• last week
Mr. Bix and his hapless friends show kids just how unlucky things can get for some people and how grateful they should be with who they are. Also includes "Scrambled Eggs Super!"
00:55Dr. Seuss video classics
01:08Did I ever tell you how lucky you are
01:12By dr. Seuss
01:16Narrated by John Cleese
01:20When I was quite young and quite small for my size
01:23I met an old man in the desert of dries and he sang me a song. I will never forget
01:30At least well, I haven't forgotten it yet
01:33He sat in a terribly prickly place, but he sang with a sunny sweet smile on his face
01:43When you think things are bad when you feel sour and blue when you start to get mad
01:50You should do what I do
01:53Just tell yourself ducky you're really quite lucky
01:57Some people are much more Oh ever so much more Oh
02:02muchly much much more
02:05unlucky than you
02:10Be glad you don't work on the bungle bungle bridge that they're building across boober Bay at bum Ridge
02:18It's a troublesome world all the people are in it a trouble with troubles almost every minute
02:27You ought to be thankful a whole heaping lot for the places and people you're lucky you're not
02:37Just suppose for example, you lived in Gazette and got caught in that traffic on Zate Highway 8
02:55Suppose just for instance you lived in Gazette with your bedroom up here and your bathroom
03:10Up there
03:13Suppose just suppose you were poor Herbie Hart who has taken his thrombed imbue later
03:21He never will get it together
03:23I'm sure he never will know if the geek or the gore fits into the struts or the snacks or the school
03:31Yes, ducky. You're lucky. You're not Herbie Hart who has taken his thrombed imbue later apart
03:41Think they work you too hard
03:44Think of poor Ali Saad
03:46He has to mow grass in his uncle's backyard and it's quick growing grass
03:51And it grows as he mows it the faster. He mows it the faster
03:55He grows it and all that his stingy old uncle will pay for his shoving that mower around in that
04:01Hay is the pithulous pay of two duplice a day and Ali can't live on such pithulous pay
04:10He has to paint flagpoles on Sundays in grooves. I'm lucky you are you don't live in his shoes
04:21And poor mr. Bix every morning at 6 p.m. Mr. Bix has his boffin to fix
04:28It doesn't seem fair. It just doesn't seem right, but his boffin just seems to go slump every night
04:35It slumps in a heap sadly needy repair Bix figures it's due to the local night air
04:43It takes him all day to
04:46Unschlumpet and then the night air comes back and it slumps once again
04:52So don't you feel blue don't get down in the dumps. You're lucky. You don't have a boffin that slumps
05:03While we are at it consider the schlotz the crumple horn web-footed green bearded schlotz
05:09Whose tail is entailed with?
05:12unsolvable knots
05:16If he is muchly more worse off than you I'll eat my umbrella that's just what I'll do and
05:24You're lucky indeed. You don't ride on a camel to ride on a camel
05:28You sit on a whamble a whamble, you know is a sort of a saddle held on by a button that's known as a faddle
05:35And boy, if your old whamble faddle gets loose, I'm telling you ducky. You're gone like a goose
05:47Poor, mr. Potter tea crosser. I daughter he has to cross teas
05:52And he has to dot eyes in an eye and tea factory out in Van Nuys
06:02The jobs people work at out west near a hodgepodge
06:07There's a hodgepodge a beewatcher
06:09His job is to watch is to keep both his eyes on the lazy town bee a bee that is watched
06:16Will work harder you see well, he watched and he watched but in spite of his watch that bee
06:24Didn't work any harder not much
06:28So then somebody said our old be watching man just isn't be watching as hard as he can
06:35He ought to be watched by another hodgepodge. The thing that we need is a bee watcher watcher. Well
06:43The bee watcher watcher watched the bee watcher
06:47He didn't watch well, so another hodgepodge had to come in as a watch watcher watcher
06:54And today all the hodges who live in a hodgepodge are watching on watch watcher watcher in watch
07:01What's watching the watcher is watching that bee? You're not a hodgepodge. You're lucky you see
07:09And how fortunate you're not professor Debris who has spent the past
07:1532 years if you please trying to teach Irish ducks how to read Giverny's
07:24Think of the poor puffing poogle horn players who have to parade down the poogle horn stairs every morning
07:32To wake up the prince of pooh boken
07:34It's awful. How often their poogles get broken
07:41And oh just suppose you were poor Harry Haddam
07:45Try as he will he can't make any shadow. He thinks that perhaps
07:51Something's wrong with his gears, and I think that by golly that probably is
07:59And the brothers bazoo the poor brothers bazoo
08:04Suppose your hair grew like theirs happened to do you think you're unlucky?
