Jack Turner vs Darwing Martinez (28-06-2024) Full Fight

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Jack okay lads when I say stop you stop boxing but I say break take a step back
00:11keep your hands up protect yourself at all times good luck to you both good luck
00:16well good evening everybody all set here then at the SSE arena in Belfast and I
00:22advise you not to blink for this one Jack D Turner's had six fights one all
00:26six and each of them has ended in the first round his whole career has lasted
00:31less than 11 minutes good evening Ritchie Woodall how are you yes good
00:34evening Fletch yeah looking forward to this one very explosive indeed Jack
00:39Turner so let's see if he can keep up with his record of six first round
00:44knockouts even get the number seven that is the target he was quite open about
00:49that at the weigh-in yesterday but he's in there with a very durable man Darwin
00:53Martinez doesn't win too many it took Andrew Kane four rounds to get him out
00:58of there but we saw him last at York Hall he's only been stopped twice in his
01:02last 19 fights and four times in 30 overall so there is the possibility for
01:09the man in the green sparkly trunks to at least get some minutes in the ring
01:13tonight but you never know yes he's up against so much tougher opponents isn't
01:17he so you may have to work a little bit harder but nevertheless he's a natural
01:22Jack Turner starts very quickly and you can see the body language of Martinez
01:28he's just staying on that back foot just trying to stay out the way of those big
01:33shots but he's always an exciting kid Turner I really like him yeah 22 years
01:38of age he's from Liverpool he's got Joe McNally in the corner he's listed as
01:42Jack D Turner because there's another Jack Turner on the bill tonight so based
01:47on the fact we've got the two license boxes that's why the D he's in the
01:52middle of Jack Turner's name Turner they're just moving into range but he
01:56actually got caught with a good shot himself so his chin was up in the air a
01:59little bit so he's gonna address that get that chin down that wasn't a bad
02:03shot from Martinez
02:07it's just able to land that jab that's endurable has been took Andrew Kane a
02:22little while to catch up with him but that's the first power shot landed there
02:26tonight from Jack D Turner yeah good shot there from Turner that's what he's
02:31got to try and do he's gonna try and make his opponents here Martinez come
02:35forward and then try and catch him Martinez has boxed quite quite clever on
02:40the outside up to now that's why probably a little bit more difficult to
02:44land that big shot on him if you get him to come forward over that front foot and
02:48then connect with a big punch as like that one there just needs him to come
02:53forward as he's throwing that sort of shot and that's when he could cause some
02:57real problems well he's got half a minute to maintain this streak of
03:05stopping every opponent that he faces in the first round it has to end at some
03:10stage can't do that forever as the opposition gets more difficult the
03:14ability to stop them will become more difficult as well
03:25shot from Martinez and then Turner just made him pay with the right hand on the
03:30way out final few seconds
03:33oh well he manages to hear the bell but he was down in the first round so he's
03:47maintained the sequence of sorts and he caught him with an absolute beauty right
03:51at the end of the round
03:59let's have a look at it Richie it's a really really fast shot to put him down
04:02lovely wasn't it one two right hand especially bang on the button as Martin
04:08as he's just coming forward slightly that was a peach of a shot what a great
04:13punch that was if that would have happened earlier on in the round then he
04:16might have actually got the stoppage there but yeah tremendous
04:32I'm not sure whether you could hear what Joe McNally was saying between rounds
04:46because they turn the music up to a ridiculous level the boxers but he did
04:53get him on the canvas in the first round and we'll see whether Jack D Turner can
04:57get this over and done with in the second the first time he's been this far
05:00as a professional and he's added another three minutes to the 11 minutes
05:05that we've seen of ring time that he's had in there since he turned pro yeah
05:09that really was an excellent shot there good one too and again you see Troy
05:12setting he's setting Martin Martinez up now as he's coming forward good stuff
05:18from Turner just on the outside Martinez this is gonna watch what he's doing here
05:23Fletch as he's creeping forward slowly he's quite slow in those feet he's very
05:27flat-footed and that's why the turn is now starting to set him up with these
05:32shots as he's coming forward yes some good stuff
05:34certainly got Martinez's respect now he knows the power is genuine and in there
05:39and the confidence will be flowing through the liver Pudley and Jack D
05:44Turner it's the right hand that does the damage and when he lets it go rich it's
05:51on you in a flash yeah good stuff again look at that superb one to their right
05:58hand especially got through and yeah he's showing good variation is neat
