Episode 5 - Submitting to My Best Friend's Dad by Scarlett Rossi

  • 18 minutes ago
The boy had her pinned, and with every movement he was making, I saw red.
“What the f*ck is going on here?"" I snapped, my eyes narrowing at the man before me. I wanted more than anything to rip him apart and watch him die painfully at my hands.
Yet, I wasn't sure why I wanted that so much. Punishing him, yes, I would do that for any woman.
But killing him… it made it feel more personal.
I watched as the kid looked over his shoulder at me and sneered, “Mind your business, old man."""
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00:005. James' Point of View The moment that I walked into the house and
00:05saw the situation Becca was in, I lost it. I had heard her plea for help when I opened
00:11the front door, but it wasn't until I saw her that I realized how desperate she was
00:16for someone to step in. The boy had her pinned, and with every movement he was making, I saw
00:23What the fuck is going on here? I snapped, my eyes narrowing at the man before me. I
00:29wanted more than anything to rip him apart and watch him die painfully at my hands. Yet,
00:35I wasn't sure why I wanted that so much. Punishing him, yes, I would do that for any
00:42woman. But killing him, it made it feel more personal. I watched as the kid looked over
00:48his shoulder at me and sneered. Mind your business, old man.
00:53He did want to die today, didn't he? Kids have no fucking respect anymore. Excuse me.
01:00I sneered. I think you need to leave now. He laughed, and with that laugh, I decided
01:07not to wait for him to comply. You heard me. Before he was able to get another word out,
01:13I had grabbed him and dropped him to the floor, my hand on his throat as I stared daggers
01:19at him. I am the owner of this house, and if you don't leave right now, I will make
01:24sure your future in Miami is done. Do you understand me?
01:29Fear laced the young man's eyes as I stared down at him. He realized he'd fucked up,
01:34and there was no going back from what he'd done. Before he could say anything else, Trevor
01:39and Zane entered the kitchen and dragged the man away. They were in charge of security
01:45and already knew what to do without me saying anything. I wanted to know who he was, and
01:51who his family was. They would all pay for the disrespect he had shown not only to me,
01:57but to Becca as well.
01:58Becca. Turning to face her, I found her on her knees trying to catch her breath. She
02:04was shaken up and seemed to be trying to get her bearings. Are you okay? I asked as her
02:10eyes fluttered up to meet mine, and she shakily stood. My hand reached out to balance her
02:16as she nodded.
02:17I think so, she sighed. I'm so sorry about that, Mr. Valentino. How many times do I have
02:25to tell you to call me James? The soft laugh that left my lips caused her cheeks to blush.
02:31I was making her uncomfortable, but God, every time she did that, all I wanted to do was
02:37kiss her. I'm sorry, James. She whispered. I think I should go. Pushing past me, she
02:45made her way down the hall, but even as I watched her go, I didn't want her to. My
02:51thoughts about her were wrong, yet something about being close to her felt right.
02:56Becca's point of view. Wait. His voice stopped me in my tracks, and as I turned around, I
03:03watched him close in on me. His fists were clenched, and his jaw was sitting in a tense
03:08way that made me uneasy. What's wrong? I can't let you go knowing that you could be hurt.
03:15Are you sure you're okay? His words weren't ones I was expecting, but my heart swelled
03:21knowing that he was concerned. I'm fine, but thank you for making sure. You don't have
03:27to. Furrowed brows stared back at me with confusion. Why wouldn't I have to? Opening
03:33and closing my mouth, I tried to find the words that refused to escape me. I was suddenly
03:39afraid to say the wrong thing in front of him. I know that your concern is only because
03:45I'm your daughter's friend. As I do appreciate you saving me from that guy, I don't want
03:50you to feel obligated to make sure I'm okay. You're not an obligation. His quick response
03:56caught me off guard, and as the space closed between us, I found my back against the wall.
04:02I want to make sure you are always okay. Thanks.
04:06There wasn't much that I could say, but as I looked at him, I could tell he was sincere.
04:11I do appreciate you stepping in to stop him. He stepped towards me, wrapping his arms around
04:17me and pulling me to his chest in a hug. I had never been hugged by this man before,
04:24but something about the way I felt in his arms just seemed right.
04:28James, I whispered softly as he continued to hold me longer than he should have. The
04:34sound of his inhaling the scent of my hair was evident as he slowly pulled away and looked
04:39at me.
04:40No woman deserves to be treated the way you were treated, Becca. Like I said, I will always
04:46make sure that you are okay. Because you deserve to be treated like a queen, not like a piece
04:52of property.
04:53His words stunned me, and before I could say anything, he turned with quick movements,
04:59clenching and unclenching his fists, and walked down the hallway towards his office. I wasn't
05:05sure what had just happened, but I was sure of one thing. James had saved my life in a
05:12My eyes stared down the hall long after his office door had closed. I wasn't sure what
05:17I was supposed to do now, but turning on my feet, I slowly moved towards the stairs
05:23just in time to see Tally flirting with some guy.
