Sueños de libertad - Capitulo 173

  • 19 hours ago
00:30Feel like this as we go, but this time says, you know, it's time for a bit of you. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh, ha
00:40Yes, this is
00:44Baja Baja, no, man. Yes. Oh, yes
00:59Put the key
01:02Joaquin no se que te habrá contado Andres, pero tu hermano se fugó a brasil después de matar a mi mujer. Esa es toda la verdad
01:13No me viendas
01:17Basta mi hermano
01:20Le hiciste pasar por un asesino
01:23But just as you know, pretty little de mi familia que dices
01:35Dilo delante de todos
01:37Dilo jesús
01:39Diles a tu familia
01:41Que eres un asesino
01:45Te lo suplico
01:47Baja el arma
01:48La muerte es joaquín usted cállese
01:51Usted cállese usted sabía y le ayudó
01:58La tanto asco como él
02:04No te voy a repetir confieso te vuelo la cabeza te estás equivocando te repito de valentín se largó a brasil
02:16Por dios por dios joaquín
02:21No me viendas más
02:24No me viendas más
02:26Mataste a mi hermano
02:29Hasta el acta de defunción era falsa
02:31Todo eso no son más que mentiras que han utilizado para perjudicarme mi hermano me odia no le creas
02:45Confieso te juro que no llegas a mañana
02:47Si lo matas te estarás condenando de por vida
02:55Piensa en madre piensa en madre no puede perder otro hijo
03:06Baja el arma
03:08Baja el arma
03:10Baja el arma
03:12Baja el arma
03:14Baja el arma
03:16Baja el arma por favor
03:19Baja el arma
03:24Son los de la reina los que estáis malditos
03:29No los me dieron
04:14Yo no tomaré nada tera
04:16Yo no tomaré nada
04:18Tengo mi tiempo
04:24Lo lo haré
04:26Lo haré
04:28Lo haré
04:30Lo haré
04:32Lo haré
04:34Lo haré
04:36Lo haré
04:38Lo haré
04:40Lo haré
04:42Lo haré
04:44Lo haré
04:46For a moment, I thought what happened yesterday was just a nightmare.
04:51But no.
04:56It's the truth.
04:58The truth that has been hidden for years.
05:03I thought I was doing the right thing by revealing it, but not right now.
05:10I don't know if my sister-in-law and I did the right thing by telling the truth to the Marines.
05:16I've seen it. I've seen it.
05:18I understand you.
05:21Joaquin's death could have ended in tragedy.
05:25When he shot with the shotgun, I swear I thought he was going to kill Jesus.
05:29Marta would have done it if Luis hadn't convinced her.
05:33How could Jesus have killed them?
05:44I don't know what we have to do. I don't want to find him.
05:48How could you have been living with him, especially with Begoña by your side, knowing what you knew?
05:54We couldn't prove it.
05:56We needed proof.
05:59And how did you find out?
06:03To begin with, I didn't like the story of Valentín's escape.
06:07That's why I tried to locate him in Brazil, through a friend.
06:11And you didn't tell him, of course.
06:16Then Begoña and I managed to find out where he could be buried.
06:21Marta was buried near here.
06:25What are you saying?
06:30Are you okay?
06:33This is too much, Andrés.
06:37And why did Joaquín incriminate Father?
06:42Don't tell me he had something to do with it.
06:46We are very sure of his involvement.
06:48Of his involvement.
07:03Thank God you didn't do anything yesterday, Joaquín.
07:06I would have done it, Mother. I would have done it.
07:09And now you would be in jail.
07:12And we couldn't recover from something like this.
07:15The one who has to go to jail is Jesus.
07:19What they told us yesterday was horrible.
07:23But we can't let ourselves be carried away by anger.
07:27My poor son.
07:30For years he thought he was a murderer.
07:34Damn him.
07:36Mother, don't torture yourself anymore.
07:39We've been deceived for years. Years.
07:42They are poison.
07:44The Queen's people are poison.
07:45And you almost do something crazy because of them.
07:51I won't let another one of my children
07:55ruin their lives because of the Queen's people.
08:05How are you?
08:09I haven't slept all night.
08:11Me neither.
08:12Me neither.
08:14No one in this house.
08:18I've been thinking and I'm not going to work in that damn house.
08:22And I'm not going to the date with Mrs. Elvira at the factory.
08:25What date was that?
