El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 31 HD Completo

  • 13 hours ago
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 31 HD Completo
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 32 HD Completo
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 33 HD Completo
El Precio de Amarte Capitulo 31 HD Completo
00:00I'm going to tell you the truth.
00:02I'm sorry.
00:03I'm sorry.
00:04I'm sorry.
00:05I'm sorry.
00:06Rodrigo, what happened?
00:07Is everything okay?
00:08Olga was arrested.
00:11For kidnapping.
00:12I'm sorry Amelia, I have to go help her.
00:13No, don't worry, I'm going with you.
00:14I can't tell her the name of the man who is my friend today.
00:15I'm sorry.
00:16I have to go.
00:17I don't want to.
00:18I'm sorry.
00:19I'm sorry.
00:20I'm sorry.
00:21I'm sorry.
00:22I'm sorry.
00:23I'm sorry.
00:24I'm sorry.
00:25I'm sorry.
00:26I'm sorry.
00:27I'm sorry.
00:28I'm sorry.
00:29I'm sorry.
00:30I'm sorry.
00:31I'm sorry.
00:32I'll take care of her, love.
00:33I'm so glad you feel like you're living life again.
00:35What I believe is a right for me.
00:39I respect that.
00:40I'm glad that you're able to enjoy love.
00:45I want something serious, but it won't be easy.
00:49He feels like his wife's memory is missing, but I want to prove to him
00:51that I can be his life companion.
00:55Well I want you to be lucky.
00:57You both have my support.
00:58the sign I put outside the church, right?
01:01What sign?
01:03I'm offering my services to repair...
01:08household appliances.
01:09You see, I'm good at mechanics.
01:12You're a gifted man.
01:15I'll bring my sewing machine so you can fix it.
01:17Bring it and I'll leave it as new.
01:19Oh, yes.
01:20And how's the cooperation for the church's repair going?
01:31Rosetta, I can't believe you agreed
01:34for Mr. Francisco to move in with Tropicalozo.
01:37Of course, and he understood
01:38that I can't move away from Tropicalozo.
01:41But wouldn't you like to live with him in his house
01:44and be more at ease?
01:46No, Diana, we need Rosetta to be close
01:49so we can take care of her.
01:55No me muero.
02:06Ya estoy aquí, espero no incomodarlas.
02:09Ay, no, hombre, no.
02:10Pásale a lo barrido.
02:12Pásale, pero quién iba a decir
02:13que iba a terminar viviendo en el Tropicalozo, ¿verdad?
02:16Viviré en cualquier lugar donde esté la mujer que amo
02:19y con quien estoy dispuesto a tener una familia.
02:22Ay, qué bonito.
02:25¿No quieren brindar?
02:26Saco una botella de jugo de mango.
02:31Mango, mango.
02:43Hay una denuncia interpuesta
02:45contra la señorita Cabares por secuestro
02:47y la puso su propio padrastro.
02:50Olga lo hizo para proteger a su hermana.
02:53El papá se alteró mucho después de la muerte de la mamá
02:56e incluso se puso agresivo.
02:59Sí, pero según la ley,
03:02si no tiene la autorización
03:03de quien tiene la patria potestad,
03:05eso no se puede hacer.
03:06Sí, sí, pero Olga lo que hizo fue dejarle una carta
03:09avisándole que se iba a llevar la niña
03:11por su propia seguridad.
03:12Hay que llamar al papá para decirle
03:14que todo es un malentendido.
03:15Bueno, por lo menos sabemos que la niña está en la escuela
03:18y está bien.
03:18¿Y eso no le exonera?
03:21Hay que esperar a que avance el proceso.
03:25Así es.
03:29¿Estás seguro?
03:32¿Era Francisco?
03:33Sí, señora, yo mismo lo vi con mis propios ojos
03:36y como ya es de conocimiento público,
03:37sabemos de su relación con Roseta.
03:39Así que concluyo que se fue a vivir con ella.
03:46Comisario, por favor,
03:48permítame hablar con Gina antes de que llegue
03:50la trabajadora social.
03:51Ella me conoce muy bien.
03:52Para que no se asuste, por favor.
03:54Has sido policía, sabes que no puedo hacer eso.
03:57Además, te tengo que tomar declaración
03:59para que me expliques por qué una niña
04:00supuestamente secuestrada está viviendo en tu casa.
04:04De acuerdo, pero ¿podría hacerlo después?
04:07No, no.
04:10Tengo un elemento custodiando a la niña
04:13de manera discreta, ¿de acuerdo?
04:15¿Y qué pasa si sale de la escuela
04:16y todavía no ha llegado la trabajadora social?
04:19Tendrán que venir aquí juntos a comisaría.
04:21No, comisario, déjeme ir con él, por favor.
04:23Estamos hablando de una niña que acaba de perder a su mamá.
04:27Por favor.
04:31Está bien, llamo a Oscar para decirle que va
04:34y llamo a la trabajadora social
04:36para decirle que venga directamente a comisaría.
04:39Gracias, Ale.
04:41Voy a hablar con Silverio para que se encargue de todo.
04:43Con permiso, gracias.
04:44Sí, Rodrigo, te está esperando en el EP.
04:47Bueno, voy a declarar.
04:49Muchas gracias, comisario.
04:50Gracias, comisario.
05:00Hey, ¿no vas a salir a recreo?
05:03No, no, me voy a quedar aquí comiendo mi sándwich.
05:07Ah, bueno, entonces yo también me quedo.
05:09Sí, yo también traje un sándwich.
05:13Oye, ¿estás emocionada por ir a las terapias con mi mamá?
05:17No, la verdad no, es que los caballos me dan miedo.
05:22¿De verdad?
05:23¡Pero son lo mejor del mundo!
05:25Yo tengo un caballo, se llama Estacú,
05:28y aprendí a montar desde los tres años.
05:31Si quieres, yo te puedo ayudar a que se te quite el miedo, ¿va?
05:37¿Quieres probar mi sándwich?
05:38Está buenísimo.
05:40Va, ¿y tú también pruebas el mío?
05:42Sí, va.
05:46Mira, toma.
05:48A ver.
05:50Yo nunca me imaginé que Mario me iba a denunciar de secuestro.
05:55Pues sí, pero ¿por qué no le dijiste que estabas en mi casa?
05:58Sí, sí, se lo dije, sí, le mandé mensajes.
06:01Y con todo el miedo que tenía de que viniera por Gina
06:04y se la llevara a la fuerza, porque tú sabes cómo es.
06:06Él no está bien, él no puede cuidar a mi hermana.
06:08Es que debiste denunciarlo, como no lo hiciste,
06:11ahora tú cometiste un delito, y además, soy tu cómplice.
06:15Ay, no, no, no, no, no.
06:17No, no, no, perdóname, Rodrigo, te juro, te juro que
06:19yo no quería meterte en problemas.
06:21No, no te preocupes.
