Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha Episode

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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha Episode
00:00Sir, the information you requested.
00:10Alright, time to discover more about my darling Luna.
00:20I know it's not easy losing a mother.
00:27I feel bad I've been so cold to her.
00:31Who would do this to her?
00:35And why?
00:40The Harvest Moon Festival.
00:43AKA the time to find a mate in the pack.
00:46I can't even shapeshift.
00:49So who the hell would want to be my mate?
00:52Oh my goddess, I think I'm gonna be sick.
00:54No leaving desks during an exam. You know that, Trinity.
01:07Trin, there you are. I've been looking for you.
01:10What happened back there?
01:12It's just...
01:15Everybody knows that I'm the only one that can't shapeshift.
01:18You have this beautiful silver tendril that shows everyone you have a wolf and I don't.
01:21On top of that, you two get to celebrate your love at the festival.
01:25And I'll be going as the single loser who couldn't even make it if her life depended on it.
01:29I'm sorry, Trin.
01:31Whatever, I'll just see you guys tonight.
01:41Trinity, is that you?
01:44Hey, I'm thinking about the Harvest Moon Festival and I really don't want to go.
01:48Oh, Grandfather. What are you doing here?
01:53I was concerned that you would embarrass the family at tomorrow's festival.
01:58I'm here to see to it that that does not happen.
02:01Well, it's a shame you came then because I'm not going.
02:05Wait, what? Trinity, why?
02:07Pathetic child. The Harvest Moon Festival is not optional.
02:12You need to find a wolf mate. It is your destiny.
02:15Grandfather, please. I'll be the only one there who can't shapeshift. It's humiliating.
02:20You are going.
02:23That's fine.
02:26The Alpha will be watching.
02:29I hate him.
02:31I just want the best for you, Trinity.
02:33You didn't even try to defend me. Just leave me alone.
02:45Running always helps me clear my head.
02:49Werewolves are born to run.
02:57What's that smell?
03:00It's not my own scent.
03:02Something else.
03:04Something... dangerous.
03:10I need to get out of here. Now.
03:29Where's Trinity?
03:38Oh, my goddess. Trinity, you look hot.
03:41Shut up. I mean it. You are definitely finding a mate tonight.
03:45It's like a whole other world in here.
03:49I wish I felt like I belonged.
03:55Oh, my goddess. It's the Alpha.
04:00And he's here to find his mate.
04:03But no chance it's me.
04:05Is he something you like?
04:07No. Not really.
04:12All I'm saying is you deserve to have a good time tonight.
04:15So if you feel it with someone, just go for it.
04:17I'll be sure to remember that as I stand by the punch bowl all night.
04:21Come on, Trin. Just go find someone to get weird with on the dance floor.
04:25Shall we?
04:27Let's go.
04:31Guess I'll go find that punch bowl.
04:41Great. Another party.
04:44Another excuse for the unmated women of the pack to try and become my mate.
04:49How's it going, boss?
04:51Dude, I hate this. Women are just throwing themselves at me.
04:54Yeah, rough life, dude.
04:56Come on. We both know you need to find a Luna, a mate.
05:00Until then, you can't solidify your position as the Alpha.
05:03That's what the elders said.
05:05Yeah, well, screw the elders.
05:07Look, I know finding a mate isn't high on your priority list.
05:09Especially after what that woman did to your father.
05:11Come on, Rhys. You don't see anybody here you'd want to mate with.
05:19No. Absolutely no one.
05:24But wait. I smell a scent that's taking over my body.
05:29My mind.
05:41Who's that?
05:49I wish I looked that cool.
05:52Instead, I look like me.
05:55Stupid, unmated, unshapeshifting me.
06:06Oh, my goddess.
06:09I can't believe she came even though she's in heat.
06:14I heard her dad was human.
06:17No wonder she can't find a wolf.
06:19She's a half-blood.
06:21I'd cringe if my dad was mortal, too.
06:24Wait. Didn't her mom, like, die from shame, too?
06:38I hate everything about me.
06:41All I want is to feel normal.
06:44But it'll never happen.
06:47I heard her dad was human.
06:50Didn't her mom, like, die from shame, too?
06:54I should just leave the pack and never come back.
07:04Cedar, I swear if this is a joke, it's not funny.
07:10The dangerous scent.
07:13The one I smelt when I was running.
07:15And it's getting stronger.
07:17It's back.
07:28What the?
