Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha

  • 2 days ago
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Chosen By Fate, Rejected By The Alpha
#movie #usa #viral
00:00you're the alpha aren't you but how did you even know i was in danger
00:09you're sent i couldn't
00:15who are you
00:18the harvest moon festival aka the time to find a mate in the pack i can't even shapeshift
00:38so who the hell would want to be my mate oh my goddess i think i'm gonna be sick
00:42no leaving desks during an exam you know that trinity
00:58trin there you are i've been looking for you what happened back there it's just
01:05everybody knows that i'm the only one that can't shapeshift you have this beautiful
01:09silver tendril that shows everyone you have a wolf and i don't
01:12on top of that you two get to celebrate your love at the festival and i'll be going as the
01:17single loser who couldn't even make it for life depended on it i'm sorry trin whatever i'll just
01:23see you guys tonight trinity is that you hey i'm thinking about the harvest moon festival and
01:37i really don't want to go oh grandfather what are you doing here i was concerned that you would
01:46embarrass the family at tomorrow's festival i'm here to see to it that that does not happen
01:53well it's a shame you came then because i'm not going wait what trinity why pathetic child
02:00the harvest moon festival is not optional you need to find a wolf mate it is your destiny
02:06grandfather please i'll be the only one there who can't shapeshift it's humiliating you're going
02:14that's fine
02:17the alpha will be watching i hate him i just want the best for you
02:22trinity you didn't even try to defend me just leave me alone
02:33running always helps me clear my head
02:37werewolves are born to run
02:45what's that smell
02:48it's not my own scent something else something
02:59i need to get out of here now
03:17where's trinity
03:23oh my goddess trinity you look hot i mean it you were definitely finding a mate tonight
03:35it's like a whole other world in here i wish i felt like i belonged
03:40oh my goddess it's the alpha and he's here to find his mate but no chance it's me
03:54see something you like no not really all i'm saying is you deserve to have a good time tonight
04:02so if you feel it with someone just go for it i'm sure to remember that as i stand by the
04:08punch bowl all night come on trin just go find someone to get weird with on the dance floor
04:13shall we let's go
04:19i guess i'll go find that punch bowl
04:29great another party another excuse for the unmated women of the pack to try and become my mate
04:35how's it going boss dude i hate this women are just throwing themselves out yeah rough life dude
04:44come on we both know you need to find a luna a mate until then you can't solidify your position
04:50as the alpha that's what the elders said yeah well screw the elders look i know finding a mate
04:55isn't high on your priority list especially after what that woman did to your father
04:58there come on reese you don't see anybody here you'd want to mate with no absolutely no one
05:12but wait i smell a scent that's taking over my body my mind
05:29who is that
05:38i wish i looked that cool instead i look like me stupid unmated unshape-shifting me
05:55oh my goddess i can't believe she came even though she's in heat
06:01gross i heard her dad was human no wonder she can't find a wolf she's a half-blood
06:09oh i'd cringe if my dad was mortal too wait didn't her mom like die from shame too
06:26i hate everything about me all i want is to feel normal but it'll never happen
06:35i heard her dad was human didn't her mom like die from shame too
06:42i should just leave the pack and never come back
06:48cedar cedar i swear if this is joke it's not funny
06:54me hello the dangerous scent the one i smelt when i was running and it's getting stronger it's back
07:16what the you're the alpha aren't you
07:19his eyes i've only seen eyes like that in books on our packs lore werewolf eyes rarely turn red
07:32the scent this woman it's like every molecule in my body is on fire
07:38what was that that that wolf that was chasing me it's a rogue wolf on our territory
07:50wolves like that don't belong here but you saved me a job isn't it but how did you even know i was
07:59in danger you sent i couldn't i can't believe he's here with me i mean this is the alpha
08:13what could he want with me who are you
08:29yeah i should have never trusted her
08:39no i can't fall for a woman i promised myself for my father he must recognize me
08:47he knows who i am i'm sorry this was a mistake i have to go
08:51i can't stop thinking about the alpha
08:59how intense it all was
09:06what did that mean then he growled at me what did he want from me
09:11what did that mean then he growled at me what did he want from me
09:21what if he banishes me from the pack i'm doomed
09:30no run for you this morning i know i sound like a broken record but maybe
09:37i sound like a broken record but maybe running will kickstart your powers i know on eve i'm
09:44working on it sorry i'm sorry i've just been in a weird mood lately but i'm going to juniper
09:52and cedar soon so maybe i'll meet them planning more mischief what's that supposed to mean
09:59well i heard about the commotion you made last night what were you thinking trinity running
10:05off from the party into rival territory causing the alpha to risk his life to rescue you from your
10:12own foolishness what if he banishes you what's your plan now you don't understand i understand
