Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 39 HD Completo

  • 5 months ago
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 39 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 40 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 41 HD Completo
Marea de Pasiones Capitulo 39 HD Completo
00:00 I'd tell you how I've been feeling, but I don't remember.
00:05 No, it's not true. It's not true, Marcelo.
00:07 I'm fine. I'm fine.
00:10 I just wanted to lighten the mood a little bit, because there's something I have to tell you that might bother you.
00:16 Your mom and I are trying to have a relationship.
00:21 What?
00:23 I understand if you don't agree. I'm aware that this won't last long and that your mom might suffer from my illness very soon.
00:33 Look, Esteban, my mom is strong. So be happy until the time comes.
00:41 Thank you. It will be so. I have your blessing.
00:46 Of course.
00:47 I'm leaving.
00:49 Hi.
00:51 Hi.
00:52 Hi.
00:53 So? Did you do what you agreed?
01:00 No.
01:02 If I had, you'd be dead by now.
01:06 But I love you too much to do something like this.
01:10 [Music]
01:12 The first thing we need is for the kidnapper to give us one more week to get the money.
01:26 They're going to send us to hell.
01:27 First, listen, IƱaki. Look, in the casino there are a lot of men who hire girls for private things, and it's not exactly to play cards.
01:35 Uh-huh. And?
01:38 I'm going to take pictures of them and they're going to give us the money in exchange for us not showing them to their wives.
01:43 Believe me, a divorce is much more expensive and they're going to give us the money.
01:47 And how many of us are we going to blackmail?
01:50 If each of us gives us two million, it would be six, one a day, and we'll make it.
01:55 Look, we can't keep committing crimes. This is blackmail.
01:59 Do you have a better plan?
02:03 IƱaki, trust me when I tell you they're not going to sue us. These men don't want their wives to know about all the dirty work.
02:09 This man is not going to hesitate twice to give us the money.
02:13 Wait, I know him.
02:16 He's David Santos Coy, he works with my dad, he's a financial advisor, and I think he has restaurants.
02:22 No, it's just that I don't want to keep doing this. I don't want to.
02:27 IƱaki, please. If we go to jail, I'll get the worst part.
02:32 [Music]
02:38 Okay.
02:39 [Music]
02:42 Let's do it.
02:43 [Music]
02:48 Alfonso didn't even believe it a little bit, and if I earn his hatred, I don't want any problems with anyone.
02:53 Don't worry about Alfonso. Alfonso is a vicious man.
03:00 Everyone knows that his judgment is altered by drugs.
03:03 But how are we going to do with the DNA tests?
03:06 His wife asked for a kit to track the whole process.
03:10 They're going to find out. I don't feel good with so many lies.
03:15 It's not time to worry.
03:17 I already paid you, right?
03:20 The orphanage is safe.
03:22 It's your turn to do your part.
03:27 [Music]
03:31 You'll be happy.
03:32 There's what you asked for. I'm not going to support Marcelo anymore.
03:38 This is a real love test.
03:42 I appreciate it and I thank you very much.
03:45 Natalia asked about you last night.
03:50 She misses you and needs you. Can we go back home?
03:53 Of course. Let's go.
03:54 Okay.
03:56 This is what my family misses.
03:57 Let's pack your bag.
03:59 Let's go.
04:01 They let me bring you bread and coffee.
04:08 Thank you, Dad.
04:11 Sweetie, I'm doing everything I can to get you out of here.
04:24 There's a lab test tube in the glass.
04:26 Spit it out and give it to me.
04:29 What do you want that for?
04:34 I hired a new lawyer.
04:36 He wants to prove that you don't do drugs and that you have an untouchable behavior.
04:44 Do it.
04:51 [Music]
04:57 Close your eyes, please.
05:00 Close your eyes.
05:02 What's going on?
05:03 A surprise. Close your eyes.
05:05 Okay, don't open them.
05:07 I'll take you. I'll take you.
05:09 Here.
05:12 Let me direct you. There.
05:14 Don't open them.
05:16 I love you.
05:18 I missed you so much.
05:20 Are you taking me to my boxing classes?
