• 2 weeks ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 4
00:01Our world is in peril.
00:03Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,
00:05can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:09She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:14From Athens, with the power of earth.
00:18From North America, Weeloo, with the power of fire.
00:22From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:27From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:35And from South America, Mati, the power of heart.
00:40With the five powers combined,
00:42they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Blast.
00:46With the five powers combined,
00:48they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Blast.
00:57The power is yours!
01:10Come along, my friend. Time to go home.
01:13The jungle is no longer safe at night.
01:21Did you hear something?
01:25Just the wind.
01:29But I've never heard the wind sound so frightening before.
01:35Hurry, old friend! Hurry!
01:44The wind! What was that?
01:55It's Viper, the dragon beast!
01:59The evil spirit has come alive!
02:14Look at those ruined rice bags.
02:16How will those poor people feed themselves now?
02:19What could be causing this terrible destruction, Gaia?
02:22You must find the answers to these questions, Planeteers.
02:25It's up to you.
02:27I can tell you that the land and the people are in great danger.
02:31You must leave immediately for Thailand.
02:39I have a friend there. His name is Nuwok. I met him in school.
02:43Then you can seek his help, Gae.
02:45We cannot allow this mysterious evil to continue.
02:49Mysterious evil? That's what Gaia said.
02:52I wish he could have told us more about what we're getting into.
02:56If Gaia does not know what's going on, it must be a real mystery.
03:00Check your seatbelts, everybody. We're going to land.
03:03There's no time to waste.
03:05Check your seatbelts, everybody. We're going to land.
03:08There's the landing strip.
03:10Thailand, here we come.
03:14I wouldn't call this a red carpet welcome.
03:17Where is everybody?
03:19Maybe they are too shy to come out.
03:21They're just unfriendly.
03:23Not unfriendly. They're afraid.
03:26Nuwok! I was getting worried you wouldn't keep our appointment.
03:31I was trying to make the villagers come out of hiding.
03:34They'd have realized that our geocruiser might scare them.
03:37They thought it was the dragon beast returning.
03:40Dragon beast? You're putting us on, right?
03:43Come with me. I'll explain.
03:47My people think Phi Pop is destroying their land and crops.
03:52What the heck's a Phi Pop?
03:54An ancient evil spirit. A dragon beast that spits fire.
03:59It causes destruction wherever it goes.
04:02Oh, great. We've come all this way to fight an old superstition that doesn't exist.
04:07Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't.
04:10I was taught not to believe in evil spirits.
04:13But something here is ruining my homeland.
04:16My people believe it is Phi Pop.
04:18Oh, no. This is terrible.
04:21It's even worse than we saw in the monitors.
04:25This was where we grew our food.
04:28My people are facing starvation.
04:31They want to move away.
04:33Of course they want to move away. It's part of my plan.
04:36Tell the truth, Bigger.
04:38You ever seen a prettier sight than all that ruination?
04:42Never, Mr. Creedley. Not in all my boring days.
04:45Nope, nope, nope.
04:47Come on, everybody. Let's get back to the village.
04:50This place is too depressing.
04:53You ain't seen nothing yet, you globe-saving echo freaks.
04:56Bunch of villagers get spooked by the dragon beast.
05:00I'm really gonna tear up the church.
05:03I'll chop up the land.
05:05Chew it up and spit it out.
05:07And I'll hog every ruby I can strip mine just for myself.
05:25Who's that?
05:26Watch out. What does the matter with you?
05:28Did the little pussycat scare you?
05:30Not scared, Quan the old pal. Just curious.
05:34Back in New York, they used to say I had nerves of steel.
05:43It appears that in Thailand, your steel nerves have gotten a little rusty.
05:55That is no tiger.
05:59Stop it!
06:01Look! Over there!
06:08It's Firepong, the dragon beast!
06:18That's no superstition! What is that thing?
06:22The trees are catching fire!
