• il y a 2 semaines
00:30Bien, c'était une funéraille assez chère, si vous le permettez, Mr. Scrooge.
00:33Et bien sûr.
00:35Qu'est-ce qui sert finalement à Jacob Marley maintenant ?
00:40Mais il était votre partenaire et ami.
00:42Il l'était, monsieur. Il l'était.
00:47Et j'espère que vous voulez des rembourses aussi.
00:51Ah, merci, monsieur.
00:55Mais, monsieur...
00:57Ce n'est pas trop, c'est ça ?
01:01J'ai changé.
01:08Ah, oui.
01:10Ebeneezer Scrooge a fait un grand barrage à la funéraille de son seul ami.
01:15Mais les grands barrages, c'est son stock en commerce.
01:18Et il est devenu le plus important de tous.
01:21Le plus important de tous, c'est son stock en commerce.
01:24Et il est devenu encore plus froid et plus dur au cours des 7 ans qui ont passé entre la funéraille et ce Noël.
01:34Est-ce que ça suffit pour une famille de neuf ?
01:37Cet homme turc serait capable de faire tomber l'ensemble de sa famille.
01:41Je reviens.
01:43Bonsoir, monsieur.
01:52Out of my way.
02:00Away with you. All of you.
02:11Hello, sir.
02:13I employ you to work, Cratchit, not to sit there chattering.
02:17Get on with it.
02:22Merry Christmas, uncle.
02:24Huh ? Huh ? Huh ?
02:30Bah, humbug.
02:32Christmas a humbug, uncle.
02:34You don't mean that, I'm sure.
02:36I do.
02:37Merry Christmas.
02:39What right have you to be merry ?
02:41You're poor enough.
02:42Come, then.
02:43What right have you to be cheap ?
02:45What right have you to be cheap ?
02:47What right have you to be cheap ?
02:49Come, then.
02:50What right have you to be dismal ?
02:52What reason have you to be morose ?
02:54You're rich enough.
03:19What right have you to be cheap ?
03:21What right have you to be cheap ?
03:23What right have you to be cheap ?
03:25What right have you to be cheap ?
03:27What right have you to be cheap ?
03:29What right have you to be cheap ?
03:31What right have you to be cheap ?
03:33What right have you to be cheap ?
03:35What right have you to be cheap ?
03:37What right have you to be cheap ?
03:39What right have you to be cheap ?
03:41What right have you to be cheap ?
03:43What right have you to be cheap ?
03:45What right have you to be cheap ?
03:47What right have you to be cheap ?
03:49What right have you to be cheap ?
03:51What right have you to be cheap ?
03:53What right have you to be cheap ?
03:55What right have you to be cheap ?
03:57What right have you to be cheap ?
03:59What right have you to be cheap ?
04:01What right have you to be cheap ?
04:03What right have you to be cheap ?
04:05What right have you to be cheap ?
04:07What right have you to be cheap ?
04:09What right have you to be cheap ?
04:11What right have you to be cheap ?
04:13What right have you to be cheap ?
04:15What right have you to be cheap ?
04:17What right have you to be cheap ?
04:19What right have you to be cheap ?
04:21What right have you to be cheap ?
04:23What right have you to be cheap ?
04:25What right have you to be cheap ?
04:27What right have you to be cheap ?
04:29What right have you to be cheap ?
04:31What right have you to be cheap ?
04:33What right have you to be cheap ?
04:35What right have you to be cheap ?
04:37What right have you to be cheap ?
04:39What right have you to be cheap ?
04:41What right have you to be cheap ?
04:43What right have you to be cheap ?
04:45What right have you to be cheap ?
04:47What right have you to be cheap ?
04:49What right have you to be cheap ?
04:51What right have you to be cheap ?
04:53What right have you to be cheap ?
04:55What right have you to be cheap ?
04:57What right have you to be cheap ?
04:59What right have you to be cheap ?
05:01What right have you to be cheap ?
05:03What right have you to be cheap ?
05:05What right have you to be cheap ?
05:07What right have you to be cheap ?
05:09What right have you to be cheap ?
05:11Mr. Marley...
05:13Mr. Marley has been dead these seven years.
05:15He died seven years ago, this very night.
05:17We have no doubt his liberality is well represented by his surviving partner.
05:19We have no doubt his liberality is well represented by his surviving partner.
