Breastfeeding - The Best Mother's Day Gift for Mom & Baby!

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This Mother’s Day, UNICEF highlights the best gift for both moms and babies – breastfeeding! Discover why breastfeeding is essential for a child’s development and how it strengthens the bond between mother and baby. Learn about the health benefits for both, supported by UNICEF’s advocacy. Celebrate motherhood and the gift of life by promoting breastfeeding. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more parenting insights and health tips!


00:00We had a night feed. I purposely did not look at the time so I'm actually not
00:16sure what time I was. I'm guessing it was probably around about just after midnight or so.
00:23This is our next feed of the day. It's early here still. It's about six o'clock.
00:31Not too bad. Not too early is it darling. It's easy to just pack this puppy up.
00:38There we go.
00:45Oh and I can hear a certain dog. He's probably not going to jump up on the bed.
00:59I've brought my water bottle into bed too.
01:37He wants to get up as well.
02:27you might have to get daddy to lift Piper up.
02:38Get up on the bed.
03:00Piper wanted to get up on the bed.
03:10He's a good boy.
04:20you want the crinkly bottle.
05:00You're my good boy, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love
05:29You two are so cute Both boys are about
05:53about the same size at the moment.
05:55Piper is a bit small.
06:13What's Piper up to?
06:15What's Piper up to?
06:19I know.
06:24Shall we pop you on the other side?
06:36Let's put you on the other side.
06:39Oh, everyone's in the bed this morning.
06:50That's so cool, I like this balloon.
06:52That's so clever.
06:54That's actually made out of a glove.
06:58Are you making
07:00the vacuum cleaner sound?
07:02Do you know what he was doing the other night?
07:04He was actually mimicking the vacuum cleaner
07:06sound. He was going
07:10What do you say?
07:22This is life with the kids.
07:34There is no sleeping in.
07:40There's no sleeping in.
07:46Oh, is that what the balloon is?
07:48It's an elephant.
07:52That's so cool.
07:56I actually didn't know what animal it was.
07:58It's an elephant.
08:08What's Piper up to?
08:12What's Piper up to?
08:16Look, he's grabbing hold of my other breast.
08:18This is really normal.
08:20You do do this.
08:24It's thought to be an evolutionary
08:28to increase milk supply.
08:42I think I broke the dog.
08:44You broke the dog.
08:46You broke the dog.
08:48That's no good.
08:50The dog got broken.
09:00The dog's under the bed.
09:02It's the dog under the bed now.
09:04The dog lives
09:06under the bed.
09:10The dog is under the bed.
09:16Shall we pop you on the other side?
09:26Shall we pop you on the other side?
09:30What do you think?
09:32What do you think?
09:38What do you think?
09:40What do you think?
09:42What do you think?
09:44Shall we put you on the other side?
09:50What does a vacuum cleaner say?
09:52What does a vacuum cleaner say?
10:00He was so funny the other night
10:02doing that.
10:08Did you hear that?
10:10That's so cool.
10:14He was mimicking the vacuum cleaner.
10:16That's what the vacuum cleaner says.
10:24You are so adorable.
10:28I love you being the vacuum cleaner.
10:32He was literally mimicking the vacuum cleaner.
10:36I really think that's funny
10:38He was literally mimicking the vacuum cleaner.
10:44It was so funny.
10:46He makes me laugh.
10:52Shall we pop you on the other side?
10:54Shall we pop you on the other side?
10:56We are not in a rush this morning.
10:58We are not in a rush this morning.
11:00Most weekday mornings
11:02we are under the pump.
11:04aren't we?
11:06but it's nice to be a bit lazier on the weekend.
11:10I'm a bit lazier.
11:13Shall we still pop you on the other side though?
11:16Come on.
11:18Come on.
11:21I'm just trying to pop you on the other side.
11:25I'll put out the empty water bottle.
11:29I drink so much when I'm feeding.
11:33So much.
11:35I did work it out the other day.
11:37About 6 litres a day at least.
11:39I'm drinking.
11:41That's a lot of fluid.
11:47He doesn't want to move.
11:49He's quite happy to hang out here.
11:58Because he's still feeding.
12:02He's so happy.
12:33This is where breastfeeding does take patience and time.
12:53Both of us are hydrating for the day ahead.
12:57He's feeding on the left.
13:02No, on the right.
13:04Baby brain and lack of sleep brain is very real.
13:08He's feeding on the right.
13:11We're going to pop him on the left in a minute.
13:24I'm just having some water first myself.
13:29It's incredible how much I drink every day when I'm breastfeeding.
13:33I did work it out.
13:35About 6 litres a day I'm drinking.
13:39That's a lot.
13:52We're going to pop you on the other side darling.
13:58Come here.
14:12He's just hanging out here at the moment.
14:15He is feeding a little bit.
14:18I'm popping him on the other side.
14:22Come here.
14:35I wanted to lie him down.
14:38But he's straight on.
14:45Come here.
14:48I'm going to move with him.
14:51There we go.
15:09He's trying to get a little bit comfy.
15:12You've come off.
15:15Come here.
15:18He's shy.
15:21Come here.
15:30There we go.
15:33There we go darling.
15:36That's comfy for both of us.
15:46I'll pop that one away.
15:53He's going to go for it anyway.
15:56Babies do do this.
15:59Apparently it is an evolutionary adaptation.
16:02To increase milk supply they twiddle with the other one as well.
16:05While they're feeding.
16:15There we go.
16:45He really likes playing with that.
16:48If I'm wearing it.
17:15There we go.
17:45There we go.
18:15There we go.
18:45There we go.
19:15There we go.
19:45There we go.
20:45I'm so tired this morning.
20:48I'm half fallen asleep myself.
20:51Is he starting to fall asleep?
21:15There we go.
21:38This is a wider trunk.
21:41Rest yourself.
21:47He's trying to get a cat nap too.
21:54Broken sleep is so tiring.
21:57Isn't it?
22:14There we go.
22:33There we go.
22:36There we go.
22:44There we go.
22:47There we go.
23:00I love spending this time with him.
23:03He could easily get a bottle.
23:06And drink it independently.
23:09But then.
23:12I would miss out on these moments with him and it's so good because they grow up so fast.
25:30what do you reckon
25:42that's a good walk
