Fugitivas - Capitulo 80

  • 19 hours ago
00:00The murderer of Juan Pablo is Lorena Martínez
00:03and she has to go back to jail to pay for what she did.
00:06That's the only truth.
00:07Please, Marquez.
00:08You and I know that's not true.
00:10You killed Juan Pablo.
00:12This bitch murdered his father.
00:14And when Juan Pablo found out,
00:15he had no choice but to eliminate him.
00:18Admit it!
00:19It must be very difficult to keep such a big secret.
00:22Carrying a fraud on your shoulders
00:24and telling the whole world about it.
00:26It must be very difficult to keep such a big secret.
00:28Carrying a fraud on your shoulders
00:30and two murders.
00:31You're a madman.
00:33You're so desperate to free that murderer from his guilt
00:37that you're going crazy.
00:39They should lock you up in a asylum.
00:41When Juan Pablo found out what he did to his father,
00:43he confronted him.
00:44He told him he knew the truth.
00:46And you felt trapped,
00:48knowing you could end up in jail.
00:50You decided to get rid of him by killing him.
00:52You never imagined that to get rid of your crimes,
00:54you were also going to murder him.
00:55You don't know what you're saying!
00:57You're making everything up!
00:59They're just your assumptions.
01:01The only thing I don't understand
01:02is why you inculcated Lorena.
01:04Why an innocent woman who had nothing to do with it?
01:06Why her?
01:07Shut up, you idiot!
01:08You don't know what you're saying!
01:10And stop saying such nonsense!
01:12How can you sleep peacefully knowing everything I do?
01:14Shut up, you idiot!
01:26Once again,
01:27you show me that you're a violent man.
01:34Superior, I'm glad you're back.
01:36What happened to Monse?
01:38There was no way to convince her to come back.
01:41She's blind.
01:42She doesn't want anyone or anything
01:44to ruin what she's going through with Facundo.
01:46Don't tell me that.
01:47I thought you could make her change her mind.
01:49You see?
01:51Well, if that's what she wants,
01:53we have no choice but to respect her decision.
01:56The only thing we can do is wish her the best.
02:00How did it go with Alejandro?
02:03He found new information.
02:05We have no doubt that the one who killed Juan Pablo
02:07was Marquez.
02:08But we have no way of proving it,
02:10so we're somehow still on the same page.
02:13Don't get discouraged.
02:15They didn't even find anything new.
02:17Give me back my documents and we'll finish this.
02:20Very well.
02:26These are copies of everything Charo gave me.
02:29There you can corroborate everything Juan Pablo discovered.
02:32I hope it will help you when you have to defend yourself.
02:35Let's see who they believe more,
02:37a simple lawyer who is dedicated to defending criminals,
02:41or a criminal who is dedicated
02:43a simple lawyer who is dedicated to defending criminals,
02:47or me,
02:48an honorable man with an untouchable reputation.
02:53You're the only one who thinks I killed Juan Pablo
02:56when I wanted him as a son.
02:58The murderer is Lorena Martinez,
03:01and sooner or later they will catch her.
03:28Good afternoon, Arturo.
03:29How are you? What can I do for you?
03:31I have to talk to you urgently.
03:33I need to see you in the office right now.
03:35I'm on my way.
03:36Yes, thank you.
04:13¿Cuánto tiempo le queda a Lucre
04:14para salir del centro ese de rehabilitación?
04:17Como 15 días, más o menos.
04:19¿Y ya sabe dónde va a vivir?
04:21Estoy pensando en conseguirle un cuarto en una pensión
04:24y hacerme cargo de pagárselo en lo que consigue trabajo.
04:27Ay, pues es muy lindo de tu parte.
04:30Fíjate que yo tengo una amiga, Susana Elio,
04:34que hace vestuario para obras de teatro,
04:36festivales y cosas así.
04:38La voy a llamar,
04:39y yo creo que ella podría darle trabajo a Lucre.
04:42¿En serio?
04:43Sería maravilloso.
04:45Voy a hablar con ella,
04:46y estoy segura que le va a caer muy bien
04:49tener una costurera de más que le ayude.
04:51Sería una gran tranquilidad para Lucre.
04:54Le preocupa mucho qué va a hacer de ella
04:56saliendo del centro.
04:58Pues esperemos que sí se pueda.
05:00Mil gracias.
05:01Y no te preocupes de buscarle una pensión.
05:04En esta casa lo que sobran son cuartos.
05:07Puede vivir aquí.
05:08No tienes para qué estar gastando dinero
05:10en una pensión o en un cuarto.
05:12¿De verdad?
05:13Claro, yo encantada.
05:15Además me va a hacer compañía.
05:18Tita, es usted un ángel.
05:20Lucre se va a poner muy feliz.
05:22Yo también.
05:26Buenas tardes, Arturo.
05:40Perdón que lo moleste, pero...
05:43me está llamando el licenciado Manzano
05:45de Inmobiliaria Estinza.
05:47E insiste en que quiere hablar con usted
05:49para ofrecerle sus servicios como agente inmobiliario.
05:51¿Qué le digo?
