El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 30 en HD Completo

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El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 30 en HD Completo
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 31 en HD Completo
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 32 en HD Completo
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 30 en HD Completo
00:11Yeah, that's Olga Tavares into Vida
00:15No, miss Kutcher's to Olga Tavares. Yes. I'm going to finish me. No be a scientist. I don't know
00:20Yes, I live in the contigo, Rodrigo
00:23Mira, no es lo que parece
00:25No, no, escucha me escucha me Olga esta pasando por una situación difícil acaba de perder a su mamá estoy apoyando nada más
00:34Si nos quisimos mucho hace mucho
00:39ahora sólo queda una bonita amistad
00:41Una amistad lo que faltaba está bien está celosa y por supuesto que estoy celosa no me gusta para nada que vivas con tu ex
00:51confía en lo que sentimos
00:54Es más no te das cuenta lo que provocas en mí déjame tu mano
00:59Siente mi corazón es como se pone agitado cuando está cerca de mí
01:04De verdad no sientes nada por ella
01:09Si todo tuyo
01:29Y mi ginecóloga me revisó y todo bien pero para asegurarse me mandó a hacer unos estudios
01:36y ahí fue que nos dimos cuenta que estoy embarazada y dentro de poquito sabremos cuánto tiempo llevo no lo puedo creer
01:44Yo tampoco ves por eso mis ganas de ser mamá es intuición pura nunca creí ser padre a esta edad
01:52Pero si el destino me está regalando esta segunda oportunidad te juro que voy a ser el mejor padre y el mejor
02:00Ay Fran yo sé que no me puedes ofrecer matrimonio estoy clara no ahora
02:08pero lo haré
02:12Eduardo va a terminar cediendo
02:14sobre todo cuando se entere de nuestro bebé
02:17Fran yo prefiero que Eduardo no sepa nada
02:21No podemos tapar al sol con un dedo
02:24además quiero ofrecerle a mi hijo un hogar
02:28Quiero que vivamos juntos para
02:31cuidarte para consentirte
02:33Bueno estoy muy consentida y muy bien cuidada por Diana y Tina las tendrías que ver están locas por ser madrinas
02:40Sí pero tienes que ajustar tu vida
02:43comer bien no desvelarte
02:48Claro que lo voy a hacer obviamente lo voy a hacer mira Alfonso se va a encargar del tropical o soy así yo voy a poder descansar
02:56Gracias gracias por ser tan terca por perdonarme y por
03:02Amarme a pesar de todos los obstáculos y por regalarnos esta inmensa alegría
03:26Esta seguro que no la tienes nada
03:41Se puede adelante
03:44Es pero no importunar
03:46qué haces
03:48nada aquí buscando opciones
03:50pues algo tengo que hacer ahora que dejé la corporación no eso sí ya te habías tardado
03:57a mí me sorprendió mucho cuando rodrigo decidió darse de baja y sobre todo ver que un hombre tan preparado como él
04:03aceptó ser el guardaespaldas de eduarda ferreira
04:07Cómo fue que rodrigo terminó enamorado de la hija de esa mujer
04:11No lo sé
04:14Solo sé que tienen más cosas para estar separados que juntos como que
04:19pregúntale a rodrigo
04:21A mí Amelia no me gusta para él me parece una niña mimada
04:26No prejuzgues
04:28ella es una mujer admirable
04:31Ha reunido los fondos para una fundación y apoya a muchos niños con discapacidades
04:37También da equinoterapia es gratis y ella se encarga de sus propios caballos
04:43en el pueblo todo mundo la admira y la respeta y eso sí
04:47nadie le ha regalado nada
04:58Estaban a punto de besarse y lo hubieran hecho si no es porque llegó su hijo
05:03Los vio
05:05No, Amelia hizo como que le estaba revisando el ojo a rodrigo y pues su chamaco se lo creyó
05:12Tienes que pegar a mi mujer como lapa entiendes síguela a donde vaya
05:18No me importa lo que tengas que hacer pero irá te voy a pagar muy bien
05:22Pero son otras las fotos que necesito entiendes
05:27Está bueno patrón
05:59Hola que haces despierta estas horas
06:04a mí si
06:06para hacer un pasado tardaste mucho no
06:09es un poco si
06:12vino una tal amelia a buscarte
06:16Ok gracias estas enamorado de ella
06:24Si estoy enamorado de amelia
06:29Pensé que tardarías un poquito más en olvidarme
06:33lo nuestro fue muy bonito no era pero
06:37lo que estoy viviendo ahora con la media es distinto si
06:42por ella si serías capaz de dejarlo todo si sin pensarlo
06:50Pues creo que no te has dado cuenta que tú y ella son muy diferentes para empezar ella es una niña rica
06:56No somos bastante parecidos ella es una mujer trabajadora así como yo
07:02Pero decidió casarse con el director del hospital del pueblo lo que quiere decir que le gustan los no quiero discutir este tema contigo
07:09hola que
07:11Buenas noches
07:13Yo venía aquí a buscar consuelo yo venía pensando que todavía tú y yo tú y yo no tú y yo somos amigos
07:21Y si me necesitas como amigo aquí voy a estar
07:25Espero que Gina y tú consigan un lugar donde puedan estar más cómodos con permiso
07:52Me voy a condenar en los infiernos si sigo teniendo esos sueños pecaminosos sigo soñando que el y joy
08:03porque mejor no le dices cómo te sientes
08:07preferible se rechazada
08:09tener la frustración de pues no saber si sí o si no
08:14Sí y si no es mucha molestia creo que voy a dormir porque ya ya va a amanecer
08:22Una disculpa
08:25Está bien mañana nos vemos muchas gracias por sus sabios consejos yo se lo agradezco no sabe cuánto
08:36Como que las santurronas de perpetua también creces cositas ahí
08:41Suelta con quien como crees yo no voy a romper la confianza que tengo con ella y andale dime
08:50No hay nada que puedas hacer para que yo te diga
09:02Doctor ayer conocí a su ex esposa llegó a buscar a rodrigo a la casa
09:09Ojalá hayan quedado en buenos términos así como rodrigo y yo
09:13Por el bien de nuestro hijo tratamos de llevarnos bien, pero si por mí fuera nunca nos hubiéramos divorciado
09:22usted dijo estamos en una situación muy similar
09:25yo llegué a este pueblo a recuperar a rodrigo pero
09:29al parecer él ya no siente nada por mí
09:32Perdón perdón no debía hablar de mi vida personal discúlpame doctor con permiso
09:44Ya casi llegó el salón caminando
09:47entonces ya no vas a necesitar esto
09:49Hey lucho lucho
09:52Seguro lo va a meter al salón de al lado. Sí pero lo necesito camina por ella si puedes
09:57No seas tonto. Ahora si ya los caché que andan haciendo a ver
10:02Buenos días
10:04Pues miren les tenemos una sorpresa ya vamos a empezar la clase pero antes les vamos a presentar a una nueva compañera
10:12que va a estar con nosotros ella es Gina Martínez
10:31Historia de México
10:33Así que pongan atención vamos a ver
10:42Sobre los
10:49Iván contrató Olga en el hospital. Sí, pero de haber sabido que era la ex de Rodrigo ni siquiera le pasa la solicituda al doctor
10:56¿A qué vino a meterse a casa de Rodrigo y a pedir trabajo en el hospital del pueblo?