05:22 I'll take you wherever you want. I'll buy you anything you want, honey.
05:26 I'll be right back.
05:31 Please don't do anything stupid.
05:33 No one invited you to get in. Get out.
05:49 Just to remind you that the cautious measures are in effect and you're breaking the restriction order.
05:53 So the one who's leaving is you.
05:55 Oh, yeah? What if I don't want to?
05:57 What are you going to do? Are you going to call the police?
05:59 If my daughter wasn't there, I'd kick you out of here.
06:02 I want you away from my daughter. Do you understand?
06:05 No, don't get it wrong. She's not your daughter. She's my daughter.
06:08 Are you going to answer?
06:14 Get out.
06:16 Perfect.
06:18 Get out.
06:19 Did my dad hit my dad, Marcelo?
06:24 No, no, no. They're talking.
06:27 But come, come, come. I bought you something you're going to love. Come on.
06:30 Yes?
06:34 Mr. Bernal, I'm just calling to confirm that I already have the signature of another of the Grajales.
06:39 Approving the exhumation.
06:41 You must come to sign.
06:43 You must come to sign.
06:44 Bernal, you can come see Beatriz now.
07:02 Thank you. Hey, boss.
07:04 Is there any news about the bail?
07:06 Yes, but it's not in writing yet.
07:08 Well, but you must know more or less how much it is, right?
07:12 50 million.
07:13 You and I know you're not Sofia.
07:28 Please tell the truth.
07:31 I need you to tell the truth.
07:34 Because I love you.
07:37 Please.
07:40 I love you.
07:41 I was waiting for you.
07:58 And why didn't you wait for me inside?
08:05 Not because what I'm going to tell you is something that no one else can hear but you and me.
08:08 Because we're accomplices, right?
08:11 We're going to go to Alejandro's grave because we're going to steal his body.
08:17 I know you feel the same way as me. Please tell them the truth. Tell them you're not Sofia.
08:26 I'm not going to say that. Don't ask me again.
08:28 But why? Rita, we can get the money from the orphanage in another way.
08:34 Stop saying that I'm selling myself, Alfonso. Stop saying that.
08:37 No, no, no, I know you're not selling yourself.
08:40 Listen, please.
08:43 Please, it's very coincidental that the moment the orphanage received the money it needed,
08:49 you show up in this house with that story. Please.
08:52 Because a lot of people watch the orphanage. That donation has nothing to do with me.
08:55 No, no, no, no. It's just that I know how to distinguish between what is true and what is not.
08:58 And you also know that the only truth
09:03 is that we want to kiss and love each other. Please.
09:08 Please.
09:10 Alfonso, that's enough. That's enough.
09:12 You have to accept that our relationship changed forever, even if we don't like it.
09:16 And how do you want us to stop feeling this we have?
09:19 How? Tell me. How?
09:22 Alfonso, just please don't fall for the frustration.
09:27 I'm going to be here when you need me.
09:31 What I need is to be away from you.
09:35 Are you crazy?
09:44 Stealing Alejandro's body is a crime.
09:47 It's crazy. It's an aberration.
09:49 It goes beyond all limits.
09:52 Don't count on me.
09:54 No, no, no, I do count on you.
09:56 You're going to do it.
09:59 You're going to do everything I tell you, okay?
10:02 With this it's clear to me that you killed Alejandro.
10:05 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
10:07 We're going to go because I also know a lot about you.
10:11 So you're going to do what I tell you.
10:13 Don't be sad, my love.
10:19 Your dad is going to come home.
10:22 I'm sad. My dad hit my dad, Marcelo.
10:28 I know.
10:29 Can you not forget what you saw?
10:34 I can't. Some things my dad does scare me.
10:39 What things does he do?
10:43 When I was on that trip, he yelled at me really bad.
10:47 And before I didn't do it.
10:49 He never told me that.
10:57 You know, Nati, adults are like...
11:02 Like boats, sometimes.
11:05 If we get distracted, we forget where we were going.
11:09 And I think that's what's happening to your dad.
11:12 Your dad is quite distracted.
11:15 We have to remind him what his path was.
11:18 And you're going to help him?
