種から植えるTV 2024年8月25日 第123回 タネウエ祭り 準備編

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種から植えるTV 2024年8月25日 第123回 タネウエ祭り 準備編
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:31What are you doing for the event?
00:33We do a lot of things for the event.
00:35We are going to give away the vegetables we grew.
00:39Does that mean the harvest is already done?
00:41No, the harvest is not done yet.
00:43We have to do it now.
00:45After this.
00:46Wait a minute.
00:47Isn't that for you, not for Moriage?
00:52This is the first event in three years.
00:57The seed-planting festival was held in July.
01:01It's delicious.
01:02We plant seeds together with the visitors.
01:06It was a big event in Fukui.
01:11Today, we are going to give away the summer vegetables of Koji Farm to the visitors who came to the festival.
01:19We are going to harvest a lot.
01:22Kojima Ganbaru Farm Variety
01:28Seed-planting TV
01:33It's amazing.
01:34There was nothing.
01:36I agree.
01:37This is exciting.
01:39Mr. Arai.
01:40Thank you for waiting.
01:42It's amazing.
01:44There are a lot of summer vegetables.
01:46It's amazing.
01:47Mr. Komori did a lot of work.
01:50Mr. Komori grew okra and corn.
01:53He grew a lot.
01:55He grew a lot.
01:57He grew a lot.
01:59I'm very happy.
02:02There are five types of summer vegetables to harvest this time.
02:06The seed-planting festival starts at 1 p.m.
02:09We have to finish harvesting by 11 p.m.
02:15Until 11 p.m.
02:17We have to finish harvesting by 12 p.m.
02:21Does that mean we have to harvest for an hour?
02:23Yes, for an hour.
02:24Five types of summer vegetables.
02:25It's not 10 types of summer vegetables, is it?
02:27No, it's not.
02:28It's 100 or 200 types of summer vegetables.
02:30What's going on with your schedule?
02:33If you had told me, I would have come here early in the morning.
02:36I agree.
02:38Let's start harvesting 100 summer vegetables.
02:43For the eggplant,
02:44Mr. Komori,
02:45cut it into 15 cm long pieces.
02:48I think it's about this size.
02:49This is about 15 cm.
02:50Yes, it is.
02:51I see.
02:52Cut it into 1 cm long pieces.
02:56Be careful because it has thorns.
02:59The eggplant?
03:00Yes, it has thorns.
03:01Please be careful.
03:02Let's take one.
03:04Leave 1 cm on the top.
03:07I think this is enough.
03:09Cut it like this.
03:11I think this is enough.
03:13It's big.
03:14Yes, it is.
03:15It looks delicious.
03:16It's the best.
03:17Let's harvest all of them.
03:20We have 99 left.
03:24It takes about 10 minutes to harvest one type of vegetable.
03:28We have to harvest more and more.
03:30We can't make it in time.
03:32Can we harvest this one, too?
03:38It's small.
03:39If we leave the eggplant, it will become too big in 3 days.
03:43We should harvest it today.
03:46This is amazing.
03:48It's a good eggplant.
03:50Can I ask you a question?
03:53When you can't reach it with your hand,
03:56can you grab it with this?
04:00Isn't it amazing?
04:01I noticed it.
04:02It's that kind of scissors.
04:03This is amazing.
04:04It's very convenient.
04:07It's easy to harvest with one hand.
04:09You can grab it with scissors.
04:12You can cut it while grabbing vegetables with a double-layered blade.
04:18It's hot.
04:20It's been 10 minutes.
04:22Can we harvest 100 eggplants in total?
04:25I think so.
04:27I think we can harvest about 30 each.
04:33That's a lot.
04:35Can we harvest one each?
04:37I think we can do it.
04:38I think so, too.
04:39Let's do it.
04:44We did it.
04:45It's small, but it's good.
04:48This is the last one.
04:50It's beautiful.
04:55We harvested 100 eggplants.
04:59We did it.
05:00Next, we will harvest okra.
05:03In April this year,
05:10and Momoda planted seeds together.
05:13I'm so happy.
05:16I'm so happy.
05:17You did it.
05:19We don't have a lot of okra,
05:20so please pick 50 okra.
05:23Okra gets itchy and itchy when it touches the skin,
05:28so please cover it with an arm cover.
05:32Mr. Suzuki's long-arm cover.
05:36It's a must-have for harvesting okra.
05:39The harvest must be more than 10 cm long.
05:43Let's pick more.
05:45More than 10 cm long?
