Golden Book Merry Mother Goose (1986) VHS Tape #vhs #80s

  • avant-hier
00:30Il avait un fils, Jack, un garçon qui avait l'air simple. Il n'était pas très bon, ou encore très mauvais.
00:37Elle l'a envoyé au marché pour qu'il achète.
00:40« Vois-tu, Mère ? » dit-il, « Je n'ai pas été pour ne pas. »
00:44Jack a trouvé un bon matin, comme je l'ai été dite. Son goût l'a éclaté, et l'œil apparaît en or.
00:50« Regarde cet œil ! »
00:52Jack a appelé sa mère pour lui dire la nouvelle. Elle l'a appelée un bon garçon et l'a dit aussi.
01:00Jack's mother came in and caught the goose soon, and mounting its back, flew off to the moon.
01:30Jack was out, cashing out his money. The queen was in the parlor, eating bread and honey.
01:36The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes. Along came a blackbird and squeaked at her nose.
01:48In a song of six pence, a pocket full of rye, four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
01:56When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing. Wasn't that a dainty dish to slap before a king?
02:04The king was in his cashing out, cashing out his money. The queen was in the parlor, eating bread and honey.
02:13The maid was in the garden, hanging out the clothes. Along came a blackbird and squeaked at her nose.
02:23Step right up, folks! Ask your mother for fifty cents to see the elephant jump the fence.
02:33He jumped so high, he touched the sky and never came down.
02:39Look out!
02:41Till the fourth of July.
02:44It's raining peppermints!
02:48The man in the moon looked out of the moon. What he saw there made him giggle.
02:54Hey diddle diddle! Hey diddle diddle! The cat played the fiddle. The cat played the fiddle.
03:02The cow jumped over the moon. The cow jumped over the moon.
03:07The little dog laughed to see such sport. The little dog laughed to see such sport.
03:13And the dish ran away with the spoon. And the dish ran away with the spoon.
03:20Now, here's a funny story about another cow.
03:27Mrs. Mouly
03:37Mrs. Mouly was bored with life on the farm.
03:41Oh, everything is always the same. It's the same routine every single day.
03:50Oh, I don't know about that. I love to canter through the fields when the sun is shining.
03:57I like sitting on my nest, waiting for my chicks to hatch. It's a great thing to do.
04:04I relish rolling in the cool mud. And Goat munches up everything that isn't nail-bound.
04:11We're all happy here. Don't you like what you do?
04:16Well, I just give milk twice a day. I want to do something special.
04:22I'm determined there's something more I can do.
04:27Mrs. Mouly saw something on the floor of the barn.
04:30Moo! Why, it's the book the farmer's little boy was reading. He must have dropped it.
04:37Even though I can't read, I can enjoy the pictures.
04:42Moo! Why, there's three men in a tub.
04:46Moo! And an old woman who lives in a shoe.
04:51And there. Why, there's a cow jumping over the moon.
04:56Now, that would be an exciting thing to do.
05:00I'm going to jump over the moon!
05:04Mrs. Mouly gave a little jump, just for practice.
05:09But she came down with a jolt that shook the whole barn.
05:15Hey! You're jostling my eggs. What do you think you're doing?
05:20I'm practicing. I'm going to jump over the moon!
05:25Jump over the moon?
05:27Well, Mrs. Mouly, if any cow can jump over the moon, I'm sure you're the one.
05:57You can do it. You can do it. Kick up your heels and try.
06:00You can do it. Just get to it. You'll do it by and by.
06:12Oh! I got so excited. I hatched two of my eggs.
06:17Hi, sweet babies.
06:20Well, congratulations, and thanks for the inspiration, Moo!
06:27Coo! Coo! Jump over the moon. I might fly over the moon.
06:33But you? Never. Coo!
06:36The mouse and the straw laughed at Mrs. Mouly.
06:39What's so funny?
06:41They could hardly stop laughing long enough to tell.
