Watch The Bullwinkle Show 1959 Full Movie

  • il y a 5 heures
00:00C'est parti !
00:30Je m'appelle Boo-Winkle the Moose
00:32et un certain nombre d'autres.
00:37Vite Boo-Winkle, le défilé va commencer !
00:40Je viens autant vite que je peux !
00:43Appelle les gens !
00:48Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
00:49J'enregistre un autographe !
00:51Je m'appelle John Smith.
00:53Mais ton nom est Boo-Winkle !
00:56Je sais, mais c'est difficile à prononcer !
01:01On va avoir de bonnes nouvelles !
01:03Viens nous rejoindre !
01:05Bien sûr ! Il y a toujours de l'espace pour un deuxième !
02:00J'ai trouvé la lune.
02:01Le chef d'oeuvre de l'année, Dr Milton Nudnik, a été donné l'honneur du premier pique.
02:04Que voyez-vous ?
02:05Je vois deux créatures de lune.
02:08Les scientifiques s'appuyaient sur les yeux et, incroyablement, Nudnik avait raison.
02:11Pourquoi ? C'est une mousse de lune !
02:13Et il nous signale !
02:14Qu'est-ce qu'il dit ?
02:15Il dit, ici nous sommes, prêts ou pas.
02:17Bien sûr, un vaisseau de roquettes étrange avait laissé la lune et se dirigeait directement vers la Terre.
02:20Les mots ont disparu.
02:22Extrême, extrême, des hommes de lune pour invader la Terre.
02:24Le Président déclare l'urgence.
02:26Ecoutez-le, c'est Dawson Bell qui parle.
02:28Le vaisseau de roquettes de la lune approche la Terre.
02:30Cette invasion n'est pas un jeu, je le répète, pas un jeu.
02:34S'il vous plaît, n'ayez pas peur.
02:36Et certaines personnes ont peur.
02:37Les magasins ont fermé, les maisons ont été fermées.
02:39Partout, il pleut de peur.
02:41Qu'est-ce qu'il dit, George ?
02:43L'invasion de la lune.
02:45Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il y a de nouveau ?
02:47En même temps, à l'aéroport de Washington, l'ambassadeur de la lune, Crevney Blatt,
02:50et d'autres dignitaires et diplomates attendaient que l'étrange créature tombe.
02:54Il arrive !
02:57Le vaisseau de roquettes a fait un lander parfait,
02:59et tout le monde s'attendait à l'ouverture de l'attache.
03:03Bienvenue, les gens de la lune.
03:05Vous les découvrez, Earth Talk.
03:07Bullwinkle, ils pensent qu'on est des gens de la lune.
03:10Ils le pensent ? Alors appellez-moi votre Président.
03:13Non, non, non, nous devons leur dire la vérité.
03:15Mesdames et Messieurs, je suis Rocky, l'Oiseau volant.
03:18Et je suis Bullwinkle, l'Oiseau.
03:20Et nous sommes tous de Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.
03:22Minnesota ?
03:23Vous voulez dire que vous êtes allés à la lune et de retour ?
03:25Pourquoi ? Ils ont découvert un grand nouveau vaisseau de roquettes.
03:28Et donc, à l'accueil de nos héros, nos aventureurs nous ont raconté leur étrange et incroyable histoire.
03:32Il semblait que, il y a quelques jours, dans leur petite maison à Frostbite Falls,
03:35Bullwinkle avait fait un cake rapide, selon l'ancienne recette de sa grand-mère.
03:39Mais la première couche...
03:41a explosé un peu plus vite que ce qu'ils avaient prévu.
03:43Et la prochaine chose qu'ils savaient, c'était que le vaisseau avait été jeté clair vers la lune.
03:47Eh bien, ils devaient le récupérer.
03:48Bien sûr, nous avons encore deux rembourses.
03:50Et donc, les gars ont mis ensemble leur version d'un vaisseau spatial
03:53et ont utilisé la deuxième couche de ce cake extraordinaire pour les propulser vers la lune.
03:57Et la troisième couche a explosé à nouveau.
03:59Ce cake doit être un vaisseau de roquettes révolutionnaire.
04:01Mon garçon, vous devez faire plus de cake pour votre gouvernement.