08:09I'm telling you ducky some people are muchly. Oh ever so muchly
08:15muchly more more more
08:18unlucky than you
08:20And suppose that you lived in that forest in France where the average young person just hasn't a chance to escape from the perilous
08:28pan-seating plants
08:32But your pants are safe you're a fortunate guy, and you ought to be shouting how lucky am I
08:40And speaking of plants you should be greatly glad ish you're not farmer Falkenberg 17th radish
08:51And you're so so lucky
08:54You're not gucky gown who lives by himself 90 miles out of town in the ruins of ronk
09:01Ronk is rather run-down
09:07You're so so so lucky. You're not a left sock left behind by mistake in the caverns of crock
09:15Thank goodness for all of the things you are not
09:20Thank goodness. You're not something someone forgot
09:23And left all alone in some punk er ish place like a rusty tin coat hanger
09:30hanging in space
09:36That's why I say ducky don't grumble don't stew some critters are much much
09:42Some critters are much much. Oh ever so much much so much leave much much more
09:50unlucky than you
09:59Scrambled egg super by dr. Seuss I
10:06Don't like to brag and I don't like to boast said Peter T. Hooper
10:11but speaking of toast and speaking of kitchens and ketchup and cake and
10:17Kettles and stoves and the stuff people bake
10:21Well, I don't like to brag but I'm telling you Liz that speaking of cooks. I'm the best that there is
10:29Why only last Tuesday when mother was out I really cooked something worth talking about
10:37You see I
10:39was sitting here resting my legs and I happened to pick up a couple of eggs and
10:46I sort of got thinking
10:48it's sort of a shame that scrambled eggs always taste always the same and
10:55That's because ever since goodness knows when they've always been made from the eggs of a hen
11:03Just a plain common hen what a dumb thing to use
11:06with all of the other fine eggs, you could choose and
11:12So I decided that just for a change
11:15I'd scramble a new kind of egg on the range
11:19some fine fancy eggs that no other cook cooks like the eggs of the ruffle-necked Salama cooks a
11:27Salama cooks is say they should be good. So I went out and found some as quick as I could
11:37While I was lugging them back to the house
11:40I happened to notice a tizzle topped grouse in a tree down the street and I knew from her looks
11:46That her egg and the egg of the Salama cooks ought to mix mighty
11:51Well ought to taste simply super when scrambled together by Peter T. Cooper
11:58So I took those eggs home and I frizzled them up and I added some sugar
12:03Two-thirds of a cup and a small pinch of pepper and also a pound of horseradish sauce that was sitting around and
12:11also some nuts
12:13Then I tasted this stuff and it tasted quite fine, but not quite fine enough
12:21To make the best scramble that's ever been made a cook has to hook the best eggs ever laid
12:27So I drove to the country quite rather far out and I studied the birds that were flitting about I
12:35Looked with great care at a mop-noodled Finch. I looked at a beagle-beaked bald-headed Grinch and
12:42also, I looked at a shade roosting quail who was roosting right under a lasso lax tail and
12:51I looked at a spritz and a flannel wing J, but I just didn't stop
12:57I kept right on my way
12:59Cuz they didn't have eggs. They weren't laying that day
13:05Then suddenly boy up that hill a short space
13:10Birds they were laying all over the place
13:17Great happy gay families with uncles and cousins all laying fine strictly fresh eggs by the
13:27Why I'd have a scramble more super than super scrambled eggs super deep duper deep booper
13:36special deluxe a la Peter T. Hooper I
13:41Picked out the eggs in a most careful way. I only picked those that I knew were grade a I
13:48Only took eggs from the very best fouls
13:51So I didn't take eggs from the twiddler owls
13:55Cuz I knew that the eggs of those fellows who twiddle taste sort of like dust from inside a bass fiddle. I
14:03Went for the kind that were mellow and sweet and the world's sweetest eggs are the eggs of the queen
14:11Which is due to those very sweet trout which they eat and those trout
14:16Well, they're sweet because they only eat wogs and wogs after all are the world's sweetest frogs