05:21We have no doubt his liberality is well represented by his surviving partner.
05:23At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,
05:25At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,
05:27it is more than usually desirable that we make some slight provision for the poor and the destitute,
05:29it is more than usually desirable that we make some slight provision for the poor and the destitute,
05:31it is more than usually desirable that we make some slight provision for the poor and the destitute,
05:33who suffer greatly at the present time.
05:35who suffer greatly at the present time.
05:37Are there no prisons ?
05:39Plenty of prisons.
05:41And the union workhouses ?
05:43Are they still in operation ?
05:45They are still.
05:47I wish I could say they were not.
05:49The treadmill and the poor law are in full vigour then ?
05:51The treadmill and the poor law are in full vigour then ?
05:53Both. Very busy, sir.
05:57I was afraid, from what you said at first,
05:59that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course.
06:01that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course.
06:03I'm very glad to hear it.
06:05We choose this time because it is the time of all others
06:07We choose this time because it is the time of all others
06:09when want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices.
06:11when want is keenly felt and abundance rejoices.
06:13What shall I put you down for ?
06:23You wish to be anonymous.
06:25I wish to be left alone.
06:27Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen,
06:29Since you ask me what I wish, gentlemen,
06:31that is my answer.
06:33I don't make merry myself at Christmas,
06:35and I can't afford to make people merry.
06:37I help to support the establishments I have mentioned.
06:39I help to support the establishments I have mentioned.
06:41They cost enough,
06:43and those who are badly off must go there.
06:45and those who are badly off must go there.
06:47Many can't go there, and many would rather die.
06:49Many can't go there, and many would rather die.
06:51If they would rather die, they'd better do it
06:53and decrease the surplus population.
06:55Besides, I don't know that.
06:57Besides, I don't know that.
06:59But you might know it.
07:01It's not my business.
07:03It's enough for a man to understand his own business
07:05and not interfere with other people's.
07:07Mine occupies me constantly.
07:09Mine occupies me constantly.
07:11Good afternoon, gentlemen.
07:27But there's one man to whom Christmas time brings no joy.
07:29But there's one man to whom Christmas time brings no joy.
07:31Mr. Scrapes.
07:33They say he's so tight-fisted,
07:35he can't get his gloves off at night.
07:45You'll want all day tomorrow, I suppose.
07:47You'll want all day tomorrow, I suppose.
07:49If quite convenient, sir.
07:51If quite convenient, sir.
07:53It's not convenient, and it's not fair.
07:55It's not convenient, and it's not fair.
07:57If I was to stop half a crown for it,
07:59you'd think yourself ill-used, I'll be bound.
08:01You'd think yourself ill-used, I'll be bound.
08:03And yet you don't think me ill-used
08:05when I pay a day's wages for no work.
08:07Christmas is but once a year, sir.
08:09Christmas is but once a year, sir.
08:11A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket
08:13every 25th of December.
08:15I suppose you must have the whole day.
08:17I suppose you must have the whole day.
08:19Be here all the earlier the next morning.
08:21Be here all the earlier the next morning.
08:23Yes, sir.
08:26Salut, Hans!
08:31Merry Christmas, Bob!
08:33And to you, Peter!
08:37It looks better on you than on me.
08:55It looks better on you than on me.
09:41It humbugs still.
09:55It humbugs still.
10:25Who are you?
10:27In life,
10:29I was your partner,
10:31Jacob Marley.
10:37Dreadful apparition!
10:39Dreadful apparition!
10:41Why do you trouble me?
10:43Man of worldly mind,
10:45Man of worldly mind,
10:47do you believe in me or not?
10:49do you believe in me or not?
10:51I do.
10:53I must.
10:55I must.
10:57Why do you spirits walk the earth?
10:59Why do you spirits walk the earth?
11:01It is required of every man
11:03It is required of every man
11:05that the spirit within him should walk abroad
11:07that the spirit within him should walk abroad
11:09among his fellow man.
11:11And if that spirit does not go forth in life,
11:13it is condemned to do so after death.
11:15it is condemned to do so after death.
11:17It is doomed to wander the world.
11:19It is doomed to wander the world.
11:21Oh, let me
11:23Oh, let me
11:25and witness what it cannot share
11:27and witness what it cannot share
11:29but might have shared on earth
11:31but might have shared on earth
11:33and turn to happiness.
