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It was one thing I enjoyed about this place.
This was the one comfort I took from years of hard work for my future. While I was here in Miami, I could be anyone and do anything my heart desired.
Because no one knew who I was, and after a lifetime of having to be someone in particular—well, it was welcoming.
Tally had insisted on having a bunch of people over for a pool party, and as they milled around in the cool water laughing and drinking, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by them.
They seemed so carefree with their upscale lifestyles, able to come and go as they wanted. Never really having to work for anything, and having their parents hand them money whenever they wanted."
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00:004. Becca's Point of View The warm Miami heat toasted my skin as I lay
00:05on a white lounge chair by the pool. As much as I wished I had this kind of comfort back
00:11in Savannah, I didn't. It was more humid there than enjoyable and Miami weather was
00:17much different. It was one thing I enjoyed about this place. This was the one comfort
00:23I took from years of hard work for my future. While I was here in Miami, I could be anyone
00:29and do anything my heart desired. Because no one knew who I was and after a lifetime
00:35of having to be someone in particular, well, it was welcoming. Tally had insisted on having
00:41a bunch of people over for a pool party and as they milled around in the cool water laughing
00:47and drinking, I couldn't help but feel annoyed by them. They seemed so carefree with their
00:52upscale lifestyles, able to come and go as they wanted. Never really having to work for
00:58anything and having their parents hand them money whenever they wanted. That wasn't
01:04something I was accustomed to. My parents had worked hard all their lives to give me
01:08the best they could and even now, I worked hard too. Because I planned on taking care
01:14of my father one day. My mom had passed away a few years ago. Dad had given up so much
01:20for me and unlike the rest of these people who expected to have whatever they wanted,
01:26I wouldn't take my parents for granted. Are you just going to lie there all day or
01:30come join us? Tally asked as her shadowed form peered down at me, blocking out the sunlight
01:37I had been enjoying. I am joining you, but just from this chair. The sun feels amazing
01:43and I don't feel like swimming, I told her with honesty as I relaxed further into my
01:48seat. At least you're drinking, she smirked. Holding up my margarita, I let the corner
01:55of my lips rise. That I am. Tequila and sunshine. With hot guys. A no, I laughed. I can satisfy
02:05myself. Haven't you heard it's the 21st century? Women don't need men. We have each other and
02:11toys for our entertainment purposes. Well, that needs to change. I want you to meet someone,
02:18she replied, rolling her eyes. My lips met tightly as I shook my head. No, Tally. I told
02:26you before. I'm not ready. Oh my God. It's literally been almost a month, Becca. You're
02:33wasting your time being no fun at all because Chad was fucking someone else. What the fuck?
02:39Taken aback by her forward response, I looked at her in shock. Wow. Thanks for that. She
02:46may be my best friend, but she was a fucking bitch sometimes. Letting out an exasperated
02:52sigh, she sat down next to me, placing her chin in her hand. You know what I mean. I
02:59just want you to be happy again. Well, then maybe my boyfriend shouldn't have been fucking
03:05someone behind my back. Second of all, I am happy. Groaning with frustration, she rolled
03:12her eyes again. Let it go already. He isn't worth it. Oh, I am well aware of that. I scoffed.
03:20Now leave me alone. I'm fine. No, you're not. I don't know why you keep lying to yourself,
03:27she replied, causing me to shake my head. She had no idea what she was talking about.
03:32Why don't you stop worrying about trying to play matchmaker and find yourself someone
03:37to play with? I urged her with a smile as I closed my eyes behind dark sunglasses and
03:43tried to get back to relaxing. I am really happy you came, Becca, Tali said after a moment
03:49of silence. There is no telling where we will be next year, and I have missed spending my
03:55summers with you over the last few years. Peeking open one of my eyes, I watched the
04:01sincere expression cross her face. She was being honest, but there was something about
04:06the way she acted lately that told me otherwise. It was as if she was happy, but then also
04:12hiding something. Deciding not to press further, I let a smile crest my lips. I'm glad I came
04:19too, but I'm still not letting you play matchmaker. No fun. She laughed hysterically. Fine, do
04:27what you want. Oh, I will. Now hurry and get back to that sexy redhead. He has been watching
04:34you with fuck me eyes since the moment you left the pool and came over here. Turning
04:40her head, she peered at him, pushing down her glasses slightly before giving him a small
04:46wave. He is cute, huh? Yeah, he is, I replied, but he is more your type, so you have fun.
04:54I will catch another man some other time. I am content for right now. Fine, fine, she
05:00smirked. Don't say I didn't try. Turning on her feet, she skipped over towards the
05:06red-haired man who pulled her into the pool. Her giggling voice echoed through the air
05:11as I settled back into the comforting zone I was in before she arrived. However, without
05:18warning, another figure took her place, and it was that of a godly-built Hispanic man
05:23with a clear agenda on his mind. Well, hello gorgeous. Raising a brow, I let my eyes rack
05:31over him before a sigh escaped me. No. No. Yeah, no, I snorted. Look, I don't know what
05:39Talia's told you, but I'm not interested, honestly. I just want to do my own thing and
05:45lie by the pool, relaxing. She told me you played hard to get. I like that in a woman.