06:22Por favor, ayúdame, yo no me quiero quedar aquí,
06:25en este lugar, ¿y quién va a cuidar a mi hermana?
06:27Lo vamos a resolver, ¿ok?
06:29Te voy a sacar de aquí, no te preocupes.
06:36En mi anterior escuela no tenía amigos.
06:39Bueno, pero aquí vas a tener muchos,
06:41empezando por mí.
06:44No, ¿qué haces aquí?
06:45Vengo por Gina.
06:47¿Por mí? ¿Por qué?
06:49Tu hermana necesita hablar contigo,
06:50ya le pedí permiso a la maestra.
06:52¿Le pasó algo a Olga?
06:53No, mi amor, no te preocupes.
06:55Recoge tus cositas, ¿sí?
06:58¿No todo bien?
06:59Sí, mi amor.
07:03Les presento Rodrigo Zárate,
07:05ella es la trabajadora social encargada de Gina,
07:08Lidia Herrera, encantado.
07:10Mucho gusto.
07:11Igualmente, la verdad es que les recomiendo
07:13que antes de que entreguen la niña a su papá,
07:15es importante que hagan una evaluación psicológica al señor,
07:19al parecer sufrió un trauma muy grande.
07:22Me temo que él no pueda encargarse de Gina.
07:25Le agradezco, pero primero tengo que hablar con la niña.
07:27Sí, entiendo, pero...
07:31Romelio ya me contó todo,
07:33no quiero que le pase nada a Olga.
07:35No te preocupes, todo va a estar bien.
07:37Hola, soy Lidia, vine aquí a ayudarte.
07:41¿Podemos platicar?
07:44Ven con ella, tranquila.
07:46Sí, ven con ella.
07:47Aquí estamos, ¿sí?
07:51Va a estar bien.
07:54Olga no me sacó a la fuerza,
07:56yo ya me quería ir de mi casa.
07:57Mi papá siempre estaba tomando y gritaba muy feo.
08:02Una vez nos amenazó con un cuchillo
08:04porque pensó que éramos los ladrones
08:06que mataron a mi mamá.
08:07Gracias por tu declaración, Gina.
08:09Voy a corroborar unos datos.
08:11Con permiso.
08:13Voy a tomar una llamada.
08:14Ahorita vengo.
08:23Gina, ven acá.
08:29¿Ya puedo ver a mi hermana?
08:31Déjame primero hablar con Lidia
08:33y ahorita vemos si nos da chance, ¿sí?
08:42Everything is in order.
08:43Apparently, Miss Tavares only prevented
08:45Gina's father from hurting her.
08:47I just received a call from the capital.
08:50The father was taken to a psychiatric hospital.
08:52Apparently, he assaulted a person.
08:55All his arguments are true.
08:57However, I have to talk to Miss Tavares first.
09:00Sure, thank you very much.
09:01Excuse me.
09:04Give me a hug.
09:05I'm so sorry.
09:08I'm so sorry.
09:12I only protected my sister from her father.
09:15What was I supposed to do?
09:17Leave her with a man who lost his mind?
09:19Who saw her with his wife's killer
09:21and threatened her with a knife?
09:22Was that what I was supposed to do?
09:25Look, I have all the evidence and I'm on your side.
09:28Like I said, Gina's father is in a psychiatric hospital.
09:32But there's a lawsuit in the way.
09:34And if it's a minor, we can't ignore it.
09:38I don't want them to take Gina to a mental hospital.
09:41Please help me.
09:43What do I have to do?
09:44I already told you, I left her a letter
09:46telling her I was taking Gina
09:48and to let me know as soon as she felt better.
09:50Okay, a letter.
09:53Have you tried to locate him in any other way?
09:56Calls, messages?
09:57Yes, I've left her messages.
09:59I called her almost every day, but she never answered.
10:03Now I understand she was locked up.
10:06Okay, I'm going to ask for her cell phone records
10:09to verify her innocence.
10:12With her daughter's statement
10:13and her father being in a psychiatric hospital,
10:15a judge can probably grant her temporary custody.
10:20But we have to hurry.
10:21Yes, whatever it takes to get my sister back.
10:24Let me see what I can do.
10:28You're welcome.
10:34I'm late for the market. I have to go to the hospital.
10:37Leave it to me. Don't worry, I'll do it.
10:40I mean, I don't have anything to do.
10:44Why don't you make a plan with Chanati and Nubia?
10:47Because they're very upset and nothing is like before.
10:54Maybe this is a good time to reconnect, don't you think?
11:00Okay, I'm going to run.
11:03Good luck.
11:06Mr. Silverio is preparing everything
11:08to release Olga.
11:09I'm convinced that it's best
11:11if the minor stays with her sister for now.
11:13I'll let the judge know.
11:14Of course.
11:15I suppose Olga's trial
11:17won't advance while her father is in the psychiatric hospital.
11:21As long as the judge doesn't tell me otherwise,
11:23Olga will remain in Sarana.
11:26Excuse me, could you temporarily take care of the girl?
11:31Of course.
11:34Besides Ms. Tavares, the minor doesn't have any family
11:38and I don't want to send her to a foster home.
11:40No, not at all.
11:42Not at all. Don't worry.
11:43I'll take care of it.
11:46Olga, please.
11:48You can't stay here.
11:51Please come with me. I want you to see her.
11:54Gina, Gina.
11:55Calm down.
11:56Calm down, Gina.
11:57I'll go out.
11:59I'll go out and I'll be with you.
12:01I promise.
12:02Please, please, please.
12:05I'm begging you.
12:08Hello, sir. How are you?
12:10Hello, Lia. How are you?
12:11I'm fine. Thank you.
12:13Do you know where Nubia is?
12:15My doll spends the night at El Zocalo's cafeteria.
12:18People will ask about her future there.
12:21Thank you very much.
12:23Take care and good luck.
12:27I made a mistake.
12:30My dad took Gina home.
12:32If you want to go to the ranch to rest,
12:35I told your mom I'd be home later.
12:37If you need any help or if Olga needs anything,
12:40let me know, okay?
12:41Of course.
12:46See you.
12:47See you.
12:53See you.
13:04Are you ready?
13:07Francisco just moved in with you and you're already pregnant.
13:12He's one of those people, and it's not him.
13:15Anyway, congratulations.
13:17Olga, Rodrigo's ex-girlfriend is under arrest
13:20and accused of kidnapping Conrad.
13:21Yes, I know it sounds strange,
13:23but right now the important thing is to get her out of the way
13:27for the sake of the baby and for everything to work out.
13:30But it must have taken a long time
13:32for Rodrigo to be so worried about her, right?
13:35They were about to get married.
13:37They broke up because of work, and now...
13:40I don't want to make up any more stories.
13:43I'm sorry, but living together is a lot to think about.
13:47But they're doing it for the baby.
13:49Rodrigo doesn't feel anything for Olga anymore.