14:25And the reason they're sweet is whenever they lunch. It's always the world's sweetest bees that they munch and
14:33The reason no bees can be sweeter than these
14:38they only eat blossoms off basil nut trees and
14:42these basil nut blossoms are
14:45sweeter than sweet and
14:48That's why I nabbed several eggs from the queen
14:52But I passed up the eggs of a bird called a strudel who's sort of a stork
14:59But with fur like a poodle
15:01for they say that the eggs of this kind of a stork are
15:05gooey like glue and they stick to your fork and
15:10The yolks of these eggs I am told taste like fleece
15:14While the whites taste like very old bicycle grease
15:20Places I hiked to the roads that I rambled to find the best eggs that have ever been
15:28scrambled I
15:30hunted new birds along wild tangled trails
15:34through gullies and gulches down dingles and dales I
15:40Wriggled my way and I crawled at a creek
15:43Through a forest of ferns that was 40 miles deep
15:48And I mushed through the brush till I found a fine quigger
15:54Whose eggs are as big as a pinhead no bigger
15:59Then I went for the eggs of a long-legged quong
16:03Now this quong well, she's built just a little bit wrong
16:09For her legs are so terribly terribly long that she has to lay eggs
16:1420 feet in the air and they drop with a plop to the ground from up there
16:22So unless you can catch him before the eggs crash you haven't got eggs. You've got long-legger hash
16:32Eggs I'd collected
16:36But I needed still more and I suddenly knew that the job was too big for one fellow to do
16:44So I telegraphed north to some friends near Fazol
16:48Which is 10 miles or so just beyond the North Pole and they all of them jumped in their katam aside
16:55Which is sort of a boat made of sea leopards hide which they sailed out to sea to go looking for grace
17:02Which is sort of a bird which lays eggs on the ice
17:07Which they grabbed with a tool which is known as a squidge
17:10Because those eggs are too cold to be touched without which
17:17While they were sending those eggs
17:19I got word of a bird that does something that's almost unheard of
17:25It's hard to believe but this bird called the pelt
17:29lays eggs that are three times as big as herself how
17:35That help ever learned such a difficult trick I never found out but I found that egg quick and
17:43I managed to get it down out of the nest and home to the kitchen along with the rest
17:50But I didn't stop then because I knew of some ducks by the name of the single file Zunzi and Zucks
17:58Who stroll single file through the mountains of zones?
18:02Quite oddly enough with their eggs on their thumbs
18:08And some fellows in zones whom I happen to know
18:12just happened to capture a thousand or so and
18:17They wrapped up their eggs, and they mailed them by air
18:21marked special delivery handle with care I
18:25Needed more helpers and so for assistance I called up a fellow named Ali long-distance and
18:34Ali as soon as he hung up the phone
18:37Picked up a small basket and started alone to climb the steep crags and the jags of Mount
18:44Strucco to fetch me the egg of a Mount Strucco cuckoo
18:49Now these Mount Strucco cuckoos are rather small gals
18:54But these Mount Strucco cuckoos have lots of big pals
18:59they dive from the skies with wild cackling shrieks and
19:04They jabbed at his legs, and they stabbed at his cheeks with their yammering
19:10clamoring hammering beaks
19:12But Ali brave Ali he fought his way through and he sent me that egg as I knew he would do
19:21for my scrambled eggs super de duper de booper
19:26special deluxe
19:28a la Peter T. Hooper
19:32In the meanwhile of course I was keeping real busy
19:36In the meanwhile of course I was keeping real busy
19:40collecting the eggs of the three eyelash tizzy
19:45They're quite hard to reach so I wrote on the top of a hammock a shimmy shimmy shimmy shimmy
19:54Then I found a great flock of
19:58Southwest-facing cranes, and I guess they've got something that's wrong with their brains
20:03For this kind of a crane when she's guarding her nest will always stand facing precisely
20:11So to get at those eggs wasn't hard in the least I came from behind from precisely
20:18Northeast and
20:20I captured the egg of a grickly gractus who lays them up high in a prickly cactus
