Blues Clues S03 E03

  • il y a 3 jours
00:00Avez-vous vu Blue, mon chien ?
00:06Venez !
00:19Salut !
00:20Venez !
00:21J'étais juste en train... rentrer dans la cuisine !
00:24Tu veux m'aider à mettre ces affaires ?
00:26Oui !
00:27Super ! Allons-y !
00:31Vous voyez ?
00:32Ces sacs sont un peu lourds !
00:38Ces sacs étaient vraiment lourds !
00:41Hey, Blue !
00:42Regarde qui est là pour nous aider à mettre les affaires !
00:46Ok !
00:47Un sac de...
00:48...sucre !
00:50Hey !
00:51Est-ce que ce sac de sucre...
00:53...est lourd ou léger ?
00:58Lourd !
00:59Tu penses ? Voyons voir !
01:02Oh, oui !
01:03Tu vois, le sucre est un peu...
01:05...difficile à lever !
01:06Il doit être...
01:07...lourd !
01:08Très bien !
01:13Un sac de...
01:14...sucre !
01:15Tu penses que ce sac de sucre est lourd...
01:17...ou léger ?
01:20Léger !
01:22Tu penses ? Voyons voir !
01:24Oh, oui !
01:26Pas de problème de lever celui-ci !
01:28...a l'air léger !
01:30Hey, c'est vraiment amusant de le lever !
01:32Blue !
01:33Allons lever les autres affaires !
01:37Oh, tu ne veux plus lever les affaires ?
01:40Ok, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire ?
01:43Oh !
01:44On va jouer à Blue's Clues !
01:46J'adore ce jeu !
01:49On va jouer à Blue's Clues... c'est vraiment amusant !
01:54...que Blue's Pawprint...
01:55...sera sur les affaires !
01:57Blue's Clues !
01:59Oh, oui !
02:00Tu as raison !
02:01On ne peut pas juste...
02:02...laisser ce pawprint... cacher comme ça !
02:05Hey !
02:06Tu penses que ce pawprint...
02:08...est lourd...
02:09...ou léger ?
02:16Je suppose que c'était assez léger !
02:19Tu sais ce qu'on a besoin pour Blue's Clues ?
02:20Notre magnifique...
02:21Notebook !
02:22Notebook !
02:23Notebook !
02:24Bien, allons-y !
02:26Salut Steve !
02:27Voici ton notebook !
02:28Merci, table-tour de côté !
02:30Hey !
02:31Tu penses que le notebook...
02:32...sera lourd...
02:33...ou léger ?
02:35Voyons voir !
02:39Oh, oui !
02:40Regarde ça !
02:41Ça a l'air...
02:42...léger !
02:45Pour jouer à Blue's Clues... faut trouver un...
02:49Pawprint !
02:50Oh, un pawprint !
02:51Bien !
02:52Et c'est notre premier...
02:54Clue !
02:55Clue ?
02:56Et puis on le met dans notre...
02:57Parce qu'il y a Blue's...
02:59Blue's Clues !
03:01On doit trouver un autre pawprint...
03:03C'est la seconde clue !
03:04On le met dans notre notebook...
03:05...parce qu'il y a Blue's Clues...
03:07Blue's Clues !
03:09On doit trouver un dernier pawprint...
03:11C'est le troisième clue !
03:12On le met dans notre notebook...
03:13...parce qu'il y a Blue's...
03:15Blue's Clues !
03:16Tu sais ce qu'il faut faire !
03:17S'asseoir dans notre chair... dire...
03:20Hey !
03:24Cause when we use our minds
03:26Take a step at a time
03:28We can do anything
03:30That we wanna do
03:34Okay, since you are so good at playing Blue's Clues
03:39I think I'm really gonna need your help today
03:41Figuring out what Blue wants to do
03:43You will help me, right?
03:45You will?
03:49So uh, how about telling me which way Blue...
03:52That way!
03:54This way? Thanks!
03:56We are looking for Blue's Clues
03:58We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:00We are looking for Blue's Clues
04:02Wonder where they...
04:04A clue! A clue!
04:07You see a clue?
04:09Where? I don't see anything, I was just looking around
04:12A clue on Blue!
04:14All I see is this picture of Blue
04:17And it has a paw print on it
04:19That must mean that this picture of Blue
04:21Is our first clue!
04:23You know what we need to do?
04:25We need to write this Blue clue
04:27In our handy dandy
04:29Mighty lighty
04:36Let's draw her head first
04:39And then her body
04:41And tail
04:43Her legs
04:45And her face
04:47And her spots
04:49Our friend, Blue
04:53Okay, so, what could Blue...
04:55Want to do?
05:01Well, maybe, but I guess
05:03To find out we are going to have to find some more clues
05:05The apple!
05:07No, the coconut!
05:11Hey Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper, what's going on?
05:13We need to know which one of these weighs more
05:15I think this apple
05:17Weighs more than that coconut
05:19I think this coconut
05:21Weighs more than that apple
05:23How can we know for sure?
05:25Oh, hey!
