NECA Batman 1989 Utility Belt Prop Replica

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NECA Batman 1989 Utility Belt Prop Replica


00:00why didn't somebody tell me he had one of those things here's your look at the
00:03brand-new neck of toys Batman the 1989 movie utility belt prop replica
00:30those wonderful toys from NECA of course our DC prop replica line includes this
00:34wearable movie authentic Batman utility belt prop replica and the Batarang prop
00:39replica both from the 1989 film that defined Batman for a new generation
00:43customize your utility belt with four slots with any combination of eight
00:47included cartridges torch taser scanner micro camera rebreather gas pellets and
00:52smoke bombs more gadgets will magnetically attached to the front
00:55Batarang grapnel launcher and communicator the belt even has two
00:59removable face plates that reveal more of the crime fighters secret tools in
01:03serving justice across Gotham City how much do you weigh probably a better
01:07question that you guys are asking right now is will this fit around my waist if
01:10I'm looking to get one for myself well if you have a waist that's thirty one
01:13and a half to fifty or anywhere in between then you should be fine the
01:17thing you'll notice right away is when you put this around your waist it's
01:19quite heavy because it's solely comprised of plastic not to mention it's
01:23gonna have a lot of compartment spaces as well now I've got this currently on a
01:26display base this kind of serves as a way of displaying this technically the
01:30utility belt as I'll show you in a second was actually inside it's it was
01:33basically flipped around and put inside but you could really mount this on top
01:37and it kind of gives you the idea of what it would look like around Batman's
01:39waist this is also available right now at NECA site for $135 speaking of which
01:44I'd like to thank the folks over at NECA that were kind enough to provide this
01:46sample if I did want to make use this tape measure I suppose what I could do
01:50is based on the way I've got it configured right now I want to show you
01:52guys at least how tall it is if you're looking to put this on the shelf and
01:55maybe what I'll do is I'll do the width as well from the height using at least
01:58this display base you're looking at it being about six and a half inches in
02:03height now that's before of course you start adding things to it and that
02:06translates the utility belt being I would say about 17 centimeters tall if I
02:10was to go from the capsule holder to the other or I guess even if I want to go
02:14from you know what we'll go from the one side of the utility belt because that's
02:17that's obviously the thing that you most and most concerned with if I go from one
02:20end here and I end at the other then it's about 11 inches in width or it's
02:25going to be about 28 centimeters wide now Batman's belt doesn't come in clear
02:29with a Batarang but if you happen to have already picked up the 1989 Batarang
02:33replica then you're going to be using it along with the utility belt the grapple
02:37launcher or grapple launch will also be part of the things that come in clear
02:41with the utility belt it's also a different configuration from the one
02:44that we got before so if you didn't miss your chance to get the grapple launcher
02:47one of at least the benefits of getting utility belt is that the launcher is
02:50included the launcher though is a little bit different from the one that we got
02:54before this one actually while being the exact same shape and size this one
02:58could actually launch and then pull back in the line this one doesn't actually
03:02launch and it's also this one's a little bit heavier too but this one
03:06doesn't also have the benefit where the one that we get with the belt you can
03:09actually detach the two parts so like in the movie Batman would have had two
03:14parts of the grapple launcher because he would of course mixed and matched and
03:17changed out these parts depending on what tasks he needed it for the back end
03:21still folds out and of course Batman would be then holding it this way you
03:24just take the front end of it and I also just want to show you guys the
03:27differences between the two I mean obviously with the way that the post is
03:31it sticks a little bit longer because the idea that you're gonna press the
03:33button and that's gonna shoot across well it's gonna only shoot as far as the
03:36lines gonna give you this one's a little bit more closer but this one doesn't
03:39detach this one does this one doesn't attach anywhere on the utility belt
03:44because there isn't really a magnet attachment to this whereas this one
03:49actually will have a magnet built into the body with also this one too one of
03:54the things about it though is that it never really stayed shut this flap would
03:58always drape out because again that's the part that Batman's gonna be holding
04:00on to I hate to almost say this with the grapple launcher that we get with this
04:04one is it has sort of the same problems and the problem faces more so is when
04:09you are putting it on the utility belt these attached by magnet but this flap
04:13always ends up dropping down and I'll show you guys how that works in a second
04:16let's just put the two parts back together now again you're gonna be
04:19lining basically this slot this peg right here and of course this opening
04:23area here and then the two just snap together just like that put that off to
04:28the side of course then you get also all these gadget accessories that fit into
04:33the little capsule compartments you get essentially six of them but you only
04:37have spots for four so you have to kind of customize for yourself which ones
04:40that you really want to use as like Batman you have to kind of decide what
04:44tools of the trade you're really gonna need for that night the two things that
04:47don't actually fit with the utility belt are these two things the figure does
