An Occasional Hell

  • 2 days ago
00:03:03Is this a cold-blooded murderer or a crime of passion
00:03:07Now you all have been writing about personal things to yourselves this semester. I
00:03:12Was a cop once
00:03:14So that life is my world of my novels
00:03:18And now we have a situation
00:03:21unfortunately, where a faculty member of our very own University is found dead and
00:03:26a local waitress is
00:03:29Missing without a trace
00:03:32Write about that see how it affects you. What do you think?
00:03:35That's pretty obvious, isn't it?
00:03:37But the wife did it maybe the waitress's husband in it to be quite frank professor
00:03:43I think that tomorrow kicks off the first day of
00:03:46Christmas vacation
00:03:52That's true, mr. Cake party
00:03:56That's true
00:03:57Why would a guy kidnap his own wife after he killed her lover? Why would professor Lawton's wife kidnap her just kinky?
00:04:05I don't know
00:04:07Who said she's been kidnapped anyway
00:04:12Okay, those are all things to think about over the holidays those of you that are enrolling in my course next semester
00:04:18I'll see you then and have a nice vacation
00:04:27I have a big beer
00:04:57My name is Elizabeth Lawton, and I don't particularly appreciate being the subject of your class. Mr. DeWalt. Oh
00:05:07I'm very sorry, ma'am. I it's a terrible thing and I didn't mean to be insensitive. I
00:05:16Understand you were a policeman once I would like to hire you to help me to find out who did this
00:05:35I'm not in that business anymore. Oh
00:05:40You can see I've left that all behind me I'm not a cop anymore
00:05:45Now I write about what I did I'm scheduled to be questioned again this afternoon I need your help
00:05:53I'm sorry my lawyer who was my husband's lawyer
00:05:57Wants nothing to do with me and all the other lawyers in this town want nothing to do with me
00:06:02They all grew up with my husband you see
00:06:07Well, I'm very sorry god damn it we're all sorry
00:06:13She was your colleague
00:06:15You knew him
00:06:17Really I
00:06:19They think I did it
00:06:21Or that I had some part in it or that I planned it or that I
00:06:28If you can account for your whereabouts you have an alibi I can't
00:06:34I'll tell you what. I know some people who can help excuse me
00:06:41It seems to me that you would want to know who did this I do we all do but
00:06:46Believe me you can do better than me. These people are professionals
00:07:06This is a beautiful buck your husband bag mrs. London
00:07:10You look nice in this gear
00:07:12Where'd your husband hot around here?
00:07:15Those are mine actually
00:07:18I have 30 out six is a beauty. She must be a pretty good shot. Mrs. Locke
00:07:29Have they found her yet? No, but we will
00:07:37Miss Lawton
00:07:40Still some things I need to
00:07:42Discuss with you details. I gotta fill in
00:07:46Let's start with the
00:07:49Insurance policies, of course. Why else would I kill him if not for the money?
00:07:57There are two policies
00:08:02Why eat umbrellas white pairs of shoes white wrinkles?
00:08:06There are two children any idea why somebody?
00:08:10Would choose to do this on your anniversary?
00:08:16Any idea why somebody would use a musket instead of say 30 out six
00:08:33Maybe not to have somebody just come and be with you
00:08:42There anybody I could call
00:08:46Contact for you a friend
00:08:55There's a lot
00:09:03Man do you have anybody?
00:09:15Hi, this is professor DeWalt. I'm not in my office right now, please leave a message
00:09:21Professor DeWalt, this is Elizabeth Lawton
00:09:27I'm sorry. I left so abruptly
00:09:30the police were just here and I think I am I'm in a lot of trouble and
00:09:41Mean a lot of trouble
00:09:46I'm sorry to bother you again, but I have nowhere else to turn
00:10:41Hey your mom around. Hello. Oh, uh
00:10:47Hi, uh, let's see you left before I could give this to you
00:10:50it's a
00:10:52list of
00:10:53Names addresses of different agencies you might contact
00:11:01It's a pretty paltry gesture I uh, I agree
00:11:05It's a pretty paltry gesture I uh, I agree
00:11:10Well, I have to admit
00:11:13I'm just not the man for the job. I'm just trying to be honest with you
00:11:19Then why lie about knowing him I didn't lie
00:11:24Your name is on the desk calendar in his office I
00:11:29Can't imagine why
00:11:31If your husband meant to call me for whatever reason he never followed through
00:11:37That's all I like him baby if I don't finish the damn research you can't finish the damn book
00:11:45You know that Saturday morning is the only time
00:11:55Here's what you do
00:11:57You call Bruno and you make us a reservation for 830 tonight, all right
00:12:07I gotta go baby. Oh
00:12:09Let's get that to me. You don't have to be there right the moment the library opens, you know
00:12:14The world is not gonna come to an end if you're late. I'm a creature of habit. What can I say?
