Dukes Masked Bride

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Where on earth have you been?
00:01Your father must have gone mad if he allowed you to leave this house.
00:05Your mother left you.
00:08Neither you nor your father seem to realize the suffering this cost me to put up with you.
00:13I'm sorry.
00:14Your presence drains me.
00:15I'm tired of seeing that revolting mask.
00:19You speak as if you want a part of why I wear it.
00:23I had only one option to escape this abuse and that was to get married.
00:26So when I saw the most powerful man at my father's party,
00:29I couldn't stop myself from asking him this question.
00:32If I were to ask you to marry me, what would you say?
00:36You'd be setting yourself up for a loveless marriage.
00:39I have no interest.
00:41Is it untrue?
00:43Do not long for a wife?
00:46The king has played quite the joke.
00:48The king loved to play his little games with Edgar.
00:51Well, I've no need for love.
00:53I've hardly ever known it.
00:55All women yearn to be loved.
00:58You cannot guarantee me that you will not grow wanting.
01:01A contract, Ben.
01:02Legally binding.
01:05If I fall in love, we divorce.
01:08Did your father put you up to this?
01:10This offer has nothing to do with helping my father.
01:13I leave that up to you to believe me.
01:15I'm not interested in marrying anyone for love.
01:18I only wish to leave this place and never look back.
01:21Edgar was surprised by her honesty.
01:23There was opportunity here.
01:25Oh, would you marry me despite him?
01:27I am dying within these walls.
01:30Day by day, piece by piece.
01:33I am neglected and unloved by my own father.
01:38I do not care for your looks, Duke Edgar.
01:41Nor your money.
01:42Frankly, I see you as an escape.
01:44You know, it would be nothing for one to hire an actress or a prostitute to play that role.
01:51If you wanted, you would have done so already.
01:54If the king has made this joke to toy with you,
01:59then surely marrying the cursed daughter of Baron Desmond Barrett would fill him with remorse.
02:10You're much quicker on your feet than I expected.
02:13Rumors about your timidity and reclusive nature are clearly false.
02:19Join me in my residence tomorrow on the edge of town.
02:21I'd like to discuss this further.
02:23But father would never allow it.
02:26You must be mistaken then.
02:27I thought you wanted to leave.
02:29She wanted to, but couldn't think fast enough to stop him.
02:32Duke Collins!
02:34But it would have to wait.
02:35Alessandra's sister had arrived.
02:37Father told me to find you.
02:40Are you out here all alone?
02:41Kate Barrett, I presume.
02:43I was just about to.
02:46Kate's blood boiled at the sight of Alessandra.
02:50Oh, I'm terribly sorry that thing has bothered you.
02:53It wasn't meant to be out here.
02:56She is your sister.
02:59And I'm sure she doesn't appreciate being referred to as...
03:02The Duke was disappointed at seeing Alessandra was no longer around.
03:07Oh, sweetie, siblings often have little pet names for each other, do they not?
03:10You were an only child, so I can forgive you for that.
03:19I'm sure that excuse allows you to sleep quite soundly at night.
03:22Kate would do anything to make the Duke see she'd make a good wife.
03:25Her family had a problem, and he was their best solution.
03:32The stories do not do you any justice, Duke Collins.
03:36I must admit, I was hoping to get you here alone.
03:41A man of your position and a woman of my beauty would make a powerful union, don't you agree?
03:48As hard as it may be to believe, not all men are so susceptible to the fluttering of your eyelashes.
03:53Besides, I received another more promising offer.
03:57Now, if you'll excuse me.
03:59The Duke didn't give Alessandra away.
04:02Maybe he really was the solution to her problems.
04:05Kate, on the other hand, was both surprised and embarrassed to hear someone had already caught the Duke's eye.
04:12Alessandra, I'd like a word.
04:14Did the Duke say anything about another woman?
04:20Don't think you'll get away with disobeying father's orders.
04:28Alessandra listened to the sounds of the party, and she imagined she was among them.
04:33Drinking, laughing, gossiping, dancing among the music and the food and the friends.
04:40She wanted it. All of it.
04:44She had it in her mind. She was there.
04:48Then, she opened her eyes.
05:03Yoo-hoo, mommy! I'm in need of some refreshment!
05:09Alright, I'll see you back at the kitchen.
