
  • 21 hours ago
00:00Can you bring alcohol on Indian railways?
00:05Essential information here.
00:11There are many things to know when travelling by train.
00:15Prohibited items
00:17It is said that certain types of goods should not be carried during the train journey.
00:24Can I carry alcohol?
00:26One has a doubt whether alcohol can be carried on the train.
00:32Alcohol ban
00:33The rules state that carrying alcohol on the train is completely prohibited.
00:40Prohibition on the train
00:42The reason for this is the flammable nature of alcohol.
00:48Fire accident
00:49If a fire accident occurs on the train, there is a possibility that the fire will spread
00:54further due to the consumption of alcohol.
00:59Railway rule
01:00Therefore, a ban has been imposed on carrying alcohol on trains.
01:08Carrying alcohol on trains is strictly prohibited.