07:30You're the alpha, aren't you?
07:34His eyes.
07:36I've only seen eyes like that in books on our pack's lore.
07:40Werewolf eyes rarely turn red.
07:43The scent.
07:45This woman.
07:47It's like every molecule in my body is on fire.
07:55What was that? That wolf that was chasing me?
07:59It's a rogue wolf on our territory.
08:02Wolves like that don't belong here.
08:04But you saved me?
08:07It's my job, isn't it?
08:09But how did you even know I was in danger?
08:13Your scent.
08:15I couldn't...
08:18I can't believe he's here with me.
08:21I mean, this is the alpha.
08:24What could he want with me?
08:28Who are you?
08:43I should have never trusted her.
08:53I can't fall for a woman.
08:55I promised myself.
08:57For my father.
08:59He must recognize me.
09:01He knows who I am.
09:04No, no, wait, wait!
09:12I can't stop thinking about the alpha.
09:19How intense it all was.
09:26What did that mean?
09:28Then he growled at me.
09:30What did he want from me?
09:37What if he banishes me from the pack?
09:41I'm doomed.
09:45No run for you this morning?
09:48I know, I sound like a broken record, but...
09:51Maybe running will kickstart your powers.
09:54I know, Aunt Eve. I'm working on it.
10:00I'm sorry, I've just been in a weird mood lately.
10:03But I'm going to Juniper's and Cedar's soon, so maybe I'll meet them.
10:06Planning more mischief?
10:09What's that supposed to mean?
10:11Well, I heard about the commotion you made last night.
10:15What were you thinking, Trinity?
10:17Running off from the party into rival territory.
10:20Causing the alpha to risk his life to rescue you from your own foolishness.
10:26What if he banishes you? What's your plan then?
10:29You don't understand!
10:30I understand.
10:32That you are a disgrace to this family.
10:38Never mind, Eve. We've been making excuses for this child long enough.
10:42The alpha needs a mate. Why didn't you stay in the forest with him?
10:46I don't want to be his mate! He hates me.
10:49Stop interfering in my life!
10:51Interfering? I'm helping you!
10:54You should be grateful for that.
10:56Even your own mother and father wanted nothing to do with you.
11:01I can't believe you just said that to her.
11:05She is wolf-less, as it is.
11:08If she doesn't find a mate soon, the elders will probably punish her.
11:12This is the only option.
11:18I don't want to be his mate!
11:20I don't want to be his mate!
11:22I don't want to be his mate!
11:24I don't want to be his mate!
11:26I don't want to be his mate!
11:28I don't want to be his mate!
11:30I swear I'm not going back until Grandfather apologizes.
11:33I hate this pack. I hate being me.
11:41Oh, no, no, no. This can't be happening.
11:43Not again.
11:46Who are you?
11:48Why are you following me?
11:51Come out and fight me like a man!
11:53God, this would be a great time to have developed my powers.
11:57I need to get out of here.
12:00This is it. I'm going to die.
12:09You're a hard catch, you know that?
12:13Stay away from her.
12:31Explain yourself.
12:34I can't believe he saved me.
12:37He must have tracked my scent, but how?
12:40Don't ever try to run away from me again.
12:45Your clothes, sir.
12:49What are you doing here?
12:52You have no excuse to be journeying these parts unattended.
12:56You know how risky it is to be alone.
12:58What got into you?
13:00I don't know. Grandfather was yelling at me because...
13:02For running away from the Alpha last night?
13:06Not your finest moment, cuz.
13:08He told you?
13:10Of course he told me, dummy.
13:12And look, even if you are just a powerless halfie,
13:14even the Alpha can't deny the command of the Goddess.
13:18What are you trying to say?
13:20You two imprinted on each other.
13:22You're going to be the Alpha's mate.
13:31She seems to be as excited about this as I am.
13:34I'm afraid this is not going to go as smoothly.
13:38She made a mistake.
13:40She never makes a mistake.
13:42Well, she did now.
13:44No, she did not.
13:46She's weak.
13:49Oh, good.
13:53Hello, young one.
13:55Come, sit, join us.
13:58I'm one of the five elders of the Wolf Pack.
14:01My name is Frederick.
14:03This is Elder Michael.
14:05What's going on?
14:07You, my dear, are about to become our new Luna.
14:13The forest, the attack, it wasn't a nightmare?
14:18But I can't even mate.
14:20I don't even have a wolf.
14:24You will bring no further shame to this family.
