Mi amor sin Tiempo Capitulo 64 en HD Completo

  • 13 hours ago
Mi amor sin Tiempo Capitulo 64 en HD Completo
Mi amor sin Tiempo Capitulo 65 en HD Completo
Mi amor sin Tiempo Capitulo 66 en HD Completo
Mi amor sin Tiempo Capitulo 64 en HD Completo
00:00:00It's El Dicho, no hay mal que dure cien años, mucho mejor estar solo que mal acompañado.
00:00:09Mi amor sin tiempo, mi amor profundo, amor del alma.
00:00:30Mi amor, ¿cómo estás?
00:00:37Bien, ma.
00:00:39Hola, abuela.
00:00:40Hola, mi amor, ¿cómo estás?
00:00:43Tu mamá y yo teníamos muchas ganas de verte.
00:00:46Buenos días, Greta.
00:00:48¿Qué tal, Mario?
00:00:50Buenos días a todos.
00:00:51No te esmeres en ser educada, hija.
00:00:54Es evidente que algunos han olvidado los buenos modales.
00:00:58Y otros las buenas costumbres y los valores universales.
00:01:01Si lo dices por tu hijo, estoy de acuerdo, fíjate.
00:01:04Ya, mamá, por favor, a ver, ahorita no es momento de pelear.
00:01:07Sí, por favor, ya no se peleen.
00:01:09Bueno, creo que ya estamos todos reunidos.
00:01:11Podemos pasar, solo pasa Maca y sus papás.
00:01:13Sí, vamos.
00:01:16Mi amor, el mejor lugar en el que puedes estar es con tu mamá.
00:01:22No lo olvides, mi amor.
00:01:24Ay, Greta, pero no trates de manipular a mi nieta.
00:01:27También es mi nieta y sé lo que es mejor para ella.
00:01:30Bueno, ya, pasemos, por favor.
00:01:33Te quiero, mi amor.
00:01:36Yo también te espero.
00:01:38Suerte, mi amor, suerte.
00:02:27¿Nos seguimos?
00:02:52No, no tienen caso en todos.
00:02:55No nos van a dejar entrar.
00:02:57Está bien, yo me voy.
00:02:59Avísenme cualquier cosa, por favor, voy a estar en mi casa.
00:03:01Está bien.
00:03:03Yo sí quiero ir, quizá pueda ser útil.
00:03:06Yo voy contigo.
00:03:07Después puedo regresar a hacer mi declaración oficial contra Brenda.
00:03:10No, mejor hazla de una vez.
00:03:11Yo me voy con don Federico y después me alcanzas.
00:03:14No, no, no, no.
00:03:30Uy, mira nada más qué sorpresota.
00:03:34Sebastián Méndez Tatarrejas.
00:03:37Pues, ¿qué fue lo que hiciste, Junior?
00:03:39Déjalo ordenar.
00:03:40Si no le estoy haciendo nada.
00:03:42Mejor os dan la bienvenida.
00:03:46Me cae que la vida es justa.
00:03:48Me está dando otra oportunidad para ponerte en tu lugar.
00:03:52Sebas, Sebas.
00:03:54Yo me voy a encargar de que nunca se te olvide tu estancia en este lugar.
00:03:58No te tengo miedo.
00:03:59No tienes miedo.
00:04:00Lo que vas a experimentar aquí va a ser terror.
00:04:04Es tu honor.
00:04:10¿Así que te gusta que te digan, Maca?
00:04:13Le pedí a tus papás que te trajeran porque quiero platicar contigo.
00:04:16¿Estás de acuerdo?
00:04:21Quiero que seas muy sincera.
00:04:23Todo lo que pienses, lo que sientas, estará bien.
00:04:30Maca, quiero que me digas,
00:04:32¿cómo es el ambiente en casa de tu papá donde vives actualmente?
00:04:36Mi papá es muy lindo conmigo y me quiere muchísimo.
00:04:40¿Y cuando estás con tu mamá, cómo te sientes?
00:04:44Pues, no siempre es padre.
00:04:49¿Y eso por qué?
00:04:54¿Qué pasa?
00:04:55Mejor vamos a salir.
00:04:56Maca, mi amor, Macarena.
00:04:59Ya, voy.
00:05:03A ver.
00:05:14¿Cómo estás?
00:05:16Mejor, mejor.
00:05:18Pero no pude dormir en toda la noche pensando en José.
00:05:24Tengo mucho miedo que Sebastián se encuentre con él en el reclusorio.
00:05:28Había pensado en eso, pero tienes razón.
00:05:31Pueden coincidir.
00:05:34De todas maneras, Sepúlveda me recomendó contratar protección para mi hijo en la cárcel.
00:05:39¿Ya lo hiciste?
00:05:40Sepúlveda se está encargando de eso.
00:05:42Bueno, me quedo un poquito más tranquila, pero...
00:05:46La verdad es que yo no me imagino a Sebastián en un lugar que está lleno de criminales.
00:05:51Ni yo.
00:05:53Pero quizá esto termine más pronto de lo que esperábamos.
00:05:57Fátima recordó que Brenda es surda.
00:06:00Y Claudio Altamirano la vio salir del edificio de Adrián minutos después que mi hijo.
00:06:07Maca, ¿estás bien?
00:06:10¿Podemos continuar?
00:06:12Sí, sí, claro.
00:06:15¿Por qué dices que no siempre es padre?
00:06:19Porque ella tiene un novio y yo no lo quiero.
00:06:21Es malo y lo odio.
00:06:24¿Y por qué odias al novio de tu mamá?
00:06:26Porque mi mamá, desde que está con él, ya no me quiere.
00:06:29Mi amor, eso no es verdad. Yo te amo con toda mi alma.
00:06:31A ver, les pedí que no interviniera.
00:06:34Y no voy a tolerar ningún desacato.
00:06:36No pueden guardar la compostura. Les voy a pedir que abandonen la sala.
00:06:39No, no va a volver a pasar. Una disculpa.
00:06:47Una de las cintas está desprendida.
