Michael Shayne 450423 Body In The Trunk, Old Time Radio

  • 2 hours ago
Michael Shayne, Private Detective (1944-1948) was the inaugural iteration of the series, with Wally Maher lending his voice to the character of Michael Shayne. Broadcast on the West Coast Mutual network, this version stood out for its lighter tone in comparison to subsequent adaptations. Notably, Shayne’s investigative hub was located in Oakland, California, a departure from the more conventional Miami setting

The series delved into intriguing mysteries, and its protagonist, Michael Shayne, navigated the twists and turns of each case with wit and determination. While the later versions took on different tones and settings, this early incarnation set the stage for the enduring legacy of the Michael Shayne detective franchise.

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00:00The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective.
00:11The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor Oil, Union Oil Company, present...
00:21The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:31The Adventures of Michael Shane, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis
00:36When Mike Shane isn't burning the midnight oil over some unsolved crime,
00:40he's generally doing the next most interesting thing, talking about one.
00:44Right now, he's leaning back in his easy chair, doing a powerful lot of talking to his old friend, Inspector Faraday.
00:50It's a stag session, for Mike's assistant, Phyllis Knight, has gone home early this evening.
00:56Of course, Faraday, I don't know much about the case except what I've read in the papers,
00:59but it seems to me that you're going after the wrong guy.
01:02Mike, this Joe has got a prison record as long as a kangaroo's tail.
01:06Why should he sidestep a little thing like murder?
01:08Just because he has got a prison record as long as a kangaroo's tail.
01:12Look, I remember a case back in New York that's almost a carbon copy of this.
01:17I've got some newspaper clippings on it in the files here. I'll read them to you in just a second.
01:22You don't get the point, Mike. This killing is gruesome, horrible.
01:26It would take a hardened criminal to carry it through.
01:28Doggone it, they're here in the files somewhere.
01:31Now, Phyll could turn right to it.
01:33Yeah, she went home kind of early this evening, didn't she?
01:35Yeah, she's got a girlfriend staying up at the apartment with her.
01:38Went home to help her pack up.
01:40Friend from out of town?
01:41Uh-huh. Girl had a fight with her fiancé and wants to play hermit for a few days.
01:46I know. The old feminine trick. Goodbye forever.
01:49Until next Saturday night.
01:51I'll get it, Mike.
01:55Mike, thank heavens you're still there.
01:57This is Faraday, Phyllis. Mike's ransacking his files. I'll get him for you.
02:00Wait a minute, wait a minute. You'd better hear this too, Inspector.
02:03Maybe it's your business.
02:04What's wrong, girl? You sound scared blue.
02:06I am. I know something's happened. I don't dare look.
02:09All right, but what is it, Phyll?
02:11Yeah, wait a minute. Let me talk to her.
02:12Here. She sounds like she's going to cry.
02:14Hello, Angel.
02:15Oh, Mike. Mike, get over here quick.
02:17Now, wait a minute. Calm down, honey. Now tell me what's wrong.
02:19Well, you know Lois was leaving my apartment tonight and I came home to help her pack.
02:24Yeah, sure, sure.
02:25Well, Mike, she's not here. At least I don't think so.
02:27Now, please, Angel, wait a minute. I can't tell what you're talking about.
02:30Well, I found her trunk already packed and locked.
02:34And I think...
02:35Yeah? What? What, honey? What?
02:36I think her body's inside.
02:48Well, at last. I thought you'd never get here.
02:50Honey, we came as fast as we could.
02:53Where's the trunk?
02:54In the bedroom.
02:55All right, now tell me what happened.
02:57Well, I found the hall door off the lock, so I expected she'd be right back.
03:00I kept waiting and then I started to worry.
03:02She had that row with Nelson. He threatened her.
03:05You see what I mean, Faraday? A woman's intuition.
03:08Well, the baggage man came. He started to take the trunk, but then...
03:12then I heard it.
03:13Heard what?
03:14Something slumped inside, and the trunk seemed so heavy, I...
03:17I told the man to leave it. We weren't going to send it after all.
03:20Oh, great.
03:21I looked at it real close, and... and when I saw the padlock...