06:44Coo! Coo!
06:46Mrs. Mouly thinks she can jump over the moon.
06:53Mrs. Mouly, you made me lose three whole tail feathers.
07:00Goose, be nice. Mrs. Mouly can do anything she puts her mind to.
07:06Moo, sure I can. You'll see.
07:10The goose ran outside and told the duck.
07:14Is everyone except the hen going to laugh at me?
07:18The duck told the horse.
07:20The horse laughed so hard, he got the hiccups.
07:28Jump over the moon?
07:30Why, Mrs. Mouly stumbles over a pile of hay.
07:34She'll never jump over the moon.
07:36What's going on?
07:38Mrs. Mouly says she's going to jump over the moon.
07:46I suppose you think it's my fault that you're rolling in the mud.
07:50Oh no, Mrs. Mouly. You've given me a good laugh.
07:54This mud puddle is just where I plan to be anyway.
07:58And the pig told the goat.
08:01The goat laughed.
08:03The pig laughed.
08:06The horse laughed.
08:09The duck laughed.
08:11The goose laughed.
08:13The mouse and the pigeon laughed.
08:17But the hen didn't laugh.
08:20She knew Mrs. Mouly could jump over the moon.
08:24Don't listen to them, Mrs. Mouly.
08:27All you need to do is try.
08:29I don't know.
08:32Maybe they're right and we're wrong.
08:51That night, while the other animals slept,
08:55Mrs. Mouly went out to the barnyard.
08:58The hen is right. All it takes is determination.
09:05And a little practice.
09:07All night long she jumped.
09:10And one, and two, and...
09:16And jumped.
09:18And three, and four, and...
09:25This is much harder than I thought it would be.
09:28Maybe I can get a hint from the book.
09:31If I swish my tail just so,
09:35and put my feet like this,
09:38and here I go!
09:42You can do it. Just get to it.
09:44You'll do it by and by.
09:48Well, that last jump did go a little better.
09:54Mrs. Mouly was still jumping
09:57when the moon began to sink in the west.
10:00One, two, three, and...
10:04One, two, three, and...
10:08And the morning light appeared in the east.
10:13One by one, the animals woke up.
10:18What's going on?
10:20Why are you up so early, Mrs. Mouly?
10:23Have you been up here all night?
10:25Did you jump over the moon?
10:30The moon is so low that it seems to be sitting on the ground.
10:35Mrs. Mouly had time for one last jump.
10:39Her highest jump yet.
10:41The animals saw the moon on the ground.
10:45They saw Mrs. Mouly jump high in the air.
10:52They saw Mrs. Mouly jump over the moon.
10:56I did it!
10:58She did it!
11:01The hen was so excited,
11:04she hatched another egg.
11:06The goose lost another tail feather.
11:10The horse's hiccups came back.
11:13The pig flopped in the mud.
11:17You did it, Mrs. Mouly!
11:21You jumped over the moon!
11:23All it takes is determination and a little practice.
11:27I think I'll jump over the sun next.
11:30No cow ever did that before.
11:33Jump over the sun?
11:38Nobody laughed at Mrs. Mouly this time.
11:42And after I jump over the sun,
11:46who knows?
11:48There are a lot of planets and stars to jump over.
11:55Do you really think you could?
11:58Why not?
12:02All it takes is determination and...
12:06and a little practice.
12:36Very hard!
12:37Everywhere that Mary went,
12:39the lab was sure to go.
12:41It followed her to school one day,
12:44school one day, school one day.
12:46It followed her to school one day,
12:48which was against the rule.
12:51It made the children laugh and play,
12:53laugh and play, laugh and play.
12:55It made the children laugh and play
12:57to see them at school.
13:01On your mark...
13:02Jack, be nimble.
13:04Get set...
13:06Jack, be quick.
13:08Jack, jump over the candlestick.
13:12Ah, that's better.
13:17Ply the spade and ply the hoe.