08:27I had a date with that woman to show her the facilities,
08:30to see if she would give a donation for the project of the Cuna house.
08:33But I can't, I don't have a body for anything.
08:37And you?
08:39Are you going to work at the factory?
08:41Of course you're going to work.
08:43But what is Mother saying?
08:45Both of you.
08:47You too, Gemma.
08:53That factory is yours.
08:55It has taken you a lot
08:57to take your place.
09:00And you're not going to leave it in their hands.
09:04Above what has happened.
09:07We can't let them see our weakness.
09:11No matter how much pain they are causing us.
09:15But I can't, everything is so hard for me.
09:18Take a deep breath.
09:20And you're going to see that woman.
09:22What has happened cannot change our plans.
09:26On the contrary.
09:28She has to give us strength
09:30to get what we want.
09:33I'm going to go to work too.
09:34I'm going to go to work too.
09:36No, Mother, no.
09:38We're going to work, but you're not going to talk.
09:40I agree with Luis, Mother.
09:42We're not going to let you go back to that hell.
09:44You're right, and don't worry.
09:46I'll take care of your work as housekeeper.
09:49I don't know how I'm going to do it.
09:53But I swear by the memory of your brother
09:58that I'm going to find a way to avenge his murder.
10:02Even if it's the last thing I do in my life.
10:16I can't believe I also covered up Begoña's attempted murder.
10:21Joaquín was right.
10:23The Queen and I are cursed.
10:25The Queen and I?
10:27I don't know what that is anymore.
10:28I don't know what that is anymore.
10:30How are we going to survive this?
10:42I know I owe you an explanation.
10:45It's the least I can do after covering up a murder.
10:48First of all, I have to make it clear
10:50that I had nothing to do with Valentín's murder.
10:53He not only hid it, but he also hid Begoña's shot.
10:55Well, if you want to know what happened, let me talk.
11:02I had no idea about all this until a few months ago.
11:06I don't know if I should believe you.
11:08You can't believe whatever you want.
11:10Jesus confessed everything to me
11:12when I came up with the project of building the road
11:15that went through the path of the Sacrament.
11:17There. The body was buried there.
11:20And Jesus told me I could find him.
11:23What a horror.
11:25I, like everyone else, thought Valentín was in Brazil.
11:30And when Jesus told me, I panicked.
11:34I was very afraid he was in jail.
11:38So I helped him move the body.
11:41How could he have that cold blood?
11:43Cold blood? Cold blood?
11:47I had no other option.
11:49Other option? Come on, man.
11:51Of course there was.
11:53I can't take this anymore.
11:55He's my son.
11:57As much my son as you are.
11:59Or as you are.
12:01I would have done the same for each one of you.
12:04I'm not so sure he did it for us, but for his ambition.
12:08If not, why hide it from Begoña, for God's sake?
12:11You don't understand.
12:13You don't understand.
12:15We had to avoid a major scandal.
12:19It's terrible to discover that your father has no limits.
12:25Where is my brother?
12:27I don't know. I haven't seen him.
12:29And I'm afraid he might do something else.
12:34I have to go.
12:48And this is the store?
12:51I've always loved this store.
12:53It's wonderful.
12:55Let's see how many new products they have.
12:58Good morning, ma'am. How can I help you?
13:00Good morning, Claudia. Is everything okay?
13:02Great, as always.
13:04Not always, because today we have a very special guest.
13:07Mrs. Elvira Montes de Oca.
13:09I'm sure you know her.
13:11Well, the truth is that I don't know her.
13:13Of course, Claudia.
13:15Yes, the other day we were talking about the magnificent business you have.
13:20The chain of hardware stores of your family.
13:22Oh, yes, the hardware store.
13:24I had it at the tip of my tongue.
13:26It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Montes de Oca.
13:28Well, just yesterday I was having a snack at home
13:31and she was very curious to know the factory.
13:33So I organized a visit for her and she couldn't miss the store.
13:36Of course not.
13:38Besides, she has me here for whatever you need.
13:40Either to show you the star products
13:42or the new products that have arrived.
13:44And if you feel like it, I'll tell Claudia
13:46to try some of our makeup.
13:48I'm sure she'll love the result, you'll see.
13:49And do you do your makeup well?
13:51Of course I do.
13:53It's a fantastic makeup artist.
13:55Here all our clients are trained for that and more.
13:59You'll love it.
14:01Well, come on, of course.
