• 2 weeks ago
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - - A Hero for Earth Episode 12
00:01Our world is in peril.
00:03Gaia, the spirit of the earth,
00:05can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet.
00:09She sends five magic rings to five special young people.
00:13Quack, from Africa, with the power of earth.
00:17From North America, Wheeler, with the power of fire.
00:21From the Soviet Union, Minka, with the power of wind.
00:30From Asia, Yi, with the power of water.
00:40And from South America, Mati, with the power of heart.
00:44When the five powers combine,
00:47they summon earth's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
00:51Go, Planet!
00:57The power is yours!
01:04Planet here, alert.
01:06I'm picking up high pollution levels on the ocean's surface.
01:09Take us down for a closer look, Mati.
01:14Look at these pollution readings.
01:16I just bet that polluter Sly Sludge is dumping waste in the ocean again.
01:20But from where?
01:30Okay, you good-for-nothing slime balls.
01:33Shovel that garbage into the fog-making machine.
01:37We gotta make sure no one can find us.
01:41Looks like I fooled those stupid planeteers with my phony fog cover.
01:46They'll never find my secret disposal plant now.
01:52At last, I can pollute in peace.
01:59I will radio we are heading home.
02:04Are you all right, Mati?
02:06What is it?
02:10I hear cries for help from somewhere deep in the ocean.
02:15If sea creatures are in danger, I must go to their rescue.
02:19Be careful, Gi. Who knows what is down there?
02:22Don't worry. When it comes to the ocean, I am totally at home.
02:30This is terrible.
02:32The plants and fish are dying from all this garbage and toxic waste.
02:38I think I found the source.
02:43No life could survive these levels of pollution.
02:46What kind of twisted mind would think up something like this?
02:50What do we have here?
02:52Looks like one of those goody-two-shoes planeteers is spying on your secret dump site, Mr. Sludge.
03:00Very good, Ooze. Three guesses what I'm going to do about it.
03:07Send out your mechanical octomasher to scare her off and...
03:13Good guess.
03:14While you're draining the rest of your brain, that's exactly what I'll do.
03:19I don't take kindly to trespassers.
03:28Wait! The reading is getting even stronger.
03:33There must be heavy metals down here.
03:38My key!
03:39What is it? Gi! Gi!
03:45Let me go!
03:47Planeteer alert! Mayday! Mayday!
03:53Good work, octomasher. That'll scare her.
03:57Enough pleasure, Ooze. We have work to do.
04:01I'm gonna miss the good stuff.
04:57Sea creatures... in danger. I must help.
05:03Oh, you're all right. I was worried.
05:06You... you're not a sea creature.
05:09Well, in a way I am, since I live under the sea.
05:13I don't understand. Where am I? How did I get here?
05:18After I rescued you from that eight-legged metal monster, a manta ray and I brought you here.
05:27You are in the underwater city of Oceanus.
05:31Underwater city? That is impossible.
05:35Difficult, but not impossible.
05:38Our city is protected by a dome of thick glass made from sea sand.
05:43Special generators remove oxygen from the seawater and pump it into our dome.
05:48We harvest all kinds of kelp and seaweed.
05:51Everything we need to have a good life is here.
05:55My name is Pontus. I'm a marine biologist.
05:58And this is my lab.
06:02I'm Gi, and I'm a marine biologist, too.
06:11Seas, lakes, and rivers are my life.
06:13I used to dream about a place like this. It is paradise.
06:18Yes, but soon it may be nothing more than a dream.
06:26This is the north end of the city.
06:28Only a few months ago, it was the home of wondrous creatures.
06:34Now look at it. Your people are destroying it with their poisons.
06:51Those screams! They must be the cries Mati heard. What is wrong?
06:56The same poisons that kill the sea life are eating through the dome around Oceanus.
07:01If something isn't done soon, it will burst, and our city will be crushed under tons of water.
07:07Sly Sludge must be behind this.
07:10Take me to the surface. My friends and I will stop him.
07:13No! You must not tell anyone about Oceanus.
07:17But why?
07:19Our city has been a secret for thousands of years.
07:23We have sworn an oath never to contact outsiders.
07:27I have already disobeyed our laws by bringing you here.
07:31My friends are the planeteers. We have dedicated our lives to protecting the planet.
07:38Together we will make things right.
07:41No! You must not!
07:44I am sorry, Gi, but we must go and talk to the elders.
07:49This must be the source of pollution Gi was telling me about.
07:52But where is Gi? There is no sign of her.
07:55Yes, there is.