05:14You should be more careful with vulgarity. Stepmother might see you.
05:19Alessandra, please. Please don't hurt me.
05:22What? Hurt you?
05:24Alessandra knew there were many rumors spread about her.
05:27So many, she could hardly keep track of all of them.
05:29If you see under my mask, you die. Is that what they told you?
05:33Love you.
05:35Don't believe everything you hear. Please.
05:39May I enter my room?
05:56Kitty! It's just you and I tonight, I'm afraid.
06:00Her stepmother would be furious if she knew Alessandra kept a pet.
06:06But Kitty was the only thing that Alessandra could truly call hers.
06:13Breakfast, my lady.
06:16My lady, please. It'll get cold.
06:19Alessandra knew there was only one reason the maids wouldn't just leave food at the door and run.
06:24Kate is here.
06:30I will come back for you later.
06:37I'm sorry.
06:41Alessandra, get out here this instant.
06:49What is it?
06:51Good morning, sister.
06:53Good morning.
06:55Leave us.
06:59Did you enjoy yourself last night, Alessandra?
07:02Very much so. The music reached my room.
07:05Tell me, what was it you were discussing with Duke Collins last night?
07:09He scolded me for being unable to recognize someone of his stature.
07:13And then you arrived.
07:15Is that so? Was there anything else?
07:19He spoke briefly of you.
07:21What did he say?
07:23He pondered aloud. Weighed his options.
07:26He thought you were pretty, like a doll. I swear.
07:29That makes sense. He's playing hard to get.
07:32And I suppose there really would be no reason for him to talk to you and not to Alessandra.
07:38There would be no reason for him to talk to you unless it was about me.
07:41Of course.
07:43Well, anyway, I'm appalled you had the audacity to speak with him.
07:46You risked dissuading him from marrying into our houses by showing your hideous face.
07:52Why did you do that?
08:01Father, it was an accident.
08:03As callous as Baron Barrett could be towards his daughter,
08:06he did not abide her direct mistreatment.
08:08I shall see to her discipline, then.
08:11Run along.
08:17What have I taken guests out to the garden?
08:19I needed dinner. You warned me to starve.
08:22Fine, fine. There's absolutely no point scolding you.
08:26Whoever didn't bring your food is to blame.
08:29I'm sorry about what Kate did to you, but she's just looking out for the family.
08:36You must be bored in your room all alone all the time.
08:44Let me prepare for some entertainment for you.
08:47Can I take the stagecoach to look for places of interest to paint today?
08:52I promise I will not leave the carriage.
08:54The Baron understood it was better to allow a pet bird some freedom,
08:59so she would not test the limits of her cage.
09:02Very well.
09:06Meanwhile, Edgar, at his window, eagerly awaited the arrival of his new friend.
09:12Young master.
09:14Good morning, Alfred.
09:16Your tea, sir.
09:17Alfred was confused by his master's behavior.
09:20Edgar was usually only like this when his mother visited.
09:25Expecting guests?
09:28I met someone of interest.
09:30In truth, she was invited, but I'm unsure if she's desperate.
09:34In truth, she was invited, but I'm unsure if she's desperate enough.
09:37She? A woman? Visiting here in broad daylight?
09:42What are you implying? Do you think it'll be some sort of rake?
09:52I've known you for far too long.
09:54Please refrain from speaking such a way when my guest arrives.
09:57I intend to make her the lady of the house.
10:00Edgar knew he could trust Alfred to keep a secret or two.
10:03Are you surprised?
10:05Well, I recall your exact words to the king were,
10:08I'd sooner cut off my own manhood than lose it to a woman.
10:12But, surely I've misinterpreted your intent.
10:15Alfred, I sincerely believe I inherited my dramatic nature from you.
10:20I'm not interested in marriage.
10:22But the woman I met last night is intriguing.
10:25A perfect way to f*** off the king and ward off some other people.
10:30So, who should I be expecting?
10:41Alessandra marveled at the size of the duke's estate
10:44and the beautiful manor at the center of it all
10:47that seemed to tower over everything.
10:54This place is humongous!
10:56Good morning!
10:58Good morning to you too!
10:59Welcome, Alessandra Barrett.
11:01The duke eagerly awaits you.
11:03Alessandra worried that her mask might be a problem.
