• last year
Pemerintah berencana menerapkan pajak minimum global (global minimum tax/GMT) sebesar 15% mulai tahun 2025.

Adapun pajak minimum global 15% merupakan hasil kesepakatan Pilar 2: Global Anti Base Erosion (GLoBE), dengan negara-negara sepakat menerapkan tarif minimum pajak untuk perusahaan multinasional. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi praktik perusahaan yang memindahkan keuntungan ke negara-negara dengan pajak rendah.

Untuk itu, Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) tengah mengkaji ulang skema pembebasan pajak atau tax holiday. "Tax holiday tetap ada, tapi ada penyesuaian dengan konteks pajak minimum 15%," kata Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF) Kemenkeu Febrio Nathan Kacaribu.

Di Indonesia, mengingat Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) Badan saat ini ditetapkan sebesar 22%, maka pembebasan pajak yang bisa diberikan pemerintah yaitu sebesar 7%. Angka itu diperoleh dari pengurangan PPh Badan 22% dan pajak minimum global 15%.


00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:14The government will impose a global minimum wage of 15% starting in 2025.
00:20The Ministry of Finance will change the holiday tax scheme for all investors.
00:31The government will ratify the implementation of a global minimum tax of 15% in 2025.
00:39Moreover, the implementation of a global minimum tax of 15% is a result of the Pillar 2 Global Anti-Base Erosion Agreement.
00:47Where G20 countries and Organizations for Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD
00:53agreed to implement the principle of a global minimum tax as a critical step to counteract the practice of aggressive taxation
00:59and the relocation of investors to places with lower tax rates.
01:04The implementation of a global minimum tax aims to reduce the practice of companies that transfer profits to countries with low taxes.
01:12To ratify the agreement, the head of the fiscal policy body of the Ministry of Finance, Febrio Natan Kacaribu stated,
01:19the government intends to change the holiday tax scheme that has been in effect.
01:24In Indonesia, the income tax or body PPH is currently set at 22%,
01:30so that the tax exemption that can be given by the government is 7%,
01:34or obtained from a 22% PPH reduction and a global minimum tax of 15%.
01:40Febrio admitted that the implementation of this policy has the potential to reduce the interest of investors in investing in Indonesia.
01:47However, the government will continue to implement this minimum tax requirement
01:51in order to ensure that the income of taxes that are not taxed in Indonesia is not affected by the top-up tax by the country itself,
01:58so that the right to tax is still obtained in Indonesia.
02:02Previously, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Thomas Jiwandono said,
02:05the implementation of a global minimum tax is important,
02:08considering the development of technology and digitalization.
02:12This development makes the country's boundaries more unclear,
02:16so that many multinational companies operate in a number of countries without the presence of their companies.
02:22This condition causes the traditional tax system that has been implemented so far cannot withdraw taxes from those companies.
02:28Whereas multinational companies that generally operate in this technology sector
02:32take a lot of benefits from the countries where they operate.
02:36Various sources on IDX channel.
02:41In the trial to discuss our next interesting topic,
02:43with the effectiveness of the global minimum tax in Indonesia,
02:48has been connected through Zoom with us,
02:50there is Mr. Ruben Hutabarat, Deputy Director of the Center for Indonesian Taxation and Analysis, or CITA,
02:56and also Mr. Sureshnu Iwantono,
02:58Chairman of the Public Policy Department of the Indonesian Business Association, or APINDO.
03:02We will just stop for a moment.
03:04Welcome, Mr. Ruben. How are you, sir?
03:08Good morning, Mr. David. Good morning.
03:11Thank you for joining us, Mr. Ruben.
03:13And next is Mr. Sureshnu Iwantono,
03:15Chairman of the Public Policy Department of APINDO.
03:17Mr. Sureshnu, how are you? Thank you for joining us, sir.
03:20Good morning.
03:23First, I will go to Mr. Ruben first.
03:26Mr. Ruben, how do you review the tax policy
03:30for foreign capital mining companies in Indonesia so far?
