Ella Nunca Lo Sabrá Capitulo 13 Audio Latino - She Would Never Know
00:00:00What are you doing sitting there?
00:00:02Where's Hayun?
00:00:04She's with my sister.
00:00:07There's something I need to ask you.
00:00:11Come sit with me.
00:00:30Hay algo más entre Río y tú?
00:00:50Tú no eres como él.
00:00:52¿No es cierto?
00:00:55No soy como Río.
00:00:58No te creo.
00:01:05¿No deberías mantener tu distancia?
00:01:08Cuando te volví a buscar,
00:01:10¿por qué no lo ignoraste y te alejaste?
00:01:13Dijiste que solo era un amigo.
00:01:16Es que es mi amigo.
00:01:18Entonces debiste haber guardado tu distancia.
00:01:21Eso hubiera sido lo mejor para nosotros dos.
00:01:33¿Qué fue lo que sucedió en el colegio?
00:01:37Dijiste algo acerca de poner distancia.
00:01:41¿Qué hiciste entonces?
00:01:47Querido, habla.
00:01:50Todo fue un error.
00:01:52¿Y qué clase de error fue?
00:01:54Si fue un error, ¿por qué no me dices?
00:01:56¿Por qué no confías en mí?
00:01:57No fue nada.
00:01:59No soy como él.
00:02:00Entiende que yo no soy.
00:02:02¿Por qué ni tú ni él dejan de preguntarme?
00:02:05¡Yo no soy como él!
00:02:24Tú sí.
00:02:26Tú me amas.
00:02:36Entonces sí me amas, querido.
00:02:46Te amo.
00:03:12Las etiquetas ya están confirmadas, así que díganme,
00:03:14¿cómo van los productos y las bolsas?
00:03:17Las bolsas ya se enviaron al lugar y pediré los productos hasta mañana.
00:03:21¿Sí estará completo?
00:03:22Solicité un apartado, pero volveré a confirmarlo.
00:03:25Sí, de acuerdo.
00:03:26Oye, ¿cómo se hace el proceso de apartado?
00:03:29Pedimos que quiten el producto de la lista y así otros no podrán llevárselo.
00:03:34Ah, ¿y siempre funciona hacer apartados?
00:03:36No siempre funciona, pero...
00:03:38Paco, haz tus preguntas cuando terminemos.
00:03:41Tenemos que acabar pronto.
00:03:44¿Por qué tanto interés de repente?
00:03:46Porque quiero pertenecer al equipo Clark y aprender de la gente, Che.
00:03:51Bueno, tienes buena iniciativa, ¿de acuerdo?
00:03:55Da lo mejor de ti, ¿sí?
00:03:58Es la gerente Choi, ¿no?
00:04:03Así es, supongo que dirige la rama europea.
00:04:06Supongo que viene a comparar ventas por la diferencia de productos.
00:04:10¿Qué es la rama europea?
00:04:18En serio, gracias por aceptar esta oferta, Choi.
00:04:21Me preocupaba que no quisieras estar aquí.
00:04:23Creí que la dirección de Europa te gustaba.
00:04:25Me prometió que podía decidir en este proyecto, así que no fue difícil elegir.
00:04:30Te lo ofrecí porque confío en ti.
00:04:34Por cierto, leí el proyecto de trabajo que me enviaste.
00:04:38Y claro, que confío en ti.
00:04:40El presidente también confía.
00:04:42Solo piense en prepararme a censo cuando el proyecto termine.
00:04:49¿Está bien si seguimos esta charla después?
00:04:51¿Está bien si seguimos hablando mañana para ponerme al tanto?
00:04:54Me parece bien.
00:04:55De acuerdo.
00:05:02¿Trabajando aún?
00:05:03Sí. Apenas estoy saliendo.
00:05:05¿No ibas a regresar a casa mañana?
00:05:07Sí, pero estaba aburrida, así que decidí regresar antes.
00:05:12¿A qué hora vas a salir?
00:05:15Mientras puedo esperar aquí.
00:05:17Tengo planes para ir a cenar.
00:05:20Por favor, espérame en casa.
00:05:25Bueno, está bien. Te veo en la casa.
00:05:34Puedes utilizar nuestro código para tener entregas inmediatas y tu pedido lo dejarán en el vestíbulo.
00:05:53Ahora vuelvo.
00:05:59Discúlpeme, ¿se acuerda de mí?
00:06:01Soy el chico de la fruta.
00:06:03Ah, el chico de la canasta.
00:06:06Estabas en el hospital.
00:06:08Sí, le llevé la canasta.
00:06:10Vino a ver a June.
00:06:12Ella no está aquí ahora.
00:06:13Lo sé, eso me acaba de decir.
