• last week
Join several unusual characters from the mind of Dr. Seuss as they take an eight-hour odyssey into the land of Sleep. Also included is "Hunches in Bunches".
00:49Dr. Seuss video classics
00:56Hunches and bunches
01:03Dr. Seuss
01:10Do you ever sit and fidget when you don't know what to do
01:14everybody gets the fidgets even me and even you and
01:18Today was quite an awful day for me and my poor pup
01:24My trouble was I had a mind, but I couldn't make it up
01:32Awfully awfully awful when you can't make up your mind. Do you want to kick a football or sit there on your behind?
01:40Do you want to go out skating fly a kite or climb a tree?
01:45Do you want to eat a pizza take a bath or watch TV? Oh?
01:50You get so many hunches that you don't know ever quite if the right hunch is a wrong hunch
01:57Then the wrong hunch might be right
02:00There I was inside the house so fuddled up
02:04I could shout when I got a hunch a happy hunch that I shouldn't be in but out
02:15But before I could follow that happy hunch a voice snapped don't you dare and
02:21A real tough hunch informed me you're not going anywhere
02:27There is homework to be done Bob sit your pants down on that chair and
02:34So I did I sat me down, but as soon as I got set a
02:40Better hunch came and he yanked off the homework hunches hat
02:46The better hunch said we'll head downtown
02:50We'll pick up your good friend James and together we'll trot this a real cool spot, and we'll play a few video games
02:58So of course that's what I started to do, but a sour hunch came to spoil it
03:04Your bicycles rusting up. He yapped get yourself out back and oil it
03:12By now my mind was so mixed up
03:14I really didn't know if I wanted to go to the barbershop or to Boise, Idaho
03:23Then a very odd hunch upset me when he asked me a loud and clear
03:28Do you think it might be helpful if you went to the bathroom dear?
03:36Before I could even answer him a new voice
03:40Interrupted that mind of yours. I heard him say is frightfully
03:45Guflupted your mind is murky mushy
03:48Will you make it up or won't you if you won't you are a Walter?
03:53Do you understand or don't you if you don't you are a dozer?
03:58You're a canter if you can't I would really like to help you, but you're hopeless so I shan't
04:05Then a spookish hunch suggested I go four ways all at once
04:11But I didn't fall for that one. I am not that dumb a dunce. I
04:16Knew where I would end up if I tried a thing like that
04:20Most likely on some dead-end road in West G. Hossa flat I
04:26Was much too smart for that four-way hunch, but the next thing that I knew I was following a trail
04:34Nowhere hunch a real dumb thing to do
04:39Everybody sometimes does it even me and even you I?
04:44Followed him in circles till we wore the rug right through
04:53And then I heard an up hunch laugh
04:58The way to go is not around the way to go
05:04That seemed to make a lot of sense I even took my chair
05:09I just knew I'd make my mind up if it had some high fresh air
05:17But the up hunch I had followed was a phony and a fake
05:22Way up top. I met a down hunch and he sighed for goodness sake
05:28You should never trust an up hunch you have made a big mistake
05:36Then things got really out of hand
05:40Wild hunches and big bunches were scrapping all around me throwing crunchy hunchy punches
05:48Some super hunch was yelling make your mind up get it done
05:54Only you can make your mind up
05:57You're the one and only one
06:01One of me could never do it and quite suddenly I knew
06:07to get a job like that done would take more of me like two and
06:14Maybe even more of me like three of me or four of me
06:20It took an awful lot of me. It took a lot of yelling
06:24It took a lot of shoving and hot bargaining and selling we all talked the hunches over up and down and
06:32through and through