11:35and turn to happiness.
11:43You are fettered.
11:45Tell me why.
11:47I wear the chain
11:49I wear the chain I forged in life.
11:51I made it on earth
11:53I made it on earth
11:55link by link
11:57and yard by yard.
11:59Now I must wear it
12:01as proof of my foolishness.
12:03as proof of my foolishness.
12:05Do you feel the weight of the chain
12:07Do you feel the weight of the chain
12:09you yourself bear?
12:11It was as heavy and long as this
12:13seven Christmas eves ago.
12:15seven Christmas eves ago.
12:17You have had it to insist.
12:19You have had it to insist.
12:21It is a ponderous chain.
12:23It is a ponderous chain.
12:29If only you could realize
12:31If only you could realize
12:33that Christmas spirit is an opportunity
12:35to make the chain lighter.
12:37to make the chain lighter.
12:39I didn't.
12:41And look!
12:43And look!
12:45He he he
12:49But you are a good man of business, Jacob.
12:51But you are a good man of business, Jacob.
12:57Mankind was my business.
12:59Mankind was my business.
13:01The common welfare was my business.
13:03The common welfare was my business.
13:05Charity, mercy, forbearance
13:07and benevolence were
13:09all my business.
13:11all my business.
13:13J'ai l'intention de vous dire que vous n'avez pas encore la chance et l'espoir d'escaper de ma fin. La chance et l'espoir de ma procuration, Ebeneezer.
13:33Vous avez toujours été un bon ami pour moi. Merci.
13:37Vous serez haunté par trois espirits.
13:43Est-ce la chance et l'espoir que vous avez mentionné, Jacob?
13:46C'est le cas.
13:49Alors, je pense que je préfère ne pas.
13:53Sans leurs visites, vous n'auriez pas l'espoir d'éteindre le chemin que j'ai choisi.
14:00Attendez le premier demain, quand la cloche dit un.
14:08Est-ce que je ne peux pas les prendre tous à la fois et les ramener, Jacob?
14:13Attendez le deuxième à la cloche de deux.
14:18Et le troisième à la cloche de trois.
14:23Maintenant, n'oubliez pas de ne plus me voir.
14:29Et regardez-moi pour votre propre bien.
14:33Rappelez-vous ce qui s'est passé entre nous.
15:04Une cloche. Et pas d'espirits.
15:08J'aurais dû rêver, Marley.
15:18C'est vous?
15:21C'est vous qui...
15:24C'est vous qui...
15:27C'est vous qui...
15:31C'est vous le...
15:34l'esprit qui m'a dit de venir?
15:40C'est moi.
15:42Qui et qui êtes-vous?
15:45Je suis le fantôme du passé de Noël.
15:50Descendez et marchez avec moi.
15:54Mais monsieur, il n'est pas l'heure.
15:57Tout l'hiver, pour le bien des pédestriens,
16:01est en dessous de la froide et je suis léger.
16:06Je suis mortel, n'oubliez pas, et proche de tomber.
16:10Prenez un peu de mon doigt.
16:14Et vous devriez vous en tenir plus que ça.
16:24Vous vous rappelez de ce lieu?
16:27Je me souviens. J'ai passé par ces rues en tant que garçon.
16:36Ce sont des ombres de choses qui sont passées.
16:40Même si nous sommes ici,
16:43personne ne peut nous voir ou nous entendre.
16:48Vous connaissez ce lieu?
16:50Connais-je? N'ai-je pas appris ici?
16:54Ah, telle légèreté.
16:57C'est ce qui m'a fait ce que je suis aujourd'hui.
17:02Non, réussi.
17:06Parce que j'ai choisi de passer mon temps à des recherches plus utiles
17:09que du plaisir et de l'amour.
17:12Bon sang, c'est tout vide.
17:16Encore vivant.
17:22Bon sang.
17:24Youhou, mes garçons.
17:26Pas de travail ce soir.
17:28Christmas Eve, Dick.
17:30Let's have the shutters up and...
17:32Let's have the shutters up and...
17:35Let's have the shutters up and...
17:37Let's have the shutters up and...
17:40Let's have the shutters up and...
17:42Get ready to make merry.
17:46Clear the way, my lads, and let's have lots of room here.