03:35So far, foreign capital mining companies
03:39do not have a specific implementation policy,
03:43just like companies in general.
03:48However, the characteristics of these foreign capital mining companies
03:53is that they can make regular transactions
04:01with their foreign affiliation companies,
04:06which makes it possible for transfer pricing to occur.
04:12Transfer pricing practice,
04:14where there is a risk of selling prices
04:17that are under the control of foreign capital mining companies,
04:19is determined by the value of interest.
04:23However, in fact, the government has already implemented a regulation
04:28that can prevent the occurrence of tax evasion
04:33with the transfer pricing mechanism.
04:37Actually, that's it.
04:38In particular, foreign capital mining companies in Indonesia,
04:43their tax regulations are different from foreign capital mining companies.
04:51That's it.
04:52Okay, but if we look at the current economic conditions in Indonesia,
04:56is it time for the Indonesian government
04:59to ratify this global minimum tax system, sir?
05:04Yes, it is.
05:05Especially, perhaps, the first factor to be remembered is
05:09that it has been included in the Tax Regulation Harmonization Law
05:16since 2021.
05:19So it's time to apply it,
05:24because there is already a law.
05:26In fact, if for a long time,
05:28the implementation of this global minimum tax policy is not applied,
05:35the regulations in the 7th Law of 2021
05:41will be like a matchstick,
05:45a regulation that is not implemented.
05:48Therefore, we are happy that the government will apply
05:54the regulations that have been included in the law since 2021.
05:59That's it, Mr. David.
06:01Okay, I'll go to Mr. Sutrisno.
06:03From a businessman, what do you think of this policy,
06:07the implementation of the global minimum tax in Indonesia?
06:12Yes, thank you.
06:15I think indeed for the global business climate,
06:24the so-called sponsor pricing seems to be a model,
06:29especially for large companies
06:32who have the ability to set up company branches in various countries.
06:39By enabling them to transfer profits from certain countries
06:45whose tax rates are high to other countries whose tax rates are low.
06:54With this global minimum tax,
06:59it makes it possible for the government, including Indonesia,
07:03to reduce the impact of the transfer of profits,
07:09which is likely to cause us to not be able to get income
07:13from the companies that invest here, especially global companies.
07:18But actually, there are also companies outside that are considered digital,
07:25which are also many that may not be able to be reached by our tax.
07:34Therefore, I think this policy has a positive value
07:40to be able to reach the companies that will be taxed.
07:46Although there are other parties who predict the possibility
07:52that there will be companies that will move from us.
07:56I don't think we need to worry too much about that.
08:00Because I see from the positive side,
08:03there are actually more multinational companies that invest in us
08:07than global companies.
08:10Because this system is applied to global companies, multinational companies.
08:19So, because Indonesia doesn't have too many companies that operate globally,
08:27the possibility of multinational companies abroad will not be too limited.
08:34Okay, I'll go back to Mr. Ruben.
08:36Mr. Ruben, when this policy is implemented,
08:40what kind of positive impact will Indonesia get
08:43if we relate it to the future income of the country?
08:47So, according to the OECD prediction,
08:51from the Global Minimum Tax policy,
08:57it is estimated that there will be USD 150 billion
09:01in addition to the implementation of the Global Minimum Tax.
09:05Of course, that is not fully Indonesia's right.
09:09But what should be remembered is that
09:12if there is a little more, Indonesia will definitely be split.
09:16It will be divided into allocations that add up to around USD 150 billion.
09:24If we only get 10%, that's enough.
09:27Why do I think we will get a sufficient amount?
09:31Because we have to remember that Indonesia is a market country.
09:38Indonesia is a market country.
09:39Indonesia is the target country for products sold by developed countries.
09:49Therefore, there is a possibility that
09:52what is produced from us as a consumer country
09:57which we should also get part of,
10:02from that result,
10:03we can also get part of the income generated by Indonesia.
10:12If we don't get it at that time,
10:17the company that sells goods to Indonesia
10:21is also in a country where the tax rate is lower than Indonesia
10:30or even not taxed at all,
10:33like the countries in the T7 countries that are 0%,
10:37such as BVI, Cayman Islands.