14:03Make me look pretty, girl.
14:05Oh, that's not going to cost me any effort
14:07because you're gorgeous.
14:09Besides, you have perfect skin.
14:11And look, I see a lot of skin types.
14:13Well, I'm going to prepare all this and we'll start.
14:17Hold the bag for her.
14:20See you later.
14:32Jesus, there are patients waiting outside.
14:35If you want us to talk, you'll have to...
14:37You coward!
14:39How dare you?
14:41Curse you!
14:43I don't think this is the place to argue, don't you think?
14:45You were able to go with that story
14:47that I'm a murderer to the Merinos.
14:49You're nothing more than an adulteress
14:51defaming her husband without evidence.
14:53Get out of here.
14:55What do you want with this?
14:57Put me in jail?
14:59You have nothing to prove what you say.
15:01Jesus, move away.
15:04Do you think I'm going to let you drag
15:06the name of the queen through the mud?
15:08The Merinos already know your truth.
15:10And no matter what you do,
15:12you won't be able to stop it.
15:14You'll never see Julia again in your life!
15:19Drop the scissors.
15:22Dare to use them with me.
15:24I was the one who decided to talk to the Merinos.
15:27Of course, you.
15:29Always you.
15:31What did you think?
15:33That they would never find out?
15:35Because you had burned the body?
15:37Maybe with that you'll convince the Civil Guard,
15:39but not your family.
15:41What did you think I was going to do?
15:43I'm not going to make that mistake.
15:45To make mistakes,
15:47it's up to you.
15:59Are you okay?
16:01Did he do something to you?
16:03I'm fine.
16:05What did he do to you?
16:07I don't know.
16:08Did he do something to you?
16:10I'm fine.
16:12I'm fine, don't worry.
16:15I don't know what's the use of telling the whole truth.
16:18We're not going to make Jesus go to prison.
16:21We've put the family in danger.
16:23Andres, Digna deserved to know.
16:25It was a matter of justice.
16:27Do you really think so?
16:29Andres, listen to me.
16:31We've done the right thing.
16:33And whatever the price they have to pay for my husband,
16:35I accept it.
16:39Claudia is one of our best make-up artists.
16:42She's very involved in the company.
16:44And she's also involved in the project I told you about yesterday.
16:48What project?
16:50Yes, woman. The one at the Casagunas, remember?
16:52Oh, yes.
16:54It's a beautiful project.
16:56Mothers can leave their babies there
16:58and go to work with total peace of mind.
17:00Yes, yes.
17:02But what shocks me is that a mother with children has to work.
17:04What kind of model is that?
17:05Well, unfortunately, there are families
17:07that need two salaries to be able to live well.
17:10It's a bit strange for us,
17:12because we're very lucky,
17:14but that's why we have the obligation
17:16to help those who need it most, right?
17:18Of course.
17:20Although nothing is comparable to a mother's care.
17:23Don't you think so, miss?
17:25Yes, of course.
17:27Of course.
17:29Look, I've finished.
17:31Look here.
17:33Look how beautiful it looks.
17:35Oh, what a change!
17:37You have golden hands, girl.
17:39You've given me a light I didn't have before.
17:42Well, it's not my own merit.
17:44It's the merit of our safe.
17:46Besides, the make-up is great.
17:48Everyone talks wonderfully about it.
17:50Women's yearning.
17:52Yes, it comes with her nail polish, her pencil,
17:54a perfume that is exquisite.
17:57And the make-up I've told you about.
18:00Beautiful, beautiful.
18:02But I already have a lot of make-up.
18:03I'm going to take the carmine.
18:05What have you put on me?
18:07Ah, the carmine.
18:09Well, the carmine is also sold very well.
18:11Besides, it's a very cheap price.
18:14No, but you'll give me a discount, won't you?
18:16Well, the discounts are only for people
18:18who work in La Colonia.
18:20Claudia, I'm sure we can make an exception
18:22with Mrs. Elvira.
18:24Well, of course.
18:26Well, I'll put it on you.
18:28I'll take it.
18:34Here you go.
18:39Well, here you go.
18:41Enjoy it.
18:44Thank you very much.
18:47Well, I'll advertise you
18:49for the lipstick among my acquaintances.
18:52Of course, it's been a pleasure.
18:54Mrs. Elvira, see you soon here.
19:00Shall we go to the cellar?
19:01Yes, let's go.