00:12:23Approximately how long had your husband been engaged in this?
00:12:26He's a research
00:12:31Every Saturday morning for a year and a half
00:12:39When I called the library and she wasn't there I started looking for you I
00:12:47Couldn't even find his car
00:12:49Then I went to his office then I went to the library
00:12:52The librarian had not seen him there on a Saturday morning
00:13:00The next Saturday I was ready
00:13:02You can't just stay with Nikki
00:13:32I know what you're thinking. You don't have to say
00:13:38It was stupid of me to leave the kids alone like that what if something would have happened to them when I was gone
00:13:46Yeah, but nothing happened no, but it could have I hate myself for doing that
00:14:33Oh my
00:14:42The next Saturday for him again, I got more than a bargain for
00:15:18Got to go
00:15:26Be good he was a creature of habit just like he always said
00:15:37And all this time your husband never knew I
00:15:41Had to know more first everything
00:15:44Who was she?
00:15:45What does she do? Where did he meet her?
00:15:48What did they talk about?
00:15:51Why her?
00:15:59Finally after a couple of months, I just couldn't stomach it anymore. It's just that I was
00:16:07Was our anniversary?
00:16:11He had stayed home just that one time
00:16:19Rodney Gillen, who is this? Do you know what your wife is right now?
00:16:24Your wife is in the backseat of my husband's car being fucked as we speak
00:16:32It wasn't long before I started thinking I mean, I don't even know this guy
00:16:38What if he's what if he goes crazy over this? What if he's violent or dangerous?
00:16:45Or was that what I wanted
00:16:49Well, they're at least you provoked
00:16:54At the very worst you hired Ryan to do the killing
00:17:01I'm in trouble already. That's not for me to say
00:17:06If you want to help me please help my kids
00:17:12But just so you understand miss Lawton
00:17:15I'm out of shape physically and I'm out of practice
00:17:20And I tend to think the worst of people. I'm also very old-fashioned when it comes to the truth. I
00:17:28Have a bad habit of spilling it even when people don't want to hear
00:17:35So you understand mr. DeWalt I have nothing to fear from the truth
00:17:53You don't like my coffee
00:17:56No, I'm I mean, yes, um
00:18:00Della could I talk to you for a minute?
00:18:02Well, I don't know Ernie. I'll be missing some killer tips here. Oh
00:18:07well, um
00:18:10Tell me about Jerry
00:18:12Did you all here know that that she was at home
00:18:15Dating this fellow. Dr. Lawton
00:18:18Well, we knew she flirted with him, but she flirted with every guy she ever waited on
00:18:22She made more tips than the rest of us put together
00:18:25She ever talked about her husband Ronnie. He's a nutcase
00:18:29in what way
00:18:35Rodney like to watch her with his friends. That's how he got off
00:18:42And the drugs
00:18:43He did a lot of drugs
00:18:45What kind of drugs?
00:18:47What kind of drugs you got?
00:18:49Jerry to
00:18:51Hey, hey
00:18:52Are you writing another book?
