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Video Information: 10.12.22, Mithibai College, Mumbai

~ How do I stop panicking?
~ How to handle myself when I panic?
~ How to deal with tension?
~ How to not overthink or worry about things?
~ What stresses us out?
~ Why are mental health problems more prevalent in adolescents?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Hi sir, good evening, so if things do not go my way or at the slightest inconvenience,
00:09I tend to panic.
00:11So how do I handle the situation or reduce my panic rate?
00:15See, there are 2-3 levels to this situation and the solution.
00:22First of all, irrespective of what you are doing, panicking never helps the outcome.
00:29Irrespective of whether you are doing the right thing or the wrong thing.
00:35You are doing something worthy enough, panicking will not help the outcome.
00:40You are doing something absolutely unworthy, panicking will still not help the outcome.
00:46So that's the first thing and that's a very practical consideration.
00:50Irrespective of what my desire is, good, bad, great, ugly, panicking only spoils the outcome.
01:01So if you are really serious about what you are targeting, what your desire is, you would
01:07not want to panic and when panic sets in, you will say, oh, this will spoil my chances.
01:13I don't have to panic, panic is not my friend.
01:17Panic has entered the situation as an enemy.
01:19So I need not support the panic and believe me, panic is not something that can possess
01:26you without your permission.
01:32Any emotion, any feeling, any instinct, anything that arises from within cannot go too far
01:41within you without your permission, rather your support.
01:48An emotion arises, you support it, therefore it becomes all the more dominant.
01:55Be it anger, be it jealousy, be it fear, be it lust and the same thing applies to panic.
02:04The origin of panic might be purely biological.
02:11But the development of panic is something that you choose to happen.
02:18If you don't choose to support panic, panic will not get on top of you.
02:23And that's a practical thing.
02:25Panic is not useful, therefore I am not supporting panic.
02:30That's the response at one level.
02:33Now further, you have to see whether anything that you are doing is so damn important that
02:45it can define your existence itself.
02:53Panic is often a result of undue importance and undue seriousness that you attach to a
03:03Let me ask you a few questions.
03:07Think of all the things you have been very serious about in your lives so far.
03:15Do you remember class 8th final exam?
03:19Remember how serious some of you were?
03:21How many of you were very serious that day or on those days?
03:27So many of you.
03:28Now the boards, class 10th, how many of you sweated and felt anxious and a lot?
03:40Now how do you feel when you look back at all that anxiety?
03:47You must be having younger brothers and sisters at home, right?
03:52And she is writing her class 8th exam and going crazy.
03:58What do you tell her today?
04:01As elder siblings, what do you tell her today?
04:05Oh, kuch nahi hai.
04:11Don't you feel that very important hours and days and weeks of your life were needlessly
04:21spent in stress, tension, inner misery at that time?
04:26Don't you see that?
04:29Don't you think you could have done equally well or even better without admitting that
04:37much tension?
04:40You could have done that.
04:41Do you agree?
04:45So at the age of, let's say you are 18 or 20 or 22 today, at the age of 20, you clearly
04:52see that you were needlessly anxious when you were 12 or 15.
04:57You see that, right?
04:59And you see that in your younger siblings as well.
05:01You see that, right?
05:03And when you look at a three-year-old, you see how disconsolate he is, having lost a
05:09toy, beating his chest, wailing with his mouth towards the skies.
05:21Have you seen younger ones doing all that?
05:25Lost my entire universe.
05:31All that he has broken is a toy.
05:34That little doll or car is now broken and his universe has collapsed.
05:41Have you seen that?
05:43And we all have done that and continue to do that.
05:49Notice that you realize the follies of age 3 or age 12 or age 15 at age 20.
05:57When you were 12, you did not realize the follies you were making then.
06:05Later on you realize what you did at 12 was needless.
06:12If at 20 you can see what you did at 12 was needless, don't you see that when you would
06:17be 30, you would be laughing at all the anxiety, stress, tension, panic that you today give
06:25your consent to?
