El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 68 en HD Completo

  • 13 hours ago
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 68 en HD Completo
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 69 en HD Completo
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 70 en HD Completo
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 68 en HD Completo
00:18Sente ahora mismo esta entregando las autoridades
00:20Vicente jamás haría eso porque vas a oír si eres inocente porque no tengo tiempo para explicar
00:25Ni para defender mi inocencia sabíamos que no iba a entregarse por su propia cuenta su momento estuve atentada a dejarlo caer
00:32La señora mariana estuvo con doña paulina y en el palacio del conde
00:39Via la señora paulina
00:41Platicando con una mujer pues así como muy acarameladas es lo que acabas de decir de mi esposa si de verdad están dispuestos
00:48A ayudarnos para empujar a josefina al abismo no va a ser un trabajo fácil
00:53No tenemos miedo resulta que excepción de vicente su familia nadie sabe que no soy el marqués
00:58y le pienso sacar provecho es que hubiera gustado tener un hijo varón
01:01si cuando sofía nació esperaba que fuera un niño
01:04esa gente es peligrosa y cuál es la diferencia entre ellos y yo si mi propio padre asesinó a mi mamá
01:10paulina es una maldita marimacha por eso ha sido siempre así conmigo como que no puede salir quien ordenó esto
01:17fui yo quien dio la orden marianita
01:19mientras no nos divorciamos la niña no sale de aquí punto
01:30Por fin donna está en el hospital de san jacinto
01:34y así abre la boca estamos perdidos no no te preocupes yo voy a resolver este asunto de una buena vez por todas
01:46Papá se murió
01:50Cuando te vuelques con una mujer es una violación por qué no llamas a los espíritus para que vengan a liberar
02:01No son ellos los que te advierten sobre el futuro porque no te dijeron que esto iba a pasarte
02:13Ahora que los voy a invocar se por aquí debe andar ese espíritu el que le dice chepita
02:21Así que paulina te ha contado cosas
02:26Interesante y me imagino que también has visto cosas en el palacio
02:31Así que tú me vas a decir que se trae el conde con mariana de villarreal
02:36Yo no sé nada pero porque no usted le pregunta vamos a ver qué tanto cadura esa maldita
02:43valentía hasta responder de todo lo que te pregunte
03:08Qué pasó te estuvieron esperando en el lugar que quedamos
03:12Gerardo tiene encerrada gabriela
03:14No me deja sacarla a david no lo puede encerrar pero sé que va a buscar la manera de tenerlo bajo control y tú
03:21Como hiciste te escapaste porque ricardo me dijo que tiene hombres armados por toda la hacienda
03:27Yo puedo entrar y salir sin ningún problema
03:29Está usando a mis hijos para presionarme yo creo que el josefina le metió ideas en la cabeza
03:35No puedo permitir que vuelvas a esa casa
03:38Voy a ir a buscar a david y a gabriela todo está listo para que salgan de san jacinto el mismo
03:43por favor entiéndelo
03:46Gerardo es un asesino sin escóculos
03:50No le importa matar a gente inocente con tal de conseguir lo que quiere
03:55Qué estás hablando
03:59Gerardo fue el que mandó a quemar el hotel
04:01Te das cuenta
04:03Ahora es culpable de todas las vidas que se perdieron ahí
04:08Vicente murió en el hospital
04:10Los médicos dicen que fue por una complicación
04:12Pues como no pues estaba bien gordo
04:14El cuerpo simplemente pues no aguantó
04:16Ja caray
04:18Yo lo último que supe de él es que tuvo un accidente
04:22Llegó vivo el bodrio
04:24Pero estaba ya delicado
04:26Fíjate Felipillo que no es tan bueno que haya muerto
04:28Tenía todavía muchas cosas por decir
04:32Empezando por su confesión de mi atentado
04:34Y la muerte de Cordelia Guillén
04:36Sabes Gerardo
04:38Sigo sin entender porque tú tenías la foto de su amante
04:42¿Por qué no me lo aclaraste cuando encontré esa foto?