06:29It's spreading out of control!
06:31Quick! We gotta do something!
06:35Watch out!
07:10The fire is too big! We cannot stop it!
07:13It's time to call Captain Planet!
07:16Let our powers combine!
07:32Your powers combine!
07:35I am Captain Planet!
07:40I'm sorry for getting you into this mess.
07:43No problem. Now that Captain Planet's here, we'll be okay.
07:48I hope.
07:53I stand corrected!
07:55What's a nice guy like me doing in a dive like this?
08:04Time for a little plumbing job to redirect the river's flow.
08:19All right!
08:21It's shower time!
08:25I'm gonna wash that fire right out of the forest!
08:32All right! Go right!
08:39The fire's out, so I guess I'll be going.
08:42Until then, remember...
08:45Power is yours!
08:52Wow! That's incredible!
08:55He does come in handy now and then.
08:58I apologize, Nuoc. I didn't believe that stuff about a 5-POP dragon beast.
09:03But whatever that thing is, it definitely is no superstition.
09:07We must discover what this creature is, then.
09:09Let's divide into teams and find out.
09:25Maybe it was not so smart to split up like this.
09:29I kind of like the idea. First time you and I had a chance to be alone.
09:48It's the dragon beast! Run!
09:54Leon! Help me!
09:56What happened?
09:57My foot is stuck!
10:04It won't move!
10:10Leon! Run! Save yourself!
10:24Please! Wheeler! Run! Get away!
10:31Let me show you what we do to evil spirits where I come from!
10:34Wheeler! No!
10:44Oops! This is fireproof!
10:46That's right! Follow me!
10:48Come on, you stupid superstition!
10:50Come on! Try and catch me!
11:06Yikes! Crocodile!
11:08I'm out of here!
11:19Oh, no!
11:24You've got awful sharp teeth for a superstition!
11:31At least you scared the crocs away.
11:36Looks like good old Pipe Pop took a prisoner.
11:39A planeteer! He called himself a planeteer!
11:42Yep, yep, yep!
11:43I think it's time for a picnic.
12:07Hey! What's happening?
12:13Where is the last place you saw Wheeler?
12:15He slipped off there.
12:16He must have slipped down somewhere.
12:19Oh, poor Wheeler.
12:21If something has happened to him, I will never forgive myself.
12:35Hey! You blind or something?
12:37Hang a leg before we crash into those things!
12:40So Pipe Pop, that so-called evil spirit,
12:43is really a machine.
12:45A strip mining machine!
12:47As soon as it scares off all the villagers,
12:49I'll bring a hundred more to the jungle!
12:51We'll destroy every living thing!
12:53And turn the whole countryside into an ugly gravel pit!
12:56Yep, yep, yep!
13:00The planeteers won't let you get away with it, greedily!
13:03How can they stop me?
13:05They don't even know where I am!
13:07And the one who does is our prisoner!
13:10Yep, yep, yep!
13:15Hey, everybody! Over here!
13:17Look at these strange tracks!
13:19Evil spirits don't leave tracks.
13:22They lead into the river.
13:24We've lost the trail.
13:27I'll check out the bottom of it.
13:29There may be a clue.
13:31Get out!
13:50Thanks, Pinkie Pie!
13:52He belongs downriver with the rest of the sparrows.
13:56Is it safe for you to go in now, my dear?
14:05It seems that all the crocodiles are gone.
14:32See anything?
14:34Just a lot of marks on some rocks,
14:36as if something heavy was dragged away.
14:38That is all?
14:40No sign of Wheeler?
14:45Perhaps Wheeler's thoughts can guide us to him.
14:51I sense evil.
14:52It is all around him.
14:55There is something in his mind.
14:57Something he saw.
14:59Three tall spires.
15:01Some kind of runes.
15:04What about Wheeler?
15:06I sensed his presence,
15:08but evil thoughts blocked my vision.
15:11You're never going to find him.
