• last year
(Adnkronos) - Ad aziende ed imprese capita di trovarsi ad affrontare una crisi reputazionale. Una situazione che si può cercare di prevenire come ha spiegato Cristina Camilli, direttore relazioni istituzionali, comunicazione e sostenibilità di Coca-Cola Italia e Albania. Anche di questo si è parlato all’evento di presentazione dei risultati della ricerca ‘Corporate reputation: tendenze emergenti e implicazioni strategiche’, svoltosi a Milano e organizzato da Icch - International corporate communication hub.


00:00Preventing a crisis, we try to do it as much as possible, obviously, the monitoring part of social media, of the so-called traditional media, but also of all those partners with whom we work on a daily basis, is the basic element, so trying to collect as much information as possible preserves us from potential criticisms.
00:29It is also important to always remember, let me say, not to look only at our own navel, but that the messages we transfer externally are captured by an audience, so the audience is immersed in an actuality that we must keep in mind.
00:46A message can have a very different value if said at the wrong time.
00:51How can we deal with them? With rationality, trying to be as detached as possible in dealing with the information we receive, but at the same time maintaining that relationship of empathy with the audience that so far has loved to choose our products and our brands and with which we have a duty to always be very transparent and open.
