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The memory of how he had wrapped me into his embrace sent a warm sensation through my body. The smell of his earthy cologne stuck in my mind as he had brushed his fingers against my skin.
Every bit I loved, and yet, I knew I couldn't have him.
The sound of the front door opening drew me from my thoughts, and as I looked out the window, I watched James walking to his car. His dark hair was styled to perfection as the three-piece suit clung to his body, showing off the sculpted muscles he hid underneath."
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00:006. Two Days For two days, I had avoided him and I was
00:06becoming more nervous every day. I didn't know how to face him after what had happened
00:11to me the other day. The altercations with Alejandro had been traumatic in a sense, yes,
00:17but I was more embarrassed James had seen it. The memory of how he had wrapped me into
00:22his embrace sent a warm sensation through my body. The smell of his earthy cologne stuck
00:29in my mind as he had brushed his fingers against my skin. Every bit I loved, and yet,
00:35I knew I couldn't have him. The sound of the front door opening drew me from my thoughts
00:40and as I looked out the window, I watched James walking to his car. His dark hair was
00:45styled to perfection as the three-piece suit clung to his body, showing off the sculpted
00:51muscles he hid underneath. Fuck, he's gorgeous. As if he could hear my thoughts, his sunglass
00:58covered eyes looked towards me and a smile crested his lip as he slowly turned and climbed
01:04into his car. Seeing him go was a disappointment, but a breath of relief. As a heavy breath
01:11escaped my lips, I closed my eyes, relishing in the fact I had escaped another morning
01:17with him. Another morning where awkward silence would fill the space between us and I would
01:23reel over a thousand words I wanted to say but didn't have the courage to. Then again,
01:29perhaps that was what he wanted. The entire situation was more than confusing and I had
01:35to figure a way to resolve my conflicts.
01:39Tally's voice called from my closed door, pulling me back to the present. My eyes drifted
01:45towards the door.
01:46Uh, yeah. I called back.
01:48Come in. I'm just getting motivated.
01:52The last thing I wanted was for her to know I had been eye-fucking her father, even if
01:56that thought made me sort of excited. God, what the fuck is wrong with me lately? As
02:02the door opened, I smiled, trying to act casual. Tally's brow raised slightly as she stared
02:08at me with a hint of amusement at the corner of her lips.
02:12What are you doing?
02:14Nothing, why?
02:15I quickly replied, not trying to seem obvious, because you look like a kid who got caught
02:21doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing.
02:24I mean, I haven't seen you look like that since summer camp.
02:28Rolling my eyes, I groaned, knowing exactly what she was talking about, but not wanting
02:34to relive that memory. I was still pissed at her. I said nothing.
02:40What did you want?
02:42She sighed, shaking her head.
02:45So, I was thinking we could head down to the beach today.
02:49Is she being serious?
02:51After the other day. I don't know. I'm still not happy with you about the other day.
02:57Staring at her, I saw the guilt in her eyes. She hadn't meant for Alejandro to act like
03:02that towards me, and when she found out the truth, she couldn't stop apologizing.
03:08I told you I was sorry, Becca. Please don't let this come between us.
03:14He tried to sexually assault me. Thank God your dad was there to stop him.
03:19I scoffed as I moved around the room, picking up the clothing I had scattered about.
03:24I know, and I'm sorry, she pleaded. He didn't assault you, though. So, that's a good thing,
03:33I snapped.
03:34It doesn't matter if he did or didn't. It was the principle of the fact. You disregarded
03:39what I told you and tried to push him on me anyways. That right there was messed up. You're
03:45being overdramatic.
03:48Stopping in my tracks, I stared at her with shock. Are you fucking serious right now?
03:55I snapped again. Are you being fucking serious right now with that comment? Because the girl
04:01I used to know would never act like that.
04:04Ever since your parents divorced, you have become another person.
04:08Mouth parted and eyes wide, she stared at me, speechless. She knew I was right. There
04:14was no arguing what I was saying because she had changed. As her eyes filled with tears,
04:21I felt the guilt eat at my heart. How can you say that?
04:25Tally, you know it's true.
04:27It's not, she sobbed. I'm still the same person I always have been. Why do you think I have
04:34Uh, because you have. I scoffed as I crossed my arms over my chest.
04:39You literally have become another person. Her father had tried to get her to go see
04:44a counselor for years, but pride be damned, she refused not wanting to taint her high
04:50society image. Shaking her head, she refused to believe me. No, I haven't. Please let me
04:58prove that to you.
05:00Taking a deep breath, I tried to get past her denial. Perhaps we were talking about
05:05it now. I would be able to help fix her. Perhaps Tally would wake the fuck up for once.
05:11So, the beach. A smile fell across her lips as she nodded.
05:16Yeah, will you forgive me and come?
05:20Taking a moment to think about it, I sighed with a nod as I went against my better judgment.
05:25Fine, we can go. I had a feeling I might regret it later, but then my decisions were never
05:32very smart when it came to this girl. I was seriously going to have to learn to say no
05:37to her. Squealing with delight over my response, she quickly threw her arms around me and smiled.
05:44Yes. Get your ass ready. We're leaving in ten.