06:27Won't it happen?
06:30Today, as of today, how many of you are worried about something or the other?
06:36Raise your hands please.
06:39How many of you are absolutely free of worry about anything?
06:44Come on, there would be at least a few, yes.
06:48I will talk to you separately.
06:52Need some life lessons.
06:58So we are worried.
07:01And the same kind of worry can snowball into panic when the moment comes, right?
07:11These same worries, how would you look at them 5 years from today?
07:17Yes, you would be laughing at them, right?
07:21Just as today you laugh at that 12 year old.
07:25Today you laugh at that 12 year old, tomorrow you will be laughing at this 20 year old.
07:31Am I right?
07:36Have you attained enlightenment at 20?
07:39Absolute perfection?
07:40No, you are not perfect.
07:42At least I am not.
07:44So when you would be 30, you would be saying how stupid I was to worry about needless things
07:48at age 20.
07:49Would you say that?
07:52But even if you realize that when you are 30, your 20th year that you have lost won't
08:00return to your life or would it?
08:03Will you be able to set the clock, rather the calendar back?
08:08Would you be able to do that?
08:09So the 20th year is gone, then the 21st year is gone and then the 30th year is gone repenting
08:16that you wasted the 20th year.
08:21Look at old people.
08:24The frustration of a life lost is writ large in their face on their wrinkles.
08:31Seen their wrinkles?
08:35All those are words actually, that's a script that we can't read, but they can.
08:44And what's written there in that script?
08:48A life just lost, an opportunity just squandered.
08:56Doing what?
08:59Doing not much, but worrying a lot.
09:04Doing not much, but worrying a lot.
09:10We are worried mostly about inconsequential stuff.
09:23But sir, what happens when you choose something consequential and really important to do?
09:30Would you not be doubly worried then?
09:35On the contrary, when you choose something really important to do, you do not have time
09:40to worry.
09:43If you have time and space to worry, that only tells that you have chosen something
09:49The real target, the real job, the real action will absorb you so much that you will be left
09:58with no space to worry.
10:04A western thinker said action is the antidote to despair.
10:11And the topmost Indian philosophy from the Bhagavad Gita says that the Yukta person,
10:19the undivided person is the one for whom future has ended.
10:25In what sense has the future ended?
10:26The fellow is so immersed in what he is doing that he has stopped caring for the results
10:32in future.
10:35What I am doing, what's at my hand is so beautiful and so important, so lovable that I have no
10:45time to bother about the results.
10:48And think of it.
10:49It's a question you have to answer.
10:52Can you be stressed out or panicky if you are not thinking about the results?
11:00What stresses you out?
11:01The action or the concern for the result?
11:03Think of it.
11:06Again think of it and repeat to yourself.
11:09It is not the action that is troublesome.
11:12It is the concern for the result that troubles you.
11:17And you will not be concerned about the result if you have taken up something very beautiful
11:22and meaningful.
11:23That's counter intuitive.
11:26Usually we think that if we are doing something very important, we will be even more bothered
11:31about the results.
11:33No, that's not what the knowers have told us.
11:37They have told us something very different.
11:38They have said, if you really love doing something, you will be so absorbed in it that the result
11:46will become inconsequential.
11:51Love and let your action be in love and then you will give two hoots to what happens next.
12:01Now where is the space to panic?
12:03Where is the space to panic?
12:07Panic itself is an indicator that you are bothered about tomorrow.
12:13Let tomorrow die.
12:18Let tomorrow be finished for you.
12:20All I know of is this moment and the beauty it has.
12:26Learn to live.
12:28Learn to love beauty.
12:34Otherwise there is only despair.
12:39And mental issues have somehow become epidemic in this generation.
12:51It's a new thing.
12:52It has never happened before in history.
12:57You people are especially blessed in many ways.
13:01You are recipients of the thousands of years of progress of human technology, knowledge,
13:11All the progress that mankind has made over its history has come to you.