04:05Bullwinkle, tu vas devenir un célèbre scientifique.
04:08Eh bien, je suis un étudiant de l'Institut des Mousses de MIT.
04:13Malheureusement, nos garçons n'auraient pas été si heureux si ils avaient écouté deux spies notoriés.
04:18Vous entendez, Natasha ?
04:20Tout d'abord, obtenez la formule et puis...
04:22Tuez le mousse, ou encore pire.
04:24Et donc, un instant plus tard, le nouveau directeur de Guided Moussels a été interrompu par...
04:28Bonjour, votre grand, grand, merveilleux mousse.
04:31Oui, c'est vrai, vous êtes très proche.
04:33Vous allez me donner la recette de grand-maman ?
04:36Quoi ?
04:37Eh bien, j'espère devenir une grand-maman moi-même un jour.
04:40J'aimerais, mais dans l'explosion, je n'ai gardé que la moitié de ma recette.
04:44Je sais combien, mais pas la moitié.
04:47Natasha's friend then did a very un-neighborly thing.
04:51Darling, will you please hold this package for me ?
04:54Well, I plan to leave in a couple of minutes.
04:56Don't worry, you will.
04:58Sounds like a clock.
05:00Bullwinkle's steel-trap mind had done it again.
05:02It was a clock, only attached to 14 sticks of dynamite and it was wired to go off in 30 seconds.
05:08Don't miss tomorrow's exciting episode, Bullwinkle's Ride or Goodbye Darling.
05:18And now it's time for...
05:20Time for the dancing fool, Bullwinkle.
05:23Again ?
05:28And now for one of our special fairy tales.
05:47The Fairy Tales of the Dancing Fool
05:52The Fairy Tales of the Dancing Fool
05:57The Fairy Tales of the Dancing Fool
06:17The Fairy Tales of the Dancing Fool
06:47The Fairy Tales of the Dancing Fool
07:18If that's true, you can take away as much rampion as you like,
07:22but on one condition.
07:24You must give me the child which your wife is about to bring into the world.
07:28In his fear, the husband consented to everything,
07:31and when the baby was born, the witch appeared,
07:33gave it the name Rapunzel, which is short for rampion,
07:37and took the little infant away with her.
07:41Rapunzel grew into a beautiful child.
07:43She played in the woods and was very careful of her long hair,
07:46which she would comb day after day.
07:49When she was 12 years old, the witch shut her up in a tower.
07:52It had neither staircase or door, only a small window.
07:56Matter of fact, there was only one way to climb up the tower.
07:59Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair,
08:04that I may climb the golden stair.
08:07And that was the way.
08:09Well, a couple of years later, the king's son was walking in the forest
08:12and he chanced to hear a song so lovely that he stopped to listen.
08:20The lovely voice came from Rapunzel's tower.
08:24Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair,
08:29that I may climb the golden stair.
08:33Wow! Rapunzel, I have searched far and wide,
08:37but never has my heart been so touched by song or beauty such as yours.
08:42I like you too.
08:44Will you be my wife and live with me in my kingdom?
08:47Yes, I will gladly go with you,
08:49because actually there doesn't seem to be any future here.
08:52I mean, Rapunzel, let down your hair, let up your hair,
08:55gives me a headache, I'll tell you.
08:57Then it's settled. We'll be married right away.
09:00Just let down your hair and we'll be off.
09:02Aren't you forgetting something?
09:04No, what?
09:05Me! If I let down my hair, how am I to get down?
09:08Ah, that's right.
09:10Well, I think you'd better go now, the witch will soon return.
09:13Oh, don't worry, Rapunzel, I'll think of something.
09:17Oh, you've come to fetch your lady love.
09:20Well, you goofed, you'll never see her again.
09:27And so the poor prince wandered, unable to see a thing, eating roots and berries.
09:33Meanwhile, back at the tower...
09:35Oh, you wicked child, I thought I'd separated you from the world,
09:39yet you deceived me, just for that?
09:44Well, now you've done it, we're both stuck here now.
09:47Aren't you forgetting?
09:50And so poor Rapunzel was left to live in the tower all alone and in great poverty.