03:24Oh, that's when I phoned you, Mike.
03:28Well, I see a smear of blood on the lock.
03:30That's not unusual, honey.
03:32Maybe she cut her hand when she closed the trunk.
03:34Oh, for heaven's sakes, I'm no child.
03:36Look here in this closet.
03:39There are all those things.
03:43There are all Lois's dresses, still on the hangers.
03:46They weren't packed in the trunk.
03:47It just means that she hasn't finished packing.
03:49I thought of that, too, Mike.
03:51I started to push the trunk back against the wall, but it wouldn't budge.
03:55There's something inside of it, and it isn't clothing.
03:57Well, let's see.
04:01I'll say.
04:02It's loaded with something.
04:07There, you hear that?
04:08Something slumped inside.
04:10Just as you tipped the trunk, Faraday.
04:12Okay, I guess the only way we can satisfy you is to open it, if we can find the key.
04:16Here, I've got it.
04:17It's here in her purse.
04:18That's another thing that scared me, Mike.
04:19Lois's handbag.
04:20Just laying here on the dressing table.
04:22Let's have it, Phil.
04:25Honey, wasn't that the hall door?
04:27Of course.
04:28There's your girl now.
04:30Oh, it's about time that she...
04:34No, it's Nelson.
04:35Let's see.
04:39You looking for somebody, partner?
04:41Oh, I didn't think there was anybody here.
04:43Do you always walk right in when there's nobody home?
04:46Well, I meant...
04:47I thought Lois was here alone.
04:49I'll come back again.
04:50No, no, no, no.
04:52We'd like you to stay.
04:53She may be in any minute.
04:54Well, I really...
04:55Come in a minute.
04:56Come on in.
04:57We'd like to talk to you ourselves.
04:58Come on.
04:59Come on.
05:00I don't understand.
05:01You're friends of Lois?
05:03This is Mike Shane and Inspector Faraday.
05:05I don't understand.
05:06You don't have to.
05:07Okay, Phil.
05:08Let's have that key.
05:11Hey, here.
05:12What are you doing?
05:13That's Lois' trunk.
05:14You haven't any right to go in there.
05:15Maybe not, but we like to open surprise packages.
05:19Oh, I hope I'm wrong.
05:21I hope it's a mistake.
05:22All right, Mike.
05:23Let's swing her open.
05:32What's inside?
05:33No, no, don't look.
05:36I'm afraid you were right.
05:53Karn is on his way.
05:55Oh, it doesn't seem real.
05:58Just a few hours ago, I was talking to her and now...
06:01I know, honey, I know.
06:02It's hard to take.
06:03You, young fellow, what's your name?
06:06Uh, Nelson Carter.
06:08Supposed to be the girl's fiancé, huh?
06:10You don't seem to be particularly upset.
06:12Ah, I'm stunned.
06:14What, uh, what brought you here?
06:17I came to see Lois.
06:19I was here this afternoon and we had another fight.
06:22I came back to apologize.
06:24That's something new.
06:26First time you ever apologized for anything.
06:28You drove the poor girl half crazy.
06:30It was her fault she wouldn't listen to me.
06:32I was right from the very start.
06:34Oh, sure.
06:35So right you never let her have a thought of her own.
06:37You hounded her with your rightness.
06:39That's why she moved in with me to get away from you
06:41and your pestering phone calls and your fights.
06:43That's a lie.
06:44You came between us.
06:45Lois told me this afternoon you said she should forget me.
06:48I told her so at breakfast.
06:50But she couldn't.
06:51She was still in love with you.
06:54She was going back to her apartment tomorrow morning.
06:56There's something I don't get.
06:58If Lois was using Phil's apartment as a sort of hideout,
07:01how did this fellow know she was here?
07:03That's my business.
07:04It's also ours, son.
07:06What time did you come here this afternoon?
07:08Why, about 4.30.
07:11The girl's been dead three or four hours.
07:13Say, look here.
07:14If you're trying to pin this on me, you're crazy.
07:17Lois told me about your insane temper.
07:19You threatened to kill her.
07:20I did not.
07:21Oh, you're a pack of fools.
