Henry Turner vs Jack Rafferty (05-10-2024) Full Fight

  • 15 hours ago
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00:00Boxers, I've had your instructions in the changing room, you know what I expect. Keep it clean, keep your heads up, touch gloves, come out, box on the bell, let's go.
00:30Alan Smith have built their whole strategy to account for that. See off the storm in the early rounds, apparently, the Southport Turner. And let's see first, Richie, if Rafferty can be true to type on what is for him clearly the biggest night.
00:45It is a big night. It's a big night for both of them, isn't it? And I always like to see undefeated boxers. Then we turn a 13-0, Jack Rafferty, 23-0. So he's a little bit further down the road in terms of experience. But yes, Turner is a very, very good, well-schooled boxer, Southport.
01:02Rafferty, I don't think he's going to outbox Turner. I think he's going to have to go for it and really put him under a little bit of pressure. But we shall see. It'll be interesting to see how the tactics play out and how Rafferty goes about things against a good, skilful Southport. Like I say, I don't think he'll outbox Turner. He'll have to get up to him and rough him up a little bit and take the fight to Turner.
01:23Biggest unknown as we start, I think, is whether Rafferty is now getting very tight at this weight. There are rumours that that is the case. There are stories that he considered stepping up, but then the attraction of this fight on a night like this made him buckle down and try to do the weight again.
01:53Close one indeed. Turner, very, very skilful on that outside. Very well-schooled, works very well with his jab and brings all his opponents over that front foot like he did there and just comes back with the odd counter. So he's a clever, clever kid and that's why pace will probably suit him. If it's a slower pace, he can see the attacks coming from Rafferty.
02:15Found his left hand through the middle of the Rafferty guard. There are problems here for Rafferty to solve, style-wise, clearly. Is it also true, Richie, there's more than a rumour, we've been told, as a fact, but just to corroborate, he has never faced a Southport before tonight?
02:29This is what we're hearing, yes. He hasn't fought a Southport, certainly, as a professional. That is right, Paul. I'm sure, but I'm sure he will have, you know, he'll have had the spine partners in, most definitely. But you're in against a very skilful, and he's learning already in this first round. He's falling short a little bit with his jab, Rafferty, and he's been caught with the odd shot, the odd counter from Turner.
02:52So, like I said at the start, he's going to have to quicken things up, in my opinion, and take the contest to Turner in terms of faster pace and closing that gap down quicker and making it a little bit more awkward. Because at the moment, Turner's boxing very well at distance, controlling the pace. The pace is certainly suiting Turner at this stage.
03:11And for part of this opening round, Turner's also started to plant his feet, just spread the stance a little bit more. He found that one left hand through the middle, didn't he? And I rather fancy that there's a track to be set, if it goes like this, for Rafferty.
03:25The jab's a very important shot for Turner, Paul, most certainly. Scoring points from it, but it's also bringing then Rafferty over his front foot, and then he's catching him then with a counter. So it's first and third boxing, that's a good round for Turner. Stylish start from him.
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04:25Back to Alan Smith, incidentally, as this one warms up. Inducted into the Hall of Fame by the British ex-boxers over the last week or so, Alan Smith. Terrific servant he has been, and he's got some really talented kids coming through. Henry Turner, one of the pick of the crop, and it's been a real good start to this from Classy Henry Turner.
04:44Against the more experienced Jack Rafferty. Rafferty with the Commonwealth title belt, his pride and joy. The vacant British title, the centrepiece of the offerings tonight. And Turner already with the WBC's international silver title. Still a mouthful third time round, but it has put Turner on the map internationally already.
05:10You see Rafferty, he's realising he's got to get closer, but he's going about it in, I think, the wrong way a lot of times, Paul, because occasionally he just drifts round to his right and he's walking onto that left hand. He's trying to get closer, but look how he's drifting round, and that'll allow Turner then to land his backhand.
