Detentionaire S2E02 - The Cam-didate

  • avant-hier
00:30Cam's shoe print matched the potato flake print in the rafters, which proved he was up there during the prank.
00:34So now that I know Cam is radcircles, it's time to bust him and clear my name.
00:38But how exactly?
02:00I'm better at being pretty, popular, manipulative, not wearing dumb hats.
02:04Oh, wait. There is one thing you're better at.
02:08Eating my dust.
02:09Hey! Hey, you cheated!
02:13Who cheated?
02:14Nobody cheated. I wasn't talking to anyone.
02:16Uh, what are you doing there?
02:18I'm using the ninja route to avoid running into Cam.
02:20I just can't deal with the whole my best friend set me up for the prank thing.
02:25Yeah, uh, speaking of avoiding, you know that whole not wanting people to know I have friends thing?
02:31Gotcha. I'll count to ten.
02:33One, two, three.
02:36Would the following students report to room 113-B?
02:39Lou Black, Deuce Markowitz, and Jackie Jurgens.
02:44Oh, for fluffin'! Oh! Hi, Lee!
02:48Why are you yelling?
02:49Pancake earplugs!
02:53My ears are sad from listening about bad Cam.
02:56And Pancake makes me happy.
02:58Holger, I tried to tell you this last night.
03:00His shoe print matched the...
03:02Okay, okay, no more bad-talking Cam.
03:06Take the friendship pancake.
03:10Thanks, Holger.
03:12I'll cherish this until it goes bad, which I'm pretty sure was yesterday.
03:18And I was all, no way, hombre!
03:21That piñata is a toilet!
03:25Hey, has anyone seen Brad today?
03:27His locker is looking especially decorative.
03:29He's at home with the cold.
03:31Or the cooties.
03:33He was hanging out with, ew, Tina at his pool party.
03:40Good morning, Enigma High. I'm Tina Cui.
03:43And do not attempt to adjust your monitors.
03:45Chaz Moderadian is back, news fans!
03:47So you can all stop picketing for my return.
03:50No one picketed for your return.
03:52Yes, they did. They did.
03:54Bring back Chaz! Bring back Chaz! We want Chaz back!
04:00Anyway, all students are to head to the gym for a special mandatory assembly.
04:08Holg! Over here!
04:10I saved you a spot, dude!
04:12Oh, you're with him.
04:15Oh, forget about it.
04:18Feeling guilty?
04:20I have your shoe print encased in potato flakes.
04:22Just admit your rad circles.
04:24Oh man, this again? Holg, back me up, bro!
04:27I gave Friendship Pancake to Cam, so it's Ivan Svensson, okay?
04:34You mean Ivan Steven?
04:37Every year, election week lets students turn the school into their own personal Christmas tree.
04:44But this year, election week is election day!
04:48If you don't like it, go cry to your mommas!
04:52Today? But Brad's sick today. Who can we get to replace him?
04:56I nominate Beth!
04:58Thanks! If I'm elected president, I promise a wizard theme prom!
05:08Wizards? Dicky, do something!
05:10Why don't you run?
05:13All those meetings and remembering losers' names? Gross.
05:17Don't look at me. I prefer to pull the strings. We need a puppet.
05:27I'd like to nominate Chameleon Fartina...
05:30Chameleon Martinez!
05:32Me? Oh, really? Aw, shucks, you guys!
05:38Okay, everybody, when I say Cam, you say Elio!
05:42Cam! Elio!
05:44I can't hear you! Elio!
05:49Ivan Svensson...
05:52Then I throw nomination hats for Levi!
05:56Me? No. No way, uh-uh.
05:59I'm flattered by the nomination, but I'd like to retract my name.
06:05What? Why?
06:08And I'd like to do the opposite, because that would make me happy!
06:12So, the choices for class president are...
06:17And Leaping!
06:19What a soppy bunch of sippity-sap-saps!
06:24Hulk, what were you thinking?
06:26It's not fair to friendship to help only Cam.
06:30Must all be even, then no one has the upper finger, ja?
06:34Look, guys, it's the future non-class pres!
06:38Hey, I don't even wanna win!
06:40Good, cause you won't!
06:42Good! Great!