19:04Oh, my God.
19:06The lady, huh?
19:08That one.
19:11Isabel, it's more than clear
19:13that you started the accounting pages.
19:15No, no one here has lost the pages,
19:17but I can see the marks.
19:21But what a hard face you have.
19:25How well I did in kicking you in the street.
19:27I assure you that this will one day
19:29turn against you.
19:32You shouldn't have come to work today.
19:34If you want, I'll come back later.
19:38This woman drives me crazy.
19:40I have no doubt that she was the one
19:42who sabotaged the accounting.
19:44The former secretary, right?
19:46Yes. She gave us this gift
19:48and she has the audacity to deny it.
19:50I don't understand how someone can do something like that.
19:52She was very smart,
19:54but she was too ambitious.
19:56She wanted to benefit from anything
19:58and I couldn't see it.
19:59This is all very ugly.
20:01I'm very sorry about what's happening,
20:03Mrs. Marta.
20:05I didn't have my best day hiring her.
20:07I hope we did the right thing with you.
20:10And I hope I didn't disappoint you.
20:12I brought you the last quarter's accounting
20:14as you asked me yesterday.
20:16You already have it?
20:18I did everything I could in a hurry,
20:20given the urgency.
20:22I went over all the expenses
20:24until I saw that the store was missing
20:26and I sent it to Carmen.
20:27So you redid all the quarter's accounting?
20:30Yes, but I managed to frame everything.
20:33The missing figures should be in the supplier's accounts.
20:36I admit I had doubts
20:38about whether you would be able to do it on time.
20:41It was a lot of work for a newcomer.
20:43The merit is not only mine.
20:45If it weren't for Mr. Joaquín's help,
20:47I wouldn't have made it.
20:49We were there all afternoon yesterday
20:51and we just did it last night.
20:53Did Joaquín help you?
20:55Yes, I guess that's why he hasn't arrived at the factory yet.
20:57He must be very tired.
21:01With or without his help, I congratulate you.
21:04It's an excellent job.
21:06Now I'm going to ask you
21:08to get the supplier's list
21:10and the order dates.
21:12That's exactly what I was going to propose.
21:16If you have any questions,
21:18please contact me directly while Joaquín is away.
21:20I will.
21:22Thank you very much.
21:24And close the door.
21:37And this is the canteen.
21:41What a popular place.
21:43Well, the truth is that you don't eat anything bad.
21:46Shall we sit down?
21:52You're really not going to tell me anything about yesterday?
21:55About what?
21:57I was stunned by what Doña María told me
21:59about Doña Bregoña.
22:01Is it true that she went to live at the dispensary?
22:03She left the house?
22:05No, no.
22:07Women are important matrimonial lines.
22:09What if we go through the dispensary and I greet her?
22:11It seems incredible that she has abandoned her husband.
22:14And what is she going to live on?
22:16Let's see, she has her job.
22:18But I'm telling you, I don't think it's anything definitive.
22:20Don't worry.
22:22Yeah, but what if the doctor gets tired
22:24and puts her on her feet in the street?
22:25Although ...
22:27maybe she has a lover.
22:29But what does a woman say?
22:31Anyway, it will be difficult to see her
22:33because I understand that she visits at home.
22:36So ...
22:38I see her very informed.
22:40Well, I remind you that my husband is the new manager.
22:42And one, even if she doesn't want to,
22:44ends up finding out almost everything.
22:46Like, for example, the Casacuna project that I told you about.
22:48Oh yeah?
22:50Everyone is going to talk about that.
22:52It's our star project.
22:53We are going to be pioneers in setting up something like this.
22:58We hope to see you here again very soon.
23:01Have a nice day.
23:07So what did you tell me before?
23:09That Mateo is going to work in a slaughterhouse?
23:11My God, how can he think of it?
23:14Shut up, Carmen.
23:16There wasn't much to choose from.
23:18Let's see, your father is not well from here.
23:20Because I helped him.
23:21I don't want to get involved there.
23:23But Mr. Pedro wants Mateo to work with him.
23:26Of course.
23:28And Mateo wants to set up a bookshop.
23:30And Mr. Pedro doesn't see it, of course.
23:32And of course, without Mr. Pedro's help, we can't set up anything.
23:34And that's where the two of us are.
23:36I don't know why Mateo has so much remorse
23:38about working with his father.
23:40I say it's better than a slaughterhouse.
