
  • 20 hours ago
00:00Why is Iran called the nose job capital of the world?
00:05Know 10 facts.
00:09One hostage crisis.
00:10In 1979, Iranian revolutionaries seized the U.S. embassy, taking 50, 2 people hostage
00:18for 440, 4 days.
00:23Two extreme temperatures.
00:25Iran's Dashdilat desert reaches temperatures up to 70.7°C, 150, 9.3°F, making it one
00:34of the hottest places on earth.
00:38Three young population.
00:40Over 60% of Iran's population is under 30, a result of policies encouraging large families
00:46after 1979.
00:52Four internet censorship.
00:54With many global social media platforms banned, VPN usage is widespread in Iran.
01:02Five homosexuality laws.
01:05Iran imposes the death penalty for homosexual acts, yet sex change operations are legal.
01:13Six plastic surgery hub.
01:15Iran is often called the nose job capital due to the high number of rhinoplasties performed
01:24Seven political structure.
01:25Iran's government is an Islamic republic, where religious leaders hold significant power.
01:33Eight saffron production.
01:35Iran produces over 90% of the world's saffron, a spice often called red gold for its high
01:44Nine cultural norms.
01:46The thumbs-up gesture is considered offensive in Iran, similar to the middle finger in Western
01:54Ten war casualties.
01:56The Iran-Iraq War 1981-988 resulted in the deaths of an estimated one million Iranians.