00:06:49Por favor, quédense aquí. No podemos alterar la escena del crimen.
00:06:52Aquí esperamos.
00:06:55Lo más probable es que haya sido Brenda.
00:06:57Brenda tiene llaves.
00:06:59Ella seguramente fue la que desprendió la cinta.
00:07:04Maca, por favor, respóndeme.
00:07:06¿De verdad crees que tu mamá no te quiere?
00:07:11Ella quiere más a su novio que a mí.
00:07:13Y que al bebé.
00:07:15Edith, por favor, necesito que paremos.
00:07:18Y necesito un receso para hablar contigo urgente.
00:07:20Por favor, ya.
00:07:22Maca, nunca se desquiende.
00:07:29Déjame en eso.
00:07:32La sala y el comedor están intactos.
00:07:34Pero en la cámara principal hubo movimiento.
00:07:36Faltan algunas pertenencias de mujer,
00:07:38relojes del señor de la fuente que ya habíamos registrado,
00:07:40y algunas otras cosas de valor.
00:07:42¿Tienes alguna idea de dónde pudo haber ido Brenda?
00:07:45Pues, no sé si sirva de mucho,
00:07:47pero ahorita que veníamos en el coche, justo me acordé que...
00:07:50Vas a cumplir todos tus sueños.
00:07:56Ay, perdón, te tiré algo.
00:07:58No importa, ¿te ayuda?
00:08:00¿Qué es eso?
00:08:02Es una factura de un vuelo de avión.
00:08:07De Brenda Contreras.
00:08:08Sí, es de Brenda.
00:08:10¿Cómo se le ocurre dejarlo aquí?
00:08:12Es la asistente de don Alfonso.
00:08:14Yo se lo voy a dar.
00:08:15Me dijo que tenía una boda en Guatemala.
00:08:17Sí, sí, me estoy acordando.
00:08:20Quizás Brenda se haya ido con su amiga a Guatemala.
00:08:23No sé.
00:08:24Puede ser.
00:08:25Seguramente quiere abandonar el país para huir de la justicia.
00:08:29Pues entonces yo les aconsejo que cierren carreteras,
00:08:31aeropuertos y fronteras.
00:08:33Principalmente la frontera sur, por lo de Guatemala.
00:08:35Eso haremos, licenciado.
00:08:36Por favor, tenemos que dar con ella antes de que salga del país.
00:08:39Por favor.
00:08:42Dios mío.
00:08:45Bueno, ¿qué pretende Bárbara con este receso?
00:08:48Pues no lo sé, pero ahí está.
00:08:54Bien, ¿podemos continuar con el interrogatorio de la menor?
00:08:57Señor juez, mi cliente quiere dirigirle unas palabras.
00:09:03Señor juez, la separación entre el papá de mi hija y yo
00:09:08ha sido muy complicada.
00:09:13Pero sobre todo ha sido muy complicada para mi hija.
00:09:17Y yo no quiero que ella sufra más.
00:09:19Yo no la puedo seguir exponiendo a este juicio.
00:09:22Sin embargo, es necesario porque así me voy a enterar yo
00:09:25de a quién le voy a otorgar la victoria de la menor.
00:09:29Ya, yo lo sé.
00:09:30Y seguramente usted se hubiera inclinado por mí.
00:09:33Pero antes de someter a mi hija a este dolor tan duro
00:09:40y esta situación tan estresante,
00:09:47con todo el dolor de mi alma,
00:09:52he decidido cederle la custodia a Mario.
00:10:05Así que te echaste un cristiano.
00:10:08Saliste peor que yo y con esa carita de buen agente.
00:10:11Ya, José, déjame en paz.
00:10:13Paz es lo único que no vas a encontrar en este lugar.
00:10:16Porque por tu culpa, la de tu padre, yo estoy preso aquí.
00:10:19No, fue tu culpa por lo que le hiciste a Renata.
00:10:22Yo te voy a bajar lo alzado muy pronto, ya verás.
00:10:40Yo sé que la vas a ver muy feliz
00:10:43y que ella va a estar bien con él.
00:10:49Mi amor,
00:10:51yo te amo con toda mi alma, ¿ok?
00:10:54Que nunca se te olvide todo lo que yo te amo.
00:10:58Pero yo a tu corta edad no te quiero dejar
00:11:00cargar con esta situación y esta decisión tan grande.
00:11:05Así que si tú te quieres quedar con tu papá,
00:11:09por mí está bien.
00:11:12Por mí está bien.
00:11:28¿Qué tal?
00:11:29Buenos días.
00:11:30Compré un boleto para ir a Tapachula por internet,
00:11:32pero no encuentro en la andena hacia dónde irme.
00:11:36Perdón, en la pantalla.
00:11:37No encuentro en la pantalla hacia dónde anden.
00:11:40El autobús que sale a Tapachula está retrasado, señorita.
00:11:42Se descompuso y lo están reparando.
00:11:44Pero, bueno, no sale en la pantalla por esa situación,
00:11:46pero no se preocupe.
00:11:47Ajá, sí, sí, pero ¿en cuánto tiempo sale?
00:11:49Aproximadamente en dos horas, dos horas y media.
00:11:51No, es que yo no puedo, de verdad.
00:11:52Me tengo de Tapachula, me voy a Guatemala.
00:11:54Tengo una conexión ahí y me urge irme.
00:11:56No encontré ninguno que fuera directo a Guatemala
00:11:58y de verdad tengo mucha prisa para irme.
00:12:00O sea, ¿qué me pueden resolver?
00:12:02Entiendo, entiendo, pero no se preocupe.
00:12:04Por lo general, los pasajeros que llegan retrasados
00:12:06por alguna demora los esperan
00:12:08para que no sufran ningún percance.
00:12:11¿Puedo hacer algo más para usted?
00:12:14Nada, gracias, gracias.
00:12:17¿Se da cuenta de lo que está usted diciendo, señor Uriarte?
00:12:23Sí, señor Ruiz.
