Do you overthink? Here is a beautiful solution || Acharya Prashant, Sir J.J. College, Mumbai(2022)

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Video Information: 08.12.2022, Sir J.J. College, Mumbai

~ How do I stop overthinking?
~ How to deal with anxiety and fear?
~ Why do we keep thinking of little things?
~ How to stay away from trivia in life?
~ What is important to do in life?
~ How to not be bothered by every little thing?
~ What is worth doing?
~ How to not waste my life?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Good afternoon, sir. I am Tohina Chatterjee and I am in first year. So, I usually tend
00:13to overthink everyday things like everyday situations. Like even if it's just my bus
00:19not reaching the destination and things like that. So, how do I not let this fear take
00:24over myself? Think of better things. Think of more important things. I fall into this
00:32loop of thoughts where I just think about it instead of actually doing it. Have something
00:38in life that overpowers all the random thoughts. I am talking to you, right? Yes, sir. I happen
00:48to be a busy person. There are so many things that I can alternately think of at this moment.
00:57What makes me forget all those things? And frankly, to me, right now you're a stranger. All I know of
01:09is your name, to some extent your age, the institutions you are affiliated to. That's
01:15all that I know about you. Compared to this, there is so much else that I am involved in.
01:24There is my mission, there's my work and this is a working day and so many people are dependent
01:30on me for what they are doing. Why am I not thinking of them at this moment? Because this
01:43is important. That's all. When you do not have that in your life, which is important, when you
01:51do not have a sense of the worthy, the result will be that a lot of little things will invade the
02:02mind. There is no way to keep those little things away. They are like germs. They constantly keep
02:16attacking you. You cannot keep them away. You can only have a strong inner immunity. Is there a way
02:26to keep germs away, virus or bacteria or other kinds of pathogens? Is it possible? No, they are
02:33everywhere. I keep my hand here, they are here. This air that I breathe in, they are in the air.
02:41How do I ensure I am 100% shielded against them? Not possible. However, there is one thing that
02:52is possible which is my inner immunity and that inner immunity is called importance. Know what is
03:01important and then random things will cease to matter. If you find yourself thinking about
03:11unimportant matters too much, it just means that there is a huge inner vacancy for something
03:19important and that vacancy has not been filled. The mind cannot tolerate a vacuum, a vacancy.
03:31The mind needs something to chew. You cannot just abruptly bring the mind to a thoughtless state.
03:43Not possible. So what to do? As students, as beginners, what to do? Determine what is
03:58important. Honestly give it due credit and I like to say fall in love with it. Make it your life.
04:08Then there will be no space to think of random things. And is that not beautiful? Life is
04:19pestering you with all the normal trivia and yet you are not bothered. Why? Because there is a
04:27mighty inner thing you have embraced and you simply don't have the time, the space to look
04:39towards anything else. Is it hot? Yes, it is. Is it cold? Might be. Are you hungry? Probably yes.
04:54Do you need a little more money? Of course I do. Care for better clothes? Why not? But so sorry,
05:08in spite of all these things that I might potentially care for, I am occupied. Nobody
05:20will ever have enough money. Nobody will ever be able to say I do not need more clothes or better
05:28clothes. Nobody will ever say all my desires are now satisfied. That's not going to happen.
05:37Nobody will ever say the situations are all perfect. No.
05:43Those things will continuously remain just like the pathogens we talked of.
05:51But along with them, taking precedence over them, an inner sense of importance can remain and that
06:11has to be developed. It won't just come. As a young person, you need to figure out very clearly
06:18what is worth doing. What is important in life? Else you are traveling to the college and you're
06:31looking out of the bus window and you see something happening, something by chance,
06:40the usual trivia and it will capture you and you will find yourself thinking about it 30 minutes.
06:4930 minutes of life gone. On? Nothing. And that's how most of us simply waste away our entire life.
07:02On? On? Nothing in particular. So what did you do your entire life?
07:10Nothing in particular. Though I was always occupied. I was always occupied. But what did
07:19you do? Nothing in particular. Okay, let's say you get a one week break, a Diwali break, 10 days break
07:32and somebody asks you what did you do actually? Is that not an honest answer? Nothing in particular.
07:44And that's what happens when you have nothing really important to do. You do nothing. At least
07:50nothing in particular. And it's unimaginable the lengths of time that you can simply squander doing
08:04nothing in particular. Two months summer holidays spent doing nothing in particular.
08:13Well, nothing in particular. My driver, I make it a point, he drives slowly.
08:26So that sitting on the rear seat, I do not get disturbed. Why? Because commutes take long,
08:35one hour, two hours and I want to read. That's a dedicated time I get
08:45to complete my reading list. Else it's very possible to simply say I was traveling, so I was
08:54doing nothing in particular. And it's not that you are doing nothing at all when you are traveling.
09:00You are doing something. What are you doing? Staring out of the window, looking at something
09:07random. In between you just scroll through the feed, Facebook or something.
09:16Type something random on Instagram.
09:19Ogle at some nice faces passing by. You don't know their name.
09:27The fellow will be in visual range for 2.2 seconds and yet the fellow becomes so important.
09:35Two seconds you stare and then for two minutes you think.
09:42By the time the next pretty face comes, you have already forgotten the previous one.
09:55And the world can be an unending succession of beautiful faces.