11:20 Yes, my love. So you're not sad anymore.
11:24 Because Natalia is the most beautiful girl with a smile.
11:29 Look at her.
11:31 How much does mommy love you?
11:34 To be on the moon.
11:36 To be on the moon and beyond.
11:38 To be on planet Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto.
11:45 I don't like to see you sad, my love.
11:52 This is crazy. Everything is wrong.
11:55 Stop it, please. Stop repeating things and get to work.
11:59 What are you going to do when you have the body?
12:01 I'm going to throw it around with what's left of the remains so they don't find it.
12:05 Zahid, you're making noise.
12:09 Shut up and get to work.
12:12 Did you hear that?
12:13 It's in the land of the Marreros.
12:16 Hey! Who's there?
12:40 I made the call you asked me to make with the judge so they could lower the bail, Beatriz.
12:45 And what did the judge say about the lack of evidence that there is a link with organized crime?
12:49 That he thinks there is a link.
12:51 Boss, 50 million pesos is crazy, even for the Marreros.
12:55 Well, yes, but the Marreros being relatives of the Grajales, maybe he could help them, right?
13:02 The Grajales are the ones who should be in jail.
13:04 I'm sure they're behind the money laundering.
13:08 And do you have proof of that or did you hide it too?
13:10 I don't have them, but I'm going to find them.
13:16 By the way, did the judge tell you more or less what term they have to pay the bail?
13:20 A week.
13:22 I'm going to tell the Marreros.
13:25 I'm going to tell them.
13:27 Yes, boss.
13:30 Let's go.
13:31 And now what do we do?
13:40 What do you mean, what do we do?
13:42 Are you going to talk to Robledo? Are you going to tell him that someone tried to desecrate Alejandro's grave?
13:46 Let him investigate, please.
13:48 Come on, what are you waiting for?
13:50 Mr. Espino does not want Alejandro Grajales' body to be exhumed.
13:59 I couldn't answer your call because you ended up hitting me.
14:02 What reasons would you have to oppose?
14:05 I don't know, maybe by analyzing the body we'll know.
14:08 You can listen to the recording I left you and you'll see that this guy is lying in his statement.
14:13 Don't get ahead of yourself, we're going to wait for the autopsy.
14:17 Okay, take it.
14:20 Can I ask you a question?
14:25 Tell me.
14:28 Do you have permission to exhume the body?
14:30 Mrs. Isela Grajales.
14:33 Isela Grajales.
14:35 Okay, thank you.
14:37 You're welcome.
14:39 You had no justification to hit Marcelo.
14:46 He just wanted to see his daughter in the distance.
14:48 Oh yeah? And you, who are the one who knows about the laws in this house,
14:51 should understand that this guy has a restraining order.
14:54 Marcelo was not bothering us.
14:57 It bothers me to hear you talk about him.
14:59 That you refer to Natalia as if she were his daughter.
15:01 Natalia saw you being aggressive, don't you realize?
15:04 You're scaring her.
15:06 Yes, because that guy has plans that are probably not good.
15:08 He has not stopped harassing us.
15:10 Well, I'm not going to allow Natalia to see you being aggressive with everyone.
15:12 What's wrong with you?
15:14 She loves you as if you were her father.
15:16 No, no, no, because I'm her father.
15:18 Although I have not forced her, I am her father.
15:20 And you, please, I ask you, please,
15:22 stop getting that guy into this house, this family, because you are the one who provokes.
15:26 It's all your fault, your insecurities.
15:27 And I warn you, you scare my daughter again
15:29 and forget about your happy family that you want to recover.
15:31 You came back.
15:33 You should have stayed at the hotel.
15:36 It is evident that things between you are not well.
15:38 I think so.
15:40 And we were making agreements until someone came up with the idea of ā€‹ā€‹making an exhumation order.
15:44 Do you know who it was, Leonor?
15:54 Office of Mr. Santos Coy?
15:56 This is Saib Espino, operating director of the Lux hotels.
16:01 Is the lawyer?
16:03 One moment, please.
16:05 Saib, I hope this call is to ask for the catering of the bankers' convention.