13:51He doesn't want to leave her either.
13:54I don't have to get jealous.
13:57I'm going to tell Ivan everything that's going on with Olga.
14:00No, don't do it.
14:01You know how he is. He'll fire her anyway.
14:04Whatever you say.
14:05I'm going to go see my aunt Roseta.
14:08I'm going to go see my aunt Roseta.
14:10I'm going to go see my aunt Roseta.
14:12I'm going to go see my aunt Roseta.
14:14I didn't tell you.
14:16She's going to have a baby with my dad.
14:20You should've left town when I offered you.
14:23Because now I've got you and that bastard in my sights.
14:26You're not going to do that.
14:28My son is going to be born.
14:30And Francisco and I are waiting for him with all our love.
14:33Now, if that makes you feel better,
14:35then it's your problem.
14:37I'm never going to divorce him.
14:39You're always going to be the one who tried to steal my husband.
14:43I don't care.
14:45Francisco, my son, and I are going to be a family.
14:50Mom, what are you doing? What's wrong with you?
14:52I'm here to tell this whore her truth.
14:55Don't insult my aunt or try to hurt her.
14:57Francisco is never going to marry her.
15:00Make that very clear.
15:06I'm sorry.
15:09I know you're not a priest,
15:11but I need you to absolve me.
15:14I can't do that, Raul.
15:16But can I listen to you?
15:18Tell me what's bothering you.
15:22Vera, I'm sorry I've let you down
15:25because of my late wife's memory.
15:28I've been carried away by low passions
15:31and lust.
15:33Raul, tell me what's wrong.
15:36Vera, there's a woman I used to consider a very good friend,
15:41but she started seducing me.
15:44And I had many years of abstinence.
15:49And I was weak.
15:51And now I don't know how to prevent those encounters from happening.
15:56Your wife, who did love you,
15:59must be dreaming of you giving her the chance
16:03to fall in love again.
16:05You're a free man.
16:07So start living life and enjoying those encounters.
16:15So you're not going to punish me?
16:17No, Raul.
16:18God doesn't punish something as beautiful as love.
16:22Don't worry.
16:26Enjoy it.
16:29That's why I didn't want Francisco to tell you about my pregnancy.
16:33Because my baby isn't going to be born.
16:36I know.
16:38Auntie, my mom is very sick.
16:42And she's frustrated because she couldn't give her a baby.
16:45Believe it or not, my mom has suffered a lot.
16:48That doesn't excuse her behavior.
16:50No, it doesn't.
16:52It's been more than 20 years, Amelia.
16:54It's been more than 20 years since she manipulated me
16:56and kidnapped Francisco.
16:58And now life is turning around
17:01in a way that seems orchestrated by divine justice.
17:06I know, Auntie.
17:07I just want your happiness and Francisco's.
17:10I promise I'll talk to her.
17:12I'll try to calm her down.
17:19And Amelia is on Rosetta's side.
17:21You don't know what I'd do
17:23to make my sister disappear from the face of the earth.
17:25You know I do everything to protect her,
17:28but I can't go against Amelia's aunt.
17:31And please,
17:33don't do anything that could compromise her.
17:35You're right.
17:37I just needed to vent with someone.
17:39And you, Rodrigo, have shown
17:41how much I value you and your loyalty.
17:44I love it.
17:45You know I'm on your side.
17:47What your husband did wasn't right.
17:49Thank you for listening to me, Rodrigo.
17:52See you later, okay?
18:06I have a favor to ask of you.
18:10And all of a sudden,
18:12Eduarda showed up
18:14to scream and threaten me
18:16that if I get pregnant or whatever.
18:19Luckily, Amelia showed up.
18:20And then that's it.
18:21She left.
18:22The harpy.
18:25how lucky that Amelia showed up.
18:27Whatever you want,
18:28try not to be alone.
18:30So you don't expose yourself to another aggression.
18:32Yes, I know.
18:33But Alfonso had to go with some workers
18:35to buy some materials.
18:39but Amelia doesn't judge me.
18:42Much less hates me.
18:44On the contrary,
18:45she told me she was going to talk to Eduarda
18:46to see if she can calm her down.
18:55Everything will be clear, my love.
18:57And surely Gina will be able to return to school very soon.
19:00Please help your sister, okay?
19:02My love, Rodrigo is with them.
19:03Nothing will happen to them.
19:10I already found out that Don Francisco
19:12is expecting a baby.
19:14Congratulations to you too!
19:16How nice!
19:19A gossip?
19:21Don Francisco is expecting a baby.
19:24why is Armina's sister saying that?
19:27Is my grandmother going to have a baby?
19:33Hey, I'm very happy that your son
19:34is already dating someone else.
19:39Oh, I thought I had already told you.
19:41I was like a gossip.
19:42No, no, no.
19:43Tell me, tell me.
19:45Well, he was here the other day.
19:46And he came with...
19:49with her.
19:53Well, go, go, go.
19:54Ah, yes.
19:55Keep this for me.
19:56Yes, yes.
19:58Hello, welcome!
20:00A drink for one?
20:04What do you mean my grandfather and my aunt Rosetta
20:06are going to have a baby?
20:08fell in love, my love.
20:10And my grandfather and my grandmother
20:12are not going to be together anymore?
20:17But it's not right for my grandfather Francisco
20:19to be with my grandmother.
20:20He is married to my grandfather Eduardo,
20:22but they are sisters.
20:23I know.
20:24I know.
20:25Your grandfather and Rosetta fell in love.
20:28A lot.
20:29They loved each other a lot
20:30before my mother
20:31married him.
20:38Dad, it's a pleasure to introduce you
20:40to my friend Candy.
20:42Nice to meet you, Candy.
20:43Tomas Franco.
20:44I'm glad that my son is dating
20:46such a beautiful girl.
20:47Oh, how kind.
20:48Thank you very much, Mr. Tomas.
20:50And as much help as I can get,
20:52I'll leave you to talk about your things.
20:54I'm going to send you
20:55a delicious horchata water.
20:58Thank you for that, Dad.
21:00How are you?
21:01I'm glad you like your dad.
21:03You look cute.
21:06Here the pretty one
21:08is you.
21:11Well, what are you going to order?
21:14Oh, well.
21:15Mom, I'm not saying it for him,
21:17but for you.
21:18You can't force my dad
21:19to be in a marriage that doesn't exist.
21:21He decided to be with my aunt Rosetta
21:23and now they're going to have a baby together.
21:25Well, I'm going to make their lives impossible.
21:27Oh, Mom, you took my aunt Rosetta's boyfriend.
21:29Of course not.
21:30And if Francisco had loved her
21:32as much as he says,
21:33he wouldn't have listened to me.
21:34We fell in love
21:35and he offered me a future together.
21:37And he gave it to you.
21:38He married you.
21:39He was a father to us.
21:40But sometimes things don't work
21:42the way you want them to.
