• 2 weeks ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 8
00:00Our world is in peril.
00:04Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our
00:10She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:14Quokka, from Africa, with the power of earth.
00:18From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:25From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:32From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:41And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:46When the five powers combine, they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:52Go, Planet!
00:58The power is yours!
01:05Any sign of Dr. Blight?
01:07Not yet, but this is where Gaia said we should look for him.
01:11Your American countryside is beautiful, Wheeler.
01:14Yeah, and I don't want Dr. Blight to ruin it.
01:17Keep your eyes peeled, everybody.
01:19There's no telling what she's up to.
01:22Ready for my next evil assignment, Dr. Blight.
01:31You do bad so well now.
01:34No wonder you're my favorite computer.
01:36Go ahead.
01:37Analyze the air.
01:48Air quality, good.
01:51I hate clean air.
01:53It makes people so healthy.
01:56But we'll soon have a remedy for that, won't we, my little microchip?
02:00You're the doctor, doctor.
02:03Now to work.
02:04Although I really think of it as playtime.
02:07Are you ready, my little smoglet?
02:10I thought I was your little darling.
02:13Oh, you'll always be number one with me, Mal.
02:17But if my theory is right,
02:19this little smog blob is going to create more damage than anything we've ever done.
02:25All it needs is a tasty morsel of carbon monoxide to complete our final test.
02:34Here comes breakfast now.
02:36Diesel fuel à la school bus?
02:39Mmm, I love the smell of pollution.
02:48Ha ha ha!
02:53Super kid, boy superhero.
02:56You had his work cut out for you.
02:58I want to read that comic book, Squirt!
03:01Hey, give that back or you'll be sorry!
03:04Forget it. You can only read about Europe.
03:07You're too chic in the B-Way.
03:10I am not!
03:13Go get him, little smoglet.
03:25My invention's working.
03:27My experimental smog blob is absorbing the exhaust from the bus and growing larger.
03:34You want a trick? Here you have!
03:38Where'd all this smog come from?
03:41I can't see where I'm going!
03:49Oh, no! The brakes aren't working!
03:57What would Super Kid do?
03:59Turn on the headlights!
04:02What would Super Kid do?
04:05Turn on the headlights!
04:08No! Don't! That's the door!
04:22Planeteer alert!
04:24Someone is in trouble.
04:27I can feel it nearby.
04:30There! That school bus!
04:32It is trapped inside a smog cloud.
04:35A very unusual smog cloud.
04:38Hang on! We're going down!
04:40They're headed straight for that cliff!
05:01Way to go, Blonnie!
05:03Let's get down there and see if they're okay.
05:09Out of my way, lame brain!
05:27I don't know who you are, but I sure thank you for saving our lives.
05:32No sweat, man. All in a day's work.
05:35You mean you guys do hero stuff like that all the time?
05:39Yeah, pretty much. We're the Planeteers.
05:43Maybe we can use some of your hot air to blow the smog up, Wheeler.
05:48No thanks, Lincoln. That's your specialty.
06:03Look! She blew the smog cloud all apart!
06:07Wow! You guys are awesome!
06:09Can I join up? I know all about hero stuff!
06:13Ha ha ha! That's a laugh!
06:16You're the one who let that smog stuff inside the bus!
06:19I didn't mean to.
06:21Poor kid.
06:22Those environment meddlers are always showing up where they're not wanted.
06:26Good thing they didn't see me.
06:28Now I can rescue my experimental smog blob by reassembling its basic pollutants
06:33and taking it to my lab.
06:38That's the last time those Planeteers ruin one of my genius ideas.
06:45Blackmobile away.
06:51I still say that smog was not normal.
06:54Smog is smog.
06:56Just to make sure, I am going to test the assemble in the laboratory.
07:00Well, I'm getting something to eat because I'm starving.
07:03Me too!
07:05Is that your idea of a practical joke, Mati? Throwing your voice?
07:09Not me. Heart.
07:12I think we have a stowaway.
07:19Jason! What are you doing here?
07:22You won't send me home, will you?
07:25I want to be a hero, just like you guys.
07:28That is impossible, Jason. Our work is too dangerous for you.
07:32I have to take you home, Jason.
07:34Aw, gee whiz. I never get to do anything exciting.
07:37Hey, I've got an idea.
07:39Since you didn't see too much on the flight in, I'll fly you home by the scenic route.
07:44Wow, Wheeler. You're really neat.
07:47Now why can't you look up to me like Jason does?
07:50Some of us have more important things on our minds.
07:56Are all smog systems go, Mal?