06:03Turner because he's not only he can punch with good hooks he's got great
06:06straight shots as well so yeah I like the look of him you can't emphasize
06:11enough that this is a durable man in there 31st fight for the Nicaraguan
06:16Martinez only been stopped four times and he's only been stopped twice in his
06:21last 19 so he is a man that tends to give prospects rounds even though he
06:26doesn't win too many fights but it doesn't look as though he's gonna last
06:29much longer in there against Turner well you can't make mistakes like that way he
06:32just did there he was a sloppy shot downstairs the right hand to the body
06:36and that's all look at that for a shot there that's all Turner need if it's a
06:40slow punch then he's gonna come back with those fast counters every time he
06:44lands the right hand it's doing damage right now to Martinez excellent work in
06:49the second round with a little bit less than a minute to go from Jack D Turner I
06:54think he can sense that he's moving towards the stage of the fight where he
06:59can finish things off in there
07:05he's really wary of what he's going to do because he seemed to be getting
07:10punished now for every sort of mistake he's making but the slow feet there's
07:14not much head work there the way he's walking forward very slowly it's a bit
07:19of a sitting duck if anything and Turner he's finding those quality shots
07:23they're just switching to the body and then that switch of attack from body to
07:27head that was impressive left down this time that did the damage from Turner who
07:32says he's a big fan of Gennady Golovkin who could punch as well
07:38seeking to land those shots that sicken Martinez when he connects with them but
07:44he is going to survive another round and there's the bell to end the second
07:54technology is all around but technology alone is not enough for me the drive is
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08:22the finest fragrances
08:27welcome back to the SSE arena in Belfast and there's just a bit of damage
08:32under the right eye of Jack D Turner that's what they're working on the while
08:35you're away Joe McNally was saying stop getting caught when you come in don't be
08:40sloppy stop leaving yourself open and being reckless
08:52I think that was good advice there from Joe McNally he sees that Turner is a
08:57little bit reckless here and there he really goes for it though Disney with
09:00the shots that he throws but just it's a good contest this because Martinez
09:06you know he's not a pushover and he has got through with some dangerous punches
09:10of his own and that's the danger position you're in when you're a big
09:13puncher like Turner because you're in that mid sort of section where mid power
09:17punching you're there to be hit as well so you've got to think about you're
09:21gonna have one eye on the defense the defensive aspects of things as also
09:25because he's been caught with a couple of shots and that eye damage shows that
09:30that's a good shot now goes Martinez for the second time there's over two
09:36minutes to go in the third
09:43every check in that he's okay he wants to carry on and you wonder with all of
09:47this time left in the round whether Jack D Turner can finish things off here well
09:52that was great how he just started there with that job just a simple jab bang on
09:56the button and again just keep peppering him with the job and open him up and
09:59then then go for the big one but listen to his corner a little bit he's
10:04confident now look switching to from orthodox to save for so he's really
10:08showing confidence but just gonna listen to his corner just break him down with
10:11those jabs and the boxing and then move in with the bigger punch Martinez
10:17looking more and more open the longer the contest goes on this is scheduled
10:21for four at lightweight it was a bit of an up-and-down week in terms of who
10:25Turner was going to be fighting originally Martinez then it switched to
10:29Gerson Larios a Spaniard and then late yesterday Martinez reinstated as the
10:35opponent so he's in there whether he's enjoying it too much against this
10:40powerful punching 22 year old from Liverpool I'm not so sure he continues
10:46to let the punches go minute to go in the third Martinez down twice already in
10:51the contest to turn this corner again they're just shouting throw the jab
11:01because in these situations when the opponents a bit reluctant to come
11:04forward you've got to make him come forward flex and you do that by just a
11:08boxing him with the jab he's peppered in with that shot and then make him come
11:13over that front foot just draw him out of that shell a little bit cruising
11:19under the eye of Turner is caught again there by Martinez who when the
11:22opportunity does appear he's happy to let his hands go
11:28you'll be learning an awful lot in there it's alright blowing everybody away six
11:32fights six first round stoppages 11 minutes of work but the rounds he's
11:36getting tonight invaluable to him rich
11:54you Bonham Hicks yes pleased to meet you
12:00they would be lucky to have you darling have to get a death I've already moved
12:05has not moved into a room and you don't have to get it imagine the interview is
12:09a naked you got this then I love you guys