21:43Mom, you can't fight love.
21:45They love each other.
21:47I can't believe you're on his side.
21:49Oh, Mom, I'm not on his side.
21:50You're beautiful.
21:52You can find someone who loves you.
21:54Divorce him.
21:57Unless he wants to give up
21:59everything we built together.
22:20Hey, I'm not a dumbass.
22:22Oh, yes, I am.
22:24Don't mistreat my friend
22:25who's going to fire me.
22:26We know how to make you laugh
22:28with Chocalas Compayito
22:30this Sunday at 7.30 p.m.
22:32She doesn't need to be introduced.
22:34I'm Leonor San Jose.
22:36For the good things, she's ruthless.
22:38We don't let ourselves fall so easily.
22:40And for the bad things, she's a real villain.
22:42I forgave her 30 years ago,
22:44but I'm sure
22:46this time I won't stop.
22:48Meet her in Amor Amargo.
22:50Starts November 4th, 6.30 p.m.
23:20and the most entertaining team
23:22in the show that always gives you more.
23:24Stay with us
23:26and relive the most relevant
23:28in Más Deporte.
23:30Sunday, 11 a.m. with the stars.
23:48I need you more than ever.
23:50Mondays to Fridays, 4.30 p.m.
23:54Barbara decides to come with me to town.
23:56I'm going when I know
23:58who's the father of my baby
24:00and who's my dad.
24:04Brenda, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
24:06You're going to get out of here
24:08with a plastic bag.
24:10Mondays to Fridays, 6.30 p.m.
24:12The good days start here.
24:14At 9, everything to enjoy your mornings
24:16and the rhythm of the stars
24:18dance today in their beginning week.
24:20Stars, dance!
24:22And at the end, reports, cuisine,
24:24guests and everything about the famous
24:26only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
24:28Lady Gaga appeared during a projection
24:30and gave Palomita
24:32from Monday to Friday with the stars.
24:34The cenotes didn't like Pilar.
24:36I want to introduce my girlfriend, Paola.
24:38They taught me to be very respectful
24:40with older people.
24:42I know some guys I can introduce you to.
24:44But she'll look for the wrong one.
24:46He's my Federico.
24:48In Más Vale Sola, we know how to make you laugh.
24:50This Sunday, 8 p.m.
24:52She's your daughter.
24:54Receiving a daughter-in-law is complicated.
24:56Can you change diapers for me?
24:58It's not that hard.
25:00You're going to end up falling in love with her.
25:02Come out.
25:04Can you get her back? Impossible.
25:06Why do you want to take her from me?
25:08This Sunday, remember, with Eugenio T.
25:10Don't accept returns, 8.30 p.m.
25:12Even if you don't take selfies
25:14Smile, smile.
25:16And there were no hashtags
25:18What's my name for?
25:20Your humor was a trend.
25:22That's what I said.
25:24Join Mr. Photographer this Saturday
25:26and on Sunday, with El Ministro and me
25:28for the stars.
25:30I can't believe it!
25:32Compañito is tangled
25:34in a web of lies.
25:36You want to charge me more for the other day?
25:38Do you really think I'm threatened?
25:41Hey, I'm not a...
25:43Oh, no, I am.
25:45Don't mistreat my compañito, he's going to fire me.
25:47We know how to make you laugh with
25:49Chocalas Compañito
25:51This Sunday, 7.30 p.m.
26:11Last places. Your help counts.
26:13Angie is about to find out
26:15the value of money.
26:17Even if you don't believe it,
26:19your mommy is going to work.
26:21Good luck, my empowered zebra.
26:23How was your first day?
26:25I hate working.
26:27In Married with Children, we know how to make you laugh.
26:29This Tuesday, at the end of the night
26:31for the stars.
26:33Available on VIX.
26:35La Toña left and left a difficult position to occupy.
26:37You can't, Ryan.
26:43and again.
26:45Don't worry, honey.
26:47Will they make it?
26:49In 40 and 20, we know how to make you laugh.
26:51This Thursday, at the end of the night.
26:53Turn up the volume.
26:55This Saturday, too.
26:57As soon as they gave me my title, I wasn't going to look for a job.
26:59I thought we were going to talk about getting married.
27:01I don't want to waste your time.
27:03I promised her I wouldn't regret hiring me,
27:05and I'm going to do it.
27:07She's a traitor.
27:09She made me the promise that I would never fall in love.
27:11This Saturday, at 5pm.
27:13These are the breaking news.
27:15The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee
27:17is a celebration of identity.
27:19There has been a report of an increase
27:21in the number of rescues of people in danger
27:23of drowning in the sea.
27:25The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
27:27Every night, your meeting point
27:29with the information.
27:3110.30, for the stars.
27:33This is an advance of what we will have today
27:35in the newsroom.
27:37Despite the deployment of federal forces,
27:39there is still disarray and burning of vehicles
27:41in Sinaloa.
27:43They are investigating the murder of a man
27:45on the platforms of the Tepalcates subway
27:47in Mexico City.
27:49And it's night of the sleeves of the vest.
27:51Details at 10.30.
27:53La Toña left
27:55and left a difficult position to occupy.
27:57They will seek to replace her
28:03and again.
28:05Oh, don't worry, honey.
28:07Will they succeed?
28:09At 10.40, we know how to make you laugh.
28:11This Thursday at the end of the show.
28:13In this show,
28:15there is the most outstanding of the week.
28:21and the most entertaining team.
28:23In the program that always gives you more.
28:25Stay with us
28:27and review the most relevant in
28:29Más Deporte.
28:31See you tomorrow with the stars.
29:01You will feel that love again.
29:03And I have always blamed your only daughter
29:05when I am only the orphan.
29:07La Rosa de Guadalupe.
29:09Impact stories.
29:11Saturday with the stars.
29:13It's your daughter.
29:15Receiving an interview daughter is complicated.
29:17Do you know how to change diapers for me?
29:19It's not difficult.
29:21You're going to end up falling in love with her.
29:23Never again.
29:27Why do you want to take it away from me?
29:29Do not accept returns.
29:318.30 at night for the stars.
29:33He has a conviction.
29:35Sooner or later justice will arrive.
29:37And although everything seems to be against him.
29:39What did I tell you?
29:41Let's not get our hands in this.
29:43Now who is the prey?
29:45And who is the hunter?
29:47Surrendering is not an option.
29:49We just have to keep fighting.
29:51Without fear of the truth.
29:53This Saturday at 11 at night with the stars.
29:55Adolfo has a gift for Victoria.
29:57It's a surfboard.
29:59And your board?
30:01One for one, one for two.
30:03And Placido will see a millionaire idea.
30:05Let the surfers make their own surfboards.
30:07I'm afraid of what happens to him.
30:09In a family of 10 we know how to make you laugh.
30:11This Sunday at 7 at night.
30:278.30 at night for the stars.