00:06:15Debí llamarla antes.
00:06:18¿Acaso ya se va a ir de aquí?
00:06:20Me despido y tal vez nos veamos después.
00:06:37No era necesario que me llevaras.
00:06:39Pero me queda de paso.
00:06:41Espero no incomodarla.
00:06:42Estoy bien, te lo agradezco.
00:06:49¿Y seguido tiene que trabajar afuera?
00:06:53¿La señorita June?
00:06:54Siempre está ocupada trabajando.
00:06:56¿Acaso ella tiene que hacer todo el trabajo?
00:06:59Siempre está trabajando.
00:07:02Tenemos mucho trabajo de campo.
00:07:04Tenemos que ir a las tiendas, dar capacitaciones.
00:07:07Incluso hubo una sesión fotográfica.
00:07:09Yo no sabía hasta que entré a trabajar aquí que había tanta responsabilidad.
00:07:14Además, su hija es muy profesional y siempre la solicitan.
00:07:19¿Mi hija es tan importante?
00:07:22Sí, ella es muy popular en nuestro ámbito e incluso otras empresas la buscan.
00:07:33Siempre ha sido muy ambiciosa y es muy responsable y disciplinada en todo lo que hace.
00:07:40Siempre busca la manera de lograr lo que se propone desde pequeña.
00:07:44¿En serio?
00:07:45Sí, siempre buscaba ser la número uno en el colegio.
00:07:49Estudiaba toda la noche.
00:07:51Solo de recordarme dan ganas de salir huyendo.
00:07:55Fue muy difícil esa etapa.
00:07:58Porque quería que yo estudiara con ella.
00:08:01Si yo no tenía que estudiar.
00:08:03¿Sabes qué?
00:08:28Mira, yo vivo solo porque mis padres viven en otro lugar.
00:08:33Así que tengo que cenar solo.
00:08:36Y bueno, quería saber si quiere acompañarme a cenar.
00:08:40Si le parece bien, claro.
00:08:42No me gusta comer solo.
00:08:44¿Estás seguro?
00:08:47Song me dijo que no podría cenar conmigo.
00:08:51¿Qué quieres cenar?
00:08:53Podemos ir a donde usted lo desee.
00:08:55Aquí cerca hay un lugar donde podríamos cenar carne.
00:08:57O podría hacer comida italiana si lo prefiere.
00:09:00Hay un platillo que me interesa.
00:09:02Se llama...
00:09:04¿Cómo era el nombre?
00:09:06Creo que es hot pot.
00:09:08¿Hot pot?
00:09:09Lo vi en la televisión.
00:09:11¿Sabes dónde podemos comer eso?
00:09:13Ah, por supuesto.
00:09:14Conozco muchos lugares buenos para comer.
00:09:18Vamos a un restaurante a cenar hot pot.
00:09:27Me encanta.
00:09:30A mí también me gustó.
00:09:32Ya lo creo.
00:09:37Me encantó vivir en Europa.
00:09:40Pero la comida no la hacen igual allá.
00:09:42Sabe distinto.
00:09:44Dime cuándo quieras salir a comer antes de irte.
00:09:46Para que te acompañe.
00:09:51Parece que apenas ayer eras la nueva interna de la compañía.
00:09:56Y ahora estás sentada aquí conmigo.
00:09:59¿Qué tal el trabajo?
00:10:00¿Aún te diviertes mucho?
00:10:02Es divertido.
00:10:03No sé si creerte.
00:10:05Después de tres años, el trabajo se vuelve tedioso.
00:10:09Pero dime, ¿aún te divierte este trabajo?
00:10:12Es que últimamente he pensado en algo.
00:10:16¿Y qué es?
00:10:17Me gusta mi trabajo.
00:10:19Pero cuando pienso en el tiempo que llevo aquí,
00:10:22parece que no he avanzado mucho profesionalmente.
00:10:26La diferencia entre un agente y yo no es mucha realmente.
00:10:32Es cierto.
00:10:34A los novatos les gusta porque tienen menos responsabilidades.
00:10:38Pero entre más ascenso, más ambiciones tienes.
00:10:41Yo me sentía igual.
00:10:43¿Hablas en serio?
00:10:46Por eso fue que pedí que me asignaran a otra rama.
00:10:53Muchas gracias.
00:11:00Mire, este caldo no es picante, pero este otro sí es picante.
00:11:04¿Cuál de los dos prefiere?
00:11:06Primero probaré el picante.
00:11:07Muy bien.
00:11:17Su plato.
00:11:18Muchas gracias.
00:11:21Yo le recomiendo la crema de cacahuate como adrezo.
00:11:35¿Qué le parece?
00:11:36¿Le gusta el sabor?
00:11:37Está bueno.