00:12:26Bueno, pues en ese caso,
00:12:28otorgo la custodia de la menor Macarena Esquinoza Uriarte
00:12:35a su señor padre, el señor Mario Esquinoza Sánchez.
00:12:40Veré que se hagan las anotaciones
00:12:43y abriré una audiencia para verlo de las visitas.
00:13:10Señor Uriarte,
00:13:17voy a dar las tarjetas y las horas de vista.
00:13:20Inmediatamente hago los requerimientos.
00:13:40For your daughter, for your daughter.
00:13:46Now I'm going to kill you.
00:13:47Let go of me! What are you doing, imbecile?
00:13:49Stay out of it! Stay out of it!
00:13:51She's under my protection and I won't let you hurt her.
00:13:53Got it?
00:13:58Give me back my daughter.
00:14:03Leave Sebastian alone.
00:14:05Leave him alone.
00:14:07Leave him alone.
00:14:08Leave Sebastian alone.
00:14:10Or do you want me to call the guard and tell him this knife is yours?
00:14:14I don't think you want to spend a good time behind the bars.
00:14:17That's not going to happen.
00:14:18And I should have killed you when I shot you.
00:14:21But life is giving me another chance to kill you.
00:14:25I swear you'll go with the guy you killed.
00:14:27I swear!
00:14:39You beat her, didn't you?
00:14:42It was Barbara who gave me custody of Maca.
00:14:46It wasn't necessary to end the date.
00:14:51But you told me that before she died,
00:14:53that before I stopped fighting for your daughter.
00:14:55I don't know, Mom.
00:14:56I know.
00:14:57And even if she's broken inside,
00:14:59I don't want her to suffer any more.
00:15:01I can't expose her any more.
00:15:02Look at her.
00:15:03I don't want Maca to suffer any more.
00:15:04I can't expose her any more.
00:15:05Look at her.
00:15:08And if she's happy being with her dad,
00:15:12it's fine for me.
00:15:15You took care of putting the girl against her, didn't you?
00:15:17Against her mother.
00:15:19And that's going to be reversed someday.
00:15:21Maca is a woman.
00:15:22And one day she will understand what it is to be a mother.
00:15:24And everything that that implies.
00:15:25Enough, Mom.
00:15:27I don't want any more fights over Maca.
00:15:31You have God's forgiveness.
00:15:43Don't worry.
00:15:45I'll be watching.
00:15:58Thank you for leaving me with my dad, Mom.
00:16:04My love.
00:16:09I want you to know
00:16:11that you will always, always count on me.
00:16:16And whatever you need, a call, advice, whatever,
00:16:21I'll be there for you.
00:16:24Yes, Mommy.
00:16:27I love you with all my heart.
00:16:29I love you with all my heart.
00:16:32And yes.
00:16:33And yes, it's fine for you to live with your dad.
00:16:37It's fine for me.
00:17:00Don't mess with her, or you'll regret it.
00:17:02She's a traitor.
00:17:03She made me the promise that I would never fall in love.
00:17:06SATURDAY 5PM
00:17:08La Toña left and left a difficult job.
00:17:11You can do it, Ryan.
00:17:12They'll try to replace her once...
00:17:15Oh, God!
00:17:16...again and again.
00:17:18She cheated on me.
00:17:19Oh, don't worry, sweetheart.
00:17:21Will they do it?
00:17:22In 40 y 20, we know how to make you laugh.
00:17:25This Thursday at the end of the show.
00:17:29How do you want to charge me more for the other day?
00:17:31Do you really think I'm threatened?
00:17:33They're looking at your face.
00:17:34Hey, I'm not a...
00:17:36Oh, no, yes, I'm very mean.
00:17:37Don't mistreat my compañito, he's going to fire me.
00:17:43THIS SUNDAY, 7.30PM
00:17:45He has a conviction.
00:17:47Sooner or later, justice will arrive.
00:17:49And although everything seems to be against him...
00:17:51What did I tell you?
00:17:52Not to get involved in this.
00:17:54Who's the prey now?
00:17:55And who's the hunter?
00:17:58We just have to keep fighting.
00:18:27MONDAY TO FRIDAY, 9.30PM
00:18:49Berenice is living the illusion of her first love with Angel.
00:18:53He is attentive and gentlemanly.
00:18:55But as soon as he realizes that the relationship is becoming something formal,
00:18:59he simply disappears without leaving a trace.
00:19:02Berenice will fall into depression when she realizes that she fell in love with...
00:19:09The first hours of the day also bring the first stories that must be known.
00:19:13Agile, precise and punctual.
00:19:15This way you will know all the information in the news.
00:19:18Because what happens in Mexico and the world is here.
00:19:20I'm Carlos Gustavo and I'll be waiting for you in La Noticia, your daily news.
00:19:23Tuesday, Friday, 5.50AM
00:19:29In this show is the most outstanding thing of the week.
00:19:33Reports, dynamics and the most entertaining team.
00:19:38In the show that always gives you more.
00:19:41Stay with us and relive the most relevant in...
00:19:44MORE SPORT
00:19:46Sunday, 11AM
00:19:49Pilar had a hard time with the corn.
00:19:52I want to introduce my girlfriend, Paola.
00:19:54They taught me to be very respectful with older people.
00:19:57I know some guys that I can introduce you to.
00:20:00But she will look for the disquiet.
00:20:02He is my Federico.
00:20:04In MORE SPORT
00:20:07THIS SUNDAY, 8PM
00:20:09She's your daughter.
00:20:10Receiving an unexpected daughter is complicated.
00:20:13You know that changing diapers is very difficult for me.
00:20:15You're going to end up falling in love with her.
00:20:17Let's go!
00:20:18Get out!
00:20:19You want her back?
00:20:21Why do you want to take her from me?
00:20:29Rafael is under pressure.
00:20:33He has to produce 140,000 pesos a month.
00:20:35Whatever it is, do you understand?
00:20:37To pay his debt with Alejandra.
00:20:39I came to give him the opportunity of his life to get a car.
00:20:41I already have it.
00:20:42Will he achieve it despite the obstacles?