07:59Ready when you are, Doctor.
08:01Then let's turn my experimental smog blob into a real monster.
08:06First we pump in concentrated exhaust fuels.
08:12Then we add pure coal smoke.
08:18Now some nauseous nitrogen oxides and some hideous hydrocarbons.
08:24Then add the sunlight factor. Now!
08:31Mal Sweetums, I think our little baby blob is now a mighty monster.
08:37A smog monster!
08:44This has been the most exciting day of my life.
08:47Glad you enjoyed it. There's lots to see from way up here.
08:51Yeah, like that ugly cloud. It's chasing that airplane.
08:55Clouds don't chase airplanes.
08:58Then what's it doing?
09:00We're not waiting here to find out.
09:02If it is chasing that plane, we've got to stop it.
09:05Planeteer alert!
09:10I wish Lincoln were here, but our rotor blades should blow it away.
09:17All right, we did it!
09:21Uh-oh. I think that cloud, or whatever it is, is about to undo us.
09:31I can't breathe!
09:33The smog is burning my eyes! I can't see!
09:42Wheeler, we're going to crash!
09:50I've got to pull out of this dive.
09:56Good work, Wheeler.
09:58Yeah, but now the smog thing is going for our engine.
10:04I don't think it likes our solar-powered batteries.
10:07It must need exhaust fumes to grow on.
10:10Look, it's going after that factory smoke stack.
10:13It's going to be a disaster.
10:17Look, it's going after that factory smoke stack.
10:21Eco-copter to Hope Island. Come in. On the double.
10:24This is an eco-emergency.
10:26I hear you, Wheeler. What is the problem?
10:29Take a look. I'll get closer. You'll have to see it to believe it.
10:33You're wrong, Wheeler. I saw it, but I still do not believe it.
10:37Neither do I.
10:39It's four times as big as when we first saw it, and it feeds on air pollution.
10:43I have never heard of such a deadly smog.
10:46Oh, yes, you have. Remember that school bus this morning?
10:50This sample of smog I took from it has the thickest concentration of oxides and ozone I've ever seen.
10:56This must be Dr. Blight's world.
10:59We have to help Wheeler stop it before it is too late.
11:02I hope Wheeler gets out of this okay.
11:05We're going to have to hold off that smog monster until the others get here.
11:08Yeah, let's turn that sky scum into toast.
11:12First, we've got to get closer. Bogey at ten o'clock.
11:16No place is safe from those pesky planeteers.
11:20Well, I'll just have to put up a little roadblock.
11:25Mal, sweetie, give us rocket power.
11:30Yes, Dr. Blight. I'll give you enough lift-off to make NASA jealous.
11:43We're closing in, kid. This situation calls for a little firepower.
11:52Watch it, you Sunday driver.
11:55You've interfered with me for the last time, you fresh air freak.
11:59Dr. Blight! I should have known that smog monster was your creation.
12:04Thank you. It's nice to know my work is appreciated.
12:08Come to Mama's, babykins.
12:13They're getting away! Hurry up and fire!
12:19Ouch! Hey, that's my ring.
12:22It's dangerous if you don't know how to use it.
12:25Shucks. The bad guys are gone.
12:28Don't worry. We'll find them. They left a trail a mile wide.
12:33You're right, Wheeler. That jet smoke will lead right to Dr. Blight.
12:37You can catch up with us after you drop Jason back in.
12:40No way! I'm coming, too. I'm Wheeler's right-hand man, aren't I?
12:45I think I'm going to be left-handed for a while, little buddy.
12:49The burn on my right hand really hurts.
12:52I can't even wear my ring.
12:54Come on, Wheeler. I'll get the first-aid kit and bandage your hand.
13:02Now I'll be a real smog buster.
13:05I just love a good trip.
13:07It really fouls up the air.
13:09It's just the thing my smog monster needs to grow big and strong.
13:13Bon appétit, smogums.
13:16Aren't you worried the Planeteers will spoil his meal?
13:20It'll be hours before they figure out we doubled back.
13:24And even if they do show up, it'll be too late.
13:27My monster will be too strong for them to stop.
13:30It'll be too late. My monster will be too strong for them to stop.
13:57Well, see you, Wheeler.
13:59Yeah. Hang tough, buddy.
14:04Look, it's him. The smog monster.
14:07He's headed for that power plant.
14:09The smoke from the burning coal will triple his size.
14:12Listen up, Planeteers. We've been tricked.
14:15Return to the city, pronto.
14:17I gotta fly, buddy. See you around.
14:21Yeah, right. See you around.