07:23But I think I do know who did it.
07:29Wait a minute.
07:31Who can that be?
07:32Oh, it's too soon for the counter.
07:33I'll answer it.
07:37Good evening.
07:38Good evening.
07:39I'm sorry to bother you at this hour,
07:40but we had some trouble about a pickup at this address.
07:43Oh, what kind of a pickup?
07:44Why, a trunk.
07:46I'm the traffic investigator for the transfer company.
07:49We gave one of our drivers a pickup order at this apartment,
07:52but he didn't bring it in.
07:54In fact, he's disappeared.
07:55Oh, wait a minute.
07:56I can explain part of it.
07:58I told your driver I'd changed my mind.
08:00I didn't want the trunk sent.
08:02Oh, I see.
08:04Oh, you're Miss Phyllis Knight.
08:05That's right.
08:06Haven't I, uh...
08:07Haven't I met you somewhere before?
08:08Your voice sounds familiar.
08:09It ought to, Mr. Shane.
08:11You used to hear it every day.
08:13Going up, sir?
08:14Floors, please.
08:15Elevator operator.
08:16In the Rust Building.
08:18Well, I'm...
08:19I'm sorry I disturbed you,
08:20but we're just trying to locate our driver.
08:22Good night.
08:24Mm, uh, good night.
08:26That's funny.
08:28Why should a baggage company driver disappear?
08:31Right after he came for this trunk.
08:34I wonder...
08:35All right, kids.
08:36Let's get back to business.
08:37Now, Mr. Carter,
08:38you start to say you knew the killer.
08:41Lois' old boss, Joseph Spiegel.
08:42He's, uh, head of the Spiegel Chemical Laboratories.
08:45She told me this afternoon he was coming to see her.
08:46Yeah, but he doesn't know she was here.
08:48Lois quit her job with him last week.
08:50Assuming he did know,
08:52why should her next boss want to kill a girl?
08:54Because he's a crook.
08:55I used to work in Spiegel's laboratory,
08:57and I discovered he was stealing formulas from other companies.
08:59So I quit.
09:00But not Lois.
09:02She was his private secretary,
09:03and her boss was just a soul of honor.
09:05That's what started our fighting.
09:07Yes, but when she learned you were right,
09:08she did quit.
09:09Three days ago.
09:10All right.
09:11But it sounds like a pretty flimsy reason to kill a girl.
09:14Not if Lois had the goods on him.
09:16He wanted to stop her tongue.
09:17You weren't fighting about that this afternoon?
09:20No, she told me she was going to go to work for another chemical company.
09:23I told her when I married, I didn't want my wife working.
09:25Well, we both got pretty mad.
09:27She said she'd never marry me.
09:28I can imagine how you took that with your conceit.
09:31How about it, Mike?
09:32I don't know.
09:33I'm a little worried, Faraday.
09:35This is Phil's apartment.
09:37She's been living here alone up until the past few days.
09:40Lois and Phyllis are about the same height, same color hair.
09:45Maybe somebody thought he was killing Phyllis.
09:49Who'd want to?
09:50I haven't an enemy in the world.
09:51Oh, you've got hundreds of angels, as many as I've got.
09:54Mike Shane and Phyllis Knight have sent plenty of lugs up the river.
09:56Yeah, but Lois and I don't really look alike, Mike.
09:59A killer would be awfully certain before he did it.
10:01Why should he, honey?
10:03Yours is the only name on the mailbox.
10:05If some crook hired a gunman to come to this address
10:07and knock off the girl living in apartment 616...
10:09Listen, Mike.
10:10That stuff doesn't happen in San Francisco.
10:13Those are the old Al Capone days.
10:15Well, maybe I'm a nervous nelly.
10:17I'm a nervous nelly.
10:18I just don't want Phil running any danger.
10:22Come here a minute.
10:23Look here.
10:26This ashtray.
10:27I see what you mean.
10:28Mr. Carter, do you smoke?
10:30Uh, yes.
10:31A pipe.
10:33There's a cigar butt in this ashtray.
10:35He smokes them all the time.
10:36I told you he was coming here.
10:37Maybe we should check that right now.