05:29So Rafferty, I think he's just got to vary his movement patterns a little bit. See, he keeps drifting around onto that left hand of Turner, so that's what he's got to do more of, get his foot more on the outside and move more to his left rather than his right. See again, he's falling short, he's walking onto that left hand. Just got to vary the movement a little bit more.
05:48I won't say Turner's got it on a string here early on, Richie, but he seems quite sure of how he's doing it. And that left hand's becoming a factor, even this early.
06:00Like I said, Paul, he's controlling pace at the moment. And Rafferty, he knows he's got to get up closer because he's a little bit too far away with the right hand. There was an example of it there, he threw the right hand, but he fell short. So he knows he's got to get his feet up close to him, but he's just drifting round more onto the left hand of Turner.
06:20So the feet have got to be a bit more quicker and dynamic, maybe a little bit more head movement, but he's got to quicken things up. That wasn't too far away, but he's got to quicken things up here, Rafferty.
06:31The problem is, though, Richie, if he does throw it, if he cannot resist the temptation, he's off balance himself, isn't he, for half a second, Rafferty?
06:39Rafferty, and also he's overstretching because he's not quite close enough. So I can understand what he's doing. He's trying to get up close, I understand that, but he's got to also use his own jab. Before he throws that right hand, he's got to make sure the feet are in the right position. At the moment, he's drifting round onto the left hand there again from Turner.
07:01And again.
07:02Rafferty's got to stay patient. Easier said than done. We know he's got a shot in him, but can he get close enough to deliver it? It's not happening at the moment. Last 20 seconds of this second 12 round championship fight.
07:21Turner finds him underneath. Turner's in his rhythm. He has looked to class the operator right from the start, and he's finding it difficult to miss, quite honestly, at the moment, Henry Turner.
07:38The last shot at last counted with the right hand from Rafferty. He needed it.
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08:11Lottoland Casino sponsors boxing on TNT sports.
08:21Michael Conlon there for the boxer.
08:37Conlon, a craftsman and a real craftsman going about his business in there. Henry Turner. We're just going to stop here at the start of this round. With every respect to all concerned, I thought there was a lot of Vaseline across Rafferty right at the start of this fight. They got away with that for a couple of rounds, but well done referee now.
08:52Turner has looked the business so far in this big showdown. The showman against the demolition man. Rafferty is yet to detonate.
09:07Can he get close enough? Incidentally, you may have seen and heard Terry Flanagan working alongside Steve Malet in the corner for Rafferty between the rounds. Flanagan of Manchester, one time lightweight world champion, actually beat Derry Matthews, didn't he? In the WBO world title defense here in 2016.
09:31Yeah, terrific fighter Terry Flanagan. At the moment, Turner is boxing very well. He's controlling things. Rafferty is going to have to realize what he's got to do more of here. Rafferty is off the pace, go through the gears and really force Turner, make him work. This is a 12 round contest, remember? So you've got to make him work and get him to the point where he's feeling a little bit.
10:01But at the moment, the pace again, sensible boxing from Turner. Fitness is going to play a big part in this contest, especially for Turner, because he's going to have to keep it going. If he eases off a little bit, that will allow Rafferty in, who looks strong, he looks capable and he looks dangerous. But at the moment, it's going Turner's way, but it could go the other way if Turner slows down.
10:25Rafferty seems to have settled a little bit more. He's not quite so anxious.
10:28I've been privy to some inside knowledge about how they view this in the Turner corner, Richie. They believe because their strategy is built around believing that Rafferty is tight in the weight, they don't think he can start to build the tempo round by round. But what we're seeing now is that Rafferty starting to do that a little bit. And Terry Flanagan was talking about that in the corner.
10:56I think he looks pretty strong, Rafferty. I think he's losing the contest up to now, but nevertheless, I think he's sort of gaining in confidence and thinking that he can eventually get to Turner. So the movement, and like I said, the fitness from Turner is going to be so important here. If Rafferty gets a sniff that he's slowing down a little bit, then he could really pour on the pressure.
