Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha

  • 2 days ago
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00:00I never knew my mom.
00:04Growing up, all the girls had moms who loved them and cared for them.
00:13I couldn't even remember what mine looked like.
00:17When I was 10, I asked Aunt Eve about her. I just wanted to know something, anything.
00:25But Aunt Eve didn't want to talk about mom.
00:30I have to go.
00:41Do you always drive like that?
00:42Like what?
00:44Like a jackass. Just put it lightly.
00:47You really need to toughen up, little bunny.
00:51What are we doing at your cousin's place, anyway?
00:54What, you two need to howl together and run through the forest?
00:57You really don't get it, do you?
01:00Well, enlighten me then.
01:04Cousin! You made it!
01:07Riley! It's good to see you, man.
01:10Good to see ya.
01:11It's been too long.
01:13And you brought your new beautiful Luna.
01:15What is someone as gorgeous as you doing, my cousin?
01:18Alright, alright, down boy. She's mine.
01:22My goodness, where are my manners?
01:24This is my lovely mate, Katie.
01:26Very pleased to meet you, Luna.
01:28Uh, I'm the Luna here, too?
01:31Ah, forgive me. She's...
01:34...running on the job.
01:36Come on, let's go get a drink.
01:40It's a long-standing treaty we have that we preside over as your river.
01:44Your reign extends here, too.
01:46Well, how was I supposed to know that?
01:47Just try not to embarrass me or yourself again.
01:51Got it?
01:59I feel a rush whenever I touch her.
02:14So Reese over here thought it'd be a great idea to put pillows in the bed to make it look like we hadn't snuck out.
02:19Like that was gonna work.
02:21Got us both grounded.
02:23There are endless stories like this for him to tell you.
02:27Alright, alright. In my defense, I was young and a little...
02:32Ah, so nice to hear your humility for once.
02:36Wow, she's a spitfire, cuz.
02:38Alright, we have some snacks. Make yourselves at home.
02:41Any drinks, anyone?
02:43Yes, please.
02:44I'll help you out, Katie.
02:49I just don't see Reese having that rebellious side to him.
02:53Oh, you don't know your mate as well as I do, then?
02:56This guy was always letting his wild side out.
02:59Drove his father crazy.
03:03May he rest in peace.
03:07Riley, can I ask what happened to him?
03:12Reese's father.
03:14It's a terrible story, really.
03:18A rival pack infiltrated our territory.
03:27The leader of that pack, one of our greatest enemies...
03:38...blindsided him one day.
03:45I should have never trusted her.
03:50In the end, Reese's father was betrayed by a woman named Mandy.
03:54A wolfless woman.
03:59Reese was never the same.
04:02Shut the world out.
04:05I can imagine. That's terrible.
04:11No wonder he hates me.
04:13The woman who betrayed his father was wolfless.
04:16Just like me.
04:20Now he's found you.
04:22I see such a change in him already.
04:24What? Really?
04:27Oh, yeah. He's a whole new wolf.
04:30You don't see the effect you have on him?
04:34I guess I just didn't realize that...
04:37Alright, some drinks for you all.
04:39I'm gonna go and make sure that your room is all set up, but I'll see you in a bit.
04:43I'll help you with that, love.
05:05It's beautiful.
05:07Yeah. Rowie's estate's been a part of our family for years now.
05:11Not that. The music.
05:22Did I ever tell you about my mom?
05:25No, but it's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
05:29No, I want to.
05:33I never knew my mom.
05:37Growing up, all the girls had moms who loved them and cared for them.
05:46I couldn't even remember what mine looked like.
05:50When I was ten, I asked Aunt Eve about her.
05:54I just wanted to know something. Anything.
05:59But Aunt Eve didn't want to talk about Mom.
06:03I guess the pain was still too raw for her.
06:07Instead, she handed me an envelope and made me swear to never tell Grandfather.
06:14It was a photo of my mom at prom.
06:18She was with this boy and they were dancing.
06:23Oh my God, her eyes and her smile.
06:30She was magnificent.
06:36Anyway, I just always imagined her dancing to a song like this one.
06:52Dance with me.
06:54Right now?
07:07I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:17I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:20I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:23I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:26I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:29I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:32I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:35I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:38I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:41I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:45I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:48I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:51I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
07:57I'm sorry.
07:58No, it's okay.
08:01Am I interrupting something?
08:06Would you excuse me? I just need a moment.
08:09Yeah, of course.
08:15That looked intense.
08:18It wasn't.
08:25That kiss, it was everything.
08:30It felt like a tidal wave breaking in me.
08:34You f***er!
08:36I will never love you.
08:38Little did he know it was my first kiss ever.
08:45But I can't fall for him. It doesn't change anything.
08:48He hates me and I hate him, right?
08:51Come on, pull yourself together, Luna.
08:58What is that? Who is that?
09:05Run me through this again. How many warlocks are spotted in the area?
09:08Get off of me!
09:10Did you hear that?
09:11That sounded like Trinity.
09:12Who are you?
09:22Take her. Now!
09:37Don't strain yourself, little Luna.
09:40Who are you?
09:43What do you want?
09:44Leverage, Luna. He wants leverage.
09:47And now that we have you, we're gonna get it.
09:51Who's talking to me?
09:52How am I supposed to fend off an attacker I can't see?
09:55Not a chance anyone's finding me here alive.
10:00Please, stop.
10:03You're hurting me.
10:11Where the hell did they take her?
10:13We're in warlock territory now.
10:16That must be Uazzar.
10:18I smell her scent faintly, but you'd be able to track her better than I could.
10:23I can't smell her.
10:35Your pack thinks they're the kings of these parts.
10:39Little do they know, their time is running out.
10:43Especially with a wolf-less girl like you as their all-powerful Luna.
10:48I may be wolf-less, but at least I'm not a coward who's scared to show my face!
10:53How dare you!
10:55I'm not a coward!
10:57I'm not a coward!
10:59I'm not a coward!
11:01I'm not a coward!
11:03How dare you!
11:05You picked the wrong Luna to take!