11:01No amiga tranquila lo que pasa es que la mamá de Olga murió y solo tiene una hermana chiquita así que
11:07Rodrigo le está ofreciendo su apoyo
11:09Ay no, ¿en serio?
11:15Perdón por pensar mal sin ni siquiera conocer a Olga
11:19Es todo, gracias
11:25dime algo Olga, ¿piensas dejar la casa de Rodrigo y buscar algo en el pueblo?
11:30¿Es un requisito para conservar el empleo? No, no, no, al contrario
11:35el requisito sería que te quedarás donde estás
11:39¿Sabes algo Olga? Tal vez
11:42Tú y yo podríamos ayudarnos mucho si te mantienes cerca de Rodrigo
11:48No sé, piénsalo
12:15Por favor Pedro, ciérrate la ventana porque va a empezar a entrar el bucho del aire
12:20pero imagínense que constructores para en medio del agua construir
12:26¿No te cortaste?
12:28¡Ay no, por favor!
12:30Gina, ¿estás bien?
12:34¡No, por favor!
12:38¿Rodrigo ya?
12:41Nos pueden ver, pueden entrar
12:43Lo importante es que lo puedo evitar de suerte
12:45No puedo evitarla
12:49A mí también me parece que estoy viviendo en un sueño
12:55A mi papá
12:57pues no le parece mucho que
12:59que estemos juntos, la verdad
13:01¿No le gusta para ti?
13:03No, no, no, eso es lo contrario
13:05Él cree que yo todavía no estoy listo
13:07para una relación y que tiene que arreglar
13:09mis problemas y ya
13:11Siento que estás cargando un dolor muy fuerte
13:13¿Por qué no lo platicamos?
13:15Lo podemos solucionar juntos
13:17Perdóname, es que
13:21estuve una infancia muy difícil
13:23es eso
13:25Te duele mucho la muerte de tu mamá, ¿verdad?
13:29Es que a veces me llegan recuerdos
13:31de esos momentos
13:33en los que yo estaba tan frágil
13:35y vulnerable
13:38Confía en mí, ¿sí?
13:40Está bien, confía en ti
13:42pero es que ya no hablemos
13:44del pasado, ¿sí?
13:46Porque me distrae, me distrae poder besarte
13:48y disfrutar de ti
13:54No sé qué me pasó
13:56Es que no podía respirar
13:58Gina, no te preocupes
14:00¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué pasó?
14:02Se puso muy mala en cuanto se rompió esa ventana
14:04Yo creo que tuvo un ataque de ansiedad
14:07Ay, ya
14:09¿Sabes qué?
14:11Mi hermana no está bien
14:13A ella le afectan muchas cosas
14:15Acaba de morir nuestra madre
14:17y le ha tocado vivir cosas muy difíciles
14:19Ya, Chaparral, estoy aquí
14:21¿Estás bien?
14:27Gracias por avisarme
14:29Pobre Gina, ma
14:31Es mi nueva compañera
14:33¿Ah, sí?
14:36Se puso a gritar súper feo
14:38¿Cómo que se rompió el vidrio?
14:42Es que cerraron la ventana muy duro
14:44y se rompió
14:46Empezó a llorar y no se podía controlar
14:48Y de todas formas
14:50se veía súper bonita
14:52¿Ah, sí?
14:56¿Tú la puedes ayudar con tus terapias, no?
14:58Claro, mi amor
15:00Le voy a pedir sus datos a la maestra
15:02y voy a hablar con su mamá
15:10Muchas gracias por los datos
15:14Gracias, maestra
15:16¿Ya los tienes, ma?
15:18Mi amor, me tiene que mandar el mensaje
15:20Ya, ya tengo el número
15:26Hola, soy Amelia
15:28Soy mamá de Martín
15:30Un compañerito de la escuela de Gina
15:33Sí, él ya me comentó lo que pasó
15:35Me preguntaba si la puedo ayudar en algo
15:40¿Me puede decir cuándo empezó este problema?
15:42¿Por qué no platicamos en persona?
15:44Creo que es mejor
15:46¿Te parece?
15:50No hay problema, gracias
16:00No entiendo
16:03Fonseca queriendo hacernos famosas
16:05y Tina no quiere firmar el contrato
16:07Bueno, tal vez eso sea una señal
16:09de que tu futuro no es la artisteada
16:11Además, te va muy bien
16:13como clarividente
16:15¿No, muñeca?
16:17Neta, papá, neta
16:19Yo llevo una vida horrible
16:21en este pueblucho
16:23¿Por qué no puedes entender
16:25mis ganas de ser famosa
16:27y tener una fortuna?