00:11:40Así que así se come.
00:11:42Me gusta todo lo que gusta y por favor,
00:11:44dígame si necesita algo más.
00:11:47Seguro eres muy popular porque eres muy amable.
00:11:51No, no soy así con cualquiera.
00:12:01Usted es la madre de la señorita Yun,
00:12:03y ella me capacitó desde que entré a la compañía.
00:12:06He aprendido mucho gracias a ella.
00:12:08Es lo menos que puedo hacer.
00:12:10Debe ser muy cercano a mi hija.
00:12:14Eso creo, de acuerdo con una relación laboral.
00:12:18¿Puedo preguntar algo?
00:12:23¿Ella está saliendo con alguien?
00:12:33¿Estás bien?
00:12:35Sí, estoy bien.
00:12:41¿Entonces sale con alguien?
00:12:45Bueno, respeto su vida privada.
00:12:49No me gusta ser impertinente.
00:12:52Oiga, señora, deberíamos seguir comiendo carne
00:12:54porque se hace dura si se sigue cocinando por mucho tiempo.
00:12:58¿En serio?
00:12:59Sí, comamos los dos.
00:13:01Esto es delicioso, muy delicioso.
00:13:04Y dime, ¿cómo te fue?
00:13:07¿Piensas que te sentiste mejor en Europa?
00:13:11Podrá sonar exagerado,
00:13:13pero fue la mejor decisión que pude tomar.
00:13:16Es un ritmo diferente.
00:13:19¿Es muy distinto a Corea?
00:13:21Todo es diferente allá.
00:13:24Aquí somos los mejores, pero allá no es así.
00:13:28Es difícil tener un espacio en alguna tienda,
00:13:31mientras que aquí tenemos preferencia.
00:13:34Creo que no fue un trabajo fácil,
00:13:37pero aún hay mucho más que quiero lograr.
00:13:40Y solo así he podido aprender tanto.
00:13:43Suena muy divertido.
00:13:45Así es como creces.
00:13:47Durante todos estos años,
00:13:49el haber estado fuera,
00:13:51mi manera de ver las cosas
00:13:53y el cómo se desarrollan los productos ha cambiado.
00:13:56La última vez que hablé contigo,
00:13:58pensé que pedirías venir conmigo a Europa.
00:14:00Es una gran oportunidad de crecimiento,
00:14:02pero tienes que estar decidida.
00:14:04Bueno, pero no fue así.
00:14:07¿Y si tuvieras la oportunidad?
00:14:12Necesito a una experta en color.
00:14:15Si estuvieras interesada,
00:14:17me gustaría que fueras tú
00:14:20quien se uniera a mi equipo.
00:14:25¿O te parece que es muy pronto?
00:14:28Quisiera que lo pensaras.
00:14:30Te daré tiempo para que lo hagas.
00:14:41¿Dices que son cinco años?
00:14:44Uno o dos años para que puedas acomodarte.
00:14:48Y otros dos años para establecerte.
00:14:53Yo necesité al menos cinco años para establecerme.
00:14:57Por cierto, el lunes quiero tu decisión final.
00:15:07Gracias por la cena.
00:15:09Debí haberte cooperado con la cuenta.
00:15:12Para nada, yo quise invitarla.
00:15:14Gracias a usted por cenar conmigo.
00:15:19Aparte de mi hija,
00:15:21nadie me había invitado
00:15:23para que fuéramos a cenar juntos.
00:15:27Si hay algo en lo que pueda servirle,
00:15:30por favor no dude en decírmelo.
00:15:33¿Podemos volver a comer juntos?
00:15:37Claro, con mucho gusto.
00:15:41Su maleta.
00:15:43Aún está en el auto.
00:15:46Ay, no puedo perder esto.
00:15:48Para nada.
00:15:49Aquí tiene.
00:15:50¡Qué amable!
00:16:01¿Qué hacen aquí juntos?
00:16:03La vi en el vestíbulo,
00:16:05así que me ofrecí a traerla de vuelta a casa.
00:16:13Bueno, gracias.
00:16:15Que tengas buena noche.
00:16:17Sí, señorita Yun.
00:16:21Vamos, mamá.
00:16:22Dame tu maleta.
00:16:24Nos vemos.
00:16:25Sí, que tenga buena noche.
00:16:30Maneja con cuidado.
00:16:33Ah, sí, claro, eso haré.
00:16:35Muchas gracias.
00:16:42Sí, sí, ya me voy.
00:16:43Claro, gracias.
00:16:44Que descansen.
00:17:07Ah, señora.
00:17:09¿Cómo has estado?
00:17:10¿Mañana tiene cita?
00:17:11Sí, es solo que vine antes.
00:17:12¿Dijiste ver a Kiki?
