太陽生命 Presents 草野仁の名医が寄りそう!カラダ若返りTV 2024年10月05日 つまずきの原因は猫背に!- 改善の鍵は背中!つまずきを防ぐ最新情報をご紹介!

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太陽生命 Presents 草野仁の名医が寄りそう!カラダ若返りTV 2024年10月05日 つまずきの原因は猫背に!- 改善の鍵は背中!つまずきを防ぐ最新情報をご紹介!
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Oh, that was close.
00:03If you trip and fall,
00:05you may break a bone,
00:07or at worst, you may fall asleep.
00:12Today's theme is tripping.
00:16Do you know that in recent years,
00:19more and more elderly people have fallen and injured themselves
00:23or died in accidents?
00:27It is said that tripping and falling
00:30not only reduces muscle strength due to aging,
00:33but also causes some unexpected effects.
00:38This time, we asked a woman who has been tripping
00:41since 10 years ago.
00:45This is really dangerous.
00:47I wish you could straighten your legs.
00:50If you hurry, you'll fall forward,
00:53so it's easier to trip.
00:56For such a person,
00:58May proposed two simple exercises.
01:03Will tripping and falling be improved?
01:09In the age of 100 years old,
01:13the Sun Life Presents
01:16is brought to you by May of Kusanohitoshi,
01:19and Karada Wakagairi TV.
01:23Today's theme is tripping.
01:27I often trip in my life,
01:30but I rarely trip physically.
01:34How about you?
01:35I'm still fine now,
01:37but I want to learn to avoid tripping in the future.
01:42This is the person who was worried about tripping.
01:48This is Satoko Watanabe, 62 years old.
01:51She has been tripping since 10 years ago.
01:54She tripped at home,
01:56and her nose was bruised.
01:59At night, she works as a snack mom,
02:03but she is also worried about customers.
02:06What is the cause of her tripping?
02:17I'm Wakagairi TV.
02:19Nice to meet you.
02:21This is Satoko Watanabe, 62 years old.
02:27Please come in.
02:30What is this?
02:32This is a small version of a warabi mochi.
02:36When I went to Australia,
02:38I found this at a souvenir shop.
02:40It was rare, so I bought it.
02:42I see.
02:47Do you like kimono?
02:50I wear kimono once a week.
02:54It's been 50 years since my mother gave birth to me.
02:59I'm a snack mom.
03:01Are you a snack mom?
03:03That's right.
03:05Her mother, Yoko, gave birth to her 16 years ago.
03:09She is a snack mom.
03:13She opened this shop when she was 27 years old.
03:16It's been 35 years.
03:18Satoko's mother is...
03:21A cat.
03:22She loves cats.
03:24She doesn't have a cat.
03:26That's right.
03:27If I have a cat, I can't go on a trip.
03:29So, I'm satisfied with these decorations.
03:35Satoko's mother has a problem with cats.
03:39She started tripping on a flat surface.
03:45It's been about 10 years.
03:49She started tripping more and more.
03:53After she started tripping,
03:56I realized that she couldn't walk.
04:02When she started tripping,
04:05something terrible happened.
04:09Before I went to the shop, I was in a hurry.
04:12I thought I'd go with my luggage.
04:14But I tripped here.
04:16I was like, what should I do?
04:18I tripped.
04:20I think my nose bone cracked.
04:22My nose was bleeding.
04:24It was terrible.
04:26It's not that red, is it?
04:28No, it's not.
04:30If it was this red, I would have died.
04:32That's right.
04:33She tripped on a small step on the carpet.
04:37She said her nose bone cracked.
04:41I tripped.
04:44I have mats everywhere.
04:48I don't like it.
04:50I have a lot of mats.
04:52I have to cross my legs.
04:54Cross your legs?
04:55I have to cross my legs.
04:57I have to walk like this.
05:00I see.
05:01When I have a lot of things,
05:03I walk like this.
05:08Let's start the health planning.
05:13Why does Ms. Satoko trip?