05:27Why don't you weigh them?
05:29Did somebody say...
05:33You better let a professional handle this
05:35Hi, so it's your job to weigh things?
05:39When you put two things on me
05:41The heavier stuff goes down
05:43And the lighter stuff goes up
05:47Oh, okay
05:49So, which do you think will weigh more?
05:51The apple?
05:53Or the coconut?
05:59You think? Let's weigh them
06:03Oh, see, it is!
06:05It's the coconut
06:07The coconut is lower than the apple
06:09The coconut weighs more, must be heavier
06:11Good weighing
06:13And good job to you too, Mr. Scale
06:27The strawberries weigh more
06:29No, this popcorn weighs more
06:33Are you ready?
06:35Which one do you think weighs more?
06:37The strawberries?
06:39Or the popcorn?
06:41What do you think?
06:49Let's see
06:51Oh, look!
06:53It's the strawberries
06:55The strawberries are lower than the popcorn
06:57So the strawberries weigh more
06:59They're heavier
07:01You are so good at this
07:11Oh, wait!
07:13What about these?
07:15So, which do you think will weigh more?
07:17The stick of butter?
07:19Or the roll?
07:27Let's see
07:31It's the butter
07:33The butter is lower than the roll
07:35So the butter weighs more
07:37It's heavier
07:41Where did you learn to weigh things like that?
07:51That's the last of our groceries!
07:53Thank you for helping us
07:55You're welcome
07:57And thank you!
07:59And you too, Scale
08:01No problem
08:03Hey, do you want to weigh more things
08:05while we go look for more blues clues?
08:07Yeah, me too!
08:09So, which do you think weighs more?
08:11This paper bag?
08:15This broom?
08:19What do you think?
08:23The broom!
08:25The broom definitely feels heavier
08:27It must weigh more
08:31Let's go weigh the thinking chair
08:37So, which do you think will weigh less?
08:39This broom?
08:43Or the thinking chair?
08:45What do you think?
08:49The broom!
08:51The broom? Let's see
08:59This broom definitely feels lighter than
09:01the thinking chair
09:03It must weigh less
09:05So, this broom
09:07weighs more
09:09than this paper bag
09:11but less
09:13than the thinking chair
09:15So, I guess it all depends
09:17on what you compare it to
09:19A clue! A clue!
09:21Yeah, guess I did do a pretty good job
09:23weighing too
09:25A clue behind you!
09:27Oh, oh!
09:29Oh, you see a clue! Where?
09:33This is our clue?
09:37Numbers are our second blues...
09:41Blues clue!
09:43We better write this down in our mighty
09:45lighty notebook
09:49Okay, numbers
09:51So, a zero
09:53is shaped like a circle
09:55And a backward C with a line
09:57for the two
09:59And a nine is made like this
10:03So, what could Blue want to do
10:05with herself and
10:11Yeah, maybe
10:13But I think we should find our last blues clue
10:15to figure it out, don't you think?
10:17Mail time!
10:19The mail's here!
10:21Here's the mail, it never fails
10:23It makes me want to wag my tail
10:25When it comes, I want to wail
10:33Mail's here! Mail's here! Hi, Steve!
10:35Hey, mailbox
10:39Do you think our letter will feel
10:41heavy or light?
10:45Here's your letter
10:51No, I'm just kidding
10:53See, it's really light
10:55See, you're so good
10:57We just got a letter
11:01We just got a letter
11:03We just got a letter
11:05Wonder who it's from
11:09Look, it's a letter from our friends
11:11Hi, Steve!
11:13Hi, Steve!
11:15We're getting fruit to make a fruit salad
11:17I'm getting grapes
11:19Grapes are delicious
11:21I'm getting bananas for the fruit salad
11:25Mmm, peaches
11:31Pineapples are heavy
11:33Let's see how much these weigh
11:37Oh, this is heavy
11:39Pineapple weighs four pounds
11:45All these grapes weigh one pound
11:51One banana, two banana
11:55Bye, Steve!
11:59Wow, I didn't know there were
12:01so many different ways to weigh things
12:03What's that?
12:05What's that?
12:09Oh, Blue just skidooed
12:11into that picture of that country store
12:17Blue skidoo, we can too
12:25It's coming from in there
12:35Hi, I'm Belle
12:39And I'm learning how to manage the counter
12:41You are? Well, that's an awfully big
12:43responsibility for such a little Belle
12:47We're expecting a lot of customers today
12:49Will you help me?
12:51Hey, do you want to help manage the counter?
12:53Yeah, let's go
12:57Hey, it's our first customer of the day
13:03I'd like the lightest item
13:05on the yellow shelf, please
13:07Okay, lightest item
13:09on the yellow shelf
13:13Coming right up
13:15The lightest item
13:17on the yellow shelf
13:19Which is the lightest item
13:21on the yellow shelf?
13:23It's this one
13:25The lightest item on the yellow shelf
13:27Is it the rock?
13:29The dictionary book?
13:31Or the toothbrush?
13:37Hey, Belle
13:39We think we know, but just to be sure
13:41Is there any way we can weigh them?