14:25You have been imprinted upon by the Alpha.
14:28As the incoming Luna,
14:31you will proudly serve this family
14:35and protect the women and the children.
14:38Indeed, the Goddess cast her choice.
14:42And after years of us searching,
14:45the Harvest Moon Gathering was a triumph.
14:50I hardly call it a triumph.
14:52I'm forced to be with someone who won't even look at me.
14:57Now that he's imprinted,
14:59the Alpha and you are required to perform the claiming ceremony.
15:06Uh, what's a claiming ceremony?
15:10Are you kidding me?
15:12She doesn't even know our lore.
15:14Silence, Reese.
15:18The fate has been decided.
15:20The fate has been written.
15:24I must apologize, gentlemen,
15:27for my granddaughter's lack of education.
15:30The claiming ceremony is a ritual
15:34where the leader of the pack claims you,
15:38marks you in front of the entire pack
15:41so that they can see that you are claimed, marked.
15:45Until then, you cannot perform the duties of the Luna.
15:49You're going to bite me?
15:53Don't worry, Trinity.
15:56The entire process is very quick
15:58and we will all be there for you when it's happening
16:01on the new moon in two nights.
16:04Now, in the meantime,
16:06I suggest you gather your belongings.
16:09My belongings?
16:13From here on out, you are to reside with the Alpha.
16:17With him?
16:19No, no, no, no.
16:21I'm not going to do that.
16:23Trinity, I know this is strange,
16:25but you don't have a choice.
16:27You're going to be the Luna.
16:29But I want to be a lawyer.
16:33You can finish out the semester.
16:36An educated Luna would be an asset to our pact.
16:40But all movement to and from the premises
16:44must be scheduled and approved.
16:49I'm a prisoner?
16:51This is the start of a new life.
16:53How the goddess is this my life now?
16:56Now go on. Go see your new room.
16:59She may be my mate, but only in name.
17:02How am I possibly expected to mate with someone who hates me?
17:09And so the half-human becomes a prisoner in a mansion.
17:17This is my room?
17:20Screw this.
17:22I'm no one's captive. I'm sneaking out of here.
17:36Got 87s?
17:38Go fish.
17:43Did you hear that?
17:44Oh, goddess.
17:46Not a rogue wolf again.
17:50Where do you think you're going?
17:53I was just on a run.
17:57You just had your whole world blown up
17:59and you just wanted to get some air?
18:04Let me make one thing abundantly clear to you.
18:07If you try to leave again before the claiming ceremony,
18:10I'll make sure it's impossible.
18:11for you to ever leave the house
18:13for the rest of your life as my Luna.
18:17Why only until the ceremony?
18:19Because once I've marked you,
18:21I can find you anywhere.
18:25Do you understand me,
18:27little bunny?
18:30What did you just call me?
18:33I don't look like a rabbit
18:35and I certainly don't run like one.
18:38run on home, then.
18:41Well, if you want me to go home, then
18:43you're just going to have to carry me.
18:48You're an a**hole, you know that?
18:57Bedtime, little bunny.
18:59It's five.
19:01Not my problem.
19:03Stay put, okay?
19:09He has such a power over me.
19:13Her power over me is terrifying.
19:17Wait, Reese.
19:21Why do this?
19:24I mean,
19:26why me?
19:28You know I don't have a choice.
19:30A trinity.
19:31Have some confidence in yourself,
19:33for God's sake.
19:35A Luna is confident.
19:40You're not as undesirable as you think you are.
19:43You're not as undesirable as you think you are.
20:12I wonder if we'll have you to join us.
20:14The chef made you a plate.
20:16Actually, I was thinking of grabbing something
20:18from the bakery in town.
20:20Vincent, you heard her.
20:22Copy that. I'll take her.
20:24An escort?
20:28What, you think I'd let you out on your own
20:30the day of the claiming ceremony?
20:32Because you've
20:34earned my trust or something, yeah?
20:36And I thought Grandfather was overprotective.
20:38Goddess, he's such a wiseass.
20:51I hate not being able to go to school today.
20:54I don't want to carry this secret anymore.
21:04You're dressed for the claiming ceremony.
21:12this is it.
21:27Where is she?
21:29The ceremony is about to begin.
21:31Patience, Elder Frederick.
21:33This is already a disaster.
21:34I mean, this is Trinity Whitten.
21:37She's basically powerless.
21:39How can we expect her to be the new Luna?