04:51come in clue with smoke bombs or I should say utility belt so used to
04:54seeing figures the utility belt only comes in clue with these smoke bombs but
04:57there's no place to attach these they don't fit inside here and even if they
05:01did they would be sticking out so if you're looking to display these they're
05:05not gonna go with anything if anything you're just gonna get two extra little
05:08accessories that don't really have a home the things that at least have homes
05:13are all again these little gadget pieces now each one of them have their
05:16own functions and we'll kind of go through each of these individually
05:19starting first with this one you get yourself a torch so basically Batman
05:23will be pulling out any of these from these compartment spaces and pick up the
05:26utility belt these just fit into the top and then they they don't so much snap in
05:32place but you can definitely feel like there's friction once you put them in
05:34and they stay well in there until you're ready to retrieve them so with this one
05:38you get yourself the torch so you can already see how the torch would work
05:42once this is retrieved for by Batman's is gonna pull out easy utility belt you
05:46press a little button right here now none of these buttons actually do work
05:49thank you thank goodness for the fact that it's not gonna be a real
05:52functioning torch I wish that these could actually depress though but I
05:55guess you'd have to then incorporate a spring in there and that would probably
05:58increase the cost of these so if anything it gives you the look of what
06:01it would do it just doesn't actually do anything so while this doesn't press
06:05this is only just suggested there at least it's painted in red and Batman for
06:09all intents and purposes would pull that as a utility belt press the button
06:12and then Batman would have himself a torch Batman also does come include the
06:16scanner and the scanner I mean again like when you're looking at the shapes
06:19of these some are a little bit longer than others so like the torch is a tad
06:22bit longer than the scanner but with the scanner you get yourself a like a little
06:26barcode scanner there right there and I guess Batman would just kind of run that
06:29over paperwork or documents and that would scan right I'm guessing probably
06:32to the back computer and that can also be stored inside as well they're only
06:36gonna be stored on the top they're not gonna be stored from the bottom because
06:39of course the compartment space is only so long I mean if you're looking at it
06:42from the length of how long these go there's no way that you'd be able to
06:45have one at the bottom because that would be cool if they had you know
06:47obviously in the movie if this had only been longer Batman would have been able
06:50to have ones from the bottom and ones from the top but then you'd be looking
06:53at these being about that long and that just doesn't make any sense Batman does
06:57also come in clue with the micro camera now if you're looking at the camera
07:01there's a little button right here on the back again suggested button doesn't
07:04actually do anything and then I'm guessing that this would be the flash on
07:08the front and then Batman would just take essentially take his pictures this
07:11way so you'd be taking pictures of I guess fingerprints or whatever else he's
07:15he's detecting at the time Batman also does come include or the utility belt
07:19comes include the gas pellets the thing I think that's neat about the gas
07:22pellets is that these actually have ball bearings these rotates you can move them
07:25around I mean outside of that you really not to be able to do anything with them
07:28they don't pull out and I maybe they do there you go you can pop them out the
07:33only thing about that though is you want to make sure you don't lose them they're
07:36fairly heavy I mean as heavy as they could really be for plastic and they got
07:39some decent detailing on them but they just pop back in place Batman also does
07:44come included with the breather and the breather if Batman obviously was
07:48underwater I mean acid acid with no help to Batman anyways but a little breather
07:52this would be vase basically put on Batman's mouth and then he's got a
07:55couple of oxygen tanks there on the front I don't know how long of a breath
07:59he'd be able to hold I mean obviously you know if he was underwater be able
08:02just to breathe through this but I don't know how long like would be a couple
08:04hours maybe it would only be like 30 minutes until Batman could find his way
08:08to get out pretty cool though I mean again like all of these are practical
08:11things even though we don't really see Batman using any of them in the 89 movie
08:15the last thing I want to make sure I don't get too close to him the last
08:18thing he gets included is a taser now the taser again has a little button on
08:21the side these of course be the little prongs that would electrocute you if
08:25you're not too careful I would have loved if Batman could have actually used
08:29some of these in the movie but again like the only thing we really see him
08:32use is the batarang the communicator and the grapple gun by the way though
08:35the communicator is of course the thing he talks to the Batmobile with stop he
08:41also says shields you know one of the cool things too now this does also have
08:45a little button on the side I'm guessing this would be the speaker there on the
08:48front that Batman would then talk into this does also have a magnet to it so if
08:53you wanted to so if you're looking at the utility belt and fairly heavy
08:57there's magnets basically embedded into the plastic on this side and on this
09:01side and there's no other place on these so you can either have like the
09:05communicator on this side you can also of course put it on this side and it
09:08doesn't have to be necessarily over there you want to have a little bit
09:10further over you can put it there as well you have a little bit more freedom