00:18:56What if I am you'll be in it well, I want to use my real name
00:19:00Okay, but I want to be taller and with a 38 inch
00:19:03I hope it didn't get you too excited
00:19:13She's a married woman Ernie
00:19:15The rest you for what you're thinking
00:19:18You could arrest us both
00:19:26So do I get in
00:19:28And get the 50-cent tour with me as you guy when tomorrow boys want to go through one last time
00:19:37So the best his wife making off you couldn't refuse
00:19:41Don't be crass Larry
00:19:43He's a grieving widow and a mother of two young
00:19:47Yeah, but how she looked in the bikini
00:19:52So, what do we got
00:19:55We've got one civil war buff with a musket ball in his brain pain
00:20:01And about the ball itself maybe learn anything from that
00:20:05Ballistics is trying to make a match slug. It's like a pancake take months. We know one thing
00:20:12None of Alex's musket collections been fired in over a hundred years all rusted up inside the barrel
00:20:20What about Rodney he's got 22 revolver uses a target practice compared to local citizenry he's practically unarmed
00:20:31Is he gonna be there tomorrow
00:20:34Afraid not. Oh
00:20:36He's spooked
00:20:39Don't you find that suspicious
00:20:41suspicious, yes
00:20:43Proof of guilt
00:20:44It's hard to say hey, yeah, you know range still trying to make a baby five times a day
00:20:52Maybe you're cut down
00:20:55Having too much fun. No where I mean the call
00:20:59What are you talking about?
00:21:01lowers the count
00:21:40See you back in the game a sport
00:21:43Good really glad to see it cuz I was beginning to worry about you
00:21:50How about that perky little widow, huh, she put the starch back in your trousers
00:21:56Don't do that
00:21:58Don't pretend you don't like it
00:23:32Morning my name's Ernest the wall and later get in the house
00:23:53Morning gentlemen good to meet you
00:24:00Do a little investigative work for Elizabeth Lawton who she's supposed to be
00:24:04Well, Alex Lawton's fella got himself shot last Saturday on down by the river on your property here
00:24:09Elizabeth's widow who said that's my property court records
00:24:17Seems to me you'd have been able to hear a gunshot up here woman screaming certainly
00:24:23Must have been around 10 11 a.m. Or so
00:24:27We don't pay much attention to what time it is around here. I guess not
00:24:33Anyway, I uh, I came up up the path
00:24:35Up the path this path up to it's woods years back here. I
00:24:40Hear tell the police found a couple of strands of Jerry Gillan's hair snagged on a branch out there
00:24:46You hear these voices often, do you?
00:24:55Yeah, right
00:25:06Oh, you've been having problems with your back. It's my kidney. I was born with just the one
00:25:14You on dialysis? No, sir. No, I
00:25:18Won't let anybody hook any wires or pipes up to me. I just didn't blow my head off. I
00:25:23Wouldn't mind having one of them transplant though
00:25:26You two are finished chap in here. Some of us got work to do
00:25:31Dumb yeah, well, thanks for your help boys
00:25:41Where's Jerry bottom of the river bloodhound didn't pick up a cent
00:25:48You are playing this as a straight double homicide right till Jerry Gillan turns up as Queen of the County Fair. Oh
00:26:00Did you hear about a theft down at Fort Pulaski and Savannah a couple weeks ago
00:26:06No, yeah, I read about it in the papers several artifacts missing including a Civil War rifle
00:26:15We you're gonna check it out make a phone call I get an inventory list from the museum
00:26:24That's a good idea I would have never thought of that
00:27:13Right us down guys very distinct you want to hire us or something? No. No, I'm
00:27:22Now my name is Ernie Dewalt I'm looking into the disappearance of Jerry Gillan
00:27:27Thank you for talking about Rodney's wife. Mm-hmm
00:27:31Now, you all got another gig coming up?
00:27:34Theta Chi House, every Friday night.
00:27:36Even without Rodney?
00:27:37What kind of choice do we have?
00:27:39Yeah, like my fire's gonna sound real good without a keyboard.
00:27:45Well, any idea where I might find Rodney?
00:27:47Try Jamaica.
00:27:48Follow your nose.
00:27:49Well, rock on, dudes.
00:27:52Yeah, rock on, man.
00:27:53Rock on.
00:28:00What you looking at?
00:28:03Weird dude.
00:28:27Give it to me.
00:28:29Give it to me.
00:28:37Morning, gentlemen.
00:28:40Professor DeWalt.
00:28:41Hi, how's it going?
00:28:42Hey, Jimmy.
00:28:43How you doing?
00:28:44Didn't mean to disturb your breakfast there.
00:28:47No, that's...
00:28:48That's okay.
00:28:49Was there a...
00:28:51As a matter of fact, there is something you can do for me.