30:29Adolfo has a conviction.
30:31Sooner or later justice will arrive.
30:33And although everything seems to be against him.
30:35What did I tell you?
30:37Let's not get our hands in this.
30:39Now who is the prey?
30:41And who is the hunter?
30:43Surrendering is not an option.
30:45We just have to keep fighting.
30:47Without fear of the truth.
30:49This Saturday at 11 at night with the stars.
30:51Adolfo has a gift for Victoria.
30:53In a family of 10 we know how to make you laugh.
30:55This Sunday at 11 at night with the stars.
30:57This Sunday at 11 at night with the stars.
31:07Hi Raul.
31:11I brought you an almond pancakes.
31:13I hope we can eat it together.
31:19Thank you, but ...
31:23What happened between us can't happen again.
31:28You didn't like it?
31:30Well, I did like it, but...
31:36I had even forgotten...
31:41What was that like?
31:43Look, I've also respected the memory of my late husband, but...
31:48I think there's a spark between us that's hard to put out.
31:53It's just that I can't stop blaming myself for not remembering my late husband.
31:59Raul, we're alive.
32:04We have to leave the dead alone.
32:08We have to take advantage of the fact that we're alive.
32:15Well, but...
32:18Wait for me back there in the cellar.
32:30Oh, my love, your grandfather Francisco forgot all the promises he made to me.
32:35He got involved with Rosetta and now they're even going to have a baby together, can you imagine?
32:40It was enough to embarrass me and humiliate me in front of the whole town.
32:45Grandma, but don't cry, okay?
32:49I'm very sad about everything my grandfather did to you.
32:52Yes, I have a broken heart, my life.
32:55I don't know if I'm going to be able to get out of this.
32:59Do you want me to stop talking to my grandfather?
33:04Would you do that for me?
33:06Of course.
33:08My love.
33:10Thank you, my life, thank you, because you are the only one who understands me and supports me.
33:15Because neither your mother nor Alfonso are on my side.
33:20They're even apologizing to your grandfather for what he's doing.
33:26Thank you, my life.
33:31How's everything going?
33:33Well, Silverio is asking for a bail.
33:36We are waiting for the judge's answer, but apparently Olga is not leaving the shelter tonight.
33:41Can I help you with something?
33:43No, baby, don't worry, I'm going to stay here tonight waiting to see what happens.
33:50You know, I love you and I admire you a lot for what you're doing for her.
33:54No, my love, I love you.
33:56Hey, you know I'm here alone to help Olga, right?
34:00I mean, there's nothing else.
34:02No, I know not.
34:04How many?
34:14Please, Pepetua, let this stay between us.
34:19If my doll finds out, she won't forgive me.
34:22Look, I see her so upset that I don't want to give her any more reasons to be sad.
34:26Oh, don't worry.
34:28In fact, for now, just for now, I like it to be like this, hidden.
34:34It's like it's more exciting, right?
34:37Well, yes.
34:41Give me another kiss.
34:43Come on, come on.
34:44What's the matter with you?
34:45Another kiss.
34:46Another kiss.
34:47Come on, come on.
34:48Another kiss.
34:49Hello, Martin.
34:50How is my grandson doing?
34:52I'm just calling to tell you that when you come to the producer, I don't want to see you.
34:56Don't even come to say hello to me, okay?
34:58My grandmother already told me everything you did to her.
35:01Martin, let me explain to you, because I'm sure your grandmother gave you her version.
35:05I don't like seeing my grandmother like this because of you.
35:07You're a liar who doesn't know how to keep his promises.
35:13What happened? Who was it?
35:18He doesn't want to see me.
35:21Eduarda does know how to hit where it hurts the most.
35:27Hello, Dad.
35:28Hello, son.
35:29How is Olga?
35:31The separatists are still here today.
35:33The judge hasn't said anything about it yet.
35:36How is Gina?
35:38Well, she spent the whole night crying until she fell asleep.
35:41I'm going to get your sister out.
35:43I promise you.
35:45Any news?
35:47Your friend from Interpol sent you an email.
35:52Here it is.
35:54I investigated the company you told me about.
35:56Stellaris Blue was fired a few months ago.
35:59And according to the information I found,
36:01shortly after, the company closed operations without leaving any trace.
36:07So Eduardo used the company to justify the transfers they made to the foundation.
36:13And I don't know why.
36:15I don't know either.
36:17Eduardo used the company to justify the transfers they made to the foundation.
36:21It's a company created to meet his needs.
36:26We have to investigate that company.
36:28How did they fire her?
36:33Don't you want my mom to talk to the judge?
36:36No, don't worry.
36:38We better wait and see what the judge says.
36:42I'm going to see if Martin is ready.
36:44I left him at school.
36:46How did you spend the night at the police station?
36:48More or less.
36:50I was sitting in a chair.
36:52It was so cold.
36:54I missed you.
36:56I missed you too.
37:00What are you doing?
37:06What do you want to buy?
37:07This is a book for the university.
37:08Hi, girlfriend.
37:09Are you okay? Do you need anything?
37:11Do you think I'm okay?
37:16I'm sorry.
37:17It's unbearable.
37:18Stop it.
37:19What you have to do is forget about this.
37:22What I have to do is forget that she offended me with the song,
37:25so I'm going to apologize.
37:26No, you don't have to.
37:27Of course.
37:28That's what they're telling me to do.
37:29We're going to apologize.
37:32Hi, Alfonso.
37:33How are you?
37:34Fine, and you?
37:36Hi, honey.
37:37Well, I have to go to my homework.
37:40Hey, beautiful.
37:41What's up with your girlfriend?
37:42I saw her from the wall.
37:43I don't know.
37:44I don't know.
37:45I don't know.
37:46Tavo sees it as well.
37:47Don't you think those two are weird?
37:49Look, I know that Tavo is looking for Lila,
37:51but she's not answering him.
37:52I'm not surprised because she's on a brick wall.
37:55I'd like to help them reconcile.
37:58I'm going to get close to Lila, sign a contract
37:59and they'll have to leave the town.
38:01Will you help her?
38:04My girl, it was just a kiss from a friend.
38:06Friends don't kiss like that.
38:09Mel, it would be better to tell her.
38:11Yes, please leave me alone with my son.
38:14Oh, my God.
38:15So beautiful.
38:17Amor, tienes razón.
38:19No fue un beso de amigos.
38:21Es que Rodrigo y yo nos estamos enamorando y...
38:25Por su culpa, ¿dejaste de querer a mi papá?
38:28No, no, no, no.
38:30Tu papá y yo te amamos mucho, mi amor.
38:33Y por eso nos separamos.
38:35No tuvo nada que ver con Rodrigo.
38:38Él nunca te quiso dejar.
38:39Siempre fuiste tú.
38:41Y le dolió mucho.
38:44You told me you didn't have anything with Rodrigo.
38:47I didn't have anything with him, Martin. Listen to me.