23:42Carmen, please, don't say that word anymore.
23:44Because listening to him makes my hair stand on end.
23:46Just thinking about the killings in my town
23:48and how bad I was there.
23:49I don't know, Carmen.
23:51I don't know how long Mateo will last there, really.
23:53Good morning.
23:55Hi, Miriam.
23:57It's a shame you couldn't come yesterday.
23:59Don't worry, I'll sign up for the next one without fail.
24:01You're very welcome.
24:03Here we have to make pineapples and help each other.
24:05Besides, we know that getting to a new place is never easy.
24:08Tell me about it.
24:10That I've arrived for dinner.
24:12But don't worry, you won't have any problems.
24:14Because you're very nice.
24:16Not like the previous secretary,
24:17who was all over the place.
24:21Don't you have to do something in the warehouse?
24:23Oh, yes.
24:25Yes, Carmen, yes.
24:27Well, come on, hurry up.
24:29Excuse me, Miriam.
24:35The infusions.
24:37Thank you very much, Gaspar.
24:39Just now I was telling Mrs. Elvira
24:41that one day I'm going to bring her
24:43to try your barbecue.
24:45The best of all, the stain.
24:47It's delicious, really.
24:49I'm going to love it.
24:51Hello, Gemma and company.
24:53Have you seen Luis?
24:55Yes, I just ran into him.
24:57He was on his way to the warehouse.
25:01No, wait, wait.
25:03I take the opportunity to make the introductions.
25:05She is Mrs. Elvira Montes de Oca.
25:07She is our doctor.
25:13A woman and a doctor.
25:15What an unusual thing.
25:17How does she end up getting the treatment right?
25:19It's so difficult.
25:21Migraines are complicated.
25:23I would advise her to visit a specialist.
25:25And if she consults our doctor?
25:27Well, I hadn't thought of it.
25:29Do you have a second opinion?
25:31I would love to,
25:33but right now I have a very complicated agenda.
25:35Surely for Mrs. Elvira you find
25:37a gap in that agenda, right?
25:39If she doesn't mind getting up early,
25:41tomorrow, first thing in the morning,
25:43I can make a gap if you want, of course.
25:47I need to go to the service.
25:49It's right there, at the end to the right.
25:58I remind you that they don't pay me to treat patients
26:00from outside the colony.
26:02Luz, I assure you that it is important to win Mrs. Elvira,
26:04that she gets the tickets by the ears.
26:06I've been talking to her all morning
26:08about the project of the Casa Cuna.
26:10Don't you need an investor?
26:12Yes, but now I'm saturated with patients.
26:14Well, I don't want excuses.
26:15I've been putting up with her for two days
26:17and it's unbearable.
26:19Okay, I'm going to look for Luis.
26:27I apologize for Claudia's trust,
26:30but the truth is that the other secretary
26:33was not Mrs. Sympathy, let's say.
26:35Don't worry, she's not the first person
26:37who speaks ill of Isabel to me.
26:39I've seen it.
26:41Has something happened?
26:43No, nothing.
26:45Ah, yes, yes, yes.
26:47No, the truth is that I don't like anyone very much.
26:49Although I suppose that after I denied you
26:51the help for the accounts,
26:53I wouldn't have seemed the nicest in the world to you either.
26:55No, it was understandable.
26:57It's just that since I've been running all the stores,
26:59I don't give up.
27:01You run them all?
27:03Oh, I thought you only ran this one.
27:05No, if it were just this one, another rooster would sing.
27:07I've run them all since Mrs. Marta ascended
27:09and left the bar so full.
27:11She did it before.
27:13Yes, a great professional.
27:15Yes, I can.
27:17I didn't know this company promoted women so much.
27:19And it was time.
27:21Because here women work as much or more,
27:23I would say, than men.
27:25Oh, what a head.
27:27With the talk, I almost forgot to give you
27:29the balance of the quarterly accounts.
27:31I think it will be good for you
27:33to match it with the following.
27:35Did you finish it last night?
27:37Yes, Mr. Joaquín helped me a lot.
27:39Mr. Joaquín?
27:41Are we talking about Mr. Joaquín himself?
27:43I suppose.
27:45Mrs. Marta, right?
27:47Yes, yes, yes.
27:49Why do you ask? Did I say something wrong?
27:51No, no, no.
27:53I just find it strange to hear you talk like that about him.