00:28:53See, I'm working with the police
00:28:55concerning the murder of that Dr. Lawton
00:28:57and I was wondering if you all could tell me anything
00:29:00about the whereabouts of Rodney Gillen.
00:29:05That would be Craig, I guess.
00:29:07Craig Fox?
00:29:08He's the president of the fraternity,
00:29:10so he's the one who books the groups and everything.
00:29:12Sure, I know old Craig.
00:29:13He's in one of my classes.
00:29:15You know where I might find him?
00:29:19Well, I don't know.
00:29:22Oh, uh, keep up the studies.
00:29:28Jesus Christ!
00:29:30My parents are going to disown me when they see this mess.
00:29:33Frankly, Craig, I don't give a damn.
00:29:36Rodney, you got to hook me up, man.
00:29:39I'm going to need some more coke.
00:29:41No can do, Craig-o.
00:29:43Come on, buddy.
00:29:45It's Christmas.
00:29:47Man, you are really beautiful in a pathetic kind of way.
00:29:50And because I love you, man,
00:29:52I'm going to do this for you one last time.
00:29:54Friday night.
00:29:56You're the best.
00:30:03Oh, Jesus.
00:30:05Oh, God.
00:30:07Oh, God.
00:30:09Oh, God.
00:30:11Oh, God.
00:30:13Oh, God.
00:30:26All these from the Civil War?
00:30:28I believe so.
00:30:30Looks like museum-quality stuff.
00:30:33But it wasn't enough.
00:30:35I was always looking for something different,
00:30:37something more.
00:30:40Where's the sheet with my numbers on it?
00:30:43The police took them.
00:30:54I came here one day.
00:30:57I forget exactly why.
00:31:00I guess he didn't hear me coming.
00:31:03It was, uh, 6, maybe 7 o'clock.
00:31:07It was, uh, 6, maybe 7 months ago.
00:31:10I come in, and I see him kneeling.
00:31:16Like this, with his head under the table.
00:31:19And when I asked him what he was doing,
00:31:21he said the table felt wobbly,
00:31:24and he was shaking it.
00:31:28It was only later after I realized
00:31:30that maybe I shouldn't have believed everything he told me.
00:31:33Apparently, they were taken last summer.
00:31:36There's a date on the envelope.
00:31:38You can do what you want with them.
00:31:40I don't care to see them again.
00:32:00It's not your fault, you know.
00:32:03You must believe that.
00:32:24All right.
00:32:26Okay, it's all set. Come on.
00:32:29I'm not getting naked unless you get naked.
00:32:34What the hell?
00:32:36Oh, no way.
00:32:38Come on. You dared me. Here you go. Come on.
00:32:43Come on. Get in.
00:32:47Come on.
00:33:04Come on.
00:33:09Come here, baby.
00:33:11That's right. Come here.
00:33:33Come on.
00:34:03Come on.
00:34:33Come on.
00:34:56You know, Alex, once a week just isn't enough anymore.
00:35:00I'm serious.
00:35:02I want it every morning.
00:35:06You know what? Twice every afternoon.
00:35:09Three times every night.
00:35:14You must think I'm a machine.
00:35:29When are we going to have our weekend together?
00:35:59I love you.
00:36:01I love you.
00:36:40Mrs. Lawton, I...
00:37:00Mrs. Lawton, Detective Abbott would like to ask you a few questions...
00:37:03but you're not obliged to answer unless you're feeling up to it.
00:37:06Oh, no. I'm all right.
00:37:13What time you go to bed last night?
00:37:16Uh, 11, 11.30. I don't really know.
00:37:20You keep all your doors, windows locked up?
00:37:26Where do you keep your cat at night?
00:37:29Wandering the house, I guess.
00:37:32She has a litter box in the pantry.
00:37:41Any prints?
00:37:45Okay. Thank you.
00:37:50Detective Brown and I will take a stroll around.
00:37:55Maybe we could find some footprints.
00:38:04Let's go find some footprints.
00:38:08Well, I can't just sit here all day.
00:38:11I better go disinfect that sink.
00:38:14I'll clean it up. You go ahead and get dressed.
00:38:17You don't have to do that.
00:38:19I don't mind housework.