16:30En cambio, yo soy tan feliz
16:32de tener a mi muñeca cerca de mí
16:34¡Ay, no!
16:36¡Iu, iu!
16:38¡Qué oso, papá! Ser tan cursi
16:40Mejor cuentas también
16:42Mi luna
16:50Oiga usted, jefa
16:54Ya me tengo que ir
16:56Nos vemos en nuestro lugar de siempre
16:59¿Me parece?
17:01Me causa un poco de conflicto que nuestro lugar de siempre
17:03sea el lugar de Diogo
17:05No creo que Diogo esté molesto por eso
17:07Al contrario, va a estar muy contento
17:09Bueno, no puedo evitar sentirme un poquito culpable
17:11Pues no te sientas así
17:13Me tengo que ir
17:15Tengo que llevar tu mamá al pueblo
17:17Luego nos vemos
17:19Y mi beso
17:41Hola, hermita
17:43¿Qué estás haciendo, Diogo?
17:45Alma, ¿qué haces?
17:48Hola, Raúl
17:50¿Qué pasa?
17:52¿Cómo estás?
17:54Sí, ya me dijo Pachita
17:56que estabas muy triste
17:58Por eso te traje un panqué de naranja
18:00Ya ves que dicen
18:02que las penas con pan son menos
18:08Mi hija odia su vida
18:10aquí en el pueblo
18:12Y yo que quería verla feliz
18:14y contenta con sus miles de seguidores
18:17Y ayudando a la demás gente con su don
18:19Pero no
18:21Ella insiste con lo de la catada
18:23Y hasta le ofrecieron un contrato
18:25Ah, sí
18:31Creo que...
18:33Creo que ya no le importa
18:35No, no, no, no Raúl
18:37No digas eso
18:39Claro que le importas
18:41Tú has sido madre y padre para ella
18:43¿Te acuerdas que le pagaste
18:46el dinero para realizar
18:48su sueño?
18:50¿Qué más quiere esta chamaca?
18:52Ella es la niña
18:54de mis ojos
18:56Pero no está contenta aquí
19:00Esa niña
19:02te quiere
19:04Te quiere mucho
19:10¿Estás tensito?
19:12Te veo aquí un poco apertadito
19:20Voy a prepararte el café
19:22¿Por qué estás besando a tu hermana?
19:24¡Eso es pecado!
19:26¿Se volviste loco o qué?
19:28Baja la voz, baja la voz
19:30Se me pasó a decirte con tantas cosas
19:32Amelia no es mi media hermana
19:34No, no, escúchame, escúchame
19:36Amelia es hija de Jorge Nieto
19:38El que lo atropellaron
19:40¿El que trabajaba aquí?
19:43¡Ay, ese canijo!
19:45Iba y venía como se le daba la gana
19:47Pero mi niña tiene que saber eso
19:49Ya lo sabe, ya lo sabe
19:51De hecho, él le contó a Amelia
19:53Y Amelia se hizo una prueba de ADN
19:55Y ya lo comprobó
19:57Si es hija de Jorge
19:59¿Por qué no me habías dicho nada?
20:01Tenía muchas cosas en la cabeza
20:03¿Y ya le dijiste donde llegó?
20:05No, no, por supuesto que no
20:07Baja la voz
20:09No va a acabar mal, ¿ok?
20:12Lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida
20:14Lo mejor, lo más hermoso
20:16Pero también
20:18Tengo la promesa que le hice a mis papás
20:20Y estoy entre el amor y la justicia, nana
20:22Hijo, yo te entiendo
20:24Pero es que
20:26Me gustaría tanto que Amelia supiera
20:28Que la persona a la que le está entregando su corazón
20:30Es la misma
20:32La que estaba predestinada para ella
20:34Desde chiquito
20:38Ay, que Dios nos bendiga
20:41Ya llegará el momento
20:45Oye, ¿no le vas a comer un pedazo?
20:49Prefiero mirarte comer el panqué
20:55¿Sabes, Pepe?
20:57Yo no sé qué haría sin tu amistad
21:01Mira, Raúl
21:03Tal vez
21:07Yo no he sido muy clara contigo, ¿verdad?
21:11Ya tengo tiempo que
21:13He soñado contigo
21:15Y eso
21:17Significa algo
21:19Es una señal
21:21Pero nunca me habías dicho que es lo que sueñas
21:27¿Me pasa algo malo?
21:33Pues Rosetta dice
21:35Que este contrato está demasiado leonino
21:38O sea que todo está a favor de Fonseca
21:40Y que tiene cláusulas hasta de nuestras vidas
21:44Tú me caes bien
21:46Bien mal
21:48Pero tampoco quiero que te pase nada malo
21:50Y cantas bonito
21:52X, no firmes
21:54Y así no compartimos fama
21:56Y entonces yo me vuelvo una
21:58Super big star
22:00Y tú te quedas como una bailarina
22:02De cuarta
22:04En un pueblo rascuache
22:12¿Qué haces?
22:14Es que esto es lo que sueño Raúl
22:16Y quería saber si
22:18Tú sientes lo mismo
22:20Ay, permito
22:22Yo a ti siempre te he visto como
22:24Como una amiga
22:26Bueno pues
22:28Entonces deja de verme como
22:30Como una amiga
23:15¡No puedo creer!
23:17¡Es el Chavo! ¡Soy tu fan!
23:19Porque sabemos hacerte reír
23:21Estreno en las estrellas este miércoles
23:23Y disponible en VX
23:25Aunque no sacara selfies
23:27Sonrisa, sonrisa, si me dio al necretado
23:29Y no existieran los hashtags
23:31¿Oí mi nombre para que soy bueno?
23:33¡No te lo puedo creer!
23:35¡Eso dije!
23:37Únete este sábado junto al señor fotógrafo
23:39Y el domingo con el ministro y yo
23:41¡Por las estrellas!