17:49Hilly-ho, Dick. Cheer up, everybody.
17:52Right-o, sir.
17:56And, sir?
17:57Ah, the fiddler.
17:59I hope you're going to make us dance this night.
18:01That I am, sir.
18:04Come in, come in, my friends.
18:07Merry Christmas, Mr. Fesserwig.
18:09Hello, Mr. Fesserwig.
18:11Oh, Tony, don't it look exciting?
18:18Merry Christmas!
18:33Merry Christmas!
18:35Merry Christmas!
18:37Merry Christmas!
18:39Merry Christmas!
18:41Merry Christmas!
18:43Merry Christmas!
18:45Merry Christmas!
18:47Merry Christmas!
18:49Merry Christmas!
18:51Merry Christmas!
18:53Merry Christmas!
18:55Merry Christmas!
18:57Merry Christmas!
18:59Merry Christmas!
19:01Oh, well done!
19:03Come on, everyone, now, help yourselves.
19:07Well, Dick, Mr. Fesserwig has done us proud this evening.
19:10That he has, Ebeneezer.
19:12He's a kind, generous gentleman, to be sure.
19:15They seem happy enough on Christmas Eve.
19:19It takes little to make these silly fools so full of gratitude.
19:24You yourself were one of those silly fools.
19:28I was young, but I've grown older and wiser now.
19:32Have you, though?
19:34I have no use for making people happy.
19:37That's hard luck.
19:39My time grows short.
19:42I have one more thing to show you.
19:48It doesn't matter to you.
19:50It doesn't seem to matter at all.
19:52I love you, Ebeneezer, but you love something more.
19:55I love you, Ebeneezer, but you love something more than me.
19:59I take only second place in your life.
20:02What do I love more than you?
20:04A golden idol, which you seemingly worship.
20:13If she'd had more sense and stayed with me, she'd be well off now.
20:17You have a cold heart, Ebeneezer Scrooge.
20:22And a cold body, spirit.
20:24Haunt me no more.
20:26Take me back.
20:34Have you learned anything this night?
20:38Only that as a youth, I was an irresponsible fool.
20:42You've made me regret it, however, and I'm grateful.
20:55I have been dreaming.
20:57There's nothing here.
20:59Especially guns.
21:11Come in.
21:13Come in and know me better, man.
21:16I am the ghost of Christmas present.
21:19Look upon me.
21:26Spirit, take me where you will.
21:29I've already been forth this night, or last night, and I'm anxious to end this ordeal.
21:35Touch me, Rose.
21:50This is where my Clark lives.
21:54A fella called Bob Cratchit.
21:56Four rooms and fifteen shillings a week.
21:59That's why I'm here.
22:01To bless this lowly place?
22:03Of course.
22:05Because what seems lowly to you and lowly to me are obviously different things.
22:11Our mother, we were just outside the baker's.
22:14And we smelled a goose cooking.
22:16And we knew it was ours because it smelled so delicious.
22:19That is good, dears.
22:21Peter, out of there and wait.
22:23But mother, it smells so fine.
22:26Whatever's got your precious father, then.
22:29And your brother, Tiny Tim.
22:35Did you enjoy going to the church this morning, Tiny Tim?
22:38Oh yes, father.
22:40You sang well in the church, lad.
22:42And it has made me hungry.
22:44So do hurry, father.
22:51Hein? Hein? Hein?
22:55Tell me, spiritual.
22:57Why is it that this wretched snuff won't produce a sneeze to clear my head?
23:03You're too mean to give away a good sneeze, Ebenezer Scrooge.
23:10Your values are confused.
23:12Take that sovereign you constantly rub between your fingers.
23:17This is the first sovereign I ever made.
23:21Well, soon it will be worn completely away.
23:25And you'll have lost it.
23:26Then what use is it to you?
23:28Unless it is used for good and not hoarded and admired.
23:32Well, I...
23:37Oh, here comes father and Tiny Tim.
23:40Quick, hide, Martha, hide.
23:46Why, where's our Martha?
23:50Not coming.
23:52Not coming?
23:54Not coming on Christmas Day?
24:02Merry Christmas, father.
24:04My darling girl.
24:08And how did Tiny Tim behave this morning?
24:10As good as gold.
24:12And how did Tiny Tim behave this morning?
24:14As good as gold.