00:17:14¿Y a Kiki?
00:17:16¿Y a Kiki?
00:17:18¿Y a Kiki?
00:17:20¿Y a Kiki?
00:17:22¿Y a Kiki?
00:17:24¿Dijiste ver a Che en mi trabajo?
00:17:26¿Por qué llegaron apenas?
00:17:27Porque, fuimos juntos a cenar.
00:17:31No fue mi idea.
00:17:32Él fue quien me invitó.
00:17:38¿Y por qué está tan pesada tu maleta?
00:17:41¿Se quedará unos días?
00:17:45Tú me dijiste que descansara del trabajo.
00:17:48Y me aburrí de ver televisión sola en mi casa.
00:17:52Can I stay a few days?
00:17:59Since when do you ask permission to do something?
00:18:01You can do it.
00:18:06What is that, Gaioung?
00:18:08Ah, it's to decorate the nails. Do you want to use it?
00:18:11Can I?
00:18:12Come with me, I'll show you.
00:18:14Maybe later.
00:18:15Why? It will look good.
00:18:21How does it work?
00:18:25Do you like these?
00:18:26It looks nice. How do you put it on?
00:18:28Ah, well, I'll show you.
00:18:30I'll put one on.
00:18:36How is it?
00:18:37They are easy to put on.
00:18:43Song, about your partner.
00:18:47He is very kind and funny.
00:18:52Do you like him?
00:18:57I want to use this.
00:19:06Help mom with her nails.
00:19:17Mom, are you okay?
00:19:22Do you feel bad?
00:19:26I'm not sick.
00:19:29Does your heart hurt?
00:19:31Did someone make you angry?
00:19:35Why do you think that?
00:19:36Gaioung told me.
00:19:38When I bother a child, I hurt their heart.
00:19:44Especially if it's someone who loves me very much.
00:19:47And since you love dad very much, he can hurt you.
00:19:55Your father made me angry.
00:19:57Do you want me to scold him?
00:19:59Would you do that?
00:20:00I'll always be on your side.
00:20:13You know I love you with all my strength, right?
00:20:17I know.
00:20:18I love you too.
00:20:22I love you, mom.
00:20:27Me too.
00:20:43I love you.
00:21:13I love you.
00:21:44Are you still awake?
00:21:45I thought so.
00:21:46I'm not asleep yet.
00:21:47But I wanted to hear your voice.
00:21:50I didn't want to call you because of your mother.
00:21:53She didn't tell you anything about me?
00:21:55I tried to be very careful.
00:21:57But she's curious.
00:21:58She always suspects all the men around me.
00:22:02I don't know why.
00:22:03I don't know why.
00:22:04I don't know why.
00:22:05I don't know why.
00:22:06I don't know why.
00:22:07I don't know why.
00:22:08I don't know why.
00:22:09I don't know why.
00:22:10I don't know why.
00:22:11I don't know why.
00:22:12It's these men that surround me.
00:22:14Don't worry about it.
00:22:16That makes me feel better.
00:22:19How was the dinner?
00:22:21Did you have a good time with the manager?
00:22:25Uh-huh, I had a good time.
00:22:28It's obvious that you like her a lot.
00:22:31She's my role model.
00:22:34It was her who made me believe in this company from the start.
00:22:37Then she's my role model too.
00:22:41Because you made me love my job.
00:22:44I'd like to meet her.
00:23:05Miss Yoon.
00:23:08I'm tired.
00:23:09I'm going to bed.
00:23:18Good night.
00:23:22Good night.
00:23:41Look, this looks good.
00:23:44See what sign you put there.
00:23:47Make sure it looks good.
00:23:51Write that down.
00:23:52Very good.
00:23:53We'll also set up some tables here.
00:23:59On this side, let's take advantage of the natural light.
00:24:01And since this is the entrance, the products should be visible.
00:24:03In this area.
00:24:06We have a lot to do for the event.
00:24:09Are the products ready for the day of the event?
00:24:12Yes, it will start at six.
00:24:14And the order should arrive two hours later.
00:24:17That's enough to have everything ready.
00:24:19Make sure everything is fine.
00:24:20Of course.
00:24:27Are you going to do the market research with him?
00:24:30Good luck with that.
00:24:31Go home to cool off.
00:24:32Very good.
00:24:33See you on Monday.
00:24:34Have a good weekend.
00:24:38There is a new store of a recent brand.
00:24:41Let's go see it.
00:24:45There is a good pancake store.
00:24:49That and?
00:24:50Do you like them?
00:24:51My girlfriend likes them a lot.
00:24:53I can show you my list of restaurants.
00:24:55I like to do it as a hobby.
00:24:57Yes, show me.
00:25:03Please register your card.