10:40That's it.
10:42Mr. Ruben, your writing is interesting.
10:44We still have one more segment.
10:46We will stop for a while.
10:47We will continue later.
10:48And the market reviewer will be back in a moment.
11:01The market reviewer
11:09The market reviewer is still in the market review.
11:11Before we continue the discussion,
11:13we will first provide some information on the graph
11:16collected by our team.
11:18Let's go straight to the first graph.
11:20The market reviewer will try to see Indonesia's tax ratio against GDP.
11:25In 2016, it was 10.4%.
11:28In 2017, it was 9.9%.
11:31From 2018 to 2020, it was 8.3%.
11:37In 2020, 2021, and 2022, it was above 10%.
11:44In 2023, it was 9.6%.
11:47In 2024, it was 10.12%.
11:53In 2025, it was 12.23%.
11:57Let's move on to the next graph.
11:59The tax rate in the last few years,
12:03in terms of GDP per capita,
12:05has been increasing.
12:08From around 40 million GDP per capita
12:11between 2018 and 2020,
12:13it rose to 66, 70, and 72.46 million GDP per capita in 2021.
12:23Let's move on to the last graph.
12:25The last graph shows the country's GDP in 1 trillion rupiah.
12:28The target in the APBN
12:30from 2018 to 2025.
12:34In 2024, the target was 2,802.30 trillion rupiah.
12:39In 2025, it seems to have risen to 3,005.10 trillion rupiah.
12:46Those are some graphic information
12:49collected by our team.
12:51I hope it can be a reference for you.
12:55Let's continue our discussion
12:57with Mr. Sutrisno Iwantono,
12:59Chair of Public Opinion Policy,
13:01and Mr. Ruben Hutabarat,
13:03Deputy Director, Center for Indonesia Taxation Analysis.
13:07Let's go to Mr. Sutrisno first.
13:10Mr. Sutrisno, just like the government policy,
13:13when it is implemented,
13:15there are other strategies,
13:17especially for other taxes.
13:20One of them is tax holidays,
13:24or other tax policies.
13:27What do you think of the government's strategy, Mr. Sutrisno?
13:36Hello, Mr. Sutrisno.
13:40You can turn on the camera, sir.
13:42Yes, I'm sorry.
13:44I think if it's related to taxes,
13:46it must be related to investment,
13:50both domestically and internationally.
13:54Indeed, the investment policy
13:57is not exclusively determined by taxes.
14:02But many people still think
14:05that the tax system in Indonesia is not too ideal.
14:08For example, the interest rate is still high,
14:11then transparency,
14:13but there are also other factors
14:15other than taxes
14:17that also impede investment,
14:21including infrastructure, etc.
14:24We hope that our tax rate is still low.
14:31One way is to expand the tax base.
14:37If we want to expand the tax base,
14:41our industry will be more and more concentrated.
14:47There are large companies,
14:50small companies,
14:52and very small companies
14:54are not likely to be taxed.
14:56Therefore, to get a tax effect from there
15:00is not significant enough.
15:02In my opinion, in such a condition,
15:05the level of concentration must be reduced
15:09by expanding or increasing middle-class entrepreneurs
15:15so that middle-class entrepreneurs
15:18become good taxpayers.
15:21Others will certainly create jobs for our community.
15:26I think this is what we see from there.
15:32Then, related to the global minimum tax,
15:41I think we are doing well.
15:43Hopefully, Indonesia will not be continuously
15:47sucked in by large investors
15:51who then bring their money abroad,
15:57but we don't live here.
16:01Back to Mr. Ruben.
16:03Mr. Ruben, what is your opinion?
16:05Is it true that from the implementation of this global minimum tax,
16:10other taxes are not needed at all?
16:12Or do we still have to go both ways
16:14even though the percentage is lower?
16:20So, Mr. David,
16:22this global minimum tax is actually targeting multinational companies.