23:43¡No te lo puedo creer!
23:47El Centro de Educación Artística
23:49Te invita a la convocatoria
23:51Juvenil dos mil veinticuatro
23:53Busca las bases en
23:57Diagonal sea
23:59Te esperamos
24:01Esta es tu oportunidad
24:03Televisa Univision
24:05La Toña se fue y dejó
24:07Un puesto difícil de ocupar
24:09Buscarán reemplazarla
24:15Y otra vez
24:17¡Ay no te preocupes corazón!
24:19¿Lo lograrán?
24:21En cuarenta y veinte sabemos hacerte reír
24:23Este jueves al terminar el noti
24:25Este es un avance
24:27De lo que tendremos hoy en el noticiero
24:29La Marina vista un pescador
24:31A la deriva en altamar por el huracán Milton
24:33Grupos delictivos queman vehículos
24:35Y negocios en Villahermosa
24:37Migración, salud y seguridad
24:39Los temas abordados por los latinos
24:41Con la candidata Kamala Harris
24:43Detalles en Punto de las 10.30
24:45Angie está a punto de conocer
24:47El valor del dinero
24:49Aunque ustedes no lo crean
24:51Su mamita va a trabajar
24:53Suerte mi cebre empoderada
24:55¿Cómo te fue tu primer día?
24:57No pude trabajar
24:59En casados con hijos sabemos hacerte reír
25:01Martes al terminar el noti
25:03Por las estrellas
25:05Disponible en VIX
25:07Esperanza decide llevarse con ella a Mayra
25:09Una joven rescatada de una banda de tratantes
25:11Con el paso de los días
25:13Se irán encariñando hasta que aparece
25:15La mamá de Mayra
25:17Esperanza sentirá que de nueva cuenta
25:19Le arrebatan a una hija
25:21Dejándola con los brazos vacíos
25:23Capítulo de estreno
25:26Finaliza tu día bien informado
25:29Entérate de los resultados que te interesan
25:31Y lo más destacado del día a día
25:38Entra en Contacto Deportivo
25:40Martes, Jueves y Viernes
25:42A las 11.30 de la noche
25:44Con las estrellas
25:55Le prometí que no se iba a arrepentir de contratarme
25:57Y pues se lo voy a cumplir
25:59No te metas con ella porque te vas a arrepentir, es traicionera
26:01Me dice la promesa que jamás me iba a enamorar
26:03Sábado 5 de la tarde
26:05Los buenos días comienzan aquí
26:07A las 9, todo para disfrutar tus mañanas
26:09Y el ritmo de las estrellas
26:11Bailan en hoy en su semana de inicio
26:13Estrellas, a bailar
26:15Y al terminar, reportajes, cocina
26:17Invitados y todo sobre los famosos
26:19Solo en Cuéntamelo Ya
26:21Lady Gaga apareció durante una proyección
26:23Y regaló palomitas
26:25De lunes a viernes con las estrellas
26:27En el ángel de Aurora se atan los cabos sueltos
26:29Estoy ganada
26:31De descubrir toda la verdad
26:33Muérete Fabricio, muérete
26:35Yo no te voy a dejar
26:37Y una segunda oportunidad puede sanar el alma
26:39¿Crees que podamos intentar algo juntos?
26:41Yo te necesito más que nunca
26:43Lunes a viernes 4.30 de la tarde
26:49Barbara se viene a ir conmigo al pueblo
26:51Cuando sepa quién es el papá de mi bebé
26:53Y quién es mi papá
26:57Yo voy, yo voy, yo voy
26:59Quédese ahí
27:01Tú vas a salir de aquí por una bolsa de plástico
27:03Lunes a viernes 6.30 de la tarde
27:05Ellos regresan con su arrollador
27:09¿Anotaron las placas?
27:11Para todas
27:15¡Hijo mío!
27:17En esta
27:21Sabemos hacerte reír
27:23Viernes al terminar el nautil
27:27El Centro de Educación Artística
27:31Te invita a la Convocatoria Juvenil 2024
27:35Busca las bases en
27:39Te esperamos
27:41Esta es tu oportunidad
27:43Televisa Univision
27:47Te persiste algo de la jornada deportiva
27:57Nosotros tenemos la acción de la semana
27:59Los figuras que destacaron
28:04Los goles, anotaciones, y la información más importante
28:06En el resumen deportivo más visto por años
28:08Prepárate para entrar en
28:12Dos de la tarde, con Las Estrellas
28:14Habrá noticias inmediatas
28:16There will be unexpected news.
28:18I can't believe Mr. Arturo killed Juan Pablito.
28:22First he killed the father and then the son.
28:24But how do we prove it?
28:25They will start a hunt.
28:27I'm here to offer $3 million to whoever gives information
28:29about the whereabouts of that murderer.
28:31People won't stop until they find me.
28:33Grand Finale, October 18th, 8.30 p.m.
28:36The most complete offer of LaLiga NX is on VIX.
28:41The most beloved teams will give it their all on the field.
28:46VIX brings you more games than anywhere else.
28:50Subscribe to VIX Premium for $0.99 per month.
29:11The Minister and I for Las Estrellas.
29:13I can't believe it!
29:41Do you really think I'm threatened?
29:43They're looking at your face.
29:44Hey, I'm not a...
29:46Oh, no, I am.
29:47Don't mistreat my partner or he'll fire me.
29:50We know how to make you laugh with...
29:52Chocalas Compayito.
29:54This Sunday at 7.30 p.m.
29:56They return with their horror roller coaster.
29:59Did you write down the plates?
30:03For all of them.
30:05I love you, man.
30:06My son.
30:08In this...
30:11We know how to make you laugh.
30:13Friday, at the end of the Nautilus.
30:15She doesn't need to be introduced.
30:17I am Leonor San Jose.
30:19For the good things, she's ruthless.
30:21We don't let San Jose fall so easily.
30:23And for the bad things, she's a real villain.
