Anne of Green Gables_ The Animated Stories

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Anne of Green Gables_ The Animated Stories
00:00Once upon an orphanage, my life was a near tragic state, I longed to find a brighter place, somewhere full of love and grace, I'd dream of fields with a cool ocean breeze, a home for my own family.
00:26When I got my wish, I pinched myself to make sure this home was real, they sent for a boy but then I was a girl, my dreaming had just let me down again, if I came as a queen with long ebony hair, then maybe they'd feel I was worth it for them.
00:45I'm a good worker in spite of my talking, I've longed to belong here for all of my life, don't send me away without seeing what I see, everything I touch is full of delight, I'll do my best to not let you down, I can imagine a world full of joy, just give me your hand and I'll teach you to hope, you'll find that I've something worthwhile.
01:06Just let me stay here and I'll love you forever, I promise a life full of smiles.
01:47She can gloat, she gets lessons.
01:50At last the irises are in bloom, the shame ugly weeds are choking them.
01:56Just like the weed growing on your head, Aunt.
02:00Ha ha, very funny.
02:03Hey Aunt, look!
02:06Don't give them the satisfaction.
02:10Hey, hey carrots!
02:14You hateful boy, how dare you!
02:42Anne Shirley!
02:44But Miss King, Gilbert called me carrots!
02:50That's no excuse for such a petulant attack.
02:53You are to spend your lunch hour weeding this garden and considering your temper.
02:57But Miss King, you don't really mean I'm to pull out these lovely white flowers.
03:02They're nothing but ugly weeds, Queen Anne's lace.
03:09Otherwise known as wild carrot.
03:13You watch it Gilbert Blythe, you won't unroot me so easily.
03:18Oh yeah?
03:21I've got a plan, you just wait.
03:27Gilbert Blythe has hurt my feelings excruciatingly, Marilla.
03:32What has the boy done now?
03:34Wounded my pride and forced me to a terrible act of aggression.
03:38It will all be back to normal at school tomorrow.
03:42One thing will never change Marilla, I'm the only person in Avonlea with red hair.
03:48I'm tired of being different.
03:50Red hair covers your head as well as any other color.
03:54It's nice and long, which makes it versatile.
03:59My dear brother, I told you to watch those strawberries at Sunday dinner.
04:04I tried to be careful.
04:08Pass me that lemon will you?
04:15Look how white the shirt's getting.
04:17They're better in a pie if you ask me.
04:22What are you doing with those weeds in your lunch pail?
04:26They're not weeds Marilla, they're Queen Anne's lace.
04:30A lovely name, but they don't belong in your lunch pail.
04:34We don't want them taking root at Green Gables, off with them.
04:38Fine, the ugly elements, that is the weeds and I, will be gone.
04:51Pretty weeds.
04:52I thoroughly agree Matthew.
04:54In fact, henceforth I shall call these weeds wildflowers.
04:59Well now they look even better.
05:09They almost rescue your hair.
05:12You like it?
05:14You're on the right track with this, uh, vegetation.
05:18Wildflowers please.
05:20Call them what you like, but with a little ingenuity you could make something out of them.
05:26And people would like them?
05:28Enough to trade them for something even more valuable.
05:33Well, how about a big juicy lemon?
05:37Why that's utterly inspired.
05:47I've tied them all up nicely.
05:50They'll sell like hotcakes.
05:55What beautiful raven hair.
05:57Why thank you.
05:59You see that?
06:00You was rendered speechless at the shocking sight of my red hair.
06:04Oh Anne, your flowers in my hair were probably what caught his eye.
06:11Still, as I improve these wildflowers with ribbon, I will improve on what nature has given me.
06:18All will be revealed Diana.
06:20Come on.
06:22Posies, nosegays, corsages, and my personal favorite, what I call, I call, uh, hair bouquets.
06:32Yes, hair bouquets.
06:34Avonlea is certainly filled with customers desperate to purchase these beautiful wildflower arrangements.
06:40And such a good price.
06:43Yes, and all for one measly lemon.
06:54It worked!
06:56Oh Anne, you're a genius!
07:00Did you see that?
07:02A stranger is in our midst.
07:06Now's my chance to make a good first impression.
07:09I'm sure I'll impress him.
07:11A stranger is in our midst.
07:14Now's my chance to make a good first impression.
07:17He'll never even know I have red hair.
07:19Hello to you lassies.
07:22Oh, hello.
07:24I'm Stuart MacPhail by name.
07:26An invitation to the Highland Games.
07:28Coming to Avonlea this weekend.
07:30The Highland Games?
07:32With the Highland Fling?
07:34Aye, Sunday night.
07:36With the best piper on the island.
07:41Peter Pan? I love this book.
07:44Aye, and the author J.M. Barrie is from Scotland too.
07:48Really? Have you ever met him?
07:50Oh no, but we can talk about it when you come to the games.
07:54Could we have a dance lesson?
07:56Aye, come by tomorrow afternoon.
07:59I plan to compete myself.
08:01Oh brother.
08:03Let's see, I might toss the caber.
08:14I might put the stone.
08:23Or maybe something else.
