مسلسل ليلى الحلقة 7 السابعة مدبلج HD

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مسلسل ليلى الحلقة 7 السابعة مدبلج HD


00:00How did you get here, Leila?
00:27Gauzida's mom helped me. She gave him money.
00:31What do you mean? Do you want to live with us here?
00:33No. Gauzida's mom just told me that this is your home, but I can't stay here.
00:39Why can't you stay?
00:41Because I have to go to the police station. I have to tell them everything.
00:45And let that bad woman be held accountable.
00:47Maybe they didn't believe you and gave you to that bad woman.
00:51Can you live with her again?
00:53No, that's impossible. But I have to do something.
00:57Okay. Just wait until it's over. We'll solve this together. What do you think?
01:01No, Gino. Look what happened to you because of me.
01:05What happened? I'm fine.
01:10Are you hurt?
01:12A little.
01:15I'm sorry. I won't let them hurt you again.
01:20Don't worry. I'm fine.
01:24My dad used to come and kiss me whenever I fell.
01:29And he'd fall right away.
01:31Did it hurt?
01:33No. Let's try.
01:50I'm going to dream.
01:52My presence here doesn't mean anything without her.
01:57Oh God, what did I do to deserve this?
02:00What did I do to be punished like this?
02:03Ms. Noor.
02:06Ms. Noor, calm down.
02:09It's all my fault. Everything happened because of me.
02:12No, this was an accident. If anyone is guilty,
02:17it's him who hit him in the car. He's the guilty one, not you.
02:20I wish he had the courage to come and face me.
02:24I just wish.
02:27If he did, what would you tell him?
02:30I would have told him how weak and stupid he is.
02:33And I would have told him that he's a poor man who can't take responsibility for his actions.
02:37Maybe he wasn't like that.
02:39Maybe he was hurting his conscience.
02:41And he's going to spend the rest of his life living this pain.
02:43Which pain does he want to live?
02:45I'm the one who wants to live the rest of my life with this pain.
02:47I'm the one who became a widow.
02:49He forgets in three days.
02:51But what can I do?
02:53Then why are you asking me these questions, Tofan Bek?
02:55Are you defending him in front of me?
02:57No, I'm not defending you.
03:02I'm waiting for you in the car.
03:10My dream.
03:27My dream.
03:57My dream.
04:13We can go.
04:20These old people are going to hurt his conscience and do everything I tell him to do.
04:24I put a game in my head and I want to play it.
04:26And you have a role in this.
04:28What role?
04:30I told you, let's wait for them to hit us and run away.
04:32What's wrong with you?
04:33Why are you so scared?
04:34The man is strong, rich, and famous, right?
04:36He's not like Helmy.
04:37Any little mistake and we're gone.
04:38In my life, I know why you're afraid of your love.
04:40Then I'm doing all this for our own good.
04:42So that we can live a noble life.
04:44Without being humiliated.
04:46I don't know.
04:54He's not here, my son.
04:56I'm calling him now.
04:58I think you shouldn't wait.
04:59I've already caused you so much trouble today.
05:01No, I'm not going to wait.
05:03I'll think about my home later.
05:05Don't turn me down, please.
05:06Thank you, but it's not that hard.
05:08You're a very good person, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
05:12No, I might not be good.
05:14What did you say?
05:17Oh, he's here.
05:18Welcome, my soul.
05:20The rest is in your life again.
05:22Your life is over.
05:24Tufan Bek, my cousin, Muhammad Ali.
05:26This is Tufan Bek.
05:27Yes, I know.
05:28You play football.
05:29I'm honored to meet you.
05:30Me too.
05:31Now, Noor told me, but one doesn't believe what he sees.
05:34But you knew Helmy from the hotel.
05:36What a loss.
05:37An honorable man hit and ran away.
05:39Come on, Mali.
05:40Tufan Bek's torture today.
05:41He must be tired.
05:42Let him go.
05:43Come on, let's go to his house.
05:44Noor, honestly, I came to talk to you about it.
05:46There's been a problem.
05:47I mean, I didn't go out to meet you at home.
05:50But don't worry.
05:51I'll find you a room in a hotel and get you whatever you want.
05:53Don't worry.
05:55If you'll excuse me.
05:56Come with me, Mali.
06:03By the way, you're not alone at all.
06:05Your whole life has become a play.
06:07Life is basically a play, and I'm trying to hold on to something to stay alive.
06:11Maybe he didn't tell you to stay at my house.
06:13No, he'll tell me to stay at his house.
06:14He told me the house is empty.
06:15Look, Noor.
06:16Try as much as you can to make him confess his crime.