00:38:21To me, it induces a meditative state.
00:38:25I don't mind.
00:38:34I know what you're thinking.
00:38:36And I'm having a real hard time trying to picture her...
00:38:39whacking off a cat's head and shoving it down a garbage disposal...
00:38:42just because she thinks she might throw you all off the scent.
00:38:45Could be.
00:38:47Yeah, kitty, kitty.
00:38:58No sign of forced entry.
00:39:00No footprints in the flowerbed.
00:39:03Whoever was there last night went straight to the back door.
00:39:07No pussyfooting around.
00:39:11By the way...
00:39:13past six months...
00:39:15there have been two withdrawals from the professor's retirement.
00:39:19Almost $10,000.
00:39:23What for?
00:39:25You tell me.
00:39:27If you find Jerry and her husband...
00:39:29you look up their noses, you'll find your evidence.
00:39:32Unless... Bullshit.
00:39:34Oh, wait a second, Ernie.
00:39:36Think about this.
00:39:38A guy with a passion for the Civil War gets dusted...
00:39:42with what appears to be a Civil War rifle.
00:39:45Now, what better weapon to kill him with...
00:39:47than something he's always wanted?
00:39:49Even more than sex.
00:39:51A boat with his own money.
00:39:53That's some anniversary present.
00:39:57You check out that robbery yet?
00:39:59Down at the museum in Georgia?
00:40:03Well, come on, Larry.
00:40:05Make some phone calls. Send the guy down there.
00:40:07For God's sakes, it's only two hours away.
00:40:09Slow down here.
00:40:11Let's not forget who I take my orders from.
00:40:13Just know this, Ernest.
00:40:15Because of you and only because of you...
00:40:17that she's not already in custody.
00:40:22Don't worry.
00:40:24Thank you so much.
00:40:48I feel like somebody's pounding nails into my heart.
00:40:54I brought these.
00:40:56Thought you might put them under the Christmas tree.
00:41:00Thank you very much.
00:41:04Uh, Mrs. Lawton?
00:41:06Are you aware of any recent withdrawals...
00:41:08from Alex's retirement fund?
00:41:11Should I have been?
00:41:19Once in January.
00:41:21Another back in June.
00:41:25Oh, my.
00:41:32I want you to try and think back...
00:41:34and see if you can account for any trips...
00:41:36or major purchases you all might have made...
00:41:38or anything else you might have spent it on.
00:41:40How could you do this to us?
00:41:51Would you like to come to dinner tonight?
00:42:00Yes, ma'am. That'd be nice.
00:42:08Come on.
00:42:19Come over here, Ernie.
00:42:31You getting anywhere?
00:42:34You know, if you don't stop ignoring me like this...
00:42:37well, sooner or later...
00:42:40you just might hurt my feelings.
00:42:42Figments of imagination don't have any feelings.
00:42:47Yeah, ask me.
00:42:49You got yourself a whole plethora of feelings.
00:42:52Ha-ha. Plethora?
00:42:56You taught me that word.
00:43:04I taught you everything.
00:43:09Well, maybe it's time for me to teach you a little something.
00:43:36I stopped by the other day...
00:43:38to talk about that incident down at the inlet.
00:43:40I thought I might just drop by...
00:43:42and chat a little bit with your husband.
00:43:44He ain't here.
00:43:46Oh, shoot.
00:43:48Drape around?
00:43:50No, they went off together.
00:43:52Son of a gun.
00:43:54They didn't have to go down to the inlet to go fishing, did they?
00:43:58Okay, well...
00:44:03You know...
00:44:07I just keep thinking about that gunshot.
00:44:10You know, the way the sound carries down that river over the water?
00:44:16It just seems to me so unlikely...
00:44:19that that gunshot would have been fired.
00:44:22I don't know.
00:44:24It just seems to me so unlikely...
00:44:27that none of y'all would have heard anything.
00:44:30It just seems more reasonable that you would have heard something.
00:44:34Doesn't it seem that way to you?
00:44:38And by the same token, Alita...
00:44:41You don't mind if I call her Alita, do you?
00:44:43Such a pretty name.
00:44:45And by the same token...
00:44:48If you heard a gunshot or a scream...
00:44:51It doesn't make you responsible for it, does it?