04:48Porque simple y sencillamente no era el momento Felipillo
04:52¿Estás dudando de mí o qué?
04:54No importa ¿No?
04:56Los enemigos son mejores cuando están muertos Gerardo
05:00Tú mismo me lo has enseñado
05:02Fíjate Felipillo que últimamente han pasado cosas muy raras en San Jacinto
05:04Cosas que tienen que ver con el pasado
05:08Procurador López Verdea regresó y trae entre ceja y ceja
05:10Todo el caso de Alejandro Gaitán
05:12¿Otra vez?
05:14A mí se me hace que vamos a tener que encargarnos del señor procurador
05:18Mejor dicho me vas a tener que encargar de él Felipillo
05:24¿Quién más?
05:26Por supuesto que tú
05:28Para eso tengo como mi mano derecha
05:30Para que me limpies la basura ¿Te queda claro?
05:34Sí, sí está bien Gerardo, está bien
05:40Este es el documento
05:42Te lo dio el notario
05:44Tal como se lo previste
05:46Su nuevo testamento
05:48Guárdalo en tu habitación
05:54Mi amor, ya podemos
05:58¿Y eso?
06:00Nada, vos verías unos papeles que Brendan me vino a enseñar
06:02Y que me va a guardar
06:06¿Pasamos al comedor?
06:08Sí, vamos
06:14Están los peritos trabajando
06:16El primer informe
06:18Y sabemos que el incendio fue provocado
06:20Tú misma me dijiste en el empeño que el puso
06:22En que no fueras a ese evento
06:26Me preocupa que en su ambición ya nada lo detenga Mariana
06:28Tengo que sacarte de aquí
06:30Yo no me puedo mover sin mi hija
06:32Sí, sí, claro
06:36Esta noche
06:38Voy ahí y los voy a sacar de San Jacinto como sea
06:40Ay no
06:42No, no, no Alejandro entiéndeme
06:44Por favor yo no te quiero exponer
06:46No quiero que mis hijos se expongan
06:48No podemos quedarnos aquí ya sin hacer nada
06:50Entonces hay que posponer los planes
06:54No quiero que tú estés en peligro
06:56No quiero que mis hijos les pase algo
06:58No quiero que esto se resuelva con más sangre Alejandro
07:00Mi amor
07:02Por favor
07:04Piénsalo, decide
07:06Necesito estar sola un momento
07:08Son muchas cosas
07:10Perdóname, por favor
10:04It's forever, and it's going to be forever.
10:08And if she loves you so much, why is she still with her husband?
10:12Why does she prefer to have them both?
10:14Because she's not going to lose her privileges, not even because of you.
10:17Or do you think she's going to leave her husband now,
10:19that he's just going to be president of the country?
10:21Mariana, it's not like that, Cayetana.
10:23No, it's worse.
10:25It's just that you don't see it, because you're blinded by him.
10:28That's enough, isn't it? Enough.
10:30You yourself told me that Gerardo Villarreal is a bad person.
10:33You forbade me to get close to him because he was dangerous.
10:36That's right.
10:37What kind of woman stays by his side for so many years?
10:40When Mariana married him, it was his father's last will.
10:44His family was in trouble.
10:46Please, Joaquin has two children with him.
10:49Look, look, Cayetana.
10:51This was the last thing.
10:53It's over.
10:55You're no one to judge anyone.
10:58And I'll tell you again.
11:00Things are not what you think they are.
11:03Mariana and I...
11:05Mariana and you.
11:07It's not going to end well.
11:09Because that woman is playing with you.
11:11And very soon you will realize.
11:31So you were the famous painter of the exhibition of the Count.
11:37All this time making fun of us.
11:40Painting your indecencies in front of our noses.
11:47Where is Maranta?