05:26Tally, I said calmly as I tried to hold myself together.
05:30Can we talk?
05:32Oh, my God, she exclaimed as she turned to face me. I was wondering where you were. Did
05:38you two hit it off like I had hoped? There was a smirk on her face as she winked that
05:44made me cringe with anger.
05:46Hit it off. Was she fucking serious?
05:49Uh, no.
05:50We most definitely didn't.
05:52I scoffed.
05:54Stunned by my remark, she looked around before her eyes fell once again on the man at her
05:59side. Well, where is he?
06:03At that moment, there was nothing but pure hatred for her and the way she was acting.
06:09This was entirely her fault because she never lets things go or listened when people said
06:15Placing my hands on my hips, I shook my head.
06:18Well, considering your father threw him out of the house, I would say who knows.
06:24Her friend seemed confused and quickly pulled his phone out, no doubt to call the piece
06:29of shit that had come on to me.
06:32Tally quickly said, stepping closer to me.
06:35What happened?
06:36I thought you liked him.
06:38Are you fucking kidding me?
06:40I gasped.
06:42He was a fucking moron who didn't take no too well.
06:45I can't believe that you would tell him I wanted him after I told you no.
06:49Without warning, the guy put his phone away and gestured for the others to go.
06:54Tally's eyes looked around, shocked at what was happening as she ran after them out the
06:59front door.
07:00To think that she was more worried about them leaving than what had happened to me.
07:05It was beyond heartbreaking considering I was her friend.
07:09Storming up the stairs, I made my way towards my room, but before I could even close the
07:14door, Tally was suddenly right behind me.
07:18What the fuck happened?
07:19They said you had my father throw him out of the house for no reason whatsoever.
07:24She yelled looking at me as if I was the one who'd lost my mind.
07:29I replied in disbelief.
07:32Out of all the years you have known me, what part of that makes any sense to you?
07:36He fucking attacked me, Tally.
07:39Tried to force himself on me after I told him repeatedly I wasn't interested.
07:44Crossing her arms over her chest, she sneered at me.
07:48I don't believe that.
07:49He is a super nice guy and comes from a very wealthy family.
07:54Is that so?
07:55I laughed.
07:57Why don't you go ask your dad then because he heard the conversation and can tell you
08:01exactly what happened.
08:03Without warning, Tally marched out of my room, slamming my door behind her.
08:08I didn't care where she was going at that moment.
08:12She had made it clear she was going to believe those fucks over me.
08:15That was a line she shouldn't have crossed, in my opinion.
08:19The more and more I looked at how our friendship had been going over the years, the more I
08:23realized she had changed, and not in a good way.
08:27She was more self-centered, more ridiculous in her entitled opinions.
08:32It was disgusting.
08:34But then, we both grew up with very different lifestyles.
08:38The only thing I could do was decide to cut my ties with her altogether or simply forgive
08:43her and learn to watch myself next time.
08:46A pit of guilt and agony built within my chest as a wave of uneasiness washed over me.
08:53I didn't want to lose her even if she had issues, because I knew the kind of person
08:58she could be, and this wasn't it.
09:00Contemplating my choices, I groaned with frustration and walked to my door to go speak to her,
09:07but as soon as I opened it, I saw her standing there with tear-filled eyes.
09:13She choked out a sob.
09:14He told me,
09:15I'm so sorry for not believing you.
09:18I'm so fucking sorry that I caused that to happen.
09:22Well, fuck.
09:23How am I supposed to be mad at her now?
09:26I wanted to forgive her, but at the same time, I didn't want her to just say sorry because
09:31she was guilty.
09:33That wasn't the apology I expected to have.
09:36Tally, I told you no.
09:38I sighed.
09:39Why can't you just listen to me?
09:41After everything that happened with Chad, you know how I feel about being with another
09:47Nodding her head, she dried her tears.
09:50I know.
09:51I fucked up, Becca.
09:53I didn't think that Alejandro was going to be such a douche.
09:57Honestly, you should have kicked his ass.
09:59Yeah, well I was going to, but of course, your dad came in and ruined my plans.
10:05I teased, rolling my eyes.
10:08Next time.
10:09I will try to do it before he gets there though.
10:12She laughed with me as she sat down on the edge of my bed.
10:16I just want you to be happy again, Becca.
10:18I don't want you to never try to find love again because of him.
10:22There was a sincerity in her words that made me hesitate in my response.
10:27I had never heard her say such things to me like that before.
10:31Usually, she was quick to push away the topic of something bad and tell me to forget it.
10:37Yet, here she sat, drunk and crying in my room when it should have been me upset.
10:43Perhaps she was still the girl I used to know.
10:46I wasn't ready to let my guard down just yet though.
10:49Something inside me told me to be careful.