11:06But, per the duke's orders,
11:08Alfred had already instructed the staff not to react when they saw it.
11:11Right this way, my lady.
11:13Wait, I didn't get your name.
11:15Alfred. Most people never ask.
11:18Most people are cruel.
11:20Well met, Alfred.
11:28As Alessandra entered the duke's home for the first time,
11:32the sheer extravagance of it all took her breath away.
11:51To be honest, I began to think you wouldn't show up.
11:58Have you eaten?
12:00This was the first time in years
12:02Alessandra had been invited to eat at a table with someone.
12:11So, how did you escape?
12:13Did you play a trick on the baron?
12:15Or did he allow you to leave willingly?
12:17I am not working with my father, I assure you.
12:22In fact, I took a great risk being here today.
12:27You must know that I am extremely serious about this.
12:30There's no going back for me.
12:32Does your father hate you?
12:34Alessandra hoped he didn't, at least.
12:36In truth, she did not know.
12:38Hate is the wrong word.
12:42He should be.
12:44But not of you.
12:46Every child deserves to be cherished by their parents.
12:49It's unfortunate that you were born under his charge.
12:53If I were the daughter of some farmer,
12:56they would have tossed me out with the other weeds.
12:59You are the farmer's daughter.
13:01I've intentionally been disfigured such as yourself.
13:05The life of a peasant is rarely as ruthless as high society.
13:10I don't want to talk about that.
13:22Someone must have been very jealous of you, Alessandra.
13:26Alessandra couldn't bear to speak.
13:30Some truths are far too painful.
13:36Let's say I believe you.
13:38Why would someone,
13:40for their whole life who's been hiding,
13:42seek to marry someone who's in the limelight?
13:45How does that serve you?
13:48Alessandra was fed up that people mistook her kindness for weakness.
13:56I did not plan on asking you to marry me.
13:59It was a spur-of-the-moment decision.
14:02I need an escape plan.
14:04And my only option is marriage.
14:08I never pictured that person to be quite as grand as you.
14:12But you fulfill all the criteria.
14:14There are only two things that I considered,
14:16Duke Collins.
14:20you are a notoriously private person,
14:22in spite of all the rumors that swirl around you.
14:28you are quite capable of bringing my family to heel.
14:31And how does that benefit me?
14:35No one would dare bother a man with a cursed bride.
14:39Especially one they say can kill with a glance.
14:42She was far from that scared girl
14:44he met in the garden the night before.
14:46I'd love to attend parties.
14:48To talk.
14:50To laugh.
14:52To dance.
14:54I'd rather die
14:56than live another day in the shadows.
15:03Sorry, what is good?
15:09A contract needs rules
15:11and conditions.
15:21I'm sorry.
15:23I'm sorry.
15:25I'm sorry.
15:27He's writing a contract?
15:29Alessandra thought.
15:31Isn't this all too easy?
15:36What are you waiting for?
15:38Search the demand.
15:49What happened to your hand?
15:53It's nothing.
15:57If you were to be my wife
15:59then it is certainly something more.
16:01Name the culprit and I shall have them punished.
16:03It was an accident.
16:05Well, let us be sure that there are no further accidents
16:07if you deliver before we wed.
16:09I will certainly try.
16:15based on our previous conversation
16:17we are not to fall in love.
16:21That, Duke Collins,
16:23is a promise I intend to keep.
16:26I just hope you're always disagreeable.
16:28To be quite frank,
16:30you are simply
16:32not my type.
16:34What type do you fancy?
16:40What should be the second condition?
16:44Well, obviously you speak of this contract
16:46to no one other than my butler, myself.
16:48In fact,
16:50we should communicate all matters openly and thoroughly
16:52even minus secrets breed contempt
16:54which can be quite irritating.
17:01my mask stays on.
17:05I'm still writing.
17:09Jot this down.
17:11It's imperative that we stay in the same room.
17:16Why are you so surprised?
17:18You act like I've been in longer sleep than my wife.
17:20Alessandra knew it wasn't common
17:23for a duke to share a room with his wife
17:25under normal circumstances.
17:27I suppose that makes sense.
17:29It is something couples do.
17:33Alessandra, I'm speaking of
17:35though if you wish...
17:37No, it's just fine.