00:20:49The most complete offer of LaLiga MX is in VIX.
00:20:54The most beloved teams play everything on the field.
00:20:59VIX brings you more games than anywhere else.
00:21:03Subscribe to VIX Premium for 99 pesos a month.
00:21:10These are the news.
00:21:12The National Republican Convention in Miwoki
00:21:14is a celebration of identity.
00:21:15There has been an increase in the number of rescues
00:21:18of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:21:20Authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:21:23Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:21:29Berenice is living the illusion of her first love with Angel,
00:21:33who is attentive and gentlemanly.
00:21:35But as soon as she realizes that the relationship
00:21:37is becoming something formal,
00:21:39she simply disappears without leaving a trace.
00:21:42Berenice will fall into depression when she realizes
00:21:45that she fell in love with Ghosting.
00:21:49Even if she didn't take selfies,
00:21:50Smiles, smiles, yes, half blackened.
00:21:52and there were no hashtags,
00:21:54I hear my name, why am I good?
00:21:56her humor was an unparalleled trend.
00:21:58That's what I told the officials of each one.
00:22:00Join this Saturday with Mr. Photographer
00:22:02and Sunday with the Minister and me.
00:22:06I can't believe it!
00:22:09In the saying we can not only connect,
00:22:11also tips and truths we want to tell you.
00:22:14I swear I'm with my soul in a thread.
00:22:17You broke the trust I had in you.
00:22:19You can't leave me!
00:22:20If there is no prudence in one, let the other fall.
00:22:22What a joy to be able to help someone
00:22:24who does better things in life, right?
00:22:25As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
00:22:41Sign up now at AzDeporte.com.
00:22:44Prepare your bike.
00:22:45What are you waiting for to sign up?
00:22:47Last places.
00:22:48Your help counts.
00:22:49They return with their rolling pin.
00:22:52Did you write down the plates?
00:22:56They're all there.
00:22:58Calm down, man.
00:22:59My son.
00:23:02In this
00:23:05We know how to make you laugh.
00:23:09The good days begin here.
00:23:11At 9, everything to enjoy your mornings
00:23:13and the rhythm of the stars dance today in their first week.
00:23:16Stars, dance!
00:23:18And at the end, reports, kitchen,
00:23:20guests and everything about the famous only in
00:23:22Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:23:23Lady Gaga appeared during a projection
00:23:26and gave Palomita.
00:23:27From Monday to Friday with the stars.
00:23:29Adolfo has a gift for Victoria.
00:23:31Why did you take the lid off the cistern?
00:23:33It's a surfboard.
00:23:35And your board?
00:23:36One by one, one by two.
00:23:38And Placido will see a millionaire idea.
00:23:40That surfers make their own surfboards.
00:23:43I'm afraid of what happens to you.
00:23:44In a family of 10, we know how to make you laugh.
00:23:47This Sunday, 7 at night.
00:24:09Pilar didn't like the celotes.
00:24:12I want to introduce my girlfriend, Paola.
00:24:14They taught me to be very respectful with older people.
00:24:17I know some gals that I can introduce you to.
00:24:20But she will look for the disguise.
00:24:22He is my Federico.
00:24:24In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
00:24:27This Sunday, 8 at night.
00:24:31He's back.
00:24:39I can't believe it.
00:24:40It's El Chavo.
00:24:41I'm your fan.
00:24:43Because we know how to make you laugh.
00:24:45Premiere at Las Estrellas this Wednesday.
00:24:47And available on VX.
00:25:09El Chavo.
00:25:10El Chavo.
00:25:11El Chavo.
00:25:12El Chavo.
00:25:13El Chavo.
00:25:14El Chavo.
00:25:15El Chavo.
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00:25:17El Chavo.
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00:26:00El Chavo.
00:26:01El Chavo.
00:26:02El Chavo.
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00:26:06El Chavo.
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00:26:09El Chavo.
00:26:10El Chavo.
00:26:11El Chavo.
00:26:12El Chavo.
00:26:13El Chavo.
00:26:14El Chavo.
00:26:15El Chavo.
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00:26:17El Chavo.
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00:26:58El Chavo.
00:26:59El Chavo.
00:27:00El Chavo.
00:27:01El Chavo.
00:27:02El Chavo.
00:27:03El Chavo.
00:27:04El Chavo.
00:27:10El Chavo.
00:27:16El Chavo.
00:27:22El Chavo.
00:27:28El Chavo.
00:27:33And this is what we have to send to Mazatlán.
00:27:35Don't mix them up.
00:27:44Very good, thank you very much.
00:27:46Can I make a proposal?
00:27:53Where is it and what is the salary?
00:27:55I would have to think about it.
00:28:02I mean, it's true that I'm desperate to go to work in Mexico City,
00:28:06but the curriculum is not attractive at all.
00:28:13Very good.
00:28:15Apparently Miss Brenda Contreras bought a ticket to Tapachula and then to Guatemala.
00:28:19She leaves the bus terminal at three in the afternoon.
00:28:22Miss Contreras bought her ticket online.
00:28:24That's why it was easy to locate her.
00:28:26That means that Brenda was going to run for the blue border.
00:28:30Let me know that the bus was delayed.
00:28:32We can go.
00:28:33Let's go.
00:28:40Jose is a very dangerous man.
00:28:42And he's not the only one here.
00:28:44This is like the jungle.
00:28:46Only the strongest men survive.
00:28:48You have to be alert.
00:28:50I guess my dad or my lawyer hired you to take care of me.
00:28:59I never thought I'd need protection in a place like this.
00:29:04It's vital.
00:29:05Something can happen to you at any moment.
00:29:08We already saw that you have a very dangerous enemy here.
00:29:12Both that man and his comrade are going to take advantage of any carelessness to liquidate you.
00:29:16You and I have to be alert at all times.
00:29:22That idiot got away with the first one, but he's not going to get away with the next one.
00:29:26What did he do to you?
00:29:27Does he know you hate him and that he just arrived?
00:29:29No, no, no.