00:25:09Thank you very much.
00:25:37Son, I'm sorry for being late.
00:25:39I had to go to Human Resources.
00:25:41No problem.
00:25:42I just got here.
00:25:43I brought you the products.
00:25:44Thank you very much.
00:25:46Wait for me.
00:25:50I think this can help you.
00:25:55See you soon.
00:26:01Transfer application for the European office.
00:26:09Transfer application for the European office.
00:26:39Transfer application for the European office.
00:26:49Is there something you have to tell me?
00:26:52Don't you think you should apologize?
00:26:55But I'm not going to forgive you.
00:26:58Jung Sung...
00:27:00I didn't mean to hurt you.
00:27:04So what did you want to achieve?
00:27:06Did you just want to keep making fun of me?
00:27:09Jung Sung...
00:27:10Don't say my name.
00:27:11What makes me angry is that you acted like a friend when the reality was different.
00:27:16I was a fool.
00:27:18I just want you to stay away from me.
00:27:21And from my husband too.
00:27:36Jung Sung...
00:27:42It looks delicious.
00:27:51Try it.
00:27:57It's delicious.
00:28:10It's delicious.
00:28:14You don't even like sweets.
00:28:16I like it when I'm eating with you.
00:28:19Next time, you choose what you want to eat.
00:28:21After we try everything you want.
00:28:24By the way...
00:28:25This sweater...
00:28:27Does it look good on me?
00:28:28It looks good on you.
00:28:30I like how men look in winter clothes.
00:28:33I know that.
00:28:35I remember when you mentioned winter clothes and then...
00:28:38I updated everything.
00:28:40Did I talk about winter clothes?
00:28:42Yes, at a work dinner.
00:28:46What do you think?
00:28:48That my boyfriend is very handsome.
00:28:52I accept it.
00:28:55And now, what would you like to do?
00:28:58What options are there?
00:28:59I would like to enjoy every season of the year.
00:29:02Like seeing the cherries bloom,
00:29:04go to the sea in summer,
00:29:06see the leaves fall in autumn,
00:29:08and see the snow in winter.
00:29:12For the spring...
00:29:15I want to spend time with you.
00:29:19What do you say?
00:29:20What would you like to do?
00:29:23Whatever you want.
00:29:25Be careful with what you want.
00:29:27What if I want to be with you forever?
00:29:31Do you see it?
00:29:32Your face always reveals you.
00:29:36you wouldn't be the Jungseon A that I know.
00:29:41I love it when you tell me the things you like,
00:29:45they can be seen on your face.
00:29:49It's like...
00:29:51I don't know.
00:29:52I don't know.
00:29:55That reminds me of the time you told me
00:29:58that you liked me a lot.
00:30:01That made me very happy.
00:30:06Say it again.
00:30:13I like you.
00:30:16I like you a lot.
00:30:22You have something in your hair.
00:30:30You are very beautiful.
00:30:40You came.
00:30:42Why did you want to see me so early?
00:30:45When did you start dating Jung A?
00:30:49Well, you see,
00:30:50I just got here and you're already...
00:30:54interrogating me.
00:30:57Just look at you.
00:30:58Do you love her that much?
00:31:01I feel like I'm not missing anything.
00:31:03That's how I feel.
00:31:06Did you want to see me so early to ask me that?
00:31:09It's not just that.
00:31:12I want...
00:31:14to talk to you about the man I'm dating.
00:31:18He is...
00:31:20Director Lee Jae-goon.
00:31:23Lee, the director?
00:31:26The one from my job?
00:31:28The president's grandson?
00:31:34I just found out that his sister is Lee Hyo-joo.
00:31:37I didn't know she was your boss.
00:31:40Does the director know you're my sister?
00:31:41Not yet.
00:31:43I wanted to talk to you first.
00:31:54What's going on?
00:31:58Are you hiding something from me again?
00:32:00What are you talking about?
00:32:02Oh, no.
00:32:03Of course not.
00:32:04You showed up out of the blue and surprised me.
00:32:06But it was just that.
00:32:07It's nothing else.
00:32:08Come on, sit down.
00:32:10Come here.
00:32:15Sit down.
00:32:16Sit down.
00:32:18Sit down.
00:32:22Is something wrong,
00:32:32You didn't like the food?
00:32:34You know, there's a new intern at my job.
00:32:36He recommended this place to me.
00:32:38He has a list of restaurants with the best food.
00:32:42That's great.
00:32:43And do you like it?
00:32:45I tried some of his recommendations and it's not bad.
00:32:48And did you go with Song-ha?
00:32:54Who is she?
00:32:58Who is Song-ha?
00:33:00Oh, well, she's...
00:33:03She's my girlfriend.
00:33:06Now I have a girlfriend.