10:21that you are a disgrace to this family dad never mind eve we've been making excuses for this child
10:29long enough the alpha needs a mate why didn't you stay in the forest with him i don't want to
10:34be his mate he hates me stop interfering in my life interfering i'm helping you
10:42you should be grateful for that even your own mother and father wanted nothing to do with you
10:59i can't believe you just said that to her she is wolfless as it is if she doesn't find a mate
11:08soon the elders will probably punish her this is the only option
11:18i swear i'm not going back until grandfather apologizes i hate this pack i hate being me
11:29oh no no this can't be happening not again
11:34who are you why are you following me come out and fight me like a man god this would be a
11:42great time to have built my powers i need to get out of here this is it i'm going to die
11:53you're a hard catch you know that stay away from her
12:22explain yourself i can't believe he saved me he must have tracked my scent but
12:30how don't ever try to run away from me again
12:36your clothes sir noah what are you doing here
12:44you have no excuse to be journeying these parts unattended you know how risky that is what got
12:49into you i don't know grandfather was yelling at me because we're running away from the alpha last
12:53night yeah not your finest moment cuz he told you of course he told me dummy and look even if
13:01you are just a powerless halfie even the alpha can't deny the command of the goddess what what
13:07are you trying to say you two imprinted on each other you're going to be the alpha's mate
13:17perfect she seems to be as excited about this as i am
13:21i'm afraid this is not going to go as smoothly she made a mistake
13:28well she did now no she did not what are we talking about
13:36oh good finally hello young one come sit join us i'm one of the five elders of the wolf pack
13:48my name is frederick this is elder michael what's going on you my dear are about to become our new luna
14:02the forest the attack it wasn't a nightmare
14:07but i can't even mate i don't even have a wolf silence you will bring no further shame to this
14:14family you have been imprinted upon by the alpha as the incoming luna you will proudly
14:22serve this family and protect the women and the children indeed the goddess cast her choice
14:32and after years of us searching the harvest moon gathering was a triumph
14:37i'd hardly call it a triumph
14:44i'm forced to be with someone who won't even look at me
14:49now that he's imprinted the alpha and you are required to perform the claiming ceremony
14:58uh what's a claiming ceremony are you kidding me she doesn't even know our lore
15:05silence reese
15:09the fate has been written
15:13i must apologize gentlemen for my granddaughter's lack of education the claiming ceremony is a
15:21ritual where the leader of the pack claims you marks you in front of the entire pack
15:29so that they can see that you are claimed marked until then you cannot perform the duties of the
15:37luna you're gonna bite me don't worry trinity the entire process is very quick and we will
15:46all be there for you when it's happening on the new moon in two nights now in the meantime
15:54i suggest you gather your belongings my belongings yes from here on out you are to
16:02reside with the alpha with him oh no no i'm not gonna do that i know this is strange but
16:13you don't have a choice you're going to be the luna but i want to be a lawyer nonsense
16:20shh you can finish out the semester an educated luna would be an asset to our pact
16:28but all movement to and from the premises must be scheduled and approved what like a prisoner
16:38this is the start of a new life how the goddess is this my life now now go on go see your new room
16:46she may be my mate but only in name how am i possibly expected to meet with someone who hates
16:53me and so the half human becomes a prisoner in a mansion this is my room
17:08screw this i'm no one's captive i'm sneaking out of here
17:32did you hear that
17:36oh goddess not a rogue wolf again
17:40where do you think you're going um i was just on a run really you just had your whole world
17:48blown up and you just wanted to get some air let me make one thing abundantly clear to you
17:56if you try to leave again before the claiming ceremony i'll make sure it's impossible for you
18:01to ever leave the house for the rest of your life as my luna wait why only until the ceremony
18:08because once i've marked you i can find you anywhere
18:15do you understand me little bunny
18:21what did you just call me i don't look like a rabbit and i certainly don't run like one
18:27well run on home then well if you want me to go home then you're just gonna have to carry me
18:48bedtime little bunny it's five not my problem stay put okay fine
18:56fine he has such a power over me her power over me is terrifying
19:09wait reese
19:12why do this i mean why me you know i don't have a choice a trinity
19:24have some confidence in yourself for god's sake
19:27a luna is confident
19:32you're not as undesirable as you think you are
19:57ah i wonder if we'll have you to join us the chef made you a plate
20:04actually i was thinking of grabbing something from the bakery in town
20:08vincent you heard her copy that i'll take her an escort seriously what you think i'd let you out on
20:17your own the day of the claiming ceremony because you've earned my trust or something yeah and i
20:24thought grandfather was overprotective god is he's such a wise ass