16:12 I hope the night you shared in a private VIP casino with that beautiful woman was worth it,
16:18 because I was immortalized forever in some photographs.
16:22 And if you want your wife to have that beautiful memory,
16:24 you will give us two million pesos in large bills,
16:28 in a black bag that you will leave in a trash can at the casino bar, today.
16:34 Understood?
16:36 Okay, but I want the camera memory with the photos in exchange.
16:40 It will be the only time you are going to blackmail me.
16:44 Is it clear?
16:46 We have it.
16:49 Let's go.
16:50 Oh my God.
16:56 I want to apologize.
17:04 I didn't want you to see how I hurt Marcelo.
17:07 But that guy does things that make me angry, that bother me.
17:12 It's not true, he didn't do anything to you.
17:15 Sometimes I don't like how you are, Dad, Saib.
17:18 I wanted you to...
17:19 I'm not Dad, Saib. I'm your dad.
17:21 Don't say that again, Natalia. I'm your dad.
17:24 Did you forget who taught you how to ride a bike, who took care of you when you needed it?
17:28 I'm your dad, Natalia.
17:31 Oh no, my love, no.
17:39 Forgive me, please.
17:45 Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me.
17:47 I've been mad at your mom and that's why I'm in a bad mood.
17:53 But I want you to know that you are the most important person in my life.
18:01 You're not going to scare me like that anymore?
18:04 No.
18:06 I promise you that I'm not going to scare you.
18:12 Will you forgive me?
18:13 You're not going to do anything.
18:23 You're not going to do anything.
18:24 Marines, I'm here to return your engagement ring. Excuse me.
18:45 But what happened?
18:47 Marcelo canceled our wedding plans.
18:51 Because of the trip with Luisa.
18:53 Because he slept with her. And he confessed it to me.
18:57 And I'm very in love with Marcelo.
19:00 And I'm willing to do anything for him, but I can't allow this.
19:04 And I'm not going to tolerate this about Marcelo. He's behaving like his father.
19:09 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I don't want to bring you bad memories here or make you a scene, but...
19:14 No, no, no. It's fine. I'm going to talk to him so he can reconsider.
19:18 No, no, no. Please, Marines. Things are not so good.
19:21 He's very angry with me. I don't know. He doesn't want anything.
19:24 He told me to leave the house. I don't know what to do.
19:27 You're coming to live with me, even if he doesn't like it.
19:30 Come. No, don't get like that. Calm down.
19:34 Calm down. Let's go.
19:36 Let's go.
19:37 [Dramatic music]
19:40 [Dramatic music]
19:43 [Dramatic music]
19:45 [Dramatic music]
19:48 [Dramatic music]
19:51 [Dramatic music]
19:54 [Dramatic music]
19:57 [Dramatic music]
20:00 [Dramatic music]
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20:10 [Dramatic music]
20:12 [Dramatic music]
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20:18 [Dramatic music]
20:21 [Dramatic music]
20:24 [Phone ringing]
20:26 You canceled your engagement with Elena.
20:29 I had my reasons, Mom.
20:31 Yes, of course.
20:33 Sleeping with Luisa Grajales is one of them.
20:36 - Did Elena tell you? - Of course she told me.
20:39 I'm sorry. I didn't raise you like that.
20:41 You're doing what they did to me.
20:44 Okay, I made a mistake.
20:46 And my mistake was to get engaged to Elena.
20:49 You were right, Mom. I still love Luisa.
20:52 And? And you're playing with Elena.
20:55 It wasn't my intention. You know me.
20:57 Does Zaid know about this?
21:00 No.
21:03 Do you know why?
21:06 Because of you, Luisa chose to keep silent to keep what she has.
21:10 For whatever reason.
21:12 Instead, you throw everything away.
21:14 It's just that...
21:16 Mrs. MarĆ­nez.
21:18 Someone stole a pesticide from the warehouse like this.
21:21 What?
21:23 Someone stole it.
21:25 This is what poisoned you, Mom.
21:28 [Dramatic music]
21:30 Let's go see. Take me.
21:32 Let's go.
