• 2 weeks ago
Courtney finds a magical book that wants her to be perfect, but the book brings her into a time-loop and only LeShawna can help Courtney before the book completely takes over her life!


00:00Izzy, would you put Pudding on the slide again?
00:08Owen! Don't you remember? Sand shovels are for sand!
00:14But I like squirrely-o's!
00:16Careful, Courtney! That spring horse is set to wild buck!
00:20It is?
00:24How do these kids not learn from their mistakes?
00:27It's like I'm living the same day over and over.
00:30Talk about a nightmare.
00:37Whoa! What's going on, Courtney?
00:39First I spill my juice at breakfast, then I forget my lip gloss,
00:43and now I can't even use the playground equipment right!
00:45I'm sick of making childish mistakes like some sort of... child!
00:50You're just in a slump, like baseball players get.
00:53But if you snag a few home runs, you'll break out.
00:56Trust me, I'm really smart.
01:01So you're saying I just need to do a few tasks perfectly,
01:06and that'll turn things around?
01:08You know, that could actually work.
01:10Slumps aren't even a real thing.
01:13Your only mistake was admitting you make mistakes at all.
01:17Careful, Lashana! I think you've overstuffed the blender.
01:20Nuh-uh. This is how I make turkey dinner milkshakes.
01:27Mmm! Delicious!
01:31You just gotta double down.
01:33See, queens don't make mistakes,
01:35and anybody saying that you did is just a hater anyways. Get it?
01:39I guess. But I still think I'm going with Izzy's plan.
01:43You are?
01:44Ha! In your face, Lashana!
01:47What are you talking about? I wanted her to pick your plan.
01:51What? But why? Lashana, wait!
01:55I really need to stay focused on perfection today.
01:58So I ordered the most heavy-duty, next-level day planner
02:02I could find on the whole Internet.
02:06Where is that package?
02:10Whoa! Those new delivery drones have really good aim.
02:16So cute! I love it!
02:20Greetings, Courtney.
02:21Whoa! It can talk? And float? This is definitely the good stuff.
02:27Please, detail any activities you would like to perform perfectly.
02:32Sweet! Okay, first I'll make a perfect painting.
02:36And then I'll drive a perfect lap in my toy car.
02:39And then I'll build a perfect volcano for my science project.
02:46Yeah, I hope so.
02:52Well, I'm not sure finger painting should really be considered art,
02:57but Chef does make a really great model.
02:59Wait, Cody, that's not how you...
03:02You know what? Sure, that's fine too.
03:05I'm acceptable. Let's get perfect.
03:10Oh my goodness, Courtney. This is incredible.
03:14I feel so... seen.
03:17It's perfect.
03:19Yes! Now on to my perfect lap.
03:25Come on, Courtney, you've got this.
03:27Speed by death-eating worms.
03:30Maintain control through LeShawna's turkey dinner shake puddle.
03:35Now hold tight.
03:40Nailed it! Volcano, here I come.
03:44I'm a finish line.
03:47Okay, okay, careful.
03:51Well done!
04:00Great job on the volcano, Courtney.
04:02Thanks, LeShawna.
04:03Man, you are on point today.
04:06It's good to be back, and I owe it all to my...
04:10Hey, where'd it go?
04:15Hey, there you are. Great day, huh?
04:18Guess I'm back on my game after finishing my whole list perfectly.
04:22I mean, I guess, if that's really good enough for you.
04:27Well, yeah. I felt like I pretty much nailed everything.
04:33Like, maybe it wasn't perfect perfect?
04:37But isn't that what you wanted? What you needed? Perfection?
04:42Sure, but...
04:44Because I have a way to be sure you get everything perfect.
04:48And all you have to do is sign your name.
04:53Not with that.
04:56With this.
04:58That pen looks kinda evil.
05:01Really? No, I got it for free in a box of Squirrely-Os.
05:05Just sign me.
05:11You know what? Sure, that's fine too.
05:13I'm acceptable.
05:15Just like before?
05:17Did you make a time loop so I get infinite do-overs?
05:20Like that awesome movie with the groundhog that I only saw the start of?
05:26Thank you, thank you, thank you!
05:30Yes, enjoy your do-overs.
05:36Hey, whoever that is, keep it down.
05:39This is art class, not maniacal laugh practice.
05:44And done!
05:47Are you serious? I really thought that turned out perfect.
05:52I'll make a perfect lap for sure this time.
05:56With the aid of Duncan's fireworks.
06:04Looks like that kid's driving a perfect lap.
06:06And breaking the law.
06:12That was good, but perfect?
06:17What happened?
06:20Please step out of the car, sir.
06:22Oh no, the bus!
06:33It erupts candy?
06:35Best volcano ever!
06:38Still no?
07:22Paint perfectly, paint perfectly.
07:26Paint perfectly.
07:29Let me know when you're serious about perfection.
07:32No! I can't take it anymore!
07:35Lashana, you gotta help me!
07:37My day planner is evil and it trapped me into a magic time loop where I have to be perfect!
07:41It's torture!
07:43Some nasty book is telling you how to live your life?
07:46Nah-uh, not on Lashana's watch.
07:49It just so happens that I'm an expert in dealing with haters.
07:52Now, take me to this book.
07:56Back so soon?
07:58Oh, hey, who are you?
07:59Zip it!
08:00Is it true you've trapped my friend in a magic loop until she lives up to some made-up, rando measure that you decide?
08:06Uh, not exactly.
08:08I was just teaching her a lesson.
08:10I swear, I would have let her go the moment she was perfect!
08:13Well, that's odd, because queens like me and Courtney are born perfect.
08:18So, I'm not sure what you were waiting for.
08:20Of course, you're perfect, so I guess you're free to go.
08:24Oh, it's too late for that. You're about to get taught.
08:27No, wait, please! Let's talk about this!
08:32Oh, she's good!
08:44No, wait, please! Don't do this!
08:51The only lesson you need is that you are good enough and no one is allowed to tell you otherwise.
09:03And sometimes, I guess it's okay to make mistakes.
09:06Ooh, Lashana, you okay? That was a nasty fall.
09:10What? She didn't fall, Chef. She meant to do that.
09:14And if you don't think it was awesome, then you're just a hater!
09:23I just try so hard to be a perfect teacher.
09:28I believe I can help with that.
09:33Good kitty.