06:33we argued and we bargained we decided what to do and
06:39I finally followed a munch hunch the best hunch of the bunch
06:44I followed him into the kitchen and had six hot dogs for lunch
06:54Dr. Seuss's sleep book narrated by Madeline Khan
07:01The news just came in from the county of Keck that a very small bug by the name of van Vleck is
07:09Yawning, so wide you can look down his neck
07:13This may not seem very important. I know but it is so I'm bothering telling you so a
07:21Yawn is quite catching you see like a cough. It just takes one yawn to start other yawns off
07:32Now the news has come in that some friends of van Vleck's are yawning so wide
07:38You can look down their necks
07:42At this moment right now
07:45under seven more noses
07:48Great yawns are in blossom. They're blooming like roses
07:53The yawn of that one little bug is still spreading
07:58According to latest reports it is heading across the wide fields
08:03through the sleepy night air across the whole country toward every which where and
08:10People are gradually starting to say
08:13I feel
08:15Rather drowsy. No. Oh, I've had quite a day
08:22Creatures are starting to think about rest
08:25Two biffer bound birds are now building their nest they do it each night and quite often
08:31I wonder how they do this big job without making a blunder
08:36But that is their problem
08:38Not yours and not mine. The point is they are going to bed and that's fine
08:46Sleep thoughts are spreading throughout the whole land
08:51The time for night brushing of teeth is at hand
08:54Up at Herkheimer Falls where the Great River rushes and crashes down crags in great gargling gushes
09:01The Herkheimer sisters are using their brushes
09:04Those Falls are just grand for tooth brushing beneath if you happen to be up that way with your teeth
09:12The news just came in from the castle of Krupp that the lights are all out and the drawbridge is up and
09:18The old drawbridge drawer just said with a yawn
09:23My drawbridge is drawn and it's going to stay drawn till the milkman
09:30delivers the milk about dawn
09:34I'm going to bed now
09:36Going to bed now, so nobody better come round with a special delivery letter
09:45The number of sleepers is steadily growing
09:49Bed is where more and more people are going in
09:53Culpeper Springs in the stilt walkers hall the stilt walker stilts are all stacked on the wall
10:01The stilt walker walkers have called it a day
10:04They're all tuckered out and they're snoozing away
10:08This is very big news
10:11It's important to know and that's why I'm bothering telling you so
10:18Way out in the west in the town of Merced the Hinklehorn honking club just went to bed
10:27Every horn has been quietly hung on a hook for the night in its own private Hinklehorn nook
10:34All this long happy day. They've been honking about and the Hinklehorn honkers have honked themselves out
10:43But they'll wake up quite fresh in the morning and then they'll start right in Hinklehorn honking again
10:53Everywhere creatures are falling asleep
10:56the collapsible Frink
10:59Just collapsed in a heap and by adding the Frink to the others before I am able to give you the who's
11:06asleep score
11:08right now
11:14Creatures are happily deeply in slumber. I think you'll agree. That's a whopping fine number
11:23Counting up sleepers
11:24Just how do we do it?
11:26Really quite simple. There's nothing much to it
11:29We find out how many we learn the amount by an audio tellio tellio count
11:36On a mountain halfway between Reno and Rome
11:40we have a machine in a plexiglass dome which listens and looks into everyone's home and
11:49Whenever it sees a new sleeper go flop it jiggles and lets a new biggle ball drop
11:56Our chap counts these balls as they plop in a cup and that's how we know who is down and who's up
12:05Do you talk in your sleep?