06:18He'll fall between our hands quickly, but over time, he'll calm down.
06:21It's none of your business.
06:22I hit the iron while he's pregnant.
06:24Okay, then act quickly and let's win the time.
06:27Because the delay is not in our favor at all.
06:31He came here.
06:33I really don't believe it, Mali.
06:35Why didn't you tell me before that this was happening?
06:37I didn't come.
06:38Where would I go now?
06:39As long as you can accept me at your place, why didn't you tell me before?
06:43Noor, he seems to be in a bad situation.
06:45Don't worry.
06:46As I told you, I'm with you and I'll help you.
07:10Come in.
07:34This is the house.
07:36I don't come here often.
07:38You can stay at home as long as you want.
07:44Did you say as long as you want?
07:48Yes, and the fridge is full and there are drinks too.
07:50But you must be hungry.
07:51Let me order you something to eat.
07:53I don't want you to be upset with me, but I want to ask you, Tufan Bek.
07:57I don't understand.
08:00Why are you helping me even though you're not obliged?
08:02As I said, because I...
08:04Tufan Bek.
08:05Do you think I'm stupid or what?
08:09Tell me why you're doing all this just so you can meet someone at a hotel.
08:13Tell me why.
08:16Are you two close or is there another reason I don't know?
08:19Tell me who you are.
08:28I'm not going.
08:30Wait, don't go.
08:33I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
08:38I'm sorry.
08:44All of a sudden, you're doubting and afraid of everything.
08:46Aren't you ashamed of me?
08:50Of course, because you have a good heart, you decided to help me.
08:54I don't know what happened to me. I'm sorry.
08:58But I'm going through a very difficult time.
09:01If you'll excuse me, I'll leave.
09:42Because you didn't leave me alone tonight.
09:45It's true that every day has become difficult, but this is different.
09:48In the end, I left my home and I have no one to turn to, no place to go to.
09:55I understand.
09:57Your heart is above me and mine is below me.
10:03But is it possible that he doesn't have a conscience?
10:06Doesn't he have a heart at all?
10:08The person who hit my dream and ran away.
10:11In this world, there may not be justice, but what about the afterlife?
10:14I won't hurt him now, but I hope he will overcome the torment of conscience.
10:18For the last day of his life, he will see black days like coal, God willing.
10:31I have to go.
10:32No, please stay.
10:33If you'll excuse me.
10:35Don't take it out on me, because I haven't talked to anyone for a few days.
10:40And I found you in front of me and I opened my heart to you, I'm really sorry.
10:45If you'll excuse me, stay.
10:47No problem.
10:48Stay, I'm listening.
11:03I love you.
11:33I love you too.
11:50But I can't get these questions out of my head.
11:53When he hit my dream and ran away, what did my dream think when he hit it?
11:57What does he feel?
11:59Does he think of anything about me?
12:03I hope he has the courage to face me.
12:34Toufan Baik, are you okay?
12:42Toufan Baik, if I said something wrong, I apologize.
12:48On the contrary, I'm the one who should apologize.
12:53Maybe you won't forgive me, I know.
12:56But, I...
12:59I don't understand.
13:02I don't understand.
13:05If you ask me who I am, I'll tell you.
13:10I'm a coward and a coward.
13:13A useless man who can't stand the responsibility of his actions.
13:19But Toufan Baik, I don't understand anything you're saying.
13:22What are you saying?
13:29This is me.
13:44I'm the man who killed your husband.
13:53I can't believe it.
13:56Noor, I...
13:57Don't touch me. Don't come near me.
14:00It was just an accident, believe me. I don't know what happened.
14:02He suddenly appeared in front of me in the street. I didn't see him.
14:08Oh God, I'm begging you. Is this how you're helping me?
14:12I was going to tell you from the beginning.
14:14But I was embarrassed.
14:17Did you say you were embarrassed?
14:18Did you say you were embarrassed?
14:20You mean you hit my husband and left him on the floor drowning in blood and ran away because you were embarrassed?
14:25No, no, no. I didn't run away.
14:27It wasn't my intention. I called the ambulance immediately and asked for help.
14:31But I couldn't stay there, Noor.
14:33Because I was afraid.
14:35I was forced to.
14:37Because my life is not normal like yours.
14:39I found a football and moved to the team again.
14:42That's why I was afraid that everything would be destroyed.
14:44My life, my career, and everything I built.
14:48And as long as you can go back to your beautiful life, why are you playing with me?
14:52No, no, no.
14:54I mean, I'm not playing with you.
14:56I really wanted to help you.
14:58What help is this? You're trying to ease your conscience, aren't you?
