How to meditate continuously for 24 hours? || Acharya Prashant (2020)

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Video Information:
Myth Demolition Tour, 22.2.20, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

~ How to be in meditation whole day?
~ How to practice meditation daily?
~ Why methods of meditation are called bondage?
~ How to do real meditation?
~ What is real meditation from the point view of Vedanta?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste Acharyaji, couple of days ago I asked you a question regarding thoughts at the time
00:14of meditation and you completely destroyed me and I've been trying to assimilate what
00:21you had said.
00:22So the point you had mentioned is that meditation cannot be only a one-hour practice a day or
00:28two-hour practice a day.
00:29It has to be something which you know throughout the day you are able to be in a state which
00:35does where thoughts don't where you don't engage in actions that develop thoughts that
00:39bother you during meditation and I've been listening to you and I've been trying to understand
00:45this but I am not able to you know get the full grasp of it.
00:50The mind keeps coming back saying that how can you be in action during the day and you
00:55know trying to do things trying to achieve things and the purpose of the meditation is
01:01that you want to sit probably for one hour a day just to be you know calm trying to do
01:08some prayer trying to do some this thing to keep yourself down the effect of that you
01:11can see that after you do the prayer and meditation you are able to feel calm but during the day
01:17unfortunately it slips out the mind slips out you get aggressive you want to prove things
01:22your identity steps in so probably the question which I have is is there a way that you can
01:28be in a meditative practice throughout the day so through the last two three days of
01:34satsang with you which have been very very useful I see that you know you need to engage
01:39in actions which do not create conflict in you so that is something which I am taking
01:43away from the satsang but I'm not able to I didn't I'm not able to get it clear you
01:47don't need to do anything this one special hour of meditation is something that you do
01:57when it is something that you do then it remains a function of the doer so the doer expresses
02:08himself as another doing called meditation you're anyway doing a lot of things see what
02:21is it that you are doing and if you see no peace in that good for you if you are saying
02:33that you have tried to observe your daily actions thoughts emotions etc and you have
02:40seen anger and conflict and distraction and therefore you feel that meditating 23 hours
02:48a day is difficult then your meditation is actually succeeding and I'm talking of the
02:5524-hour meditation at least now you are able to see how your entire day actually is and
03:10our nature is such that if we really encounter noise and acknowledge noise as noise we will
03:25no longer be able to support noise if we encounter conflict and do not try to give it a
03:40made-up name or decorate it instead if we just acknowledge it as conflict then we'll
03:54no longer be able to support it and therefore we will not sustain it that is meditation
04:07it says that real meditation is a dirty thing it's a dirty thing because it needs you to
04:14plunge directly into the dirt and filth of your daily life artificial meditation of the
04:23one-hour type is a very clean thing having spent the entire day in the pardon me the
04:38usage gutter of common life we come back to the one clean holy place that we have artificially
04:53reserved for meditation take a shower hmm use some incense play some mystical music
05:12and sit down to bathe in the divine what nonsense real meditation will be tricky dirty and quite
05:30hurtful it involves seeing things for the really for what they really are it involves acknowledging
05:43your own face real meditation is showing a mirror to yourself false meditation of the
06:02kind that is very popular is all about putting up the most artificial the most made-up and
06:13the holiest face possible look at people when they are meditating is that them seriously
06:27look at people when they are strutting around with their yoga mats and sitting in this asana
06:37or that asana is that them returning from his yoga class he seriously relishes a piece
06:58of chicken leg in fact the chicken feels even more delicious after the yoga class
07:24having meditated he immediately sets off for his shop and he's a champion black marketer
07:38and meditation helps him in staying calm and quite while he is fleecing the entire world
07:49what kind of meditation is this this is meditation just to sustain the ego right
08:05real meditation is dangerous therefore real meditation is neither practiced nor taught
08:15and obviously it cannot sell real meditation is a day long lifelong activity it's a love
08:28affair you cannot be a lover one hour a day or can you be but you can be a customer of
08:39flesh one hour a day that's something you can do just on weekends hmm or every night
08:48after 10 p.m. just before you go to bed your daily dose of flesh right love is not something
08:55that you can have only at 10 p.m. at night
09:20but 10 p.m. love is convenient meditation is not 10 p.m. love or 7 a.m. love
09:45what happens is that most of these famous or fashionable or popular spiritual practices
10:09just make the same old ego start feeling good about itself I'm getting the ego does
10:21not change it just starts feeling good about itself and that's very dangerous because now