10:01The world can be an unending succession of pretty faces. Two hours will fly away.
10:15You did your entire journey doing nothing in particular.
10:23The name of the journey is life.
10:25Now death has arrived.
10:34And death asks, so tell me, how was it?
10:42What did you do? Well, nothing in particular.
10:46Though I was always busy. Always busy.
11:01You will never find anyone saying, so much time, kindly assign me some task.
11:09I have found somebody begging for work. Everybody is running behind on schedule.
11:19If you happen to have a to-do list at all of any kind, you are always behind the list.
11:29Are you not? So everybody is occupied doing nothing in particular.
11:38Have one thing worth living for. You will forget when you board the bus.
11:47You will forget when the destination has arrived. Somebody will have to prod you to get down.
12:00You will be so immersed. That's a beautiful word, no? Immersion. How do you like it?
12:07Immersion. How about that? Does that appeal to you? Immersion?
12:17Have you experienced that sometimes? Immersion?
12:24That alone is the way to live. If you are not immersed, you are scattered.
12:28How does it feel to be scattered? Have you experienced that? A state of being scattered inwardly?
12:41Have you?
12:46Isn't immersion beautiful? Have you seen how time stops when you are immersed?
12:52And if you can have immersion in your everyday life, that alone is the best meditation.
13:07Are you getting it? And if you can have that immersion, that is an antidote to all kinds of
13:16mental troubles. Otherwise, there is the menace of depression, anxiety and all kinds of mental things, especially among the young.
13:39The one who has something to live for will never be mentally sick.
13:46And mental illness is a pointer that life is devoid of essence.
14:07I have no time to be anxious. How about that?
14:10Are you suffering from anxiety? What's the answer? I have no time to be anxious.
14:17Even anxiety requires time. I don't have time. How can I be anxious? Are you afraid?
14:26I have no space for fear. When fear comes, I say, sorry, no vacancy.
14:32Not that you aren't great. Obviously, you are great and powerful.
14:39The entire world kneels to you. You are wonderful. But as far as I am concerned, no vacancy.
14:49Give all your inner space to something that is beautiful for you.
14:58Let there be no vacancy.
15:02Get a headband, no vacancy. Or have a t-shirt, straight on your heart here, no vacancy.
15:22Occupied. Engaged.
15:32The knowers in the spiritual domain, they have said, we are wedded already.
15:44And not only in the spiritual domain. Obviously, you know of Bhagat Singh.
15:48So, he was just 22 or 23, when he laid down his life.
15:57His mother had approached him once, you'll have to marry, you'll have to marry.
16:07He said, but I already am.
16:11And she was shocked. How can my son do that?
16:14She was shocked. How can my son do that? What's her name?
16:19And what did he say? What did he say?
16:23Azadi. So, no vacancy.
16:27The girls are all beautiful, but sorry, no vacancy.
16:35Azadi. Already married, no vacancy.
16:42And that's why you remember him today.
16:46And that's why all others have become the dust of time.
16:52And Bhagat Singh is immortal. Even though he left his body at 23, yet he's immortal.
16:58And Bhagat Singh is immortal. Even though he left his body at 23, yet he's immortal.
17:06And there were those who lived long lives for 90, 100 years.
17:12And yet, as we say, are just the dust of time. Who cares for them?
17:20That's the difference.
17:28Have an early wedding, as early as possible.
17:37Not the kind of wedding that requires social, religious and legal sanction and ceremonies.
17:46An internal wedding. Let nobody know of it.
17:52Freedom. Azadi.
17:57What do you think? Bhagat Singh had time to think of miscellaneous things?
18:08How occupied he was, you know of it. Even
18:14on the eve of his hangover,
18:18on the eve of his hanging,
18:23he was still reading the Bhagavad Gita.
18:30A copy of that, in fact, that particular copy is still preserved.
18:39Or was he thinking, tomorrow I'll die, what will happen then?
18:42Was he thinking? No. He said, but I still have a few.
18:49I still have a few hours. Let me spend these hours with the beloved.
18:54I have something very important to do.
19:00Was he doing nothing in particular?
19:04Was he doing nothing in particular even in his last hours? No.
19:10He said, let me spend this time in reading and he was a voracious reader.
19:16At your age, he was so well read.
19:26Never had any time to waste.
19:28I don't know, this one is from Bhagat Singh or one of the other great revolutionaries.
19:36But they actually marked the last page they read in their favorite book.
19:43And somebody out of curiosity asked them, it said, tomorrow you are going to be hanged.
19:48You will be no more. Why are you?
19:51And somebody out of curiosity asked them, it said,
19:53tomorrow you are going to be hanged. You will be no more. Why are you marking this page?
20:02And very mystically he said, because I have to continue from there.
20:06No time for self-pity,
20:12inner misery,
20:15sad thoughts. No time. I am busy with the right thing even in my last moment.
20:27How about such a life? Does it not excite you?
20:36It does not, it seems. Or does it? It does.
20:44Don't be like these
20:46It does not, it seems, or does it?
20:54It does.
20:59Be extremely occupied, don't be like these wanton flies or insects.
21:15Seen how a mosquito behaves, sitting here, sitting there or a fly, hopping from here
21:20to there.
21:22Don't be like that, please.
21:23Yes, sir.
21:25Thank you, sir.