05:16Let's find out the cause of her tripping.
05:21It's 11 a.m.
05:25Ms. Satoko spends her time at home
05:27until her snack time.
05:32Even after an hour,
05:37even after two hours,
05:39she doesn't stand up.
05:41She sits on the chair all the time.
05:44Do you always sit like this?
05:46I watch a lot of videos for about four hours.
05:52Is it comfortable?
05:54I think it's bad for my back and neck.
05:59When she's at home,
06:01she's often in the same position.
06:04Is it related to tripping?
06:09It's 1.30 p.m.
06:13She's going out before her snack time.
06:18It's dangerous to walk like this.
06:21Oh, like this?
06:23You should walk straight.
06:27Do you have an image when you walk?
06:30I put my weight on my back and walk.
06:35It's hard for me to trip.
06:40If I hurry, I'll be in front of her.
06:43So, it's easier for me to trip.
06:48Is this the way?
06:50There is no sidewalk.
06:53It's really scary.
06:55But the more you walk, the more obstacles there are.
06:58That's right.
07:01This is the road she always takes when she goes out.
07:05The road is narrow,
07:07so it's hard for her to trip here.
07:10It's 6 p.m.
07:12She's a cute cat.
07:14Are you going to the store now?
07:16Yes, I am.
07:18This is...
07:25This is Satoko's mom's castle, Snack ICAM.
07:29It's a good name.
07:30Satoko's mom, Yoko, opened this store 50 years ago.
07:36There are a lot of her favorite cats in the store.
07:41They're like her pets.
07:43Do you ever trip at the store?
07:48The sidewalk is narrow here.
07:52I see.
07:53So, there's a step here.
07:57It's right here.
07:59You can trip here.
08:01I see.
08:03You can't go up.
08:05When you make a curve, you can trip here.
08:08You can hit the chair.
08:11When she's serving customers,
08:13there are obstacles on the way.
08:16It's a little scary.
08:19What else is hard for Satoko at work?
08:24I can't do the laundry all the time.
08:28It hurts if I do it all the time.
08:31If you eat the laundry, you have to do it for a long time.
08:35Let's see how she works.
08:41When she takes out the ice from the fridge,
08:44her back is bent.
08:48Even when she's in the kitchen, her back is bent.
08:54Is this also the cause of her tripping?
09:00At 8 p.m., the counter seats are full.
09:05Have you ever seen Satoko tripping?
09:09I'm sorry, but I have.
09:11By the way,
09:13I do this a lot.
09:17I always say this.
09:19When we walk together,
09:22I tripped and there was nothing.
09:40Are you really blessed by customers?
09:43Yes, I am.
09:44It's a really good store.
09:47You're not as lucky as Kusano-san.
09:53Have you ever tripped?
09:55Yes, I have.
09:57I tripped a lot.
10:00If you don't trip, you don't get hurt.
10:03It means you can challenge yourself.
10:05That's right.
10:06I think it's a wonderful thing.
10:08It's a challenge for the future.
10:11Without Satoko,
10:13ICAM is not ICAM.
10:18Satoko, let's do our best.
10:20I'll do my best.
10:24After this,
10:25Mei will explain the cause of Satoko's tripping.
10:30Let me introduce Mei.
10:33She is a professor at Aizu Medical Center,
10:37Dr. Osamu Shirado,
10:41who is a plastic surgeon and thoracic surgeon.
10:43Nice to meet you, Dr. Shirado.
10:46Nice to meet you, too.
10:48Dr. Shirado is an expert in the treatment of lower back pain,
10:53and is also the director of the pain management guideline.
10:57Dr. Shirado, what do you think is the cause of Satoko's tripping?
11:03When I saw her standing on the snack,
11:07I thought she was in a cat pose.
11:11And when she was resting at home,
11:15she was sitting with her hips on the mat.
11:20I think it's a matter of posture overall.
11:24If you keep the same posture for a long time,
11:30you'll get muscle fatigue.
11:34Muscles on the back are very important for maintaining posture.