24:16He'll see many a Christmas yet, I'm sure.
24:19Shhh, Bob.
24:24Now, Tiny Tim, you sit there and get warm.
24:27Peter, take the little one to the bakers and collect the goose.
24:31And no tasting it yet, mind.
24:34Right, father.
24:37Well, Tiny Tim.
24:39This will be the finest Christmas dinner we've ever had.
24:44I know it will be, father.
25:05Tell me, spirit.
25:07How is it that Cratchit, a usually rational, dull fellow,
25:12or so I've always observed as his employer at my counting house,
25:16becomes so irrational this night?
25:19He is with his family, and they make him happy.
25:23They make him poor, that's for certain.
25:25Yet that poverty seems to weigh light enough on him.
25:30It is Christmas.
25:32But they have nothing to celebrate Christmas with,
25:35save a sad, inadequate dinner.
25:38It is the spirit of the evening that makes small things seem great,
25:42and inadequate things bountiful.
25:45I don't understand you.
25:46That is why you're here, to understand.
25:49To understand what?
25:50Spirit, of course, and the meaning it gives to things.
25:54But I have found no need for spirit to give things meaning.
25:59Now take money.
26:00You do that often enough, and I don't want to hear about it.
26:08It must be the greatest good in the world!
26:14Yes, it is, and the tenderest.
26:17Will you pass the applesauce, Belinda?
26:19If you pass me more stuffing.
26:28It's delicious. Everything is delicious.
26:31Well, bless my soul.
26:34That is our intention, Ebeneezer Scrooge.
26:38And I think we might be achieving it, slowly.
26:42Well, a merry Christmas to you all, my dears.
26:46May God bless us.
26:48God bless us, everyone.
26:50God bless us, everyone.
26:53I'll give you Mr. Scrooge, the founder of the feast.
26:57The founder of the feast, indeed.
27:00I wish I had him here now.
27:02I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast upon,
27:04and I'd hope he'd have a good appetite for it.
27:06My dear, the children.
27:09Christmas Day.
27:11It should be Christmas Day, I'm sure,
27:14on which one drinks the health of such an odious,
27:16stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge.
27:19You know he is, Robert.
27:21Nobody knows it better than you do, poor fellow.
27:24My dear, Christmas Day.
27:27I'm sure Mr. Scrooge is a good man under his hard front.
27:31After all, he is a businessman.
27:34And his business seems to be making people unhappy.
27:37Still, I'll drink to his health for your sake,
27:41and the day's, not his.
27:43Long life to him.
27:45A merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
27:48He'll be very merry and happy, I've no doubt.
27:51And are you very merry and happy?
27:54After that, I have cause to be, but I'm not.
27:59Why is that so?
28:01Young child.
28:05Tiny Tim.
28:07Tell me if Tiny Tim will live.
28:10I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney corner,
28:14and a crutch without an owner,
28:18carefully preserved.
28:20If these shadows remain unaltered by the future,
28:24the child will die.
28:27Is there no chance he'll live?
28:31If these shadows remain unaltered by the future,
28:35none other of my race will find him here.
28:38What then?
28:40If he be likely to die, he had better do it,
28:43and decrease the surplus population.
28:45You use my own words against me.
28:48You use the words.
28:50Only you can undo them.
28:53There's nothing I can do.
28:55There's nothing I can do.
28:57There is.
28:59But you'll have to find out the hard way.
29:02The hard way?
29:04My time is nigh.
29:15What did you mean when you said I'd have to learn the hard way?
29:18You don't seem to respond to kindness and generosity.
29:25There are other ways.
29:27But what will I respond to?
29:30And from whom?
29:32Those questions will be answered by the next spirit.
29:36I pity you in his unmerciful hands, Ebenezer Scrooge!
29:44No! No, don't leave me, kindly light!
29:47Don't leave me!
29:54Oh, no! No, please!
30:15No! No!
30:21Dis-moi, le fantôme de l'Après-Midi n'est pas venu.
30:25Tu me montrais les ombres des choses qui se produiront dans le futur.
30:31Est-ce vrai?
30:36Fantôme de l'Après-Midi,
30:38je t'aime plus que tout autre spectre que j'ai vu.
30:43Ne me parles-tu pas?
30:47Alors, suivez-moi.
30:50Suivez-moi, esprit.