06:48I mean... Tina?
06:50I have good news about the election!
06:52I'm not actually gonna run.
06:54You will after I tell you this!
06:56I checked the school charter.
06:58Whoever's the school president can't get detention!
07:02So if I win the election, I'll get out of detention?
07:05Did I ever tell you you're the greatest?
07:10Why'd I have to go in for the hug?
07:12Now she thinks I like her!
07:14But you do have the like for her!
07:16Yeah, but this is high school.
07:18Someone knowing you like them is like the worst thing.
07:20You gotta play it cool.
07:27No, I was just playing the cool!
07:29Brad Circles!
07:31It looks like the race for pres is on.
07:33Too bad you don't have a chance.
07:35And yeah, we'll see about that, Cam.
07:41Two farmers.
07:43Two British orphans.
07:46Two vice-presidents.
07:48Your advice is, like, mucho appreciated,
07:51but shouldn't you be helping he who will not be named?
07:56He took Tina Dweeb to Brad's pool party.
07:59We're in, like, a major fight.
08:01Brandy, enough hats already!
08:03You're right. I'll grab some ties.
08:06So, Cam, as Lee's former BFF,
08:09you must have loads of dirt on him.
08:11Cough it up! Does he have bad gas, criminal record?
08:14Is he a country music lover?
08:16Forget Lee, man!
08:18Let's focus on how awesome I am!
08:21I'm a good rapper.
08:23I wear my headphones all cool.
08:25Look how low my pants are, dude!
08:29Those are all really good ideas, Cam.
08:31But elections aren't about showing yourself off.
08:34They're about burying your opponent in lies.
08:37Yeah, what he said.
08:39Now let's make an awesome smear campaign.
08:45Holger! You're Cam's BFF.
08:47Which tie do you think would look best?
08:53Make Cam's eyes go squeak!
08:55You've been a big help! Vote Cam!
09:00I helped Cam!
09:02Now I must give Lee help, so everything evens things in!
09:07We've got the election schedule.
09:09At 12, there's meet and greet in the CAF.
09:11At 4.15, the debates.
09:13And at 4.30, voting.
09:16Radcircles, wait till you see this.
09:19See what?
09:20And here's the first campaign ad.
09:22Finally, some juicy mudslinging!
09:25Lee Ping is a professional prankster.
09:27And he's got the night school diploma to prove it.
09:30I am so hungry.
09:32I cannot wait to eat this can of peanuts.
09:37Oh no, my eye!
09:39Lee Ping's prank has blinded me!
09:42Who's next? Vote for Lee and it just might be you!
09:47Ok, Cam Circles.
09:49Two can play at that game.
09:54Watch it!
09:55OMG, look everyone!
09:57Lee sprayed ink on my designer sweater with his prank boutonniere!
10:00My prank what?
10:02Nice, Kimmy.
10:04What are you, Cam's campaign manager or something?
10:08Have those little mice
10:10stopped turning the wheel in your brain?
10:13It's lunch! You have detention!
10:16But everyone else is campaigning in the CAF.
10:18How am I supposed to win?
10:20You're not!
10:21Good luck campaigning from the detention room!
10:30What happened to your face?
10:32Kimmy happened to my face.
10:35Kimmy, huh?
10:36Yeah, she's Cam's campaign manager
10:38and she's pulling dirty moves.
10:40I'll show her who's better at stuff.
10:44Meet your new campaign manager!
10:46So what are we going to attack first,
10:48Cam's stinky feet or his fake gangster persona?
10:51Neither, since I'm in here
10:53and the meet and greet's in the CAF.
10:55Leave that to Uncle Biffy.
10:57What are you doing?
10:59Some people use thinking caps,
11:01I have evil genius finger taps.
11:05The cafeteria is happy Cam-town.
11:07I need to make even sense and...
11:09I've got an idea.
11:11Vote for Cam!
11:13He's a man, his legs are short but he's got big plans.
11:18Cool boomerang.
11:20It's a math protractor in the shape of Beth's mouth.
11:23Cool mouth boomerang.
11:28If I am Prez,
11:30there'll be mandatory after-school math tutorials.
11:37Vote for me
11:39and I'll put the cool back in school.