21:57Welcome, Red Springs Wolfpack.
22:00Today we are here to celebrate a momentous occasion.
22:02Our pack
22:04has found its Luna.
22:07She is here tonight
22:09and I will bring her out now to mark her
22:11before you all.
22:32Why can't he look at me?
22:35He must think I'm ugly.
22:39Goddess, help me.
22:42I need her.
22:47Are you ready?
22:49I think so.
22:53Wereladies and weremen of the Red Springs Pack,
22:56I now present to you
22:58our Luna,
23:03It was going to be one of us.
23:05I know, I'm going to say something.
23:10No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
23:13I refuse to accept this.
23:16She doesn't even have her wolf yet.
23:18Do you really expect us to take her as our leader?
23:21This is insane.
23:22Yeah, come on guys, say something.
23:23She doesn't deserve it.
23:27We're going to need to get Trinity to safety if they revolt.
23:30I knew this wouldn't go wrong.
23:39She may not have a wolf,
23:41but she is my chosen Luna.
23:44The Goddess has spoken and we must respect the fate.
23:48It is time.
23:53Are you ready?
23:55I'm going to be gentle, but try not to scream.
23:57This is it, the end of my life.
24:12Are you alright?
24:14I'm fine.
24:55I can't stand how much I want her.
24:58I just wanted to check on you.
24:59I know the ceremony was rough.
25:02I told you they wouldn't accept me.
25:04I'm still the disgrace they think I am.
25:06Screw them.
25:07Alright, you're their Luna now.
25:09They have to bow down to you no matter what they believe.
25:13Can I come in?
25:18Just looking at him makes me nervous.
25:21He's so handsome.
25:27I should have never trusted her.
25:34before you get any ideas about what's going to happen tonight,
25:36let's set some things straight.
25:38Like what?
25:39Like how this is going to go.
25:41You may be my mate, but
25:42you're not going to be my girlfriend.
25:44Like how this is going to go.
25:46You may be my mate, but
25:47in name only.
25:49Excuse me?
25:50I never wanted a mate, alright?
25:52But if the Goddess demands I take you,
25:56But we will never be intimate.
25:59You're merely an assignment to me.
26:01Is that understood?
26:03So what?
26:04You tricked me into being your Luna
26:06by pretending there was something between us?
26:08I never pretend-
26:11Get your emotions in check.
26:12Well, if I'm nothing to you,
26:14then you're nothing to me.
26:17Get out of my room, you feral dog!
26:21Why did you call me?
26:23You heard me.
26:24If I'm a weak little bunny,
26:27then you're a disgusting dog.
26:30I will never love you.
26:33How am I supposed to live like this?
26:37Vincent, can't you wait in the car?
26:39Everyone's watching.
26:41No, I can't, Luna.
26:45Hey, that's my friend,
26:46and I'd really like to talk to her in private.
26:48Can you give us some space?
26:51Of course, Luna.
26:52Please, take your time.
26:54I'm sorry.
26:56I'm sorry.
26:58I'm sorry.
27:00I'm sorry.
27:03I'm sorry.
27:10Holy goddess, you're the freaking Luna Trin!
27:12Shh! Yes, trust me, I know.
27:14What's it like?
27:15What's the elf's personality like?
27:16Is his body insane?
27:18After the ceremony, did you two, you know?
27:23Wait, let me see your mark at least.
27:24Oh, no, no, no!
27:26It, uh, hasn't formed yet.
27:29I always liked how mine had these cool vines.
27:31Every mark is different.
27:33A depiction of the couple's devotion.
27:36I wonder what yours is gonna have.
27:38We will never be intimate.
27:40You're merely an assignment to me.
27:43Padlocks, daggers, toxic waste.
27:46I guess we'll see.
27:50Look, Vincent's waiting for me, so I really gotta go.
27:53Trin, are you okay?
27:55I know this all came as a shock,
27:57but if you're not okay, you can tell me.
27:59I can't tell her the truth.
28:01Um, I have to protect the pack now.
28:04And the pack needs to believe their Luna is strong.
28:06Never better.
28:08I mean, I'm the Luna, after all, aren't I?
28:11Look, um, I'll see you around, okay?
28:24Bad day, boss?
28:25More like a bad week.
28:29All right, what do you got for me?
28:30Run through the list.
28:31All right.
28:33You're needed at the Azure River pack
28:35to discuss the plan for warlock mitigations
28:37and other threats to the two packs.