10:38You know where he lives?
10:39Yeah, he's got an apartment at his plant.
10:41It's next to the laboratory.
10:42That's on Bay Street.
10:43Okay, suppose Phil and I mosey over there right now
10:45and swap formulas with Dr. Spiegel.
10:47And if the coroner gets through here in time, I'll join you.
10:49Oh, Mr. Shane.
10:51Have you got a gun?
10:52You think I'll need it?
10:53You might.
10:54Spiegel's a huge man with a cunning, fiendish mind.
10:58Well, thanks for the warning.
11:00I'll be ready with a few shenanigans of my own.
11:03In just a moment, we'll rejoin Mike and Phyllis in their adventures.
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12:56It is a dark and foggy street in San Francisco's commercial district.
13:00Light streams out into the night through an open door.
13:03The entrance to the Spiegel Chemical Laboratories.
13:06In the doorway is the huge silhouette of a man.
13:09Shane? Michael Shane?
13:12Yes, sir.
13:13I do not know you, sir.
13:14I'm aware of that, Dr. Spiegel.
13:15But Miss Knight and I would like to talk to you. It's very important.
13:17Impossible. Tonight I'm working in my laboratory.
13:19It's about Lois Lavers, doctor.
13:24Oh. Come in. Close the door, please.
13:28We will talk in the laboratory.
13:30I must get back to my experiment.
13:33This way, please.
13:35Jeepers. He is a giant, Mike.
13:39And those thick glasses make him look like a movie horror man.
13:42You, sir...
13:43Mr. Shane, you are a detective?
13:45How did you know that?
13:46Well, I rather expected Lois might talk to someone.
13:49She's a very neurotic girl. She imagines things.
13:52I'm afraid she's past that, Dr. Spiegel.
13:55She's dead.
13:59It's a pity.
14:00She had a fine brain.
14:01But too much imagination?
14:05My laboratory.
14:07I caution you both not to handle the tubes or retorts.
14:10They are very fragile.
14:13Golly, it's an elaborate place.
14:16What are you experimenting on?
14:18That, madam, is my business.
14:19Doctor, I believe you knew Nelson Carter, Lois' fiancé?
14:23Mm, he used to work here.
14:25Capable, but of wild temper.
14:27And very jealous.
14:29Of you, perhaps?
14:32I used to take Lois to dinner so I could continue my work without interruption.
14:36Nelson misunderstood.
14:40I should not be surprised if he killed her.
14:43Uh, you saw Lois this afternoon, Doctor.
14:46About what time?
14:48A very good detective.
14:50About five o'clock, I would say.
14:52How did you know she was staying in my apartment?
14:55One moment.
14:56There is trouble with this retort.
15:02How did I know?
15:03It is very simple.
15:05Lois telephoned me.
15:06Her last paycheck was incorrect.
15:08I brought her a new one.
15:09Is that all you went to see her about?
15:12Also, I asked her to come back.
15:14She was an excellent secretary.
15:16Mr. Shane, what are you doing?
15:19Just admiring your laundry in the sink.
15:24Does your experiment include bleaching of blood-soaked handkerchiefs, Doctor?
15:28Good heavens.
15:29Yes, they are my handkerchiefs, yes.
15:32But the blood is not from Lois' veins.
15:36She was strangled, then stabbed to death by a sharp instrument, Doctor.
15:39Like this surgical knife here.
15:42Perhaps I...
15:43I show you how I use that knife.
15:47In this cage...
15:51Hundreds of them.
15:52One hundred, madam.
15:54Diseased, very sick rats.
15:56When my experiments are concluded,
15:59they go in here.
16:03Into this bin.
16:05Oh, no.
16:08Very dramatic, Doctor.
16:10But it doesn't fool us.
16:13Sure, you wanted Lois to come back to work,
16:15but she told you she was going to another chemical company.
16:18That scared you, Doctor?
16:20If she told about your stolen formulas and your other cookery...
16:22Oh, she did talk.
16:24I thought this was a trick.
16:26Don't you reach for your gun, Mr. Shane.
16:28My hand is already in my pocket.
16:29You killed her.
16:30You lie.