21:35 [Speaking Spanish]
21:37 [Speaking Spanish]
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21:55 [Dramatic music]
21:58 [Speaking Spanish]
22:00 [Dramatic music]
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23:15 [Dramatic music]
23:17 [Speaking Spanish]
23:19 [Speaking Spanish]
23:21 [Speaking Spanish]
23:23 [Speaking Spanish]
23:26 [Speaking Spanish]
23:27 [Birds chirping]
23:29 [Speaking Spanish]
23:31 [Speaking Spanish]
23:33 [Speaking Spanish]
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23:37 [Speaking Spanish]
23:39 [Speaking Spanish]
23:41 [Speaking Spanish]
23:43 [Speaking Spanish]
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23:47 [Speaking Spanish]
23:49 [Speaking Spanish]
23:51 [Phone ringing]
23:54 [Speaking Spanish]
23:55 [Speaking Spanish]
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24:15 [Speaking Spanish]
24:17 [Dramatic music]
24:19 [Speaking Spanish]
24:21 [Speaking Spanish]
24:23 No one can pass through the area.
24:24 I have an order from Judge VĆ©lez.
24:26 I can be present at the exhumation.
24:28 What are you doing here?
24:30 They vandalized Alejandro Grajales' grave.
24:32 The area is coordinated for expertise.
24:35 And the DA ordered us not to let anyone through.
24:37 So...
24:38 The exhumation won't be possible.
24:39 No, no, the exhumation must be done.
24:42 This is my freedom, Felipe.
24:43 You can't do this to me.
24:44 I only receive orders, Marcelo.
24:46 You understand that it's not my business.
24:47 And you think this is a coincidence?
24:49 When I just get the order,
24:51 you do this to me.
24:53 This was done on purpose.
24:54 -Please proceed. -Not another step, gentlemen.
24:57 Marcelo, don't put me in this situation, please.
25:01 I'm going.
25:12 Roberta, be very careful, please.
25:16 If you see anything strange, come quickly, okay?
25:19 Ana, don't worry.
25:21 I know how to take care of myself.
25:23 I love you.
25:24 I'll always love you.
25:28 Calm down, everyone.
25:35 Both you and the DA want to do our job.
25:40 I need to speak with one of your superiors
25:41 to reach an agreement.
25:43 I already spoke with DA Robledo.
25:44 You should do the same with Judge VĆ©lez.
25:46 Yes, I will.
25:48 But I don't know if he can come.
25:49 He's a busy man.
25:50 Marcelo, please. Felipe, this is my last chance.
25:52 I know, Marcelo.
25:53 And I'm doing what I can.
25:54 I already spoke with Robledo.
25:55 But if Judge VĆ©lez is right, I can't do anything.
25:58 -The DA... -What's going on here?
26:02 Get down.
26:15 [Grunts]
26:17 [Grunts]
26:19 [Grunts]
26:21 [Water splashing]
26:23 [ā™Ŗā™Ŗā™Ŗ]
26:45 [Grunts]
26:47 [ā™Ŗā™Ŗā™Ŗ]
26:49 [Grunts]
26:51 [Speaking Spanish]
26:53 [ā™Ŗā™Ŗā™Ŗ]
26:55 [Speaking Spanish]
26:57 [Speaking Spanish]
26:59 [Speaking Spanish]
27:01 [Speaking Spanish]
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27:09 [Speaking Spanish]
27:11 [Speaking Spanish]
27:13 [ā™Ŗā™Ŗā™Ŗ]
27:15 Juan!
27:17 [ā™Ŗā™Ŗā™Ŗ]
27:19 [Birds chirping]
27:21 [Speaking Spanish]
27:23 [ā™Ŗā™Ŗā™Ŗ]
27:25 (birds chirping)
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32:25 (birds chirping)
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38:09 (speaking in foreign language)
38:36 (speaking in foreign language)
38:40 (phone ringing)
38:49 (speaking in foreign language)
38:57 (speaking in foreign language)
39:02 (speaking in foreign language)
39:06 (speaking in foreign language)
39:11 (speaking in foreign language)
39:18 (speaking in foreign language)
39:29 (speaking in foreign language)
39:33 (dramatic music)