28:40Now it's been a while since I've seen my cousin.
28:43Let him know I'll be there by the end of the week.
28:46We need a plan for those inbreds, and soon.
28:49Uh, Vincent, you'll come with us for protection.
28:55Unless you have other pressing engagements
28:57aside from protecting myself and the Luna.
29:00Well, it's just...
29:01I'm so sorry, sir,
29:03but my wife Heather is pregnant with our first pup.
29:07And she's due any day now.
29:10Damn it.
29:12I forgot.
29:15She can't handle that on her own, I'm assuming?
29:21Fine, fine. Stay here. We'll protect ourselves.
29:25And, Vincent, uh, congratulations.
29:29A pup is a blessing, shall I hear.
29:35Shall we leave you, sir?
29:37Yes, please.
29:38Oh, and, uh, sir, the information you requested.
29:49All right.
29:50Time to discover more about my darling Luna.
29:55I feel bad I've been so cold to her.
29:59I know it's not easy losing a mother.
30:04Who would do this to her?
30:08And why?
30:25My mother.
30:27After my father died,
30:29my mother was never the same.
30:32It's as if she died that day, too.
30:36I have to go away for a few days
30:38to visit Riley and his pack.
30:41She's coming with me, too.
30:44Oh, oh, you really don't have to.
30:47Yes, I do, Luna.
30:49I'm sorry.
30:51I'm sorry.
30:53Yes, I do, Luna.
30:55Especially since I'm not accompanying you to Azure River.
30:58But, hey, some honeymoon time with your mate, huh?
31:01Yeah, gee, I just can't wait.
31:05Well, he can be rough around the edges.
31:09But he isn't all bad.
31:11That's news to me.
31:13Let's just say I really do wish you were coming.
31:15Your better company.
31:18Will you promise me something, Luna?
31:21Do not, under any circumstance,
31:23go off on your own in Azure River.
31:26It's a rough area.
31:27Rival packs.
31:33Promise me?
31:35Yeah, I promise.
31:37But seriously, how bad can it be?
31:41I'll take your bags to the car.
31:51I'll be back in a few days.
31:54What if we can't protect ourselves?
31:58I guess I haven't told you the news yet.
32:02I'm mated now.
32:05Your boy's all grown up.
32:10She's pretty.
32:11In a way that's different than the rest of the pack.
32:15She's smart, too.
32:17Well, that's...
32:18That's at least what her cousin says.
32:22But she doesn't have a wolf.
32:26What if she can't protect herself when she needs to?
32:29Or worse, what if she can't protect the pack?
32:32You know, like, what was the goddess thinking when she paired us together?
32:38I don't know.
32:41Maybe I'm too hard on her.
32:51I'll be back in a few days.
32:54Take care of yourself until then, okay?
33:01I love you.
33:16What are you doing?
33:18Um, nothing.
33:20Nothing, just waiting for you.
33:25Well then, let's get on with it.
33:27I'm driving.
33:42Do you always drive like that?
33:44Like what?
33:46Like a jackass, to put it lightly.
33:49You really need to toughen up, little bunny.
33:53What are we doing at your cousin's place anyway?
33:56What, you two need to howl together and run through the forest?
33:59You really don't get it, do you?
34:02Well, enlighten me then.
34:06You made it!
34:10It's good to see you, man.
34:11Good to see you.
34:12It's been too long.
34:14And you brought your new beautiful Luna.
34:17What is someone as gorgeous as you doing with my cousin?
34:19Alright, alright.
34:20Down, boy.
34:21She's mine.
34:24My goodness, where are my manners?
34:25This is my lovely mate, Katie.
34:27Very pleased to meet you, Luna.
34:31I'm the Luna here, too?
34:34Forgive me.
34:36running on the job.
34:38Well, come on.
34:39Let's go get a drink.
34:41It's a long-standing treaty we have that we preside over as your river.
34:45Your reign extends here, too.
34:47Well, how was I supposed to know that?
34:50try not to embarrass me or yourself again.
34:52Got it?
35:02I feel a rush whenever I touch her.
35:11So, Reese over here thought it'd be a great idea to put pillows in the bed
35:15to make it look like we hadn't snuck out.
35:17Like that was gonna work.
35:19Got us both grounded.
35:21There are endless stories like this for him to tell you.
35:24Alright, alright.
35:25In my defense, I was young and a little...