09:56The poor prince wandered about in the forest for two years.
09:59Then, one day...
10:01Oh, it's... it's hair!
10:04Yes, hair it was, for in the two years,
10:07Rapunzel's tresses had grown to their full length again.
10:10Rapunzel, I told you I'd think of something, and I have.
10:14Only I can't see.
10:15Why don't you take off your hat?
10:18I can see!
10:20Now, climb down your hair, and when I get to the bottom,
10:23I'll explain what happened.
10:25Now, climb down your hair, and when I get to the bottom,
10:28I'll explain my plan.
10:30What's your plan?
10:33Jump? That's your plan?
10:36Some plan!
10:41After three days in the barbershop,
10:43Rapunzel and the prince were married and lived happily ever afterward.
10:47That is, until one day...
10:49Darling, I know this sounds fantastic and utterly absurd,
10:52but I have this uncontrollable desire to have a salad
10:55made from that variety of European bellflower.
10:57A rampion?
10:58Yes, dear, a rampion.
11:00Well, here we go again!
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15:34This court can see no reason why
15:36If a boy can have a dog, a dog can't have a boy.
15:42Sherman, let's get one thing clear.
15:45I will never submit to being addressed by that ridiculous name.
15:48You will call me Mr. Peabody.
15:50Or, when speaking informally, simply Peabody.
15:53Yes, Mr. Peabody.
15:55So, that was that.
15:57But I soon found it next to impossible to raise a boy in an apartment.
16:00Guppies, yes, but a boy, no.
16:03They need running room.
16:05So I built this for Sherman's birthday.
16:07Happy birthday, Sherman.
16:09Gee, thanks, Mr. Peabody.
16:11But what is it?
16:12Well, actually, it's a time machine.
16:14I call it a Wayback.
16:16We just set it, turn it on, open the door,
16:19and there we are.
16:21Or were, really.
16:22Puribusc delenda est in tres partes argentum sum.
16:27What did he say? What did he say?
16:29Simple, he said, oh, never mind, I'll fix it.
16:33So, friends, for a good buy in an URU's chariot,
16:37it's Publius Maximus the Grinning Gaul.
16:40It sounded better in Latin.
16:42Can we go somewhere else?
16:43Of course.
16:44With this key, friends.
16:45Mr. Franklin, the lightning!
16:47I intend to demonstrate the principle
16:49illustrated by the storage properties of the Leyden jar.
16:53Be off, the lightning is...
16:56Gee, we couldn't get a word in edgewise.
16:59I know.
17:00A few more adjustments, and behold,
17:02not a time machine, but a should-have-been machine.
17:06With this key, friends.
17:08Mr. Franklin, your kite is going to be struck by lightning.
17:11Oh, really?
17:13It's nice to be a part of history.
17:16But all in all, it's just the thing for a boy in an apartment.
17:19Eh, Sherman?
17:21Well, I thought it was.
17:23Of course, he's only a boy, and...
17:25Mr. Peabody, that's the nicest present anybody ever had.
17:29Yes, yes, of course, Sherman.
17:31No doubt about it.
17:33Every dog should have a boy.
17:50Private Bullwinkle, sir, with a message!
17:52Just in time!
17:53Is it important?
17:54Is it? Just look!
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20:57But you are top nuclear physicist!
20:59How come you are sent to Siberia?
21:01My biscuits were too heavy.
21:04In the USA, grandmothers rose to national prominence.
21:07As advisors to the president...
21:09It's raining. You'd better put on your rubbers.
21:12As scientists...
21:13I'd like you to meet our new head of research and development.
21:17Hello, boys.
21:19Even bathing beauty contests took on a new look.
21:21Grandmothers reigned supreme.
21:24Rocky and Bullwinkle were still hard at work.
21:27Here's the latest one, Rocky.
21:29Will it make a good rocket fuel, Bullwinkle?
21:32I don't know, but it'll sure make a dandy lunch.
21:35The boys wouldn't have been so happy if they had looked behind them.
21:38For at that moment...
21:39A scaly green hand was raising a strange weapon and pointing it right at their heads.
21:44Don't miss the next exciting episode...
21:46Bullseye Bullwinkle or Destination Moose!