11:43No parties in the CAF,
11:45make your own Sunday bar,
11:47no homework, dare to dream!
11:55It's the future.
11:57All in favor of no teacher Fridays,
11:59a ban on detention,
12:01and all-day sloppy joes, say Lee!
12:05Firstly, chanting is my thing.
12:07Secondly, no teacher Fridays?
12:09Come on! That's never going to happen, dude!
12:11Lee's a liar, everyone!
12:13Lee's a liar!
12:15Cue the ad!
12:17Something stinks at Enigma High.
12:20And it's not just Cam's bogus campaign promises.
12:24It's his feet.
12:26Brought to you by Li Peng,
12:32It's genetic!
12:34Nailed it!
12:35I'm good!
12:38That's Gretel.
12:40That's Gingerbread Houses.
12:42Greta! Her name is Greta!
12:44That's Nardwina.
12:46She likes clothes that don't fit her.
12:48It's Nadine, and she likes hip-hop!
12:51Nadine! What up, girl? East Coast!
12:55Cam acts all tough and gangster,
12:58but would a gangster wear jammies?
13:01What else is he lying about?
13:03Paid for by non-liar, Lee Peng.
13:08What's up, Peng?
13:10Can I count on your vote, Lynch?
13:12Can I count on an apple splat vending machine in the cafeteria?
13:15Can do.
13:17That was low, bro!
13:19A sleepover picture?
13:21Those are off-limits, man!
13:23Says the guy who made that poster.
13:27So, you're the oversized man behind the man?
13:31How'd you know?
13:34Easy peasy, snap and easy.
13:36You're doing your evil genius finger tap.
13:40You may have won this round,
13:42but my boy Cam is gonna be Prez.
13:45You're going down.
13:47More. We're on opposite sides.
13:49I don't even know why I'm talking to you.
13:54Dream on, Biffy!
13:56I will never go on a date with you!
14:04Looks like someone needs a shave.
14:08Very funny, rad circles.
14:10This again?
14:12If you're so sure I'm him, prove it, ex-bro!
14:15Why don't you just admit it?
14:17You just sent me a text and you're the only one in the hall.
14:21Hulk! I saw him first!
14:23He's my best friend!
14:25Stop! Stop!
14:27My stomach is tied up like pretzels.
14:29I tried to split in two.
14:31But I'm no Even Svensson.
14:33So, whoever wins the election is my friend.
14:38Dude, come back!
14:40Early election polls are in
14:42and Lee is leading by one percentage point.
14:44But it's not over till the debate's at 4.15.
14:46So be there or...
14:48B-square, like Tina.
14:53The cool kids cannot lose control of the school.
14:55I am not going to a wizard prom.
14:57I'm going to a party.
15:00I am not going to a wizard prom.
15:02Hombre, hombrita.
15:04Don't worry.
15:06What I got up my sleeve is bigger than the prank.
15:10It better be.
15:12Because if you lose this election,
15:14you can say buh-bye to your new gang
15:16and buh-bye to your foreign friend, Holnart.
15:20I don't care what his name is.
15:22Jimmy, eat too many mean cookies.
15:26What am I going to do?
15:28I'm going to make Lee do something really embarrassing.
15:30Like how Lee has the love for Tina?
15:32Of course.
15:34The most embarrassing thing of all, man.
15:36Everyone knows that everyone knowing you like someone
15:38is like the worst thing ever.
15:40Gracias, amigo.
15:42You saved me, dude.
15:48Holger does the worst thing in high school.
15:52Oh, no!
15:55It is my shame pancake.
15:59Okay, let's go over this.
16:01If I don't win this competition,
16:03my enemy will be president,
16:05I'll be in detention forever,
16:07and I'll lose Holger.
16:09Relax, man.
16:11You'll get to keep that Swedish meatball.
16:13Your GF Tina said you're ahead in the polls.
16:15She's not my GF.
16:17We're just friends.
16:19Are you really one of those people
16:21who can't admit that they like someone?
16:23Cam, and now I must help Lee.
16:27Cam hypnotized butterscotch monkey, maybe?
16:29Of course.
16:31How could I forget?
16:33Translation, please.