27:55I don't know, he seems like a charming person to me.
27:58Let's see, I've always thought he was a bit...
28:00yes, that, the man.
28:02But I can't tell you either
28:04because I've never worked side by side with him.
28:06Well, I'll leave you.
28:08You have work and I don't want to entertain you.
28:10Miriam, thank you very much for this.
28:12You're welcome.
28:14Good morning.
28:18Very good.
28:20Hello, how are you?
28:22Hello, Mrs. Eva, and Miss Margarita.
28:24What a joy to see you.
28:26We were looking for a fresh perfume.
28:28Fresh, very good.
28:30Let's see.
28:32Do you want to try it?
28:40Do you like it?
28:41It's fresh for the season.
28:43It has citrus notes, orange,
28:45a bit of tangerine too.
28:47It's very good.
28:49Perfect, we'll take it.
28:52Yes, we'll take it.
29:00What are you doing here?
29:03I'm trying to find the alcohol
29:05that we ran out in the lab,
29:07but I can't.
29:09Luis, what's wrong?
29:16Last night...
29:18Last night something very serious happened, Luz.
29:22Very serious?
29:24We've been cheated for the last six years.
29:29It's complicated.
29:31But I don't...
29:33I don't want to hide anything from you.
29:35What's going on? Please tell me.
29:37You're scaring me, it's me.
29:38You can tell me anything.
29:41I killed her.
29:47He killed Valentín.
29:53My brother didn't go to Brazil.
29:56He didn't kill Clotilde either.
30:03Jesus killed Clotilde too.
30:08Jesus found out they were in love.
30:10I can't stand it.
30:14He did what he did.
30:16Who told you all this?
30:18Regoña and Andrés.
30:24Apparently Jesus confessed at a moment of weakness
30:26and he hasn't been able to prove it all this time.
30:34Luz, are you okay?
30:39It's just that I've always had the intuition
30:42that Jesus would be able to do anything, but...
30:45How can someone kill his wife?
30:48And how can a father...
30:50How can a father be able to cover something like this?
30:52Your uncle didn't know either.
30:54In his opinion.
30:56All these years thinking that Valentín was a murderer.
30:59That he was a thief.
31:01That he had stolen everything from us.
31:04So many years paying this unfair penance to the Queen.
31:08With Jesus blaming us for everything.
31:12My brother was innocent, Luz.
31:16He was murdered.
31:18How could we be so blind?
31:20Honey, it's not your fault.
31:22Others were in charge of hiding the truth.
31:24It's the worst of it all.
31:26He didn't know that deep down
31:28my brother couldn't do something like this.
31:32He didn't know, Luz.
31:34He didn't know.
31:36And I betrayed him.
31:38I betrayed him.
31:40I'm so sorry.
31:42Honey, come here.
31:44It's all in the past.
31:47It's all in the past.
31:49We can't do anything.
31:51Don't torture yourself.
32:09How are you?
32:14I made myself a valerian.
32:16To calm my nerves.
32:20Do you want anything else?
32:25Do you want me to make you something to eat or a bath?
32:27No, honey, no.
32:29I just want to drink this.
32:31To calm me down.
32:35But tell me about you.
32:36How's it going with that woman?
32:42Well, I don't think I've convinced her yet,
32:44but tomorrow she's going back to the factory
32:46to see if Luz can get us a check for the Cuna house.
32:49You'll get it.
32:52And what have you been doing all day?
32:57Reading that letter over and over again.
33:00My son's death certificate.
33:02My son's death certificate.
33:07Tigre, wouldn't it be better
33:09if you distracted yourself a little with the radio?
33:11No, I can't, honey.
33:14Nothing distracts me.
33:16Yesterday, when we learned the truth
33:18about Valentín's death,
33:22I felt like I was losing him again.
33:25I can imagine.
33:27To think that Damian could send me that damn letter.
33:34The truth is that...
33:36Do you realize, Gemma?
33:38I was about to marry a man
33:40who has brought misfortune to my house several times.
33:44There couldn't be a worse suitor than Damian de la Reina.
33:47That's the truth.
33:49He's been lying for years,
33:55Without shame, without remorse.
34:00How could I believe his lies?
34:03He would have deceived anyone.
34:05That man has no tricks.
34:12I don't know how I'll be able to continue living after this.
34:15Of course you will, Dina.
34:17Of course you will.
34:19Because you are a strong woman.