16:31She's not dead.
16:32It's a trick to get something on me.
16:34Get out.
16:35Get out of here, both of you.
16:41Now you will forget you ever came here.
16:44You will drop this investigation.
16:46I don't take orders from you, Dr. Spiegel.
16:48This time you will.
16:50Your young lady has sense if you have not.
16:53Good night.
16:57I thought he was going to keep us in there and experiment on us.
17:02He's a cold-blooded baby.
17:08He's a cold-blooded baby.
17:11The inspector.
17:12There, he's parked in that police car.
17:14With Nelson?
17:17He's got here in time to see the bums rush.
17:19What are the odds?
17:20I don't know, Inspector.
17:22He's devilish enough to commit murder.
17:23Should I take him in for questioning?
17:25No, no, not yet, not yet.
17:26He'll be here.
17:27He doesn't scare out.
17:28Mike found handkerchiefs soaking with blood.
17:30He said he was experimenting with rats.
17:32I think he was sincere, though.
17:34He figured we were on the trail of those stolen formulas.
17:36He killed her, I tell you.
17:37If the police don't get him, I will.
17:38Oh, stop acting.
17:39You're too dead anxious depending on Spiegel.
17:41Yes, yes, and the good doctor threw the honor right back at Nelson.
17:46I'm on the fence.
17:47Spiegel had the motive.
17:48Nelson had the jealousy and the temper to do it.
17:50Each saw the girl about the time she died.
17:52Mike, if you ask me, you're passing up a bet.
17:56The killer stuffed Lois into the trunk so her body could be smuggled out of the building.
18:00Find where the trunk was going and perhaps we'll have the address of the murderer.
18:03But she ought to have the trunk picked up herself, Phil.
18:05Maybe she didn't.
18:06Anyway, it's worth a try.
18:08Hop in, Angel.
18:09We're heading for that transfer company.
18:23We appreciate it, sir, you're coming down and opening the office at this time of the night.
18:27Lucky my wife saw you were a policeman or she'd never have let me out of the house.
18:31This is our dispatch office.
18:34Oh, uh, by the way, have you located your missing driver?
18:37Missing driver? I don't understand.
18:40Why, your traffic investigator came to the apartment.
18:43The driver that was to pick up the trunk had disappeared.
18:45He was checking up.
18:47Well, that's impossible.
18:48All of our men checked into that.
18:49And we don't have a, what did you call him, a traffic investigator?
18:52Mike, he was a fake.
18:54Mm-hmm, that's not so good.
18:56Probably never ran an elevator in the Rust Building either.
18:59This thing is getting screwier by the minute.
19:01Oh, here we are.
19:02Here's the pickup order on the trunk.
19:04It's under the name, uh, oh, yes, Phyllis Knight.
19:07Not under Lois Lavers.
19:09Well, let's see.
19:11It was a phone order, received 525 p.m.,
19:15trunk to be sent to 9053 Jennifer Street.
19:18Hmm, seems to me I've heard that address before.
19:219053 Jennifer.
19:249053 Jennifer.
19:25Yeah, there's something about it.
19:27I should hope so.
19:28It's the address of Michael Shane.
19:45I was right, Inspector, I was right.
19:47Lois was killed by mistake.
19:48It was intended to be Phil.
19:49Well, if that's the case, then Carter and Spiegel cancel out.
19:52Correct, honey.
19:53The murderer had planned to kill Phyllis,
19:55send her body in that trunk to my apartment,
19:57and leave me to explain it to the police.
19:58All right, maybe so.
20:00The motive is revenge.
20:01You've got a hundred enemies, Mike.
20:03One of them poses as a transfer company investigator,
20:05but who is he?
20:06He didn't leave a single fingerprint in Phil's apartment.
20:09Where do we start looking?
20:10Oh, if I could only remember the guy.
20:12I know his voice.
20:14Where have I heard it?
20:15When did I?
20:16I must know him.
20:17Well, he didn't know me very well,
20:19or he'd never have killed the wrong girl.
20:21Lois and I were the same height, same color of hair, Mike,
20:24but that's all.