00:29:30I'm only going to use him to get revenge on someone who really deserves it.
00:29:35His father kept something very precious of mine.
00:29:37And because of him, I'm in this place.
00:29:41There is no greater pain for a father than the death of his son.
00:29:44There is no greater pain for a father than the death of his son.
00:29:48No wonder you turned a blind eye to him since you saw him.
00:29:50He's always got the days.
00:29:52Although the days have the hours counted.
00:29:57Give me the cigarette.
00:29:59Give me the cigarette.
00:30:05You did very well, honey.
00:30:07Did you see that we managed to get you to stay with your dad?
00:30:11But I hardly said anything.
00:30:12That was because your mom prevented you from exposing yourself more to the trial by giving me your custody, my love.
00:30:19Well, honey, go change and get something more comfortable.
00:30:22Tell Gertrudis to help you.
00:30:24Yes, Grandma.
00:30:25Wait for me, my love.
00:30:26Let me tell you something.
00:30:28I'm glad you stayed with me.
00:30:31I adore you.
00:30:33Me too, Dad.
00:30:35But I felt horrible for my mom.
00:30:37I know, my love, but don't worry, okay?
00:30:40She's going to be fine.
00:30:48Excuse me, Grandma.
00:30:50I love you.
00:30:53You surprised me.
00:30:55I never expected you to react like that.
00:30:58I would never have given up on any of you three.
00:31:01Mom, they are different ways of seeing the world.
00:31:03I didn't think it was something like that either.
00:31:05But things got so far that I had no choice.
00:31:08I'd rather Macarena be happy even if she's far away from me,
00:31:11than being with me and being sad.
00:31:15For Maca to be happy by your side was only a matter of time.
00:31:19But you rushed it.
00:31:21You rushed it when you gave up on her.
00:31:23Don't just look at how you are, Barbara.
00:31:25Look at your face.
00:31:27It's not just the face, Mom.
00:31:29My heart hurts, my soul hurts.
00:31:31I'm destroyed inside.
00:31:34I don't know if I'm going to be able to get over it.
00:31:37You made a mistake, daughter.
00:31:40You made things easier for Mario.
00:31:41You leave your house, you leave the girl, you don't get a pension.
00:31:46For God's sake, Barbara.
00:31:48You have to act with your head, not with your heart.
00:31:50Well, enough!
00:31:51Don't judge me anymore, please, Mom.
00:31:53I've had enough of all this I'm going through.
00:31:57Don't you understand?
00:31:59It's not just you who lost a daughter.
00:32:01I also lost my granddaughter.
00:32:03And I love her.
00:32:05I know and I'm sorry.
00:32:08But you're going to have another grandson soon.
00:32:11Another grandson, another grandson.
00:32:14If that boy is from the ranch, I'm sure I won't see him either.
00:32:19Just look at how you are.
00:32:21I don't understand why you do those things.
00:32:22I also don't understand and I'm going to ask you.
00:32:24It's incredible.
00:32:45Alcira, I'm going to Guatemala.
00:32:48I hope you haven't forgotten to leave me the keys to your house.
00:33:04Don't worry, I already left them for you.
00:33:07And the meal with food and everything.
00:33:11I hope you're in a better mood, friend.
00:33:13Have a good trip.
00:33:16Well, can you tell me what's wrong with you?
00:33:20Since we left court, you haven't said a word.
00:33:24I thought you would be happy and satisfied with the result.
00:33:27Well, I am, of course.
00:33:29But I never thought Barbara would do something like that.
00:33:31I never imagined that she would have such a noble gesture.
00:33:35Son, don't be fooled.
00:33:37If Barbara gave you to Maca, it's not out of nobility or kindness.
00:33:41So why did she do it?
00:33:43Because the girl gets in the way of her plans with Daniel.
00:33:46And she wanted to appear as a victim to Maca and the whole world.
00:33:50No, no, no.
00:33:52I know Barbara and I assure you that this was a real sacrifice for her.
00:33:56Well, I don't believe it.
00:33:58And you'll see that time will tell.
00:33:59Mom, Barbara disarmed me with what she did.
00:34:03I would never have given her to Maca out of will.
00:34:06Now I have nothing to screw her with in life.
00:34:30Who is it?
00:34:31Who is it?
00:34:58Who is it?
00:34:59It's me, Rita.
00:35:02I'm coming.
00:35:04I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:35:07How are you?
00:35:09Tired of doing nothing.
00:35:11Yes, it's lazy to be stuck on the cell phone all day.
00:35:15And what happened with the job there at the Los Aguilar ranch?
00:35:19They beat me.
00:35:21Well, it's hard to get a job here.
00:35:24That's why I decided that I'm going to the city.
00:35:26You just want to go to the city because young Daniel is going there, right?
00:35:30Well, yes, look.
00:35:32That's how I'm going to make Daniel and Barbara's life out of squares.
00:35:36Better leave those things alone.
00:35:40Why are you going to the city to make life out of squares?
00:35:43It's decided, Rita.
00:35:45As soon as Daniel goes to the capital, I'm leaving.
00:35:47That girl is not going to stay with Daniel.
00:36:12Let me go!
00:36:14Let me go!
00:36:16Let me go!
00:36:18Shut up!
00:36:26Are you going to be okay?
00:36:28Yes. No. Brenda, help me.
00:36:30I'm going, I'm going. Stay there.
00:37:08Everyone gets used to one.
00:37:10No, no, I hope to get out of here soon.
00:37:13Of course, that's what we all want.
00:37:26Let's go.
00:37:41Let's go.
00:37:42Let's go.
00:37:55Right now we are going to look for a doctor to check you.
00:37:58No, I'm fine, I'm fine. The important thing is to stop Brenda.
00:38:01Please, I don't dedicate myself.
00:38:03Hey, did they catch her?
00:38:05Yes, but when she escaped, a car ran over her.
00:38:07How is she?
00:38:09The truth is, I don't know how bad she is.
00:38:12Let's wait and see.
00:38:14My love, Cynthia.
00:38:42I feel like I'm with my soul in a thread.