11:20This has been a better round for Rafferty.
11:23To slip the punch is much better, Rafferty. Although Turner's in his rhythm and has had a lot of success, Turner is missing more now.
11:38He's missing more, and Rafferty may just feel that he can take the power out of Turner. Turner is a lovely boxer, box him very well at distance, but there is a sort of air of confidence with Rafferty now.
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12:38A bit more intense from Alan Smith in that Turner corner there. Perhaps feeling that Turner was making himself a little bit too easy to hit.
12:48You know what, the corner said that. Alan Smith said he doesn't want him to stand and trade with him. He said keep the movement, which is what we spoke about.
12:57The hit and the movement is going to be very important indeed. He doesn't want him to stand and trade and allow Rafferty a shot here and there.
13:04So the movement's important because it's more difficult for Rafferty to actually pin Turner down. If Turner holds his feet and trades, that brings Rafferty right into it.
13:18Turner, with some reminders from the corner, has started well in this fourth round.
13:26But I don't think there's much argument that Rafferty is looking much more composed than in the first three minutes anyway, maybe six minutes of this.
13:36He's keeping Turner on the move a lot more, Ritchie, when Turner was so comfortable in the first two rounds.
13:43Yeah, indeed. For a moment though, Rafferty's just struggling to close that gap down so there's better movement from Turner.
13:49That's it, you see, you've got to get... Ring position is going to be really important for both boxers.
13:55For Rafferty, he's got to try and back Turner up, get his feet to come square, get him on the ropes, restrict that movement.
14:02Whereas Turner must hit and he must move, he must move around Rafferty rather than move backwards. That's a nice counter there from Turner.
14:09Turner having the better of the exchanges in this fourth round so far. Mind you, we're only at the halfway point in it.
14:18And again, sharp Turner. He's such an intelligent boxer, I think there's a kind of subliminal message when he goes to the corner between a round,
14:27and he knows just from the tone of what he's been told that they didn't think it was that good.
14:31He's got the brain of a fighter who says, right, I'll go and fix that before it becomes a big problem.
14:36A little bit of blood as well on the left eye of Rafferty, whether it's a graze or a tiny little cut.
14:43But better boxing this is from Turner. I think Rafferty's feet have slowed down a little bit, so he's struggling I think with the movement of Turner.
14:51This is better boxing from Turner. See, that's better movement, you see, moving around him rather than moving back and going onto the ropes.
14:59It's just keeping your hands high and then move around the opponent, that's what Turner's got to do.
15:05There's a little bit of blood dripping into the eye and maybe affecting the vision of Rafferty also.
15:20He's keeping his guard very high at the moment, Rafferty, perhaps mindful of that.
15:26And he's starting to follow Turner around again the way he did early on. Not so much success for him, Ritchie.
15:32Yeah, and again, pacey suit in Turner, just slowing it down, would God want to. This has been a much better round for Turner, I think.
15:40I think Rafferty is feeling the pace a little bit, or he just can't cope with the movement from Turner.
15:44But Turner's been better with his punch selection and that was a cracker there.
15:49Masterful stuff from the showman there, no argument. And a problem in the corner now for Rafferty.
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16:29When you're doing good, mate, you can be a bit more clinical like yourself.
16:34Terry Flanagan acting as the cuts man in there tonight, the former WRO lightweight champion of the world.
16:41Well, that's where we think there's a slight nick, isn't there?
16:45Cut on the eye, we think it may have come from that clash there, Paul.
16:50On the left eye of Rafferty.
16:53Come on, man!
16:56Richie, your score, how do you see it going overall to this point, please?
16:59I think Rafferty's won one round and Turner has got the three.
17:06Yes, it's three to one for me.
17:11And I think Turner actually sensed that third round didn't really go his way as much.
17:16And he upped the pace, didn't he, in the next round.
17:19So it was a much better round the last round that we've seen from Turner.