08:00Without her tank, she would only have minutes.
08:03It is not true. I have this feeling she is still alive. Hurt.
08:11Are you picking up anything?
08:13Pollution. Everywhere.
08:15I cannot get through. I wish...
08:18We all love Gi, Mati. But if something happened, we cannot wish her back.
08:23I bet Sludge did this and he's gonna pay the price.
08:28Well, well, those planet punks are all here.
08:32Get my pollution-powered submarine.
08:35It's time for some underwater underhandedness.
08:39But you must let me go to my friends.
08:41But you must let me go to my friends.
08:43And stop the creep who is polluting your waters. Let me call them.
08:47We know all about your pollution, my dear.
08:50How the land dwellers foul the air, destroy the land and poison the water.
08:55We watch you constantly.
08:58Yes, but some of us are trying to make things better.
09:01Not enough of you, I'm afraid.
09:03That is how it is with land people.
09:06Ten thousand years ago, our ancestors developed an advanced society in our undersea world.
09:12The land dwellers will perish by their own doing.
09:15We will remain because we do not pollute.
09:19But your dome is failing. You will perish too without our help.
09:23Our scientists will make the dome resistant to your destruction.
09:27We will find a way to purify our waters of the land people's poisons.
09:35The Council of Elders has made its decision.
09:42You must never contact your friends.
09:45To ensure our secret spreads no further, you will remain in Oceanus forever.
10:01This shore looks like sludge's plumbing, and it leads up toward the shore.
10:05Maybe we can follow the pipes and surprise him.
10:08I think the surprise is on us.
10:11Launch the trick torpedo.
10:15Swim for it, guys!
10:18And now to detonate the torpedo.
10:26Hey, what's this?
10:28Now I know how fish feel.
10:34I'm sure you'll find your new home very cozy.
10:40Yeah, the rats seem to like it.
10:44Okay, Sludge, tell us what you did with Gee.
10:47Oh, I'm afraid your friend had a close encounter with my Octomasher.
10:51And we haven't seen her shit.
10:54I'll get you for this, Sludge.
11:01I don't think so.
11:03With your wrist chained, your firepower can't touch me.
11:07And even if you could get loose, there's a thing I can do.
11:11And even if you could get loose, there's a thousand-foot drop to that acid moat down there.
11:17But enough small talk.
11:19I've got a customer who's looking for a place to ditch thousands of gallons of toxic wastes.
11:26I'm hooking him up to my secret polluting pipeline.
11:30That dumb customer thinks everything we do here is legal.
11:34We're geniuses.
11:40We cannot let Sludge get away with this.
11:43We must call Captain Planet.
11:45We cannot.
11:47Not without Gee.
11:50There's got to be some way to stop Sludge.
11:53If we could only get loose.
11:56Maybe you can bounce your firepower off the ceiling and melt your chains.
12:02I hope I can pull this off.
12:10Am I hot or what?
12:16Take it easy, Wheeler.
12:18Our leases are off.
12:20But we're still in the doghouse.
12:22Let me shake things up a little.
12:31Time out, Kwame.
12:33Nice job.
12:34We got a door, but...
12:36It sure is a long way down.
12:39Now what do we do?
12:41If you spent more time being wise than being a wise guy,
12:45maybe we would find a solution.
12:47What's that supposed to mean?
12:49That you are full of hot air.
12:51If you would stop arguing, you would realize you both found the solution.
12:56We can fly with hot air and a balloon made of blankets.
13:00The tanker truck is all hooked up, Mr. Schlatt.
13:04The toxic wastes are flowing into your pipeline.
13:10What a scam.
13:12And the customer pays for legal dumping.
13:24We are floating.
13:27We are floating.
13:29More fire!
13:30More wind!
13:31This is not a nice place for a swim.
13:47See what happens when we work together?
13:50I hear you, Lincoln.
13:51Now, what's our next move?
13:53Now, what's our next move?
13:55We are going for a little ride.
13:58What's so bad about staying in this paradise, Gi?
14:02I'm not bad company.
14:04It's not you, Pontus.
14:06I have my duties as a planeteer.
14:09Besides, this paradise may not last.
14:12Don't worry.
14:13My people have always solved their problems by themselves.
14:17You'll see.
14:20The dome!
14:21It's cracking!
14:22I must try to stop the leak!
14:24Gi, wait!
14:37I... I hear the cries again.
14:42The vibrations grow stronger.
14:44Thousands of people in grave danger.
14:47We must find them!
14:48Which way, Mati?