00:38:44You broke the trust I had in you.
00:38:46You can't leave me!
00:38:47If there's no prudence in one, let it be in the other.
00:38:49What a joy, to be able to help someone who does better things in life, right?
00:38:52As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
00:38:56Compayito is entangled in a web of lies.
00:38:59What do you mean you want to charge me more for the other day?
00:39:01Do you really think I'm threatened?
00:39:03They're looking at your face!
00:39:04Hey, I'm not a men...
00:39:06Oh, no, yes, I'm very mental.
00:39:07Don't mistreat my compayito, he's going to fire me.
00:39:10We know how to make you laugh with Chocalas Compayito.
00:39:13This Sunday at 7.30pm.
00:39:16Turn up the volume.
00:39:17This Saturday too.
00:39:18This story rings a bell.
00:39:19As soon as they gave me my degree, I wasn't going to look for a job anymore.
00:39:22I thought we were going to talk about getting married.
00:39:24I don't want to waste your time.
00:39:25I promised her that I wouldn't regret hiring me and I'm going to do it.
00:39:28Don't mess with her because you're going to regret it.
00:39:30She's a traitor.
00:39:31She made me the promise that I was never going to fall in love.
00:39:34Saturday at 5pm.
00:39:36Even if you don't take selfies.
00:39:37Smile, smile, yes, half-decreed.
00:39:39And there were no hashtags.
00:39:41Hey, my name, why am I good?
00:39:43Your humor was a trend without equal.
00:39:45That's what I said about everyone's office.
00:39:46Join this Saturday with Mr. Photographer.
00:39:49And Sunday with the minister and me.
00:39:52For the stars.
00:39:53I can't believe it.
00:39:58He's back.
00:40:04It's him.
00:40:05I can't believe it.
00:40:07It's Chavo.
00:40:08I'm your fan.
00:40:10Because we know how to make you laugh.
00:40:12Premiere on the stars this Wednesday.
00:40:14And available on VX.
00:40:16Did you miss something about the sports day?
00:40:18We have the action of the week.
00:40:20The figures that stood out.
00:40:22The goals.
00:40:24And the most important information.
00:40:26In the most watched sports summary for years.
00:40:30Get ready to get into action.
00:40:33Sunday, 2pm.
00:40:34With the stars.
00:40:36Rafael is under pressure.
00:40:38It's five in the morning.
00:40:40He has to produce 140,000 pesos a month.
00:40:42Whatever it takes, you understand?
00:40:44To pay his debt to Alejandra.
00:40:46I came to offer him the opportunity of his life to get a car.
00:40:48I already have it.
00:40:49Will he achieve it despite the obstacles?
00:40:51Until the money stops.
00:40:53Monday to Friday at 2.30pm.
00:40:55For the stars.
00:40:56Jealousy and intrigue.
00:40:58How did Rodrigo end up in love?
00:41:00I don't like Amelia for him.
00:41:01I think she's a spoiled girl.
00:41:02I'm going to make a family with Luceta.
00:41:04Now it turns out you're going to have a clear son.
00:41:06If that creature is born.
00:41:08They stalk the true love.
00:41:10I'm going to get my son right now.
00:41:11Ivan took Martin.
00:41:12The price of loving you.
00:41:14Monday to Friday, 9.30pm.
00:41:18The Center for Artistic Education.
00:41:20I invite you to the Youth Convocation 2024.
00:41:25Find the bases at lasestrellas.tv.
00:41:31We are waiting for you.
00:41:32This is your chance.
00:41:33Televisa Univision.
00:42:03They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:42:07The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:42:10Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:42:13In point.
00:42:15For the stars.
00:42:32This is the woman who fell in love with Ghosting.
00:42:36This Thursday.
00:42:37Pilar's corn fell badly.
00:42:39I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Paola.
00:42:42They taught me to be very respectful to older people.
00:42:45I know some talents that I can introduce you to.
00:42:48But he will look for the sketch.
00:42:50He is my Federico.
00:42:52In Mas Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
00:42:55This Sunday, 8pm.
00:42:59He returned.
00:43:03He is there.
00:43:04I can not believe it.
00:43:05It's Chavo.
00:43:06I'm your fan.
00:43:08Because we know how to make you laugh.
00:43:10Premiere on the stars this Wednesday.
00:43:12And available on VX.
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00:43:34For the stars.
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00:46:08For the stars.
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00:46:11For the stars.
00:46:12In point.
00:46:14Serios no vas a hablarme federico?
00:46:15Tienes que volver a mi y hacer que olvide tu desprecio eh?
00:46:27Look at the time! And you're still sleeping!
00:46:31Besides, alcohol stinks here, Pablo!
00:46:34Mom, please let me sleep.
00:46:36No way!
00:46:38I'm sick of it being always the same with you!
00:46:41Mom, I almost lost my life yesterday.
00:46:43Oh, come on, please! Stop making dramas, Pablo!
00:46:47That's over!
00:46:48I'll tell you one thing, huh?
00:46:50Either you go abroad or you leave the house.
00:46:52I don't want you here anymore.
00:46:53Mom, what's wrong with you?
00:46:55You almost lost your son yesterday.
00:46:57I don't know why you're in such a bad mood.
00:46:59You're making me in a bad mood!
00:47:01So decide!
00:47:02Either you go abroad or you leave the house.
00:47:04I don't want you here anymore.
00:47:06You're done!
00:47:10Stop it!
00:47:14You have no idea how much I admire you.
00:47:16I'd give anything to be by your side.
00:47:19I miss you so much.
00:47:21Mom, being away from my daughter means a lot to me.
00:47:26But we'll see each other on the weekend.
00:47:30Honey, I can't go on the weekend.
00:47:32My mom isn't at the ranch.
00:47:34I asked her to stay with Grandpa.
00:47:36Well, don't worry.
00:47:39We'll see each other.
00:47:41Barbara, I don't want to be away from you.
00:47:43I still haven't found a good job in the city, honey.
00:47:47I can't accept the job they offered me.