00:44:57A gunshot could sound like anything.
00:45:00It could be something falling off a roof, a broken branch...
00:45:03a car backfiring.
00:45:05It might have been anything.
00:45:07Yes, ma'am, but what I'm wondering is...
00:45:12What time it was...
00:45:14when you heard what might or might not have been a gunshot?
00:45:17Middle of the morning is best I can say.
00:45:20Uh-huh. And Draper, he was inside with you.
00:45:23Canned vegetables, as I recall.
00:45:25Some of that good piccolili.
00:45:28And Clifford, he would have been outside here in the yard...
00:45:31probably working on that old pickup truck of his.
00:45:34But if you heard the gunshot inside...
00:45:36then that just goes to figure Clifford would have heard it outside.
00:45:39Now, I didn't say that, did I?
00:45:43No, ma'am, you didn't.
00:45:45You didn't.
00:45:47Have a pleasant day, you hear?
00:46:12It's handing me back.
00:46:15What's her name?
00:46:17What are you talking about?
00:46:19What's her name?
00:46:27The killer. The killer. What's her name?
00:46:30Oh, God.
00:46:34It's the woman.
00:46:36Shut your face.
00:46:41It was absolutely fabulous.
00:46:43I'd forgotten how good a home-cooked meal can be.
00:46:47And Italian, no less.
00:46:49You're a man of simple pleasures, aren't you?
00:46:52Well, at my age, the simple ones are all that's left.
00:46:55At your age, eh?
00:46:58You're in the prime of your life.
00:47:00No, I peaked early.
00:47:07Come on, you didn't even touch your wine.
00:47:09I drank it all, look.
00:47:13You did?
00:47:19Actually, I had something of a problem with alcohol one time.
00:47:24Oh, Ernie, I'm sorry. What can I get you?
00:47:27No, no, no, sit. I'm fine.
00:47:30I don't hide from it. I just don't touch it.
00:47:35Doesn't that make it harder to just have it right there in front of you?
00:47:44You, uh...
00:47:47Have you given any further thought to that financial business we discussed earlier?
00:47:52No, God knows I've tried.
00:47:54I just can't account for all that money he spent. I can't.
00:47:59Did, um, Alex ever complain about a lost house key?
00:48:03No, not that I can remember, no.
00:48:07You think it was Rodney who came here last night?
00:48:11That he has a key that he got from Jerry?
00:48:14Well, it's my guess that...
00:48:16That Alex and Jerry didn't spend all their time together parked out at the inlet.
00:48:21They must have taken some long rides, like to the beach or whatever.
00:48:26And it wouldn't have been all that difficult for her to make a duplicate without his knowledge.
00:48:36Why would she want a key to our house?
00:48:39So she could rob us?
00:48:41Cocaine's an expensive habit.
00:48:45She used drugs?
00:48:50Alex wouldn't even take an aspirin.
00:48:53He would never. He couldn't have known.
00:48:57Then again, how could he see her time after time after time and not even...
00:49:09I'll get some water to clean that up. Excuse me.
00:49:49I'm glad you're dead.
00:49:52I'm glad you're dead, you hear me?
00:49:55I wish I could kill you myself.
00:50:00Don't even think about it.
00:50:03I'm sorry.
00:50:06Turn it off, Ernie, please.
00:50:09Turn it off.
00:50:29Can I ask you something?
00:50:32I think you just did.
00:50:37How is it for you to live alone?
00:50:46I'm a pimple.
00:50:53Why are you alone?
00:50:55Jeez, it's hot in here.
00:50:58I need to get some air.
00:51:01A part of you thinks I might have done it.
00:51:12The best part of me knows that you didn't.
00:51:30And none of this would have happened if I would have been more...
00:51:34I don't know, if I would have been more...
00:51:36Please, don't.
00:51:39Not even for a moment.
00:51:44You cut yourself.
00:51:46Let me get something to put on that.
00:51:48No, Ernie.
00:51:55I'll be right back.
00:52:10Getting involved with a suspect?
00:52:13You've got to be more professional, lover boy.
00:52:25Come on.
00:52:36Did you used to catch little lizards when you were a boy?
00:52:40Little lizards?
00:52:58I think it's time for me to go home.