05:52¿Tú qué crees?
05:53Les he dicho hasta el cansancio
05:56de ninguna agencia inmobiliaria.
05:57Para eso tengo mi propia agencia.
06:00Discúlpeme, pensé que sería bueno que...
06:02¡Es que no pienses, caramba!
06:04A mí no me interesa lo que tú piensas.
06:06Tú no estás aquí por tu brillante inteligencia,
06:08sino por hacerte el favor de que,
06:10aunque no sepas hacer absolutamente nada,
06:12tengas trabajo.
06:14Estoy aquí muy ocupado haciendo cosas importantes
06:16y tú vienes aquí a interrumpirme por estupideces.
06:56Los sueños se cumplen.
07:07¿Qué pasa?
07:13Vine lo más rápido que pude.
07:15¿Qué es eso tan urgente que te tiene preocupado?
07:18¿Es el contrato de compra-venta
07:19de los terrenos de Playa Dorada?
07:21Castillo los tiene en su poder.
07:23¿Y cómo llegaron hasta ahí?
07:24Por la estúpida de Charo, mi sirvienta.
07:26Ella se los entregó.
07:27Bueno, ¿y ella cómo los obtuvo?
07:29No sé, supongo que Juan Pablo se los dio.
07:31Obviamente, Castillo ya se dio cuenta
07:33de las anuvalias del contrato.
07:35Y así como Juan Pablo va a hacer de todo
07:37para engolparme de él,
07:38yo también voy a hacer de él.
07:47¿Qué vas a hacer si yo me engolo todo
07:48para engolparme de fraude?
07:49Ese tipo ya me tiene harto.
07:51Tengo que hacer algo contundente
07:52para que se quede quieto de una buena vez.
07:55Se me está ocurriendo algo
07:56para que se le bajen los humos.
07:58Vamos a repartirnos las mesas
08:00que atendíamos de mejor manera que anoche.
08:02Para ti fue demasiado, Frida.
08:03Yo también me puedo encargar de la nove y de la diez.
08:05Yo creo que es demasiado para ti sola.
08:07Mejor quédemonos con Ana y Yona.
08:10Yo me encojargo de la nueve,
08:12que está más cerca de mis mesas.
08:13Y tú de la diez.
08:15How do you think? You are very skilled with music.
08:17Between song and song, I can help attend the tables.
08:20No, really, it is not necessary.
08:22You would go to the races and not.
08:24I thank you for your good disposition to cover the tables that we attended.
08:28What do you appreciate? It is the least we can do.
08:31Are we ready to open?
08:34Well, for one more night of success in ...
08:37El Oxy!
08:39Hello, good evening.
08:45My love, how nice that you arrive.
08:48Let's see, show me everything you bought.
08:52Yes, look.
08:54I bought this one.
08:58This one too.
09:00Oh, look.
09:04And look, this coat.
09:08For when we go to the cruise of Greece and Turkey.
09:13You look super good, you look beautiful.
09:16How do I look?
09:19Thank you very much.
09:27What happened?
09:29The appointment with Odysseus Porres is already confirmed.
09:31And in your email, what you need.
09:40I was reported that in the men's bathroom there is a leak.
09:43If you want, so that you do not spend on a plumber,
09:45tomorrow I buy what I need, I bring my tools and we fix it.
09:49I did not imagine that you knew the plumber.
09:51For you to see that I am a gift of virtues.
09:54In fact, I help you.
09:56Thank you very much.
09:58Do you need anything else or can I go?
10:00No, no, no.
10:02See you tomorrow.
10:04Bye, see you tomorrow.
10:07Well, this is already.
10:09I'm going to sleep, boss.
10:11Oh, me too.
10:12Yes, rest and thank you very much for everything.
10:16Frida, wait.
10:20What happened?
10:22You can not go to sleep without giving me a goodnight kiss.
10:38Good morning.
10:40What do you want for breakfast?
10:42Do you feel like some Mexican eggs?
10:44Oh yes, how delicious.
10:45Do I help you chop the tomato?
10:48Hey, I'm very happy.
10:50I will no longer have to look for a pension
10:52for when Lucre leaves the rehabilitation center.
10:55Tita told me she can live in her house.
10:57How good.
10:58We will no longer have to spend on that.
11:00In addition, he will recommend her to a friend of his
11:03who is dedicated to making costumes for plays,
11:05so that he can give her sewing work.
11:08What a good person that lady is.
11:11Knowing her has been one of the best things
11:13that has happened to me in life.
11:17I'm going for me.
11:21Good morning.
11:22Good morning.
11:32What's wrong?
11:34Do you feel bad?
11:36No, I'm just a little tired.
11:38I'll get up in a little while.
11:40You better stay in bed and rest.
11:43I'll bring you something for breakfast.
11:51the best thing would be
11:53to go back to Dr. Santibáñez.
11:55No, superior to this that happens to me is normal.
11:57Fatigue is part of my disease.
12:00But wouldn't it be too much?
12:02Maybe he can prescribe you something
12:04that will make you feel better.
12:06I don't think it's convenient
12:08after what happened that I'm going out.
