• 2 weeks ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 21
00:01Our world is in peril.
00:03Gaia, the spirit of the Earth,
00:05can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:09She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:13Quack, from Africa, with the power of earth.
00:17From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:21From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:30From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:40And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:44When the five powers combine,
00:47they summon Earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:51Go, Planet!
00:56The power is yours!
01:17What's going on here?
01:35Stop! Stop!
01:41Hey, you! Get out from there!
01:44Something bothering you, Sonny?
01:46Yeah. Your truck is full of toxic waste.
01:49And it's leaky.
01:52So get it out of here!
01:54Now, this is a national park.
01:57It was a national park, cowboy.
02:00But look at this official document, right from your official computer.
02:04Ranger to headquarters.
02:06Can you confirm the Sly Sledge permit?
02:08It is?
02:10He can?
02:12That's right. And have a nice day.
02:17Let's roll up!
02:19You can't do this!
02:22Watch me.
02:23Hey, pal! Whoa!
02:25My hat!
02:41Not again! That's twice you beat me, Minka.
02:44I thought you Soviets weren't into computer games.
02:47But we are into logic and strategy.
02:50Translate that into Brooklyn American.
02:52She means her moves follow precise plans,
02:55while yours are much more random and unpredictable.
02:58And that's me, a wild and crazy guy.
03:01Planeteers, to the crystal chamber.
03:03There's an eco-emergency.
03:08That's Yellowstone National Park in America.
03:11Oh, it is so lovely.
03:13Well, that's not so lovely.
03:15Hey, they can't dump toxic waste in a national park.
03:19Our old enemy, Sly Sledge, is doing it right now.
03:23How can we stop him, Gaia?
03:25I want Gi and Kwame to go with Mati to Yellowstone
03:28to help with the cleanup there.
03:30What about Wheeler and me?
03:32It's time those computer games you've been playing get serious.
03:36Our computer games?
03:38I'm sending you to check the Environmental Agency's computer.
03:41You must know how Sly Sledge is getting permission to do his evil polluting.
03:46Just you and me, kid.
03:48Hands off, Wheeler.
03:50Once again you have moved without thinking.
03:52Oh, I thought about it.
04:01Dr. Blight's hideout is up this way.
04:12Everything went just as you planned, Dr. Blight.
04:15Obviously, Sledge.
04:17What else did you expect from the world's most evil scientist?
04:23Sure is...
04:26smoggy in here.
04:29Much nicer than that fresh air outside.
04:34It could even be more polluting.
04:36Hey, that's great stuff.
04:38Really hurts the old lungs.
04:40It's a special concentration of cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes from city buses.
04:47You're my kind of genius.
04:52I told you old Sly Sledge could be a good scientist.
04:55You're right, kid.
04:57You're right, kid.
04:59You're right, kid.
05:01You're right, kid.
05:04I told you old Sly Sledge could get rid of your toxic waste.
05:08With a little help from my brilliant associate, Mal.
05:12If I could find a human this smart...
05:15I'd marry him.
05:17That's some ugly...
05:18I mean, smart machine you got there.
05:22I am not a machine.
05:24I am artificial intelligence.
05:26And you are a dimwit.
05:28Nice computer.
05:30Nice computer.
05:31You wouldn't pick on a dimwit, would you?
05:34No! Wait! Don't!
05:40My foot's burning up!
05:42So sorry about that, Sledge.
05:44Allow me.
05:46Watch what you say to Mal.
05:49He's very sensitive.
05:52Mal has penetrated the environmental agency's master computer.
05:57Every national park in the nation will be officially changed to a toxic waste dump.
06:02And that's just the beginning, right?
06:06And Mal has predicted the end.
06:10There'll be a thousand years cleaning up this mess.
06:21Oh, Wheeler, there is no time for sightseeing.
06:24I know.
06:26We hit the rush hour pigeon traffic.
06:29Scram, will ya?
06:36We are supposed to protect the environment, not endanger it.
06:40Hey, I had the right of way.
06:42Didn't I?
06:43There's the environmental agency headquarters.
06:45We'll land over here in the park.
06:47Is it illegal to park here?
06:50Hey, don't worry, babe.
06:51Why do you think they call it a park?
06:56Well, well, well.
06:57What can I do for you?
06:59We would like to see the main computer.
07:01Yeah, both of us.
07:05That's strictly off limits to the public.
07:08But we are not public.
07:10We are planet...
07:11Shh, chill, babe.
07:12I'll handle this.
07:14Your computer is malfunctioning.
07:16Listen, I'm in charge of the computer.
07:18I'm in charge of the park.
07:20I'm in charge of the park.
07:22I'm in charge of the park.
07:24I'm in charge of the computer, and I know it's working fine.
07:27But it is letting an evil man
07:29jump toxic waste in Yellowstone Park.
07:34Please, you must believe us.