20:28Then I went for some zips they're exactly like zups, but the zips live on cliffs and
20:35the zups live on bluffs and
20:38Seeing how bluffs are exactly like cliffs. It's mighty hard telling the zups from the zips
20:46But I know that the egg that I got from the bluffs if it wasn't a zips from the cliffs was a zups
20:53Now I needed the egg of a moth watching sneth
20:57Who's a bird who's so big she scares people to death and this awful big bird
21:05Well the reason they name her the moth watching sneth is because that's how they tame her
21:13She likes watching moths sort of quiets her mind
21:17And while she is watching you sneak up behind and you yank out her egg
21:24So I got one of course with the help of some friends and a very fast horse
21:34If you want to get eggs you can't buy it a store you have to do things never thought of before
21:40Why to get the egg of one very small dog we had to pry all of one mountaintop off
21:53Then I heard of some birds who lay eggs if you please that taste like the air in the holes in Swiss cheese and
22:02They live in big zips
22:04That taste like the air in the holes in Swiss cheese and
22:09They live in big Zinzibar Zanzibar trees
22:13So I ordered a tree full the job was immense
22:17but I needed those eggs and said hang the expense I
22:24Still needed one more and I saved it for last
22:28the egg of the frightful
22:31bombastic aghast and
22:33That bird is so mean and that bird is so fast
22:40that I had to escape on a Jellica jazzed a
22:44Fleet-footed beast who can run like a deer
22:48But look sort of different you steer him by ear
22:55All through with the searching all through with the looking I had all I needed and now for the cooking
23:04Rushed to the kitchen the place where I'd stacked them. I rolled up my sleeves
23:09I unpacked them and cracked them and
23:13Shucked them and chucked them in 99 pans
23:17Then I mixed in some beans. I use
23:2055 cans then I mixed in some ginger nine prunes and three figs and
23:27Parsley white sparsely just 22 sprigs
23:32Then I added six cinnamon sticks and a clove and
23:36my scramble was ready to go on the stove and
23:43You know how they tasted
23:45They tasted just like well. They tasted exactly
23:51Exactly just like like scrambled eggs
23:55super deep duper deep booper
23:57Special deluxe a la Peter T Hooper
25:21Look for all these delightful dr. Seuss beginner book videos from Random House
25:27First it's the cat in the hat comes back
25:31You know where I found him
25:34You know where he was
25:36He was eating a cake in the tub. Yes, he was
25:41Hot water was on and a cold water, too
25:45And I said to the cat what a bad thing to do
25:49But I like to eat cake in a tub left the cat. You should try it sometime
25:58The cat in the hat comes back, but that's not all you'll meet lots more friends in
26:04there's a walk it in my pocket and
26:07Fox in socks
26:10Visit an out-of-the-ordinary world in one fish two fish red fish blue fish
26:20One two three, how many fingers do I see?
26:26One two three four five six seven
26:33eight nine ten he has eleven
26:38Eleven this is something new. I wish I had eleven, too
26:47Funny things are everywhere in one fish two fish red fish blue fish
26:52And there are more surprises in oh the thinks you can think and the foot book
27:01Next it's dr. Seuss's ABC
27:07Little D what begins with D David Donald do
27:15Dreamed a dozen doughnuts and a duck dog, too
27:24There's lots of fun from A to Z in
27:28dr. Seuss's ABC
27:30and I can read with my eyes shut and
27:35Mr. Brown can move can you?
27:38Then it's time to rhyme with hop on pop
27:50Like to hop
27:59You must not hop on pop
28:03There are giggles galore in pop on pop and more fun in store with
28:10Marvin K Mooney, will you please go now and oh say can you say
28:17Sleepyheads everywhere will love I am NOT going to get up today
28:22You can shoot at me with peas and beans
28:27You can bring in the United States Marines
28:31You can put the whole thing on TV
28:34But I won't get up today
28:37not me
28:39Get ready to enjoy I am NOT going to get up today
28:44And three more dr. Seuss favorites the shape of me and other stuff
28:50great day for up and
28:53in a people house
28:55Dr. Seuss beginner book videos the whole family will love available only from random house home video