13:21Plant the seed and it will grow.
13:29Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep.
13:32I've looked everywhere for them.
13:34And can't tell where to find them.
13:36Only worms and bugs under here.
13:39There's no way they could get into a tree.
13:42Any sheep down there?
13:44Leave them alone and they'll come home.
13:47Wagging their tails behind them.
13:57Little Jack Horner sat in a corner
14:00eating a Christmas pie.
14:02He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum
14:06and said,
14:08What a good boy am I.
14:10My word, Jack.
14:14Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
14:17eating of curds and whey.
14:19There came a great spider
14:22who sat down beside her
14:24and frightened Miss Muffet away.
14:28My spider trick gets her every time.
14:31Once I saw a little bird come hop,
14:34hop, hop.
14:38And I cried,
14:40Little bird, will you stop?
14:42Stop! Stop!
14:52Ding dong bell.
14:54Pussy's in the well.
14:56Who put her in?
14:57Little Johnny Green.
14:59Who pulled her out?
15:00Little Tommy Stout.
15:02What a naughty boy was that
15:04to try to drown poor Pussycat
15:06who never did any harm
15:08and killed the mice in his father's barn.
15:16Jack and Jill went up the hill
15:18to fetch a pail of water.
15:23Jack fell down
15:25and broke his crown.
15:28And Jill came tumbling after.
15:33Then up Jack got and home did trot
15:36as fast as he could caper.
15:38They put him to bed
15:40and plastered his head
15:42with vinegar and brown paper.
15:45Oh, what a day!
15:54There's no such thing as a dragon.
16:08Wow, it's a dragon!
16:14Oh, boy!
16:15Just wait till all the other guys see you.
16:21Wait till Mom sees you.
16:23Wow, my very own dragon!
16:27Hey, Mom! Hey, Mom!
16:30Wait here, dragon.
16:32Hey, Mom!
16:34There's a dragon in my bedroom.
16:36There's no such thing as a dragon, Billy.
16:39But, Mom...
16:40I repeat, there is no such thing as a dragon.
16:43Now go back upstairs and get dressed.
16:45Breakfast in just a minute.
16:51Dragon, I've got some bacon.
16:54Dragon, I've got some bad news.
16:57There's no such thing as a dragon.
17:00Mom said so. Goodbye.
17:02No such thing, no such thing.
17:04Look, look, look at me.
17:06Can't. No such thing.
17:08Now quit fooling around.
17:10Those are my pajama bottoms.
17:12Bottoms, bottoms, bottoms.
17:14Where'd my other shoe go?
17:16Ah, okay.
17:18Well, okay, thanks.
17:21Sorry, dragon.
17:23You just can't pat something that... that isn't.
17:27Go away, okay?
17:29There's no such thing as a D-R-A-G-O-N.
17:34There's no such...
17:36D-R-A-G-O-N, dragon?
17:39You're still here, and you've gotten bigger.
17:42Mom isn't gonna like this.
17:44Ready for some pancakes, Billy?
17:46Oh, boy, blueberry pancakes, my favorite.
17:49Oh, blueberry, blueberry pancakes, favorite.
17:52There's no such thing as a dragon.
17:55There's no such thing as a dragon.
17:57There's no...
17:58Mom, can I have some more?
18:00More pancakes, Billy.
18:02Gee, thanks, Mom.
18:04The dragon...
18:05There is no such thing.
18:07Yes, Mom.
18:09Grow, grow, grow.
18:11No, no, no, I'm important.
18:13Nothing, nothing, nothing to ignore.
18:16Hey, hey, give him here.
18:18I'm a growing boy.
18:21Oh, no, he's growing with every bite.
18:26Oh, boy, you're in trouble now, dragon.
18:29Hey, Mom.
18:30Sorry, Billy, pancakes are all gone.
18:33You spilled your milk.
18:35Get a paper towel and wipe it up.