30:59Non, je ne sais pas grand-chose.
31:01Tout ce que je sais, c'est qu'il est mort.
31:03Quand est-il mort?
31:05La nuit dernière, je crois.
31:07Pourquoi? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé avec lui?
31:11Je pensais qu'il n'allait jamais mourir.
31:14Je ne sais pas.
31:16Peut-être qu'il a essayé de manger de l'argent.
31:18Pourquoi faut-il faire ça?
31:19Pour se rapprocher de lui.
31:24Est-ce qu'il n'y a pas de réverence pour les morts dans ce temps de ton âme, esprit?
31:30Est-ce qu'ils peuvent être si désespérés?
31:33Est-ce que la mort est si inutile?
31:36Il n'y a rien de mal avec le mort de Robin.
31:38C'était un vieux fou.
31:40C'est le mot le plus vrai que j'aie jamais dit.
31:43C'est un jugement sur lui.
31:46Et ce serait un plus grand jugement si je pouvais m'arrêter sur quelque chose d'autre.
31:50Maintenant, Joe, ouvre le sac.
31:55Je donne toujours trop de choses aux filles.
31:57C'est une faiblesse de moi.
32:04Si vous voulez demander de l'argent, je vous le donnerai.
32:08Si vous voulez demander de l'argent, je vous le donnerai.
32:11Et je vous donnerai la moitié de la croix.
32:13Maintenant, ouvre le sac, Joe.
32:20Qu'est-ce que vous appelez ça? Des couches de lit?
32:23Des couches de lit.
32:26Tu ne veux pas dire que tu l'as emprisonné en lui mentant?
32:30Oui, je l'ai fait. Pourquoi pas?
32:33Tu étais en train de faire ta fortune, et c'est un fait.
32:37Tu ne trouveras pas un trou dans cette couche.
32:39Ou un fil, s'il te plaît.
32:41C'est le meilleur qu'il avait.
32:44Et le meilleur aussi.
32:46Ils l'auraient tout gâché si ce n'était pas pour moi.
32:50Que veux-tu dire, ils l'auraient tout gâché?
32:52En le mettant pour être emprisonné.
32:55Quelqu'un a eu assez de chance de le faire.
32:57Mais je l'ai pris encore.
33:02Eh bien, c'est juste pour vous deux.
33:05Il a fait de l'art pour nous quand il était vivant.
33:08Et maintenant, on profite de sa mort.
33:16Ghost, je vois.
33:19Je vois.
33:21Beaucoup d'hommes morts ne sont pas heureux pour moi.
33:25Ma vie est comme sa, même maintenant.
33:35Le ciel merveilleux.
33:38Qu'est-ce que c'est?
33:44Je ne peux pas, mon esprit, je ne peux pas.
33:48Mais n'y a-t-il personne dans cette ville qui ressent une certaine émotion pour cet homme mort?
33:55Si c'est le cas, montre-moi cette personne, je te le dirai.
34:03Il doit être proche de chez moi.
34:06Mais tu marches plus lentement maintenant, Mère.
34:09J'ai appris à marcher avec...
34:12...à marcher avec le petit Tim sur son dos, très vite en effet.
34:16Et moi aussi.
34:18Tim était très léger à porter.
34:21Mais ton père l'aimait. Il n'y avait pas de problème pour lui.
34:24Et il y a ton père à la porte.
34:28Ne pleure pas, père.
34:30Ne t'en fais pas.
34:32Non, je...
34:34Je vais essayer.
34:38Tu as presque terminé ton travail là-bas.
34:41Tu seras terminé avant dimanche, certainement.
34:46Alors tu es allé là-bas aujourd'hui, Bob.
34:49Oui, je suis allé.
34:51Je suis allé.
34:53Je suis allé.
34:55Tu es allé là-bas aujourd'hui, Bob.
34:59C'est un endroit merveilleux.
35:02Si vert.
35:04Mais tu verras ça souvent.
35:07J'ai promis à Tim que je marcherai là-bas dimanche.
35:10Ne penses pas tellement à ça, père.
35:15Maintenant, et quand nous partons tous l'un de l'autre...
35:19Je suis sûr que nous ne devons pas...
35:22Et nous ne oublierons pas le pauvre petit Tim.
35:26N'est-ce pas?