00:33:08It's just that Joon-sung found me the other day with her, so...
00:33:13Is it true?
00:33:15And you weren't going to tell me about your girlfriend?
00:33:18Why wouldn't I?
00:33:19I tell you everything I do.
00:33:23It's not true.
00:33:26You guys have always been like this.
00:33:28You never tell me anything.
00:33:32You tell Jisung everything before you tell me.
00:33:36Then you act like you don't know, but you tell him everything.
00:33:42And what about me?
00:33:44Why don't you tell me anything?
00:33:51Don't you trust me like you trust her?
00:33:55Do you think I'll ruin something if I find out?
00:33:57Hey, that's not true. It's just that...
00:34:01Why are you always like this?
00:34:03I'm also his sister, so why do you exclude me?
00:34:08Why does everyone ignore me?
00:34:21I'm leaving. I don't like the food here.
00:34:30Let him go for now.
00:34:49You idiot.
00:36:26I'll pay you what I owe you.
00:36:29With my work in the company.
00:36:32And if it's not enough, I'll pay you with money.
00:36:35Why didn't you tell me about the other relationship?
00:36:37If I told you, would there be a difference?
00:36:40Of course.
00:36:41Are you serious?
00:36:43Do you think Hyo-Joo would have left me?
00:36:46I did what I could.
00:36:49I would have had everything if I had stayed with Hyo-Joo.
00:36:52Much more than if I pretended to be your friend.
00:36:57But I was an idiot.
00:37:00They would never have treated me with the same respect.
00:37:05Thanks to you, I can fix things for myself.
00:37:09So I choose to be free.
00:37:14You never thought I was a true friend?
00:37:23You know the answer to that.
00:37:27I never believed it.
00:37:29From the beginning.
00:37:38That simplifies everything.
00:37:42I don't care about your money.
00:37:45Remember my words.
00:37:48I'm going to end you.
00:37:51Whatever you want to do, I'll make sure you don't have it.
00:37:55As you said, you are where you are now because of me.
00:37:58I'm going to take absolutely everything from you.
00:38:05Don't look for Hyo-Joo again.
00:38:11I'm sorry.
00:38:41Is there news of Jae-Shin?
00:38:46Aren't you going to eat anything?
00:38:48You could get really sick.
00:38:53Just forget about him.
00:38:57He's gone.
00:38:59He doesn't want to be with you.
00:39:04You could see him, right?
00:39:06Where is he?
00:39:08Be reasonable, Hyo-Joo.
00:39:10Do you want your grandfather to disinherit you?
00:39:12I told you.
00:39:14I can't live without Jae-Shin.
00:39:17The only thing I'm afraid of is not having him by my side.
00:39:22I'd rather die.
00:39:23Even if you tried.
00:39:25He doesn't want to see you anymore.
00:39:30Your relationship is over.
00:39:35I want to see him.
00:39:37Right now.
00:39:38I want him to tell me face to face.
00:39:41Tell him that...
00:39:46I won't eat anything until I see him.
00:39:5220th anniversary of Clark. Sales for charity.
00:39:58Hey, do you have the labels?
00:40:00I don't.
00:40:10Do you know how to use the cash register?
00:40:13Yes, my parents have one in their store.
00:40:17But you have to be very careful.
00:40:19Because if you make a mistake, no matter how small it is,
00:40:23it will be a mess.
00:40:24Don't worry.
00:40:26Agent Kwon, we didn't find the charges.
00:40:31Call Song-Ha now.
00:40:33What if he's already gone?
00:40:34One moment.
00:40:35I have the labels.
00:40:36I saw them disorganized in the office.
00:40:38Oh, that's great.
00:40:40Where are you?
00:40:41We're arriving at the parking lot.
00:40:48The labels are in the paper bag.
00:40:50Can you give them to me?
00:40:51Right away.
00:40:58Traffic application.
00:41:02Traffic application for the European office.
00:41:16We'll talk after this.
00:41:22It's a sunscreen.
00:41:24It's a treatment that has been dermatologically tested.
00:41:28I'll take this one.
00:41:29Of course.
00:41:30One moment.
00:41:33Here you go, ma'am.
00:41:35With this, you can pay for your product.
00:41:38Thank you for your purchase.
00:41:46Excuse me.
00:41:48I'd like one of these.
00:41:50Of course.
00:41:51In a second.
00:41:54Here you go.
00:41:55This makeup is high-end.
00:41:57This makeup is high-end.
00:41:59It has a mattifying effect.
00:42:08Clark's 20th birthday.
00:42:09Sales for charity.
00:42:20What a busy day.
00:42:22Let's pick up and have dinner.
00:42:25How about rice?
00:42:27You want rice again?