16:27Multinational companies mean companies
16:30that operate in various countries
16:33where one of their activities,
16:36one of their subsidiaries,
16:39also operates in Indonesia.
16:41Or it could be that they don't operate,
16:43but they also market their products in Indonesia
16:46through one of their representative offices.
16:50So, this shouldn't interfere with companies
16:55that only operate in Indonesia.
16:58So, they don't have subsidiaries abroad.
17:03So, related to the relationship with tax holiday,
17:10with the existence of this global minimum tax,
17:13basically, tax holiday can be a tax holiday
17:16that can provide income tax facilities up to 0%.
17:21The basic file can still be provided,
17:25but there will be a top-up later
17:27until the company that gets the tax holiday
17:33in the country that gets the tax holiday
17:35can be asked to increase the payment
17:39up to a maximum of 15%
17:42in the country where it is domiciled.
17:47So, the purpose of this global minimum tax
17:50is actually to prevent the avoidance
17:53of tax base to the country
17:56that provides tax holiday or tax rate,
18:01or even does not apply tax at all.
18:04So, the practice of providing tax holiday
18:10or giving the lowest tax rate
18:13can be stopped.
18:15Countries do not compete to lower their tax rates.
18:20So, it should be remembered that
18:22even though in Indonesia there is an industry
18:25that provides tax holiday,
18:27later when this global minimum tax is applied,
18:30in the end, it still has to top up
18:32the income tax as much as 15% of the income tax.
18:39So, this is related to the current law.
18:45Mr. Sutrisnu said that this condition
18:48will give an impact to the interest
18:51to invest in Indonesia will decrease.
18:53Are you worried about that, Ruben?
18:56If the global minimum tax is the only variable,
19:03of course not.
19:05Because in the end,
19:07a country that is tied to a multilateral instrument
19:10that ratifies the law
19:12has applied a minimum tax of 15%.
19:16So, wherever a company places its company
19:22in any country,
19:24it will still be subject to 15%.
19:26So, the location will no longer be
19:30determined based on the tax rate in the country.
19:36So, it is expected that
19:38the investment of a company is purely
19:41because of the prospect in the country.
19:44Not because it wants to avoid
19:47or reduce the tax rate that it pays.
19:53Lastly, I go back to Mr. Sutrisnu.
19:55Briefly, sir, how do you see
19:57the implementation of this global minimum tax?
19:59What is the ideal?
20:01Especially in the new government, Mr. Sutrisnu?
20:04Yes, I think the important thing is
20:08that socialization must be done.
20:11And then listen to all parties.
20:14Don't let it be implemented
20:17and then not get support from various parties.
20:21Because in principle, this is good.
20:24To be able to avoid people
20:29who want to hide their profits in the country.
20:33Although I understand, as I said,
20:35there are also those who do it
20:39because it could be that the multinationals
20:42will move to countries that do not ratify.
20:46For example, if the economic prospects are good there.
20:50Therefore, I often go back to the issue of implementation.
20:55Often the government policies in Indonesia
20:59do not involve stakeholders when it is issued.
21:05Because the implementation is quite detailed,
21:08it must also be transparent.
21:10It must be understood by all parties.
21:13I think the point is,
21:15please invite all parties to talk about it.
21:19Thank you, Mr. Sutrisnu.
21:22And thank you also for your time, Mr. Ruben.
21:24We are quite limited.
21:26Thank you for being a reference for the audience.
21:29Mr. Ruben, Mr. Sutrisnu, thank you for joining us.
21:35Thank you, Mr. Sutrisnu.
21:37Thank you, Mr. Ruben.
21:39Thank you, Mr. Ruben Huta Barat,
21:41Deputy Director, Center for Indonesia Techchain Analysis,
21:44and Mr. Sutrisnu Iwantono,
21:46Chairperson of Indonesia's Public Association Business Policy, APINDU.
21:51And viewers, don't forget to watch the Free Session Closing program
21:55which will air at 11.30 p.m. on Indonesia Barat.
21:58Because the future must be ahead.
22:00I am Investor Saham, I am David St. Oval,
22:02and see you again.