15:02Maybe in the beginning.
15:04But when I met you and saw how much you were suffering from the absence, I ran away.
15:10You're lying.
15:12That's enough.
15:22Open the door, let's talk.
15:24I'll tell you everything.
15:26What else do you want to tell me?
15:28How could you laugh at me?
15:30And above all, you look at me as if you're making fun of me.
15:33Believe me, it's not like that.
15:35I'm not sleeping at night.
15:37Every time I put my head on the pillow, I see the accident in front of me.
15:40And me.
15:42Do you have any idea what I've been through?
15:49But tell me, how could you do this to me? How?
15:55I can't get you out of my mind.
16:00I'm always thinking about you and where you are and what you're doing.
16:07I'm the one who got you to this situation, I know.
16:09I'm the one who ruined your life.
16:16I'm ready for anything.
16:18I'll go to the police and surrender myself.
16:38Look, if you'll allow me, I'll open the door.
16:47Noor, I want to go in.
16:59What did you do to me?
17:01Noor, please forgive me.
17:04Forgive me because I lived all this because of you.
17:07Believe me, I didn't want this to happen.
17:09It was an accident and I didn't see what he was doing in front of me.
17:10What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?
17:13How could you do this to me?
17:15Tell me, how am I going to live without him now?
17:20What's going to happen to me?
17:22You're going to forget and continue your life, but how am I going to live?
17:24This is if I can live after what I did.
17:26No, no, of course you'll live.
17:28Are you sure I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy again?
17:31You're showing me this in exchange for me to shut up.
17:34Do you want me to forget everything?
17:36Look, no, how can I ask you for something like this?
17:37I'm going to go tell the police and tell them everything.
17:39And I want to be held accountable for what happened.
17:41And what's going to change?
17:43Nothing's going to change.
17:45Because my dream is dead.
17:49Do you understand?
17:51I have no one.
17:53I'm all alone in this world.
17:55I'm with you.
17:57And I'm ready to do whatever you want.
18:02Noor, please forgive me.
18:04Forgive me for helping you.
18:05Forgive me for helping you.
18:10Every night I want my mom to sleep.
18:13I want to sleep a little, maybe I'll forget.
18:16I want to sleep and forget.
18:18God help you.
18:35I'll get you something to wear.
18:37Don't go.
18:47Don't leave me alone.
18:50I don't want to be alone.
18:54Okay, I won't go.
18:56I'm with you.
19:06I promise you everything will be fine.
19:08I promise.
19:10At least stay here with me.
19:16It was an accident.
19:19I'm sorry.
19:22It really was an accident.
19:26I don't want to think about anything anymore.
19:29I just want to sleep without thinking about anything.
19:36I love you.
19:49I love you too.
20:05I love you too.
20:44Can I sleep here tonight?
21:05You're welcome.
21:35I love you.
21:53I want to go tonight.
21:55Don't worry.
21:57I'll help you.
21:59I won't forget you.
22:01I'll never forget you.
22:03Remember this.
22:05I love you.
22:23Yes, Mohamed Ali.
22:25What do you see in my dream?
22:27You can't call it a dream.
22:29It's a nightmare.
22:31What do you want from me?
22:33I want to ask you about Leila.
22:35Is there a problem?
22:36She didn't run away, did she?
22:38She can't get away from me.
22:40She tried twice, but I pulled her hair and brought her back.
22:43So she's with you?
22:45The girl was with me, but...
22:46I sold her.
22:48What do you mean you sold her?
22:49Who did you sell her to?
22:50This woman called Gwazida.
22:51I took her by force.
22:53I told her, look, this is a gift from Noor.
22:56So I told her to take it from me.
23:05Good morning.
23:07Good morning, Noor.
23:11I made coffee. Do you want some?
23:13I'd love to. Thank you.
23:30Yesterday, we didn't talk about it. I mean, because...
23:33I know what you want to ask.
23:36What you told me last night will stay between us.
23:39In short, you didn't say anything.
23:41And I didn't hear anything.
23:44What happened, happened.
23:45I'm not expecting anything from you.
23:47And I don't want anything.
23:49I know.
23:52But your kindness...
23:54is making me suffer more, Noor.
23:57You thought about me and yourself and made a decision.
24:00I'll forget what happened.
24:01And you forget.
24:02No, I won't forget.
24:04Soon, I'll leave and you won't see me again.
24:07No, you won't leave.
24:09This house is yours.
24:10You'll stay here.
24:13But of course,
24:15if you don't want to see me...
24:16How will that work?
24:18If you allow me, stay.
24:21At least, allow me to help you with this.