30:25I forgave her life 30 years ago, but I'm sure this time I won't stop.
30:31Meet her in Amor Amargo.
30:33Starts November 4th, 6.30 p.m.
30:37Amor Amargo.
31:08You left me stuck.
31:12But I won't run away.
31:15Give me a week.
31:19I'll get out on my own.
31:24I never thought you were the one on the other side of the phone.
31:27So you're Gina's sister?
31:33I don't know if Rodrigo told you about our relationship,
31:36but I want to be very clear with you.
31:38I didn't come to Terra de Agua to get him back.
31:41I came because I needed a friend.
31:44I'm at his house because I want to protect Gina.
31:47Because, as you saw, she's very bad.
31:52How long ago did your panic attacks start?
31:54After my mom died and then with her dad, who started going crazy,
32:00everything got worse.
32:02I think my therapies can help you a lot.
32:04Yes, thank you for worrying.
32:06I would do anything for her.
32:09Hey, Olga, I don't want to be rude, but...
32:13I think it's wise to look for a place to live.
32:17Look, for Gina, the closest thing to a family are Rodrigo and Hector.
32:22But as soon as she gets better, I'll leave.
32:25I promise.
32:28It was a pleasure.
32:30We're in touch.
32:31Yes, yes.
32:35Ma'am, those guys won't be satisfied with just one payment.
32:39They've already found their gold mine
32:41and they're going to want to keep charging for the right to an apartment.
32:44Please, take them somewhere and I'll take care of the rest.
32:48No, no, no, I don't want you to bleed.
32:50I'll see how I get that money.
32:52But please, let this stay between us, okay?
32:55Of course.
32:58This was wrong, Perpetua.
33:00You disrespected me.
33:02Disrespect me more if you want.
33:04I'm happy we both wanted the same thing.
33:09No, this won't happen again.
33:11You know what?
33:12I've always respected my wife's memory,
33:16and I want it to stay that way.
33:19I'm sorry, but I have to...
33:21I have to go to the store.
33:28It's great that you're here.
33:31It's great that you're going to help Gina, Mom.
33:33Well, honey, first I have to evaluate her.
33:35But yes.
33:37Hey, if she asks about me,
33:40don't tell her I'm in a wheelchair, okay?
33:46Well, it's just that...
33:49When she saw me in the living room,
33:52she was the only one who didn't see me wrong.
33:55Come on.
33:58But promise me something.
34:00When you're really good friends,
34:02you're going to tell her.
34:05Yes, Mom.
34:12The horse therapy is going to help you a lot, Gina.
34:16But, Olga, horses scare me.
34:18I'm not asking you.
34:19It's best for you.
34:21And pack your things because you're going back to school tomorrow.
34:29So, Rodrigo knows Gina?
34:31Yes, honey.
34:33And why does he know her?
34:35Because she's a half-sister of a good friend of Rodrigo's.
34:40Hey, your grandfather is coming to dinner tonight.
34:42Don't you want to eat with us?
34:44Well, it's just that...
34:46If you're going to discuss adult stuff, I'd rather have dinner here.
34:49Okay, fine.
34:50I'm going to tell Arminda to bring you dinner, okay?
34:52Yes, Mom.
34:58Nana, could you bring Martin some dinner, please?
35:01Yes, of course.
35:02But can we talk for a little bit?
35:04Yes, Nana. What is it?
35:05It's just that...
35:07I saw you kissing Rodrigo.
35:10Oh, Nana.
35:12Well, he already explained to me why he had to go away.
35:15And I'm going to give him a chance.
35:18Oh, don't ask me to stay away from him or to stop seeing him
35:21because I can't.
35:24This love is overwhelming.
35:25It's like...
35:26I don't know.
35:27I feel like I'm going to regret it for the rest of my life
35:29if I let him go.
35:31Look, honey.
35:33That's exactly what I wanted to tell you, honey.
35:37You don't know how happy I am to see you together.
35:40Oh, Nana.
35:41I thought you were going to tell me I'm a fool.
35:44You don't know how happy I am that you're part of my life,
35:47that you tell me these things, honey.
35:50I adore you.
35:51I adore you.
35:52I adore you, my child.
35:53I adore you, my child.
35:56Look, Nubia got mad at me because I didn't want to sign.
36:00And she did, but she'll see if she signs that guy
36:03who knows what.
36:07For me?
36:08For both of us.
36:09For both of us?
36:10For both of us.
36:11Well, he wouldn't be the first representative
36:13who wants to take advantage and control the life of his artist.
36:15It's quite typical.
36:16Let's hope Nubia is smarter.
36:19Well, yes, but Nubia is crazy about fame.
36:23And I think she's capable of doing anything to get it.
36:33There are several things in the contract that I want to negotiate.
36:36For example, your percentage.
36:38Look, I'm going to become a mega-famous artist.
36:42We're going to make a lot of money.
36:44So you can check it out a little bit.
36:48Sure, sure.
36:49But what are you willing to do to reach the stars?
36:53Oh, no.
36:55I'm going to rehearse like crazy.
36:57I'm going to compose songs.
36:59That's a fact.
37:00I mean something else.
37:03What kind of thing?
37:06Well, look, you'll see.
37:09I feel like you could be, for example, more affectionate with me.
37:15Treat me with, I don't know, affection.
37:25Hey, Amelia called me to offer me chemotherapy for Gina.
37:29Oh, good. Amelia is a very good therapist.
37:32I've seen how she treats children and I'm sure she'll like it for Gina.
37:36Yes, I can't pay her, but I'm going to make an effort.
37:41I'm sure she won't charge you.
37:42Amelia likes to help people.
37:45Well, I'm going for a walk.
37:46Are you going with her?
37:48Yes, I'm going with her.
37:50Hey, I want to tell you that, although it hurts me, it hurts me that you're in love with another woman.
37:58I'm very happy to see you happy.
38:00I really hope your relationship works, with all its disadvantages.
38:08What do you mean?
