Rekindled Heartache - Zoe into the office

  • 2 days ago
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00:00My boss asked me to meet my new rich client. Little did I know that he was my ex-boyfriend.
00:04Zoe was reaching into her bag to pull out the file and call her client when she suddenly
00:08stopped dead in her tracks. He seemed to be waiting for someone. His long fingers
00:21drummed rhythmically on the table beside him to show that his patience was waning.
00:25This couldn't be happening. Realizing he hadn't seen her yet,
00:31Zoe frantically looked around for a place to hide.
00:36Spotting a large pillar to hide behind, Zoe quickly headed towards it.
00:41Zoe chanced to glance back in Blaine's direction, only to find him now looking right at her.
00:51The caller wasn't in her contacts, but the phone number that appeared on the screen
00:54was one etched in Zoe's memory. It was Blaine. He was still using his Scottsdale number,
01:00unlike Zoe, who had changed her number as soon as she moved to Phoenix.
01:04So, how did Blaine have her number now? Zoe's stomach sank.
01:19Why, oh why, had she not flipped through the client's information earlier?
01:34Blaine remained quiet, watching Zoe with his dark eyes, but saying nothing.
01:39Growing increasingly uncomfortable with Blaine's silence and scrutiny,
01:43Zoe forced herself to smile and focus on work. She got straight to the point and asked,
01:49Do you have any specific ideas for your home's design? Do you prefer modern or a more classical
01:54look? There are so many styles to choose from, from mid-century, retro, revival, to name a few.
02:01Just not shabby chic. Shabby chic is out. Coastal grandma is in. Not that you want your house to
02:07look like grandmother's house, because you're a man, not a grandmother.
02:11What about furniture? Antiques or modular pieces? Some prioritize style, others comfort.
02:19Did you have a specific color scheme in mind? Color plays a huge role in every design. It
02:24sets the mood for the whole interior. You can go monochrome for a clean, uncluttered look,
02:29or athletic. Think black and white with pops of color, red and yellow. Warm colors create a cozy,
02:37warm colors create a cozy, welcoming environment, and blues and grays can be
02:41soothing. These are recent examples of my work. If you see anything that catches your eye,
02:51let me know. Zoe finally stopped talking. She was out of breath and wished there was
02:55a hole in the hotel lobby she could crawl into. Blaine didn't open Zoe's portfolio.
03:00She figured he was probably thinking of how quickly he could get Talon on the phone to have
03:04her fired. Finally, he spoke. At least while eating, she wouldn't have to talk.
03:34What would you like to eat, miss? Oh, just the water is fine for me.
03:43Not only did this restaurant look extremely expensive, but Zoe also didn't think she could
03:48eat with her stomach in knots. Blaine frowned at Zoe's response. Can you bring us two plates,
03:57please? We'll be sharing. And to start out, we'll do the charcuterie. And then proceeded
04:01to order a wide variety of dishes. Zoe normally prided herself on her professionalism.
04:08Usually, when Zoe met with a new client, she would make small talk and get to know her client
04:12before launching into a discussion of their project. Zoe just hadn't been able to do this
04:18with Blaine. Smelling the delicious aromas, Zoe couldn't help it when her stomach growled loudly.
04:35She hadn't eaten since breakfast and rarely went out as every dollar she made went towards
04:39Max's treatments. Zoe blushed. Blaine glanced at her face but didn't comment.
04:45I thought you said you were hungry. Why aren't you eating? Don't worry about me. I guess I'm not
04:51as hungry as you thought. Zoe's intuition told her Blaine wasn't in a good mood. His gray eyes
04:56were stormy and distant. He clearly had something on his mind. Is everything all right? I'm sorry.
05:02I'm not trying to pry. I can just tell that something's bothering you. He didn't want to
05:06tell Zoe that two hours ago he saw life disappear before his eyes. He had thought that as a doctor,
05:13he would eventually get used to seeing a life lost but now he knew that death was something
05:17you never got used to. There was an indescribable heaviness in his heart.
05:22Seeing that Blaine didn't want to talk about it, Zoe didn't say anything else.
05:26She just quietly looked down and resumed eating. She shouldn't be concerned about Blaine but she
05:31couldn't help herself. Her mind was in chaos because of him. Blaine's gaze fell on Zoe's
05:36lowered face. Since she was looking down, he couldn't see her eyes clearly but he could see
05:41her long lashes flitting against her cheeks. I, uh...
05:54Dr. Dexter? Yes, I can be there.
06:00Which patient is having complications? Okay, yes, another one. Can you please
06:06prepare for surgery? I'll be there right away. Thank you. Is there something urgent
06:11at the hospital? Zoe assumed that their design conversation was over before it had even started.
06:17Yes, one of my patients has to go into emergency surgery so...
06:24And about my renovations, I can reach out to you and we can talk about this further later.
06:29Okay, I understand you have a busy schedule. Yes.
06:36Zoe only looked away when Blaine was no longer in sight.
06:40Watching him leave, she felt a sense of loss. She'd lost him four years ago and there was no
06:46going back. No, stop! Please don't hurt me! I'm pregnant! I'll give you anything you want,
06:54please just don't hurt my baby! You fool! That's exactly what I'll do!