09:14with the communicator you don't have as much freedom when it comes to like the
09:16batarang the battering kind of well you'll see in a second so I guess the
09:20communicator that can go there on the utility belt and then of course the
09:25figure I keep saying the figure the utility belt does also come to the
09:28grapple launcher so we've already looked at the fact that these detach so
09:31you get two halves of this and then depending on really where you want to
09:35have it on the box they have it on this side you don't have to necessarily put
09:38it on this side if you want to put it over here you can and these just attach
09:41they attach so there's a magnet built right here and it just attaches like
09:46that you can do it on this side as well but see one of the problems already is
09:50with the way that this flap is nothing that's necessarily loose but with
09:54nothing really holding it in place sometimes you'll find even when
09:57displaying this it seems to be doing a better job than was doing earlier a lot
10:01of times you'll just find that this is just drooping down so you can store the
10:05grapple gun there the only problem with that though is obviously if you don't
10:08have a use of a little display base or something to prop this up then already
10:12the grapple launch is going to be propping this up naturally one thing
10:16also too is that we can bring back in the battering even though the battering
10:18is the only really the only accessory that isn't coming included with the
10:22utility belt the battering we've already had a look at on this channel these fold
10:26in and because this is already having a built-in magnet let's go ahead and
10:32remove this and we'll just take the battering and attach it like that now
10:37with this as you're putting it kind of closer here you can feel there's a lot
10:40of resistance and the magnet is pulling all the pressure over here so if you
10:44want to have a little bit closer I mean you can kind of put it this way but then
10:47it's just gonna be overlapping the buckle so you have to kind of put it
10:49right around there now this is the configuration that I'm doing right now
10:53if you wanted to obviously you can just flip those around I think in the movie
10:56in fact he has the battering over here he has a grapple launcher over here
10:58doesn't really matter necessarily we can take those off I'll take this off also
11:04as well we'll just put those off to the side the other things that the utility
11:08belt has that we don't also see in the movie is that if you look so like the
11:12two front sections are magnets then if you look just past the first capsule
11:16compartment you get this little panel piece right here and it's the flip on
11:20this side as well you can take this and this just detaches there we go and
11:26inside you got a little bit of circuitry that's actually sculpted that's not
11:30simply just painted in place and then you've got yourself like a little view
11:33screen probably like a little microcomputer I don't think it
11:36necessarily would control the Batmobile necessarily but get some sticker
11:39application there as well very very cool and that just snaps back in place before
11:44we actually do that though I want to show you guys what it looks like on the
11:47opposite side this also detaches I'm not sure necessarily what this is a few
11:53extra tanks explosives necessarily but he's got a little compartment space
11:57there as well this could also really be like a first aid kit maybe Batman has
12:00like you know the first day it would make sense obviously if Batman's getting
12:03injured on the field you probably would want to have something carrying around
12:06with them because so far like all the things that we've looked at that go into
12:09these little compartment spaces none of them really have anything to do with
12:12first aid so this basically again when you're putting it back in place you can
12:17see you may be able to see just put it down for a second there's a little lip a
12:21plastic right there see a little indentation a little indentation so
12:24those basically there's a piece of plastic that sticks up and that's really
12:28the only thing that's holding these in place you just put a little pressure
12:33against that that snaps in place and then you the exact same on this side as
12:36well snaps in place now if you haven't already picked this up is the fact that
12:42this is all plastic so it is really heavy I mean if it was just a simple
12:46fabric then would be a little bit different but the fact that this is
12:49plastic all the way around it's gonna be a little bit heavier on his on your body
12:52now if you want to open up the utility belts what you're gonna do is there's a
12:55little button here in the front when you press that in it detaches and it
12:59detaches with a fair bit of force show you guys what that looks like again
13:02there we go so press it again there's a fair bit of force and also once that
13:10then opens up the the back hinge here can actually also expand as well so this
13:15is where it gives you a little bit of extra clearance that seems to be as wide
13:18as it's gonna go and that's gonna fit around again 31 and a half to 50 inches
13:22and wide so I'm fine I'm within that but I mean up to 50 inches you should be
13:27still good to go and then this just would push back in place you want to
13:32just there you go make sure that's closed up and then that would the front
13:36section here there we go with snap also in place as well it's a lot of good
13:40stuff going on for for this now again to bring back in the tray not to bang the
13:44camera here the tray so if you were looking at this the bottom section would
13:49have basically housed all of Batman's accessories and then the utility belt you
13:54know what let me just let me just grab all the parts here all the all the
13:57component pieces I just have this over here there we go so if you want to look
14:01at this so basically utility belt was sitting inside like this and then the