11:39If you get muscle fatigue,
11:41you won't be able to support your upper body,
11:43and you'll be in a forward-facing posture,
11:45and if it's bad, you'll freeze.
11:48As a result, it will affect your walking.
11:52I see.
11:54And how do you walk?
11:57The width of my feet gets narrower.
12:00So I had Dr. Watanabe measure the width of my feet.
12:05It's the average width of a person whose height is multiplied by 0.45.
12:13In the case of Dr. Watanabe,
12:15his height is 162 cm,
12:18so the average width is 72.9 cm.
12:24As a result of the measurement,
12:26Dr. Watanabe's width is 59.5 cm,
12:31which is narrower than the average.
12:34If you have a bad posture, your width will be narrow.
12:39If you have a stiff hip joint,
12:42it will be difficult to raise your legs.
12:45This is the reason why it's easy to stumble.
12:49What kind of improvement plan does Dr. Shirado propose?
12:55This time, we will train the upper and lower body at the same time
12:58by doing two exercises at the same time.
13:02We aim to improve the stumbling.
13:06After the commercial,
13:07we will introduce the recommended improvement plan for stumbling.
13:20The recommended improvement plan for stumbling
13:26What kind of improvement plan does Dr. Shirado propose?
13:32This time, we will train the upper and lower body at the same time
13:36by doing two exercises at the same time.
13:38We aim to improve the stumbling.
13:41The first is the chest-stretching exercise.
13:43Chest-stretching exercise?
13:46It trains the muscles in the back.
13:49It improves the posture.
13:54It improves the stumbling.
14:01Chest-stretching exercise trains the muscles in the back and improves the posture.
14:07How to do it?
14:11First, sit on a chair.
14:15Put your chest on the chair and raise your elbow to the height of your chest.
14:24In this state, pull your shoulder blades back slowly.
14:33In this state, hold it for 10 seconds.
14:38Do this exercise 10 times, 1 set, 3 sets a day.
14:45Can I ask Mr. Kusano to do it today?
14:49Yes, let's do it.
14:51Mr. Kusano, try it.
14:54Mr. Kusano will do 10-second hold 3 times.
15:00I will count.
15:01Ready, start.
15:041, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
15:15Mr. Kusano, how was it?
15:18In the end, I think my shoulder blades went back.
15:24It trains the muscles in the back.
15:32I would like you to do it to maintain your posture.
15:40What is the second exercise?
15:44The second exercise is a wall exercise.
15:47A wall exercise?
15:49This is an exercise to train the lower body muscles.
15:55A wall exercise to train the muscles in the lower body.
15:59How to do it?
16:02First, stand facing the wall.
16:06Take a step away from the wall.
16:10Put your arms up and put your hands on the wall.
16:15Put your legs behind you and hold it for 10 seconds without bending your knees.
16:21Do 1 set of the left and right legs 5 times, 3 sets a day.
16:29Older people tend to lose their lower body muscles.
16:35In addition to the upper body, if you train the muscles in the lower body, you will prevent more stumbling.
16:45The first day of the examination.
16:53The first day of the examination.
16:56First, let's start with the wall exercise.
17:00It looks painful.
17:02Hold it for 10 seconds.
17:0410 seconds.
17:06Put your arms up and put your legs behind you.
17:121, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
17:22It's long and hot.
17:26I'm sweating.
17:29I feel like my whole back is working.
17:33From my back to my hips to my calves.
17:36I feel like I'm sweating on my back, too.
17:39That's right. It's flowing.
17:41I feel like I'm going to have muscle pain.
17:44I feel like I'm going to have muscle pain.
17:49Next is the chest exercise.
17:52I want to do it with you.
17:541, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
18:026, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
18:11I feel like my shoulders are going to heal.
18:14I think I'm working out a lot.
18:16The scapula is a good place to relax.
18:23It's not just in the back. It's in many places.
18:27I'll give a lecture to everyone.
18:331 p.m.
