jerome and you're just not telling me this babe this is a huge problem
11:47ava is a loose cannon ava wouldn't turn me in because she knows how badly it would hurt trina
11:55and she loves trina she wouldn't want to hurt her in that way that might be our only saving grace
12:03i'm so happy that you finally know it's been such a burden the secret it's just been killing me
12:12well we're in this together i've always got your back i know and i love you so much for that
12:24and you're not gonna lose your job and you're not gonna lose your medical license
12:28you know if i do i do i'll do anything to protect trina that's because you're a great mom
12:35now baby let's get you to work okay oh come on
12:41and you're not gonna worry because something like this is never gonna come out
12:49thank you you always know what to say
12:52hey that is exactly what i'm here for okay and i'll see you at home see you at home
13:11what are you doing this looks like the gun alexis was holding remember it's our civic
13:19duty to tell the police the truth elizabeth is right this looks exactly like the gun we saw alexis
13:28with good thanks again for your time your id could really help alexis
13:39what is wrong with you look i told the truth didn't i not because you wanted to
13:42oh i'm sorry i have to take this
13:54hello hey rick it's curtis ashford uh would you come over to aurora media
13:59sure what's up i need to see you as soon as possible there's an urgent family matter i
14:04need to discuss with you i know you've been under a lot of stress lately how are you doing
14:10i'm okay better than the other night when we ran into each other at the brown dog
14:14you seemed like you had a lot to get off your chest i talked your air off huh happy to listen
14:23oh my god i can't believe it is everything all right it's not that good news you mentioned earlier
14:30earlier your dad is not a victim here his recklessness in so many areas of his life
14:38was bound to catch up with him at some point and today is that day yes because of me you
14:45have to stop blaming yourself we have to go where you have a hearing scheduled in two hours i have
14:51to get to port charles he didn't he confessed let's go listen to me you have to remember what
15:02i said to you you are not responsible you're not so glad you're here how you doing you know i'm
15:12worried i was visiting
15:19my mom when the guard told us about this hearing i i think our dad is
15:27confessing to murdering case just to get my mom off hook so we have to do something to stop it we
15:31have to make sure both of them are clear all right dad knows what he's doing you just have to go in
15:35there sit quietly and let him handle it i know i know that you're right i do but i i'm scared for
15:41both of them
16:07now that we're alone right you were the one who dropped the gun off to the pcpd right
16:13it wasn't me um and i don't know who it was but i'm glad i found out before i confessed
16:31if dad's not in custody he must not have confessed then what's this hearing about
16:42oh everything okay sorry that was a little louder than it was meant to be don't worry about it
16:51it's just not like you to slam things at work like that no it's not i am just so mad
16:58it's something rick did do you want to talk about it no you know every time that man has
17:03the opportunity to do the right thing he always does the opposite and i tell myself he's not
17:08going to disappoint me this time but yet he always does sorry it's a terrible feeling
17:15but do you really think that's why you're so upset
17:19what else would it be if i had to venture a guess i think your mood has more to do with lucky
17:28hi dr robinson brad can i speak with you it'll only take a minute you know what now isn't a good
17:36time that's too bad i really wanted to talk to you about this i was gathering those test results
17:42on heather weber and i found something i want to run by you are you sure you don't a minute
17:50i wanted to talk with you father to father
17:56this is about heather weber the possibility of heather's case being reopened has hung over my
18:02family's head for months now trina doesn't like to talk about it but i know she's terrified and i
18:07don't like seeing my daughter that way look curtis i can understand where you're coming can you
18:16can you rick can you imagine if it was molly that heather tried to kill
18:22i love molly more than anything in this world and she's the best thing that i have done in my life
18:27so yes of course i can understand where you're coming from good but i'm also a lawyer and the
18:33great thing about the law is protects people unfortunately sometimes it protects people who
18:39do bad things you get how messed up this is right yes i do but i think that heather is a completely
18:46different person since she has had the hip implant removed rick i went to pentonville okay i met with
18:51heather i'll admit she's a changed woman but it does not mean that she should be let out of prison
18:56okay i get that you're worried but i honestly don't believe that you have anything to worry
19:00about with your family anymore as with regards to heather and i think you're wrong which means
19:05we're at an impasse so i'm gonna need you to be real with me right now i need you to tell me the
19:11truth about what comes next i deserve to know how this is going to play out we got interrupted
19:19earlier um before you got a chance to say whatever it was that you needed to say to sunny
19:26yeah we got a little crazy out there what if it hadn't i mean what if it hadn't got crazy and
19:34mr reynolds and martin they they didn't come in you know it looked like it was important whatever
19:41it was that you had to say no it was not kind of got the feeling that you were going to tell
19:47sunny about the gun sunny didn't confess no no one confessed there's new evidence
19:58what kind of evidence all rise
20:08please be seated
20:08the court is now in session
20:20this hearing has been called due to a motion made on behalf of the defense
20:24mr gray you claim there's new evidence that could impact your client's case i do your honor
20:30the prosecution's case hinges solely on a gun and the fact that alexis davis was seen disposing of
20:37that gun in blackstone canyon on the night that john cates was murdered a gun they've alleged to
20:42be the murder weapon weapon missing perhaps gone forever until now last night the gun in question
20:51was located your honor now i have sworn affidavits obtained by the pcpd from the witnesses who saw
20:59alexis with the gun that night they say this is the same weapon in addition there were traces
21:05of river water found in the firearm traces consistent with samples taken from blackstone
21:10canyon the gun's serial number confirms the weapon to be registered to sunny corinthos and lastly
21:16the pcpd has already run a ballistics test which proves conclusively that this gun the gun tied
21:22so closely to alexis davis is categorically not the weapon used to kill agent john cates
21:29this is good i would like to submit into evidence all photos and affidavits and in light of this
21:35development your honor i would like to move the court immediately dismiss all charges against
21:40my client your honor my team and i feel confident that we have more than enough evidence to move
21:45forward to trial and ensure a conviction i'm not going to tell you the thought didn't cross my mind
21:56because i did and i respected too much eladia i appreciate that yeah you know how it is
22:04being sunny's son the cop yeah it can be hard loving someone whose moral compass isn't quite
22:12as well defined as your own yeah look i know sunny's hands aren't clean they never are
22:19but he's got that other side to him
22:21sure i'm not gonna deny that both sides exist
22:28you've always managed to stay neutral in the past
22:33you know what's so different now that you thought you were gonna cross the line life
22:44life is different lulu's not doing well
22:50rocco and i go and sit by her bedside every day and pray for a miracle i used to think how amazing
22:58it'll be when i get to tell him the good news that his mother's better and she's coming back to us
23:03and now all i'm able to think about is how i'm gonna give him bad news
23:07and have to tell him that she didn't make it and in the same breath
23:13i have to tell him that he's never gonna see his grandfather again because he's going away for a
23:18long time i'm really sorry i'm really sorry that lucky wasn't a match for lulu i i just thought that
23:29he was going to be her miracle yeah we all did
23:35everything going on with lucky right now is weighing on me he's been gone a long time it's
23:40only natural you'd have a lot of big feelings about him being back
23:46but it's more than that lucky loves lulu so much she would do anything for her and i'm i'm worried
23:54that he thought being her donor would just wash away all past sins how do you feel about that
24:00i'm worried i'm worried that now now that he can't be her hero he's gonna think that he's lost
24:07his shot at redemption with everybody he loves and i'm scared for what that might make him do
24:14like what the thing that scares me the most
24:21is that he'll leave again look curtis we don't know each other very well but you seem like a
24:26stand-up guy who loves his family so i'm going to tell you the truth as much as attorney-client
24:32confidentiality will allow me to thanks now i have had several independent labs test the cobalt
24:40levels in heather's blood and all the results have been consistent and all have shown significant
24:44decreases except for the results from general hospital so i have concrete evidence that proves
24:52heather's state of mind and behavior is due to or heavily influenced by the metalosis now with this
25:00new development she's almost guaranteed to get a hearing so that we can present this information
25:06to the judge i see in fact i've already filed a motion look curtis i know this is not something
25:15you want to hear but heather is going to get her day in court so what can i do for you you said
25:24something about heather weber yes i was pulling her test results like i was told to do when i
25:30noticed something strange well i heard that there was some discrepancy with her tests it was probably
25:35just a faulty result now if you'll excuse me i thought it was a mistake at first too but the
25:42disparity between the numbers on gh's tests and the rest of them didn't make sense to me so
25:47i opened the accessibility records and i saw the weirdest thing and what was that heather's cobalt
25:55levels were originally recorded at 1.8 before they were radically altered to be 300 well that sounds
26:03like something for heather's legal team to work out um i don't think you need to worry about it
26:09and then i noticed that on the same day the lab's computer was accessed by uh oh
26:19you should i worry about that dr robinson
26:26i see what a toll this is taking on you dante you know you're doing the right thing
26:30by taking this leave of absence to be with your son it is the right thing to do to focus on rocco
26:37it's really good kid just want to be able to tell him something good
26:45there were years i mean way too many years actually when i wasn't here in port charles for
26:51robin and i've told you this before she went through all this stuff hard stuff without my
26:59support and i regret that no matter what happens with lulu you and rocco will be together to see
27:08each other through it and that's what he will remember that's what matters it's one thing for
27:18lucky to leave me again i'm an adult i can take it but you're worried about what it would do to
27:24other people especially aiden even after just that one afternoon together i could tell how
27:31much it meant to him he was completely open with lucky he was vulnerable it was so good for my boy