12:11Imagine that someone recognizes me.
12:13The commander would realize
12:15that you have continued to cover me
12:17and then yes, we would not have an escape.
12:21You are right that we have to be alert.
12:24But your health can't wait.
12:26I'm already used to it.
12:28It's going to happen to me.
12:30The best thing is that we don't get out of here.
12:34But if it doesn't happen to you,
12:36then yes, let's go to the doctor.
12:40Do you feel so bad that I should see a doctor?
12:42No, no.
12:43We weren't talking about her.
12:44It's me.
12:45I need you to give me something
12:47because I've been stressed.
12:49For stress.
12:55Now, the show begins.
13:04Hello, Vicente.
13:07How are you, Lucre? How have you been?
13:09Very well.
13:10Did you give Teo the pants?
13:12Yes, he was so happy.
13:15When I told him that you had made them,
13:17his eyes shone with happiness.
13:20And he said, Mom,
13:22while he hugged them against his chest.
13:24Oh, my little cutie.
13:26I count the days to see him
13:28and be able to hug him with all my strength.
13:30I came because I want to talk to you
13:32as soon as you get out of here.
13:34Me too.
13:36It's something that worries me a lot.
13:38I don't know what I'm going to do.
13:40I don't have a job or where to live.
13:42I'm terrified of crossing the exit door.
13:44I don't know what I'm going to do.
13:46I don't have a job or where to live.
13:48I'm terrified of crossing the exit door.
13:50I don't know, I was thinking
13:52that maybe here they could give me a job
13:54in some cleaning or in the kitchen.
13:56Stop worrying.
13:58As for the job,
14:00Tita told me that she has a friend
14:02who does costumes for plays.
14:04Really? Would you do that for me?
14:06Yes, and that's not where the good news ends.
14:08She also told me that you can live in her house.
14:12How do you see it?
14:14Her house is very big and she told me
14:16that she would be happy to receive you.
14:18I can't believe it.
14:20That lady is an angel.
14:22The truth is yes.
14:24I had never met someone so generous.
14:26I don't want to be a burden for her.
14:28If I get the job, I can pay her a rent.
14:30I don't think it's necessary.
14:32Tita does it with great pleasure to help you.
14:34I appreciate it very much,
14:36but I won't be comfortable if I don't do something.
14:38Maybe I can help her with the cleaning.
14:40I'm not very good at cooking, but I can learn.
14:42You have to help her with the house.
14:44Do you like dogs?
14:46Yes, a lot.
14:48Tita has a dog named Moustache.
14:50Maybe you could take care of him
14:52taking him for a walk.
14:54Yes, of course, I would love to.
14:56So I say yes?
14:58Yes, yes, of course.
15:06Good morning.
15:08Good morning, Mr. Marquez. Welcome.
15:10I thank you very much for accepting to interview me.
15:12You don't have to thank me.
15:14I confess that I'm intrigued.
15:16It must be something very important
15:18for you to ask me for a space
15:20so urgently.
15:22It is.
15:24Let's start in five minutes.
15:26See you later.
15:28Johnny, please put the microphone.
15:30Good morning.
15:32Can you help me with your bag?
15:36Good morning, boss.
15:38Good morning, Eric.
15:40I hope we can fix the bathroom with that.
15:42How much do I owe you?
15:44We'll figure it out later.
15:46First things first, let's go.
15:48Let's go.
15:54I wanted to know if you already decided
15:56what blankets we're going to put in the lavatories
15:58of the bathrooms of Genesis Labs and Granito Marble.
16:00No, not yet.
16:02I'm waiting for a provider to quote me
16:04that brings stone from Querétaro.
16:06Put Channel 4 on.
16:08Odiseo Porras is going to interview me.
16:12What's going on?
16:14My dad is on Channel 4
16:16with Odiseo Porras.
16:18They're going to interview him.
16:36They're going to interview him.
16:38They're going to interview him.
16:40They're going to interview him.
16:42They're going to interview him.
16:44They're going to interview him.
16:46They're going to interview him.
16:48They're going to interview him.
16:50They're going to interview him.
16:52They're going to interview him.
16:54They're going to interview him.
16:56They're going to interview him.
16:58They're going to interview him.
17:00They're going to interview him.
17:02They're going to interview him.
17:04They're going to interview him.
17:12Are you feeling a little better?
17:14Yes, I feel tired.
17:18I'm going to get up.
17:22Don't worry about it.
17:24You just get some rest.
17:26We can handle this!
17:28Just leave her alone.
17:30She's Arturo Márquez.
17:32Bienvenido muchas gracias que está haciendo y usted como empresario que cree que se deba de hacer para incrementar el crecimiento
17:40económico de nuestro país
17:44Mientras las autoridades no tomen cartas en el asunto para terminar con la inseguridad que cada vez va más a la alza
17:51Hace que la inversión extranjera no tenga confianza para invertir su capital en nuestro país
17:56Cuántas noticias no tenemos a diario sobre asalto a trailers que mueven mercancía por todo el país
18:02La imagen que tenemos ante el mundo es muy mala y desgraciadamente el trabajo de la policía deja mucho que desear
18:08Dígame si no
18:09¿Cómo es posible que a la fecha no hayan sido capaces de capturar a las mujeres que se escaparon del penal de Santiago?