05:47More than 10 cm.
05:52It's beautiful.
05:53I planted it.
05:54I'm so happy.
05:55Me, too.
05:56I'm so happy.
05:57I'm impressed.
05:58It's beautiful.
05:59It's beautiful.
06:00It's amazing.
06:04It's a very good okra.
06:06I feel sorry for Haima and Kodai.
06:09They helped me.
06:10They planted so many,
06:12but I picked all of them.
06:14I'm sorry.
06:15You did a good job.
06:17I'm so happy.
06:19The one I planted grew up so well.
06:24It's amazing.
06:26It's in the back.
06:28Can you see it?
06:31Mr. Arai, does the leaves get itchy?
06:35Yes, they do.
06:38When you pick the leaves in the back,
06:40your cheeks get itchy.
06:42Yes, they do.
06:43They get itchy quickly.
06:46Speaking of okra,
06:47Mr. Komori from Koshima.
06:50There's something like hair on the surface of okra.
06:54Yes, there is.
06:55What is that for?
06:58I think it's to prevent insects from eating it.
07:02The answer is...
07:04I don't know the answer.
07:07It's just that Mr. Komori doesn't know the answer.
07:10No, it's not.
07:12There are many theories,
07:14but none of them are scientifically proven.
07:20Now, let's ask Mr. Komori about okra.
07:24Quiz, do you know?
07:27Okra is star-shaped, right?
07:31Why is it star-shaped?
07:35It's a unique and beautiful shape, isn't it?
07:38That's right.
07:39When you cut it in half,
07:42I think star-shaped okra is luckier.
07:45It makes you excited.
07:46Yes, it does.
07:47And it's beautiful.
07:48The answer is...
07:50I don't know the answer.
07:51Wait a minute.
07:52I don't know why it's star-shaped.
07:55He doesn't know the answer.
07:56Okra is still unknown.
07:58Yes, it's still unknown.
08:00There are five ways to determine star-shaped okra.
08:05But it's not clear why it's star-shaped.
08:10I think we can do five more.
08:14Five more?
08:15Yes, five more.
08:17A little more.
08:20Two more.
08:31The last one.
08:33There is a big one.
08:35The last one.
08:41We did it.
08:42We did it.
08:43We did it.
08:44Isn't it a good pace?
08:45It's good.
08:46We did it.
08:49What's next?
08:50Next is corn.
08:53How many corn?
08:55That's a lot.
08:57That's a lot.
09:01Next is 100 corn.
09:05Komori planted the seeds.
09:10I'll tell you the criteria.
09:12You have a beard, right?
09:14This part is brown.
09:17Hold the root of the corn.
09:21Pull it to the front.
09:27There may be a bug in the hair.
09:30Look, look, look.
09:31A bug.
09:35There is a bug.
09:36Peel it off a little more.
09:38If there are no scratches on the corn, it's okay.
09:42It's clean.
09:43It's clean.
09:44Then it's safe.
09:45Peel the bug off.
09:46Peel it off.
09:48Then it's safe.
09:49It's safe.
09:50What happens if it's out?
09:51If it's out, this part will turn black.
09:53The bug will eat it.
09:54You can tell by looking at it, right?
09:58After peeling off the excess,
10:00the harvest is done until the big leaves on the outside are removed.
10:05It's 10.30 now.
10:06We don't have much time.
10:10A huge bug just flew by.
10:12The bug is no good?
10:13It's not good at all.
10:15I see.
10:16It's okay.
10:18It's okay, right?
10:21fold it,
10:22and cut it.
10:24How much should I peel off?
10:27You can leave about two leaves.
10:29It's so beautiful.
10:31It's beautiful.
10:32It's beautiful.
10:34It's the best.
10:35I'm happy.
10:36We made this from scratch.
10:39I'm happy.
10:47What's wrong?
10:48The grasshopper...
10:50The grasshopper...
10:51The grasshopper is no good?
10:54You scared me.
10:56I was going to take it,
10:57but the bug came.
10:59Get used to it.
11:00This is 100.
11:01That's a lot.
11:03That's a lot.
11:05We don't have much time.
11:08We don't have much time.
11:11Staff, help me!
11:14Help me!
11:16We won't make it to the event.
11:19The grasshopper is no good.
11:22Two and a half hours until the festival.
11:24The staff will join in and harvest the grasshopper.
11:29Please come closer.
11:31Okay, let's go.
11:34It's good.
11:35No, no, no.