11:49You filthy, disgusting, dirty, ungrateful, and evil woman!
12:20You are...
12:23...your monster.
12:25Hold on.
12:29I don't care what you think of me.
12:33And you better let us go.
12:36Because when the Count finds out that he has us locked up, he will come looking for us.
12:42You think you're very brave, don't you?
12:44But it's because your friend Mariana is a lover of the Count.
12:49The one who will protect you.
12:52I don't know what you're talking about.
12:55You've always been very bad at lying.
13:00Mariana already told you that she's sleeping with the Count.
13:05I know.
13:09Let her go! Let her go!
13:11If she comes near me, I swear I'll smash her face, sick old woman!
13:16Give me the keys to the house.
13:19Give them to me!
13:21They're in the bag.
13:23Take them.
13:31It's Maranta's blood.
13:33Your lover.
13:35And if you don't obey me in everything I tell you,
13:39I'm going to keep taking more and more and more blood!
13:43Until she dies, do you understand?
14:10If I only knew what my right causes,
14:15how I wish it were on my skin,
14:19only in that way I would understand what I think,
14:24to make a dream our reality.
14:28And it is that my words and actions remain correct,
14:33to show you that it is my love of loves.
14:38And if you were me, only in that way
14:43I would know what time begins without you.
14:47There is no other way for you to understand
14:52this obsession that I can't even understand.
15:02I must confess that for me
15:04it was a real surprise when my son told me about his relationship with Lolita.
15:08I say the same thing,
15:10although I must add that the surprise was not pleasant.
15:16Sorry to say it, but I like to be frank.
15:19The girl doesn't seem enough for your son or what?
15:22On the contrary, Mr. Villarreal.
15:24David has proven to be a straight man and of good feelings.
15:30You are the one I don't like.
15:34Mom, please.
15:38Are you okay, Lorenita?
15:40I understand that to your mother the fact that I am your father's political rival
15:43seems like an insurmountable obstacle to her.
15:47Why don't we change the subject, yes?
15:50I think it's very good. Let's talk about the past.
15:53What do you think of the murder of Gonzalo and Elisa Aguilar, my in-laws?
15:58There are so many things left to clarify.
16:05I'm sorry, Mrs. Ernestina, but frankly...
16:10I don't understand why you're here now.
16:15Please, forgive my wife.
16:20I understand that you don't like her, but it doesn't seem right
16:23that you're talking to me like that in my own house.
16:26I just want to get things right between us,
16:29for the good of the creatures.
16:32It's what we all want, am I wrong, Mrs. Ernestina?
16:43I'm sorry.
16:49I'm sorry.
17:01I'm sorry.
17:13I have nothing to do here.
17:15I couldn't stand living under the same roof as that woman.
17:18Dolores, my love...
17:19Don't you realize, Teresa?
17:21All our misfortunes began when that woman decided to open her mouth.
17:26The count offered you his hospitality.
17:29But if you want to leave, I can gladly take you.
17:33Is what Cayetana said true?
17:35Oh, Teresa, for God's sake.
17:36You believe everything anyone says.
17:38Guillermo, tell us the truth.
17:39What was Cayetana's relationship with my father?
17:45Cayetana's father is Tomas Altamirano.
17:48He was Vicente's partner.
17:51Who, by the way, died in very strange circumstances.
17:55Amelia Altamirano, Cayetana, his daughter,
17:59And Vicente kept all his fortune.
18:02That's not true.
18:04Why would Cayetana say such stupid things?
18:08Why would she want to hurt us?
18:23Jesus Christ!
18:25What happened here?
18:29Mrs. Beatriz!
18:30Mrs. Beatriz, hang in there!
18:34Rubén assured me that Pedro had killed Beatriz.
18:37Although Rubén's version is different from yours.
18:55We have to run, Pedro.
18:58Let's go.
19:05Guillermo told us you were here.