07:37Look, if you've got a problem,
07:38come back Monday and see my supervisor.
07:41Yet Monday will be too late.
07:43This guy's not going to believe anything we say.
07:46We have to get inside and show him what's going on.
07:48How can we do that?
07:50Trust the old master.
07:51Hey, bud.
07:56Hey, what's going on here?
08:00This way!
08:06Phew, made it.
08:08We ditched him.
08:09Here's the computer control center.
08:11Come on.
08:12After you, princess.
08:15Wow, look at this.
08:17This computer's a lot fancier than my vid game machine.
08:23Hey, do you have any idea what you're doing?
08:25I am punching up a status report.
08:28You mean you really know computers?
08:30You're a hacker.
08:32Of course, that's why I keep beating you
08:34at those foolish video games.
08:36These green squares are all the national parks.
08:39And those red dots are toxic waste dumps.
08:42It's worse than we feared.
08:44All the national parks have been changed
08:46into toxic waste dumps.
08:48How'd Sly Sludge pull this off?
08:50We've got to do something.
08:51You'll do nothing.
08:53Arrest him for sabotage.
08:57Hey, back off.
08:58We can explain.
08:59We are not trying to hurt your computer.
09:02Only trying to fix it.
09:04That's right.
09:05We're planeteers.
09:06The real villain is Sly Sludge.
09:08Somehow he has got your computer
09:10to change all the national parks into dump sites.
09:13That's ridiculous.
09:15Check it out.
09:18Those darn planeteers are going to spoil everything.
09:21Oh, relax.
09:23My cutie pie Mal has everything under control.
09:27Don't you, sweetums?
09:29The little darling can do anything you want
09:31with their computer.
09:35First, let's see about this Mr. Sly Sludge.
09:41Sly Sludge.
09:42Honorary chairman of the Ecological Defense Foundation.
09:46No way.
09:47Awarded the president's medal
09:49for his support of ecological improvement.
09:51I am not believing this.
09:55Now, about you planeteers.
09:57Oh, interesting.
09:59The agency has quite a file on you.
10:01Notorious criminals engaged in illegal pollution.
10:04That's totally bogus, man.
10:07And as you can see,
10:08all the national parks are perfectly normal.
10:11Arrest them.
10:12No, you cannot.
10:14We've got to find Sly Sludge and stop him.
10:17The only place you polluters are going is to prison.
10:28Hey, you can't do this to us.
10:31We're U.S. taxpayers.
10:33At least I am.
10:35Save it for the judge.
10:37I hate polluters.
10:41Sorry, gentlemen,
10:42but we cannot let Sly Sludge get away with this.
10:45We need...
10:54Oh, no.
11:01Now that's what I call getting wrapped up in your work.
11:05What are you doing?
11:07We need the keys to the handcuffs.
11:13All right.
11:15Let's go.
11:18You won't get away this time.
11:20Well, I...
11:23Come back here!
11:26Now what, Wheeler?
11:28Quick, up here.
11:30Licka, get us to the top floor.
11:39We're too heavy.
11:42Stop here.
11:46Hey, any landing you can walk away from is a good one.
12:01They're headed to the first floor.
12:03First floor?
12:04Bureaucrats, red tape, geocruisers, everybody out.
12:10Time to book, Licka.
12:16We can't go this way.
12:18And we cannot go back.
12:21Follow my lead, babe.
12:31Help me!
12:34Help me!
12:41We need help before Sludge really trashes the national parks.
12:45The Environmental Agency's impounding our geocruiser.
12:50I guess we shouldn't have parked there.
12:53You said we could park it there.
12:55Now what do we do?
12:57It's me, babe.
12:59Maybe if we concentrate together, Mati will hear our thoughts.
13:03To concentrate is good.
13:05But this way.
13:07I cannot believe someone would deliberately do this.
13:16What is it?
13:17Wheeler and Licka are in trouble!
13:20All that travel and the fact that we met Licka
13:22made me very happy!
13:24And now we can leave.
13:48All that toxic waste on its way to pollute the national parks.
13:53Yeah, Doc. It sure is sweet.
13:56And the way you got it fixed, even them stupid planeteers can't stop us!
14:07There's the geocruiser!
14:09The Environmental Agency was certainly the right place to start looking.
14:12But where are Linka and Wheeler?
14:15They can't be too far away. Kwami and I will search for them.
14:18I will keep watch here.
14:22It is hopeless. We do not even know where to begin to look.
14:25Ouch! Huh?
14:27Hey, dudes!
14:30Figured you'd show up sooner or later.
14:32Where is Mukpee? He's waiting for us at the geocruiser.
14:37You misunderstand. I am a planeteer. A friend.
14:41Whoops! Now Mati's in trouble.
14:44Don't they understand he's a planeteer?
14:47Yes, which is the problem.
14:49Their computer says all planeteers are polluters.
14:53The guard is going inside to report. Now is our opportunity.