17:43Anything else?
17:46I believe we have the basics covered.
17:48We should handle the rest later.
17:50Don't you wish to add some protections?
17:53Or some sort of punishment
17:55in case one of us violates the terms?
17:59I don't know.
18:01There is also no timeline for our wedding plans.
18:03My main concern is secrecy.
18:05None of you are slippery
18:07married under this circumstance
18:09and will ruin your reputation far more than mine.
18:13One more thing.
18:15We are to be married
18:17henceforth forever
18:19to have until home
18:21until death.
18:27Of course.
18:29Do you intend me to bear children?
18:31Hide your worries.
18:33I have no need for a child
18:35to dirty these halls just yet.
18:39you wouldn't mind me
18:41mothering that child
18:45I don't understand the question.
18:47You don't understand?
18:52getting on my nerves.
18:54Do you think if I was uncomfortable with the idea
18:56I would entertain the prospect of marrying you?
19:04Can we take a walk?
19:08It is not that I don't long for motherhood
19:10or even raising a family.
19:12I'm simply worried
19:14what horrors a child of mine might face.
19:18swirl around me
19:20the both of us.
19:22What if the child becomes yet another
19:24subject of discourse?
19:26If you cut out a man's tongue eventually people
19:28tire of hearing him gurgle.
19:30No one would dare speak ill of our child.
19:32My child.
19:36I would make sure of that.
19:38There was obviously some truth
19:40to the rumour that Duke Collins
19:42was dangerous.
19:44She couldn't shake the feeling that his friendly demeanour
19:47was some sort of act.
19:49Still, she longed for the freedom
19:51he offered.
19:53I'll do it.
19:55Do what?
19:57Sign the contract.
19:59Duke Collins.
20:01So long
20:03as you can shield the child and I from abuse.
20:09Would you like to live with me to a while?
20:11I wish you would stop whatever accidents
20:16I appreciate your kindness
20:18and I do believe you can protect me from rumours
20:20after our wedding, but
20:24Rumours are such messy things
20:26especially when they concern
20:28our personal lives.
20:30Though they often come in handy in my line of work.
20:32Line of work?
20:34The King enlisted
20:36me to investigate certain criminal acts
20:38on his behalf.
20:40My station gives me a few advantages
20:42that a normal constable does not have.
20:44I saw you at the party last night.
20:46You were looking for information.
20:48Your father enticed me with the prospect
20:50but he had nothing to share that I didn't already know.
20:52I apologise
20:54on behalf of my father.
20:56He is quite enthusiastic
20:58about you marrying Kate.
21:00Likely saw an opportunity to encourage your meeting.
21:02As soon as we're wed
21:04your family shall be forbidden
21:06from entering my home.
21:08I hope you don't mind.
21:10She did not.
21:14Thank you so much for the lovely tour.
21:16You have a beautiful home.
21:18I'm quite jealous of your paintings.
21:20No mother would complain
21:22if the walls were too bare.
21:24Are you a painter yourself?
21:26I dabble.
21:28She did more than dabble.
21:30It was her favourite pastime.
21:32Nothing compared to the feeling
21:34of distilling a bit of life
21:36onto canvas.
21:38How would one go about buying a few barrette originals?
21:40No, no, no.
21:43No, no, no.
21:45I am not a professional by any means.
21:47I'd rather buy art from someone I know
21:49than try and find what others find agreeable.
21:51You've no more room for any paintings of mine.
22:03take down the ones from the Bloody Dutchman
22:05with Rembrandt.
22:09Are you insane?
22:13I have consulted a doctor, Val.
22:15I have a clean bill of health.
22:17If you were to live here, then it is very important
22:19that you be able to leave your mark on it.
22:21I will send you a few pieces.
22:23Thank you,
22:25Duke Collins.
22:27Please, call me Edgar.
22:29Thank you, Edgar.
22:31Whatever you think is fair,
22:33let Alfred know the price.
22:35Goodbye, Edgar.
22:37Goodbye, Alfred.
22:43Shall I prepare an engagement ring?
22:45For tomorrow morning, please.
22:47What happens tomorrow morning?
22:49Edgar explained
22:51that he and Alessandra planned to announce
22:53their engagement in front of her family
22:55the following morning.
22:57Why are you so surprised, Alfred?