18:18¿Qué estará planeando?
18:19Delincuentes que andan por ahí en las calles haciendo de las suyas
18:22Mostra de más recordar que mi familia fue víctima de una de ellas que actualmente sigue fugitiva
18:28Se refiere al asesinato de Juan Pablo Correa. Así es
18:33Juan Pablo fue brutalmente asesinado por Lorena Martínez y lo peor es que esta mujer me sigue amedrentando
18:40¿Amedrentándolo? ¿De qué manera?
18:42Mandándome amenazas de muerte
18:44Usted comprenderá que no puedo seguir exponiendo a mi familia ante una situación tan peligrosa
18:49¿Pero qué le pasa? ¿Qué está diciendo?
18:51¿Qué tipo de amenazas son las que recibe?
18:53De muerte. Me han estado llegando a través de correos electrónicos
18:59Aquí los traigo impresos como prueba
19:02Y bueno, si me permite me gustaría leer algunos que he recibido
19:08Arturo Márquez tiene que decir al juez que soy inocente, que yo no maté a Juan Pablo Correa. Si no lo hace
19:15olvídese de Vicente
19:17Vicente es mi hijo menor
19:19Maldito no puede ser
19:21Usted se podrá imaginar la angustia que eso me causó
19:23Esa mujer es capaz de todo
19:25Me envió el correo con fotografías de mi hijo en su vida cotidiana
19:30Ahora si me permite le voy a leer el segundo que recibí
19:34No diga que no se lo advertí
19:36Pida que reabra mi caso y busque otro culpable o se atiene a las consecuencias
19:44Anoche lo vi llegar a las 12.26 con su hija Florencia
19:48Florencia es mi hija mayor
19:51Cuídela, si no quiere que termine igual que Juan Pablo
19:55Yo no puedo seguir exponiendo a mis hijos. Esta mujer está dispuesta a todo
19:59Me siento vulnerable como se sentiría cualquier ciudadano que fuera amenazado por esa asesina
20:05Y lo peor de todo es que la policía no da con ella
20:09Es por eso que he decidido tomar cartas en el asunto para que esta mujer regrese a prisión
20:14¿Podría ser más específico?
20:17Estoy aquí para ofrecer 3 millones de pesos de recompensa
20:20A quien de información pide digna que de con el paradero de esa asesina
20:25¿3 millones de pesos?
20:27Así es
20:28Lorena Martínez tiene que regresar a la cárcel y pagar su crimen
20:32No puede quedar impune
20:33¡Maldito desgraciado! ¿Cómo se atreve?
20:36¡Infeliz! ¡Usted es el asesino!
20:38Perdón señor Márquez, pero ofrecer una recompensa por Lorena Martínez es intervenir en la labor de la policía
20:45No hay que interpretarlo así
20:47De ninguna manera mi propósito es intervenir con el trabajo de la policía, sino de colaborar
20:53Soy un ciudadano que lo único que deseo es que se haga justicia
20:57Es por eso que estoy pidiendo el apoyo de la sociedad para que se localice a esa asesina
21:01Me parece que su ofrecimiento puede ser muy arriesgado
21:05¿Qué haces conmigo?
21:06Se puede interpretar como una cacería
21:08No, no de ninguna manera
21:10Mire, yo lo que estoy haciendo es ofrecer una recompensa a quien de información pide digna del paradero de Lorena Martínez
21:17Yo no estoy pidiendo que haga nada contra ella
21:20Por favor, que no se malinterprete
21:22¿Qué le hizo esa mujer a tu papá para que esté ofreciendo dinero por ella?
21:27Mató a una persona muy querida para él
21:30Alguien a quien consideraba como un hijo
21:38No lo puedo creer
21:40Arturo Márquez es un desgraciado
21:42¿Cómo se le ocurre inventar que yo los estoy amenazando?
21:45Es una basura
21:47¿Hasta dónde puede llegar un asesino con poder y dinero?
21:50Tú aquí, escondida, acusada de un delito que no cometiste
21:53Mientras el verdadero asesino aparece en televisión diciendo puras mentiras
21:57Este mundo está al revés
21:59¿Qué voy a hacer?
22:02Si ya me había arruinado la vida con esto, me acaba de hundir
22:06¿Por qué tuve que cruzarme con este hombre?
22:08Dios mío, ¿por qué? ¿Qué karma estoy pagando?