20:40i hate not being able to go to school today i don't want to carry the secret anymore
20:45you're dressed for the claiming ceremony thank you
20:52well this is it
21:15oh where is she the ceremony is about to begin patience elder frederick this is already a
21:22disaster i mean this is trinity wit and she's basically powerless how can we expect her to be
21:30the new luna
21:46welcome red springs wolf pack today we are here to celebrate a momentous occasion
21:53our pack has found its luna she is here tonight and i will bring her out now to mark her before you
22:20why can't he look at me he must think i'm ugly
22:27goddess help me i need her
22:35are you ready i think so
22:38um where ladies and where men of the red springs pack i now present to you our luna trinity
22:59no no no no no no i refuse to accept this she doesn't even have her wolf yet
23:06do you really expect us to take her as our leader this is insane
23:27she may not have a wolf but she is my chosen luna
23:32the goddess has spoken and we must respect the fate it is time
23:41are you ready
23:45i'm gonna be gentle but try not to scream this is it the end of my life
24:01are you all right i'm fine
24:44i can't stand how much i want her i just wanted to check on you i know the ceremony was rough
24:50i told you they wouldn't accept me i'm still the disgrace they think i am
24:54screw them all right you're their luna now they have to bow down to you no matter what they believe
25:01can i come in yeah
25:11just looking at him makes me nervous he's so handsome
25:20i should have never trusted her
25:26look before you get any ideas about what's going to happen tonight let's set something straight
25:31like what like how this is gonna go you may be my mate but in name only excuse me i never wanted
25:39a mate all right but if the goddess demands i take you fine but we will never be intimate
25:46all right you're merely an assignment to me is that understood so what you tricked me
25:53into being your luna by pretending there was something between us i never pretend
25:57get your emotions in check well if i'm nothing to you then you're nothing to me
26:05get out of my room you feral dog what did you call me you heard me if i'm a weak little bunny
26:15then you're a disgusting dog i will never love you
26:29how am i supposed to live like this
26:34vinson can't you wait in the car everyone's watching no i can't luna
26:39hey hey that's my friend and i'd really like to talk to her in private can you give us some space
26:47of course luna please take your time
26:58oh my god is you're the freaking lunatron yes trust me i know what's it like what's
27:03the alpha's personality like is his body insane after the ceremony did you two you know no what
27:11wait let me see your mark at least oh no no uh it uh hasn't formed yet i always liked how
27:18mine had these cool vines every mark is different a depiction of the couple's devotion i wonder what
27:24yours is gonna have we will never be intimate you're merely an assignment to me padlocks
27:32daggers toxic waste i guess we'll see look vincent's waiting for me so i really gotta go
27:42tren are you okay i know this all came as a shock but if you're not okay you can tell me
27:47i can't tell her the truth um i have to protect the pack now
27:51bye and the pack needs to believe their luna is strong never better i mean i'm the luna after all
27:58aren't i look um i'll see you around okay okay
28:12bad day boss more like a bad week sit all right what do you got for me run through the list
28:20all right you're needed at the azure river pack to discuss the plan for warlock mitigations and
28:26other threats to the two packs that's been a while since i've seen my cousin
28:31i don't know i'll be there by the end of the week we need a plan for those inbreds and soon
28:38vincent you'll come with us for protection
28:43unless you have other pressing engagements aside from protecting myself from the luna
28:48well it's just i'm so sorry sir but my wife heather is pregnant with our first pup
28:56and she's due any day now damn it i forgot
29:04she can't handle that on her own i'm assuming
29:09fine fine stay here we'll protect ourselves and vincent uh congratulations
29:18a pup is a blessing shall i hear
29:22shall we leave you sir yes please oh and uh sir the information you requested
29:36all right time to discover more about my darling luna
29:47i feel bad i've been so cold to her what
29:52i know it's not easy losing a mother
29:57who would do this to her
30:01and why
30:15my mother after my father died my mother was never the same it's as if she died that day too
30:30i have to go away for a few days to visit riley and his pack she's coming with me too
30:38oh oh you you really don't have to um yes i do luna especially since i'm not
30:44accompanying you to azure river but hey some honeymoon time with your mate huh
30:49yeah gee i just can't wait well he can be rough around the edges but he isn't all bad
30:59that's news to me let's just say i really do wish you were coming your better company
31:06will you promise me something luna do not under any circumstance go off on your own in azure river
31:14it's a rough area rival packs warlocks
31:20please promise me yeah i promise but seriously how bad can it be
31:28i'll take your bags to the car
31:44shit i guess i haven't told you the news yet i made it now
31:54your boy's all grown up
31:58she's pretty in a way that's different than the rest of the pack