10:31all the possibility of change has been totally blocked you change only when you are dissatisfied
10:39with the way you are but instead of bringing you to change if you are given some technique
10:50that helps you be as you are and yet feel divine and blissful and what not then who
11:02can save you real spirituality is not about pretending that you are already the Atman
11:25that you are already the pure self the truth real spirituality is about seeing that there
11:36is no way you are the Atman that you are the stinking ego light years away from the Atman
11:52real spirituality is not about pampering yourself with notions like you are already
12:04beautiful you are great as you are aren't you already the supreme truth all this is
12:16just self-deception right look at the way you live look at the way you relate consume
12:26by eat are you already the supreme truth exactly how but we all require teachers of the kind
12:45who can come and certify to us that we are great and pure as we are and such teachers
13:03will be greatly in circulation immensely popular
13:17so some trick can be given to you some technique can be given to you some hour can be allotted
13:25in bingo I'll repeat real meditation is a love affair and you pay for it with your life
13:54it's an extremely dirty business the mind will have to bathe in its own blood the mind
14:08will be illuminated but only in the fire of its own annihilation a lot of light is produced
14:23we keep seeking light don't we a lot of light is produced when the ego self-immolates that
14:36is the only light that can really illuminate the ego it's really interesting and I'm able
14:45to assimilate what you're saying and when I'm questioning myself my mind is coming back
14:49with the answer that means whatever you're doing now is getting questioned that my whole lifestyle
14:55is going to get questioned to such an extent that I will probably really need to rethink
15:01because what you're saying absolutely makes sense all the current spiritual practices if you when
15:05I'm logically able to see it it is only amplifying the ego saying that yes you know you have one
15:10out of good but then why am I here so I'm getting it back into that loop that you know I'm introspecting
15:15into my entire lifestyle which will be very interesting dangerous interesting from a distance
15:23interesting from a distance it is scary very dangerous when you actually come to it
15:28thank you Guruji nobody has given this kind of visibility it's good you're thanking me for
15:45bringing scare to you it's it's thanking so that I stop fooling myself which is because being in
15:53this path for some time nobody has brought in this much amount of different perspective which
15:59seems yes this this is something which is also there so if you are going to go in there's going
16:05to be good times there's going to be bad times and eventually all of it should go away so it
16:10requires it will really beat you down very badly hmm let there be no consolations in this regard
16:23leading the false life is quite convenient and that is obvious from the fact that most
16:39people choose to lead false lives now you see the reason why there is clearly a benefit associated
16:48with living falsely when you buck the trend when you want to deviate from the common path then
17:08there is a price to pay and the bigger the deviation the bigger is the price it's just that
17:21after a while if you have patience to sustain yourself for that long you discover that the
17:34price you were paying was actually the burden you were offloading so it was not a price at all but
17:44when you begin to pay it hurts it will seriously hurt let there be no doubt about it be prepared
18:02and drop all the fantastic notions that spirituality brings bliss and this and that first of all the
18:12experience will be of great hurt it would feel as if you are being torn apart hmm and you will have
18:25a great desire to return to your old ways your old life that's why patience will be difficult
18:34even if there is bliss it is a very courageous kind of bliss it is the bliss that a warrior earns
18:55after sustaining a hundred cuts on the body right it is the bliss that you know of when you have
19:14fought wholeheartedly and yet lost that kind of a bliss not the cheap kind of bliss which
19:27is very similar to physical pleasure and mental happiness ask most people who talk of spiritual
19:38experiences or bliss or the divine touch are they talking of anything other than physical
19:51pleasure and some version of the same old kind of mental happiness spiritual bliss has
20:00a totally different quality to itself it is the bliss of the bankrupt man who has sold
20:14away everything he had for something very intangible as intangible as love probably not
20:36a cut out for it probably this is a realm of only a few people that's something very sad to
20:49acknowledge but the more you look at the world the more you are forced to acknowledge this probably
21:00not all are cut out for spirituality probably not everyone has the intention to pay up
21:09capability is earned along the way so capability is not such a big problem the problem is intention
21:26itself it will might just poke into the spiritual world peep in for a while window shop a little
21:45but when it comes to permanently settling down in the land of truth there are very few takers
22:02we come to the land of truth as tourists with the return tickets already booked we don't come
22:23to belong we don't come to settle down do we that one hour of tourism daily tourism won't
22:38work just as this one week or one month of Rishikesh for a won't work one doesn't go to
22:59the truth on a visa