16:35Cam got hypnotized at my 10th birthday
16:37and now every time someone says butterscotch,
16:39he wigs out and starts acting like a monkey.
16:43Wait. No, I don't feel right using that.
16:45When he's in monkey mode,
16:47he has no control over his actions.
16:49He doesn't even remember it happened.
16:52It's really bad to deserve that.
16:58If Camilio isn't here in 2.7 seconds,
17:00he's disqualified!
17:10Next year, election day,
17:12it's gonna be election hour.
17:16Okay, everyone's here.
17:18Let the debates begin.
17:20Any questions from the audience?
17:24School spirit is super important to me.
17:26What's your favorite thing about Enigma High?
17:30I love the advanced math program.
17:32Mathletes represent!
17:36I would have to say my...
17:38Yeah, yeah, your favorite thing about school
17:40is Tina Queen.
17:44This just in.
17:46A human being likes Tina.
17:51The impossible has happened.
17:53I, uh, I...
17:55I knew it!
17:57Exhibit A, a page
17:59from Lee's 5th grade diary.
18:05What's wrong? Tina got your tongue?
18:09Hey, remember your favorite thing
18:11about the school?
18:13That sundae sauce we talked about earlier?
18:15Oh, yeah!
18:17Before Camilio so rudely cut me off,
18:19I was gonna say my favorite thing
18:21about school is going to the caf',
18:23getting a bowl of ice cream,
18:25and loading it up with lots of...
18:35Okay, watch it.
18:37I've already had touch-ups,
18:39and the hair is perfection.
18:45Ha, ha, ha!
18:47Come down here this minute!
18:49Leave him! Do something
18:51or Cam is to go ka-fluffa-shaped!
18:53Queen of hearts! Queen of hearts!
18:55Find me!
19:01You're finally useful!
19:03Ha, ha, ha!
19:05Hold on, Cam! I'm coming!
19:07Ho, ho, ho!
19:09Go, Cam! Go, Lee!
19:11You two get down here this minute!
19:14That is a direct order!
19:16Okay, radcircles,
19:18this ends now!
19:24Whoa! Wait a second.
19:26Of course!
19:28Someone must have put Cam under hypnosis
19:30during the prank. That's why he's doing this
19:32and doesn't remember.
19:34What have I done?
19:36Queen of hearts!
19:38What am I doing here?
19:40Why am I craving bananas?
19:42Vote starts now!
19:46Okay, now's good.
19:48Everyone, get out your cellphones.
19:50Press 1 for Beth,
19:52press 2 for Cam,
19:54and 3 for Lee.
19:56You did this!
19:58Cam, I made a huge mistake.
20:00Get your hands off me!
20:04I was wrong.
20:06You were hypnotized during the prank.
20:08That's why you don't remember being up here.
20:11So, dude,
20:13you believe me?
20:24I did not see that coming.
20:26Really? This is exactly how I thought
20:28the debates would end.
20:30And the winner is Camilio.
20:36That monkey stuff was genius.
20:38I knew you were cut out for politics.
20:40First order of Prez business is
20:42passing that pet purse law.
20:44Yeah, I'll get right on that.
20:48You know, back there...
20:50Say no more.
20:52Politics is a dirty business.
20:54I know Cam made up all those lies.
21:00I mean, I like you as a friend,
21:02but I don't like you like you.
21:04I mean, because I actually...
21:07In your face, Goldstein.
21:09Looks like I am better than you.
21:11Walk me home?
21:15I will not kiss you, Kimmy!
21:19Yeah, that's right.
21:21Well, Mr. President,
21:23I guess we're all friends again.
21:25So when do we get rad circles, dude?
21:27I'm gonna kick that homeboy's butt
21:29for messing with my monkey mind.
21:31Knock, knock.
21:33Whoa, rad circles?
21:35You're supposed to say who's there
21:37and I'd say Camilio.
21:39Enough with the games.
21:41I know you're not Cam.
21:43Who are you?
21:45Well, if you're so sure,
21:47you should have said who's there.
21:49Who's there?
21:53Too? Who?
21:55Too late.
21:57Better luck next time.
21:59Man, I really hate that guy.
22:05Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada