Pembangunan Infrastruktur Urat Nadi Perekonomian

  • 18 hours ago
10 tahun pemerintah Presiden Joko Widodo, pembangunan infrastruktur diakui memiliki peran yang penting, dalam menekan biaya logistik, dan mendorong percepatan arus barang, terutama di sektor pertambangan. Para pelaku usaha menilai, pembangunan infrastruktur mendukung aktivitas pertambangan di daerah terpencil.


00:00The next information is related to Cominfo, where the information shows that
00:1310 years of the government of President R.I. Joko Widodo, infrastructure development is recognized as having an important role in suppressing logistical costs
00:21and promoting the speed of goods flow, especially in the mining sector.
00:25Entrepreneurs evaluate the development of infrastructure supporting mining activities in the most remote areas.
00:3510 years of the government of President R.I. Joko Widodo, the development of transportation infrastructure, which is the backbone of the economy, continues to be carried out.
00:43The reason is the presence of infrastructure such as toll roads, ports, airports, to railways that are very capable of promoting national economic activities.
00:54According to the Director-Executive of the Indonesian Mining Association, Hendresi Nadia,
00:59the speed of infrastructure development that supports the transportation sector has an important role in suppressing logistical costs and promoting the speed of goods flow.
01:10Infrastructure development, which is not only centered on the island of Java, is also recognized as capable of supporting mining activities in the West,
01:18especially in remote areas, so as to promote regional economy.
01:23One of the important factors to promote economic development and all kinds of business is also very dependent on transportation.
01:32And in the mining sector, of course, transportation plays an important role in how to transport mining results in remote areas
01:41to be able to be transported to the port, or to either through the river, through the land, using trucks, using trains, and also other means.
01:55In addition to the government policy infrastructure that is pro-industry, it is also one of the supporters of the business world,
02:02such as security guarantees and regulatory guarantees.
02:05From Jakarta, Wenda Nura, Seto Pratomo, IDX Java.