38:49We didn't have anything until a few days ago.
38:51I promise.
38:52You're just as bad as my grandfather Francisco.
38:55No, no, Martin, Martin.
38:57Your mom never disrespected your dad
38:59while they were married.
39:00Our relationship started a few days ago.
39:02You also told me you were just friends.
39:05Well, yes, until recently, yes.
39:07But that changed.
39:09I don't trust you anymore.
39:11And you're not my friend anymore.
39:16Stop, stop.
39:18You need space to assimilate information, okay?
39:23I didn't want to hurt my son.
39:30My son!
39:31What happened?
39:33Why are you walking, son?
39:35Where's your mom who's taking you to school?
39:38My mom and Rodrigo fell in love.
39:40We just saw each other.
39:42Oh, my God.
39:46Oh, my son, my son.
39:50So, Rosetta wants to give a chance
39:53to new talents for El Tropicaloso?
39:55Yes, in the repertoire before starting the show.
39:57And as soon as she told me,
39:58I thought that if someone has talent in the village,
40:04Don't talk to me about brides.
40:06And I wouldn't propose it to her.
40:07I'm telling you that if you would like to be part of it.
40:10No, no, Shanna, you know I left the guitar.
40:13My life now is the stationery.
40:15But you love to compose.
40:17And you have a lot of songs in dust.
40:21No, no, no, but...
40:23Maybe for the other one, okay?
40:24You owe me, okay?
40:26For stealing that kiss
40:27and for getting me in a lot of problems with my girlfriend.
40:31I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
40:32I messed it up with you.
40:33Yes, you messed it up, exactly.
40:35Look, tell Rosetta that I'm coming in.
40:38But you can relax now.
40:45Your mom knows that you're with me, honey.
40:47But don't be like that.
40:48You should be happy that your mom found love
40:51in a good man, son.
40:53Rodrigo has been a very good person with your family.
40:56You're not even friends.
40:59What do you mean no?
41:00No, because Rodrigo only became my friend
41:02to get closer to my mom.
41:03Son, how can you say that?
41:05Of course I do.
41:06I want to go to my room.
41:08I'll take you, honey, I'll take you.
41:11Here you go, miss.
41:13Hey, I already convinced Tavo that he's coming in.
41:18Very good.
41:19Now we just need to convince Rosetta
41:20to let Tavo come to the show.
41:26Just look at my wife's shame.
41:29We've only been divorced for a few weeks
41:31and she's already with another man.
41:33I'm sure they've been together before.
41:37This doesn't prove that your ex-wife is a bad mother.
41:40She's giving my son the worst of the examples
41:43and she's living under the same roof as him.
41:47For your own good, I need to take custody of him.
41:49Photos don't serve as evidence.
41:52I need much more.
42:00Son, what happened?
42:04Why are you asking?
42:40participate in any of our two distances, 80 and 130 kilometers.
42:46Sign up now at azdeporte.com.
42:50Prepare your bike.
42:51What are you waiting for to sign up?
42:52Last places.
42:54Your help counts.
42:55Pilar didn't like the corn.
42:58I want to introduce my girlfriend, Paola.
43:00They taught me to be very respectful with older people.
43:03I know some guys that I can introduce you to.
43:06But she will look for the cheat.
43:08He is my Federico.
43:10More Valesola, we know how to make you laugh.
43:13This Sunday, 8 at night.
43:16This weekend, don't miss the best sports program.
43:20News and reports of everything that happened
43:22during the last days in the world of sports.
43:25So you can end your week with the most complete information.
43:29La Jugada.
43:30This Sunday, at 11 at night.
43:33With the stars.
43:35There will be unexpected news.
43:37I can't believe Mr. Arturo killed Juan Pablito.
43:40First he killed the father and then the son.
43:42But how to prove it?
43:43That they will start a hunt.
43:45I'm here to offer 3 million to whoever has information
43:48about the whereabouts of that murderer.
43:50People won't stop until they find me.
43:51Grand Finale, October 18th, 8.30 at night.
43:55The good days begin here.
43:57At 9, everything to enjoy your mornings
43:59and the rhythm of the stars dance today in their starting week.
44:02Stars, to dance.
44:04And at the end, reports, cuisine, guests and everything
44:07about the famous only in Cuéntamelo Ya.
44:09Lady Gaga appeared during a screening
44:12and gave Palomita a gift.
44:13From Monday to Friday with the stars.
44:15She's your daughter.
44:16Receiving an unexpected daughter is complicated.
44:19You know that my diaper is mine?
44:20It's not that difficult.
44:21You're going to end up falling in love with her.
44:23Let's go?
44:24Get out.
44:25That they ask her back?
44:27Why do you want to take it away from me?
44:29This Sunday, remember with Eugenio T.
44:31Revenges are not accepted.
44:338.30 at night for the stars.
44:35End your day well informed.
44:38Find out about the results that interest you
44:41and the most outstanding of the day to day.
44:43And with more doubts than certainties,
44:44the Guadalajara sails within the opening 20-24.
44:47Enter in Contacto Deportivo, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
44:51at 11.30 at night with the stars.
44:55Adolfo has a gift for victory.
44:57Why did you take the lid off the cistern?
45:00It's a surfboard.
45:01And your board?
45:02One by one, one by two.
45:04And Placido will see a millionaire idea.
45:06Let the surfers make their own surfboards.
45:09I'm afraid of what happens to you.
45:10In a family of ten, we know how to make you laugh.
45:13This Sunday, 7 at night.
45:17Barbara is coming to the town with me.
45:19I'm going to go when I know who the father of my baby is
45:23and who my father is.
45:27I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
45:29Stay there.
45:29You're going to get out of here in a plastic bag.
45:33Monday to Friday, 6.30 in the afternoon.
45:35La Toña left and left a difficult position to occupy.
45:38You can laugh.
45:39They will seek to replace it once.
45:42Oh, I'm going to die.
45:44Again and again.
45:46I fell.
45:47Oh, don't worry, heart.
45:49Will they succeed?
45:50In 40 and 20, we know how to make you laugh.
45:52This Thursday at the end of the night.
45:55The most complete offer of the MX League is in VIX.
46:00The most beloved teams play everything on the court.
46:05VIX brings you more games than anywhere else.
46:09Subscribe to VIX Premium for 99 pesos a month.
46:13It's football.
46:25Portages, cocina, invitados y todo sobre los famosos solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
46:29Lady Gaga apareció durante una proyección y regaló palomitas.
46:33De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
46:35Ellos regresan con su arrollador.
46:38¿Anotaron las placas?
46:42Van a todas ahí.
46:43Tranquila, güey.
46:44Hijo mío.
46:48En esta hora de loco.
46:51Sabemos hacerte reír.
46:53Viernes al terminar el Noti.
46:55Habrá noticias inesperadas.
46:57No puedo creer que don Arturo haya asesinado a Juan Pablito.