35:29Ah, so nice to hear your humility for once.
35:33Wow, she's a spitfire, cuz.
35:35I'm a spitfire, too.
35:38Wow, she's a spitfire, cuz.
35:40Alright, we have some snacks.
35:42Make yourselves at home.
35:43Any drinks, anyone?
35:45Yes, please.
35:46I'll help you out, Katie.
35:51I just don't see Reese having that rebellious side to him.
35:55Oh, you don't know your mate as well as I do, then.
35:58This guy was always letting his wild side out.
36:01Drove his father crazy.
36:05May he rest in peace.
36:09Riley, can I ask, what happened to him?
36:13Reese's father.
36:16It's a terrible story, really.
36:20A rival pack infiltrated our territory.
36:29The leader of that pack, one of our greatest enemies...
36:37blindsided him one day.
36:44I should have never trusted her.
36:49In the end, Reese's father was betrayed by a woman named Mandy.
36:54A wolfless woman.
36:58Reese was never the same.
37:01Shut the world out.
37:04Shut the world out.
37:07I can imagine, that's terrible.
37:13No wonder he hates me.
37:15The woman who betrayed his father was wolfless, just like me.
37:21Now he's found you.
37:23I see such a change in him already.
37:28Oh, yeah.
37:29He's a whole new wolf.
37:32You don't see the effect you have on him?
37:36I guess I just didn't realize that I...
37:38Alright, some drinks for you all.
37:40I'm gonna go and make sure that your room is all set up, but I'll see you in a bit.
37:44I'll help you with that, love.
37:50Here, drink.
38:02It's beautiful.
38:05Yeah, Rowey's estate's been a part of our family for years now.
38:09Oh, not that. The music.
38:21Did I ever tell you about my mom?
38:24No, but it's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
38:28It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
38:31Well, I want to.
38:35I never knew my mom.
38:39Growing up, all the girls had moms who loved them and cared for them.
38:48I couldn't even remember what mine looked like.
38:52When I was ten, I asked Aunt Eve about her.
38:55I just wanted to know something, anything.
39:00But Aunt Eve didn't want to talk about Mom.
39:04I guess the pain was still too raw for her.
39:08Instead, she handed me an envelope and made me swear to never tell Grandfather.
39:16It was a photo of my mom at prom.
39:19She was with this boy and they were dancing.
39:25Oh my God, her eyes and her smile.
39:32She was magnificent.
39:38Anyway, I just always imagined her dancing to a song like this one.
39:53Dance with me.
39:55Right now?
40:09I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:22I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:26I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:30I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:34I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:38I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:42I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:46I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
40:50I know how hard it is to lose someone that you love.
41:03I'm sorry.
41:05No, it's okay.
41:08Am I interrupting something?
41:10Um, would you excuse me? I just need a moment.
41:15Yeah, of course.
41:20That looked intense.
41:23It wasn't.
41:31That kiss. It was everything.
41:36It felt like a tidal wave breaking in me.
41:40You feral dog!
41:42I will never love you.
41:44Little did he know it was my first kiss ever.
41:50But I can't fall for him. It doesn't change anything.
41:55He hates me and I hate him. Right?
41:58Come on. Pull yourself together, Luna.
42:04What is that? Who is that?
42:11Run me through this again. How many warlocks are spotted in the area?
42:15Get off of me!
42:17Did you hear that?
42:19Who are you?
42:28Take her. Now!
42:43Don't strain yourself, little Luna.
42:47Who are you?
42:49What do you want?
42:51Leverage, Luna. He wants leverage.
42:54And now that we have it, we're gonna get it.
42:57Who's talking to me? How am I supposed to fend off an attacker I can't see?
43:01Not a chance anyone's finding me here alive.
43:06Please, stop. You're hurting me.
43:10Where the hell did they take her?
43:12We're in warlock territory now. That must be Uazzar.
43:17I smell her scent faintly, but you'd be able to track her better than I could.
43:22I can't smell her.
43:41Your pack thinks they're the kings of these parts.
43:45Little do they know, their time is running out.
43:49Especially with a wolf-less girl like you as their all-powerful Luna.
43:54I may be wolf-less, but at least I'm not a coward who's scared to show my face!
43:59How dare you!
44:01I'm not a coward!
44:03I'm not a coward!
44:05I'm not a coward!
44:06At least I'm not a coward who's scared to show my face!
44:09How dare you!
44:11You picked the wrong Luna to take.