00:47:49But if Maca is going to stay with Mario,
00:47:51why don't you move in with me?
00:47:53No, I can't do that.
00:47:54I have to be here for when Maca wants to see me.
00:47:58Honey, when that happens, you'll see her.
00:48:02You're no longer comfortable living with your mom
00:48:04and you have nothing to lose.
00:48:06Think about it.
00:48:08I'll take care of pampering you,
00:48:10pampering you, loving you,
00:48:12making Maca's absence less important.
00:48:15I don't know.
00:48:16Honey, think about it.
00:48:18If Maca finds out I'm with you,
00:48:20it'll be worse, Daniel.
00:48:24you don't have to sacrifice our relationship.
00:48:27Maca hasn't wanted to see you
00:48:28even without me being with you.
00:48:31Don't you think it's time for us to see each other?
00:48:34Do we have to wait any longer
00:48:36to be together and be able to live our relationship?
00:48:39I don't know, Daniel.
00:48:40I don't know.
00:48:41I have to think.
00:48:48I have to think.
00:49:10Have you thought about how you're going to put the baby?
00:49:13Mom, I don't have the head for that right now.
00:49:18What happened?
00:49:19Brenda attacked me when I was trying to run away.
00:49:23She was the one who killed Adrián.
00:49:24What? Brenda, the assistant
00:49:26with whom Adrián deceived you when you were his boyfriend?
00:49:28Yes, yes.
00:49:29But the authorities are taking care of it
00:49:31and Sebastián will soon be free.
00:49:34You must be happy, but...
00:49:35Cata, bring me the first aid kit, please!
00:49:38Hey, what happened?
00:49:39How did it go?
00:49:40Tell us.
00:49:41Yes, yes, but let's see.
00:49:42Wait, wait.
00:49:44How did it go at the family trial?
00:49:47What happened?
00:49:49Mario won the custody?
00:49:51We'll never know that.
00:49:53Your sister gave up the baby
00:49:55so as not to expose her to the unpleasant experience
00:49:58of sympathizing with a judge.
00:50:00I don't agree, but well, you know how things are now.
00:50:06How did you know I was leaving?
00:50:08Miss Uriarte had a hunch.
00:50:14Without your collaboration,
00:50:15we wouldn't have been able to catch her in time.
00:50:17She remembered that you were deaf
00:50:19and that you had a friend in Guatemala.
00:50:21Thanks to that, we were able to catch her
00:50:22before she fled the country.
00:50:24I hate you!
00:50:25I hate you, damn it!
00:50:26You've always ruined my life, damn it!
00:50:29On the other hand, the authorities
00:50:31are very grateful to you.
00:50:33No one escapes justice, Miss Contreras.
00:50:35Not even you.
00:50:38I'm not going to say a single word
00:50:40until my lawyer arrives, is that clear?
00:50:42Bring me a lawyer!
00:50:43Bring me a lawyer!
00:50:45An official lawyer, because I don't have money!
00:50:47I don't have money!
00:50:48I don't have money!
00:50:49That's right.
00:50:50I don't have anything!
00:50:51That's right.
00:51:00It must have been very difficult for you.
00:51:03Too much.
00:51:04Cry, cry.
00:51:05Take out your pain.
00:51:06Here I am with you to comfort you.
00:51:08I really don't understand these modern times.
00:51:12So that the child doesn't get traumatized,
00:51:14they let him do whatever he wants.
00:51:16If he had fought for your daughter,
00:51:18he would have gotten over it sooner or later.
00:51:20But no!
00:51:22The girl left with his.
00:51:24This generation of crystal,
00:51:25I really don't understand.
00:51:26You can't tell them anything.
00:51:27You have to look for...
00:51:29Don't listen to her.
00:51:31Listen to me, Barbara.
00:51:33You need a lot of love
00:51:35to give up a son
00:51:36who only wants his happiness.
00:51:38Even if it's not with you.
00:51:41Don't worry.
00:51:50In a few more moments,
00:51:51the anesthesiologist will come
00:51:52to take you to surgery.
00:51:53And I'm going to be okay, right?
00:51:55I'm going to regain mobility
00:51:57in my legs, right?
00:51:59I wouldn't know how to tell you.
00:52:00Ask the doctor who's going to operate on you.
00:52:04Good afternoon.
00:52:05Brenda Contreras?
00:52:07I'm Patricia Pineda,
00:52:08an attorney.
00:52:10The prosecution is very interested
00:52:12in this case coming to an end
00:52:13because of the media outburst it has caused.
00:52:16So I'm going to defend you.
00:52:18But I need you to tell me the whole truth.
00:52:23Excuse me.
00:52:26I'm not going to lie to you, Miss Contreras.
00:52:28There are many aggravators against you.
00:52:31The police report coincides
00:52:32that the murderer is a person
00:52:34with his characteristics.
00:52:37You don't know how happy I am
00:52:38to have helped demonstrate
00:52:39Sebastián's innocence.
00:52:41Not only for him, but also for me.
00:52:43I wanted to take revenge
00:52:44for falling for Adrián's blackmail
00:52:46and having doubted his innocence.
00:52:49Yes, but thanks to your good memory,
00:52:51you'll be free now.
00:52:54Girls, I'm going to the club.
00:52:56But first,
00:52:57I wanted to ask you how Federico is.
00:53:00Yesterday, when I went to the mayor's office
00:53:02to look for him,
00:53:03he was very stressed,
00:53:05very bad.
00:53:06Mom, did you look for him again?
00:53:08But he told you not to go.
00:53:10That we would keep you informed
00:53:11of what has happened
00:53:12and that's what I did.
00:53:14Well, but you didn't have to do it,
00:53:16but he did.
00:53:17And since I felt excluded,
00:53:18I went to tell him.
00:53:20If he asked me to be his wife,
00:53:22he has to be the one
00:53:23to inform me of everything
00:53:24that happens in his life, don't you think?
00:53:26Mom, honestly,
00:53:27I have my doubts
00:53:28that he asked you to marry him.