13:43Did somebody say
13:47Cool! More scales
13:49Is it your job to weigh things too?
13:51Yup! Watch this
13:53Let's go, yellow shelf items
13:55Weigh in!
13:57One rock
13:59Twenty ounces
14:01One dictionary
14:03Forty ounces
14:05One toothbrush
14:07Three ounces
14:09Okay, so
14:11Which is the lightest?
14:13Which weighs least?
14:19The toothbrush
14:21The toothbrush
14:23This one is the lightest
14:27Here you go, Beaver
14:29The lightest item on the yellow shelf
14:31A toothbrush
14:33Thank you
14:35Excellent job taking care of those customers
14:39I would like to buy the lightest group
14:41of building blocks you have, please
14:45Coming right up
14:49The lightest group of blocks
14:55Which is the lightest group of building blocks?
14:59You think?
15:01Well, let's see
15:03Let's just weigh them
15:05Just to be sure
15:07Four blocks weigh eight ounces
15:09Two blocks four ounces
15:13Six blocks twelve ounces
15:17So which is the lightest group of building blocks?
15:23That one
15:25Oh yeah
15:27It is the lightest
15:29See how the other scales are lower?
15:33Here you go, ma'am
15:37I'll take it
15:39I just love blocks
15:41I'd like to buy the lightest item
15:43on the orange shelf, please
15:47Orange shelf
15:49Okay, Wares
15:51Are you ready to help again?
15:55So which is the lightest item
15:57on the orange shelf?
15:59Is it the box of ribbons?
16:01The brush?
16:05The comb?
16:09We think we know
16:11But just to be sure
16:13Let's weigh these things too
16:15Orange shelf
16:17It's weighing time
16:19One box of ribbons
16:21Eight ounces
16:23One brush
16:25Fourteen ounces
16:27One comb
16:29Three ounces
16:31So which one is the lightest?
16:33The comb
16:35This is the lightest
16:41Here you go, Miss Porcupine
16:43The lightest item on the orange shelf
16:45One comb
16:47That's exactly what I wanted
16:49You are so good at this
16:55That's much better
16:57Well, everything went well today
16:59Thanks for helping, Steve
17:01Oh, you're welcome
17:03Thank you
17:05Are you sure you haven't worked in a store before?
17:09A clue! A clue!
17:15A clue!
17:17Oh, you see a clue
17:21A clue behind here
17:23Right there
17:25There's a clue on this scale
17:27This scale is our third clue
17:29Lots of scales today
17:31We need to write this down in our handy dandy
17:41First we draw a rectangle
17:43And then two lines going down
17:47And a rectangle for the base
17:51Then we add the lines up here
17:53And our third clue is
17:55A scale
17:57Well, we have all three clues
18:01We're ready to sit in our
18:03Thinking chair
18:05Let's go
18:17Ok, now that we're in our
18:19Thinking chair
18:21Let's think
18:23So, we're trying to figure out
18:25What Blue wants to do
18:27And our first clue was
18:31Right, Blue
18:35And our second clue is
18:41And our third clue is
18:43This scale
18:45So what could Blue want to do
18:47With herself, numbers
18:49And the scale
18:53Well, maybe
18:55Blue wants to get on the scale
18:57Yeah, and anytime
18:59You get on the scale, numbers come up
19:01So if Blue got on the scale
19:03And numbers came up
19:05What would she be doing
19:07Weighing herself
19:09Weighing herself
19:11Yeah, that's it
19:13Blue wants to get on the scale
19:15And look at the numbers that come up
19:17To find out how much she weighs
19:19We just figured out Blue's clues
19:21We just figured out Blue's clues
19:23We just figured out Blue's clues
19:25We just figured out Blue's clues
19:27Cause we're really smart
19:29Do you want to weigh yourself
19:31Is that what you want to do
19:33I guess she does
19:35Come on
19:39Ok, Blue
19:41Are you ready to weigh yourself
19:43Did somebody say weigh
19:45Oh, look, it's scale
19:47And Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper and Paprika
19:49Remember how we weighed all their groceries
19:51In the kitchen
19:55Paprika and I
19:57Weigh more than Mr. Salt
20:01Here Steve, I brought you a present
20:03The lightest thing in the store
20:07Thank you, it's a feather
20:09Remember how we helped Belle weigh the things in her store
20:11Ok, Blue
20:13Are you ready, let's see how much you weigh
20:17You weigh 20 pounds
20:19Hey, let's all get on
20:21I mean, if that's ok
20:23That's my job
20:25Now you weigh 23 pounds
20:31Now you weigh 25 pounds
20:33Excuse me
20:39You all weigh 163 pounds
20:45Now you weigh 25 pounds
20:49Hey, thank you so much for all your help today
20:53Now it's time for so long
20:57But we'll sing just one more song
21:01Thanks for doing your part
21:03You sure are smart
21:05You know with me and you
21:07And my dog Blue
21:09We can do anything that we wanna do
21:11Bye-bye, see you later
21:13Thanks for coming, bye