18:37But, Mom, the dragon did it.
18:40Billy, not one more word.
18:43There is no such, none such, any such thing as a D-R-A-G-O-N.
18:49Oh, oh, oh.
18:52Now, run upstairs and brush your teeth.
18:55Don't know why, I didn't eat enough to get them dirty.
18:59I didn't know dragons grew so fast.
19:02This house just seems to get more crowded every day.
19:05I wish Billy would put his things away.
19:08Oh, tickles.
19:11There's no such thing as a dragon.
19:14There's no such, none such, any such thing as a D-R-A-G-O-N.
19:21Outside, outside.
19:23What you don't see can't hurt you.
19:25Hey, Mrs. Mom Lady.
19:28Scratch right there, there, there.
19:30Oh, feels good, good, good.
19:35What you don't hear can't hurt you either.
19:45Oh, oh, oh.
19:50Wow, 25 more feet since breakfast.
19:54Billy Bixby, what is that?
19:57It's a, it's a dress.
20:00Oh, oh nothing.
20:02Sure looks like something to me.
20:04It's a, well, my mom says it's a, oh, oh nothing.
20:09Well, I certainly hope you don't bring any more oh nothings into this neighborhood, young man.
20:20What you don't admit can't hurt you.
20:25It's not there.
20:27It's not there.
20:30Mom, come here quick.
20:32Billy, what's going on down there?
20:34It's the no such dragon.
20:36He's awake and hungry again.
20:38Real hungry.
20:52This can't be happening.
20:54I must be dreaming.
20:56Mrs. Bixby.
20:58There's no such, none such, any such thing as a D-R-A-G-O-N.
21:03Hello, Mrs. Bixby.
21:05Your mail, Mrs. Bixby.
21:07Do you have a forwarding address?
21:09Stop that house.
21:13A runaway bungalow.
21:15Hey, you know how a driver's license.
21:18Stop, help, come back here.
21:20Wow, I didn't know dragons could run so fast.
21:25There's no such thing as a dragon.
21:28There's no such thing as a dragon.
21:32Oh no, where's my house?
21:34It was here this morning.
21:36Put that away, Mr. Bixby.
21:38Just follow the sirens.
21:40Oh no, here we go.
21:56Hello up there.
21:58Everyone okay?
22:00Fine, Dad.
22:01Oh Harold, not a moment too soon.
22:07Good bed, good bed, good bed.
22:10Come on up, Dad.
22:12Certainly is a hungry critter.
22:14How did all this happen?
22:15It was the dragon.
22:16The D-R-A-G-O-N, Harold.
22:20A very big and wonderful dragon.
22:23Oh, D-R-A-G-O-N, dragon.
22:28Wonderful big.
22:30Dragon, what's happening?
22:32Billy, the dragon's getting smaller.
22:36Dragon, you're shrinking.
22:39You're room size again.
22:41Nice, nice dragon.
22:43Nice, nice dragon.
22:45What happened?
22:46He shrank again.
22:47You're back to normal.
22:53He's cute.
22:55I don't mind dragons this size.
22:58Why did he have to grow so big?
23:01I'm not sure.
23:03But I think he just wanted to be noticed.
23:08You noticed me.
23:10You looked at me.
23:12You like me.
23:14That's it, Mom.
23:15Problems grow if we're afraid to face them.
23:19Now you see, I'm just me, me, me.
23:23Needing some kindness, attention and dignity.
23:32La Reine des Cœurs, elle a fait des tartes.
23:36Tout sur un jour d'été.
23:38Le Rêve des Cœurs, il a volé les tartes.
23:42Et les a prises.
23:44Le Rêve des Cœurs a appelé pour les tartes.
23:48Et il a battu le Rêve.
23:50On peut pas parler de ça, Votre Majesté?
23:53Le Rêve des Cœurs a ramené les tartes.
23:57Et a promis qu'il n'en volerait plus.