11:37Okay, okay.
11:40Our manager is doing his best.
11:42He's reliable.
11:44Our stamina is our strength!
11:48It's not just stamina.
11:49Our stamina is our strength!
11:51He's reliable.
11:52All right.
11:53The grasshopper is gone.
11:55There's only one left.
11:57That's right.
11:58There's only one left.
12:03I want a good one at the end.
12:06Let's get it out.
12:11All right.
12:13This is good.
12:16The grasshopper is gone thanks to everyone's help.
12:21This is great!
12:24How's the time?
12:26The time is a little behind.
12:29We'll have three kinds this time.
12:32Don't give up.
12:33We'll have five.
12:35We'll have 1,000 grasshoppers.
12:41We'll have 1,000.
12:43From now on, the two teams will split up.
12:45Kojima will harvest the grasshopper.
12:47Komori will harvest the green pepper.
12:57It's big.
12:59The grasshopper looks like a human being,
13:01but it's a vegetable that's over 50 centimeters long.
13:04It's delicious when you stir-fry it or mix it.
13:09Amanaga chili peppers are sweet and have little bitterness,
13:13so they're popular as a snack.
13:17Surprisingly, you've grown a lot.
13:24It's 11 o'clock, so let's speed up a little more.
13:28Hey, I'm picking it up.
13:32It's a lot of work, isn't it?
13:35This is a lot of work today.
13:40Okay, this is good.
13:41A lot, a lot.
13:46Last one.
13:52It's over.
13:58Mr. Kojima.
14:01It's over.
14:02Oh, you're reliable.
14:05Is it over already?
14:07Wow, thank you.
14:09Actually, the grasshopper was the most dangerous one.
14:16He's been taking care of me since I was a kid.
14:19He's a staff member of LDH.
14:22Oh, me?
14:25Since I was a kid.
14:27Since I was a kid.
14:35Did you say that?
14:36Yes, I did.
14:37I was excited to hear that it was a one-on-one battle.
14:40I couldn't take my hands off.
14:41You said, let's do it.
14:44It's not a tense show to have a battle.
14:47It's a gentle show.
14:48No, it's a one-on-one battle.
14:50I think so.
14:51It's a one-on-one battle.
14:55So, is it over?
14:56Yes, it is.
14:59Is it okay?
15:01It's over.
15:02It's over.
15:05Thank you very much.
15:06So, we caught 1,000 grasshoppers and 100 Amanagas.
15:15What time is it now?
15:16It's 11 o'clock.
15:17It's 11 o'clock.
15:1810 minutes.
15:19It's over.
15:20Thank you very much.
15:22So, we harvested summer vegetables.
15:26Next, we will pack five kinds of vegetables.
15:33The same amount?
15:34Yes, the same amount.
15:37Is it okay?
15:38Yes, it is.
15:39How is it?
15:40It's good.
15:41Komori, this is my back sealer.
15:44This is a back sealer.
15:45If you squeeze it like this, you can close it comfortably.
15:50It's great.
15:51This part is uncomfortable, isn't it?
15:53If you cut this part, you can close it comfortably.
15:58It's great.
16:03And you have to be careful not to make a gap between the bag and the eggplant.
16:08It's good.
16:09It's good.
16:10It's good.
16:11It's beautiful.
16:12I think I have a talent for this kind of thing.
16:16You're getting carried away.
16:18It's easy to understand.
16:20What time is it now?
16:21It's 11 o'clock.
16:22It's not good.
16:2530 minutes left until the preparation is completed.
16:28From now on, all the staff will pack.
16:42All right.
16:45Be quick.
16:47And be careful with what you deliver to people.
16:49That's our motto.
16:53Mr. Komori, Mr. Komori.
16:55Thank you for your hard work.
16:56Thank you for your hard work.
16:57This is for you.
16:59I did it.
17:00It's great.
17:01It's a corn rice ball.
17:03Mr. Tsuda of Maoka, who has been in charge many times so far.
17:07I heard that you were going to have a flower festival.
17:10He brought three kinds of delicious-looking rice balls.
17:15This is a rice ball made with our corn.
17:21It looks delicious.
17:22I'll eat it.
17:26It's so delicious.
17:29It's delicious.
17:31The corn is delicious.
17:33It's very sweet.
17:35How to make it.
17:36Season the rice with consomme and soy sauce.
17:41Put a lot of corn.
17:44And the seeds of deliciousness.
17:46Boil the core together.
17:50If you boil the core together, you can taste the sweetness and umami of the corn.