38:10Well, Dr. Ivan is still very in love with her.
38:13Even though they already divorced, you can tell that he doesn't forget her.
38:27No, not at all. I don't want anything to do with you or the case.
38:31But how?
38:32Look, little girl, if we're going to work together, you're taking away that village girl you have and you're more open.
38:41You're going to like this revenge.
38:43No, leave me alone.
38:49Fonseca, I'm Nina, I want to talk to you.
38:54Shut up, idiot, shut up.
38:59Fonseca, open the door, I'll call the police.
39:03Open up.
39:04I didn't do anything that you wouldn't allow.
39:06You'd better tell them that.
39:07You'd better tell them that.
39:09Do you understand?
39:12What happened?
39:17Are you okay?
39:18Are you okay?
39:26What did you do to her?
39:27She came here and she insulted me.
39:31You're a bastard.
39:33But you know what?
39:34This is not going to stay that way because we're not going to keep quiet, as you can see.
39:39Come here.
39:46I have to go.
39:47No, no, no.
39:48Stay, stay.
39:49My dad is going to have dinner at home.
39:50We're going to talk about the production company.
39:52Well, your mom is no longer in charge, so you can say whatever suits you best.
39:57I know, we take that into account.
39:59In fact, I'm going to give therapy to Olga's sister.
40:04Yes, she told me.
40:05That's good.
40:07Take care of her.
40:08I love her a lot.
40:09Gina is a great girl.
40:12Well, Martin also took care of her a lot.
40:14Apparently they get along very well.
40:17I love them both.
40:19Tell me something.
40:20Tell me.
40:22Is Olga still in love with you?
40:24Oh, I don't think so.
40:25How do you think?
40:26Not at all.
40:27Besides, she knows that you are the woman of my life and that for you I would give my whole life.
40:39No, but I have to go.
40:41No, stay.
40:43My dad is waiting for me.
40:48I'm going.
40:54Let's see, girlfriend.
40:55I know you're going to do it in your time, but you have to go report to the police station.
40:59No, I'm not going to say anything and you don't say anything either.
41:02Girlfriend, that guy almost abuses you.
41:05Yes, but I want to be famous.
41:07If I report him, my career will end.
41:10Girlfriend, look, listen to me.
41:12I know you want to be famous,
41:14but you have to stop giving importance to your career and you have to stop thinking about yourself.
41:19Imagine that this happens to any other girl.
41:25Thank you very much for helping me, but I'm not going to say anything.
41:42Daughter, wait.
41:45No, I don't want to fight with you.
41:48But it makes me sick that the town seems so small to you.
41:54Dad, not right now.
41:56No, wait.
42:00Forgive me for...
42:07for not understanding your dream.
42:12Forgive me?
42:20I love you, dad.
42:24Who wants dessert?
42:26Me, Arminda.
42:27I really miss your desserts.
42:28No, he's not going to eat dessert.
42:30He lost that privilege since he decided to go live elsewhere.
42:34Excuse me.
42:36Mom, let's not start a discussion.
42:39Why do you want to sell the vanilla in advance, before it's ready?
42:43We don't have liquidity.
42:44Well, it's not that bad.
42:46The contributions of the foundation are coming in regularly.
42:49And it's perfect for us to cover all expenses.
42:51Oh, really?
42:52I don't approve of the early sale.
42:53If, for some reason, the harvest falls,
42:56we're going to end up with a big debt, aren't we?
43:00Forgive me, Mom, but I don't approve of it either.
43:02Well, you're going to regret it.
43:04Now, the vanilla is at a very high price.
43:06Tomorrow, who knows?
43:12Sit down, please.
43:13I want to inform you of something.
43:14Before you find out the other way.
43:17Rosetta is going to have a son of mine.
43:48AT 11.30PM
43:53I'm going to go when I know who the father of my baby is and who my father is.
44:01Brenda, help me!
44:02I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:03Stay there.
44:04You're going to get out of here with a plastic bag.
44:05Monday to Friday, 6.30pm.
44:06Adolfo has a gift for Victoria.
44:07Why did you take the lid off the cistern?
44:08It's a surfboard.
44:09And your board?
44:10One for one, one for two.
44:11And Placido will see a million dollar idea.
44:12I'm going to go when I know who the father of my baby is and who my father is.
44:14I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:15Stay there.
44:16You're going to get out of here with a plastic bag.
44:17Monday to Friday, 6.30pm.
44:18Adolfo has a gift for Victoria.
44:23Why did you take the lid off the cistern?
44:24It's a surfboard.
44:25And your board?
44:26One for one, one for two.
44:27And Placido will see a million dollar idea.
44:28I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:29Stay there.
44:30You're going to get out of here with a plastic bag.
44:31Monday to Friday, 6.30pm.
44:32Adolfo has a gift for Victoria.
44:33Why did you take the lid off the cistern?
44:34One for one, one for two.
44:35And Placido will see a million dollar idea.
44:36I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:37Stay there.
44:38You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:39Stay there.
44:40You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:41Stay there.
44:42You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:43Stay there.
44:44You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:45Stay there.
44:46You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:47Stay there.
44:48You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:49Stay there.
44:50You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:51Stay there.
44:52You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:53Stay there.
44:54You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:55Stay there.
44:56You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:57Stay there.
44:58You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
44:59Stay there.
45:00You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:01Stay there.
45:02You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:03Stay there.
45:04You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:05Stay there.
45:06You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:07Stay there.
45:08You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:09Stay there.
45:10You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:11Stay there.
45:12You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:13Stay there.
45:14You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:15Stay there.
45:16You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:17Stay there.
45:18You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:19Stay there.
45:20You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:21Stay there.
45:22You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:23Stay there.
45:24You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:25Stay there.
45:26You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:27Stay there.
45:28You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:29Stay there.
45:30You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:31Stay there.
45:32You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:33Stay there.
45:34You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:35Stay there.
45:36You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:37Stay there.
45:38You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:39Stay there.
45:40You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:41Stay there.