17:22His movement, his skills, he just upped it a little bit.
17:27Rafferty finds with the right hand at last and it was a solid shot.
17:30It were one or two Manchester cheers from the back of the hall here by the banks of the Mersey to encourage their man.
17:37I think they feel quite lonely here.
17:48What's pleasing from the Rafferty point of view and his supporters is that he hasn't panicked at any point.
17:55He's handling the occasion well enough.
17:58But has he got the skill set that Turner possesses?
18:05That's a good little body shot there from Rafferty.
18:09Lovely boxing there from Turner at distance and then gets back out on the outside.
18:17And that's why for me, Rafferty Paul's got to sustain the pressure a little bit and double up the attacks.
18:22Again, the single attacks probably aren't enough at this stage.
18:25Turner's dealing with it.
18:28You see there again, he's slowing his feet down.
18:30Rafferty's got to quicken them up and really take it to Turner.
18:36But that's easier said than done when you get shots like that.
18:40A little bit more head movement most definitely from Rafferty is needed here, Paul.
18:45It's all putting doubt into his mind even when he is in range, isn't it?
18:48To really let go.
18:52Reaching from the outside, falling short a lot.
18:55How tiring is it, Richie, when you are missing so much as Rafferty has done for a lot of this tonight?
19:00Yeah, it can be very tiring indeed, Paul, when you're missing the target.
19:03Obviously when you're putting a lot into the shots and you're missing the target, you're overreaching.
19:08It can be demoralising also.
19:11You've got to keep a cool head.
19:13And who knows, this is what Rafferty may be thinking in taking Turner into those latter rounds.
19:19But he's got to avoid the shots and he's got to try and win a couple of the earlier rounds.
19:24And for me, Turner again is boxing his fight really.
19:30He's winning it up to now.
19:34That's it, there you go.
19:44Again, a lot of effort, a lot of labour for little reward from Rafferty's point of view in the pit.
20:03Nice and tight on him, don't you.
20:05When you leave that back hand, get your feet out.
20:08Don't just...
20:23You've got to stay concentrated, that's what it's about.
20:26Yeah, that's what it's about.
20:29You've got to stay concentrated, that's what it's about.
20:32Yeah, that's why you're boxing well.
20:41We mentioned the Vaseline that they've applied very liberally in that corner for Rafferty.
20:51On watch there.
20:53I'm not going to chuck a dark arts onto the table here tonight.
20:57Anyway, the point is, it's not helping the shots slide off his forehead either, is it?
21:00No, not at the moment.
21:01Solid shots landed by Henry Turner.
21:08Not too bad from Rafferty.
21:10But he's going back to try and double it up.
21:12He didn't use the tacks up and here's Turner.
21:16Getting back onto the ropes, Paul.
21:19Rafferty may have more success, but at the moment Turner again.
21:23Boxing well at distance, controlling the pace.
21:28There's nothing if not persistent, however, Rafferty.
21:31A career largely unfashionable with every respect to him.
21:36But he's an unbeaten fighter, he's incredibly proud of being the Commonwealth Champion.
21:42And they felt that he just had a bit too much in terms of experience for young Mr. Turner.
21:48At the age of 29 coming into this fight.
21:53But it's already time to refocus.
21:58His big strength apparently, finishing well early.
22:0214 early wins in 23 before tonight.
22:06He's going to have to find another way and we're already at the halfway point.
22:09And Henry Turner is boxing in a championship fight like a championship fighter.
22:15Boxing well at this stage, Turner.
22:17He's doing a lot of what we call counter-attacking, Paul.
22:19So he's actually beating Rafferty to the punch.
22:22He's waiting for Rafferty to come into range.
22:24Just as Rafferty's about to throw a shot, a lot of the time Turner's stepping in and beating him to it.
22:30So his timing's very good indeed.
22:32But we're coming to a crucial part of the contest now, Paul.
22:35Because Turner is naturally going to slow down.