22:59I'm beginning to think these paintings as well.
23:01I asked you already.
23:03He wanted Alfred to bring the family a few gifts to celebrate.
23:09and paint for Alessandra.
23:11And then when you're done taking these down,
23:13please clean up my room.
23:15We have to prepare space for her things.
23:17You're sharing a room?
23:19But this house is vast,
23:21and I don't enjoy hiking.
23:31Alessandra felt like she was in a dream.
23:33In just a short time,
23:35she would be free of her family's abuse.
23:37I'm going to marry Duke Collins.
23:40Where on earth have you been?
23:42But some dreams have rude awakenings.
23:44Your father must have gone mad
23:46if he allowed you to leave this house.
23:48I did not leave the carriage.
23:50What would the townsfolk say if they were to learn
23:52that you were riding around amongst them?
23:56Your mother left you.
23:58Neither you nor your father seem to realize
24:00the suffering this cost me to put up with you.
24:02I'm sorry.
24:04I hope you enjoyed your day out.
24:06It will never happen again.
24:09Now, your presence drains me.
24:11I'm tired of seeing that revolting mask.
24:15You speak as if you weren't a part of why I wear it.
24:20It'll all be over soon, she thought.
24:26Edgar might have noticed her hands,
24:28but Alessandra wasn't going to get him involved
24:30in her family drama.
24:41Not one more step!
24:49Father said we were not allowed
24:51to have pets in the house.
24:53Imagine my surprise when I discovered
24:55this little creature in your closet.
24:57Kate, I will take care of it.
25:01It does not deserve to be the innocent victim
25:03in our games.
25:05Father was furious with me.
25:07He said I was the reason the Duke left early last night.
25:09And I really wasn't.
25:11Was I, Alessandra?
25:13I am so, so sorry, Kate.
25:17I will make it up to you.
25:37Alessandra grew more desperate
25:39by the second.
25:41This didn't go well for the staff.
25:43Why is she running around?
25:47I'm here.
25:51It's my fault.
25:53I should have hid you better
25:55and taken you with me.
26:01Calm down.
26:03Has anyone seen my father?
26:06It's me. I need to talk with him.
26:08What is all this incessant whining?
26:10Have you lost your damn mind?
26:12Alessandra knew Katrina would refuse
26:14to help save the dying cat.
26:16What is that rather thing?
26:18I made it quite clear
26:20that I do not want pets in this house.
26:22Still, she had to try.
26:24For Kitty.
26:26Please, it is in pain.
26:28It needs a doctor.
26:30Help me and I swear I will find a new owner.
26:32Just throw it out.
26:34Your daughter did this.
26:36For once in your life, hold her accountable
26:38for what she has done.
26:40Do not blame my daughter
26:42for your own sins.
26:44Do you want to spend another night starving
26:46out in the garden?
26:48Kate did many horrible things.
26:50But in everyone's eyes,
26:52she remained an angel
26:54while Alessandra was called a monster.
26:56The girl was tired.
26:58So very tired.
27:00This house is just so frustrating.
27:03That does not sound like an apology.
27:07You there.
27:09Take that animal and throw it out.
27:11Fine, Alessandra thought.
27:13If they see me as a monster,
27:15so be it.
27:17Touch me or this kitten
27:19and I will kill you.
27:21Mark my words.
27:23Are you listening?
27:25I gave you an order.
27:27Pry that thing from her arms
27:29or you're out of a job.
27:32Not this, thought the maid.
27:36Inform the butler
27:38that Alessandra is to remain locked in her room.
27:40I'll starve in there.
27:42When you're done,
27:44pack your things and get the hell out.
27:56Katrina had granted Alessandra
27:58a blessing without realizing it.
28:00She wanted to care for the kitten
28:02without anyone interrupting her.
28:04Hold on till tomorrow, little one.
28:06He will come for the both of us.
28:08Until the duke arrived the next day,
28:10she wanted to be alone.
28:24Are you feeling better?
28:43Kitty had no reply.
28:51Meanwhile, as Alessandra was starving,
28:53grieving and alone,
28:55they enjoyed their morning tea in peace.
28:57If Alessandra gets to keep the cat,
28:59it's only fair that I have a puppy.
29:01Pretty please, daddy?
29:03Not a chance, princess.