24:00C'est juste pas vrai.
24:02Mmm, délicieux.
24:06Alors, voici mes tartes.
24:13Quand j'allais à St. Ives,
24:15j'ai rencontré un homme avec 7 femmes.
24:18Chaque femme avait 7 tartes.
24:21Chaque tarte avait 7 pouces.
24:24Chaque pouce avait 7 petits.
24:27Petits, pouces, tartes, femmes.
24:29Combien allaient à St. Ives?
24:31Savez-vous la réponse?
24:33C'est une.
24:34Seulement moi allais à St. Ives.
24:38Anna Maria, elle s'est mis au feu.
24:42Le feu était trop chaud. Elle s'est mis sur le pot.
24:46Le pot était trop rond. Elle s'est mis sur le sol.
24:50Le sol était trop plat. Elle s'est mis sur la chatte.
24:54C'est gentil.
24:56Ils ne peuvent pas s'échapper avec Anna Maria derrière.
25:04Est-ce que quelqu'un va m'en sortir d'ici?
25:10La vieille mère Hubbard est allée dans le pot.
25:14Non, je vais t'amener ton chien. Attends un instant.
25:17Pour amener à son pauvre chien un chien.
25:20Non, sois calme.
25:22Mais quand elle est là-bas...
25:25Non, sois un bon chien.
25:29Le pot était là-bas.
25:33Et donc le pauvre chien n'avait rien.
25:41Docteur Forster est allé à Gloucester dans la pluie.
25:47Il est tombé dans un trou dans le milieu.
25:50Mon Dieu!
25:53Et il n'est plus jamais allé là-bas.
25:56Maintenant, reste là-bas jusqu'à ce que tu sois sec.
26:03Il y avait une vieille femme qui vivait dans un trou.
26:06Elle avait tellement d'enfants. Elle ne savait pas quoi faire.
26:10Elle leur donnait du boisson avec de la poudre et du riz.
26:13Et elle les a éliminés tous ensemble.
26:17J'avais un petit chien.
26:19Son nom était Bluebell.
26:21Je lui ai donné du boulot.
26:27Et il l'a fait très bien.
26:32Dame Trott et son chien se sont assis pour discuter.
26:36La dame s'est posée de ce côté et Pouce s'est posée de l'autre.
26:40Pouce, dit la dame.
26:42Pouces, dit la dame.
26:44Pouces, dit la dame.
26:46Pouvez-vous attraper un rat ou une mouse dans le tronc?
26:50Prr, dit la chatte.
26:53Oh Pouces, tu es tellement courageux.
27:04Ma dame a perdu son chausson.
27:06Fais quelque chose. Mon chausson est flou.
27:10Donne-moi ça!
27:11Après avoir perdu son pinceau
27:13Hmm, je peux juste à peu près l'atteindre
27:18Et ne sait pas quoi faire
27:26Alas, alas pour Mme McKay
27:29Son couteau et ses forks ont disparu
27:32Et quand ses cups et son pinceau vont
27:35Elle est sûre qu'elle n'a pas de façon de le savoir
27:42L'ancien roi Cole était un âme heureuse
27:44Et un âme heureuse était-il
27:47Il a appelé pour son pinceau et pour son couteau
27:49Et il a appelé pour ses trois pinceaux
27:52Chaque pinceau avait un petit pinceau
27:55Et un petit pinceau avait-il
27:57Oh, il n'y en a pas si rare
27:59Qu'on peut comparer avec le roi et ses trois pinceaux
28:03L'ancien roi Cole était un âme heureuse
28:05Et un âme heureuse était-il
28:08Il a appelé pour son pinceau et pour son couteau
28:10Et il a appelé pour ses trois pinceaux
28:13Chaque pinceau avait un petit pinceau
28:15Et un petit pinceau avait-il
28:18Oh, il n'y en a pas si rare
28:20Qu'on peut comparer avec le roi et ses trois pinceaux