22:38And then we'll have to see how Rafferty, how they both respond to that.
22:42Because Turner at the moment is boxing very well.
22:44But fitness, like I've said, is going to play a massive part.
22:48And if he does slow down and Rafferty gets a sniff of that, like I said in the past,
22:55then it could be very, very different.
22:57And I think we're approaching that stage now where fitness is going to come into it.
23:07Turner has kept the tempo high, largely, since that questionable showing from him in the fourth round
23:15where he seemed to offer Rafferty a way into this.
23:19Sticking to the plan admirably.
23:24Can Rafferty pin him at close quarters and really go to work?
23:28And has he actually thrown one single body shot tonight of consequence yet, Rafferty?
23:32No, not really.
23:33Well, he's thrown a couple in this round actually, Paul.
23:36But for the first time, Turner's just held his feet occasionally here.
23:41And just a lapse in concentration maybe, or just slowing down naturally.
23:45But that suited Rafferty just slightly.
23:57Richie, we've heard your read on it.
23:58What about Anthony Crawler? Over to you, Mr Crawler.
24:02Yes, boys, mine's a very similar read to what Richie's.
24:06I think Henry Turner's boxing superb on the back foot.
24:09I think when he holds his feet, that's when Jack Rafferty's having that more success.
24:14But it's a little bit more matter, though, but what Jack's...
24:17Sorry, what Henry Turner is doing very well, is hitting the body very well of Jack Rafferty.
24:22I think Jack's corner now, Steve Mailer, whatever you try to tell him,
24:25is get your feet that little bit closer and you've got to hit that body.
24:29Especially now, I always believe this was their part of the fight,
24:33the second half of the fight, where Jack being so strong at this weight.
24:38He will look to make Henry Turner pay for it now in the second half of the fight.
24:44Thank you, Anthony. One of Manchester's finest of recent years.
24:49Rafferty from Shaw near Oldham.
24:52Richie, that's your reading on it.
24:56Through halfway, it's a healthy lead for Turner.
24:59Yes, it is.
25:00I think Turner's ahead most definitely.
25:05Halfway through the contest, Paul.
25:08The worst signs in that last round where he just held his feet occasionally.
25:12Maybe he's having a breather.
25:14Anthony Crowley knows more than anyone that in these type of contests,
25:1712 rounders, you do have the odd breather here and there, you take a round off.
25:21It's a natural thing to happen.
25:23And it's natural when you haven't done it before, isn't it?
25:26To just feel your way through it a little bit in terms of the pacing.
25:29Yes, absolutely, Paul.
25:32Experience is everything, isn't it?
25:34But that's good work there from Turner.
25:38He's boxing well at distance, but again, the pace.
25:42He's controlling it.
25:46And Rafferty's just got to quicken it up.
25:48He's said it time and again.
25:50I'm just not seeing Rafferty really throw these shots at close quarters with bad intentions.
25:55There was an example, Richie.
25:57He reached for it and the kid had gone by the time the shot arrived.
26:01Just overreaching there with his right hand,
26:03and it just gets caught there from Turner with the counter.
26:12And like I said, I'd just like to see Rafferty up the pace, Paul,
26:15just to test Turner.
26:17Turner's boxing very well at distance.
26:20He's controlling things very well at long range.
26:24But Rafferty's just got to test him, test him on the inside.
26:27On that occasion, he has got on the inside.
26:28He hasn't thrown enough punches, Rafferty.
26:30He's got to do better, but he's got to just fight at a quicker pace for me.
26:42A little variation on the theme there from Turner,
26:44emphasising what a good craftsman he is.
26:46He waited and waited, and he drew Rafferty onto a shot.
26:50Then he was on his way again.
26:53Most of the time, Turner is first.
26:57Most of the time, Rafferty's coming off worst.
27:01As here.
27:03Again, good boxing from Turner, Rafferty.
27:07He's been doing all these contests, trying to get up close.