35:28Ou cette première partie qui était entre nous.
35:32Tu me promets?
35:34Oui, père.
35:36Oui, mon cher.
35:40Esprit, je déteste ton domaine.
35:43Il y a de la mort et de la misère partout.
35:46Retourne-moi à mon temps.
35:48Mais avant que tu le fasses...
35:51Dites-moi quel homme nous avons vu mourir.
36:05Avant que je m'approche de la pierre, racontez-moi ça.
36:10Est-ce des ombres que nous avons vues des choses qui seront...
36:14Ou qui pourraient être?
36:21Est-ce moi, le homme qui a mis la pierre sur la pierre?
36:25Qui a été tué et écrasé?
36:28Oh, non!
36:30Non, esprit, non!
36:33Esprit, écoute-moi, je ne suis pas le même homme que je suis.
36:37Je ne serai pas le même homme que je suis.
36:40Toi et tes esprits compagnons m'ont montré mes erreurs.
36:43Je changerai.
36:45Je célébrerai le dimanche dans mon cœur.
36:48Je célébrerai le dimanche dans mon cœur.
36:51Et j'essaierai de le garder tout l'année.
36:54Je ne ferai pas d'abandon les enseignements que vous m'avez appris.
36:57Et je déchirerai l'écriture de cette pierre.
37:01Oh, dites-moi que je peux.
37:13Ils ne sont pas détruits.
37:15Ils sont ici.
37:17Je suis ici.
37:21Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
37:23Je suis aussi léger que une pierre.
37:26Je suis aussi heureux qu'un ange.
37:29Je suis aussi léger qu'un homme bêlé.
37:31Et aussi heureux qu'un garçon de l'école.
37:33Joyeux Noël à tous!
37:36Joyeux anniversaire au monde entier!
37:43C'est toi!
37:45Ha! Ha! Ha!
37:48C'est Dad!
38:00Hey! Hey! What day is this?
38:05Today, my fine fellow. What is it?
38:08What? Christmas Day!
38:10It's Christmas Day! I haven't missed it!
38:14The spirits have done it all in one night!
38:18Hello, lad!
38:20Do you know the potter is in the next street but one?
38:23Oh, yes, sir.
38:25An intelligent boy, a remarkable boy!
38:28Do you know if they've sold the prized turkey that was hanging up there?
38:32What? The one near as big as me?
38:34No, sir, they ain't!
38:36What a delightful boy!
38:38Now, listen, lad.
38:40Cut down there and buy it.
38:42And bring it here!
38:43Right you are, sir!
38:47I'll need some money!
38:49Ha! Ha! Ha!
38:52There's your money, lad!
38:56But how do you know I won't run off with it?
38:58Because I trust you, boy!
39:00And because...
39:02It's Christmas!
39:04Hurry now!
39:07Thank you, spirits of Christmas!
39:14It isn't all very, sir.
39:16Good! Good! You're a fine lad!
39:19Thank you, sir. Any change?
39:21Hmm? What?
39:23Change? Oh, no, you keep that.
39:26Cool! Thank you, sir!
39:28On the contrary, thank you, lad!
39:31A Merry Christmas to you now!
39:37Mr. Scrooge, sir!
39:39Is everything all right?
39:41I mean, am I...
39:43A Merry Christmas, Bob!
39:45May I come in?
39:47Oh! Oh, yes!
39:51Are you feeling well, sir?
39:53Yes, I'm fine.
39:55And you?
39:57I'm fine.
39:59And you?
40:01I'm fine.
40:04Are you feeling well, sir?
40:06Better than you'll ever know, Bob, my boy!
40:10Why, it's Mr. Scrooge, isn't it?
40:13Indeed it is, Mrs. Cratchit.
40:16And at my most ill-mannered.
40:18For I come to invite myself to dinner.
40:21Well, whatever we have is yours.
40:24And what I have is yours.
40:28A Merry Christmas to all of you!
40:32What's got into him, I wonder?
40:35The Christmas spirit, I'd say.
40:37Look at the turkey!
40:39By the look of him, it was more than just one spirit.
40:53Bless you!
40:55Ah, yes!
40:57I truly have been.
41:00We wish you a Merry Christmas!
41:03We wish you a Merry Christmas!
41:05We wish you a Merry Christmas!
41:07Our dear Mr. Scrooge!