05:52Oh, for fuck's sake. Is he stupid? No. I am not the kind of woman to lead a guy on.
05:59I am genuinely not interested. I'm sorry, I didn't get your name. Alejandro, he replied.
06:06What might your name be? My name. The question followed with laughter as he nodded his head.
06:13It's... I'm not interested. I wasn't trying to be a bitch, but I also wasn't going to
06:19beat around the bush. I grew up with the philosophy that it was better to be forward
06:24and to the point. Alejandro stared at me for a moment with disbelief as I tilted my head,
06:30curious about his response. But in shock, he simply smiled. I like it, he claimed as he tried
06:38to lean closer, my eyes widening as I quickly moved back and stood for my seat. Was he really
06:44trying to make a move on me? Excuse me, but I told you I wasn't interested. I snapped as I
06:50grabbed my things and quickly made my way inside. To think Tali had actually sent that guy to meet
06:57me. Disgusting. Becca, what's wrong? Tali called from where she was in the pool. Don't be like
07:04that. Don't be like that. Was she fucking serious right now? Without saying a word, I shut the door
07:11to the kitchen behind me. Taking off the wide brim sun hat I was wearing and laying it down
07:17on the counter, I took a deep breath. I can't believe. Where are you going, beautiful? Alejandro
07:24said behind me while closing the door. Spinning on my feet, I watched as he stumbled his way
07:30towards me. It was clear now this guy had been drinking and from the way he kept looking at me,
07:36he only wanted one thing. Look, I will say this slower for you, so you understand. I'm not
07:43interested, honestly. Laughter left his lips as he walked towards me. You don't have to lie.
07:50I can assure you I am not lying, I replied, backing away from him. Now, please just leave
07:57me alone. Leave you alone? He laughed again. Women wish they could be in your shoes. I
08:04am one of the most eligible men in Miami. Please stop. I yelled at him as he backed me into the
08:11fridge. My heart raced and my palms were clammy. The last thing I wanted was to be in this situation,
08:18but at the same time, I didn't want to attack the man. I just wanted him to leave me alone.
08:24I think you're just scared. I heard about your ex and I promise I won't hurt you.
08:30Was this man fucking serious? How dare you? I screamed as I tried to move around him.
08:37You don't even know me and you have no right to say such things to me.
08:42Grabbing my arm, Alejandro pushed me against the counter, pinning me with his body. I knew exactly
08:49what was going through his mind, but there was no way I was going to let that happen.
08:54Thinking fast, I brought my knee up and clocked him between his legs.
08:59You fucking bitch. He roared as his hand came up, slapping me across the face. He had hit me
09:06and my desperation in getting away became even more real. Let me go. I yelled, hoping anyone
09:14would come to intervene. I didn't want to be the woman who was sexually assaulted at the party
09:19because no one noticed she was missing. Stop, stop. He laughed as I struggled against him.
09:27Stop fighting me, mi amor. Let me show you how to love again. I will forgive you for your actions
09:33just a moment ago. Get the fuck off me. I screamed as his hand came over my mouth.
09:40Oh, baby, come on, he panted. I know you want this. What the fuck is going on here?
09:47James snapped as he walked into the kitchen. Alejandro turned, looking over his shoulder,
09:53and scoffed. Mind your business, old man. It was obvious this kid didn't know who James was,
10:00but with the way James' eyes narrowed and his fists clenched, I could tell he was about to
10:05find out. Excuse me. James sneered. I think you need to leave now. I found myself wary about the
10:14way James spoke, and I would have sworn that this guy would have as well. However, that wasn't the
10:20case. You heard me. Before Alejandro could finish his sentence, James grabbed him by the neck and
10:27brought him in close. I am the owner of this house, and if you don't leave right now, I will
10:33make sure your future in Miami is done. Do you understand me? Trepidation spiraled through me
10:39as I watched the scene unfold. Alejandro was ripped from my body, and as he was, I fell to
10:46my knees on the floor, trying to catch my breath and calm my racing heart. If James had not stepped
10:53in, God knows what would have happened. Alejandro was much bigger than me, and I was already having
10:59a hard time fighting him off. The two men struggled in the kitchen until security arrived,
11:05and James had him thrown from the house. He had been my rescuer when no one else was around.
11:11Tally and I were seriously going to have words about this. I couldn't believe she thought this
11:17guy was the right fit for me. He was everything I despised in a man and so much more. Are you okay?
11:25James asked, pulling me from my thoughts. My eyes slowly met his as my breath caught in my throat.
11:32Through everything I had just gone through, he took my breath away and set my body on fire.