27:10He's just taken one too many as he's coming forward.
27:16Oh, lovely punch, wasn't it?
27:18That was a lovely shot, that lead right up the gut from Turner there.
27:22Still an old Rafferty took it.
27:24Doggedly continues along his way.
27:28You see, that's better movement from Rafferty there.
27:30Just move more to his left, and that brings Turner then onto his backhand, you see.
27:34That's what he's got to be doing more of.
27:44Classy work in the main once more from Henry Turner.
27:48This is the Chief Supporting Contest, and ahead of us tonight, the long-awaited return,
27:54at least to a ring in Liverpool, of Liverpool's finest of this era.
28:00Nicky Ball, the new WBA World Featherweight Champion,
28:04making his first defence of the title back in his home city.
28:09And he's getting ready to go.
28:19That follows immediately after this one.
28:23He hasn't won a fucking round.
28:25He's been a bit desperate.
28:26Just touch, I told you.
28:27Just stop, stop, stop.
28:28Touch one, two, and move away.
28:44A sense of belief in the Turner corner that they are in front,
28:48that they think it's going their way,
28:50but they are not getting ahead of themselves, and they're right not to.
28:53Rafferty's been around.
28:54He's been in some difficult corners before.
28:57He has had a bit of a lesson in terms of the art of boxing from Turner tonight,
29:01but that doesn't mean that there isn't time to turn it around, Richie.
29:05There's definitely time to turn it around.
29:07Remember, he's an undefeated fighter in 23 contests, so he's used to winning.
29:11And what will be going through their heads, both of them, Paul?
29:15They both haven't been 12 rounds, remember?
29:19Henry Turner's been 10 rounds once,
29:21and I think Jack Rackett has been into the 8th and 9th round,
29:24but they haven't been 12, so that will be in the back of their minds.
29:27For any boxer who goes into a 12-round, who hasn't done the 12-round,
29:30it's always save a little bit, can I get to the end?
29:33Because it's a big milestone to actually get to the 12th round and to get through it.
29:37That will be both in their minds, though,
29:39so they've got to test each other in terms of that work rate and that fitness.
29:45Ooh, that's a nice body shot there.
29:47That's about time to see it.
29:49And this is better work than patches in this round from Rafferty now.
29:52Closing the distance and delivering when he does so.
29:55And it's a great tactic, isn't it, against a moving boxer.
29:59Target the body, generally slows the feet down.
30:03You heard him downstairs, and that was probably the best right hand
30:06he has thrown to the body, Rafferty.
30:08Now, will that encourage him, Richie?
30:11Has that opened the door of opportunity in this fight for Rafferty?
30:17Good jab, key to everything.
30:19Turner's still got that in his armoury, that straight left hand,
30:22which has been perhaps the biggest weapon in this fight either way so far.
30:31Instinctively there, Turner just moved off those ropes,
30:34knew he was in a bad position, and just got back to ring space, ring centre.
30:38And again, look, he moved.
30:39Got to keep those hands up as he moves, though.
30:41Nearly got caught there with a left hook, and another one.
30:43So Rafferty having little glimpses, we're seeing glimpses of success from Rafferty.
30:49That's where he's got to move, that's where Rafferty's got to keep him, Paul.
30:54Turner got away from it before it built into a real problem there.
30:57Rafferty comes after him again, seeking to build the pressure.
31:02Of course, one of the benefits of a fighter who builds the pressure
31:05is the opponent is going to make a mistake sooner or later.
31:08We haven't really seen Turner making a mistake,
31:10but just a sense of Rafferty beginning to ask a few questions again now,
31:14as he did in the fourth round.
31:16Absolutely, and all of a sudden, Turner, the spark's gone a little bit,
31:21the feet have slowed, and Rafferty's got a bit of momentum here,
31:26and he's got a bit of confidence in his work.
31:30He'll take encouragement from that.