00:53:02It's too late for that.
00:53:05Don't be alone tonight, Ernie.
00:53:24I love you.
00:53:55No, wait.
00:53:59I've done this in my dreams a hundred times.
00:54:49Wait, please.
00:56:41Goddamn fucking wife
00:58:48You really have to limit the amount of liquids you consume in a day including water
00:58:52Go easy on coffee and tea and no more alcohol. You mean no more than previously
00:58:57I mean no more than that as far as you're concerned a glass of beer. It's a glass of poison
00:59:03That's what I always liked about it
00:59:05I'm gonna put you on a low potassium sodium restricted diet
00:59:09You'll tire more easily you'll require more sleep than you used to but these are lifestyle changes nothing more
00:59:15You can lead a normal active life
00:59:17The only physical limitation associated with your condition is the stigma in your own
00:59:44Over here
00:59:56Think you are
00:59:59Up a creek without a paddle
01:00:02It's not my location the puzzles
01:00:06Where would my ride get himself a musket
01:00:11Sears and Roebuck maybe
01:00:21Question isn't where but why?
01:00:42So there was a rifle stolen
01:00:45Vintage 1861 or so. Well, tell me is there any way they do ballistics on one of those?
01:00:53Today's technology if we had it we could do it
01:01:00You think wrong was in on this robbery
01:01:03Now there's every good reason suspect he was yes
01:01:07Now if Alex stole a rifle
01:01:09If that rifle is a murder weapon
01:01:11Who besides him would have access to
01:01:41A great Fox
01:03:42How the hell was I supposed to know this was gonna happen
01:03:45She's gonna take one. Look at that dead cat and go. Oh, I'm scared now. I'm gonna run right to please. Don't run. He didn't do anything
01:03:52I did well, you didn't think it was such a stupid idea the other day
01:03:55Did you you said we'll scare her and so confess. I'm a lot smarter now, man. I'm a lot smarter now
01:04:02Oh, no, not now
01:04:33Oh, you're taking me too far. What are you out of your mind man? You are such a dick
01:04:41We are doing shit you take my truck no, no, no, Jimmy Joe
01:04:46That ain't the way it's gonna go down cuz as soon as I leave him it you're going to the fucking cop man
01:04:51So we're taking a little trip and we're taking it right now
01:04:56Really sorry about that Rodney
01:05:02You little crappy prick man, let's just suck on this. Come on, man. What are you doing?
01:05:13Jesus guys timeout for Christ's sake
01:05:45Shit that's the company
01:05:50Who the fuck is that professor Walt, what the fuck is he doing here? I don't fucking know
01:06:20At the last we've seen that guy hope so
01:07:19Hey, hey drop the gun now
01:07:51How about a little explanation
01:08:06Can you let me out a few minutes I don't feel so good
01:08:10Do I look like a chump to you Ernie
01:08:13Why didn't you pick up the goddamn phone?
01:08:16Put my ass on the line for you. You can't make a phone call. I'm sorry Larry
01:08:23And what the hell went on out there come on level with me I will you just let me out of here
01:08:32Lucky Beavis and butthead don't say anything. Otherwise the DA throw an assault charge at you where
01:08:39Let me get out of here
01:08:42You take a look at yourself honey
01:08:48You look like shit. I know Laird. I
01:08:52got I
01:08:53Gotta go fix myself up
01:09:02Open this up
01:10:10What's going on
01:10:12Just got a phone call from the DA's office
01:10:15Well, that doesn't mean you're going to jail
01:10:17They let me wear my own clothes. Oh, come on, Elizabeth. There's no way a judge is gonna order a trial now
01:10:23They've assigned me a lawyer, right?
01:10:25What do you think that means?
01:10:28Bob Greenspan
01:10:31Oh good good Bob Greenspan, he's very good. He's the best you'll see
01:10:37Why did you leave?