19:08Can you tell me why you said those things to my father?
19:11It's not the time to talk about that.
19:12We have the right to know the truth, no matter how hard it is.
19:15We want to know how things happened.
19:19Vicente stole all his fortune from my parents.
19:25His hotels.
19:28He left me, my luck, in a boat.
19:32When I was a child.
19:50Are you going to stand there or are you going to let me in?
19:53I'm looking for Joaquín.
19:55I need to talk to him.
19:56He's in a meeting.
19:58Excuse me, gentlemen.
20:01I think the count has already left.
20:04Follow me, please.
20:09What is the director of El Mexicano doing here?
20:13I don't know.
20:15What is the director of El Mexicano doing here?
20:20You don't know?
20:22Know what?
20:25Well, it's something I could tell you.
20:31There would have to be a good reason to do it.
20:39Are you going to explain to me what the director of El Periódico is doing here?
20:44I don't know.
20:46The count...
20:50...is the owner of El Periódico.
20:54He bought it shortly after he got here to San Jacinto.
20:59But he doesn't want anyone to know.
21:02Follow me.
21:03Follow me.
21:10A drink.
21:11With whiskey, I'm fine. Thank you very much.
21:15There is no doubt, Mr. Miguel, that life has a strange sense of humor, don't you think?
21:20We, political rivals, and the creatures in love.
21:26And we can't do anything about it.
21:30Loren is my treasure.
21:32I would do anything for her happiness.
21:34I completely agree.
21:36I also have a daughter.
21:38And for her, I would do anything.
21:41Look, Mr. Miguel.
21:43The best solution for this mess is for you and me to stop being political rivals.
21:49If what you want is to offer me again to give up my political aspirations,
21:54I promise you it won't happen.
21:56I simply propose that you postpone them for six years.
21:59At this time, you practically have no chance of winning.
22:03But if you join me,
22:05I guarantee you that in six years you will be my successor as president of this country.
22:10I already said that this meeting was not precisely to organize our children's wedding.
22:17I'm offering you a worthy exit, Mr. Miguel.
22:20I'm going to give you six years to make a fool of yourself as Secretary of the Government.
22:23And then, well, I'll name you my successor.
22:26What you are proposing to me
22:29is that I be your puppet
22:31to stay in power for another six years behind the throne.
22:38But no.
22:39What I'm offering you, Mr. Miguel,
22:42for the good of everyone,
22:43and simply for the good of the creatures.
22:45Precisely for my daughter.
22:47I will never give up my principles.
22:56Please excuse me.
22:58We have to go.
23:07And when they get married, I'm going to be the lady of honor.
23:10And I'm going to throw the flowers at the church.
23:12And I can also take the rings.
23:14And also...
23:16We're leaving.
23:17Is everything okay, Miguel?
23:21Excuse me if I offended you, Mr. Miguel.
23:23My main interest is our children.
23:28What happened?
23:29What did my husband tell you?
23:31Unfortunately, Miguel and I still have our political differences, right?
23:35And frankly, that's not going to change.
23:38However, I want to tell you that whatever happens,
23:41David and Lorenita always have my full support.
23:46I admit I'm a stubborn person, but they have my blessing to get married.
23:49And that's what I want.
23:51I hope you agree too.
24:02I'm very shocked to hear about your story, Cayetana.
24:06It's very sad.
24:09You also had a very sad childhood.
24:11You were very little when they separated you from your mother.
24:19I'm glad you found her.
24:26And I'm sorry.
24:28She doesn't want to see what's in front of her.
24:30We have to give her some time to accept the whole truth.
24:38I'm going to see my sister.
24:58Where are you supposed to go?
25:01To see Paulina.
25:02Paulina already fell asleep. She felt a little bad.
25:06Paulina is asleep.
25:10I don't believe you. It's too early.
25:13Chole, please tell Paulina that I'm here.
25:16I want to see her.