22:10Tranquila, tienes a Alejandro y al fiscal de tu parte
22:14Con todo lo que han investigado, tarde o temprano van a poder comprobar que él es el culpable de todo
22:20Las veces que hemos tenido algo, él se ha encargado de negarlo y desbaratar todo tipo de prueba
22:26Ese infeliz siempre va un paso adelante
22:32Está ofreciendo 3 millones de pesos por mi cabeza
22:38Eso es muchísimo dinero
22:41La gente no va a parar hasta encontrarme
22:44Estoy perdida, estoy perdida, estoy perdida
22:56Me dejó muy sorprendido
22:58Lo que acaba de hacer en este espacio informativo es inédito
23:01No veo por qué le sorprende
23:03Yo soy un simple ciudadano que está buscando ayuda de la gente
23:06Sucede todo el tiempo con niños extraviados, viejitos que salen de casa y no saben cómo regresar
23:11Yo estoy convencido que la gente va a colaborar
23:14Y más en este caso en que la seguridad de todos está en riesgo
23:17Discúlpeme, pero no creo que esté dimensionando todo lo que acaba de hacer
23:22Se trata de algo que puede tener repercusiones muy graves
23:25Por supuesto que las habrá
23:27Justamente eso es lo que quiero y serán las correctas
23:30Mire, yo estoy seguro que con ayuda de la ciudadanía, Lorena Martínez va a regresar a la cárcel
23:36¿Regresamos al aire en 30 segundos? ¿Posiciones?
23:39Le agradezco mucho su tiempo
23:43Ok chicos, vamos al segundo bloque por favor
23:46¿Por qué tu papá está diciendo que esa mujer está amenazando a tu familia?
23:49¿Tú estás en peligro?
23:51No sé, necesito ir a averiguarlo
23:53Discúlpame, pero me tengo que ir
23:55Claro, ve. Ojalá no sea nada grave
23:57Para que mi papá haya decidido ir a la televisión debe serlo
24:00Lo siento, cuídate mucho por favor
24:02Le voy a decir a tita que estás de acuerdo en irte a su casa y que te haces cargo de bigotes
24:06Sí, sí, dale las gracias de mi parte
24:08Y dile que con mucho gusto le ayudo en lo que se le ofrezca
24:11Así lo haré
24:14Nos vemos pronto
24:17¿Tres millones de pesos?
24:19Por lo visto tu papá está aterrado
24:21¿Tú sabías de las amenazas que estaba recibiendo?
24:24No, no, no tenía idea
24:26¿Algo tan grave y guardárselo para él solito?
24:29No tengo idea de lo que esté pasando, pero en cuanto regrese voy a hablar con él
24:33No entiendo qué pretende esa mujer
24:35¿No le bastó con haber asesinado a Juan Pablo?
24:37No sé, no sé, no sé
24:39Deberías de llamar a Vicente para advertirle
24:41Está viviendo bajo el mismo techo con la hermana de la tipa que los tiene amenazados
24:45Que se salga de ahí
24:47No, yo en ese asunto prefiero no meterme
24:49Florencia, por Dios, puede estar en peligro
24:51Si no vio a tu papá en la televisión no se va a dar por enterado
24:54No, prefiero que mi papá hable con él
24:56Pídele que les ponga guaruras a ti y a Vicente
24:59Ya sabemos que esa mujer es capaz de cualquier cosa
25:03¿Tú crees que en las amenazas me incluye a mí?
25:06Sabe perfectamente que la odio con todas mis fuerzas
25:08No creo, Verónica, así no seas paranoica
25:10No puedo, estoy aterrada la verdad
25:13Ojalá que esto de la recompensa funcione para que regrese a la cárcel de una vez por todas
25:18Y podamos seguir viviendo en paz
25:22Buenos días, papá, ¿cómo estás?
25:24Buenos días, hija
25:26Cansado, no sé, casi no dormí anoche
25:31Me di un somnio, estuve dando vueltas en la cama
25:34No sé hasta qué horas de la madrugada
25:36Pensando en Marta
25:40Papá, ¿qué fue realmente lo que pasó entre ustedes?
25:44¿Por qué de un día para otro terminaron la relación
25:46cuando anteriormente la defendías a capa y espada?
25:49Ya te lo dije en su momento
25:52Me di cuenta que teníamos diferentes puntos de vista
25:56Perdóname, pero esa es una respuesta muy genérica
25:59Cuando estaban juntos no te cansabas de decirme lo buena persona que era
26:03Estabas encantado, papá
26:06Y a decir verdad, aunque yo nunca estuve de acuerdo con esa relación
26:11Te veías feliz
26:13Algo muy grave tuvo que haber pasado entre ustedes para que no siguieran juntos
26:19Cuéntamelo, ¿o que no me tienes confianza?
26:22No es eso, hija
26:27Simplemente no quiero hablar de Marta
26:29Ya es parte de mi pasado
26:31Y la verdad no quiero revivirlo
26:34Ay, ya, deja de hacerte loco y dime qué fue lo que pasó
26:38Perdón, pero tienen que ver la televisión
26:40Arturo Márquez acaba de ofrecer 3 millones de pesos de recompensa
26:44a quien dé información del paradero de Lorena Martínez
26:48Ay, no lo puedo creer
26:56¿Qué pasó, hijo?
26:57¿Qué hiciste, papá?
26:58¿Cómo se te ocurre ofrecer una recompensa por Lorena Martínez?
27:01Lo hice porque no podía seguir soportando sus amenazas de muerte
27:04No duramos pensando en que algo les pueda suceder a ti o a tu hermana
27:08¿Y por qué no me lo dijiste anoche?