32:03she's smart too well that's that's at least what her cousin says
32:10but she doesn't have a wolf
32:15what if she can't protect herself when she needs to or worse what if she can't protect the pack
32:20you know like what was the goddess thinking when she paired us together i
32:26i don't know
32:29maybe i'm too hard on her
32:37anyway i'll be back in a few days take care of yourself until then okay
32:44hey i i love you
33:04what are you doing um nothing nothing just waiting for you
33:10um right well then let's get on with it i'm driving
33:31do you always drive like that like what like a jackass to put it lightly
33:37you really need to toughen up little bunny
33:41what are we doing at your cousin's place anyway what you two need to howl together and run through
33:47the forest you really don't get it do you well enlighten me then well cousin you made it
33:57riley it's good to see you man yeah it's been too long and you brought your new beautiful luna
34:04what is someone as gorgeous as you doing my cousin all right all right down boy she's mine
34:12my goodness where are my manners this is my lovely mate katie very pleased to meet you
34:18uh i'm the luna here too uh forgive me she's running on the job well come on let's go get a
34:27drink it's a long-standing treaty we have that we preside over azure river your reign extends
34:34here too how was i supposed to know that just try not to embarrass me or yourself again got it all
34:42right hey
34:51i feel a rush whenever i touch her
35:04so reese over here thought it'd be a great idea to put pillows in the
35:07bed to make it look like we hadn't snuck out like that was gonna work
35:12it got us both grounded there are endless stories like this for them to tell you
35:17all right all right in my defense i was young and a little dumb ah so nice to hear your humility for
35:24once wow she's a spitfire cuz all right we have some snacks make yourselves at home any drinks
35:33yes please i'll help you out katie
35:39i just don't see reese having that rebellious side to him oh you don't know your mate as well
35:44as i do then this guy was always letting his wild side out drove his father crazy
35:52may you rest in peace yes
35:55riley can i ask what happened to him reese's father it's a terrible story really
36:06the rival pack infiltrated our territory
36:16the leader of that pack one of our greatest enemies
36:24blindsided him one day
36:35i should have never trusted her
36:40in the end reese's father was betrayed by a woman named mandy a worthless woman
36:49reese was never the same shut the world out
36:55i can imagine that's terrible
37:01no wonder he hates me the woman who betrayed his father was wolfless just like me
37:10now he's found you i see such a change in him already what really oh yeah he's a whole new wolf
37:20you don't see the effect you have on him
37:23i i guess i just didn't realize all right some drinks for you all i'm gonna go and
37:29make sure that your room is all set up but i'll see you in a bit i'll help you with that love
37:38drink thanks cheers
37:50it's beautiful yeah riley's estate's been a part of our family for years now oh not that the music
38:11did i ever tell you about my mom no but it's okay you don't have to talk about it if you don't want
38:18to no i want to
38:23i never knew my mom growing up all the girls had moms who loved them and cared for them
38:36i couldn't even remember what mine looked like
38:41when i was 10 i asked aunt eve about her i just wanted to know something anything
38:48but aunt eve didn't want to talk about mom
38:53i guess the pain was still too raw for her
38:57instead she handed me an envelope and made me swear to never tell grandfather
39:04it was a photo of my mom at prom she was with this boy and they were dancing
39:12oh my god her eyes and her smile
39:20she was magnificent
39:26anyway i just always imagined her dancing to a song like this one
39:42dance with me right now yeah where
39:57i know how hard it is to with someone that you love
40:51i'm sorry no it's okay am i interrupting something
40:57um would you excuse me i just need a moment of course
41:10it looked intense
41:13was it
41:20that kiss it was everything it felt like a tidal wave breaking in me
41:29you feral dog i will never love you little did he know it was my first kiss ever
41:36but i can't fall for him it doesn't change anything he hates me and i hate him right
41:43come on pull yourself together luna
41:49what is that who is that
41:55run me through this again how many warlocks are spotted in the area
42:00ah run me through this again how many warlocks are spotted in the area
42:06that sounded like trinity who are you
42:17take her now
42:29yeah don't strain yourself little luna who are you what do you want leverage luna
42:40you want leverage and now that we have you we're gonna get it who's talking to me how
42:47am i supposed to fend off an attacker i can't see not a chance anyone's finding me here alive
42:53oh please stop you're hurting me
43:06where the hell'd they take her we're in warlock territory now that must be uazer
43:14i smell her scent faintly but you'd be able to track her better than i could i can't smell her
43:22i can't smell her
43:40your pack thinks they're the kings of these parts little do they know their time is running out
43:48especially with a wolfless girl like you as their all-powerful luna i may be wolfless but at least
43:55i'm not a coward you're scared to show my face how dare you you picked the wrong luna to take
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