25:22Mrs. Paulina went to bed early, Mr. Mariana.
25:27Thank you, Chole.
25:29You heard her. Now get out of my house.
25:31What house?
25:33It's my house.
25:35The one you stole from me after you took my father from me.
25:37Oh, the same thing again.
25:39I didn't give you back half of the liquor store. What else do you want?
25:42This is not a matter of goods or money, Josefina.
25:45It's about justice for what you did to my father.
25:49Did you think that with half of the company you were going to shut me up or what?
25:52You're wrong.
25:54I'm tired of your accusations.
25:56Yes, I'm also tired of your slander of a perfect lady.
26:01When you're nothing more than a thief who has a lover for many years.
26:04If you want us to talk about lovers,
26:06better tell me since when you've been flirting with the count.
26:11Are you going to continue with that?
26:13Look at your face.
26:16I'm not going to face your provocations.
26:20That's a secret to you.
26:22How long do you think Gerardo will continue to swallow the story
26:25that between you and Joaquin de Montenegro there is only a beautiful friendship?
26:30You told Gerardo that, didn't you?
26:32You filled his head with those ideas.
26:34You could have been anyone because you're a cynic.
26:37And you care very little about being unfaithful to your husband because you don't even hide it.
26:41Look, you can slander me all you want.
26:44That won't stop you from ending up in jail for killing my father.
26:48I forbid you to accuse me again of something so horrible and baseless.
26:53I'm going to use my father's false testimony, Josefina.
26:56They're going to do an investigation.
26:58And if necessary, I'm going to exhume his remains.
27:04So get ready to face my lawyers and the police.
27:20Unfortunately, what Cayetana told you is true.
27:27Dad was a pain in the ass.
27:29No matter how much it hurts.
27:31We are the daughters of a heartless murderer.
27:34We lost everything.
27:35What are we going to do?
27:37What are we going to live on?
27:39Don't worry about that.
27:41I'll be in charge.
27:42Count on my support.
27:44Thank you very much, Mr. Conde.
27:46You've already lost a lot of money being a partner of my father.
27:51I know this has been very hard for you.
27:54But remember that if someone has suffered for years, it has been their mother.
27:59Count on me.
28:01You are not alone.
28:04I'm with you.
28:12Did you get the information?
28:14No one can find out that we had this conversation, David.
28:17And much less your father.
28:19Don't worry, my father is not here.
28:21Sit down, please.
28:25I was on the Isla de los Dolores and I found out that Alejandro Gaitan was there for many years.
28:31They took him from the prison in Piedras Rojas.
28:34But why did they say he died there?
28:36That's exactly what I'm trying to find out.
28:39Alejandro was on the island until he died.
28:42But the interesting thing is that someone you know visited him there.
28:49But do they accept visitors on the Isla de los Dolores?
28:53Then who can visit him?
28:57Gerardo Villarreal.
28:59Your father.
29:08But how? I don't understand.
29:10Your father was the prosecutor who accused Alejandro.
29:13The one who managed to make him guilty.
29:16Yes, my father was involved in the whole case.
29:19But that means that if he took the trouble to go to the Isla de los Dolores, he became obsessed with Alejandro.
29:27Do you know if there is any reason to choose your father with that man?
29:35Come on, guys. If we want to find the truth, you have to tell me.
29:41My mother had a relationship with Alejandro.
29:43It was like a romance before marrying my father.
29:48This is not right.
29:50What do you think, sir?
29:52That this matter is getting very close to your family.
29:56I advise you not to continue with that article.
29:59And don't tell your father anything.
30:01The investigation points to him.
30:03You don't have to get involved.
30:05I think I made a mistake when I asked you to collaborate with me.
30:10No, sir. It's too late.
30:12I'm not going to stop until I get to the bottom of this investigation.
30:15Whatever it takes.
30:16I'm going to finish and publish this article.
30:19Please, sir.