27:10Es que no quería asustarte
27:12Solamente te iba a contagiar mis miedos
27:14Por ustedes tomé esta acción
27:16No estoy dispuesto a perderlos como perdí a Juan Pablo
27:19No podemos olvidar que la mujer es una asesina
27:22Tenemos que cuidarnos
27:24Y estando tú tan cerca de Gabriela, estás vulnerable
27:27Ella no tiene nada que ver
27:29¿Cómo no? Si es su hermana
27:31Lorena me envió fotos tuyas saliendo de su casa
27:35Por favor, Vicente, por primera vez salve caso en tu vida, caray
27:38Es que no me lo puedo creer
27:41Cuando quieras te enseño sus mensajes amenazantes y las fotos que me envió
27:45En la televisión solamente leí algunos
27:48Los demás dicen cosas atroces
27:50Jamás me imaginé que esto pudiera estar pasando
27:53Y yo
27:54Es muy lamentable
27:56Por eso no podía seguir aguantando un día más
27:59Confiamos en la gente
28:01Ellos nos van a ayudar a que Lorena Martínez regrese a la cárcel
28:07¿Qué pasa?
28:08¿Dónde está mi papá?
28:09En el oasis
28:10Ven, tienen que ver esto
28:12¿Qué cosa?
28:17Papá, tienen que ver esto
28:19¿Qué pasa?
28:21Un tipo salió en la televisión ofreciendo tres millones de pesos a quien dé información de dónde está Lorena
28:27¿Qué? ¿Quién es el tipo?
28:29Ni idea, vean ustedes
28:32Juan Pablo fue brutalmente asesinado por Lorena Martínez
28:35Y lo peor es que esta mujer me sigue amedrentando
28:38¿Arturo Márquez?
28:40¿De qué manera?
28:41Mandándome amenazas de muerte
28:43La noticia está en todos lados
28:45Arturo Márquez ofrece tres millones de pesos de recompensa
28:48A quien dé información fidedigna sobre el paradero de Lorena Martínez
28:53Una de las prófugas que se fugaron del penal de Santiago
28:56Quien lo tiene amenazado de muerte
28:58¿Pero quién se cree que es?
29:00¿Qué es eso de ofrecer una recompensa?
29:02Ni que estuviéramos en el lejano oeste
29:04Es que ponerle precio a la cabeza de una prófuga desacredita nuestro trabajo
29:08Pues mira, yo no estoy muy de acuerdo con lo que hizo
29:10Pero una de esas, esto nos ayuda a dar con la Martínez
29:13Van a llegar muchas llamadas
29:15La situación se va a complicar
29:17Tenemos que hacer algo para controlarla
29:19Voy a mandar un comunicado a la prensa y a los medios de comunicación
29:22Diciendo que la fiscalía no tiene nada que ver con todo esto
29:24Y que estamos en completo desacuerdo con lo que hizo Arturo Márquez
29:28Perdón la interrupción, pero no paran de sonar los teléfonos
29:32Son llamadas referentes a Lorena Martínez
29:36Me muero por saber qué tanto está dispuesta la gente a decir por dinero
29:42Vamos a ver
29:46Por el momento no puedo tomar tu llamada
29:49Arturo no me toma la llamada, es un cobarde
29:53Estoy aquí para ofrecer tres millones de pesos de recompensa
29:57A quien dé información fidedigna que dé con el paradero de esa asesina
30:02Ese señor no tiene límites
30:04¿Quién es ese tipo? ¿Por qué dice eso de Lorena?
30:07Él fue el que la mandó a la cárcel por un asesinato que no comitió
30:12Lo que dicen las amenazas es mentira, ¿verdad?
30:15Sí, por supuesto
30:16Ese hombre es muy malo
30:18Lorena es incapaz de hacer algo así
30:20Es que quisiera ahorita misma ponerle un estate quieto a ese desgraciado
30:24Yo te acompaño
30:26Ni se te ocurra, lo único que harías es empeorar las cosas
30:30No, no se preocupe, no lo voy a hacer
30:32Es que ganas no me faltan
30:35¿Ya se enteraron?
30:42Les juro por Dios que todo lo que dijo Márquez es mentira
30:45Yo no he amenazado a nadie
30:47No, no, no
30:48Yo no he amenazado a nadie
30:50No, no tienes ni que decirlo
30:51Todos confiamos en ti
30:53Lo que está claro es que se tienen que cuidar más que nunca
30:56La recompensa que ofreció este señor convierte la situación en una cacería
31:00No pueden salir de aquí por ningún motivo
31:04No sé si sea buena idea que siga aquí
31:06Cualquiera me puede reconocer y con el incentivo del dinero no van a dudar en denunciarme
31:10No, no te hagas ideas
31:12Hasta ahora nadie te ha reconocido
31:14Con la peluca eres otra
31:16Es que no puedo creer que me esté pasando esto
31:18No sé qué hacer
31:20Lo que tienes que hacer es quedarte aquí encerrada
31:24Aquí nadie te va a descubrir
31:26Nosotros nos vamos a encargar de cuidarte
31:28Tranquila, ¿sí?