12:08It's a wonderful sport and I have some news of this sport to report the world champion sleeptalkers
12:16Joe and Moe Reds off have just gone to sleep and they're talking their heads off for
12:2355 years now each chattering brother has babbled and gaveled all night to the other
12:29They've talked about laws and they've talked about gauze
12:33They've talked about paws and they've talked about flaws
12:38They've talked quite a lot about old Santa Claus
12:41And the reason I'm telling you this is because you should take up this sport. It's just fine for the jaws
12:52Do you walk in your sleep I
12:55Just had a report of some interesting news of this popular sport
13:00Near Finnegan Fenn. There's a sleepwalking group, which not only walks, but it walks a la hoop
13:08Every night they go miles why they walk to such lengths. They have to keep eating to keep up their strength
13:17So every so often one puts down his hoop stops hooping and does some quick snooping for soup
13:25That's why they're known as the hoop soup snoop group
13:29Sleepwalking to are the curious crandles who sleepwalk on hills with assorted sized candles
13:37The crandles walk nightly in slumbering peace in spite of slight burns from the hot dripping grease
13:44The crandles wear candles because they walk far and if they wake up want to see where they are
13:53Now the news has arrived from the Valley of Vail
13:56That a Chippendale mup has just bitten his tail, which he does every night before shutting his eyes
14:03Such nipping sounds silly, but really it's wise
14:07He has no alarm clock
14:10So this is the way he makes sure that he'll wake at the right time of day
14:15His tail is so long
14:18He won't feel any pain till the nip makes the trip and gets up to his breakfast
14:23In exactly eight hours the Chippendale mup will at last feel the bite and yell, ouch and wake up
14:33A Mr. And Mrs. J. Carmichael Crocs have just gone to bed near the town of Fort Knox and
14:40They by the way have the finest of clocks
14:45I'm not at all sure that I quite quite understand just how much of a nuisance
14:51Quite quite understand just how the thing works with that one extra hand, but I do know
14:58This clock does one very slick trick. It doesn't tick tock how it goes is tock tick
15:05So with ticks in its tocker and tocks in its ticker it saves lots of time and the sleeper sleep quicker
15:14What a fine night for sleeping from all that I hear it's the best night for sleeping in many a year
15:21They're even asleep in this why back motel and people don't usually sleep there too. Well
15:27The beds are like rocks and as everyone knows the sheets are too short
15:32They won't cover your toes
15:34So if people are actually sleeping in there, it's a great night for sleeping
15:42It must be the air
15:45It's a great night for snores
15:47I just had a report of some boys who are tops in this musical sport
15:53The snortiest snorers in all our fair land are snorter McPhail and his snore a snort band
16:00This band can snore Dixie and old Swanee River so loud. It would make 40 elephants shiver
16:07The loudest of all of the boys is McPhail. He snores with his head in a three-gallon pail
16:14So they snore in a cave 20 miles out of town if they snored closer in they would snore the town down
16:24Do you know who's asleep out in Funa Laguna
16:28Two very nice Funa Laguna baboona
16:31We've added them into our who's asleep count which has grown to a really amazing amount
16:37Exactly 8,808,000 creatures are sleeping now. Isn't that great?
16:46A Jed is in bed and the bed of a Jed is the softest of beds in the world it is said
16:53He makes it from pom-poms to a pillow to a pillow
16:57The softest of beds in the world it is said
17:00He makes it from pom-poms he grows on his head
17:04And he's sleeping right now on the softest of fluff
17:09Completely exhausted from growing the stuff
17:17The news has come in from the district of Doft that two oft are asleep and they are sleeping aloft
17:23And how are they able to sleep off the ground?