18:35Satoko is watching TV sitting on a chair as usual.
18:41Even after 30 minutes, she's still watching TV.
18:56It's moving.
19:03The alarm on her cell phone is ringing.
19:11Does that mean you're going to do it?
19:14I guess so.
19:15You decide the time and exercise.
19:18Then she started the chest exercise.
19:22She was making sure to set an alarm so she wouldn't forget.
19:32It's a wall exercise.
19:35Here we go.
19:38Lift it up.
19:40I wonder if my legs will go up.
19:43She's practicing the wall exercise.
19:48Satoko used to sit for a long time before the examination.
19:55By making improvements, she's been able to avoid exercise and sitting for a long time.
20:02I'm glad.
20:04And today is her first day at work in a kimono.
20:09It's nice.
20:11Everyone, raise your arms shoulder height.
20:16I'm going to do it.
20:19It's cute.
20:20Raise your arms shoulder height.
20:22It's cute today, too.
20:23I love you.
20:24I love you, too.
20:26Satoko is a popular person.
20:28Today, she's going to do the third exercise with the customers.
20:33It hurts.
20:35It hurts a lot.
20:3710 seconds.
20:381, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
20:47You can do it while sitting.
20:4910 times.
20:51I'll do it when I have time.
20:56I'll do it when I have time.
20:57I'll do it when I have time.
20:59I'll do my best to exercise from tomorrow.
21:04The third day of the examination.
21:07This is Hachijojima.
21:09Beautiful sea and beautiful sky.
21:13It's almost like a tropical island.
21:16I'll do my best to exercise here from today.
21:20Hachijojima travel on a private trip for 3 nights and 4 days.
21:24The weather is nice and it looks like fun.
21:29Even on such a trip, I worked hard on the improvement plan three times a day in the morning, noon, and evening.
21:38After the commercial, we will verify the effect of the improvement plan.
21:43Satoko's improvement plan.
21:47Satoko has been working on her improvement plan for 6 days.
21:54When I visited Satoko on her trip back,
21:58It was hard.
21:59My legs and feet got thinner.
22:02I think I'm getting used to it.
22:04I can do it smoothly.
22:09I'm getting muscles that I haven't used before.
22:14I'm conscious.
22:15I'm conscious, so I can do it smoothly.
22:21Satoko has been working on her improvement plan for 7 days while realizing the effect.
22:29And when I visited Satoko after a week of verification,
22:33Is it over?
22:35Was it long?
22:39I don't think I've stumbled.
22:42I don't walk like that.
22:47Satoko hasn't stumbled in the past few days.
22:53Is there a change in the width of the feet, which is a indicator of ease of stumbling?
23:00Measure the width of the feet again.
23:05This is it.
23:07Is that all you've walked?
23:09Yeah, that's all I've walked.
23:1110 steps.
23:12I see.
23:13It's really close.
23:15I was surprised when I saw it.
23:18Before the verification, Satoko's width was 59.5 cm.
23:25Is the width spreading?
23:33Divide the distance you walked 10 steps by 10 and find the width.
23:40The distance you walked 10 steps is 6.85 m, so the width is 68.5 cm.
23:52The width is 9 cm longer than before the verification.
23:58Satoko, who is 162 cm tall, has an average foot width of 72.9 cm.
24:05The ideal foot width is almost there.
24:09I think it would be very easy if I could walk without worrying about stumbling.
24:16I want to be like that.
24:19Satoko, let's continue the improvement plan and aim for no more stumbling.
24:27The way the feet go up little by little.
24:31The feet go up little by little from the beginning.
24:36I agree.
24:37You're having fun with the audience.
24:40That's good, isn't it?
24:42I think it's very important to do it with everyone, not alone.
24:48If you continue, you will probably see improvements.
24:59Is there anything to watch out for?
25:02The cause of stumbling is something other than what I mentioned today.
25:09If you can't see any improvement, I recommend you go to the hospital.
25:17Thank you very much, Dr. Shirado.
25:25That's all for today.