47:01Primero asesinó al padre y después al hijo.
47:02Pero ¿cómo probarlo?
47:03¿Qué iniciará en una cacería?
47:05Estoy aquí para ofrecer tres millones a quien de información quede con el paradero de ese asesino.
47:10La gente no va a parar hasta encontrarme.
47:12Gran final, 18 de octubre, 8.30 de la noche.
47:15Te perdiste algo de la jornada deportiva.
47:18Nosotros tenemos la acción de la semana.
47:20Los figuras que destacaron.
47:22Los goles, anotaciones y la información más importante en el resumen deportivo más visto por años.
47:29Prepárate para entrar en acción.
47:32Domingo, dos de la tarde, con las estrellas.
47:35Compayito está enredado en una maraña de mentiras.
47:38¿Cómo que me quieres cobrar más por lo del otro día?
47:40¿De verdad crees que esté amenazada?
47:42Te están viendo la cara.
47:43Oye, yo no soy ningún men...
47:45Ah, no, sí, soy bien menso.
47:47No maltrates a mi compayito que me va a sacar de trabajar.
47:49Sabemos hacerte reír con Chócalas Compayito.
47:53Este domingo, 7.30 de la noche.
47:55Finaliza tu día bien informado.
47:58Entérate de los resultados que te interesan y lo más destacado del día a día.
48:03Y con más dudas que certezas, el Guadalajara navega dentro de la apertura 20-24.
48:07Entra en Contacto Deportivo.
48:10Martes, jueves y viernes a las 11.30 de la noche, con las estrellas.
48:15Jumex presenta Gran Fondo Adolfo Lagos Easy Cardias 2024.
48:19Se parte de esta gran experiencia.
48:2113 de octubre.
48:22Participa en cualquiera de nuestras dos distancias, 80 y 130 kilómetros.
48:27Inscríbete ya en azdeporte.com diagonal cardias.
48:30Prepara tu bici.
48:31¿Qué esperas para inscribirte?
48:33Últimos lugares.
48:34Tu ayuda late.
48:35Es tu hija.
48:36Recibir una hija de imprevisto es complicado.
48:40Debes cambiar pañales a mí.
48:41No está difícil.
48:42Vas a acabar enamorando de ella.
48:45¿Que te la pidan de vuelta?
48:48¿Por qué me la quieres quitar?
48:49Este domingo recuerda junto a Eugenio T.
48:51No se aceptan devoluciones.
48:538.30 de la noche, por las estrellas.
48:55A veces la envidia y la traición vienen de quien menos lo esperamos.
49:00Los celos pueden destruirlo todo.
49:03Y ellos no tendrán más opción que defender lo que más aman.
49:07Porque solo estando juntos, descubrirán que lo más conveniente es
49:10seguir el ritmo del corazón.
49:12Papás por conveniencia.
49:1321 de octubre, 8.30 de la noche.
49:16Tu día empieza en Despierta.
49:18Pasa las horas.
49:20Con el análisis de la información y las historias que te importan.
49:25Además, todo sobre el deporte, el entretenimiento y el clima.
49:30Despierta, un noticiero de N+.
49:32Lunes a viernes, 7 a 9 de la mañana, con las estrellas.
49:35Los buenos días comienzan aquí.
49:37A las 9, todo para disfrutar tus mañanas y el ritmo de las estrellas
49:41bailan en hoy, en su semana de inicio.
49:42Estrellas, a bailar.
49:44Y al terminar, reportajes, cocina, invitados y todo sobre los famosos
49:48solo en Cuéntamelo Ya.
49:49Lady Gaga apareció durante una proyección y regaló palomitas.
49:54De lunes a viernes con las estrellas.
49:55Angie está a punto de conocer el valor del dinero.
49:59Aunque ustedes no lo crean, su mamita va a trabajar.
50:02Suerte, mi cebra empoderada.
50:04¿Cómo te fue tu primer día?
50:07Odio trabajar.
50:08En Casados con Hijo, sabemos hacerte reír.
50:11Martes al terminar el noti, por las estrellas.
50:14Disponible en VIX.
50:15Ya no puedo más con esta ansiedad.
50:32Necesito hablar con mi hijo, que me escuche.
50:35Amelia, Amelia, Amelia.
50:37Estoy seguro que debe estar más calmado.
50:38Amelia, Amelia.
50:40No sé cómo decirte esto, es que...
50:43Iván se llevó a Martíncito de la finca.
50:49Se lo acaba de llevar.
50:50No me vengas.
50:54A ver, hijo, recárgate.
50:55¿Estás bien?
50:56Sí, pa.
50:57¿Las piernas?
50:59Cada vez te veo mejor.
51:02Oye, ¿no le dije a mi abuela que dejé la finca?
51:05No, no te preocupes por eso.
51:08Yo le informo cuando vaya por tus cosas.
51:11Y no se te olvide mi colección de caballitos.
51:17¿Sabes qué?
51:18Ya no la quiero.
51:22A ver, hijo.
51:26Platícame por qué ya no quieres estar en la finca.
51:31Porque tenías razón, pa.
51:34Mi mamá y Rodrigo se enamoraron.
51:37Y ella le dio un beso como si fueran novios.
51:47Te quiero, Martín.
51:49Yo también, pa.
51:52Yo he estado pensando que todo tiene que ser nuevo cuando
51:54rebramos, tía.
51:55No sé, que haga el show alguien, alguien joven.
51:57Puede ser Tavo, toca la guitarra increíble,
52:00no sabes cómo, o Nubia, o los dos.
52:03Pues sí.
52:04Bueno, a ver, punto número uno me acabas de decir,
52:08gracias, y dos, habíamos quedado que yo estaba a cargo del show.
52:11Ah, no, no, y así va a ser.
52:13Nada más que yo creo que hay que abrirnos una manica de
52:15opciones, ¿no?
52:15Hay que ganar público.
52:17No, gracias.
52:18Te lo pido como un favor especial, tía.
52:22No, está bien, acepto.
52:23Va, me parece bien.
52:25Yo también te quiero pedir un favor.
52:27Mira, si me vas a pedir que acepte tu relación con mi papá,
52:30la verdad es que prefiero no meterme.
52:31No, no, no, y está bien que no te metas.
52:33Qué bueno que no te metas.
52:35Pero bueno, Francisco va a estar viviendo aquí conmigo y
52:38solo quiero pedirte que entre ustedes no vaya a haber como...
52:40Ay, no, ¿cómo crees, tía?
52:41No, hombre.
52:42No, no, ni al caso.
52:43No, no, no.
52:44Ay, cómo me encantaría que tu mamá aceptara las cosas y nos
52:47dejara en paz, pero eso no va a suceder.
52:49Así que perdón, pero que se revuelque en su rabia.
52:52Miedo no le tengo, ¿eh?
52:55Voy a ir por mi hijo ahora mismo.