31:34Señora, ¿se le ofrece algo?
31:37Agua, tengo sed
31:39Ay, oye, oye, está muy bien
31:43La noticia del día de hoy, que ya corre como pólvora
31:47Es que el empresario Arturo Márquez
31:49Ofreció una recompensa de 3 millones de pesos
31:52A quien proporcione informes si de dignos
31:54Del paradero de Lorena Martínez
31:56La asesina de Juan Pablo Correa
31:58Que se fugó de la cárcel de Santiago
32:00Desde la noche de año nuevo
32:03Muchas gracias a nuestra compañera por su resumen
32:06Ahora vamos a ver un espectáculo con Alfredo Gómez
32:13No, no, no
32:30No, no, es que no puede ser
32:37Sí, señor
32:38Ya le mandé el comunicado a su correo
32:40Make sure it's published in all the media.
32:42Right away.
32:51I can't take your call at the moment.
32:54Why don't you answer me?
32:59What happened?
33:00Mr. Castillo is looking for you.
33:02Let him in.
33:03Let him in.
33:09I guess you already know. That's why you're here.
33:14Now it's clear that he's the killer.
33:16That death threat he supposedly received is ridiculous.
33:20He got what he wanted.
33:21The phones haven't stopped ringing.
33:23The agent is capable of anything for three million pesos.
33:26How is Lorena?
33:27I don't know.
33:28I haven't spoken to her.
33:29Where is she? We have to get her out of the city.
33:31Take her somewhere safe.
33:34It was my fault.
33:35What are you talking about?
33:37Yesterday Marquez went to my house and I confronted him.
33:40I told him I knew everything.
33:42I'm convinced that's what caused it.
33:46That's why he reacted like that.
33:52You won't believe what I'm going to tell you.
33:56Ever since I met Vicente,
33:58blessings have kept coming into my life.
34:01The woman he works for, the one who sent me the sewing machine,
34:05is going to get me a job as a seamstress.
34:08And she's going to let me live in her house.
34:11Can you believe it?
34:14I was very afraid that leaving here,
34:17I would have to go through the ordeal of finding a job and where to live again.
34:22Just thinking about it gave me a terrible anxiety.
34:25And if things didn't work out, I was going to have to go back to the streets.
34:28Don't think about that anymore.
34:30How wonderful that everything was solved.
34:32It's just that after falling so low,
34:35I can't believe life rewarded me with this opportunity.
34:39Can you believe it?
34:41I'm going to live with my son again.
34:49Tell me exactly what happened.
34:51Marquez came to my house,
34:52demanding that I return the documents that Charo had given me.
34:56That shows that he knows that I discovered that he swindled Guillermo Correa
34:59and that that was what motivated him to murder Juan Pablo.
35:03He can't control me.
35:04I confronted him.
35:05I told him that I knew everything.
35:07I provoked him with the intention that he would end up saying something that we could use against him.
35:11And did you succeed?
35:14No, the only thing I managed was to lose control.
35:17He got furious.
35:19But now more than ever,
35:20I am convinced that he was the one who murdered Juan Pablo and also his father.
35:25He's desperate.
35:26That's why he offered three million pesos to whoever gave information about Lorena's whereabouts.
35:30Yes, but you should have stayed quiet.
35:33All you got was to put him on notice of what we know.
35:36Well, I never imagined that he would be able to invent the death threats.
35:40And much less offer a reward for Lorena.
35:43Arturo Marquez is capable of anything.
35:45Right now, the only thing that matters to us is protecting Lorena.
35:48That's right.
35:50A hunt is going to be launched against him.
35:53I wrote a statement in which I denounce the prosecution for the reward offered by Marquez.
35:59And I reaffirm that a citizen does not take those attributions,
36:01that the only thing they achieve is to incite the population to violence.
36:05I hope it helps.
36:06I don't think so.
36:08The damage is already done.
36:12What happened, Andrea?
36:13You have a call from the Attorney General, Salvador Najera.
36:16I'll take it, thank you.
36:19Good morning, sir. Tell me.
36:25My love, I guess you already found out what that bastard Marquez did.
36:29Please don't go out until we find a safe place to hide.
36:34What impacts me the most is that being the murderer of Juan Pablo,
36:38he dares to say those barbarities of Lorena.
36:42He's a pervert, that's why he does it.
36:43What's up? Who's writing to you?
36:47He says he's going to find me a safer place to hide.
36:50If you say that, it's because he's very worried that I'm here.
36:54You don't know of any place among your acquaintances where you can hide?
36:57Yes, yes, I could find something,
36:59but with the amount of money that Marquez offered for Lorena,
37:03anyone who recognizes her will hand her over to the police,
37:05but even with a gift.
37:08Three million is too tempting.
37:10Eric is right.
37:11You can't involve more people, you can't trust anyone.
37:15What if we all leave with Lorena to a safer place for her?
37:18Mati, I know you want to help me,
37:20but we can't do things that turn this situation into something much worse.