07:00As the woman steps into the light, Zoe recognizes her. Zoe's future mother-in-law
07:05and future grandmother of her child. Not understanding why she was doing this,
07:10tears well up in Zoe's eyes, infuriating the old woman more. That monstrosity inside you
07:16will never be a part of my family. You're a disgrace. Nobody. My son should be ashamed of
07:26knocking up a girl like you! What? Our family's respectable. We have an image to upkeep. I can't
07:33have my son running around with some hooker. If that means I need to dispose of your son myself,
07:43so be it. But he's your grandson. How can you do such a thing? He's not my grandson.
07:53It's a vermin. A parasite that will ruin our family name. Tears now streamed down Zoe's face.
08:02She tried to step backwards, but she was cornered. There was nowhere to go.
08:06I'll run anywhere. You'll never see or hear from me again, please just don't hurt my baby.
08:11It has to go. It's not enough. It has to go. The woman's eyes darkened as she stabbed Zoe
08:19in the stomach. Blood. There was blood on her hands. Blood everywhere.
08:35Zoe survived and so did her miracle child Max. Her son was the reason she fought every day.
08:41The love she had for him was immeasurable. She would do anything to protect him,
08:46to give him a chance at a happy and healthy life.
08:54Your phones rang like 10 times in a row. Yeah, she said that you need to talk to her right away.
09:01It wasn't the hospital, was it? Oh no, I would have gotten you right away. She said it's about
09:05your sister, not Max. Let me know if you need anything, okay? Thank you, I will.
09:16It was just Linda. She was her younger sister Ziva's best friend.
09:24Hello? Zoe, thank God you called back. Linda, what's going on? Is something wrong? Did something
09:30happen? It's Ziva. She fell down the stairs and almost killed herself. What? It's your sister,
09:36Zoe. She didn't fall down the stairs. She deliberately threw herself down the stairs.
09:43She wanted to injure herself, but she didn't want to die. Is she crazy? She fell in love with a
09:50brain surgeon that works at St. Mary's Hospital, but he always ignores her. So she wanted to get
09:56admitted to the hospital so he would have to pay attention to her. Okay, I'll be right there. Where
10:01are you at? St. Mary's. How could her sister do something so stupid and over a man too? Hi, sis.
10:10Oh, Zoe, come in. Blame stiffened when he heard Zoe's voice. You're Ziva's sister? Yes, I'm her
10:17older sister. Your scans look good. I don't see any injuries to the brain. Okay, I'll have the
10:25nurse arrange to move you to the orthopedic department for observation. What? Why? I don't
10:29feel well enough. Ziva, all of my beds are precious. These beds help save lives and treat
10:36real injuries. I heard you like me. That'll never happen, so don't waste your time or my time.
10:44I don't like women like you. How could you think I would like a woman who would be so stupid to
10:50risk her own life for a man? I don't like women who scheme and I don't like women who lie.
10:56I can never be with somebody who would betray my trust. Kelly, can you please get her a prescription
11:02and you can pick it up at the hospital pharmacy on your way out.
11:07There you go. You did this? Did you tell him? Ziva, calm down. Ziva, do you really feel in
11:16your heart that I'm such a terrible person that I would betray you? Zoe's heart ached. Ziva didn't
11:23know it, but Zoe simply didn't want to see her younger sister get hurt. She didn't want her to
11:28fall in love with a man she could never have. To find the kind of deep love that happens when you
11:33meet your soulmate, to only have him taken away. Hello? Dr. Vector, did you have time this week
11:41to show me the layout? I need to see the layout of the rooms and take measurements. She was trying
11:46to sound as calm as possible. Truthfully, she hadn't wanted to make this call. She'd have
11:51preferred Blaine to contact her, but she knew Talon would be expecting an update soon and she
11:56needed to have something to tell her boss. If it had been any other client, Zoe wouldn't have
12:01hesitated to call, so she'd forced herself to follow up. I am just about to go into surgery.
12:06The operation should take about three hours. If you want to meet me at the fountain at the
12:10entrance of the hospital at 7 p.m. Okay, I think. Three hours later, Zoe arrived at the hospital
12:23fountain right on time. Time passed but still no Blaine. Checking her watch, she saw it was almost
12:34eight o'clock. She'd been waiting an hour. Was the surgery not over yet?
12:48In the operating room, Blaine asked his surgical nurse for the time.
12:52What time is it? 7 15. Can you please get Dr. Ramirez on the phone? Although this tumor is benign,
12:59it's far more troublesome than we imagined. Good call, Blaine. If you hadn't insisted on operating,
13:05she could have gone blind. Is the line connected? Yes, Dr. Ramirez is on the line for you. Jose,
13:10I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go out front and see if there's a woman by the name of
13:14Zoe Fuller waiting for me. If there is, can you please tell her my home address and give her my
13:20keys out of my locker? You can also tell Zoe to let herself in. I will be there right after surgery.
13:26Go to Blaine's apartment? Alone? She couldn't. But it was her job. She had to. She will go to Talon
13:34and tell him that she isn't capable enough to work with this client. Wasn't it just a fluke that she
13:39ran into Blaine again? Will Zoe cross the line? Will Zoe go to Blaine's apartment alone? What was
13:46Blaine's plan behind all this? To know more, install Pocket FM app.