08:25Maybe the hammer toss.
08:32I happen to be youth champion.
08:34I'll say you are.
08:36I'll teach you tomorrow morning before dance practice.
08:39Why do they call it a hammer toss if there's no hammer?
08:46Don't be a dope.
08:48They call it a hammer toss...
08:54Well that's what it's called.
08:56Gilbert, if you learn to throw hammers as well as you throw insults,
09:00you're sure to win a prize.
09:02See you tomorrow.
09:10How romantic.
09:12A visitor from another country.
09:14I'm determined to make a good impression tomorrow.
09:17He seemed to like you just fine already.
09:20Only because he never saw my red hair.
09:23No, it's because you love books and you're smart.
09:26Did we get the red out?
09:27Not exactly.
09:29Diana, my hopes are dashed.
09:32Lemon may lighten strawberry stains, but it's no mat for my red hair.
09:37Anne, your hair is fine as it is.
09:40It's an oddity, Diana.
09:42I simply can't be seen at tomorrow's dance lesson with red hair.
09:48It's out to get me.
09:50Oh, Anne.
09:56It's perfect.
10:00You're going to get in trouble.
10:03This mop gives me lovely blonde locks, don't you think?
10:07You'll certainly make an impression.
10:18Nice toss!
10:29I'll never learn.
10:31Don't fret. It just takes time.
10:34You have big arms. I don't.
10:37Arms are nothing.
10:42It's all in the legs.
10:45What you need is a kilt.
10:48For good mobility.
10:53Give it a shot.
10:55I suppose it couldn't hurt.
11:02Keep the lifted leg in line with the calf.
11:06Very good.
11:08This highland fling is hard.
11:11I'll say.
11:12You're doing great.
11:14Well done.
11:16It was originally danced after battles to celebrate victories.
11:20How dramatic.
11:22Soldiers dropping their swords to dance right there on the battlefield.
11:26Not quite.
11:28Anyway, now we celebrate culture.
11:30What makes us different and special.
11:32I know all about being different.
11:34You've both learned so fast.
11:37If you come to rehearsal tonight, you could perform in tomorrow's finale.
11:41Perform? Us?
11:43Why not?
11:48Now there's some fancy footwork.
11:54Gilbert, you're wearing...
11:56A wig to cover your red hair?
12:02I don't understand.
12:04Kilt? Red hair?
12:06What's so funny?
12:10Another failure.
12:12This calls for drastic measures.
12:16Now here's just what I need.
12:20He guaranteed that the dye would turn my hair a beautiful brown.
12:24Just in time for tonight's rehearsal.
12:26It'll be hard to imagine you with anything but red hair.
12:29You'll soon forget what I ever looked like with red hair.
12:32Um, and?
12:34Brown or black, anything will be better than red.
12:57I can't believe it!
12:59Green hair!
13:01I'll never be able to hold my head up in Avonlea,
13:05let alone go to tomorrow's dance rehearsal.
13:11As much as I cursed it, I'd give anything for my red hair now.
13:16Imagine if I weren't homely and different.
13:20Imagine if I weren't homely and different.
13:24Imagine if I were beautiful.
13:30But what makes us different is what makes us beautiful.
13:34Dryad? How did you get here?
13:36I was led by the plaintive sounds of a crying girl.
13:41Well, I just want to be like everyone else.
13:44You think so?
13:46Dryad, do you think this dye disaster would have happened if I liked my red hair?
13:51Hmm. All right, then.
13:54Let me show you something. Come on!
14:06The fairy trio are practicing a new composition today.
14:09I think you'll find it quite interesting.
14:12That music is divine. Is it harp?
14:15You might say that. Come on!
14:20But her hair! It's worse than mine!
14:24How can she make such beautiful music and have such ugly hair?
14:28Thanks to one, we get the other.
14:31I don't understand.
14:33The Queen of Green's hair is what gives the harp such magical sounds.
14:38It really is sublime.
14:41I think she admires your hair.
14:44Really? Thank you. Are you sure?
14:49The second member of the trio, the Gap Goblin, is warming up.
14:53How wonderful that he has those teeth.
14:57They help him make such marvelous music.
15:02Hmm. The Nose Nymph.
15:05Need I say more?
15:07They each have something that really makes them special.
15:11We fairies have always believed that it's a good thing that we're all different.
15:18That way, they can make such harmonious music.
15:21Just so long as the smash break doesn't show up.
15:28Can we please make this trio a quartet?
15:32Poor fellow. He's tired of playing in the marching band.
15:37Cymbals or not, that was a wonderful concert.
15:41So, do you still wish you were the same as everybody?
15:46I suppose it's all right to be different.
15:50I'll say.
15:54Till next time, Dryad.
15:57As for you, Anne, you'd better face the music.
16:07That ought to do you.
16:09You should set up a business, Marilla.
16:13Matthew? Marilla?
16:16I was wondering when you'd show up.
16:22Well, now that's a hairdo to beat all hairdos.
16:26I've made a terrible mistake and now my life is over.
16:30Or at least until my hair can grow out again.
16:33You could always shave it.