00:53:30You probably misinterpreted it.
00:53:32Yes, me too.
00:53:33No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:53:34I didn't misinterpret anything.
00:53:36You'll see how soon there will be a wedding
00:53:38in this house.
00:53:40See you.
00:53:44There are strong reasons
00:53:46why you would have wanted to kill him.
00:53:48In addition,
00:53:49there is a witness
00:53:50who saw him leave the building
00:53:51where the assault took place,
00:53:54minutes after Mr. Mendez left.
00:53:58But that doesn't mean anything.
00:54:00I lived in that apartment.
00:54:02It's obvious that I can come in
00:54:03and leave my house, right?
00:54:06But the detail is that
00:54:07you did not declare it to the MP.
00:54:09You assured that after talking
00:54:11to Mr. Mendez on the street,
00:54:13you went directly to the mayor's office.
00:54:15And apparently that was not the case.
00:54:17And if that adds up to the fact
00:54:19that you tried to flee the country
00:54:21and attacked Miss Uriarte,
00:54:23aggravatings accumulate against you.
00:54:25Well, I don't care
00:54:26what I have to do.
00:54:27You are my lawyer.
00:54:28I don't care if you have to say
00:54:29that it was in self-defense,
00:54:31which yes, yes, yes, yes,
00:54:32I had to defend myself from something.
00:54:34I don't care what you have to say,
00:54:36but I'm not going to go to jail.
00:54:37It's clear.
00:54:40It's clear.
00:54:46Genius and figure to the grave.
00:54:49My mom always running away from conflicts.
00:54:51How weird.
00:54:52Yes, she doesn't like to face reality.
00:54:54But what are we going to do?
00:54:57It's Jesusa.
00:54:58Answer her, answer her.
00:54:59If you want,
00:55:00you can talk to her.
00:55:02Hello, Jesusa, how are you?
00:55:05Fine, fine.
00:55:06A little better.
00:55:07Now I'm on a case with the Maca custody
00:55:09that I'll tell you about.
00:55:11But I'm here with Fatima.
00:55:12She's telling me that if you want,
00:55:14we can meet today.
00:55:18In two hours at the usual cafeteria?
00:55:20Yes, yes, yes, yes.
00:55:21I'll take a shower and we'll go there.
00:55:22Okay, okay, perfect.
00:55:23See you there.
00:55:24See you there.
00:55:29I'll leave you some cash for anything.
00:55:33Leave a voucher signed at the reception
00:55:36so that it is in all the consumption of your stay.
00:55:40Thank you very much.
00:55:45But what I would like most would be to see Sebastian.
00:55:49You'll see him when he gets out of prison.
00:55:52I don't like Fatima at all.
00:55:56But I'm very happy that she helped stop Brenda.
00:56:00I don't know how the very cynical
00:56:01could be in the hospital with me and help me
00:56:04and at the same time she was throwing dirt on Sebastian
00:56:07when she is the murderer.
00:56:08I don't know how I could trust her.
00:56:10Neither her nor Adren.
00:56:13But hey, neither of them will hurt us again.
00:56:18Excuse me.
00:56:22You know, I already realized that I don't really have much to think about.
00:56:27What are you trying to tell me?
00:56:29That I accept your proposal to go live with you
00:56:31to the house you rented in the village.
00:56:34Are you sure?
00:56:36Yes, my love, as you said, I have nothing to lose.
00:56:39You don't know how happy you make me.
00:56:41I'm going to prepare everything to go for you.
00:56:43No, no, don't worry.
00:56:45I prefer to go until I have the paternity result.
00:56:48I want to give it to me these days.
00:56:51It's okay, my love.
00:56:53Oh, my love.
00:56:54I hope it's yours so that Mario doesn't try to take it away from me
00:56:57or poison it against me.
00:57:00What happened, Eduardo?
00:57:04I'm going there right now.
00:57:07It's the best news I've been given in a long time.
00:57:13They have just declared self-defamation against Brenda
00:57:16for the murder of Adrian.
00:57:18And Sebastian is officially free.
00:57:20But it's wonderful, I'm very happy.
00:57:24I'm going to the prison.
00:57:26In an hour I'll be free.
00:57:28Can I go with you?
00:57:31Better wait for him to look for you.
00:57:50It won't be.
00:57:52Besides, I already told you that I'm sure it's mine.
00:57:55Yours or his, I want the baby to be born here in Mexico City
00:57:58so that Maca is present.
00:58:00I don't want to exclude her from any of these things that are happening.
00:58:03And, well, who knows?
00:58:04I hope this doesn't bring us closer, right?
00:58:06Everything will be as you want, my love.
00:58:08Oh, thank you, my love.
00:58:10You are the only thing that conserves me in these moments.
00:58:14We are going to be very happy here, you'll see.
00:58:16And while the baby is born,
00:58:17here you will be able to download all the updates
00:58:20or artificial intelligence courses that you want.
00:58:23Yes, my love.
00:58:24Well, I'll do that.
00:58:27Although right now I really don't feel like anything.
00:58:30Although it was my decision not to fight for Maca,
00:58:33I swear I feel like they took half of my life.
00:58:37I assure you that one day your sacrifice will be rewarded.
00:58:41Well, I don't know if that happens,
00:58:43but I swear to you that what I feel
00:58:46I don't wish it on my worst enemy.
00:58:56Come on, Grandpa.
00:59:00I need you to be the first to find out.
00:59:03Find out about what, son?
00:59:05Barbara is coming to live with me in the village.
00:59:07What do you think?
00:59:13I love you.
00:59:23Well, I'm going to take care of putting everyone against him.
00:59:26And let's see if he can with the contempt of the people
00:59:28in the place where he thinks he will live happily and peacefully.
00:59:31I don't want to keep living away from you.
00:59:34You know how much I love you.
00:59:36They're all fake.
00:59:39Okay, I'm going to do the test.
00:59:41I love Sebastian.
00:59:43But I don't know if I'm going to go back to him.
00:59:45You're going to get out of here like a plastic bag.
00:59:47Come on.