14:24What's the matter, Mr. Hero? You lose your wings?
14:27Or your nerve?
14:33I'll show him who's a hero. I'll show him.
14:43He's too big for us to fight alone.
14:45We need Captain Planet. I just have to put on...
14:49My ring!
14:52My ring! It's gone!
14:55It looks like we fight this one without Cap.
14:58Those planet-loving pests keep asking for trouble, so I'm going to give it to them.
15:03I'll just put their little flyboy out of commission for a while.
15:18Mayday! Mayday! I'm going down!
15:22I hope this works for me like it did for you, Kwami.
15:45The smoke is corroding that building.
15:52Yikes! I jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire!
15:57Have no fear. Super Kid is here.
16:05I'll just melt the ice in this freezer car to stop them.
16:09My ring! Jason, no! You don't know what you're doing!
16:22I couldn't have planned it better myself.
16:25They'll never destroy my smog monster now.
16:32Oh no! What have I done?
16:38Somebody help!
16:41Jason! I've got to help him!
16:48Jason! I've got to help him!
16:57The smog monster just missed him!
16:59Yes, but...
17:02Now it is coming after us!
17:08The smog monster's got me!
17:11Wheeler, am I glad to see you.
17:14Thank me later. Right now, I just need my ring.
17:19Sorry, Wheeler. I thought it would make me a real hero.
17:23That's okay. I just hope Ma-Ti is tuned into my thoughts so we can call Cap.
17:28Ma-Ti, this is Wheeler. Can you hear me?
17:32What happened to Wheeler? I cannot see a thing.
17:35And I cannot feel a thing. The smog monster is too strong.
17:38I will try to get us up higher to fresh air.
17:44What was that?
17:46We just lost one of our wings.
17:49Do not tell me that is the other wing.
17:52It's the acidic smog. It's eating through the metal.
17:55We have to get through it before...
17:58Ma-Ti! Ma-Ti! This is Wheeler. I'm ready to hook up.
18:03We're above the smog monster.
18:06Wheeler is ready. We can call Captain Planet.
18:09Let our powers combine.
18:21Your powers combine. I am Captain Planet.
18:25Go, Planet!
18:28We've lost power.
18:31Have no fear. Planet's here.
18:34Ha ha ha.
18:38Need a lift, Planeteers?
18:40Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to blow.
18:46Wow, even Super Kid can't do that.
18:50I've seen some monstrous smog over our cities, but this is ridiculous.
18:54Come on, boy. Here you go.
18:57That's a good boy.
19:00Now, what I need here is an air purifier.
19:03And there's nothing better than trees.
19:13These trees are going to wash that smog right out of my air.
19:17Ha ha ha.
19:28I hope this idea branches out into every city.
19:31If the planet had more trees, we'd have less air pollution.
19:36What? Leaping so soon? Ha ha ha.
19:40Come back here. I got you.
19:48Ha ha ha.
19:59Now, to pour on the heat and shrink you down to size.
20:04Let's just wrap this up and take it home.
20:14Just what this town needs.
20:16A statue to remind them to reduce toxic emissions before they create their own smog monster.
20:21This was some exciting day, huh, little buddy?
20:24Hey, Jason. Come back. Where you going?
20:29Now, is that any way for a Planeteer to act?
20:32Me? You called me a Planeteer?
20:36But I'm no hero.
20:42Being a Planeteer isn't always glamorous, Jason.
20:45Sometimes it's hard work.
20:47Phew. You can say that again.
20:50When you see people polluting our planet, let them know it's time to change.
20:54Planeteer alert!
20:59Planeteer alert!
21:02Every day, do what you can to clean up our planet.
21:05Then you can be a hero too.
21:08The power is ours!
21:11Go Planet!
21:18So many cars.
21:20So much pollution. Smog is bad for all living things.
21:24But you can help.
21:26There are lots of ways to get around that don't pollute.
21:32And when you get your own cruiser...
21:34Keep it tuned up and your tires properly inflated.
21:37Keep it tuned up and your tires properly inflated.
21:40Remember, drive safe, drive clean.
21:50Go Planet!
21:51By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
21:54Captain Planet, he's our hero.
21:58Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:01He's our powers magnified.
22:04And he's fighting on the planet's side.
22:08Captain Planet, he's our hero.
22:11Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:15Gonna help him put asunder
22:18bad guys who like to loot and plunder.
22:23You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:26We're the Planeteers. You can be one too.
22:29Cause saving our planet is the thing to do.
22:33Looting and polluting is not the way.
22:36Hear what Captain Planet has to say.
22:40The power is yours!