01:10:40Hope that
01:10:43Well, I have work to do
01:10:48Hey, did you hear we found Gillan and Fox
01:10:50Did you think that you could sneak away like that in the middle of the night and I wouldn't even notice
01:10:59Couldn't even bring yourself to make laugh to me. You wouldn't even take off your clothes
01:11:10I needed you
01:11:25It's called continuous ambulatory
01:11:28Peritoneal dialysis. I have to hook myself up to two bags and flush myself out every six hours
01:11:38It's what I have instead of kidneys I
01:11:41Was shot here and here
01:11:45Do you think that would have made a difference for me
01:11:51That's why I live
01:11:55Not because I didn't want to stay
01:11:59But because it's
01:12:02It's not very pretty is it
01:12:10I didn't think it would make things very romantic. I was I was embarrassed
01:12:33Got a confession
01:12:41Sometimes I think I did kill him. I've tried to tell you all this time, but I don't want to spoil
01:12:54You know, the truth is
01:12:58The truth is I I should have never let this get started
01:13:03All the Sun has kept my concentration from dealing with the business at hand
01:13:08That's confusing that business might be
01:13:12So I asked you
01:13:14What can I do for you now?
01:13:17Mrs. Long
01:13:38You know, I do a lot of traveling but never go anywhere
01:13:49Anybody in there, huh
01:16:07Know a partner not like this
01:16:14Me leave me a piece I can't live like
01:16:48We need we need an ambulance out here at the Jewett Jewett residence Draper to it. It's our route 38
01:16:56About about seven miles north of town. Yes, ma'am
01:17:01What oh
01:17:07And do me a favor call
01:17:09Detective Larry Abbott at Charleston homicide and I'll get him out here quick
01:18:15Know those two they got a fucking munitions bump in there
01:18:20Goofy bastards. Yeah
01:18:28Let's get to it Aaron what the hell were you doing?
01:18:35First right in front of you miss
01:18:39Yes, sir that that's the proof that they were in Savannah the very same city where the museum robbery took place
01:18:51On the same day
01:18:54You see a date time stamped on this thing
01:19:03No, what I see is a
01:19:06piece of inadmissible evidence from a tourist attraction
01:19:11You know as well as I would bring this down City Hall the DA is gonna piss all over our shoes
01:19:18Yeah, maybe Abbott, but look the last 16 months Alex and Jerry spent every Saturday morning a half mile down through those woods
01:19:26You think the Jewish didn't know about that? Hell, he probably paid him rent ten twenty dollars each time. Maybe I don't know
01:19:33Then he hears about this exhibition down at Fort Pulaski
01:19:37So he takes a trip down to Georgia he takes Jerry with him and what does he see there but what he's wanted all his
01:19:43life a
01:19:47Revolutionary War flintlock musket
01:19:50Now Rodney won't steal it
01:19:52So who's left who else is available?
01:19:56Take lead along he says see the pretty houses stroll through the gardens
01:20:01And one of them probably Lita brings back a souvenir and Draper brings back a long-feared muscle
01:20:061860s war between the States rifle
01:20:09Now Alex already has some of those so he's not gonna pay for it
01:20:13Draper blows him away
01:20:25What that's a good story
01:20:34Gotta go break the news to Clifford and Alita
01:20:43Hey Ernie keep dreaming
01:20:57Help me
01:21:10Watching again
01:21:17He used to be a detective for Christ's sake start detective I'll find you
01:21:31Yeah, thank you
01:21:33Damn it Draper get the hell out of here
01:21:37Here's your musket
01:21:39Be doing with that. I told you that's not the goddamn one. I want you moron
01:21:43Now go on get out of here. You stupid hillbilly go on
01:21:47Yeah, don't point
01:22:12Well, that was smart come on little brother move it
01:22:19Where would you hide a body or even the dogs can't find it
01:23:58Made a deal with the leader picked up Clifford yesterday
01:24:05Rain, and I like to have you over for dinner
01:24:08Like you to bring your lady friend
01:24:10Not just the three of us again
01:24:13That'd be nice. Thanks
01:24:16Is it gonna be okay with Elizabeth? Oh
01:24:19Yeah, sure. It'll be okay. I explained it all to her. I was a cop once we all make mistakes. I got you covered
01:24:28You were right about that, hmm
01:24:33Lorraine's pregnant
01:24:39I'm telling you. I mean look I'm follow you. I'd watch the coffee intake
01:25:18This is a real nice place you got here there just might be another novel in all this
01:25:33You don't need me I
01:25:39Think you're right
01:25:43Merry Christmas