20:26Maybe, maybe he figured you changed a lot, honey,
20:28if he hadn't seen you in a long time,
20:29if he'd been away, if he'd been...
20:33Yeah, if he'd been away in prison.
20:35Kids, we're going to make a phone call right now.
20:38Hello, give me San Quentin.
20:40Phil, Phil, honey, close that door to the other room.
20:42I can't hear a thing.
20:44Hello, Inspector Faraday, San Francisco calling.
20:47Yes, I want to speak to him personally.
20:49Mike, get on that extension phone.
20:51Yeah, okay.
20:53Hello, Faraday.
20:54What's on your mind?
20:55Plenty, sir.
20:56We need a list of all prisoners you've released
20:58from your little sanatorium in the past two weeks.
21:00Past two weeks, huh?
21:02I'm afraid it'll hardly make a list, Faraday.
21:05Only one man.
21:06What's his name?
21:07Let me see.
21:08That was Ford, Harold Ford.
21:11That mean anything to you, Mike?
21:12No, never heard of him.
21:14Who's that at home, Mike Shane?
21:16Well, you got sharp ears, sir.
21:18We figured maybe you had released a prisoner
21:20who had a grudge against me.
21:21Some old enemy of Mike's
21:22who might try his hand at revenge.
21:24Oh, that's the only release we've had lately.
21:27In fact, Mike, you can subtract one enemy from your book.
21:30Died here last week.
21:31Al Smock.
21:32Al Sm...
21:34Holy jumping.
21:35Now I remember.
21:36It's Al Smock's brother, Jack Smock.
21:38That's right.
21:39He had a brother.
21:40Came up here and claimed the body.
21:41Does that mean anything to you?
21:43Does it?
21:44Set an extra plate in your dining room, chief.
21:46We're sending you a new border.
21:48Goodbye, sir, and thanks a million for your help.
21:51Jack Smock.
21:52Jack Smock.
21:53He must have dyed his hair and put on glasses.
21:55Phil, Phil, you remember the case?
21:57The two brothers about four years ago?
21:59Yeah, yeah, vaguely.
22:00It was, uh, it was manslaughter.
22:02You helped send the one called Al Smock up for 20 years.
22:05Right, honey, right.
22:06Jack was supposed to be brother's Al, alibi.
22:09But our testimony tied him up in bone knots.
22:10Yeah, that's right.
22:11So Al died in prison.
22:12Now brother Jack is out for revenge.
22:14Oh, fine, but where is brother Jack right now
22:16and how do we catch him?
22:17Got it, honey.
22:18Jack claimed the body, so he must have buried him.
22:20Now we gotta find that body.
22:23We'll return to Mike Shane and his adventures in just a moment.
22:40Due to their position, the front wheel bearings of your automobile
22:44are subject to damage from dirt, water, grit, and brake dust.
22:48Because of their more exposed position
22:50and because they are so important to safe, easy driving,
22:53front wheel bearings need the best possible lubrication.
22:57Failure to keep these bearings well greased can mean wheel shimmy,
23:00hard steering, and weakening of the whole front assembly.
23:04For these reasons, your neighborhood Union Oil minute man
23:07uses extra care when he lubricates your front wheel bearings.
23:11First, he washes out all the old grease and dirt with solvents.
23:15Then the bearings and races are individually cleaned
23:18until they are dry and shiny.
23:20Finally, the clean, polished bearings are carefully assembled in the races
23:24and greased with special equipment.
23:27With each bearing snugly sealed in a smooth, sturdy coating
23:30of Union Oil ball roll grease,
23:32your front wheels are all set for months of well-lubricated, easy rolling.
23:38The cost for the entire service is nominal,
23:40so for safer, easier driving,
23:42just stop in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76
23:47and ask for Union Oil front wheel bearing service.
23:56At police headquarters, Mike and Inspector Faraday
23:59each hold a telephone in his hands.
24:01They have checked every cemetery in the book.
24:04Well, here's the last one.
24:07Shadow Mountain Cemetery.
24:13Yes, sir. Here it is.
24:15Albert Smock, interred last Friday.
24:18The part was bought by a Mr. Jack Smock.
24:21Swell, swell. What's his address?