30:21Give me the hard data you promised me to be able to support the investigation.
30:27I don't think you should worry so much.
30:29Gerardo is not going to let Mariana get into a legal battle with me.
30:34That would greatly affect his image.
30:36No, it's not Gerardo that worries me.
30:39But the count's lawyers.
30:42Why would the count get into that problem?
30:46Because Mariana and the count are lovers, Felipe.
30:52How do you know that?
30:53The important thing is that Mariana has the unconditional support of the count.
30:57And that makes her even more dangerous.
30:59Don't tell me you're thinking about how to get rid of her again.
31:04I would love to kill her.
31:06But it can be too risky.
31:08Maybe it won't be necessary.
31:10It would be enough to discredit her in front of the count's eyes.
31:13And to unmask her in front of Gerardo.
31:15I don't think so.
31:17It would be enough to discredit her in front of the count's eyes.
31:20And to unmask her in front of Gerardo.
31:23What are you thinking about?
31:25By chance, I just found out that the count is the owner of the Mexican newspaper.
31:36So he's the one who's been behind all Gerardo's attacks.
31:39Those articles that have been published about the murder of the Aguilars.
31:44They are the answer to our problems.
31:47I'm going to make the count and his newspaper play in our favor.
31:50To sink my Kenipisi and Jastre.
32:02Can you give it to the count?
32:04It's my finished article.
32:08Don't you prefer to give it to him personally?
32:10No, Guillermo. He fired me for no reason.
32:13First he encouraged me to investigate until the end.
32:15And then he turned his back on me.
32:18I don't regret it yet.
32:20But there must be a powerful reason for the count to change his mind, don't you think?
32:26I found out that my family was involved in the case of Alejandro Gaitan.
32:32My mother had an affair with Alejandro.
32:35Apparently, my father didn't get along with jealousy and handled the trial badly.
32:40He put an innocent man in jail.
32:47Maybe that's what unites him with Alejandro Gaitan.
32:50My father accelerated everything to take Alejandro to the Red Stones Island.
32:54While he made everyone believe that Alejandro had died.
32:57But in reality, they took him to the Island of Sorrows.
33:00Do you have evidence?
33:01All the evidence is in my article.
33:03There are also the dates on which my father visited Alejandro Gaitan on the Island of Sorrows.
33:08And supposedly no one could visit the prisoners on the Island of Sorrows.
33:13If this is published, it will affect your father in the elections.
33:17Guillermo, I am a journalist and I am committed to the truth.
33:22If my father was able to do that when he was a prosecutor,
33:25what will he do when he reaches the presidency of this country?
33:30Tell the count that the last favor I ask of him is to read and publish this article.
33:39Please, I will.
33:55I found Pedrito, your son, sister.
34:02And I no longer care what I have to do to protect him.
34:09My count turned out to be a manipulative and treacherous man.
34:16Like all of them.
34:19Can I ask you a question?
34:21Who do you take in that cell?
34:23It's my nephew, Pedro.
34:25He is a very difficult boy, but I love him as if he were my son.
34:30He always knew.
34:34And he lied to us.
34:38I killed Beatriz to protect Pedro.
34:44I am capable of everything.
34:47Even killing the count.
35:00A few days later.
35:03A few days later.
35:25That's the look I like about you.
35:30That of a poor, terrified rat.
35:34Don't ever forget that you must be afraid of me.
35:38Very afraid.
35:43She's crazy.
35:45I won't be a bloody handkerchief the next time you say that to me.
35:53I beg you, please, don't hurt Maranta anymore.
35:57That's up to you, dear.
35:59You're going to do everything I tell you.
36:02So that poor Maranta can live on.
36:17I'm very sorry for everything you had to go through.
36:20Don't worry.
36:22That's in the past.
36:24Now we can start a new life together.
36:27It's not easy for me to turn the page.
36:32And act as if nothing had happened.
36:39I lost my mother when I was a child.