52:56Yo te acompaño, Amelia.
52:57No, no, creo que sea una idea, perdón.
53:00¿Qué pasa?
53:01¿A dónde va?
53:02Es que Iván se llevó a Martín sin pedir autorización a Amelia.
53:06Qué bárbaros.
53:06Este par ya se tienen que poner de acuerdo,
53:08porque el único que sale lastimado de todo esto es mi
53:11Yo voy a hablar con Iván.
53:13No puede ser.
53:14Bueno, con permiso, señora.
53:19Aquí vas a estar muy bien, hijo.
53:22Vamos a comprarte una cama y vamos a arreglar tu cuarto como
53:25tú quieras.
53:27¿Cómo te gustaría que quedara?
53:29¿De qué color lo quieres pintar?
53:31Puede ser azul.
53:34Sí, y le podemos poner algo de caballos.
53:38Claro que sí, podemos poner caballos.
53:40Todo el cuarto de caballos.
53:43¿Qué quieres, Lía?
53:44Ayudarte, de estar aquí, para mi amiga.
53:49Yo te entiendo, y a mí también me han roto el corazón.
53:53Pero, pues, pensé que juntas lo podríamos superar.
53:58Tú no tienes idea lo que me pasa.
54:01Claro que sí.
54:04Yo sé que estás triste por Tabo,
54:06pero eres muy digna como para aceptarlo.
54:09Te conozco.
54:16Roseta está pensando unas cosas para la reapertura del
54:18Tropicaloso increíbles.
54:20Sí, te van a encantar.
54:21Yo ya muero de ganas por verte bailar otra vez.
54:24Sabes que yo soy tu fan número uno, ¿no?
54:28Ay, muchas gracias.
54:29Ah, y te traje esto.
54:32Pensé que te gustaría.
54:35¿Cómo sabes que me encantan los merengues?
54:38Digo, no como muchos porque engordan, pero por ti.
54:46Me adelantaron unas comisiones, y pues es para que las uses por
54:50si tienes alguna novia que quieras invitar a salir.
54:54Hombre, mejor invítame tú.
54:56A ver, ¿dónde vives?
54:57¿Dónde trabajas, mija?
55:00Bueno, ¿qué pasaría si el lugar donde yo trabajo, pues,
55:05pues no es así como tú te lo imaginas?
55:08Hija, cualquier trabajo es digno.
55:12Bueno, mientras no te pidan que te andes encuerando,
55:15porque, pues, eh, no, no, no, no, imagínate.
55:23Vengo por mi hijo.
55:24No tenías derecho a llevárselo sin mi permiso.
55:26¿Dónde está?
55:27Y tú no tenías ningún derecho a hacerlo sufrir como lo hiciste.
55:29El pobre lloró tanto que se quedó dormido.
55:31Voy por él.
55:32No vas a ningún lado.
55:34A mi hijo no te lo llevas, se queda aquí.
55:37Ya le hiciste suficiente daño.
55:39Tengo que explicarle.
55:40¿Explicarle qué?
55:42Martín ya tiene muy claro que gracias a Rodrigo nos
55:47¿Qué le has estado mintiendo mientras te revolcas con ese
55:49Eso es mentira.
55:51Deja de meterle esas ideas en la cabeza.
55:53Ya deja de decirle esas cosas.
55:55Es un niño.
55:56Es un niño que se quiere quedar en esta casa, aquí conmigo.
56:00Yo soy su madre.
56:01Yo soy su padre.
56:04Tenemos custodia compartida, que no se te olvide, Amelia.
56:07Mi hijo se queda conmigo.
56:12Mañana vengo por él.
56:21Traicioné a la confianza de Martín por no reconocer que amaba
56:25a su mamá.
56:27Es natural que el niño esté sentido,
56:28pero él sabe cuánto lo quieres y sobre todo lo que has hecho
56:34por él.
56:35Ya se dará cuenta, se le pasará.
56:39Pues eso espero.
56:41Martín va a hacer lo posible para ponerlo en mi contra,
56:43ya sabes.
56:44Bueno, ahí sí yo no puedo meter las manos al fuego, ¿eh?
56:49Oye, ¿y cómo está Gina?
56:53¿La llevaste a la escuela?
56:55No, pues ahí está encerrada en su cuarto.
56:59No me pareció prudente llevarla a la escuela.
57:01Creo que hay que darles su espacio.
57:04Pues sí.
57:06Ay, hija, ¿pero entonces qué pasó?
57:08Iván le está envenenando la cabeza a Martín.
57:10Lo tengo que sacar de casa de Tomás.
57:12Es que Martincito sí se enojó mucho de verte con Rodrigo.
57:15Ya sé.
57:16Le tuve que haber dicho la verdad antes de que se enterrara.
57:19Pero lo va a entender, hija.
57:20Va a saber que lo va a aceptar.
57:21Eso espero.
57:23Tu mamá me pidió que le avisara cuando llegaras.
57:25Sí, seguro quiere saber por qué Martín se fue y por qué está
57:28tan molesto, pero no tengo cabeza para platicar con ella,
57:31para preguntarle a Martín, ¿sabes?
57:33No te preocupes.
57:34Yo voy.
57:35Gracias, mamá.
57:36Yo voy.
57:47Qué bueno que llegas.
57:48Creí que tenías una nueva ilusión con esta chica,
57:52Me cayó muy bien.
57:53Papá, este trago es para celebrar que gané en una
57:58Ya sé que siempre me has conocido.
58:01Ya sé que siempre me has considerado un obsesivo y que
58:04crees que estos malditos celos me hacen inventar cosas.
58:08Pero tuve razón, papá.
58:11Martín sorprendió a Amelia y a Rodrigo besándose.
58:16Ya no quiere estar en la finca.
58:19¿Sabes qué significa eso, papá?
58:21Que quiere vivir conmigo, con nosotros.
58:24Te estaba yo esperando.
58:26Mira nada más.
58:34¿Ya llegó Amelia?
58:35Sí, pero llegó sin Martincito.
58:38¿No le dijiste que yo la quería ver?
58:40¿Dónde está?
58:41Debe estar en su cuarto dormida.
58:43Me va a tener que explicar varias cosas.
58:46¿Qué está pasando?
59:01Si mi mamá se quiere quedar contigo, que se quede.
59:04A mí me da igual.
59:05Yo voy a estar con mi papá y nunca voy a regresar a la finca.
59:09¡Di algo, por favor!
59:11Las cosas se salieron de control.
59:13Yo no soy un asesino.
59:14Sí lo eres.
59:15Y no sabes algo.
59:30No sabes lo que me arrepiento.
59:31Haberme enamorado de ti.
59:32Haber confiado en ti, Rodrigo.
59:33Amelia, yo te amo.
59:34No me toques.
59:37Algo temprano te darás cuenta que divorciarnos y dividir lo que hemos invertido los dos
59:41será lo mejor.