31:36Pressing to the end of the round, Rafferty,
31:38and for the first time, Turner's stuck on the ropes.
31:42Might be a psychological breakthrough that for Rafferty.
31:47Good round for him.
31:54Good timing jabs, mate.
31:55Keep that chin down for me.
31:58Listen, relax.
32:00It's what we're doing here.
32:05Good timing jab.
32:08Timing jabs are no good with your chin in the air.
32:10You keep your chin buried.
32:12Tuck it in.
32:15Four rounds now, mate.
32:16You're the winner.
32:20Four rounds.
32:21You're the winner of the fitness champ, eh?
32:22Yeah, let's have it.
32:23Four rounds in, yeah.
32:24Still got a job to do.
32:25Come on, you're off.
32:27Maybe have a whole round of just moving your feet.
32:30I would do that.
32:31Can you do that?
32:32Yeah, here you go.
32:33You're sitting back.
32:35Don't do it.
32:37Other hand, just moving your feet.
32:39Don't work your way through it.
32:40Just go.
32:45So it's four to go, Richie.
32:46As you've always taught us about being a 12-round championship fighter,
32:50there does come a point, however well or badly that it's going,
32:54where you have to actually have a little word with yourself
32:57and say to yourself,
32:58this is what I've worked for and I've got to come through.
33:01And to me, Turner's starting to look a bit weary suddenly.
33:04Yeah, absolutely, yeah.
33:06He's getting caught holding the feet, you see, Paul.
33:10Movement isn't as slick as it was.
33:13The rhythm just isn't there from Turner at the moment.
33:17And the confidence is with Rafferty.
33:21He's losing the contest up to now, but the signs now,
33:24the tide has just turned a little bit.
33:25There's another right hand.
33:27The movement's got to be still really important from Turner.
33:30He's got to hit and he's got to move, but Rafferty is getting closer.
33:34He really is.
33:35This is what it's all about, young Mr. Turner.
33:37If you want to be a top-line fighter,
33:40we've always known you've had the ability.
33:42Rafferty's been through the mill a few times
33:44and it's starting to show.
33:45And he catches him with a huge left hand.
33:47And Henry Turner's stuck on the ropes and he has to get moving.
33:52A huge change in this fight in the ninth round.
33:55The championship rounds, the ones that Rafferty knows better.
33:59Turner has boxed beautifully for a lot of this fight tonight,
34:02but he's got to need something else now.
34:05Yeah, he's got to pull something out of the bag now.
34:07Rafferty's moving in.
34:09He knows he's close to the finish here,
34:11but Turner desperately.
34:13That's not a bad shot from Turner, though.
34:16But Rafferty comes through in four.
34:19The uppercut found him.
34:20Turner sags onto the rope, almost sits on it.
34:23He gets away with that.
34:24The referee is poised.
34:25A big right hand, twice over.
34:27Three times from Rafferty.
34:30Turner has never been anywhere like this in his life, Richie.
34:33He's got to move, Paul.
34:34He's got to move off the ropes.
34:37Got to try and get back.
34:38He's absolutely exhausted.
34:39We said that fitness was going to play a major role in this contest.
34:43It could do, and it's certainly playing out that way, Paul.
34:47Rafferty is fighting with ice in his blood right now.
34:50He's waited and waited.
34:52He's been on the end of a boxing vessel tonight.
34:55But his true grit and fighting spirit
34:58and know-how at the championship distance
35:01is all of that going to play now against Turner,
35:04who's been in deep, deep trouble through this round so far.
35:07Last 30 seconds of it.
35:12Rafferty just taking those left arms from Turner.
35:15Turner thrown in desperation.
35:17That's a big shot.
35:18Turner's wilting.
35:19He's surely going to go.
35:20The referee is not intervening.
35:22Turner's got nothing left.
35:28Finally, sacks to the canvas.
35:36Has he got enough?
35:39Willpower alone for Turner gets him to his feet.
35:42It couldn't have been any closer.