17:26I'll tell you I weighed one last week and I found that an oft is so light he weighs minus one pound
17:40A moose is asleep he is dreaming of moose drinks
17:44A goose is asleep he is dreaming of goose drinks
17:48That's well and good when a moose dreams of moose juice
17:51And nothing goes wrong when a goose dreams of goose juice
17:55But it isn't too good when a moose and a goose start dreaming they are drinking the other one's juice
18:04Moose juice not goose juice is juice for a moose
18:08And goose juice not moose juice is juice for a goose
18:13So when goose gets a mouthful of juices of mooses
18:18And moose gets a mouthful of juices of gooses
18:22They always fall out of their beds screaming screams
18:26So I'm warning you now never drink in your dreams
18:33Speaking of dreaming I think you should note that the Bumble Tub Club is now dreaming afloat
18:40Every night they go dreaming down Bumble Tub Creek
18:43Except for one night every third or fourth week when they stop for repairs
18:49Because their bumble tubs leak
18:51But tonight they're afloat full of dreams full of bliss
18:56And that's why I'm bothering telling you this
19:01At the fork of a road in the Vale of Vavode
19:05Five foot weary salesmen have laid down their load
19:09All day they've raced round in the heat at top speeds
19:14Unsuccessfully trying to sell zizzer zoof seeds
19:19Which nobody wants because nobody needs
19:24Tomorrow will come they'll go back to their chore
19:28They'll start on the road zizzer zoofing once more
19:32But tonight they've forgotten their feet are so sore
19:35And that's what the wonderful night time is for
19:41Everywhere creatures have shut off their voices
19:45They've all gone to bed in the beds of their choices
19:50They're sleeping in bushes they're sleeping in crannies
19:54Some on their stomachs and some on their fannies
19:58They're peacefully sleeping in comfortable holes
20:01Some even on soft tufted barbershop poles
20:05The number of sleepers is now past the millions
20:09The number of sleepers is now in the billions
20:14They're sleeping on steps and on strings and on floors
20:20In mailboxes, ships and the keyholes of doors
20:25Every worm on a fish hook is safe for the night
20:28Every fish in the sea is too sleepy to bite
20:32Every whale in the ocean has turned off his spout
20:36Every light between here and far foodle is out
20:41And now adding things up we are way beyond billions
20:46Our who's asleep score is now up in the zillions
20:5899,000,009,000,002 creatures are sleeping
21:0899,000,009,000,002 creatures are sleeping
21:16So, how about you?
21:20When you put out your light
21:22Then the number will be 99,000,009,000,003
21:32Good night
21:52Good night
22:22Good night
22:52Dr. Seuss beginner book videos from Random House
22:56First, it's The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
23:00Do you know where I found him?
23:03You know where he was?
23:05He was eating a cake in a tub
23:08Yes, he was
23:10The hot water was on and the cold water too
23:14And I said to the cat, what a bad thing to do
23:18But I like to eat cake in a tub
23:20Left the cat
23:22You should try it sometime
23:24Left the cat as he sat
23:26The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
23:29But that's not all
23:31You'll meet lots more friends in
23:33There's a Wocket in My Pocket
23:35And Fox in Socks
23:38Visit an out of the ordinary world
23:41In One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
23:45Say, look at his fingers
23:47One, two, three
23:49How many fingers do I see?
23:53One, two, three, four
23:56Five, six, seven
23:59Eight, nine, ten
24:02He has eleven
24:06This is something new
24:08I wish I had eleven too
24:13Funny things are everywhere
24:15Funny things are everywhere
24:18In One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
24:21And there are more surprises in
24:24Oh, The Thinks You Can Think
24:26And The Foot Book
24:29Next, it's Dr. Seuss' ABC
24:33Big D
24:35Little d
24:37What begins with d?
24:40David Donald Doo
24:43Dreamed a Dozen Donuts
24:47And a Duck Dog Too
24:52There's lots of fun from A to Z
24:55In Dr. Seuss' ABC
24:58And I can read with my eyes shut
25:02And Mr. Brown can move
25:05Can you?
25:07Then it's time to rhyme
25:09With Hop on Pop
25:10Hop on Pop
25:18We like to hop
25:21We like to hop on top of Pop
25:27You must not hop on Pop
25:31There are giggles galore in Hop on Pop
25:36And more fun in store with
25:37Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now?
25:42And Oh Say Can You Say
25:45Sleepyheads Everywhere Will Love
25:47I Am Not Going To Get Up Today
25:50You can shoot at me with peas and beans
25:56You can bring in the United States Marines
25:59You can put the whole thing on TV
26:03But I won't get up today
26:05Not me
26:08Get ready to enjoy
26:10I Am Not Going To Get Up Today
26:13And three more Dr. Seuss favorites
26:16The Shape of Me and Other Stuff
26:19Great Day for Up
26:21And In a People House
26:24Dr. Seuss beginner book videos the whole family will love
26:29Available only from Random House Home Video
