• last year
Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) menilai, situasi ekonomi akan tetap terjaga di tengah masa transisi pemerintahan terpilih. Ketua Dewan Komisioner LPS, Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa menyebut, ekonomi masih dapat didorong dengan berbagai upaya, termasuk memastikan program pemerintahan baru dapat segera terakselerasi.


00:00Next, the chairman of the LPS insurance company estimates that the economic situation will remain in the middle of the transition of the elected government.
00:08The chairman of the LPS commissioners' council said that the economy can still be pushed with various efforts, including ensuring that the new government program can be accelerated immediately.
00:18The current economic situation is admittedly still full of challenges, ranging from the slowdown of BMI manufacturers to the impact of the PHK in the industrial and labor sector.
00:32However, in assessing the current economic foundation, the insurance company estimates that the economic growth is still moderate, apart from the replacement of the current government.
00:43The chairman of the LPS commissioners' council, Purbaya Yudhisadewa, estimates that the stability of the financial system is still maintained, although the industrial sector is still under pressure due to a number of factors.
00:54Purbaya said one of the factors that affected was the government transition that made the business world a little YNC.
01:02Purbaya is confident that with a conducive and fast-moving government transition, the new government will move forward, so the economy will return to its peak at the end of this year.
01:12I suspect that the development of third-party funds in the form of Giro that continues to increase will eventually show that the industry is also ready to expand.
01:24So the important thing is that the investment economy continues to be maintained, the liquidity in the financial system continues to be maintained,
01:33and later the new government will consistently implement its policies to accelerate development programs, the PMI should also increase well.
01:46In general, this year's economic growth can still reach 5%.
01:50For LPS and other authorities in the KSSK, the assurances will continue to push the financial sector to grow in support of the future economic growth.
01:59Dari Jakarta, Raharjo Patmo, IDX Jalan