34:21Now what I feel
34:24is that even the air
34:26would break me to pieces.
34:28That's not true.
34:30No, look at what he's done this morning.
34:32He has given strength to his two sons
34:34so that he continues to fight,
34:36because that's what a mother does.
34:38She watches over her children.
34:40Thank you, daughter.
34:44I'm going to see if I can get some rest.
34:46Of course. Come on.
34:54Come in.
35:03Come in.
35:08Sorry to interrupt you.
35:13I haven't seen you all day,
35:15so I wanted to see if you wanted to eat with me.
35:18If you haven't seen me, it's because I'm busy.
35:21I see.
35:25Are you still mad at me
35:27for not accepting the plan you proposed to me?
35:33It's the last thing I was thinking about right now.
35:37Although now that you say it,
35:39it didn't make me very happy either.
35:41Very well.
35:43I won't bother you anymore.
35:45No, Dina, wait.
35:48For God's sake, wait.
35:50None of this has to do with you.
35:55Marta, what's wrong?
35:57Marta, what happened?
35:59Are you okay?
36:03Something terrible has happened
36:05that has to do with the family.
36:08You know you can trust me, right?
36:11No, no.
36:13You can't even imagine what it is.
36:16I don't care.
36:18Whatever it is, I'm going to help you.
36:19No one can help us now.
36:22My brother Jesus is a monster.
36:24And my father, three-quarters, is the same.
36:27But why?
36:31Marta, I'm not moving from here.
36:33I don't know what you're talking about,
36:35but whatever it is, it's consuming you inside.
36:39It's so terrible.
36:44What happened?
36:46What happened?
36:49Swear you won't leave.
36:51I swear. What happened?
36:55My brother Jesus killed Valentín
36:58because he was having an affair with Clotilde.
37:03He killed him too.
37:16I'm sorry.
37:29I found out what happened.
37:31I came to see how you were doing.
37:37We're doing our best, to be honest.
37:40I can't believe what you told me over the phone.
37:42I'm sorry, because...
37:44I just called you when everything...
37:47I know these things can't be told like this,
37:50but it's so inaudible.
37:53Jesus killed Digna's son.
37:56I'm afraid that's true.
38:01Who told you?
38:05It was Begoña and Andrés.
38:08They had been suspicious for a while.
38:10They had been investigating.
38:12For a while.
38:14Yes, they were investigating Valentín and Clotilde's death.
38:18But Jesus found out
38:20and he destroyed all the evidence.
38:22That's why they spent so much time together.
38:24Of course, they needed to find out the truth.
38:26But why was Jesus going to kill Valentín and Clotilde?
38:31Because they had an affair
38:34and they were going to run away together.
38:37That's why Jesus, when he found out,
38:40So it was out of infidelity.
38:44María, but that doesn't mean he killed them.
38:47No, no, I'm not saying that, but...
38:51We don't know what Jesus felt inside
38:54to do something like that.
39:09Are you leaving?
39:11Yes, I'm going to see Rosario's daughter.
39:13Apparently, the poor girl is still feverish.
39:15I'm going to see how she is.
39:17Do you know anything new about your nanny?
39:19I spoke to Marta and I solved it.
39:21I told her the whole truth.
39:23I'm glad.
39:25You need an ally in that house.
39:27I'm glad I'm not on your side.
39:29Are you okay?
39:31Are you very serious?
39:33I came to talk to Luis.
39:35He's unwell.
39:37He's out of his mind.
39:40How was he going to be after finding out
39:42how his brother died?
39:44He also told me that it was Andrés and you
39:47who discovered it
39:49and who told the family.
39:56How come you haven't told me anything?
39:58Because I couldn't, Luz.
40:00No one could suspect anything
40:02and that's why the less people knew, the better.
40:04I think I've shown you that I'm a good friend
40:06and that I'm there to help you and protect you.
40:09I know. I really do.
40:12Since when did you know?
40:14Since then.
40:16But Jesus threatened me
40:18and I needed to find evidence
40:20to prove his guilt, but without him knowing.
40:24Pigeon, if something had happened to you,
40:27he would never have forgiven me for not being there to help you.
40:29Luz, I didn't want to put you in danger.
40:31Neither you nor your relationship with Luis.
40:33Because if you had told him,
40:34he would have had to hide it from his family
40:36and it would have been very complicated.
40:38Please, understand me.
40:41And now what can we do?