45:42You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:43Stay there.
45:44You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:45Stay there.
45:46You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:47Stay there.
45:48You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:49Stay there.
45:50You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:51Stay there.
45:52You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:53Stay there.
45:54You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:55Stay there.
45:56You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:57Stay there.
45:58You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:59Stay there.
46:00You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:01Stay there.
46:02You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:03Stay there.
46:04You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:05Stay there.
46:06You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:07Stay there.
46:08You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:09Stay there.
46:10You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:11Stay there.
46:12Stay there.
46:13You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:14Stay there.
46:15You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:16Stay there.
46:17You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:18Stay there.
46:19You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:20Stay there.
46:21You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:22Stay there.
46:23You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:24Stay there.
46:25You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:26Stay there.
46:27You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:28Stay there.
46:29You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:30Stay there.
46:31You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:32Stay there.
46:33You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:34Stay there.
46:35You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:36Stay there.
46:37You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:38Stay there.
46:39You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:40Stay there.
46:41You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:42Stay there.
46:43You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:44Stay there.
46:45You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:46Stay there.
46:47You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:48Stay there.
46:49You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:50Stay there.
46:51You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:52Stay there.
46:53You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:54Stay there.
46:55You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:56Stay there.
46:57You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
46:58Stay there.
46:59You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:00Stay there.
47:01You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:02Stay there.
47:03You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:04Stay there.
47:05You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:06Stay there.
47:07You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:08Stay there.
47:09You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:10Stay there.
47:11You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:12Stay there.
47:13You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:14Stay there.
47:15You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:16Stay there.
47:17You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:18Stay there.
47:19You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:20Stay there.
47:21You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:22Stay there.
47:23You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:24Stay there.
47:25You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:26Stay there.
47:27You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:28Stay there.
47:29You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:30Stay there.
47:31You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:32Stay there.
47:33You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:34Stay there.
47:35You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:36Stay there.
47:37You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:38Stay there.
47:39You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:40Stay there.
47:41You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:42Stay there.
47:43You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:44Stay there.
47:45You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:46Stay there.
47:47You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:48Stay there.
47:49You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:50Stay there.
47:51You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:52Stay there.
47:53You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:54Stay there.
47:55You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:56Stay there.
47:57You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
47:58Stay there.
47:59You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:00Stay there.
48:01You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:02Stay there.
48:03You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:04Stay there.
48:05You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:06Stay there.
48:07You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:08Stay there.
48:09You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:10Stay there.
48:11You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:12Stay there.
48:13You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:14Stay there.
48:15You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:16Stay there.
48:17You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:18Stay there.
48:19You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:20Stay there.
48:21You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:22Stay there.
48:23You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:24Stay there.
48:25You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:26Stay there.
48:27You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:28Stay there.
48:29You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:30Stay there.
48:31You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:32Stay there.
48:33You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:34Stay there.
48:35You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:36Stay there.
48:37You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:38Stay there.
48:39You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:40Stay there.
48:41You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:42Stay there.
48:43You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:44Stay there.
48:45You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:46Stay there.
48:47You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:48Stay there.
48:49You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:50Stay there.
48:51You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:52Stay there.
48:53You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:54Stay there.
48:55You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:56Stay there.
48:57You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
48:58Stay there.
48:59You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:00Stay there.
49:01You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:02Stay there.
49:03You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:04Stay there.
49:05You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:06Stay there.
49:07You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:08Stay there.
49:09You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:10Stay there.
49:11You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:12Stay there.
49:13You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:14Stay there.
49:15You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:16Stay there.
49:17You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:18Stay there.
49:19You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:20Stay there.
49:21You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:22Stay there.
49:23You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:24Stay there.
49:25You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:26Stay there.
49:27You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:28Stay there.
49:29You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:30Stay there.
49:31You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:32Stay there.
49:33You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:34Stay there.
49:35You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:36Stay there.
49:37You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:38Stay there.
49:39You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:40Stay there.
49:41You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:42Stay there.
49:43You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:44Stay there.
49:45You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:46Stay there.
49:47You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:48Stay there.
49:49You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:50Stay there.
49:51You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:52Stay there.
49:53You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:54Stay there.
49:55You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:56Stay there.
49:57You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
49:58Stay there.
49:59You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:00Stay there.
50:01You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:02Stay there.
50:03You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:04Stay there.
50:05You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:06Stay there.
50:07You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:08Stay there.
50:09You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:10Stay there.
50:11You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:12Stay there.
50:13You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:14Stay there.
50:15You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:16Stay there.
50:17You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:18Stay there.
50:19You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:20Stay there.
50:21You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:22Stay there.
50:23You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:24Stay there.
50:25You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:26Stay there.
50:27You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:28Stay there.
50:29You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:30Stay there.
50:31You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:32Stay there.
50:33You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:34Stay there.
50:35You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:36Stay there.
50:37You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:38Stay there.
50:39You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:40Stay there.
50:41You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:42Stay there.
50:43You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:44Stay there.
50:45You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:46Stay there.
50:47You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:48Stay there.
50:49You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:50Stay there.
50:51You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:52Stay there.
50:53You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:54Stay there.
50:55You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:56Stay there.
50:57You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
50:58Stay there.
50:59You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:00Stay there.
51:01You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:02Stay there.
51:03You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:04Stay there.
51:05You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:06Stay there.
51:07You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:08Stay there.
51:09You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:10Stay there.
51:11You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:12Stay there.
51:13You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:14Stay there.
51:15You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:16Stay there.
51:17You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:18Stay there.
51:19You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:20Stay there.
51:21Stay there.
51:22You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:23Stay there.
51:24You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:25Stay there.
51:26You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:27Stay there.
51:28You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:29Stay there.
51:30You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:31Stay there.
51:32You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:33Stay there.
51:34You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:35Stay there.
51:36You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:37Stay there.
51:38You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:39Stay there.
51:40You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:41Stay there.
51:42You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:43Stay there.