15:13The three spires you saw, my dear,
15:16they must be part of a temple.
15:19Do you know some runes that look like that?
15:22The ancient temple of the rubies.
15:27Fill her up fast, Rigger.
15:29It's time to scare off some more locals.
15:31Can we ruin more parkland?
15:33Can't we, Mr. Greenleaf?
15:35This time we'll ruin everything in sight.
15:40There's the temple of the rubies.
15:43Those were the spires in Wheeler's mind.
15:46I still sense his presence,
15:48surrounded by evil.
15:50Is there any way to get inside without being seen?
15:53Legend says the temple has a secret underwater entrance.
15:57If there is, I'll find it.
16:06Mr. Greenleaf, look!
16:07That planet Deerfest is coming to spoil our fun!
16:11You're wrong, Rigger.
16:13We're going to spoil theirs.
16:35The five bubble picks!
16:38You better call that dragon machine off, Greenleaf.
16:41What are you going to do about it?
16:52I didn't give you permission to leave.
16:57You heard Mr. Greenleaf!
17:01So you want to play games?
17:08There's an underground river outside
17:10that will teach you a lesson.
17:13Those walls aren't supposed to give you water out!
17:16Nice going, kid.
17:17Those sloths can use a bath.
17:27Save me, Mr. Greenleaf!
17:29Save me!
17:30Go soak your head!
17:32I'll save it myself!
17:35Save me, Mr. Greenleaf!
17:37Save me!
17:39Go soak your head!
17:41I'll save it myself!
17:56Thank goodness you are safe!
17:58Hey, if I'd known you'd act like this,
18:00I'd get myself captured all the time.
18:03Well done, kid.
18:10Run, everybody!
18:12The beast is back!
18:14Back to the canoe!
18:20Now what?
18:22We can't outrun it!
18:23And my power couldn't stop it!
18:27Let our powers combine.
18:29Earth to Earth!
18:38By your powers combined,
18:40I am Captain Planet!
18:46Time to branch out!
18:58I'm feeling fine. How about you?
19:10That dragon's a real dragon.
19:13Round two is coming up.
19:38We should have told him to watch his step.
19:50That's what you get when you try to turn the world into a gravel pit.
19:57What a place.
20:00Best way to clean up litter is to...
20:03Recycle it!
20:10A brand new planting machine.
20:14Thanks, Captain Planet.
20:15This will help us replant the rice paddies.
20:18So long, Planeteers.
20:20You did a fine job.
20:22And remember,
20:23the power is yours!
20:26For Planet!
20:30My people and I cannot thank you enough, Planeteers.
20:33No thanks are necessary.
20:35Protecting the planet is our job.
20:37And because it's a job everyone needs to be involved in,
20:40we're making you an honorary Planeteer.
20:43Oh, thank you.
20:45Please come again, soon.
20:48We will.
20:49Goodbye, Nuwa.
20:51I'm going to miss this place.
20:53I know.
20:55Well, goodbye, Nuwa.
20:58I'm going to miss this place.
21:00I thought you did not want to come here.
21:03That was before you hugged me.
21:05I had no choice here.
21:07It was either you or the Dragon Beast.
21:17This place looks terrible.
21:19Nothing will grow here.
21:21I know, Kwami.
21:22Many forms of mining destroy the land.
21:24But there's something you can do
21:26that will stop more of our beautiful Earth
21:28from looking like this.
21:30Instead of throwing away your aluminum cans,
21:32foil, and other reusable metals,
21:34take them to a collection center.
21:37Be a Planeteer! Recycle!
21:39We do!
21:41The power is yours!
21:50Go Planet!
21:51By your powers combined,
21:52I am Captain Planet!
22:23You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:26We're the Planeteers!
22:28You can be one too!
22:29Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!
22:33Looting and polluting is not the way!
22:36Hear what Captain Planet has to say!
22:40The power is yours!