14:04dome piece was essentially going over top like this kind of keeping everything
14:10self-contained if you want to do at least a stand-in option right now for
14:15displaying this as I did do at the beginning of this review just move this
14:18out of the way and then we'll just bring this back you know again for what it is
14:23it does do a decent enough job of kind of holding the batarang in place and in
14:26a way it does kind of give you somewhat the form of what it would look like on
14:30Michael Keaton's body then again we can also go back to the pieces that we've
14:34already had a look at so we can get and what actually you know what also using
14:37the way that the trays set up right now you can also it holds the grapple gun a
14:41little bit better you know what let's have it on the opposite side here so
14:45again we'll just clip that in place actually you know what maybe it might
14:50work a little bit better because this dips down just a little bit lower I'm
14:53gonna put it on this side even if maybe perhaps that's not movie accurate it at
14:57least will be accurate for at least getting everything in place and then
14:59we'll put the batarang on there the only thing it won't now have is there just
15:04won't be enough space for the communicator but if you want to have
15:06this displayed on your shelf like you're seeing right now it stores then
15:10everything and then you're just gonna have to decide for yourself which
15:12accessories that you want to use like which one of his gadgets you know I
15:16probably like if I was thinking a Batman and I'm going out to fight crime I
15:20probably what I would end up using is probably the gas capsules so that right
15:24away would be a big one so that that's just gonna slide into the top here you
15:28know let's arm up here so what's another bat gadget we would want to use probably
15:33don't maybe the rebreather rebreather might make more sense so we're just
15:36gonna slot that in place and then we'll just spin it on this side as well and
15:41let's maybe use oh yeah maybe the torch we'll use the torch and we can't also
15:48overlook the fact of taser I can't even seem like bad I guess I couldn't see
15:52really Michael Keaton using the taser and then that basically stores
15:55everything the only thing that then is omitted is two of these because we just
15:59don't have space for them there's no space then for the communicator and
16:02there really never was any space to hold the smoke bombs which would be the
16:05only thing unfortunately about this is that there's no space to store this but
16:09that's sort of this on in mind one thing I wish that NECA could have done though
16:12when it comes to this if you want to use this the way that I've got it configured
16:15right now had they only maybe put a few holes or a little indentations on the
16:19side then you could have then stored the extra capsules there on the front or
16:23maybe on the side just so that you weren't having to put some of the things
16:26back in the box short of that though I'm really happy with how this turned out
16:30it's a little on the heavier side but obviously if you're cosplaying it is an
16:34ideal replica to the one that we see in the 1989 movie and what a better Batman
16:38you would look like with having something a little bit more authentic to
16:41the movie so yes if you are asking I have tried on the utility belt and it
16:45did fit pretty comfortably you do notice though there's a fair bit of weight it
16:48to it especially when you start adding things to the front but it was fairly
16:52easy to open up because it only has that button release on the front and you don't
16:55have to worry about fumbling around with adjustments if this doesn't fit your
16:59waist necessarily you just simply extend the piece at the back of the
17:03utility belt and you should be able to fit it with providing of course you're
17:06within that thirty one and a half to fifty inch wide waist now of course when
17:10it comes to storage space you're only going to be able to store as mentioned
17:13this review four of the six provided accessories technically you're going to
17:17not be able to include as well the smoke capsules but also if you already have
17:21the 1989 Batarang that will attach nicely there on the one side and of
17:25course the grapple gun on the other still though one of the things though
17:29about these replicas from the 1989 movie or really any of the replicas we've
17:33gotten from NECA so far is while they do put out some really awesome looking
17:37replicas I do wish that they could have spent some time to come up with a
17:40clever way of displaying this as well you couldn't simply just have this on
17:44the shelf because the moment you add a Batarang the moment you add a grapple
17:47gun there's no way that it's gonna be flush to the shelf you're obviously
17:51gonna have to have something to lift it up a little bit I'm using right now at
17:54least the tray that comes included with the packaging but long-term plans I'd
17:57like to find some snazzier way of displaying this now this is available
18:01right now over on NECA site for $135 if you're one that has already been
18:06collecting these replicas I can certainly provide the link down below in
18:09the video description a big thank you once again to the folks over at NECA
18:12that were kind enough to provide the sample of the Batman 1989 utility belt
18:16replica that we had the chance to have a look in this review have you guys
18:20already had the chance to pick up this one let me know down below in the
18:22comments section and out of the other the provided six accessories because
18:26again we can include the smoke bombs which of the four of those six
18:29accessories would you include in your utility belt if you were fighting crime
18:33let me know down below if in the meantime you guys did enjoy this video
18:36do it a solid throw it a like you guys want to stick around for more so I hope
18:40so hit the subscribe turn on that Bell and of course come back as always thanks
18:45for watching see you guys next time