14:57What opportunity? That watchdog looks mean.
15:03He is using his power!
15:06Good work, Mati!
15:08Our new friend here knows a secret way inside so you and Linka can fix the computer.
15:12The rest of us had better get to Yellowstone and stop Slice Lodge.
15:16What if we meet Captain Planet?
15:18We'll keep in touch through Mati. Come on!
15:36Didn't expect to find you here.
15:38Who let you two in?
15:40We have friends in high places.
15:42Not everyone believes the planeteers are criminals.
15:47I'm not certain I do anymore.
15:49You were right.
15:51The computer has turned all the national parks into toxic waste dumps.
15:55Why do you not fix it?
15:57I tried, but I can't.
15:59An outside force has control of the computer.
16:03Our national parks are about to be destroyed.
16:06No one can stop it.
16:14Rats. Those pesky planeteers never give up.
16:17But then neither does Slice Lodge.
16:19Okay, drivers. Step on it.
16:25Get ahead of the lead truck. I have an idea.
16:40Don't stop. Who's afraid of a little mud puddle?
16:47It didn't work. The first truck got through the mud.
16:51Let me try.
16:54As they say in this country, here's mud in your eye.
17:03We did it. We blocked the road.
17:06Blast. Those planeteers are becoming a real pain.
17:11Smash through.
17:18Oh, no. That truck is going over the edge.
17:22And the toxic waste with it.
17:24If we do not do something fast, that stuff will ruin the entire park forever.
17:28We need Captain Planet.
17:30I will try to reach Wheeler and Linka.
17:37Let our powers combine.
17:39Wheeler, our wings are glowing.
17:41Maki is calling us.
17:43We hear you, Maki. Let our powers combine.
17:55Find your powers combined.
17:57I am Captain Planet.
18:00Well, what have we here?
18:02Gaping gorge plus swerving semi equals trouble.
18:06Uh-oh. That truck will splatter toxic waste all over the mountainside.
18:13Where to go, Captain Planet?
18:15Off-road vehicles are not allowed in national parks.
18:21We definitely can't have that.
18:25And now for you, Mr. Sludge.
18:29But first, I gotta stop those toxic trucks.
18:33You guys are taking me for granted.
18:37Time to rock and roll.
18:41Those trucks are not going anywhere.
18:43Now only Wheeler and Linka can stop the computer.
18:48It's hopeless.
18:49Whatever is controlling the computer has superior logic.
18:53Yeah, but can it cope with wild and crazy illogic?
18:57I got you, babe. It's vid game time with Wild Man Wheeler as your host.
19:08Mal, what's going on?
19:11Something happening. Unable, unable to compute.
19:15Random pattern. Extremely illogical.
19:19Mal, are you okay, baby? You poor sweet thing.
19:24I've got a splitting microchip, ape.
19:27Yo, I'm losing control of the environmental agency's computer.
19:33You did it! We have control of the computer again.
19:41What are you doing?
19:42Just sending a little message.
19:45Okay, you can return everything back to normal.
19:49Well, hold on there, partner.
19:52That's as far as you go, sludge.
19:55Hey, ranger. Arrest this busybody. I'm authorized to dump my load here.
20:00Not anymore, you not-toxic-head. The EA computer just took away your authority.
20:06Thanks for your help. I'll see that the waste is taken care of, as well as the waster.
20:18I got it! I got it!
20:20I hope that sludge and his computer crony do not bother us again.
20:24Well, I know that computer won't.
20:27Just what was that last message you sent?
20:31I give you a hint. You've heard of computer virus?
20:37Mal, what is it, baby?
20:40I think you'll record it. A virus.
20:44Oh my, you're burning up. Don't go away, Lampkin. I'll get you an ice pack.
20:48I'll bring you a megabyte of chicken soup.
20:51It's too late.
20:53You can't get sick. What about our brilliant plan?
20:56I'm going to take a couple of aspirins and I'll call you in the morning, Doctor.
21:02Mal, you can't do this to your mommy.
21:05Mal, now you're making me sick. Quick!
21:09My air beautifier, I need some pollution.
21:15Go, planet!
21:18The Planeteers want you to join them in keeping our planet clean, healthy and beautiful.
21:28Don't litter. It's completely uncool.
21:31Please, put trash in its place. Remember, if everybody works together...
21:36We can clean up the world!
21:41The power is yours!
21:52Go, planet!
21:53By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
21:56Captain Planet, he's our hero.
22:00Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:03He's our power's magnified.
22:06And he's fighting on the planet's side.
22:10Captain Planet, he's our hero.
22:14Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:17Gonna help him put asunder bad guys who like to loot and plunder.
22:25You'll pay for this, Captain Planet!
22:28We're the Planeteers. You can be one too.
22:31Cause saving our planet is the thing to do.
22:35Looting and polluting is not the way.
22:38Hear what Captain Planet has to say.
22:42The power is yours!