24:23Our records show it as 1960 Waterfront.
24:36This is it, kids. Looks like a busted-down rooming house.
24:39And somebody's head sticking out of every window.
24:41Yeah, there. There's the sergeant at the entrance.
24:45Good work, sergeant. Anybody try to leave the building?
24:48No, sir. I got two boys at the back door,
24:50two in the alley, and two by the fire escape.
24:52Okay, let's go in, Mike.
24:53I'm coming, too.
24:54You are not. You want a hole in your head?
24:56I might get one just standing here, Smarty.
24:59Smock may be in that crowd across the street.
25:01Something to that, Mike.
25:02Sergeant, your job will be to take care of Miss Knight.
25:04We're all going in.
25:07Come on.
25:09Oh, jeepers, it's dark again.
25:11Why don't they light these stairs?
25:13Quiet, honey, quiet.
25:15He's on this next floor.
25:17If he's in his room.
25:19The landlord said room 305.
25:23Now, let me see.
25:25That'd be here to the left.
25:29Keep close to the wall.
25:31There it is. That door there.
25:34There's no light shining under it.
25:36Maybe he's playing possum.
25:37Sergeant, you and Phil stay here.
25:40Lighten out against the wall.
25:41Yes, sir.
25:44You ready, Fanny?
25:50He's playing cards.
25:51Open up, Smock. You're completely surrounded.
25:54Okay, so you won't open up.
25:57All right, Fanny?
25:59So that's his answer.
26:00Okay, Mike, let's go.
26:03Down there!
26:08Mike! Mike!
26:09Wait a minute.
26:10Wait a minute, I'll get the light.
26:11Oh, hurry up, hurry up.
26:12Something's happened.
26:13Here it is.
26:15Oh, he's flat on the floor.
26:16Mike, are you all right?
26:18Yeah, I guess so.
26:20Okay, Inspector, okay.
26:21Climb out from under that table.
26:23I knew somebody got hit, but who?
26:26He shot the gun right out of my hand.
26:27Yeah, I know.
26:28I didn't know where to aim in the dark until he fired and I saw his flesh.
26:32Thanks to you, Mike, I'm still breathing.
26:34This man on the floor won't be unless we get an ambulance, quick.
26:38You found her?
26:41I didn't think...
26:42You're right, buddy.
26:44You didn't think, period.
26:46Revenge doesn't take much in the way of brains.
26:49Just an awful lot of lives.
27:06Don't be silly, fellas.
27:08Mrs. Farrity will be glad to put you up for a couple of nights.
27:11Here, drink this down.
27:12He's right, honey.
27:13Stay out of your apartment for a few days till you sort of forget what's happened.
27:17All right.
27:19I was just thinking.
27:20You know, this was a freak case.
27:22Everything stacked up so strongly against Nelson Carter and Dr. Spiegel.
27:26And yet at the last minute, it turned out to be almost a complete stranger.
27:30Because we were looking for the wrong motive.
27:32Yeah, I'm worried about that guy Spiegel.
27:34He looks to me like a guy who'd commit plenty of murders.
27:37And will before he gets through with his career.
27:39No, you can spike that, Farrity.
27:41Lock him up for stealing chemical formulas.
27:43That'll keep him quiet.
27:44Hey, not a bad idea.
27:45Keep him so busy making little ones out of big ones that he can't make dead ones out of live ones.
27:51Well, I hope, honey, that this little episode won't scare you out of the detecting business.
27:55Nearly getting bumped off by your boss's enemies.
27:58He's got plenty more enemies besides Jack Smock.
28:00Oh, I don't know.
28:01I'd stick anyway.
28:03My boss forgets the attractions of the job.
28:09Why, honey.
28:10Ha ha ha.
28:32Tune in again next week at 8.30 for another adventure with Michael Shane, Private Detective.
28:37Starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
28:40And Joe Forte as Inspector Farrity.
28:44Tonight's story was written by Richard DeGraff and based on the character created by Brett Holiday.
28:49Music was composed and directed by Bernard Katz.
28:53This is John Lang saying goodnight for the people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor Oil.
29:00Union Oil Company.
29:07This is the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System.