16:37I'm just trying to help.
16:39Right now, I'd give anything to have my red hair back.
16:43That might be arranged.
16:45Let's put you and your hair out of your misery.
16:53Fortunately, it's only a rinse gone bad.
16:56Easily cured by a quart of vinegar.
16:59That's a great relief.
17:01So long as I don't end up smelling like a pickle.
17:04Do not take this opportunity to seal your lips
17:07and reflect on your actions in silence.
17:10You seem mighty quiet about your own hair-raising story, Marilla.
17:15Matthew, that's of no consequence.
17:18What happened?
17:20Marilla hated her own hair when she was a girl.
17:25It was thick and curly and I was very foolish.
17:30I ironed it.
17:32You ironed your hair?
17:34The volunteer fire department still talks about the smoke.
17:39Oh, shush you.
17:42These days, all the girls want curly hair.
17:46Who knows, maybe someday it will be fashionable to have green hair.
17:54What notions you have, Anne.
17:57I doubt fashion will change that much.
18:00There's my red hair.
18:02I never thought I'd be so glad to see it.
18:09Hooray, Stuart!
18:26Let's try tossing the sheaf.
18:29If you say so.
18:32Point your toes, Anne.
18:35Whoa, whoa.
18:37If only I hadn't been such a fool
18:39and missed yesterday's rehearsal,
18:41then I might stand a chance of being in the performance.
18:44You're doing great. Just keep trying.
18:47Diana, I thank you for being such a good friend
18:50during my desperate episode.
18:53Your alabaster skin and raven hair
18:55don't compare to the beauty within you.
18:58Why, Anne, that's such a kind thing to say.
19:02Yes, it was rather poetical, wasn't it?
19:05Come on, Anne, higher! Higher!
19:22You can do this, Gilbert!
19:26You have two more tries now.
19:28I can't do it.
19:30Didn't you know, say, you used to toss hay?
19:33Into the barn loft, sure.
19:35Then imagine you're in the barn.
19:37I'll try.
19:39You can do it.
19:41Into the loft.
19:43You can do it.
19:45You can do it.
19:47You can do it.
19:49You can do it.
19:51You can do it.
19:53Into the loft.
19:55Into the loft.
19:57You can do it.
20:03Oh, aye, old boy!
20:05I couldn't have done it better myself.
20:13Rather a good old cake, don't you think?
20:16Of course, they're not as good as my family recipe.
20:19Love to chat, Hattie, but the bagpipes are starting.
20:22Bye-bye, Hattie.
20:24Stuart, I humbly apologize for my outburst yesterday
20:27and for missing the rehearsal.
20:29But I've practiced all day and...
20:31And her extension is almost perfect!
20:34And so I wonder if I might possibly dance tonight?
20:37Well, give us a little step.
20:42Well, if the bonnie lass canny fling!
20:46Oh, aye, seems you'd better join us for a spell.
20:50Oh, thank you! Hooray!
20:53Oh, this is great!
20:55And, Diana, I won the sheave toss!
20:58Congratulations, Gilbert.
21:00That's wonderful!
21:02You deserve it.
21:04You were right, Stuart. Strength isn't everything.
21:06Pitching hay must have taught me a thing or two.
21:08I guess wearing a kilt paid off, too.
21:11Looks like it did.
21:13Too bad about you, though, eh?
21:15Looks like you got your hair sunburned!
21:17Your teasing can't upset me.
21:19I now appreciate that my red hair
21:21is a part of what makes me, me.
21:24I'll take my cap off to that!
21:27Why, Stuart!
21:29Oh, yeah, yeah, that's red!
21:31Every hair, and I'm proud of it!
21:34Speaking of showing off, it's showtime!
21:38That's your Anne.
21:40She's full of surprises, that one.
21:43Look at Anne up there.
21:45She might not fit in.
21:47But she sure knows how to stand out.
22:08Oh, what a perfectly magical day!
22:13You were quite a marvel on that stage.
22:16And all that red hair everywhere!
22:18Who would ever imagine?
22:22Are those some of your infernal weeds?
22:26Wildflowers, please.
22:28Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
22:31Oh, yes.
22:33Wildflowers, please.
22:35Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
22:38What a way with words you have.
22:40This Queen Anne's lace makes me feel special.
22:43So long as you feel special,
22:45then everyone else will see you that way.
22:48Don't you two get sentimental on me!
22:51Stuart told me Peter Pan's latest story
22:53is in Kensington Gardens.
22:55I bet it's filled with wildflowers.
22:58Oh, Anne, I'm a mite old for this.
23:01Peter Pan never grew old. Why should you?
23:04Peter Pan believes in fairies.
23:07And so do I, Marilla, so do I.
23:10Weed-wearing, highland-flinging, green-haired fairies.
23:14Och aye!
23:16Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:31Yip! Yip!
23:33Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:35Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:37Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:39Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:41Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:43Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:45Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:47Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:49Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:51Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:53Yip! Yip! Yip!
23:55Yip! Yip!
23:57Yip! Yip!
23:59Yip! Yip!
24:01Yip! Yip!
24:03Yip! Yip!
24:31Yip! Yip! Yip!