37:24And especially not with you involved.
37:26That's right, son.
37:27What you're saying isn't that easy.
37:29We have to think very carefully about every step we have to take.
37:33Well, but count on me for anything.
37:36For me, you are my family.
37:37Thank you, Mati.
37:38As supportive as always.
37:41What if you rent an apartment so the girls can live there?
37:45That takes time.
37:46Besides, they investigate you and ask you to leave.
37:48I already said it.
37:49The best thing is for them to stay here.
37:51What Marquez wants is precisely that.
37:53For Lorena to get out of her hiding place to catch her.
37:57You won't be better off anywhere else.
38:00Here, none of us will betray you.
38:02We are your family.
38:04Here, none of us will betray you.
38:06We are your family, as Mati says.
38:10Thank you, Dario.
38:11I don't know what I would have done without you.
38:13Not only do you give me a place to live and work,
38:16but also your affection.
38:17And that's priceless.
38:21I wouldn't betray you even if you gave me all the gold in the world.
38:27Come on, don't get like that, Martin.
38:30Before they touch you, they'll take me.
38:32Nothing will happen to you.
38:34I don't want you to go down to work at the Oasis.
38:36The best thing is for you to stay in the room.
38:38No, no, no. I have to attend the tables.
38:40Without Monce, it will be impossible for Frida alone.
38:42No, no, no.
38:43No, no, don't worry.
38:44Lisette and I will take care of them.
38:46Of course.
38:47Can I help too?
38:49We all help each other, but you can't expose yourself.
38:53Now, Marquez is going out with his girl.
38:55We won't let anything happen to you.
39:03Yes, of course. I'll keep you informed.
39:07Well, I'm leaving.
39:08You must have many matters to attend to.
39:10Yes, among them, think of a safe place for Lorena.
39:13I have a cabin.
39:15Could we take her there?
39:16Before making any decision, I would like to talk to her.
39:18Well, that's fine, but keep in mind that we don't have much time.
39:21I know.
39:22I'll let you know where we meet.
39:24I'll wait for your call.
39:25And please, don't get close to Marquez.
39:28You don't have to tell me.
39:29We are in contact.
39:40For the moment, I can't take...
39:48Where do you think you're going?
39:50To talk to Mr. Arturo.
39:55Don't touch me!
39:58Why did he do it?
40:01How dare he offer so much money?
40:03She asked for it.
40:05She didn't leave me any other option.
40:07After the threats he made to me, I had to take some measure.
40:10I don't get it.
40:11Lorena escaped from prison a long time ago.
40:14Why did he threaten her until now?
40:16All he did was put her at risk.
40:18All I did was ask the people
40:20that if they have information about her whereabouts,
40:22to provide it to the police
40:24so they can capture her and bring her back to prison
40:26to pay for her crime.
40:29We've received a lot of calls.
40:31I can't believe it.
40:32How can there be such opportunists?
40:34One woman says she saw her at a bakery in La Colonia, Escandón.
40:37Another says her house is in Saltillo.
40:39And there are those who say they saw her
40:41getting on the subway at Portales Station.
40:44They also sent this email saying she was a homeless person
40:47and that she lives in Parque Asturias.
40:49They even sent a photo.
40:51But this is not Lorena Martinez.
40:53A young man said he had her at his house.
40:56He told her to deposit the money
40:58and to bring it to the DA's office.
41:00This is a disaster.
41:02What do we do?
41:03We have to keep answering.
41:05Write down everything you tell them.
41:07We have to make a report to the DA.
41:10DA of Mexico City.
41:12I understand that for you it is difficult to accept.
41:15What your sister did goes beyond any limit.
41:18And with her death threats,
41:20I couldn't stay with my arms crossed.
41:22It is very difficult for me to believe that this is true.
41:24Lorena is incapable of doing something like this.
41:26There are many things you don't know about her.
41:28The best thing is that you take that blindfold off
41:31and accept that she is a criminal.
41:33If she had been threatening him for so long,
41:35why didn't she say anything before?
41:36Why do I wait now and on television?
41:38Because that's how I decided it.
41:40Besides, when do I have to ask you what I'm doing here?
41:43Are you aware that because of what she did,
41:45she could be killed?
41:46Please don't be melodramatic.
41:49I just asked for information that would lead us to her whereabouts,
41:51not that they hurt her.
41:53For the case, it's the same.
41:55People are capable of doing anything for money.
41:57Well, that's enough!
41:59Instead of advocating for her,
42:01you should mentally prepare yourself
42:03for what she can try when she feels cornered.
42:06Putting a price on her head was very low of her part.
42:09Your sister, whom you defend so much,
42:12murdered someone very close to my family
42:15and now she is threatening my children.
42:17According to you, what should I do?
42:19Stay with my arms crossed
42:21waiting for her next crime
42:23so as not to hurt your feelings?
42:25No, my daughter.
42:26That's not going to happen.
42:28If I was benevolent with you, it was for Vicente.
42:31But you hurt me.
42:33So grab your things and get out of here!
42:36I don't want you to set foot in my company again.
42:39Get out!