12:16Dev Sharma yes nice to meet you life needs a big network
12:25don't give him the old room he'll touch it a little bit
12:30let's have a look at some of the action from the third round Ritchie you know
12:34that was a shot that seemed to be sort of the back of the head or let's have a
12:38look from this angle yes or the back of the head wasn't it that points there but
12:41still Martinez goes down he's boxing fairly well I think Fletch yeah the man
12:49doing the work on his eyes a man you know very well Russ Amber in the head
12:52yeah my friend Russ head of rival boxing equipment and a great a great man indeed
12:58rapper in the business so the last round can check the turn again another
13:03stoppage this durable man from Nicaragua Darwin Martinez who was down in the
13:11first down in the third turn about can't stop him to this point one thing that
13:16was interesting while we're taking that short break is that Joe McNally said to
13:19you between rounds this is the best you've looked yes so I think they're
13:22quite happy with what they've seen in the main tonight
13:29really good left hand through the guard of Martinez when he does turn it on
13:36Turner he's far too good for his opponent he's got a lot of variety as
13:39he just changed his footwork there just slipped sorry just side step to the to
13:42the right and then came back and then through the punch at a different angle
13:45so yeah he's experimenting with things and enjoying the contest like I say set
13:51it all up behind that simple job of his what I like about this contest but you
13:59know he's even with a fairly I think dangerous puncher himself Martinez you
14:03know he's no slouch and he carries a fair whack himself
14:09I suspect it's going to be quite an atmosphere inside this arena a little
14:24bit later on we're looking forward to see Yanier Herrera the young Cuban he's
14:28on the bill he's a really talented fighter
14:31P.S. O'Leary against Daryl Foley the Dublin Darby and then Conor Quinn
14:35against Conor Kelso the top of the bill here at the SSE arena as Turner tries to
14:41go through the gears again with a bit more than a minute to go in the contest
14:45change of pace there let's go to the gears a little bit he got caught there
14:51himself though he's still dangerous Martinez more work is needed behind his
14:57boxing Turner here just to break him down a little bit see why I get so much
15:02work as well can't you Martinez he fights off and doesn't win many but he
15:05always gives full value and he's given a prospect like Turner a workout tonight
15:10four good rounds he's been down he's taken shots but he's still there with 40
15:14seconds to go he's a tough opponent indeed and I think there's a bit of
15:18damage now to that heart that I there's a little bit of a mouse isn't there
15:21underneath the right side of Jack Turner and there's just a little bit of blood
15:24from it also so you know Turner's in a fight here
15:42the damage is significantly worsened underneath that right side of Jack D
15:46Turner she's in punching range that mid-range where he wants to throw those
15:56power shots but occasionally get caught himself look at this
16:01caught with a couple of shots didn't mean he stood there and he said to
16:04Martinez come on then let's have it but I don't think Joe McNally in his corner
16:08is going to be too happy by that he's going to be happy with a win they'll be
16:11happy to get four rounds in the bank smiles in the corner but he doesn't want
16:15to do that too often in standard trading situations like that that's a
16:18learning curve for him you know what Fletcher's probably learn more from this
16:22fight than he has the whole of his other fights the other six first round
16:26knockouts that he had this one for me will really keep him in good serving me
16:32in good stead he's learned a lot from here he's hit the opponent with with
16:35several big big punches he hasn't gone away he's come back got caught himself
16:39so there's still work to do in the gym but he's coach will be pleased he's got
16:44six rounds under his belt yes it's a big plus tonight and we know he can box
16:49better than that as well let's have a look at the action at the end of the
16:51round it got very very spicy with about 10 seconds to go it all started kicking
16:56off in there two really good shots landed by Martinez yes standing toe-to-toe
17:00there I'm really having a go both boxers and that's entertaining for the fans
17:05also so overall and quite a good night for Turner and I suppose when you've had
17:09six first round stoppages at least he knows you can take a shot now because
17:12you just have to take one yeah I think he's had to take several in this contest
17:17and you know I think it's been a good night for him to be quite honest it's a
17:21tough opponent
17:27so we're just waiting for Ross Amber to finish his work and Jack D Turner could
17:32move to join Lee every and Darwin Martinez in center ring and we can get
17:36the result for the first time tonight from MC Thomas driver
17:42ladies and gentlemen after four rounds of boxing our referee in charge of Lee
17:47every scores this contest 40 to 34 for your winner and still undefeated Jack D Turner
18:03so Jack D Turner a wide margin winner he had Darwin