05:48Before I could protest on how long before we were leaving, she was out of my bedroom
05:53to get ready herself while I was left to ponder the conversation in my mind. Perhaps coming
05:59back to Miami for the summer wasn't the best of ideas. On one hand, I was dealing
06:05with Tally and her lack of common sense, and on the other hand, I was dealing with her
06:10father James and the sinful things I wanted him to do to me. If I wasn't careful, I
06:16was going to fall down the rabbit hole just like Alice.
06:20For hours later, and lots of drinks on the sand, Tally and I stumbled through the front
06:25door, laughing at the things we had seen through the day. It was nice to spend time
06:31like this with Tally, considering the difference we encountered over the past few years. Especially
06:37after the argument she and I had earlier that morning.
06:41So, Catherine wants to go shopping after and get a coffee. Are you down to go?
06:48Tally stopped at the top of the stairs and stared at me as she swung her car keys around
06:53her finger. She didn't need to be driving if she was drinking, but she would not listen
06:58to anyone but her father. Unfortunately, he wasn't here.
07:03Uh, I hesitated, thinking about it. I think I will pass honestly. I want to call my dad
07:10and take a shower. You go, though, and have fun.
07:13Her eyes seemed to gloss over me for a moment before she shrugged her shoulders and pulled
07:18out her phone. Alright, then. I couldn't help but wonder if she had actually been interested
07:24in me coming, but as she walked to her room and changed her clothes, I accepted the fact
07:30this was just who Tally was. So much for trying to help her.
07:34My stomach rumbled with hunger as I stepped into my room. I hadn't eaten dinner, and
07:40the cook, James, was long gone. Take out, it is then. I said to myself as I pulled my
07:46phone from my pocket and ordered delivery before making my way towards my dresser in
07:52search of more comfortable clothing. Alright, I'm out.
07:56Tally called to me a few moments later as she walked down the stairs. Call me if you
08:00change your mind. Will do. I laughed, rolling my eyes at her behavior.
08:07There was no way I was going out anytime soon. The only thing I wanted to do was to let the
08:11hot water run across my skin and try to take my mind off of everything that had happened
08:17over the past few days. Especially James. Stepping into the shower, I tried to push
08:23away the thoughts he created. However, it wasn't as easy as I expected. The thought
08:29of his rugged, well-cut body pressing up against me sent sensations to my core that I couldn't
08:35handle. My fingers gently brushed over the sensitive nub between my legs, and with every
08:41stroke, it brought me closer to the edge. James. I moaned softly as I slowly came undone
08:48over my fingers. The thought of his plump lips against my own was enticing. My mind
08:54dreamed about his long, thick erection pressing through my folds as he dominated me and thrust
09:00relentlessly. There was no stopping the images when they started, and the pleasure that grew
09:05in the pit of my stomach grew like a raging fire until I exploded in a cry of pleasure.
09:12The hot water washing away the traces of the deed from my skin as a smile lined my lips.
09:18I wanted him, and I knew it was taboo, but I didn't care. At least I didn't think
09:23I cared. By the time I was done exploring myself, the water ran cold. Grabbing the white
09:30fluffy towel from the rack, I wrapped it around my body and checked my phone for the food
09:35delivery I was expecting. I only had five minutes until it would arrive, and the thought
09:41had my stomach rumbling with anticipation. I was starving. Throwing on a black nightie,
09:47I ran the brush through my hair just in time to hear the doorbell ring. Shutting off the
09:52bathroom light, I skipped down the stairs and froze in place. A face I hadn't been
09:58expecting stood at the bottom, holding my takeout bag.
10:02Oh, shit.
10:04Hungry, he smirked, holding up the bag.
10:08Nodding, I took the last few steps down.
10:12Yeah, bit.
10:13Hesitation flowed between us as he slowly held out the bag for me to take, but as my
10:18fingers reached out, his own brushed against me and a chill ran down my spine.
10:24You've been avoiding me, Becca.
10:27His words bring me back to reality. I wasn't. I was trying to avoid him, but I didn't
10:33want him to think that. Our situation was already awkward, because as much as I wanted
10:38to avoid him, I also wanted him to bend me over these stairs and fuck me till I couldn't
10:44stand. Both decisions were equally confusing, but if I wasn't careful, lust would get
10:50the upper hand.
10:51Yes, you were, he laughed. Every time I tried to catch you, you were gone. He took a step
10:57closer to me, and I couldn't help but step back. The subtle way his body moved enticed
11:03me, and it was more than evident if I didn't check myself, I would become nothing but ridiculous
11:09in his presence.
11:10What do you want?
11:12I whispered, my eyes scanning over him as I watched his white smile brighten the shadowed
11:18staircase. Nothing. I was just going to take care of this. Reaching up, he pulled something
11:24from a strand of hair hanging by the side of my face before carefully tucking the strand
11:29behind my ear. There we go.
11:32My breath caught in my throat at the simple action. It was sweet, and yet, I felt like
11:38he was holding back on something. Thank you. The whispered reply left my lips as his fingers
11:44gently lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
11:49You never have to thank me, Becca. Anytime you need something, all you have to do is
11:53ask. You know where my office is. I will help you in any way you want.
11:59The statement felt so sinful, but I felt like I was reading too much into it. He was just
12:06being nice. He didn't actually want me, did he?
12:09Full story is available at NovelPalace.com Click the link in the comment section to get
12:14it free.
