В центре сюжета классический любовный треугольник: супруги Андрей и Анна и молодой возлюбленный Анны Егор. В результате драматических перипетий, происходящих с героями, один из них погибает... Анна счастлива в браке с Андреем, но в ее жизни случайно появляется Егор... Он начинает ухаживать, но она смущается их разница в возрасте – Егор младше Анны на десять лет. Юный поклонник не оставляет надежды завоевать возлюбленную, преследует ее, забрасывает письмами и терроризирует телефонными звонками. Однажды Анна возвращается домой и обнаруживает, что квартира сгорела, а Андрей пропал...
V tsentre syuzheta klassicheskiy lyubovnyy treugol'nik: suprugi Andrey i Anna i molodoy vozlyublennyy Anny Yegor. V rezul'tate dramaticheskikh peripetiy, proiskhodyashchikh s geroyami, odin iz nikh pogibayet... Anna schastliva v brake s Andreyem, no v yeye zhizni sluchayno poyavlyayetsya Yegor... On nachinayet ukhazhivat', no ona smushchayetsya ikh raznitsa v vozraste – Yegor mladshe Anny na desyat' let. Yunyy poklonnik ne ostavlyayet nadezhdy zavoyevat' vozlyublennuyu, presleduyet yeye, zabrasyvayet pis'mami i terroriziruyet telefonnymi zvonkami. Odnazhdy Anna vozvrashchayetsya domoy i obnaruzhivayet, chto kvartira sgorela, a Andrey propal...
In the center of the plot is a classic love triangle: the spouses Andrey and Anna and Anna's young lover Yegor. As a result of the dramatic twists and turns that happen to the heroes, one of them dies ... Anna is happily married to Andrei, but Yegor accidentally appears in her life ... He begins to court, but she is embarrassed by their age difference - Yegor is ten years younger than Anna. The young admirer leaves no hope of winning his beloved, pursues her, bombards her with letters and terrorizes her with phone calls. One day, Anna returns home and discovers that the apartment has burned down, and Andrey is missing...
V tsentre syuzheta klassicheskiy lyubovnyy treugol'nik: suprugi Andrey i Anna i molodoy vozlyublennyy Anny Yegor. V rezul'tate dramaticheskikh peripetiy, proiskhodyashchikh s geroyami, odin iz nikh pogibayet... Anna schastliva v brake s Andreyem, no v yeye zhizni sluchayno poyavlyayetsya Yegor... On nachinayet ukhazhivat', no ona smushchayetsya ikh raznitsa v vozraste – Yegor mladshe Anny na desyat' let. Yunyy poklonnik ne ostavlyayet nadezhdy zavoyevat' vozlyublennuyu, presleduyet yeye, zabrasyvayet pis'mami i terroriziruyet telefonnymi zvonkami. Odnazhdy Anna vozvrashchayetsya domoy i obnaruzhivayet, chto kvartira sgorela, a Andrey propal...
In the center of the plot is a classic love triangle: the spouses Andrey and Anna and Anna's young lover Yegor. As a result of the dramatic twists and turns that happen to the heroes, one of them dies ... Anna is happily married to Andrei, but Yegor accidentally appears in her life ... He begins to court, but she is embarrassed by their age difference - Yegor is ten years younger than Anna. The young admirer leaves no hope of winning his beloved, pursues her, bombards her with letters and terrorizes her with phone calls. One day, Anna returns home and discovers that the apartment has burned down, and Andrey is missing...
Short film