35:44The bell goes at the end of the round.
36:05Something is being decided upon in the corner here.
36:09Alan Smith comes out of the corner.
36:11They're not going to continue.
36:13He had a word, a soft and gentle word,
36:16in the ear of young Henry Turner.
36:18It's not his night.
36:20What a win it is for Jack Rafferty.
36:24All over the place.
36:25Out-boxed, out-skilled, out-sought for seven or eight rounds.
36:32But Rafferty never panicked.
36:34He always believed a moment would come in this fight.
36:37And it is the crowning moment of his career
36:40because he held his nerve.
36:42And when his chance came, he felt he'd earned it.
36:45He knew he'd earned it.
36:46And he went out and he grabbed it.
36:49What a performance from Jack Rafferty there
36:52because he'd been out-boxed for most of the rounds, Paul.
36:55But he had that belief.
36:57He had that belief in these last couple of rounds.
36:59He poured on the pressure.
37:00He targeted the body.
37:01He sensed that Henry Turner was weakening,
37:04was getting slower, and he's moved in.
37:07That's a terrific win.
37:08It really is because he was behind.
37:10He was way behind, but he had the belief that he'd come through
37:14and he's caught Turner with the right shots.
37:16And do you know what?
37:17It's a sensible decision there from Alan Smith.
37:20He's had a word with Henry Turner, who's still only 24.
37:23He'll come back from this.
37:24That's a brave decision there by Alan Smith,
37:27but it was the right call.
37:29Well done, Alan Smith, for pulling the lad out.
37:32But congratulations to Jack Rafferty.
37:34That was some performance to come from.
37:36He was being out-boxed, but he's come back and he's won the contest.
37:39That was superb.
37:42He's completely overcome, isn't he?
37:44He is the new British champion.
37:47That alone makes this so special for him.
37:50He retains the Commonwealth title, a dual champion,
37:54and now he's on the map with the WBC
37:56because he takes Turner's honours as well.
37:59Yes, terrific there.
38:00Good right hand, good left hook.
38:02Turner just goes back onto the ropes.
38:04And then we're just getting caught with the shots.
38:07He's just trying to survive, throwing shots himself in desperation.
38:12But it was Rafferty that knew
38:15the victory was in his sights.
38:17Great lead left uppercut there, then a right uppercut from him.
38:21And the way Turner...
38:23He just walked through Turner's shots here, Paul,
38:25through sheer belief that he was going to get the win.
38:28Terrific performance here, letting both barrels go.
38:33And then he moves in, and Turner just cannot get off the ropes.
38:37And Rafferty moves in here.
38:39Turner misses.
38:40There's a body shot that went in, and then that really hurt.
38:43Henry Turner did it, didn't it?
38:45And then Rafferty just moves in, targets the body again.
38:49And the righter was on the wall,
38:51and he just pours on the pressure, sustained attack.
38:54Terrific stuff from Rafferty there.
38:56Tremendous win.
38:59Let's have a look at it here, Paul.
39:01So Turner misses there with that left hand,
39:04and Rafferty responds with that right-hand counter downstairs.
39:09And that really hurt Turner.
39:10And then he moves in, targets the body again.
39:14Another one down there, left hook to the body, and again.
39:16He knew it was the body shots that were taking their toll on young Henry Turner,
39:21but that was a superb win from Rafferty.
39:24Superb fight, as we hoped it would be tonight.
39:27It's academic only, but we understand that it was level on two cards,
39:34and we had Turner four up on the other.
39:37So that's why Rafferty needed it, and he delivered it.
39:43Ladies and gentlemen, after nine completed rounds of boxing,
39:48the blue corner retires their fighter,
39:52and our referee in charge, Ron Kearney, accepts the retirement.
39:57Therefore, your winner by way of technical knockout,
40:02still Commonwealth and new WBC International silver
40:08and British super lightweight champion,
40:12Jack Demolition Man Rafferty!