51:44You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:45Stay there.
51:46You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:47Stay there.
51:48You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:49Stay there.
51:50You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:51Stay there.
51:52You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:53Stay there.
51:54You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:55Stay there.
51:56You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:57Stay there.
51:58You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
51:59Stay there.
52:00You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
52:01Stay there.
52:02You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
52:03Stay there.
52:04You're going, I'm going, I'm going.
52:05Stay there.
52:06to tell her that she doesn't have to think about that argument, because if I lost a t goo she's not allowed to call herself a mom!
52:15Uh, don't worry about that dad, I'll talk to her later.
52:19Hey, I wasn't expecting this, dad.
52:21Me neither.
52:25No, no. My mom won't give you the divorce.
52:26Yeah, and especially now that she found out about your baby.
52:30Divorced or not, I'm going to make a family with Rosetta.
52:40Nubia was afraid to report the jerk who almost raped her.
52:44Well, Nubia has to report him.
52:46Yes, at least I didn't have to sign the contract.
52:50And I gave him a good beating.
52:52I didn't even need to break his jaw.
52:56Well, if you hadn't broken his jaw...
53:02Thank you. The dinner was delicious.
53:04I'm glad you liked it.
53:06Can you pass me your dishes?
53:07No, I'll take them. I'll help you.
53:10Are you sure?
53:11Yes, of course.
53:12Thank you very much.
53:13We'll do the rest later.
53:14It feels good not to wash the dishes today.
53:18It does, doesn't it?
53:20Well, Arminda and Katia already know about Amel and me.
53:25This is ready.
53:27Look, I'm sure Arminda told you exactly what I told you,
53:31didn't she?
53:33I don't think it's time to open my cards yet.
53:39Pass me the...
53:41Of course.
53:42I'll go get the napkins.
54:05¿Cuándo vamos a poder empezar a salir juntos como novios?
54:13Juliana is doing very well.
54:14She's using therapy to overcome the divorce.
54:17David has a different attitude, I can't believe it.
54:21And we're doing incredibly well.
54:24Yes, my love.
54:25Being discreet is not allowing people to get in
54:28where they shouldn't.
54:30Of course.
54:31I love it.
54:32I love that you think of your family and us,
54:34but it's hard for me.
54:37I don't want to delay it.
54:41Do you know what my biggest wish is?
54:47Not being a couple.
54:51It's becoming your husband.
55:28Ay, hijo.
55:58¿Cómo sabes que le caigo bien?
56:00Porque él me contó que le pidió a su mamá
56:02que te ayudara con las terapias.
56:04¿De verdad?
56:07Bueno, te dejo.
56:10Que tengas un excelente día.
56:13Cuídate bien.
56:20¿No vas a desayunar?
56:22¿No te gustó el desayuno?
56:26¿Te sientes mal?
56:29¿Estás enferma?
56:31Es que te veo pálida.
56:34Estoy deprimida, ¿ok?
56:36Fonseca ya no firmó el contrato conmigo
56:39y se fue al pueblo.
56:41Y ahora de nuevo,
56:42todos mis sueños tirados a la basura.
56:49¿Y por qué no intentas otra cosa?
56:51A ver, a ver.
56:53No te digo que te vayas a trabajar a la tienda
56:55porque ya sé que no te gusta.
56:57Pero, no sé,
56:58¿por qué no estudias algo?
57:03Lo voy a pensar.
57:04Ahorita quiero dormir.
57:12No debiste contarle a Eduardo
57:13y a mis sobrinos lo de mi embarazo.
57:16Es mejor que se enteraran por mí.
57:19Quiero que a partir de hoy
57:20seamos una familia.
57:22Ven a vivir conmigo.
57:25Ay, Francisco.
57:28Es que...
57:30no me puedo mover de aquí.
57:31Aquí está mi negocio.
57:37Está bien.
57:40Entonces, yo me vengo a vivir aquí.
57:44Digo, si tú me aceptas.
57:50Yo te acepto.
57:56Perpetua, bien sabes
57:57que no puedo escuchar tu confesión.
57:59Ya te lo he dicho.
58:00No me importa.
58:01Tiene que escucharme.
58:02¿Y por qué mejor no buscas
58:03a otros...
58:04Lo hice.
58:06Lo hice.
58:08Me entregué el cuerpo
58:09y alma al hombre de mis sueños
58:11y, ay, casi cura.
58:14Ay, fue maravilloso.
58:22Al paciente del 208
58:23lo vamos a dar de alta.
58:24Solo hay que asegurarse
58:25que se tome la última dosis
58:26de antibiótico.
58:27Ok, a ver.
58:30Buenos días.
58:31¿Y ahora qué haces aquí, Andrés?
58:33Serena, te mujer,
58:34no te vine a ver a ti.
58:35Ya te superé.
58:36Me dijeron que aquí trabaja
58:37la señorita Olga Tavares.
58:39Sí, soy yo.
58:40¿Para qué me busca?
58:45Los girasoles son mis favoritos.
58:47Los míos también.
58:56Rodrigo, ¿qué pasó?
58:57¿Todo bien?
59:00Detuvieron a Olga.
59:02¿Por qué?
59:04Por secuestro.
59:09Olga, por favor.
59:10No te puedes quedar aquí.
59:12Por favor.
59:14Por favor, acompáñame.
59:16No quiero que te lleven.
59:17Lina, Lina.
59:18Por favor.
59:19Te debiste haber ido del pueblo
59:20cuando te lo ofrecí.
59:21Porque ahora a ti
59:22y a ese bastardo
59:23los tengo en la mira.
59:24Esa cosa no van a hacer.
59:25Mi hijo va a nacer.
59:27Jamás me voy a divorciar de él.
59:33¿Qué están haciendo?
59:37Le está dando
59:38el peor de los ejemplos
59:39a mi hijo
59:40y bajo el mismo techo
59:41donde él vive.
59:44Por su bien,
59:45necesito quitarle la custodia.