00:42:30The numbers don't match.
00:42:32What did you say?
00:42:34Excuse me.
00:42:40How did you register the sales?
00:42:41The numbers don't match.
00:42:42The inventory doesn't match the sales.
00:42:45I thought I did it right.
00:42:47Is there a problem?
00:42:48It looks like he mixed up the bar codes for each sale.
00:42:51What do we do?
00:42:52We have to find the correct data and integrate them manually.
00:42:55Open the boxes again.
00:43:01I'm sorry.
00:43:02I'll stay to fix this.
00:43:03You'll take too long on your own.
00:43:05It's a job for two.
00:43:07I'll stay too.
00:43:09Myeong-jin, don't you have an exam tomorrow?
00:43:14I have to fix this.
00:43:15Your exams are more important than fixing all this.
00:43:19Well, if you need me, I can stay with Hyun-sung.
00:43:23Okay, I'll stay too.
00:43:25Let them stay.
00:43:26They work well together.
00:43:31Thank you, Sung and Hyun.
00:43:33When you're done fixing this, go have dinner.
00:43:36Let's all go.
00:43:38See you.
00:43:39Use this to take the register, okay?
00:43:41Yes, thank you.
00:43:42Good luck.
00:43:43You too.
00:43:48I'm so sorry.
00:43:49Excuse me.
00:43:50Hey, are you okay?
00:43:53I'm okay.
00:44:34Did Choe's manager offer you to go to Europe?
00:44:42Have you already decided if you're going to go?
00:44:45Is that why you have those papers?
00:44:47I haven't decided anything yet.
00:44:53Why didn't you tell me about this?
00:44:57It's very important for the future of our relationship.
00:45:03I wanted to think about it on my own before.
00:45:07If I decide not to go,
00:45:09it wouldn't make sense for you to worry about this.
00:45:13What if you were going to go to Europe?
00:45:17Would I just have to accept whatever you decide?
00:45:20Of course not.
00:45:21Then what?
00:45:23I already told you.
00:45:26I still haven't decided if I want to go.
00:45:28Especially because...
00:45:32it's been a long time since I've been away.
00:45:39How long has it been since you've been away?
00:45:43Five years.
00:45:44Five years?
00:45:47That long?
00:45:48It's for a new project.
00:45:50And it's been a while.
00:45:53But so many years in Europe...
00:46:24I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.
00:46:27I'm sorry.
00:46:29I'm sorry for talking to you like that.
00:46:32I let myself get carried away.
00:46:37Do you have to decide this week?
00:46:42I have to be prepared.
00:46:46Five years is a lot of time.
00:46:49But I have to be prepared.
00:46:51Five years is a lot of time.
00:46:54But even if you go to Europe, it doesn't mean we're done.
00:46:59We'll fight for us.
00:47:21I'm sorry.
00:47:51I'm sorry.
00:48:21I'm sorry.
00:48:45Goodbye, Mom!
00:48:48Wait for me.
00:48:52Okay, honey. Have fun.
00:48:58Hey, Dad.
00:49:00Do you love Mom a lot?
00:49:03She's a great person.
00:49:05Then go apologize to her.
00:49:08She's suffering a lot, and so am I.
00:49:18I won't let her be sad.
00:49:24Yes. See you.
00:49:36If I marry this man, I'm sure I'll never be alone again.
00:49:42No matter how long we live, we'll always be together.
00:49:48She's very authentic.
00:49:50Not like you.
00:49:52How much longer are you going to lie to her?
00:49:55You do.
00:49:57You love me.
00:50:00Then you do love me, honey.
00:50:16I love you.
00:50:34What are you doing home so early?
00:50:37What about the clinic?
00:50:47What's that?
00:50:48Check it.
00:51:02A divorce agreement?
00:51:08The house and the clinic are all yours.
00:51:12You can have Hayeon.
00:51:13If you want, I'll give you full custody.
00:51:15I'll pay you monthly.
00:51:16That's not...
00:51:17I'll make sure you have everything.
00:51:19If you want anything else, then...
00:51:20You said it was different.
00:51:21If that's the case, then why the hell are you doing this?
00:51:26I'm not like him.
00:51:28What I don't want is for you to suffer.
00:51:32I don't want to hurt you.
00:51:33Seriously, you don't want me to suffer?
00:51:36I think you want to run away and be free of guilt.
00:51:39I never thought you were a coward.
00:51:44I love you.
00:51:52I'm not suffering.
00:51:54There's nothing I regret.
00:51:56So we don't need a divorce.
00:51:58I love you.
00:52:13You still refuse to eat?
00:52:17I understand.
00:52:18Please, keep an eye on her.
00:52:22I love you.
00:52:28I want to see him.
00:52:30Right now.