17:58If you add butter to the finish, it will be sweeter and more delicious.
18:04This is a rice ball made with mixed green laver.
18:11It's delicious.
18:12I'm glad.
18:13The scent of green laver is amazing.
18:16I'm glad.
18:19The seeds of deliciousness are mixed with rice.
18:23It soaks into the tired body.
18:28It was a really good day.
18:32It hasn't started yet.
18:33The event hasn't started yet.
18:34It hasn't started yet.
18:35I feel like I've done my best.
18:41I'll start.
18:42All right.
18:48I have to bring all of these.
18:49After packing.
19:00There is also a crack.
19:03I'll put it in here.
19:04I'll put it in here.
19:05I'll put it in here.
19:09All right.
19:1220 minutes left.
19:14The corn is ready.
19:15All you have to do is line up.
19:17Go, go.
19:20My arms are full.
19:34Go, go, go.
19:37Is there a way to line up?
19:40Put the small vegetables in front.
19:42Put the big vegetables in the back.
19:43Make it easy to see from the customers.
19:45If you can line up.
19:46How should I line up?
19:47Let's go to Amanaga and Okura here.
19:51Let's go to this bench.
19:52Like this?
19:54If you put it a little diagonally, it will look like that.
19:57It's called Yaoya in the industry.
20:00That's how you do it.
20:01That's right.
20:02If you put it like this.
20:12Isn't this better?
20:14It's good.
20:16It looks completely different.
20:17That's right.
20:18OK, for now.
20:20It's OK to line up for the time being.
20:22I did it, everyone.
20:26Did I make it in time?
20:27I did it.
20:28I made it in time.
20:30I did it.
20:31Are you ready?
20:33I'm ready.
20:34Are you ready for the event?
20:35That's right.
20:42This time, at the event booth where Kojima and the others lined up vegetables,
20:47Mr. Kishima, who came to the live broadcast to commemorate Tanaka's WellTV,
20:52and Mr. Haruka Beni.
20:54I brought a special one.
20:55Thank you very much.
20:57Mr. Tsuda, who gave me a rice ball, also came to the exhibition.
21:02Potatoes and various leeks.
21:05What's more?
21:08Hey, did you make this?
21:10I made a special one.
21:16At the event booth of the Tane-ue Festival,
21:19Kojima's favorite thing.
21:24Do you know Komori, who has appeared on the program dozens of times?
21:28Yes, it's my first time.
21:30Did you make this?
21:31I made a special Karusuke Chosuke.
21:38Do you sell backsealers?
21:41Do you sell backsealers?
21:44I also made an original tape for this program.
21:50I think it was like this.
21:53The famous backsealers and Karusuke Chosuke
21:57were made by Horiake Co., Ltd. and Ishiyama Co. Ltd.
22:02The backsealer tape has a logo on it, and it's cute.
22:07What's more, I have an important announcement.
22:11I made this for the program.
22:14It's good to work with this.
22:15Yes, it is.
22:16Especially in summer.
22:18These are the goods, right?
22:21These are the goods for the program, Polo Shirt.
22:27Tanekara Well TV Polo Shirt and stickers.
22:32And an eco-bag.
22:34Eco-bag is cute, too.
22:35It's cute, because you can use it for anything.
22:38Polo Shirt, eco-bag, and stickers can be used for farm work or for daily use.
22:44Tanekara Well TV original goods are on sale.
22:47For more information, please search on Teletubbies.
22:53Now, the program's first event, Tanekara Well Festival, is ready.
23:02And next time.
23:04Polo Shirt.
23:10I'm Kojima.
23:14Tanekara Well Festival will be held.
23:18Thank you for coming in this hot weather.
23:21Kojima planted seeds with the audience.
23:25It's good.
23:26It's good.
23:27It's good.
23:28It's good.
23:31In the quiz, Do You Know Taekwondo, Komori fell into a big swamp.
23:36Oh, really?
23:42Oh, really?
23:43Tanekara Well Festival.
23:47See you next time.
23:50Happy birthday to you.
23:58Harusuke and Chosuke.
24:00New My Back Seals.
24:0252 years old.
24:04I'll do my best in farming.
24:05Here's a present from the program.
24:0824 original vegetables.
24:13For more information, please visit the program's website.
24:17Tanekara Well Festival is on TVER U-NEXT.
24:22I'm wearing a Polo Shirt.
24:25I knew it.
24:26No hesitation.
24:27See you next time.