14:53Down! They're below us!
14:55No way, Mati!
14:56You've been underwater too long.
14:58Maybe Gi is down there.
15:00Well then, what are we waiting for?
15:04There's nothing below us but solid rock!
15:06Wait! I see a passageway!
15:10Some kind of hidden tunnel in the ocean floor!
15:14Wow! I can't believe what I'm seeing!
15:17I see it, too!
15:18An underwater city!
15:20This must be where the cries for help are coming from!
15:23That looks like an entrance.
15:25Let's check it out!
15:26Kwami, full speed ahead!
15:32I've got to try to keep the dome from bursting!
16:01Give that girl a ten!
16:03You're okay!
16:04It's good to see you!
16:06Am I glad to see you!
16:08This is Pontus! He saved my life!
16:10Now we must save the city!
16:12We need Captain Planet!
16:14Let our powers combine!
16:26By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
16:32Go, Planet!
16:35Yeah! Outstanding!
16:39Time for a quick patch job!
16:41First, a little sand!
16:43This ought to stir things up!
16:55And now, let's turn up the heat!
17:02Making glass from molten sand gives it the Captain Planet Seal of Approval!
17:07Go, Planet!
17:14We've got to stop Sly Sludge, Captain Planet!
17:17His pollution pipeline nearly destroyed the city!
17:20Hasn't he learned his lesson yet?
17:25First, for a little re-plumbing!
17:27I'm mad!
17:31And I'm not going to take it anymore!
17:36Now I need to find somewhere safe to put those poisons!
17:39And I think I see a pollution solution!
17:42Whoa there, boy!
17:45Well, I don't mean to be flip.
17:49This is a clean-up job that could take years!
17:52But I'm going to give it a good head start!
18:02Come on!
18:03There you go! Fill her up!
18:06Fill her up!
18:11You take this waste back to your boss and tell him to dispose of it safely!
18:21What's this? Something's wrong with my pollution meter!
18:24What the...
18:25I... I think we have a clog in the pipes, sir!
18:31The toxic wastes are backing up! She's going to blow!
18:35Shall I get the plunger?
18:37No, you idiot! Run!
18:44I've got to go on a diet!
18:47I'm going to die!
18:50I've got to go on a diet!
18:53I'm never going to make it!
19:02Was it twice, right?
19:04Once left past zero oxygen!
19:08Bumbling fool!
19:12Thanks, boss! Now I got it!
19:15Thanks, boss! Now I got it!
19:18Faster before we're wasted by our own toxic waste!
19:26Roll for it!
19:40I hope your insurance is paid up, sir!
19:46My illegal disposal plant! It got trashed!
19:53I hate to rehash the trash, Sly, but if you're going to make a mess, you're going to have to clean it up.
20:00Now move!
20:07We bestow upon you, Planeteers, these medals of bravery for saving our city
20:12and teaching us that we cannot hide ourselves from the rest of the planet.
20:17We are all tied together in the Earth's ecosystem.
20:21Each of us is one link in the chain of survival.
20:28We are proud to have helped you.
20:30And I am proud to be made a Planeteer.
20:33I promise to patrol the oceans and keep them safe from polluters.
20:38With the help of my new mechanical friend, of course.
20:42Okay, Planeteers, time to head back to Hope Island.
20:49Are you sure you won't stay here in the place of your dreams?
20:52I can't, Pontus.
20:54At least, not until the rest of our planet is as beautiful and clean as Oceanus.
21:05But I'm going scuba diving on Saturday.
21:08But I'm going scuba diving on Saturday.
21:11Around noon, if you happen to be swimming my way.
21:21Don't they see all that trash they are leaving behind?
21:24Why don't they pick it up?
21:29Because they think someone else will do it.
21:32Now they know that trash does not go away by itself.
21:35We all have to do our part.
21:37Not be part of the pollution.
21:39Be part of the solution.
21:41When it's trash time, can it.
21:44The power is yours.
21:53Go Planets!
21:55By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet.
21:58Captain Planet, he's our hero.
22:01Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:05He's our powers magnified.
22:08And he's fighting on the planet side.
22:12Captain Planet, he's our hero.
22:15Gonna take pollution down to zero.
22:19Gonna help him put asunder
22:22bad guys who like to loot and plunder.
22:27You'll pay for this, Captain Planet.
22:30We're the Planeteers.
22:32You can be one too.
22:33Cause saving our planet is the thing to do.
22:37Looting and polluting is not the way.
22:40Hear what Captain Planet has to say.
22:44The power is yours.