00:52:31I want him to tell me face to face.
00:52:33Tell him that...
00:52:36Lee Hyu Jo.
00:52:43End her once and for all.
00:52:45Don't try to be a coward.
00:52:52I love you.
00:53:11I came to talk to you face to face.
00:53:18In this very place, we agreed to be together.
00:53:22I didn't have the tools you could give me.
00:53:27Greed dominated me then.
00:53:30But I didn't accept your feelings.
00:53:36I didn't care about what you felt.
00:53:41I didn't belong to you.
00:53:43You realized everything.
00:53:45That's why you were insecure.
00:53:48And I pretended not to realize.
00:53:53This is the end of our life together.
00:53:57It's the best for you.
00:54:01And for me.
00:54:03How do you know it's the best for me?
00:54:09I need you in my life.
00:54:12You can't force anyone's feelings to...
00:54:15So what can I do?
00:54:18What do I have to do to make you love me?
00:54:22I'll do anything.
00:54:24Just tell me what I have to do.
00:54:27There's nothing to do.
00:54:33Look for someone who will accept you.
00:54:53I love you.
00:55:04Hermes employee. Agent Che Hyun-Sung.
00:55:07Hey, Hyun-Sung. Have you seen this magazine?
00:55:09You did well.
00:55:11You don't look like a marketer, but a professional model.
00:55:15You know, you should ask for the original magazine.
00:55:18Because I'm sure they'll give it to you.
00:55:20And you could frame it and hang it on your wall.
00:55:23I was there too, you know?
00:55:25Wait, where's my magazine?
00:55:28What if my wife threw it out there?
00:55:30Agent Kwon, could you sign this document?
00:55:32Frame it, yes. This is good.
00:55:44And finally, could you tell us what your purpose is in this company?
00:55:49I would like to create a brand that can be recognized worldwide and in every home.
00:55:57The best thing that happened to me in this company was that I was able to meet my model.
00:56:05Just as it happened to me, I would like to do the same for my apprentices in the future.
00:56:12That is my personal goal.
00:56:13Well, thank you very much. It was an inspiring interview.
00:56:16That person who trained you is Agent Songa from your team, right?
00:56:22She's a great professional.
00:56:24Yes, how did you know?
00:56:26I guessed.
00:56:28It's just that her interview was very similar to what you just told me.
00:56:31She also said that she wanted to create her own brand and that she wanted to keep growing.
00:56:36And I remember her well because I was impressed with how passionate she is about her goals.
00:56:40Do you think you felt better in Europe?
00:56:43It was the best decision I could have made. It is different and challenging.
00:56:49You know what? I think Song, what can I do?
00:56:54I'm going to leave.
00:56:56I'm going to leave.
00:56:58I'm going to leave.
00:57:00I'm going to leave.
00:57:02I'm going to leave.
00:57:04I'm going to leave.
00:57:06I'm going to leave.
00:57:08I'm going to leave.
00:57:10You could grow even more, but for that you need to want to experiment.
00:57:18I'm not going.
00:57:20I'm not going to Europe.
00:57:23Are you serious?
00:57:26So you're staying?
00:57:58Are you still here?
00:58:01Agent Jo.
00:58:03I forgot a few things.
00:58:05Why are you so thoughtful?
00:58:09Would you like a coffee?
00:58:14Are you going to reject going to Europe?
00:58:18How did you know?
00:58:20There are no secrets here. Everything is always known in the company.
00:58:27Whether you stay or not, you're still going to leave.
00:58:31Whether you stay or not, you're still going to regret it.
00:58:35No matter what you do,
00:58:37what you can do is choose which regret will hurt you less.
00:59:01I'm going to leave.
00:59:31I'm going to leave.
00:59:50I wish you didn't leave.
00:59:55I know your dreams,
00:59:59your goals and how much they matter to you.
01:00:03And I'm sorry to say that I don't want to let you go.
01:00:30don't go.
01:00:58I'm sorry.
01:01:23I'm sorry.
01:01:24I'm sorry.
01:01:28I do want to go, Hyun.
01:01:54I do want to go, Hyun.
01:01:55I do want to go, Hyun.
01:01:56I do want to go, Hyun.
01:01:57I do want to go, Hyun.
01:01:58I do want to go, Hyun.
01:01:59I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:00I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:01I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:02I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:03I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:04I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:05I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:06I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:07I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:08I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:09I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:10I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:11I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:12I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:13I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:14I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:15I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:16I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:17I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:18I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:19I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:20I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:21I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:22I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:23I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:24I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:25I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:26I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:27I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:28I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:29I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:30I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:31I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:32I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:33I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:34I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:35I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:36I do want to go, Hyun.
01:02:37I do want to go, Hyun.