13:16You have inherited that.
13:18So you are blessed.
13:19Equally you are very unfortunate.
13:23The kind of mental pressure you chaps are facing is unprecedented.
13:31The anxiety levels in youngsters are just too scary.
13:36And I am not talking of impressions, I am talking of statistics.
13:41Are you getting it?
13:46The only way out is love.
13:48Love not of the man-woman kind.
13:51Obviously we are not talking of that.
13:55Love of the day-to-day kind, moment-to-moment and breath-to-breath kind.
14:03Why must you choose to do something that's not worthy enough?
14:07Love for worthiness.
14:14Attend to what is important and give yourself completely to it.
14:19Listen to surrender.
14:23Have the guts to be immersed.
14:27Don't save yourself for tomorrow.
14:30Dissolve in this moment today.
14:36Don't do something just because it will fetch you good results and dividends.
14:40Do something just because it is great doing it.
14:45I don't care for what it gives me.
14:48I just love for what it is.
14:54Or will you be the same kind of profit-seeking, benefit-mongering youngster that historically
15:05Homo sapiens have been?
15:07You want to continue that Sikh tradition?
15:10The same Sikh tradition that has brought the entire humanity along with the whole planet
15:15today to the brink of devastation?
15:18You want to be the same individual that we all historically have been?
15:23Do you want to emulate the follies of yesterday?
15:27Do you want to or do you want to break away and break free?
15:31Remember, we do not have too many great examples to follow.
15:38You have been handed over a planet that's already 1.5 degrees centigrade warmer than
15:45the normal.
15:48And the summers this time, not too far away, just a few months, three, four months you
15:53will see, will be unbearable.
15:59The moderating effect of the Lal Nina is no more there.
16:05We'll have stuff in Delhi, Mumbai, all over India that is beyond survivability.
16:17It will become difficult to even walk on roads.
16:20That's the kind of planet you have been given.
16:24So surely our predecessors have not given us too many glorious examples to follow, which
16:34means you have to write a new story, a new script.
16:38Are you getting it?
16:40They have told you that you should work only for profit.
16:47The moment you say you're doing something, they'll ask, isme se mil kya raha hai?
16:54What do you get out of it?
16:56That's been the flow of history.
16:58Now is the time to say, I don't care for what I get out of it.
17:03I care for what?
17:06What it?
17:08What it?
17:09Come on, please.
17:11I care for what it is.
17:15And the best thing I can get out of it is absorption, immersion, dissolution.
17:22I want to be so totally in it that the mind comes to a standstill.
17:28Thought stops, worries stop, the clock stops.
17:34I just want to stand dissolved.
17:38Only that can take care of mental troubles.
17:44That's the healing that the mind is desperately seeking.
17:51Are we together or am I just too fast or too distant?
17:57Are we together?
17:59Is it getting heavy, dull, boring?
18:03We need to crack some jokes?
18:08This was the first one, by the way.
18:18What was the question?
18:21Whose was the question?
18:24See, that's what.
18:31I stop keeping time when I speak.
18:35I just stop keeping time.
18:37Is that an answer?
18:38Do you see the answer hidden in this?
18:41That's the way to not to worry, not to panic, not to care, to keep all concerns aside.
18:48Life will eat you up if you give it too much seriousness.
18:54Do what is right and forget everything else, just forget.
19:04Having a memory that does not remember is a blessing.
19:11Having a mind that does not project the future too much, that too is a blessing.
19:18The memory should not stick too much to the past and the mind should not project too much
19:29of the future.
19:34If we are talking right now, we are just talking.
19:37Who knows what would happen at 6 pm or 5 pm?
19:41We'll see.
19:44We are brave people.
19:45We are capable people.
19:48Let tomorrow decide for itself and the past, it has already taken care of itself.
19:58The only place where action is possible is right now.
20:03So let's act and let's act in love.
20:05Let's act in honesty, not in helplessness, not in inner deception, self-deception, courageously.
20:21Next one please.