29:05But I want it.
29:07She gets everything she wants.
29:09Alessandra got to speak with the duke
29:11where I heard it got so much as a word.
29:13Kate, don't eat so quickly.
29:15You'll never find a good husband
29:17if you joke to death.
29:19Besides, you still have a chance
29:21to woo the duke at the ball later this week.
29:24She's right, you know.
29:26Putting up quite a bit of money on the line
29:28for your future.
29:30We don't have much left.
29:32We need the duke to save us.
29:36Duke Edgar Collins is here to visit.
29:38He's brought his butler.
29:40The duke! Mother!
29:42I didn't know he was visiting.
29:44Desmond, did you know?
29:48Well, what are you doing standing there?
29:50Bring in the duke right now.
29:53Duke Collins,
29:55to what do I owe the honor
29:57of this visit?
29:59I have something to discuss with your entire family.
30:01Yes, well then,
30:03please, have a seat.
30:05Would you care for anything to eat?
30:07We are just now having our morning tea.
30:09I've already eaten.
30:11Baron, no doubt that you've heard the rumors
30:13that I'm looking for a wife.
30:15No, I haven't heard
30:17such a preposterous rumor.
30:19Is it true, perchance?
30:21I intend to marry your daughter.
30:23What spectacular news!
30:25He will make a spectacular bride!
30:29You're mistaken.
30:31I intend to marry your other daughter,
30:39My Alessandra?
30:41Duke Collins,
30:43the townspeople believe her
30:45to be cursed.
30:47That would surely impact your reputation.
30:50Not so petty as to be concerned with such trivialities.
30:52There are plenty of rumors about me.
30:54But I hope
30:56you're not implying that your reputation
30:58might be soiled by my visiting here.
31:00No, no,
31:04kindly, Duke Collins,
31:06you and
31:08my daughter, two different people.
31:10You're special.
31:12And Alessandra is not.
31:14Becker was starting to wonder
31:16why Alessandra was not eating with her family.
31:18That's not what we meant.
31:20But out of my two daughters,
31:22Kate is the smarter choice.
31:24She has
31:26many prospective offers.
31:28Quite a few young men of high status
31:30seeking her hand.
31:32Kate will be just fine with my rejection.
31:34I'm here for Alessandra.
31:36Where is she?
31:38Why are you hiding her from me?
31:40Duke Collins,
31:42it is uncouth of you
31:44to keep asking for Alessandra.
31:47She does not possess an adult's mind.
31:49What did you say?
31:51Desmond feared Edgar would strangle her
31:53for saying that.
31:57I shall take you to her straight away.
31:59I assure you
32:01Alessandra will give you the same answer.
32:03She doesn't like to be seen
32:05by others.
32:09This way, please.
32:13Alfred, wait here.
32:17Come on.
32:27Lovely home.
32:35And we've
32:37given her the best view
32:39in the whole house.
32:46we have a guest.
33:02What happened?
33:06you see...
33:08I waited for you.
33:20What have I done to deserve this?
33:22I promise I will rectify it.
33:26tell me.
33:30My kitten passed away this morning
33:32and I am confined
33:34to my room for punishment.
33:36I can't leave to bury it.
33:38Why are you here, Duke Collins?
33:40Her words said
33:43Why are you here?
33:45But her eyes said
33:47Where were you?
33:51I'm here now
33:53to ask for your hand.
33:55But your family seems to think
33:57that's a bad decision.
34:01Do you agree?
34:07You said you would protect me.
34:09You've spent your life
34:11We can be wolves.
34:19Duke Edgar is
34:21no ordinary man.
34:23You are not prepared for the demands
34:25of high society.
34:27Enough! Father,
34:29I've made my decision.
34:31Will Alessandra resist
34:33the allure of the Duke
34:35or will she lose herself in her pursuit
34:37of vengeance?
34:42Your presence strains me
34:44and I tire of seeing that revolting mask.
34:48Do not blame my daughter
34:50for your own sins.
34:52Do you want to spend another night
34:54starving out in the garden?
35:02All right, Duke Collins.
35:05Let us be wolves.
35:13What dark secret
35:15does Edgar have in store for Alessandra?
35:17And what secrets
35:19lie under her mask?
35:27think this over.
35:29Let's think this over.
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