40:46Jesus has disappeared from the body.
40:50How horrible.
40:52Luz, if I didn't tell you anything,
40:54it was to protect you, I promise.
40:59It's okay.
41:01Let's forget all that.
41:02But you know you can count on me for whatever you want.
41:06I know.
41:12He shot them like they were animals.
41:17My brother is a murderer.
41:19A miserable murderer.
41:22It's horrible, Marta.
41:26You were right, he's capable of doing anything.
41:28But my father...
41:32Fina, my father...
41:34What does your father have to do with all this?
41:37I knew it.
41:39And I covered for my brother.
41:42Oh, my God.
41:44I don't understand how he was able to hide something like this.
41:49You can only understand it in one way.
41:52Your father wanted to protect your brother
41:54because a father can protect his son.
41:56Because a father is capable of doing anything for his son.
41:59That anything has limits.
42:02I know, my love.
42:04But my father would have done the same for me in any situation.
42:08Your father is a good man.
42:10A decent man.
42:14My father, on the other hand,
42:16was already to blame for my uncle's death.
42:20Let's see.
42:24You're hurt and I understand it perfectly because it's normal.
42:29But you can't blame your father for everything.
42:31Your uncle Gervasio took his own life.
42:34What is he to blame for this?
42:41Apparently, my uncle liked men.
42:47And when my father found out,
42:49he blackmailed him to sell his share of the company to him.
42:54And that's why he denied the wedding.
42:57He heard Jesus say it in a discussion.
43:00That's why my father kicked him out of the company
43:03and no more than the family.
43:05Oh my God, Marta, I'm sorry.
43:07I'm so sorry.
43:09How can I have a family like this?
43:11How am I going to get up every morning in that house knowing what I know?
43:15Don't worry, because I'll always be by your side.
43:22I don't know if it's good that you're close.
43:25Why do you say that?
43:28Because you're a good person.
43:31I don't want anything to happen to you.
43:33Marta, stop saying nonsense, please.
43:35No, it's the truth.
43:39Maybe I'm just like my father.
43:41Because I have the same ambition and determination
43:43that made it possible for me to fulfill my dream,
43:45which is to run the company.
43:47But that's not bad.
43:49Yes, if you let ambition blind you.
43:54Maybe I've just become someone despicable,
43:57like my brother, like my father.
43:59No, listen to me, you're not going to become someone despicable
44:01because you have such a big heart.
44:05You're a very special person, Marta.
44:08I know.
44:10And kindness is not an enemy of ambition.
44:14I know that.
44:16And you're going to show everyone
44:18that you can be a great person
44:20and at the same time a great director.
44:31What would I do without you?
44:38My love.
44:41But now,
44:42I have to go.
44:44Yes, I'm leaving, don't worry.
44:46No, listen.
44:48I want you to understand that
44:50I need a little space.
44:52Until all of this
44:54passes somehow,
44:56I want to know that you're safe.
45:34Can I come in?
45:36Look, if you don't want to see me again,
45:39I'll understand and I'll accept it, but
45:40at least let me explain my version of the facts to you.
45:56Look, I want you to know that
45:58I didn't know what Jesus had done until a few months ago.
46:03And when I found out,
46:05you can't imagine the horror and repulsion I felt.
46:08Wouldn't you feel a lot of repulsion
46:11when you helped him move a body that had been murdered
46:15and then you hid what you had done?
46:17Don't believe it.
46:19I've suffered a lot for not being able to tell you anything.
46:22You've suffered as much as when you incited my husband to suicide.
46:27Valentín was my son.
46:29How could you do it? How?
46:32I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
46:33I'm sorry.
46:37There's an image
46:39that doesn't leave my head.
46:42You and Jesus
46:44taking my son out of the ground
46:48to burn him later as if he were garbage.
46:53Why did you wait?
46:56Why didn't you do it that day?
46:58I don't know.
47:00I had nothing to do with Jesus.
47:01I only helped Jesus once.
47:03You did a lot.
47:05He was my son.
47:07You falsified my death certificate.
47:15I just wanted you to know that Valentín had died
47:18so you could say goodbye to him and go on with your life.
47:21And marry me.
47:23Don't keep talking.
47:25I hate hearing you.
47:27I feel very worthy of what you are suffering.
47:30Tell me.
47:32What can I do for you to forgive me?
47:35Give your son to the authorities.
47:38Report him.