27:38i bet it was good for lucky too i think so
27:44lucky is such a smart man he has traveled the world and seen things that you and i will only
27:50dream of but sometimes i wonder how he never learned that time so one thing he'll never get
28:00back it's hard to believe don't you think not really testing errors they happen they happen
28:13all the time but why exactly are you bringing this to my attention oh i just wanted you to
28:19see how hard i'm working and how i was able to catch such a jarring discrepancy you know as you
28:27know i'm back at gh on a trial period so i just wanted to make sure that if you're ever asked
28:32about me that you'll have good things to say i see yeah i wasn't sure if i should do my due
28:40diligence and bring this mistake to the attention of the higher-ups but if you think i should forget
28:46about it i'm willing to consider that too so tell me dr robinson what would get me a more
28:55favorable review from you due diligence or discretion your honor please in consideration
29:05of this new evidence is perfectly obvious the prosecution has no case to proceed with
29:10a trial would be a waste of the court's time not to mention a complete miscarriage of justice
29:15prosecution disagrees we have motive opportunity in the defendant's vehicle at the scene of the
29:21crime at the time of death something she was not forthcoming the defendant's vehicle not
29:26the defendant prosecution believes we've presented enough evidence to move forward with the trial
29:31we feel we can convince the jury ms davis pulled the trigger that night maybe not this trigger
29:36but the murder weapon is still out there and we will find it you can count on that
29:40your honor i ask that you consider the entire scope
30:00the evidence not just the appearance of a weapon that not just the appearance of a weapon that
30:13which is completely irrelevant and prejudicial to this proceeding your honor
30:19i'll need a few moments to evaluate the evidence court will resume shortly
30:30i've been in a lot of hearings in my life and i can't tell how this one is going to go so that's
30:35not a good sign you need to go back in there why because you can end this you can help mom if
30:42there's anything else you know you need to go in there and tell the judge this is a goal then i'll
30:49drop the charges against alexis i'm gonna have to step in and do the right thing
30:58i was a little skeptical when you first came back to gh
31:02after you know what you did the last time that you were here i really screwed up yes
31:09but seeing the hard work that you're putting in your determination is is just amazing and i am
31:15impressed i thought you might be i suggest that you give the police and the legal teams everything
31:22that they asked for and don't complicate the situation by offering your opinions on the results
31:28and i'll recommend to dr randolph that you be put on full time after your trial period ends
31:34if not sooner thank you so much dr robinson oh for your records don't worry i have a digital copy
31:46uh did you want the door open or closed i'll let you decide
31:59so tell me what will happen at heather's hearing well i will uh submit the new evidence to the
32:13judge and then i will argue that the jury came to the verdict without all the facts
32:19okay based on how that goes one of three things can happen
32:23heather could get a new trial which honestly wouldn't be good for anyone definitely not
32:29because that means trina and the other victims would have to relive the trauma all over again
32:32exactly not ideal now the second option heather gets a reduced sentence which is what i had
32:37planned all along nobody can argue that heather didn't commit the crimes that she committed
32:42but the charges would be lowered and it would reduce her prison time and the third option
32:48well it's a long shot but it's possible that
32:52heather could be offered a plea of manslaughter and considering the time that she's already served
33:00she could be granted immediate release
33:05all rise
33:08please be seated
33:09i have reviewed all the evidence and considered the arguments from both sides and in light of
33:19this new development due to insufficient evidence i hereby move to dismiss the case
33:24against alexis davis you are free to go miss davis court dismissed
33:33i guess i was wrong never doubted it for a minute
33:37it's okay i knew that in some truth this is amazing i know i'm so happy chrissy
33:49i'm guessing now you're glad you didn't confess
33:56okay i told you you don't have to worry i know
33:59i know you're right of course congratulations mom
34:03thank you i'm just happy the charges were dropped thank you so much i love you amazing mom
34:16looks like you'll be sleeping in your own bed tonight
34:20i know what you were going to do for me i do whatever i can for the people i love you know
34:30it's over it's finally over
34:37hey hey hey hold up where are you going i had to get out of there i mean i'm happy for my mom
34:45and i will celebrate with her later but things never should have even gone this far everything
34:50that has happened lately is christina's fault i know everybody seems to have forgiven her
34:55and forgotten about all the terrible things that she's done but i can't i won't
35:01i'll be praying for lulu and i'll be thinking of you and rocco
35:07and if there's anything i can do to help you don't hesitate to ask okay thank you
35:16it's actually uh my mom she was pretty great getting the word out about looking for a donor
35:22match and a bunch of people are getting tested we're just waiting for the results oh good that's
35:28great yeah i hope you find one soon yeah me too i know how much you still care for her i'd do
35:35anything for lulu i'd trade my life for hers here you go oh thank you for getting heather's
35:43test results together it was my pleasure
35:52oh i don't believe it something wrong no something's very right we found the lua match