36:43I know, but now I'm back here.
36:49My father meant everything to me.
36:53I thought he did unforgivable things.
36:57I can't give up this love like this, all of a sudden.
37:01I regret it.
37:03When he collapsed.
37:07I had a father.
37:10I was about to get married.
37:12But you're not alone.
37:15You still have a family.
37:17Teresa and I.
37:20I know you feel like the world has collapsed.
37:24But I'm sure you'll be happy again.
37:34I'm sorry.
37:36I'll do everything I can to accept it.
37:40But I can't.
37:43It's okay.
37:46Take your medicine.
37:49That's what I thought.
37:51That's why I decided to go to the capital while I feel better.
37:56Teresa will stay with you.
38:01Excuse me.
38:10I already ordered my accountant to prepare the next check for the campaign.
38:14I'm not here to talk about business, Joaquin.
38:17It's something much more personal.
38:20It may seem strange to you that I talk about my personal problems,
38:23but I think there's enough trust between us.
38:28Of course.
38:29I know, for example, that you have an effective relationship with Cayetana.
38:36you are very discreet to everyone.
38:38I'd rather not talk about my private life.
38:41Excuse me, please.
38:43The one I want to talk about is Mariana.
38:45She was always a loving and devoted wife to me.
38:48However, she has changed a lot.
38:51She has become cold and distant in recent months.
38:55We don't even sleep in the same bed anymore.
38:59I've thought a lot about the reasons,
39:01and I realized that the changes began when you arrived in San Jacinto.
39:05I don't understand you.
39:06Well, that's exactly what I want!
39:08To understand what has happened all this damn time!
39:11Since you decided to put her in charge of your foundation
39:14and what happened between you
39:16during the long hours we spent together here.
39:28Did you get it?
39:29The will of Dylan Harrison.
39:32Everything is in my name.
39:36The old Dylan is the majority partner of the Miraflores brewery.
39:42It's the most important in the country, Mom.
39:44It says here that his assets abroad
39:46represent two-thirds of all his fortune.
39:50It turns out that marrying Dylan Harrison
39:53was the best idea you've ever had in your life.
39:55Do you know what that money will do for us?
40:00To get you the presidency of the country.
40:03I want to see you at the top, Felipe.
40:06In the place that suits you
40:08for being my son.
40:14Oh, you scared me!
40:16I have something to tell you.
40:17What happened?
40:18It's about Alejandro Gaitán.
40:22Do you remember I told you that Alejandro
40:24was transferred to an island when he was found dead?
40:27To the Isla de los Dolores.
40:29What surprised me the most
40:31was to find out who knew
40:33and even went to visit him.
40:42My dad.
40:49Mrs. Villarreal hasn't worked for me for a long time.
40:52And yet she's still with you alone.
40:55My men have followed her here.
40:57I never should have allowed her to get close to my wife.
41:00I'm not blind!
41:02Mariana never thought of disobeying me
41:04or divorcing me.
41:06But then,
41:08you and everything changed.
41:10You seduced her and now you're lovers.
41:12I demand a damn answer now!
41:16You're not looking at your wife correctly.
41:19Don't tell me how I have to look at my wife!
41:22She's mine!
41:23Do you understand?
41:24Mine and nothing else!
41:28If you're really so sure of your property,
41:31I wouldn't be here doing this ridiculous scene.
41:35Don't make fun of me.
41:38Do you think that because you have a lot of money
41:40you can do whatever you want?
41:42Well, I have it too.
41:43And the power to use it whenever I want it too!
41:47Let me go.
41:48Let me go, you bastard!
41:49I don't like threats.
41:51Much less in my own house.
41:55There's something between you and my wife.
41:57Do whatever you want.
42:01And now get out.
42:02Get out.
42:04I forbid you to get close to my wife or my family again.
42:09Any attempt to talk to her
42:12will be taken as a provocation.
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